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Graduation in the Kremlin: reviews, program, tickets. Graduation in the Kremlin: reviews, program, tickets On Red Square

Graduation party is a significant event in the life of every student. To make it memorable for a long time, it is celebrated according to established traditions. This day is especially memorable for those who were able to get into the Kremlin. Students from all over the country gather here. A special holiday is organized for them, which is broadcast on TV.

According to the order of the Moscow Government (under number 740-RP dated 10.24.18), all festive events dedicated to graduation party, will be held from June 20 to 21, 2019.

To get to the graduation ceremony in the Kremlin in 2019, you need to submit an application in advance, following a certain algorithm.

What is graduation like in the Kremlin?

As in previous years, in 2019 graduation in the Kremlin will be presented with a rich program. Here former students can have fun and relax. At the same time, the entertainment offered is so diverse that it will interest everyone. The following events will be planned for students celebrating their graduation in the Kremlin in 2019:

  1. concert show with the participation of pop stars and dance groups.
  2. Performance by circus performers.
  3. A large disco hosted by young but popular DJs.
  4. Enchanting laser show.
  5. An entertainment program consisting of competitions and quizzes.
  6. Fireworks in honor of the holiday.

Despite the fact that the program is standard for each year, the organizers adjust it every time and invite new artists. That is, a special scheme will be invented for graduation, which will distinguish it from the holidays of other years. In total, the event will last approximately 14 hours. Some of its fragments will be broadcast on TV. Of course, the guys will not be left without a festive dinner. In addition, they will keep as a souvenir photos of the most memorable moments taken by the best photographers in the country.

Features of graduation in the Kremlin

The graduation ceremony in the Kremlin is also notable for the fact that everyone can take part in nominations and receive valuable prizes. The list of awards and nominations is approved immediately before the event. In this case, anyone can propose their nomination or leave an application for participation.

The Kremlin pays special attention to security at graduation. Riot police, private security forces and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be involved in organizing this moment. Only those with passes will be able to enter the building. But despite their presence, they will be checked for the presence of unacceptable items that pose a danger to others. You will not be allowed to leave the premises without an accompanying person.

How to get to graduation in the Kremlin 2019

There is a myth that only a select few go to graduation in the Kremlin - those who became excellent students and medalists. Actually this is not true. Anyone can go to the Kremlin and celebrate their graduation there, regardless of their success in school. The main thing is to apply in advance and buy a ticket. Its estimated cost in 2019 will be about 10,000 rubles. At the same time, you do not need to pay extra for anything. According to reliable sources, the ticket price includes all events included in the program - from the concert to the banquet.

Any questions you are interested in can be sent to email address[email protected] or call 8 999 845 46 46.

However, on this moment Tickets are no longer available at the box office; applications for the All-Russian Award “Graduate 2019” in the Kremlin ended on March 6, 2018.

To get tickets you need to do the following:

  • Handwrite your application to participate in the event.
  • Send a scanned application to the head of the State Duma Shaboltai P.M. and to fax number 8-495-625-97-91.
  • Make sure you have received your application by calling 8-495-620-77-23.
  • Wait for the notification of application approval to be sent to your email.
  • Buy your ticket.

It is important to fill out the application correctly. It is written on school letterhead and certified through the school director or a person who is a member of the parent committee and has the authority to take such actions. The application indicates the number of people wishing to attend the event and the telephone number/email of the organizing representative of the school. The details of the persons accompanying the students to the ball are also indicated.

Nuances when buying a ticket

It is better to submit an application for reserving a place at the graduation party in the Kremlin as soon as the enrollment of schoolchildren for the event is announced. Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on its submission, getting into the Kremlin is not so easy. This is due to the limited capacity of the premises where the event will take place. In total, the Kremlin building can accommodate up to 10,000 people, and there are several times more people who want to get here. You should also be wary of scammers and not buy tickets in person.

