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Liquid blade for a pedicure: reviews, and how to use this tool. Liquid pedicure blade for home use

Recently, pedicure products have become especially popular, allowing you to remove rough skin of the feet, corns, calluses without the use of cutting tools, reducing the risk of injury to a minimum.

Moreover, you can get rid of keratinized skin areas with their help not only painlessly, but also much faster than using the traditional method. One such tool is the liquid pedicure blade, which allows you to completely get rid of dead skin within half an hour.

There are many companies that make a liquid pedicure blade designed to remove dead skin from the feet. Among them are products russian manufacturer Domix Green Professional, as well as a more expensive product from the American manufacturer Callus Eliminator, whose product is considered one of the highest quality in the world and has collected many positive reviews.

The liquid blade is a cream that, thanks to the fruit acids and other components included in the composition, quickly cope with calluses, corns and rough skin, without harming healthy skin. According to reviews, after applying this remedy, the skin of the feet becomes soft, beautiful, calluses and corns disappear.

Acid pedicure is one of the varieties of the traditional method and is an unedged (European) manicure. It avoids lengthy trimming procedures that involve processing skin using scissors or tweezers, which can cut the feet or cuticles, causing serious illness or an ingrown toenail problem.

Acid pedicure is especially recommended for people who have dry and rough skin of the feet, cracked heels, ingrown toenails, calluses, corns, excessive sweating. Due to its anti-fungal and disinfectant properties, an acidic pedicure is recommended for treating areas of feet affected by fungal disease.

Among the pluses liquid blade highlight the absence of the need to buy additional tools for processing different parts of the foot. Another advantage of the procedure is that the effect lasts for two to three months (depending on the individual characteristics of the organism). This makes the large bottle of liquid pedicure blade last for at least a year.

Correct procedure

Before doing an acid pedicure, you need to carefully study the instructions for the purchased product. In addition to the liquid blade, you need to purchase:

  • disinfectant solution;
  • nourishing or regenerating cream;
  • cellophane gloves;
  • cling film;
  • cotton wool.

Also, for the procedure, you will need a bowl for feet with warm water and a towel: before doing an acidic pedicure, you need to wash your feet. If the nails are covered with varnish, it must be removed: under the influence of acid, it will still come off. You also need to carefully examine the legs for wounds or abrasions, if any, the procedure should be postponed. If there is no damage to the skin, you can start doing an acid pedicure.

To begin with, lower your feet into a warm bath for five to ten minutes, if you wish, you can add herbal decoctions to it. When the time is up, wipe the skin dry with a towel. Before you start doing an acid pedicure, you need to put on plastic gloves and treat your feet with an antibacterial agent, then apply a liquid blade to the areas of skin that need treatment.

At the next stage, wrap the feet tightly with plastic wrap and keep the time indicated in the instructions. If only the cuticle is to be treated, just one minute is enough, but if you need to get rid of the rough skin on the heels, it will take five to fifteen minutes.

After the lapse of time, putting on gloves again, remove the film, and then start massaging the legs, rolling the treated skin so that it leaves the feet, rolling up into a roll. You can use a pumice stone, but you only need to move it in one direction and act very carefully. If you need to sand between your toes, you can use a non-metallic foot file.

At the final stage of the procedure, apply a disinfectant using cotton pads, removing skin residues. After getting rid of exfoliated skin, apply a nourishing or regenerating cream to the skin of the feet. This will help the skin to recover quickly after a rather aggressive procedure.

Exfoliating socks

Nowadays, a lot of products have appeared on the market that act by analogy with a liquid pedicure blade. For example, good feedback have collected about themselves the so-called exfoliating socks, which are produced by Japanese, Chinese and Korean manufacturers. They are socks made of polyethylene, inside which there is a gel for removing corns and calluses.

They are considered more expensive, with one pair costing almost as much as a bottle of liquid blade. This method is inferior to the liquid blade also in that it takes more time to process the feet: you need to wear socks from one and a half to two hours, and the first results are visible only on the fourth or fifth day, when the treated skin begins to exfoliate and move away over the next few days ...

Therefore, women recommend doing the procedure with their help in winter, early spring or late autumn, when the feet are hidden from the eyes of others. Such a mask contains many nutrients and absolutely does not require massage or the use of pumice and sanding files: during this period, the exfoliated skin completely disappears on its own.

