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Liquid foot scrub. The best pedicure at home

An integral part of the image modern woman- neat pedicure. The innovative “liquid blade” preparation for pedicure makes it easy to care for your feet both in the salon and at home. How to use this tool correctly?

Methods of performing a pedicure

In the recent past, trimming nail care has become very popular. Now he is being forced out. If a traditional trimmed pedicure requires practice and a whole set of tools, then any woman can easily master a chemical one, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. That is why you can do it yourself at home.

A chemical pedicure is done using a liquid blade. This is an innovative product that has become very popular among women due to its effectiveness. Currently, preparations for its implementation are also produced by the domestic cosmetology industry.

Features of pedicure with a liquid blade

Thanks to the liquid blade, you can get a beautiful pedicure without leaving your home. This product contains fruit acids, which help moisturize the skin and accelerate its renewal process. Additional components nourish dry areas and relieve inflammation. The product acts only on the rough area of ​​the feet, without damaging the healthy one. In addition, its regular use helps get rid of cracked skin on the heels. Check out the before and after photos to see how the liquid blade works.

If you decide to use a liquid blade, using it for the first time, conduct a sensitivity test to the components of the product. To do this, apply a small part of the drug to the inner area of ​​the elbow or wrist. If no itching, redness, or other negative reaction appears within 12 hours, the liquid blade can be used. However, do not forget that you will need gloves to work with it. Latex ones, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, are best suited.

How to use liquid blade

The liquid blade is very convenient to use. Unlike a traditional pedicure, the chemical method does not require preliminary steaming of the feet in a hot bath. The following instructions will help you perform the procedure correctly.

  • Wash your feet thoroughly and dry them well. Take cloth napkin, moisten it with chemical pedicure and apply it to the rough spots on the foot.
  • The packaging of the drug must indicate the period of time during which the product acts on the skin. Usually it is 7–10 minutes. This time is enough for the top layer of skin to soften and peel off.
  • Remove dead skin with a rough pedicure file. Sand the feet with a fine-grit foot float.
  • Wash your feet with cool water. Apply moisturizer to your feet.
  • Enjoy renewed soft and elastic skin!

A liquid pedicure blade can also be used using another method. According to many women, it is more effective than the previous one. Try the following method for a pedicure.

  • Soak your feet in a warm soak with an exfoliating agent. This procedure will allow the components of the drug to act more deeply on the skin of the foot.

  • Dry your feet. Apply liquid blade to dry skin. Put cellophane socks on top (you can wrap your feet in bags). Wait 10–15 minutes.
  • Remove your socks. Remove any loose skin with a foot grater, and then sand your feet with a special nail file.
  • Treat the skin of your feet with a disinfectant.

Indications for chemical pedicure

The liquid blade can be used by everyone, without exception, regardless of gender, age and health status. It is only important that there are no wounds, abrasions, or deep cracks on the feet. We should not forget about possible allergies to the components of the product.

Pedicure with a liquid blade is recommended for those who have corns, cracked heels, and very dry skin on the feet. This procedure is also indispensable in the presence of ingrown toenails and fungal diseases. The liquid blade is also suitable for those who suffer from problems with the skin and blood vessels due to high blood sugar.

The product will undoubtedly be appreciated by women who have a constant lack of free time. Using a liquid blade saves not only time, but also money. The price of a package of the product is lower than the cost of one pedicure session in a salon, but the volume of the bottle is designed for several procedures. You can purchase the drug in any cosmetics department.

Pedicures using a liquid blade are offered by many modern beauty salons. The procedure is carried out similarly to the methods described above. First, the specialist deeply cleanses the skin of the feet and disinfects it. If there is an ingrown nail, the specialist treats it with a softening agent. The entire pedicure session in the salon takes 1–2 hours.

Using a liquid blade will allow your feet to always remain beautiful and well-groomed. If you have any difficulties during the procedure, watch the instructional video.

