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I'll help you relax. How to relax in bed: psychological techniques and methods, tips and reviews

You constantly doubt your capabilities and cannot decide on seemingly simple actions such as meet another person, or argue to defend your opinion? Then the question of how to liberate yourself emotionally is relevant for you.

Expectation of failure is one of the typical mistakes shy man choosing the best option behavior and constantly doubting, he wastes precious time. There is no need to try to think through everything down to the smallest detail - just take action..

For many people, the problem of isolation comes from adolescence, or an even earlier period of life. The sooner a person realizes this problem, the greater the chances of solving it faster - and it definitely needs to be solved!!!

Shyness does not allow people to earn more, change jobs that do not suit them for one reason or another, and asking for an increase in salary or position is something out of the ordinary. Various life difficulties and problems seem to shy people much more difficult than it actually is, and accordingly, they tolerate them more difficult than others.

At the same time, any unpleasant little thing like the rudeness of people in public transport, or a salesperson in a store, is experienced as an extreme situation, leaving behind a feeling of loneliness and depression.

How to get rid of stiffness? How to liberate yourself emotionally?

You should start with simple exercises, for example, ask people about time– is it difficult for you to say “what time is it”? Then do it on purpose! By expanding the boundaries of your behavior, you can cope with shyness.

As soon as you can do the first thing with ease, set yourself another task, go to another level with a more difficult task, for example, talk to a stranger in line or on public transport. Ask about something, about the route for example - many people love to advise and explain.

Is it difficult to start a conversation with a stranger? Dial a random phone number and ask a question, think of it in advance. Express your opinion over the phone at a local radio station - then you can move on to face-to-face communication. As you work purposefully on yourself, you will become more and more naturally able to cope with uncertainty and shyness.

A good exercise for dealing with emotional stiffness is to become the life of the party for at least a few minutes, telling a funny joke, playing the guitar, performing a magic trick, etc. After you will feel the sincere interest of those around you in yourself, your stiffness “will be lifted as if by hand”.

A few more exercises will allow you to relax emotionally.

1. In front of the mirror.

Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself about your positive qualities not so much appearance, but soul - “I can empathize”, “I am kind”, “I am interesting”. For obvious reasons, you need to do this alone with yourself, so that your confidence is not shaken by the giggles and jokes of others. Each time the exercise will be accompanied by increasing self-confidence.

2. Imaginary dialogue.

For this exercise, you can use an empty chair or just your imagination. Imagine a person opposite you who causes a particularly strong feeling of constraint - tell him about your problems, and then, imagining yourself in his place, try to answer yourself.

3. Everyone is naked.

An old and proven way to deal with inner tightness is to imagine that your opponent is standing in front of you completely naked. Even experienced speakers use this technique. It relieves stiffness and makes you smile.

I suggest you download an excellent audiobook that will help you truly liberate yourself, allow you to understand how to overcome shyness, and also teach you effective self-analysis and awareness of existing problems, while at the same time teaching you how to liberate yourself emotionally, getting rid of complexes, fears and phobias.

Author Karen Horney describes in an accessible form the typical internal conflicts of a person that do not allow him to free himself from constraint and constriction. Finding out the reasons and studying this mechanism will help you find ways to solve many psychological problems and finally bring harmony into your life.

Every woman sees herself in her dreams relaxed in bed, but not everyone can implement this in practice. Complexes, fears, uncertainty and embarrassment greatly affect a woman’s self-esteem and her sexual behavior. This also affects a man’s desire. What to do and how to relax in bed- this is the subject of our conversation.

Stiffness destroys relationships

Men are very turned on by women who are not shy about showing their own initiative and are ready for sexual games. Boring sex even with Great love You can quickly get bored and the passion cools down. Men also want to see good lovers in their wives. This means that she must be able to seduce, be active in bed and enjoy this process.

Stiffness will not allow you to get all the beauty of passion and pleasure, and can negatively affect your relationship with a man. But the whole problem is that shy people don’t even imagine how to relax and stop being shy in bed, they don't even try to change themselves.