Ball in the Kremlin - a memorable event

Purchasing a ticket allowing you to visit prom in the Kremlin, the cost is equivalent school event. But students will get much more impressions from such a holiday. They are waiting for a concert that no educational institution can organize, a banquet with a variety of dishes and a lack of... alcoholic drinks, New acquaintances. They will be able to take photos and souvenirs with them that will remind them of this significant event all life. By giving your child such a gift, you can fulfill one of his dreams - to be a princess or prince, become a guest at a real ball and just have a wonderful time.

Look video broadcast as it was in 2018 :

School prom is the most important and most important event school year, if graduation is celebrated in the Kremlin, then this is also the coolest event. The best schoolchildren in the country annually gather at the alumni ball in Moscow. What is needed to get there and how much does it cost to hold a graduation ceremony in the Kremlin? What are the requirements for graduates and what restrictions are there for them? When will the Kremlin graduation be in 2019?

When it will be?

Farewell to school is an evening that gives every eleventh grader the road to independent adult life. To a life full of freedom and independence... To a life that opens up prospects for successful career and creating your own self.

The Kremlin usually takes place at the end of June. The day of celebration is the last or penultimate Saturday of the first month of summer.

Already this fall, it will be possible to find out not only the exact time of the celebration, but also the cost of tickets, as well as receive information on how to apply for the upcoming ball, taking into account possible changes in the rules, if any. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the information published by the official website of the State Kremlin Palace.

Event program

The organization of the ball, as well as the entire program, is shrouded in secrecy until the last moment. What and how will happen will only be known on the day of the event. Considering that the show is developed and staged by professional directors and cameramen, there is no doubt about its quality. At the same time, a few days before the date of the main school celebration arrives, applicants for victory in the “Graduate 2019” competition are invited to rehearsals.

The main graduation events in the Kremlin:

  1. Walking the red carpet “a la Hollywood”.
  2. The ceremonial part with the awarding of prizes to the winners in a number of categories.
  3. A concert of stars of the first magnitude, which no school is able to organize.
  4. A luxurious banquet.
  5. Disco.
  6. Professional or amateur photo shoot.
  7. Fireworks, salute or laser show on Red Square.

The “star” guests who will sing at the ball are chosen by the graduates themselves. This happens through a survey, where each young person expresses his musical preferences.

About the nominations: what are they and what are they awarded for?

Nomination Who is awarded the prize and for what?
Creator of the Year The award is given to a graduate who has distinguished himself in innovative achievements.
Olympic hope Excellence in Sports Award
Dream Team Prize best class countries
The coolest cool Prize for the “coolest”, in every sense of the word, heads of eleventh grades
Prince and princess of the ball Selected by lot
Young Caesar The winner is the one who has the greatest achievements in the educational field and scientific activities

The main prizes in the nominations were awarded to celebrities from the world of culture or art. At one time, these were Tina Kandelaki, Yana Dobrovolskaya, Polina Gagarina and many other well-known faces of our country.

The total duration of all events is about fourteen hours. Professional video filming for television is carried out at the main venues of the ball, and the main concert can be watched online on the MuzTV channel or on YouTube.

Features of graduation in the Kremlin

The Kremlin Palace is an alcohol-free zone. This means that you won’t be able to drink either before the ball starts or during it. This is strictly monitored by security.

A strict check is carried out for the presence of prohibited items that may pose a danger to others. Access to all sites is possible only with an accompanying person.

The total number of people wishing to attend the Kremlin graduation is limited to 10 thousand people. Moreover, the number of applications exceeds this figure several times.

How to get to the prom?

There is a certain procedure regarding how to get to the prom in the Kremlin. Its order is as follows:

  1. Filling out an application on school letterhead in writing
  2. Signing of the completed application by the director of the institution
  3. Sending prepared information to the KGD mail
  4. Receive a confirmation email
  5. Purchasing tickets at the KGD box office

In 2018, the cost of invitations was 8.5 thousand rubles. For the upcoming ball in 2019, the ticket price may be within 10 thousand rubles. Considering the scale of the event, this amount is quite justified.

Not only medal winners and the best school students, but also children of VIPs can get into the Kremlin Palace. Almost every student in any Russian school can do this. It all depends on the decision of the management educational institutions and parent committees. And also on the efficiency of their actions, since slowness may not work to your advantage and all tickets may be sold out.