How to do a pedicure with a blade so as not to cut yourself and achieve ideal feet? Below you will find step by step instructions, which will explain completely free of charge and absolutely clearly how to do it correctly.

For a blade pedicure, you will need a bowl of warm water and softener, a special machine with a blade, as well as a nail treatment kit and nail polish. Just in case, stock up on a bandage, cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide, especially if the condition of your feet leaves much to be desired and you are new to this dangerous business.

How to do a pedicure with a blade correctly? First, steam your legs. Add a softener or aromatic oil of your choice to the water and enjoy for a couple of minutes.

Now take the machine and start removing strips of rough skin from your feet. You need to start with the roughest areas. Usually these are corns on the heels and pads of the fingers (big, sometimes ring and little fingers). Having dealt with them, you can polish the entire surface of the foot with a machine so that it is evenly processed. Do not get carried away so as not to cut off living areas.

At the end of the procedure, the remaining skin is usually washed off the feet and treated with cream or lotion.

Pedicure with a blade has several nuances

First of all, it's quite dangerous.

How to do a pedicure with a blade without getting hurt? Use a special machine to treat rough areas of skin. By the way, it uses a characteristic blade. It is as safe as possible, and in combination with the machine it provides fairly confident movements. The pedicure machine is very easy to operate because it is specially designed taking into account the anatomy of the feet. No, this product is completely different from a traditional razor, and yes, using a regular razor is highly not recommended.

Secondly, be sure

Movements should be smooth, not abrupt, and have appropriate pressure. The blade processes the roughest areas of the foot first, and then the less rough ones. This ensures uniform removal of the skin, and the heels become soft and pink, like a baby’s. Don’t be afraid to run the machine over the skin, use it confidently, then cuts and scrapes will be easy to avoid.

Third, curb your excitement.

When you operate a machine on steamed leather, you always want to remove the extra strip; it seems that the skin will be even softer and more beautiful. In fact, you need to remove it carefully, without strong pressure, and only the very top layer. The rest are healthy, but steamed cells, and by cutting them, you risk, at a minimum, acquiring noticeable pain when walking. There should also be no pain felt when working with the machine.

Fourth, work according to the system

To avoid difficulties, uneven calluses and cracks on the foot, blade pedicure should be carried out constantly, and not once every six months, and carefully. Gently and methodically treat your feet 2-3 times a month, and your heels will be soft.

There are several misconceptions associated with blade pedicure, often false.

It leads to cracked heels

Cracks can indeed form, but only if you do it occasionally. Systematic removal of rough skin, on the contrary, prevents cracks. So don't forget your machine and use foot cream.

Well-groomed legs are the pride of any woman. Even if you wear closed shoes, a neat pedicure increases self-confidence.

There are several ways to perform this hygiene procedure.

IN Lately Increasingly, hardware or acid pedicure, increasingly displacing trimmed pedicure, so popular in the recent past.

You can perform the procedure in a beauty salon or at home. And if skill and special tools are required to perform a trimmed pedicure, then any woman can master an unedged chemical pedicure.

Another name for chemical pedicure is “liquid blade.” Due to the effectiveness of its use, this method is becoming increasingly popular among women. Moreover, the domestic cosmetology industry has mastered the production of preparations for its implementation.

What is a “liquid blade” and how to use it correctly

"Liquid blade for pedicure" is effective remedy For beautiful pedicure, which is easy to do yourself at home. This innovative product successfully treats corns and rough skin.

By performing this type of pedicure regularly, you can achieve permanent results.

The liquid blade contains fruit acid. It is what moisturizes the skin and accelerates its regeneration.

In addition to fruit acid, the composition contains additional components that help nourish the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The acid affects only the keratinized tissue, without affecting other areas of the skin.

The “liquid blade” is convenient to use, however, when using it for the first time, it is recommended to do a test to determine the tolerance of the ingredients included in its composition.