A few tips on how to become liberated

To completely surrender to passion and loosen up in bed, you first need to turn off the subconscious, in which the complexes are hidden, and the brains that prevent you from turning on the basic instinct. If you learn to do this, you will be able to truly enjoy sex.

Any woman wants to look perfect even in bed, and therefore she is afraid that a man will not like her. And at this awkward moment she stops thinking, how to relax in bed with a man, because she took a beautiful pose, afraid to even move. But in fact, passion and even uncontrollability of desires are much more important to him. In sex, a man completely switches to sensations. And a woman should stop being shy, turn on your senses and dissolve in your own pleasure.

There is another important factor that greatly influences the perception of one’s sexuality - a feeling of guilt. Forget about him! There is nothing shameful in normal sex. All living beings on the planet have been doing this since the time of Adam and Eve.

There is such a thing as sexual culture, which implies intimate relationships as a natural desire and phenomenon. In love there should be a place for carnal pleasures. And learn the subtleties and secrets, How can a woman relax in bed?, erotic literature will help. You just need to read smart books, for example, the Kama Sutra - a real reference book for lovers. This will help you become more experienced in sexual matters.

A few important tricks

  • Dimmed red lights in the bedroom do double duty. Firstly, it will help you tune in to intimacy, and secondly, it will successfully highlight the female figure.
  • A well-groomed body is another reason to strengthen self-confidence. Touching smooth skin is an unearthly pleasure.
  • Don’t forget about beautiful underwear - no man will refuse to contemplate half-naked nature.
  • The ability to talk about sex, about your preferences and desires is inherent liberated women. This will encourage a man
  • Dream that you are the sexiest and most desirable woman. Think about how you seduce your man. Along with this comes excitement, complexes and uncertainty go away.
  • In the bedroom there should be a place only for affection and desire, and let problems remain at the door.

Some people, when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment, become tense and shy. This leads to the fact that communication becomes incomplete, there is no pleasure from it, and such a person strives to quickly get away from communication and get rid of unpleasant emotions. This problem is especially relevant for girls, so they often wonder how to become liberated. To loosen up, there is a set of special exercises.

Why are people shy?

The main reason why people cannot liberate themselves is their upbringing. From an early age, parents tell us what is good and what is bad. But a child does stupid things and pranks because he is exploring the world, trying to learn to live in it. This desire of parents to protect the child from various troubles, excessive attention, leads to the fact that instead of learning about the world, he receives some kind of social norms and ideas about how to behave. For example, many girls are told that they shouldn’t be the first to meet someone, it’s bad. As a result, the girl does not know how to behave with the young man she likes, how to build a conversation with him, and so on. This, in turn, can lead to the girl remaining lonely.

The second most common reason why people are shy and don’t know how to loosen up is their social circle. If most friends are uncommunicative, withdrawn, rarely share news and experiences, then the person himself becomes closed and prefers loneliness. Therefore, when such a person finds himself in an unfamiliar company, he cannot behave relaxed, gets lost and begins to experience discomfort.

The problem of how to become liberated is dealt with by psychology. By emancipation, this science understands the ability to behave and feel naturally in an unfamiliar environment, the ability to easily make contact and establish communication. To become more relaxed or liberated, psychologists recommend regularly doing the following:

  • Write the phrase “I’m not embarrassed by anyone” on a piece of paper and read it as often as possible. Gradually this text will become habitual and certain changes in behavior will occur.
  • It is necessary to determine your qualities because of which a person is shy. This could be appearance, voice, behavior, and so on. Next, you should consider whether they can be changed and how to do this. In such a situation, it is also worth consulting with loved ones. It may well turn out that your own assessment does not correspond to the external one, and in fact, there is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • It is recommended to pay attention to your appearance. At the same time, you should not focus on different standards or fashion, the main thing is that you like the reflection in the mirror. Impeccable, from my own point of view, appearance makes a girl self-confident, and therefore more relaxed.

In an unfamiliar environment, you should spend some time studying it and observing people. After it becomes clear what interests others, behavior patterns are determined, you can enter into communication, because the person is already ready for it.

