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Knit a women's jumper with a description. Sleeveless pullover

With the onset of cold seasons, people begin to realize the need to purchase warm and comfortable things. Great preference is given to the functionality of clothing, but appearance also does not go unnoticed. And no matter what they say, knitted items have always been and will be in demand and interesting solution both for people who value practicality and those who prioritize beauty.

Such a way out of the situation has many advantages. Firstly, knitting is a simple, entertaining hobby that can be enjoyed by a large number of people. If the skill has been honed simple elements wardrobe like hats, scarves and socks, you can move on to knitting a children's coat. To do this, the main thing is to be patient and set aside a lot of time so that the product turns out to be of the highest quality and original.

Secondly, recently more and more designers, stylists and simply fashion-conscious people have been exalting the value of knitted items. Therefore, creating a children's knitted coat for a small or teenage child can provide a good appearance by the standards of catwalk items.

Knitted coats for girls are gaining particular popularity. And this is not surprising, considering how comfortable and easy to wear these clothes can be, soft and warm, and protect from cold winds and other natural inconveniences. In addition, the ability to knit an item yourself gives you an advantage in choosing a style and shape that will definitely fit well and look perfect on a girl of any age.

An interesting fact is that knitted coats for girls, knitting needles with patterns of the same type, the same knitting needles and the same color of yarn will differ among different needlewomen, so this kind of thing will be definitely original and unique in every sense.

When choosing the type and pattern by which you want to knit a coat for a girl, need to be taken into account individual preferences of the child and functionality - yarn and threads should be dense and soft to retain heat. If the child is a teenager, then you should let him choose the style and knitting pattern that interests him.

Suitable for everyday use wool threads, since they best suit the clothing requirements of the spring and winter seasons. Models intended to be worn on summer evenings may include lighter threads.

It is very important to remember that the coat comes first should be comfortable and in no case hinder movement when playing or walking. Therefore, knitting should be thoughtful and carefully planned; during the process, you should try on the work on the child in order to eliminate shortcomings if anything happens.

Knitted coat for girls with knitting needles with description

Before you start knitting, you should make a pattern. For beginning needlewomen, it is recommended to knit a sample, from which you can see the exact number of loops used and the appropriate technique for making the product. Experienced craftswomen from the country of mothers and professionals advise starting to knit a coat from the back. For knitting you may need:

  • Yarn 400 g. It is worth paying attention that the colors used should be pleasant and well combined. If the work will use a pattern of several colors, then they should be pastel and not too contrasting.
  • Knitting needles 5 or 5.5 mm.
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.

Back of the coat

You should start knitting from the bottom edge. For a coat for a 3-year-old girl, about 61 stitches are suitable for the first row, of which 12 knit stitches and 49 purl stitches are made. After this, you need to knit the main selected pattern of the product. It is worth considering that the width of the cutout should be approximately 18 cm, while the depth should be 7 cm.


To create a beautiful and interesting drawing, you should follow the description below. Starting from the second row, knit 1 purl, 2 knit stitches, yo, 1 knit stitch, yo, 2 knit stitches. This is repeated until there are 77 loops on the needle. Knitting the third row is similar to the first, while the fourth row should be the same as the second. After the sixth row of stitches there should be approximately 110, each time you need to increase the number of knit stitches.

Thus, the whole pattern looks something like this:

  1. First row: six knit stitches, forty-nine purl stitches, six more knit stitches.
  2. Second row: purl one, knit two, yarn over, knit one, yarn over, knit two stitches.
  3. Third row: repeat the first.
  4. Fourth row: repeat the second.

Sleeves of children's knitted coat

Once the coat reaches the desired length and width, it can be finished and started separately. to knitting sleeves. To knit them, you need to cast on the desired number of loops on the knitting needles and knit according to the same basic pattern that was described earlier. After every sixth row, remove two stitches. Approximately initially there should be 32 loops. There should be about 8 rows of garter stitch in total. Once the sleeve reaches the required length, the loops can be closed.