A small amount of the product is applied to an area of ​​skin and if after a while everything is fine - there is no itching, redness or other unpleasant phenomena, you can safely use it. It is necessary to work with the drug in seals. Latex medical gloves, which can be bought at any pharmacy, are perfect.

Liquid blade for pedicure, method of use

When performing a chemical pedicure, there is no need to pre-soak your feet in hot water.

It is necessary to use the “liquid blade” in accordance with the attached instructions.

The general principles are as follows: the product is applied to clean feet, which must be thoroughly dried. Next, you should take a napkin, moisten it in the preparation and apply it to the problem areas.

The exposure time depends on the manufacturer of the composition, but, as a rule, it ranges from 7 to 10 minutes. During this time, the keratinized dead skin should soften and peel off. It is removed using a coarse pedicure file and then sanded with a fine-grained foot grater.

At the end of the procedure, your feet should be washed with water at room temperature and a moisturizer should be applied to the skin. After this, you can enjoy soft and elastic skin.

There is another way to use the “liquid blade”. Many women who use this method note its greater effectiveness compared to the previous one.

“Liquid blade” is applied to dry skin of the feet. After treatment, cellophane socks are put on your feet. The exposure time of the composition is 10 – 15 minutes.

After this, the socks are removed, the exfoliated skin is removed with a pedicure grater and sanded with a fine-grained file. It is also recommended to disinfect the skin.

Who is recommended for chemical pedicure “liquid blade”

“Liquid blade” is used by everyone who cares about the beauty and health of their feet. In this case, age and health status do not matter. The main thing is that there are no allergic reactions to the drugs included in this product, and no damage to the skin in the form of wounds and abrasions.

The relevance of using acid pedicure will be appreciated by working women who have a constant lack of free time.

“Liquid blade” is simply a godsend for those who are faced with the problem of ingrown toenails and fungal diseases. It is indicated for those who have dry skin on their feet and cracked heels. This type of pedicure is popular among women with skin and vascular lesions caused by high blood sugar - diabetic foot.

“Liquid blade” has virtually no contraindications and side effects, except for individual intolerance to its components.

Fruit acid is the main component of the product and does not affect healthy tissue. Its action is aimed at dead skin.

The product saves not only time, but also money. It is quite economical. A bottle with an average cost of 500 rubles is designed for repeated use, and can be purchased at almost any cosmetics store.

“Liquid Blade” is part of Japanese and Korean-made pedicure socks popular among Russian women.

Recently, many beauty salons offer as an alternative trim pedicure unedged chemical pedicure – “liquid blade”.

This procedure consists of a set of services and, depending on their number, lasts from one to two hours. First of all, the master performs deep cleansing, peeling and disinfection of the feet. If necessary, it is treated with cuticle softeners.

To keep our feet looking neat at all times, we usually use traditional foot treatments. home care behind the nail plates, behind the skin of the feet and heels. As a rule, we use a pumice stone or a pedicure file to exfoliate rough skin, and trim the cuticle on the nails with special scissors or nippers. For faster and more thorough treatment of the feet and toes, some women have in their arsenal. However, constant home care of the legs using mechanical treatment of the epidermis can cause thinning of the skin and make it very dry, flaky and prone to damage.

Liquid blade for pedicure is an innovative cosmetic product for delicate foot skin care. Among the most popular brands that produce such products include Faberlic (Faberlic Expert Pharma) and Domix (Domix Green Professional). Fruit acid is used as the main exfoliating component of the gel. In addition, the liquid pedicure blade contains moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory components ( natural oils and medicinal plant extracts).

This liquid scrub helps to painlessly separate keratinized skin on the feet, corns on the heels, old calluses and overgrown cuticles from the “living flesh”. nail plates. Liquid pedicure stimulates the regeneration of connective tissue cells and the skin on your heels remains in perfect condition for several weeks.