The first thing experts recommend working on is posture. A straight back and a proudly raised head create the impression that a person is confident in himself. However, many of those who are shy do not have correct posture, believing that by hunching over they can hide. Therefore, before going to an unfamiliar place, in order to feel more confident, you should work on your posture. The simplest exercise is to stand with your back to the wall so that your calves, thighs, shoulder blades and the back of your head touch it. You need to stay in this position for as long as possible. You should do the exercise until correct posture becomes habitual.

The second recommendation on how to become more relaxed in communication is to develop a sense of humor. If suddenly a girl makes an awkward situation, or does not understand what this or that sign means in a company or at an event, you can treat it with humor and ask someone for advice, citing the fact that she was recently abroad and managed to forget her native one language.

Also, during the communication process, you should look your interlocutor in the eyes (this skill needs to be practiced), and speak with sincere emotions. If the interlocutor sees a specific interest, he will support the conversation, become friendly towards the person and this will add emancipation.

Some exercises for relaxation

To liberate yourself, you can regularly perform the following exercises:


Standing in front of the mirror, you need to repeat: “I am charming,” “I am attractive,” “I am kind,” and so on. This emancipation exercise increases self-confidence and internal self-esteem. The main thing is to believe in the qualities that are discussed in front of the mirror.

To make it easier to communicate in an unfamiliar environment, you can rehearse possible dialogues when preparing for an event. To do this, you should imagine a possible interlocutor and think about how to build a dialogue with him.

One of the most famous techniques on how to become more relaxed in a conversation is to imagine that the interlocutor is naked. This technique is often used by those who speak in public and begin to feel awkward. Imagining everyone naked does a psychological trick on the mind - it creates the feeling that everyone around is awkward, which means everyone is in the same position. As a result, the situation is relieved and communication becomes easier.

Acting techniques

If you can’t overcome barriers and pressures on your own, you can sign up for emancipation training. In addition to the theoretical part, which explains the meaning of the word “liberation”, the reasons why people have tension, psychological types in communication, and so on, real skills are developed there that allow you to make yourself more liberated. Most often, various techniques used by actors are used for this. For example,:

  • Tension and subsequent relaxation of certain muscle groups;
  • Gradual redistribution of tension throughout the body;
  • Imagining oneself as mercury.

These exercises allow you to relax the body and relieve certain muscle tension. A relaxed body, in turn, allows you to be more relaxed in an unfamiliar environment. In addition, in addition to exercises to relax the body, such trainings teach public speaking, not to be afraid of the public, and how to play different roles. As a result of such an event, the person will become more liberated, gain inner harmony and freedom.

Some people find it difficult to be in an unfamiliar environment, they get lost, close down and experience a lot of problems and inconveniences as a result. To be more relaxed, you need to follow a few simple recommendations - work on your posture, prepare for events and develop a sense of humor. If this doesn’t work out, you can always sign up for special trainings, the results of which will be noticeable after a few sessions. People become more open and confident.

Ask yourself these questions. Find out for yourself:

  • Why are you shy?
  • What is the reason that you cannot let go and fully express yourself now?

The answer is obvious:

  1. You care about what others think of you.
  2. Other people's opinions force you to adapt to society.
  3. The opinions of others limit and constrain you; because of it, you do not know how to become relaxed in communication and be yourself.

Answer these questions to overcome shyness

Understand that if you care about other people's opinions, you will be the one who always reacts to others and depends on others.

Reality will be dictated to you, and you will adapt to people.

Ask yourself:

  • Do you need this kind of life?
  • Do you want to forever be the one who is afraid of other people's opinions and limits himself in everything?
  • What will this give you if you continue to be shy?
  • Will this help you in any way?
  • What do I need to do to be free from everything limiting?

If, for example, you are a guy and don’t know how to stop being shy about girls, then take a pencil and paper and answer these questions to yourself in writing. Do the analysis.

You limit yourself and attach importance to other people's opinions

Ask yourself:

“Who is the one who is stopping you from becoming a more liberated person?”

Answer- « You yourself

Don't play the role of the little man

  1. You're the one who gave too much weight to someone else's opinion.
  2. It was you who decided to become shy.
  3. Everyone plays roles without realizing that they are roles.
  4. It was you who chose to play the role of a pathetic person.
  5. You yourself want to believe in the importance of someone else’s opinion - this is their power.