Assembling parts of a children's coat with knitting needles

For assembly you need collect all connected parts of the coat and combine. First, the front and back fabrics of the product are sewn together, after which the sleeves are tied to them along the shoulders.

TO finished product You can sew on various decorations and decorations that will create an unforgettable and original image. Craftswomen often use knitted pockets, buttons, beaded designs and other details in their work that make the appearance of the coat more interesting.

Many needlewomen choose this method of creating a warm and comfortable coat for children. different years, because this is an opportunity to save money on buying expensive and low-quality clothes, improve your level of skill in this type of work, and also create a unique and original item clothes.

There is a huge selection of different schemes and descriptions; you can experiment with them, combine them and create your own combinations. DIY children's coat - simple and interesting activity, which not only brings pleasure from the process, but also allows you to enjoy an excellent and practical result.

The girls are real fashionistas! And even they are only 1 year old - this does not mean that they do not want to look attractive, stylish and fashionable. How can young parents keep up with clothing fashions financially? Right! You can knit things yourself - this will not only save money, but will also significantly brighten up the time spent by a young mother, who sometimes gets bored during a well-deserved break to care for a child. Moreover, a self-knitted item for a child can protect him from developing allergies or exacerbation of any existing disease.

The article presents several models of knitted coats for 1 year old girls. Here is a selection various models– from simple to complex, for beginners and experienced craftswomen. The advantage of a self-knitted coat also lies in the ability to choose the shade of the future product. The finished product can be decorated with all kinds of brooches, embroideries, appliqués and other details that the child likes most. A knitted coat for a girl can later be knitted a little and get an increased size - isn’t this a benefit of knitted items?

Gray coat for girls in garter stitch

Beginning craftswomen can start with the simplest thing - using garter stitch to knit a coat, which involves knitting only the front stitches. First, choose a yarn - try to avoid wool, as your child may have a severe allergy to such materials. If you want to choose natural threads, then let it be a mixture with a synthetic inclusion.

To knit a coat, use your child’s item so as not to subject him to constant measurements. Carry out the necessary calculations for the loops for the back, shelves and sleeves. The coat is presented in a simple style - with raglan sleeves. The knitting sequence is presented as follows:

  1. Start knitting the coat from the back. To do this, cast on the required number of loops, according to the tightness of the knitting, and knit to the required length using garter stitch.
  2. Start knitting raglan. This occurs by uniformly decreasing the loops - in each front row, knit 2 stitches together after and before the edge loops. Knit the product to the height of the armhole, bind off the loops.
  3. Now start knitting the shelf. For one shelf, cast on the number of back loops/2 + 4-5 loops (if you plan to knit the strap, you will need more loops to add).
  4. Knit two shelves in the same way as the back, which, in turn, are knitted symmetrically relative to each other.
  5. Next, start knitting the sleeves. The presented model involves simply knitting a sleeve without additionally increasing the loops throughout the entire fabric. Therefore, dial the number of loops based on the circumference of the forearm. Tie to the height of the arm's length from the armpit area, knit the raglan in the same way as knitting the back and front, close the loops.
  6. Now wet all the parts and lay them out on a towel to dry. Sew the shelves to the back and begin knitting the hood. You will sew on the sleeves later, because now they will only get in the way.
  7. The hood in this model is knitted in a simple rectangle. To knit a hood, pull the loops to circular knitting needles from the neck line and knit with the main pattern to a height of 18-22 cm. Close the loops. Fold the hood in half from the wrong side and sew the resulting line - the hood will have a characteristic cone on the top of the head.
  8. Sew the sleeves to the finished product, and you can additionally tie the ears on the hood. Also use additional decorations to please your child.

The presented coat model with description is perfect for beginners in knitting - young mothers can first knit a new one for their child, and only then begin to implement more complex models for themselves.

Coat for girls with a complex pattern

A coat with knitting needles using a complex knitting pattern is more suitable experienced craftswomen. As a simplification, you can use knitting a complex pattern only on the yoke - from the armhole line up. As an example, the model is represented by a trapezoid and knitting a yoke relief pattern. Knitting of the presented model occurs in the following sequence:

Soak the finished parts in water and place them on a towel to dry and take the desired shape. After this, sew the front with the back and begin knitting the adjustable collar. To do this, pull the loops from the neck line onto circular knitting needles and knit 15-20 rows with the front rows. Iron the finished collar and sew on the sleeves.