Graduation in the Kremlin is a unique and unforgettable event with an enchanting concert, a disco, as well as many features and highlights that are different for each new prom. This is an evening of joy and unstoppable fun. This is the main graduation ceremony in the country, which those who attended will never forget.

At the end of each academic year, all schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums experience a whole hurricane of preparatory activities for last call and prom. These are the most exciting moments in the life of any eleventh grader, when they immediately leave the land of childhood into independent adult life. For everyone, this event is the most important at school. Most graduates celebrate it within the walls of the educational institution. Well, someone will be lucky enough to spend their graduation in the Kremlin. The guys leave their reviews of this event with great impressions. Let's take a closer look at who can attend this event, how to do it and what you can see there.

Graduation in the Kremlin

School graduation party is a grand affair, for which everyone is preparing - graduates, parents, and teachers. Everyone wants the children to remember the holiday for the rest of their lives, to be fun and even enchanting.

In our country, a graduation party is organized for students in the Kremlin, where those who have taken care in advance and gone through all the steps of a certain algorithm can attend. So, how to get to the graduation ceremony in the Kremlin? Perhaps every schoolchild dreams about this. The grandiose spectacle is broadcast on central television, a banquet is organized, popular artists are invited, and a magic show is staged.

Ticket to the prom in the Kremlin

Naturally, no one will be able to attend the prom in the Kremlin for free. Moreover, the cost is growing every year. It is predicted that in 2017 it will be possible to buy tickets to the graduation ceremony in the Kremlin for eight thousand rubles. If you compare it with how much money is spent on the most ordinary school evening, then the amount is quite acceptable. It is also taken into account that the event will take place for fourteen hours, while the price includes absolutely everything: a concert of stars, a banquet, a “Graduate” competition, and professional photo sessions. Everyone can get prizes. All graduates in the Kremlin walk along the “Red Carpet”, have fun at the disco and witness the most beautiful festive fireworks. The security of the event is ensured by a well-trained army of competent city services.

How to follow the action algorithm

In fact, becoming a participant in the grand celebration in the Kremlin is not at all difficult. You just need to take care of this in advance and go through all the steps of the algorithm for obtaining the coveted pass-ticket. So what needs to be done:

  1. Send a scanned version of the application to P. M. Shaboltai, head of the State Committee for Delegation. Also send an application by fax to the number: 8-495-625-97-91. Find out that your shipment has been received by calling: 8-495-620-77-23
  2. How to write? Is there a specific sample application to the Kremlin for graduation? You can write a statement in any form. It is important that it is written on the school’s letterhead and certified by the head of the educational institution or a representative of the parent committee with authority.
  3. The application must indicate how many people (students and parents) the school wants to take part in the festive event. A ticket will be purchased separately for each person.
  4. It is imperative to indicate in the application the telephone number and email address of the person who is responsible for organizing the event within the school.
  5. The application is being reviewed. After some time, a confirmation should be sent to the email address you provided, after which you can immediately go and buy tickets to the graduation ceremony in the Kremlin. The price of the invitation will be communicated to you.
  6. The ticket offices are located at an address that is easy to remember and find: Moscow, st. Vozdvizhenka, building 1. You can get here by metro: get off at the Lenin Library station.
  7. One representative can buy tickets for all participants. He must have with him the original application or, alternatively, a certified copy, as well as a power of attorney to purchase tickets, issued in his name and signed by the director of the educational institution or a representative of the parent committee.

Applications for the 2017 graduation ceremony opened in the fall of 2015. And in October 2016, applications for the 2018 graduation were already accepted, so you should hurry. All Additional Information participants are informed about the conduct of the event in advance at special organizational meetings in the Kremlin, which are held in February-March. Details about preparations for the event are also posted on the Kremlin’s official website.