Don't ask people for permission to be that person.

Don’t ask people for permission to be that confident and free person.

Allow yourself to be it!

It's time to stop taking information second-hand and start thinking for yourself.

These are only your actions and zero actions from life.

What you need to do and realize:

There will always be people who hate you

There will always be those people who hate you and who is angry with you.

There will always be those who don't like you.

It's not even worth wasting your time on such people.

I would rather do what I do and have fun than sit and discuss behind the back of a person going towards his goal.

Advanced analysis: is what is bothering you real?

Ask yourself questions:


  1. It's your insecurity.
  2. Exaggerated fears.
  3. Fear of public opinion.
  4. Thoughts.
  5. Parenting.
  6. Social programming.

It's up to you to choose whether to believe in limitations or not.

TYou choose: either believe into what society and your parents instilled in you, or not.

Be beyond the social matrix.

You create your own world

The whole world is your movie, your world, your reality. Society and its opinions are outside your reality.

You choose your environment, not the other way around.

Give up thoughts about the future and expectations that someone will help you or tell you how to open up in communication with people and solve your problems.

Who will help you is yourself! You are the generator of your own actions.

All you can lose is your own lack of freedom

What happens if you:

  • will you act in a way that is not accepted by society?
  • Will you seem like a fool in the eyes of others?
  • if they point a finger at you?
  • what if they refuse you?

Answer: « NOTHING will happen

And even more: you will lose your old limiting beliefs!

You want it ⇒ you do it ⇒ you get it.

You're being bothered by something that doesn't exist, or by yourself

All the limitations that your mind creates - they don't exist!

Abuse, negativity, disapproval, evil and other rubbish. Everything that prevents you from turning your ideas into reality, focusing on action and becoming relaxed in communication - none of this exists.

Get out of the herd mentality.

It turns out that what prevents you from stopping being shy and modest is either yourself or something that does not exist.

Don't believe in something that doesn't exist. Believe in yourself.

There are no restrictions.

Video “The guy does what he wants”

IN next video a liberated internet star, we dance to “gangam style” with a bare torso in the metropolis, and he does a great job. In my opinion, from birth he never had problems with how to overcome shyness and self-doubt and never asked these questions.

Important awareness: how not to depend on other people's opinions

This is the key! This is what the most important understanding where people fail.

Don't be fueled by good reactions! Absolutely! DO NOT let the praise get to you! Don’t let anything external dictate and paint your personality, even if it’s good words of praise about you. You should not receive anything from the outside to confirm your confidence! Simply put: you don’t need people to validate your worth!

This is where dependence on other people's bad reactions to you comes from.

This is where it starts dependence on other people's opinions.

Reaction to praise, someone else's approval = Reaction to someone else's curse, condemnation, disapproval

Remember the following realizations and beliefs:

Remember and learn! And no one can touch you anymore!

Express yourself fully, don't be afraid to be yourself

When there is an understanding that what hinders you and limits you does not exist, then All you have to do is overcome all these little things.

  • Express yourself fully and do not hold back any words or emotions.
  • If you want to laugh, laugh.
  • If you want to dance, dance. If you want to leave, leave.
  • Don't filter the words, let them flow.
  • Don't be afraid to be louder with your words, express yourself fully, and be a visible person.

All this will give you good condition and will help overcome shyness.

The more you do this, the more your self-expression and your own presentation in communication becomes stronger.

Everything you lose if you become free, so this is your own lack of freedom.

There are no mistakes: no matter what happens, everything leads you to success

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because there are none.

You can't make a mistake. Change your perception!

It is illusory to think that a mistake is when they point fingers at you or discuss you. It's not a mistake.

The real mistake is when you are afraid to be yourself and don’t allow yourself to say what you want because you attach importance to other people’s opinions. This scam.

Do what you're scared of

Always do what you're scared of! The first four attempts will be awkward, but by the fifth you will get used to it. By the tenth you will forget.

Otherwise, if you keep everything to yourself and remain shy, you close yourself off from communication. You will be reserved and not open to people.

When do people usually start to change?