Additionally, the coat can be decorated with all sorts of accessories, but this is not recommended for 1-year-old children. The maximum that is allowed is to additionally glue some kind of applique. But given that the coat already uses a decoration in the form of a knitted pattern, this is not advisable.

Next is a video with a master class on knitting a coat for one-year-old girls, as well as a selection of models for the imagination of craftswomen. Knitting patterns can be found on the Internet, but there are also several examples here for use in your work.

, scarves), try to switch to knitting clothes that are so necessary for a girl in the autumn-winter season, like a coat. In this article you will find tips, video tutorials, as well as diagrams describing the stages of knitting a coat.

It’s interesting that coat options for girls, knitted by different knitters using the same pattern from the same yarn will differ noticeably from each other. Therefore, hand-knitted clothes for children will always be unique and original.

If you are knitting a coat for a teenage girl, be sure to agree with her on the final style of outerwear. After all, in adolescence the girl is more sensitive to her appearance. The coat should not only be warm and comfortable, but also modern and suitable for the girl’s figure.

Choosing threads for knitting summer or winter coat knitting needles, be sure to check the composition of the yarn. Try to choose yarn made from natural fibers with a small amount of artificial fibers (to improve the wearability of the product). It is advisable to knit clothes for small children from hypoallergenic natural yarn.

Today you can find on handicraft websites the most different models outerwear for girls of different ages. You can use knitting needles to knit an openwork cardigan, an elegant poncho for the summer, or a stylish classic coat for the winter.

It is better to knit a children's coat in the classic form using knitting needles No. 4 from thick woolen threads. The pattern will be more voluminous, while outerwear will be warm and comfortable. The work will take approximately 600-900 g. yarn. But buy yarn with a reserve so that you don’t have to buy the same threads. The thread consumption for the product depends on the knitting density of the fabric.

If you are a beginner knitter, then be sure to use the pattern of the selected model. The pattern can be applied to a thick sheet of paper and cut along the contour. Be sure to learn how to correctly read pattern diagrams and understand symbols.


Before you start knitting, make a pattern and be sure to knit a sample of the fabric in order to know the number of loops that need to be cast on the knitting needles. Usually coats start to be knitted from the back.

back of a coat for a girl.

Start from the bottom edge. We collect loops based on the calculation of their number per hectare of the sample. In garter stitch, knit the first 2 rows (knit stitches). Then the main drawing. The pattern has a neckline only, since the back of the product will be straight. The width of the neckline is 17-19 cm and the depth is about 7 cm. The shoulder bevels are also straight;

we will knit the front panels in exactly the same way. But the throat depth at the front shelves will be 10-15 cm;

drawing. Pearl knitting with diamonds, braids.

First row - alternating 1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch.
The second row is the same - front loop - purl.
Third row - repeat row 1;

coat sleeves for girls.

Cast on the required number of stitches on the knitting needles and knit with a pearl pattern. In every sixth row you need to decrease 2 loops. Every 15 cm in every 4th row, another 15 cm in every 2nd row;

assembly of related coat parts.

Connect the hangers of the front and back of the product. Then - side seams and sleeves.
It is better to crochet the collar. Collar width 5 cm.
All that remains is to sew on the lining after the coat is completely assembled.


Option #1:


Option #2:


Option #3:

Option #4:

Option #5:

Option #6:


Option #7:

Option #8:


Every mother tries to make sure that her child receives the best. But often the selection in a clothing store does not live up to expectations. It’s not for nothing that they say that all the best things are those in which you put your soul, and a knitted coat is no exception. Moreover, you can always combine a useful activity with a pleasant one - discover amazing world knitting and create a warm and stylish thing for your little princess.