Graduation program in the Kremlin

Many people are interested in the question: what is special about the prom in the Kremlin? Is it really that different from a regular school prom? Festive event in the Kremlin is conventionally divided into two large parts: ceremonial and entertaining. The first one actually resembles a school one - parting speeches are given, awards are presented, and after that the fun begins.

All graduates and their accompanying persons walk along the red line to the Kremlin Palace. Professional filming is underway, and this ceremony is broadcast on many television channels. The entertainment part of the program takes place in the palace. It is she who will be remembered for a long time by everyone who attended the graduation ceremony in the Kremlin (read above on how to get to the celebration). Every year the program is kept secret until the last moment, but from the experience of past years we can say that it consists of the following points:

  • Concert of popular Russian pop stars.
  • Performances by famous dance show groups.
  • Performances of the best circus performers.
  • Disco with popular youth DJs.
  • An unforgettable laser show.
  • Quizzes, competitions, awards according to nominations.
  • Festive fireworks.

Award "Graduate..."

Every year, the graduation ball in the Kremlin establishes various awards in categories. Anyone can become a participant in competitions and compete for a statuette. To do this, you just need to submit an application in advance. You can participate in several categories at once. Everyone who submitted applications to the competitions is invited to rehearsals in the Kremlin a few weeks before the ball.

Already at this time, the guys plunge into the holiday atmosphere, get to know each other, and find friends. The winners are determined among those who made it to the super final by members of a special jury, where everyone is competent in one area or another. There is no list of nominations for 2017 yet, but based on last year’s experience, we can already name an approximate list of competitions:

  • "The Prince and Princess of the Ball."
  • "Creator of the Year"
  • "Smart guy and smart girl of the year."
  • "Olympic Hope"
  • "The coolest".
  • "Dream Team".

Each of the participants can even propose some interesting nomination. The most creative one can receive approval and be included in the list of prom competitions.


Like any gala event, the graduation party in the Kremlin will delight guests with a luxurious banquet. Every year, various soft drinks, hot and cold dishes, a variety of desserts, sweets, fruits are served at the table - all at the request of the participants.

It is worth noting that the holiday is held under strict control; drinking any kind of alcohol-containing drinks is prohibited. Students and teachers can choose for themselves whether to be at the same table or at different ones.


The menu for the 2017 graduation party is thought out in advance; it includes all the most popular dishes, the specific names of which will be announced later. The general list offers the following:

  • Cold and hot snacks.
  • Salads (three types).
  • Fish, cheese, cold cuts.
  • Hot dishes (two types to choose from).
  • Fruits.
  • Dessert.
  • Non-alcoholic drinks (juices, tea, mineral water, coffee).

Alumni Safety

The graduation ball in the Kremlin is considered a closed event. No one will be able to get into the Bolshoi easily. Entry is strictly by pass. It is possible to go out only with an accompanying person. At the entrance to the event, all participants, for their own safety, are checked by riot police for the presence of dangerous objects (cutting materials, explosives, fireworks, alcoholic beverages). Additional security directly on the territory of the Kremlin is provided by private security company employees, as well as the Ministry of Emergency Situations; department employees strictly monitor order inside the premises.

How does graduation take place in the Kremlin?

All event participants annually leave thousands of admiring reviews, share their impressions on the Internet, create entire blogs about this, discuss the prom, and communicate. Hundreds of young people who visited the Kremlin on this significant day became friends and entered universities together. And there are those who met their soulmate at a ball in the Kremlin.

There is a blog “Graduation in the Kremlin” on social networks, where anyone can leave reviews. In it, some describe in great detail the entire course of the event, from the procession through the Alexander Garden to the disco. Graduates note that the event is quite organized. First they go through inspection by riot police (surprisingly quickly, tactfully, without delay). The ceremonial part flies by unnoticed, where medalists are congratulated, the best students and teachers are celebrated, and instructions and parting words are given for adulthood. After this, the entertainment part begins, a concert hosted by show business stars and in which many famous artists take part. Conducted various competitions, nominations.