  • You will realize how to get rid of shyness and shyness exactly when you understand that there is no point in postponing and the time has come to change.
  • When this is the very thing for you that needs to be done first.
  • You will get rid of everything that bothers you when it becomes the most important thing in life for you, and you will no longer be able to remain idle and procrastinate.
  • You will understand that you need to stop being shy and blushing over nonsense right now and not a moment later.

Video "Crazy Guy"

In the next video, fearless guy Remy enters the playing field and sports grounds during live broadcasts and skillfully impersonates a team player.

A football team in the French top league wins the cup and Remy manages to sneak onto the field in the form of a club player and lightheartedly celebrate the triumph with the official players. They even take him for one of their own, and no one suspects anything. Remy is not embarrassed or stopped by anything, because he knows everything about how to stop being shy and not worry about other people's opinions.

Very interesting and funny video.

How to dance in a club for a guy, 3 videos of guys who dance wherever they want - .

Important Reminder

If you do some crazy things in society, always know when to stop.

Always know how to stop in time!

Don’t cross the line of people’s patience, know how to calibrate!

Don't act too unnecessarily inappropriate, otherwise you might end up in trouble. There is no need to scare people.

Understanding and awareness is enough to solve all problems

You don't have to do all these crazy things to become free from other people's opinions.

The understandings that I wrote in this article are enough.

It was understanding that first of all allowed me to let go of all the pain, forget about the opinions of others, find myself and go my own way.

Now you know everything about how to stop being shy around people, be free and fully express yourself. Good luck!

Sexual life is one of the most important components of human life. We are talking not only about the opportunity to continue one’s family line, but also about good family relationships, which are directly related to the quality of the intimate intimacy of the spouses.

Stiffness, monotony of sex life, or completely ignoring it lead to coldness in relationships psychologically: people who were once in love begin to move away, quarrel, and sometimes even cheat on each other.

On the contrary, according to statistics, the closer a husband and wife are in the sexual sphere, the better they communicate in everyday life, the more they trust each other. But it happens that one of the spouses, most often the woman, does not feel comfortable during sexual intercourse. She is hampered by embarrassment, complexes, and sometimes pain. The result of this is refusal to have sex or engaging in it through force. It's very important to fix similar situation: start enjoying your sex life yourself, stop being afraid of it.

Where did the discomfort in bed come from?

To understand how to loosen up and stop being embarrassed, you need to understand the reasons for intimate stiffness and find out where the unpleasant sensations came from. As a rule, such phenomena are explained by the psychological disorders of the woman.

Sexologists name several circumstances leading to embarrassment during sex:

  1. Childhood and teenage psychological traumas that are lodged deep in a woman’s mind and prevent her from opening up. They can be the result of sexual violence committed against a girl, or simply seen by her. One of common reasons– unsuccessful first sexual intercourse, causing the girl to experience severe pain or humiliation. The memory of this can forever instill fear of any sexual activity: this is a kind of defensive reaction of the psyche aimed at protecting the girl from repeating such situations.
  2. Incorrect sex education. Often, parents do not pay enough attention to discussing the problem of sex with a growing girl, or worse, they inspire her that the desire for intimacy with a man is something shameful. The result of such upbringing in the future will most likely be a feeling of aversion to sex and the inability to enjoy it. That is why during adolescence The child needs to talk to him about sex life, about the relationship between a man and a woman, carefully explaining the psychological, anatomical and purely medical aspects.
  3. Complexes. They could have been formed since childhood, for example, if a girl had a bad relationship with her parents. Sometimes adults, for some reason, do not give enough love and affection to their child; they are too demanding or even rude to him. This inevitably leads to a child with complexes and insecurities, even when he grows up.

On the other hand, complexes can be formed under the influence of bad relationships with peers, and sometimes - already in adulthood - with a husband who regularly insults a woman. Girls who have complete mutual understanding with their partner and are confident in his tenderness and love never have problems with sex. If there is no trust in the family, there is no trust in intimate life.

Any flaws in appearance or figure can also become the lock that will make a girl tense and avoid sex because of the subconscious fear of being rejected. It is important to accept yourself, stop being shy about showing your body, then you won’t have to think about how to relax in bed: everything will work out by itself.