Before we move on to knitting, let's decide on the dimensions of the future model. Using the diagram below, take the necessary measurements:

Our coat sizes are as follows:

  • Waist: 56/60/64/68/72 cm
  • Product length: 36/40/44/48/52 cm
  • Sleeve length: 21/24/26/28/32 cm

The knitted coat is designed for children 1-2-3-4-6 years old. Thus, each age group we assign an index that will be used further in the description of the model:

1 year - 1); 2 years - 2); 3 years - 3); 4 years - 4); 6 years - 5).

Don’t be afraid to start knitting a coat for a 1-2-3 year old girl, because it’s not difficult at all, and most importantly, the joy of your little princess is the best reward for your efforts.

Let's move on to the double-breasted coat model itself. Below is a pattern of the product with the corresponding dimensions. If you are just getting acquainted with the art of knitting, you can draw this pattern in life size and during the work, check against it the correctness of following the knitting instructions.

Necessary materials

  • circle. knitting needles No. 3, No. 3.5, No. 4
  • stocking needles No. 3,5 and No. 4
  • auxiliary knitting needles
  • stitching needle
  • wool yarn (100m - 50g): 1) 200g; 2) 250 gr; 3) 250 gr; 4) 300 gr; 5) 350 gr)
  • 8 small buttons

Knitting density

  • When knitting stockinette stitch on knitting needles No. 4: 20 loops = 10 cm
  • When knitting with pearl stitch on knitting needles No. 3.5: 21 loops = 10 cm

Patterns to be used

  • Facial surface: faces. The side is knitted in a knit stitch, the reverse side is knitted in a purl stitch.

  • Pearl pattern: 1 rub. (facial) - faces; 2 r. - alternate knitting *k1, p1*, continue until the end of the row. 3 r. - persons, 4 r. - similar to row 2. Repeat 1 and 2 r.

Making decorative elements

  • Fold H (9 loops): to perform this element you will need 2 auxiliary knitting needles. First, transfer 3 sts to one auxiliary needle, 3 sts to another auxiliary needle. Position these 2 knitting needles so that the knitting needle in your left hand is on top, then the second auxiliary knitting needle, and the first knitting needle is on the bottom. *Next you need to knit 1 stitch from 3 knitting needles together*. Perform action *-* 2 p. As a result, 6 points will be closed.
  • Fold V (9 loops): Start making this part by slipping 3 stitches onto a separate needle, then transfer 2 stitches to the second auxiliary needle. The location of the knitting needles in this case will be as follows: the knitting needle in the left hand should be at the bottom, above it is the second auxiliary knitting needle, and at the very top is the first auxiliary knitting needle. *Knit 1 stitch from all 3 needles together*. Repeat *-* 2 r. In this case, 6 points will be closed.
  • Buttonholes: knit loops on the right shelf of the product according to the pattern: 3 p., bind off 2 p., knit 1) 7; 2) 8; 3) 8; 4) 8; 5) 9 p., close 2 p. again, finish the row. In the new row, cast on new loops in place of previously closed loops. Knit a new pair of loops at a distance of 1) 11; 2) 12; 3) 14; 4) 15; 5) 17 cm from the bottom. The next pair of loops is near the bottom edge of the raglan. The top pair of loops - after 1) 10; 2) 12; 3) 14; 4) 15; 5) 16 connected rows of raglan bevel.

Knitted coat for girls: progress of work

To the circle. knitting needles No. 3.5 dial 1) 151; 2) 161; 3) 169; 4) 177; 5) 185 p. Complete 4 p. straight and reverse rows of faces.p. Change the needles to number 4 and start knitting in stockinette stitch. Please note that the front edges of the coat are knitted in a pearl pattern:

  • 1 rub. (front side): faces.
  • 2 rows: 1 knit stitch, *1 purl stitch, 1 knit stitch* x 2. Continue knitting until there are 7 stitches on the knitting needles. Again *1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch. * x 2, 1 persons. P.

Repeat rows 1 and 2.

On both sides of the first loop, make marks on the sides so that on the back there is 1) 61; 2) 65; 3) 69; 4) 73; 5) 77 p., and on the shelves 1) 44; 2) 47; 3) 49; 4) 51; 5) 53 p.