On the Red Square

Already at night (at half past ten) the guys move to Red Square. There, a grandiose disco is held with the participation of all the youth idols, stars of Russian show business, fiery presenters and popular DJs. Thousands of kids have fun here until the morning. At midnight, for ten minutes the sky lights up with sheaves of festive fireworks. The spectacle is unforgettable, the crowd is buzzing with delight. However, everyone builds their own mood, and if some of the little things don’t like something at the holiday, this does not mean that everyone will support it. How many people, so many opinions.

What didn't you like?

Those who attended the graduation ceremony in the Kremlin mostly leave positive and enthusiastic reviews. Sometimes there are negative comments, and to be completely honest, let's look at them. Someone complained that at the concert in the Kremlin he liked only two performers who actually sang live and their songs were familiar. But this is important. At the festival, the mood is such that you want to sing and dance along with the entire audience and the performer. Another review made a remark about the buffet: the prices were quite reasonable, but there were a lot of people, and I didn’t want to waste time standing in line on such a holiday. The organizers also expressed a wish that the issue of quality of service be resolved with food and drinks. In general, you are unlikely to find particularly negative reviews; basically everyone is very satisfied and remembers this event for a long time.

Prom outfits 2016

Each graduate waits a long time and carefully prepares for his main day of school life. Of course, outfits are carefully thought out and selected. And if young man you just need to choose a beautiful, chic suit in order to look festive and solemn, then the girls begin to prepare for the prom long ago. They carefully study all the fashion trends on the Internet, and also get acquainted with the outfits that amazed everyone at past balls. Well, if you are going to celebrate your graduation in the Kremlin, you just need to study the reviews about the outfits and catch the essence of what the beauties used to captivate the guests at the ball.

Having studied the opinions of everyone around, we can come to the following conclusion: the girl should be sophisticated, the outfit should emphasize the beauty of her young body. In 2016, girls’ outfits were not too lush, and the craving for various excesses - rhinestones, sparkles - disappeared. But this does not mean that the dresses were the most simple cut. Although, if you choose the right accessories, then this option can be made chic. The most popular shades at graduation in 2016 were the following: blue, black, white, pastel, wine, turquoise.

There is still enough time before the 2017 prom to thoroughly prepare for it. What do designers focus on? It is recommended to emphasize innocence and girlish beauty at the prom. Outfits should be modest, but sophisticated. Sexuality is inappropriate at this holiday! The emphasis should be on sophistication and purity. If you are going to the Grand Kremlin Palace for graduation, focus your attention on this. Grooming comes first. The main thing is calm, correct, but professional makeup, well-chosen accessories, and your image will outshine everyone. The 2017 graduation does not tolerate excesses or flashy eroticism. A modest outfit, but something that stands out and is different from everyone else, will attract more attention than an image that attracts vulgar glances. So make the right choice and shine on the most important day of your school life.

Graduation party is a significant event in the life of every student. To make it memorable for a long time, it is celebrated according to established traditions. This day is especially memorable for those who were able to get into the Kremlin. Students from all over the country gather here. A special holiday is organized for them, which is broadcast on TV. To get to the graduation ceremony in the Kremlin in 2019, you need to submit an application in advance, following a certain algorithm.

What is graduation like in the Kremlin?

As in previous years, in 2019 graduation in the Kremlin will be presented with a rich program. Here former students can have fun and relax. At the same time, the entertainment offered is so diverse that it will interest everyone. The following events will be planned for students celebrating their graduation in the Kremlin in 2019:

  1. concert show with the participation of pop stars and dance groups.
  2. Performance by circus performers.
  3. A large disco hosted by young but popular DJs.
  4. Enchanting laser show.
  5. An entertainment program consisting of competitions and quizzes.
  6. Fireworks in honor of the holiday.

Despite the fact that the program is standard for each year, the organizers adjust it every time and invite new artists. That is, a special scheme will be invented for graduation, which will distinguish it from the holidays of other years. In total, the event will last approximately 14 hours. Some of its fragments will be broadcast on TV. Of course, the guys will not be left without a festive dinner. In addition, they will keep as a souvenir photos of the most memorable moments taken by the best photographers in the country.