- in the photo: feet before and after one procedure

- in the photo: heels before and after regular use of the liquid blade


☛ Fruit acids that are part of a high-quality liquid blade (Faberlic, Domix) act only on the keratinized layers of the skin and do not cause irritation, much less a burn, on the “living” epidermis;

☛ Even one procedure allows you to return a healthy pinkish color to the skin of your legs, as well as softness, elasticity and a smooth surface;

☛ The procedure is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort;

☛ There is no need to additionally process the epidermis with cutting instruments;

☛ The liquid blade will replace many tools and even a set of attachments for hardware pedicure. The product allows you to quickly and easily care for the delicate skin of your feet at home;

☛ The product has a long shelf life and one bottle is enough for 9-12 months of regular use.


❶ Pour a soapy solution into the bath and immerse your feet there for about 15 minutes (you can add a tablespoon to the bath sea ​​salt and 2 tablespoons of chamomile infusion), and then wipe the skin dry;

❷ Put thin protective gloves on your hands and treat your feet with a disinfectant;

❸ Squeeze the liquid blade onto the cotton pad little by little and in a circular motion apply to keratinized areas of the skin of the feet and toes;

❹ Now wrap the legs with cling film or put sterile plastic bags on them. If the stratum corneum is not too thick, then it is enough to perform the procedure for 10-15 minutes. If on the soles of your feet the old, rough skin and calluses have already turned into a “petrified shell,” then keep your feet in cellophane for 30 minutes;

❺ Remove the film and, using a wide foot grater with a fine abrasive, begin to exfoliate the soft, keratinized layers of the epidermis loosened by fruit acid;

❻ Using a soft brush, shake off any remaining skin after exfoliation and apply a moisturizer or mask with aloe extract.

Well: Use the liquid blade for a home pedicure once every two weeks until there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin of your feet. After this, it is enough to use the product once a month.

If the growth of the stratum corneum of the epidermis on the legs occurs too quickly, and excessive thickening of rough skin (hyperkeratosis) is observed, then exfoliate once every two months using exfoliating pedicure socks. The products of the Sosu brand from Japan have proven themselves well. But there are also high-quality, cheaper analogues - Korean (Tony Moly, Skinlite Exfoliating Foot Mask) or Chinese socks (Silky foot, Braphy).


Corns quickly appear, cracks form on the keratinized skin of the heels;

Plantar calluses, painful calluses on the fingers and feet, constantly appear;

Chronic onychocryptosis (the nail often grows into the lateral ridges of the thumb) ;

The skin of the feet is very dry and rough, even with regular use of moisturizing masks and

A cosmetic product called liquid blade is an effective foot care product. It is applied to rough areas of skin and calluses that require immediate removal. This pedicure product has become popular due to its cosmetic properties. The fact is that the drug destroys only dead, coarsened tissue of the epidermis, without disturbing the cellular structure of the foot.

Acid pedicure: what is it?

The product in question is prepared on the basis of fruit acid with the addition of medicinal components ( hyaluronic acid, glycerin, retinol). Acid accelerates regeneration processes skin, softens them. Additional ingredients help nourish the epidermis and have anti-inflammatory properties.

The Liquid Blade preparation is a gel-like substance. This eliminates the steaming procedure. Acid pedicure is carried out without cutting the cuticle or hardware cleaning of the feet. This avoids scratches and cuts.

Beauty Salons

Professional pedicure products include a wide range of cosmetic products. They are successfully used by nail technicians in beauty salons. Including the product we are considering.

The procedure lasts from one to one and a half hours. First, the master prepares the feet using liquid soap with a high content of fruit acid. This is followed by a peeling procedure with a special cosmetic product. It is based on acid with the addition of natural extracts and beneficial enzymes. After this procedure, the skin of the feet is cleansed, moisturized, blood circulation is normalized, and the tissues begin to “breathe.”

For problem areas, old corns, calluses, the master uses gel peeling - a more concentrated preparation of fruit acid, coupled with urea and the addition of aloe concentrate.

The next stage of a chemical pedicure is treating the feet with a disinfectant to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases. In conclusion, the master applies nutritious cream, lightly massaging your feet. The result is beautiful well-groomed legs.