As soon as 1) 7 is connected; 2) 9; 3) 10; 4) 9; 5) 10 cm near the marks, close the loops in the following order: before the mark, remove 1 stitch without knitting, knit the next stitch as usual and pull the removed stitch through it, knit a loop with the knit mark. p, 2 p. together persons. x 2. In this case, close 4 stitches. Continue closing loops every 1) 6; 2) 6; 3) 7; 4) 9; 5) 10 cm. In total x3 - 1) 139; 2) 149; 3) 157; 4) 165; 5) 173 p.

Please note that loops must be formed on the right shelf.

After 1) 22; 2) 24; 3) 27; 4) 30; 5) 33 cm from the bottom edge on the front side of the back, make folds: knit until the middle 19 stitches remain in the middle of the back, make a V fold, 1 knit stitch, knit an H fold. The remaining loops are knitted according to the pattern.

The work should remain 1) 127; 2) 137; 3) 145; 4) 153; 5) 161 p.

In the new row, close for the armhole near the marks of 7 p. Remaining 1) 113; 2) 123; 3) 131; 4) 139; 5) move 147 sts onto a knitting pin, put the work aside for now.

Cast on with regular knitting needles No. 3.5 1) 42; 2) 42; 3) 44; 4) 44; 5) 46 sts. The first 3 cm are knitted with a 1x1 elastic band (knit 1, purl 1). Change knitting needles to number 4 and start knitting faces. satin stitch After 1) 6; 2) 6; 3) 4; 4) 6; 5) 4 cm cast on an additional 2 stitches along the bottom of the sleeve. Continue adding loops every 1) 3; 2) 3; 3) 4; 4) 3; 5) 4 cm until the needles are 1) 52; 2) 54; 3) 56; 4) 58; 5) 60 p.

On 1) 21; 2) 24; 3) 26; 4) 28; 5) 32 cm of work 7p. close at the bottom of the sleeve. All others 1) 45; 2) 47; 3) 49; 4) 51; 5) 53 sts. Remove a separate knitting needle and put the work aside for a while.

Knit the second sleeve in a similar way.

Slip all loops onto the circle. knitting needles No. 3.5. Place the sleeve loops in accordance with the closed armhole loops = 1) 203; 2) 217; 3) 229; 4) 241; 5) 253 p. Knit further using a pearl pattern. After 2 rows, place marks around the 1st stitch at all connecting points. As you work, knit the loops with the mark according to the pattern: on the front side - knit stitch, on the reverse side - purl stitch.

Close the loops on both sides of the marks according to the diagram: remove without knitting 1 stitch. before the mark, 1 p. and draw through the knitted p., perform a knit stitch with a loop with the mark, 2 knit stitches. together. In this case, 8 loops are closed. Repeat closing the loops every 2 r.

After completing 1) 13; 2) 15; 3) 17; 4) 18; 5) 19 rows with stitches closed, start decreasing for neckline. To do this, close 1) 14 along the edges of the shelves; 2) 15; 3) 15; 4) 15; 5) 16 p. Make decreases for bevels every 2 p. x2, not forgetting to close off 4 stitches at the beginning of each row.


Along the edge of the formed neck of the coat, dial into a circle. knitting needles, with the exception of the outer loops of the shelves: 1) 7; 2) 8; 3) 8; 4) 8; 5) 9 sts. On the back along the edge of the neckline you need to cast on 2-4 sts. Total amount of loops: 1) 71; 2) 71; 3) 73; 4) 73; 5) 77 p. Knit with 1x1 rib. After 3 cm, return to knitting needles No. 3.5 and resume knitting for another 4 cm. Close off the loops remaining on the knitting needle.

End of work

Finish the seams of the armpits. Dial 7p. on knitting needles No. 3.5 and knit 10 cm with a 1x1 elastic band. Close the loops. Secure the placket to the back fold and add buttons to the ends. Symmetrically to the loops of the right shelf, place the buttons on the left shelf.

This pattern makes very beautiful and cozy children's knitted coats for girls. Delight your little princess with a new item made with your own hands.

Video on the topic of the article