  1. Apart from purely psychological reasons, there is another one - pain during intimacy. It is important to discuss this problem with your partner: sometimes it is enough to change the position or pace of penetration to get rid of unpleasant sensations. If this does not help, you need to consult a doctor: pain often signals the presence of gynecological diseases. Depending on what is causing the discomfort, the doctor may prescribe medication or surgery. This reason for constraint in sex can be eliminated more easily than the psychological ones, since the latter require careful work on oneself and one’s state of mind.

How to relax and stop being shy?

If gynecological problems that lead to discomfort in sex are relatively easy to eliminate, then with regard to childhood traumas, things are more complicated: you can stop being afraid of intimacy only after working with a psychologist who will help you recover from difficult memories that prevent you from experiencing joy in sex. It is unlikely that you can solve such problems on your own.

If the reason for sexual constriction lies in complexes, this can be easily solved by gradually working on oneself.

There are several ways to relax in bed and stop being shy:

  1. Abstract yourself from problems. To stop acting uptight, you need to learn to concentrate only on your loved one and your feelings during intimacy. You cannot think about everyday trifles, work or study at such moments, and even more so you should not discuss them out loud. The marital bedroom should be a sacred place where there is no room for anything but love.
  2. Study your body. You can do this on your own or together with a man, finding new positions and ways to please each other. There are many techniques that allow you not only to understand which points of the body are most sensitive to caresses, which actions are more stimulating, but also to train and tone your intimate muscles.
  3. Talk about sex. The biggest mistake spouses make, especially those who have already lived together for many years, is not discussing their intimate life. If it is easy to talk about this, then the question of any constraint will not arise. It is important to be able to say what your partner doesn’t like during intimacy or, conversely, advise how to give yourself more pleasure. Sexologists sometimes recommend watching erotic films together and discussing specific episodes. At first there will be some embarrassment between the spouses, but gradually it will pass, and with it the feeling of embarrassment in bed.
  4. Give free rein to your erotic fantasies. This advice is usually given to married couples who, after living together for many years, lose interest in each other. Fantasizing in bed will help diversify sex life, stop being shy, feel more desirable and confident. If you learn to talk about sex, you can tell your partner about your dreams and try to make them come true together.
  5. Workout. The gym is a great way to relax. Firstly, any physical activity helps improve your figure, increase endurance and improve health, which is important for your intimate life. Secondly, the very fact of a new hobby increases self-esteem, makes you feel seductive, and therefore a more liberated woman.

How to become sexually liberated: correction of appearance

  • Often, complexes that lead to a feeling of psychological discomfort during intimacy are associated precisely with external shortcomings. To get rid of insecurity, you first need to accept yourself, love all your flaws. It is important to remember that each person is individual, and this is his main advantage. Every day you need to mentally convince yourself of your uniqueness. Without a psychological background, no amount of cosmetics or clothing will correct the feeling of tightness.
  • The second step to eliminating constraint in sex will be to analyze the reasons that prevent you from relaxing. You just need to close your eyes and remember exactly what thoughts arise during intimacy. You need to try to fix everything that makes you worry.
  • Insecurities due to appearance can be easily eliminated by simply starting to take care of your body and face. So, before having sex, it would be good to take a bath with healthy oils, do manicure, pedicure and makeup. This alone will give you a feeling of femininity, and therefore confidence in your attractiveness.
  • Regular perfume can help you stop feeling tight. Knowing that a woman smells seductive will calm her down and make her more relaxed. It is important not to overdo it with perfume; a strong intrusive aroma will not only not please your partner, but can also cause an allergic reaction in him.
  • A proven way to boost your self-esteem is to wear nice lingerie. It has been proven that a woman who wears high-quality, expensive lingerie feels much more confident not only in sex, but also in everyday life. In addition, with the help of underwear you can highlight your advantages and hide your flaws.

Of course, external changes will not help resolve the question of how to become liberated in sex if you do not support yourself internally. Relationships with a man are of great importance: it is important that he constantly compliments his other half and reminds her that he loves her for who she is.