Pedicure at home

It won’t be too difficult to do an acid pedicure yourself. Cosmetic preparations based on fruit acid - an excellent product for home pedicure.

Before you begin this procedure, you should purchase tools and cosmetics for foot care. We will need the Liquid Blade complex, disinfectant, moisturizer, large pedicure file, pumice stone, fine-grained grater. You should also pay attention to the availability of auxiliary materials. Prepare sanitary napkins, medical gloves, a cuvette for water procedures, film for wrapping legs.

Before starting the procedure, make sure that there are no small wounds or cuts on your feet. We must remember that all manipulations when working with fruit acid should be carried out using medical gloves.

First, you should immerse your feet in a ditch with warm water for five minutes to soften the skin. Then, after wiping your feet dry with napkins, you need to treat your feet with a disinfectant. After these preparatory manipulations, you can proceed to the main stage using the “Liquid Blade”.


Acid pedicure is a soft, gentle procedure. Due to the creamy consistency of the products used, experts call it “cream”. As a rule, there is no allergic reaction to Liquid Blade. If the drug is based on glycolic or hydroxyacetic acid, then a chemical pedicure will be safe even for children and adolescents.

If your feet have small cracks, scratches, or areas of fungal infections, then using this product for pedicure is contraindicated. Fruit acid is aggressive chemical. It can damage the skin and cause inflammatory processes in healthy areas of the skin. It is used only to remove dead layers of the epidermis.

In any case, before using the drug, you should carefully read the instructions and conduct a rapid test for allergic tolerance to the components.

Socks for pedicure

The complex in question is included in the pedicure socks. Unlike products based on fruit acid, this pedicure product contains a concentrate of lactic acid with the addition of herbal additives. Natural extracts have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, medicinal properties. The presence of chemically active ingredients promotes the rapid process of regeneration of epidermal cells. They slow down the aging process of the skin and restore water balance. The method of using socks at home is described in detail in the instructions for use.

  • Before starting the procedure, you should steam your feet in warm water.
  • Then you need to carefully remove the socks from the packaging without spilling the liquid.
  • Put it on your feet and secure it.
  • After two hours you can remove it.
  • Rinse your feet thoroughly in warm water and apply moisturizer.

The results of the hygienic procedure using this cosmetic product for the feet will be visible in a few days. On the fourth day, dead skin begins to peel off. The heels become tender and soft, acquire a soft pink tint, and disappear bad smell, which speaks about the health and cleanliness of women's legs.

Pedicure cosmetics based on “Liquid Blade”

Let's look at some information about this product. Professional pedicure products based on fruit acid are widely in demand. They include: liquid soap, biogel, various moisturizing creams. As a rule, during the chemical pedicure procedure, these drugs are used in combination. Depending on the “negligence” of the skin of the feet, the presence of deep keratinized formations, old calluses, various preparations based on a liquid blade are used, for example, Domix Green Professional or Callus Eliminator products.

Biogels with a higher concentration of acids are considered more aggressive, capable of breaking down and removing dead skin tissue in a few minutes. There are other types of drugs: express skin softeners, creams, foams. The time required for a foot hygiene procedure at home is 20-30 minutes.

Main function cosmetics prepared on the basis fruit acids, is the ability to quickly and painlessly cleanse the feet of dead skin tissue. The liquid blade is great for the classic one. It can be applied to the toes for quick cuticle peeling and subsequent removal.

Acid pedicure - the choice of specialists

The popularity of the liquid blade among Russian women is increasing every year, and there are a number of objective reasons for this:

  • one purchased complex (liquid blade) can last about a year;
  • availability of various types for sale;
  • minimal cash costs for purchasing additional foot care products;
  • the ability to carry out procedures at home without the use of cutting objects;
  • the effectiveness of drugs when performing hygienic procedures for foot care;
  • opportunity to use independently professional product for pedicure.