Features of graduation in the Kremlin

The graduation ceremony in the Kremlin is also notable for the fact that everyone can take part in nominations and receive valuable prizes. The list of awards and nominations is approved immediately before the event. In this case, anyone can propose their nomination or leave an application for participation.

The Kremlin pays special attention to security at graduation. Riot police, private security forces and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be involved in organizing this moment. Only those with passes will be able to enter the building. But despite their presence, they will be checked for the presence of unacceptable items that pose a danger to others. You will not be allowed to leave the premises without an accompanying person.

How to get to graduation in the Kremlin 2019

There is a myth that only a select few go to graduation in the Kremlin - those who became excellent students and medalists. Actually this is not true. Anyone can go to the Kremlin and celebrate their graduation there, regardless of their success in school. The main thing is to apply in advance and buy a ticket. Its estimated cost in 2019 will be about 10,000 rubles. At the same time, you do not need to pay extra for anything. According to reliable sources, the ticket price includes all events included in the program - from the concert to the banquet.

To get tickets you need to do the following:

  • Handwrite your application to participate in the event.
  • Send a scanned application to the head of the State Duma Shaboltai P.M. and to fax number 8-495-625-97-91.
  • Make sure you have received your application by calling 8-495-620-77-23.
  • Wait for the notification of application approval to be sent to your email.
  • Buy your ticket.

It is important to fill out the application correctly. It is written on school letterhead and certified through the school director or a person who is a member of the parent committee and has the authority to take such actions. The application indicates the number of people wishing to attend the event and the telephone number/email of the organizing representative of the school. The details of the persons accompanying the students to the ball are also indicated.

Nuances when buying a ticket

It is better to submit an application for reserving a place at the graduation party in the Kremlin as soon as the enrollment of schoolchildren for the event is announced. Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on its submission, getting into the Kremlin is not so easy. This is due to the limited capacity of the premises where the event will take place. In total, the Kremlin building can accommodate up to 10,000 people, and there are several times more people who want to get here. You should also be wary of scammers and not buy tickets in person.

Ball in the Kremlin - a memorable event

Purchasing a ticket to attend the prom in the Kremlin costs the same as a school event. But students will get much more impressions from such a holiday. They are waiting for a concert that no educational institution can organize, a banquet with a variety of dishes and no alcoholic drinks, and new acquaintances. They will be able to take with them photographs and souvenirs that will remind them of this significant event for the rest of their lives. By giving your child such a gift, you can fulfill one of his dreams - to be a princess or prince, become a guest at a real ball and just have a wonderful time.

On June 24, Friday, in the very heart of our country - in the Kremlin - the State Kremlin Palace, according to tradition, held the main graduation ball in Russia - the VI All-Russian Award "Graduate-2016". As part of the preparation and holding of the event, large-scale human resources were involved: in addition to 6,000 graduates, more than 1,000 artists and volunteer activists took part in the celebration.
This year, the Prize was attended by graduates from 150 educational institutions, including students from the city of Shakhty (Rostov region), Volokolamsk region, Chekhov, Tula, Novosibirsk, Lipetsk region and other cities of our vast country.
The theme of the Prize was closely related to the Year of Russian Cinema. After all, every graduate is a real “director” of his life. And on June 24, in the Kremlin, all the graduates filmed another intense, 14-hour episode of their lives, which they will undoubtedly remember for a long time!
Graduates were presented with 5 sites: Alexander Garden, Sapozhkovskaya Square, State Kremlin Palace, Red Square and Gostiny Dvor.
The evening began with a solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden. At the Grotto, there was a “book of wishes” waiting for graduates, where every former student could leave their memorable notes, and near the “wishing trees” there were whole queues of graduates who dreamed of tying silk ribbons, wishing for the most secret things at the first ball of their lives.
I was waiting for graduates on Sapozhkovskaya Square entertainment, and against the backdrop of the Kremlin, two large-scale stylized frames were installed for photography by the whole class, measuring 6x4 meters with a podium.
On the way to the main building, the graduates, like the real stars of the evening, were greeted by a 50-meter “Hollywood” red carpet, the best photographers and the presentation of statuettes. The Kremlin Palace has never seen so many “selfi”!
Traditionally, one of the main features of the holiday was that graduates themselves took part in the preparation and holding of such a significant event in their lives: they voted for the artists who would perform for them on the stage of the Palace, chose winners in Prize nominations, and prepared their own creative performances.
The entertainment program in the Kremlin Palace for graduates was divided into three areas: the Coat of Arms Foyer, the Parquet Foyer and the Small Hall (Banquet Time), at each of which surprises, gifts and prize drawings awaited former schoolchildren. In the Armorial Foyer, graduates performed their own creative numbers in the “We are Talents” concert, in the Parquet Foyer there was a dance marathon, training in modern dances and an exhibition of photographs and paintings of graduates, and in the Small Hall there was a Karaoke program. Some of the brightest performances performed by graduates in the “Karaoke” program were: Yegor Creed’s song “Oh God, Mom, Mom, I’m going crazy” and the song “Smile” by the singer Iowa.
Along with the traditional nominations (“Smart Guy/Smart Girl of the Year”, “Creator of the Year”, “Olympic Hope”, “Coolest Class/Coolest Class”, “Dream Team”, “Prince of the Ball” and “Princess of the Ball”), a special nomination has been established “Your own director” - graduates have a unique opportunity to show their talent in preparing a trailer for their school life. The winner in this nomination was the beautiful Katerina Obusheva from Moscow, school No. 2095, class 11LSE.
The winner in the category “Clever Guy / Smart Girl of the Year” was a charming graduate in a delicate pink outfit - Irina Brazhnikova, from Moscow (Cadet School No. 9, class 11B). The bright Fedorova Yulia from the city of Novosibirsk (Lyceum No. 9, grade 11G) won the “Creator of the Year” nomination; in the “Olympic Hope” nomination - courageous. Alexander Belyaev from the city of Moscow (School No. 534, class 11B), who was supported by the entire 6000-strong hall of the Palace; and the “Team of the Year” was class 11B of School No. 777 in Moscow. Following tradition, the organizers did not forget about the “second mothers and fathers” of our graduates - class teachers. The winner was Silva Valerievna Javadyan from the city of Moscow (Lyceum No. 1524, class 11E).
The presenters of the “Graduate 2016” award on the stage of the Kremlin Palace were the romantic Sati Casanova and the charismatic Stas Kostyushkin, the bright Yulia Kovalchuk and the artistic Alexey Chumakov, and on the stage the graduates were congratulated by star guests chosen by the graduates themselves: Glyuk'oZa, “5STAFAMILY”, “ DEGREES", "A'STUDIO", Record Orchestra, "A-DESSA", "THE JIGITS", "MARSEL" and many others. The greatest delight and “buzz” in the hall, in the good sense of the word, was caused by the performance of the Romanian group of three of the most original house performers of our time “DEEPSIDE DEEJAYS”.
At the end of the ceremony, a procession of graduates took place on Red Square through the Nikolskaya Tower of the Kremlin, the gates of which are opened specifically for the passage of participants only once a year.
After the festive fireworks in Gostiny Dvor, I waited for the graduates concert program“HIT NON STOP” in honor of graduates from the EUROPA PLUS TV channel with the participation of star guests: “SEREBRO”, Nargiz, Mitya Fomin, Oleg Miami, Dominic Joker, Glyuk'oZa, Alina Arts, Dante and the concert program “DANCE FOR GRADUATION” from radio station DFM, where YIN-YANG, Vlad Sokolovsky, TE100STERON, DJ Igor Koks, DJ Dave Pryce and many others performed.
One of the large-scale and exciting events in Gostiny Dvor was the mass flash mob “Waltz”, in which about 3,000 pairs of graduates were involved, and best couples, who decided on rehearsals that took place for several months in the Kremlin Palace, performed their waltz on stage.
At dawn, having grandly celebrated their graduation, having danced a lot and full of positivity, the guys stepped into adulthood. Good luck, graduates of 2016!