Well-groomed legs are the pride of any woman. Even if you wear closed shoes, a neat pedicure will add confidence.

There are several ways to do this hygiene procedure.

Recently, hardware or acid pedicure has been increasingly used, increasingly replacing the trim pedicure, which was so popular in the recent past.

You can perform the procedure in a beauty salon or at home. And if skill and special tools are needed to perform an edged pedicure, then any woman can master an unedged chemical pedicure.

Another name for chemical pedicure is "liquid blade". Due to the effectiveness of its use, this method is becoming more and more popular among women. Moreover, the domestic cosmetology industry has mastered the production of drugs for its implementation.

What is a "liquid blade" and how to use it correctly

"Liquid pedicure blade" is effective remedy for beautiful pedicure, which is easy to do on your own at home. This innovative product successfully treats corns and rough skin.

Performing such a pedicure regularly can be done forever.

The liquid blade contains fruit acid. It is she who moisturizes the skin and accelerates its regeneration.

In addition to fruit acid, the composition contains additional components that promote skin nutrition and have anti-inflammatory effects. The acid acts only on the keratinized tissue, without affecting other areas of the skin.

The "liquid blade" is convenient to use, however, when using it for the first time, it is recommended to test the tolerance of its ingredients.

A small amount of the product is applied to the skin area, and if after a while everything is in order - there is no itching, redness and other unpleasant phenomena, you can safely use it. It is necessary to work with the drug in seals. Latex medical gloves, which can be purchased at any drugstore, are perfect.

Liquid pedicure blade, method of application

When performing a chemical pedicure, there is no need to pre-soak your feet in hot water.

It is necessary to use the "liquid blade" in accordance with the attached instructions.

The general principles are as follows - the product is applied to clean feet, which must be thoroughly dried. Next, you should take a napkin, moisten it in the preparation and apply it to the problem areas.

The exposure time depends on the manufacturer of the composition, but, as a rule, it ranges from 7 to 10 minutes. During this time, keratinized dead skin should soften and exfoliate. It is removed with a coarse pedicure file and then sanded with a fine-grained foot grater.

At the end of the procedure, the feet should be washed with water at room temperature and applied to the skin with a moisturizer. After that, you can enjoy soft and supple skin.

There is another way to use the "liquid blade". Many women using this method note its greater effectiveness compared to the previous one.

The "liquid blade" is applied to dry skin of the feet. After processing it, they put on cellophane socks on the legs. The exposure time of the composition is 10 - 15 minutes.

After that, the socks are removed, the exfoliated skin is removed with a pedicure trowel and sanded with a fine-grained file. It is also recommended to disinfect the skin.

Who is the liquid blade chemical pedicure for?

Everyone who looks after the beauty and health of their feet uses the "liquid blade". At the same time, age and health status do not matter. The main thing is that there are no allergic reactions to the drugs that are part of this product, and skin damage in the form of wounds and abrasions.

Relevance of use acid pedicure will be appreciated by working women who have a constant shortage of free time.

"Liquid blade" is just a godsend for those who are faced with the problem of an ingrown nail and fungal diseases. It is indicated for those who have dry skin of the feet, cracked heels. This type of pedicure is popular among women with skin and vascular lesions caused by high blood sugar - diabetic foot.

"Liquid blade" has practically no contraindications and side effects, except for the individual intolerance of its components.

Fruit acid - the main component of the product, does not affect healthy tissue. Its action is directed at dead skin.

The tool saves not only time, but also money. It is quite economical. A bottle with an average cost of 500 rubles is designed for repeated use, and you can buy it at almost any cosmetics store.

"Liquid Blade" is part of Japanese and Korean-made pedicure socks popular among Russian women.

Recently, many beauty salons offer an unedged chemical pedicure - "liquid blade" as an alternative to a trimmed pedicure.

This procedure consists of a range of services and, depending on their number, lasts from one to two hours. First of all, the master performs deep cleansing, peeling and disinfection of the feet. If necessary, it is treated with cuticle softeners.

Well-groomed legs are not only the standard of beauty, but also an indicator of health and a positive attitude, and this is important for both women and men. There are many ways to take care of the elegance of your feet, from homemade pumice stones and a bowl of soap to extravagant exotic fish that “nourish” your legs from hunger and cleanse them of dead skin layers better than any specialist. This article will talk about a pedicure method that is somewhat average.

After the release of various creams, foams and gels under the general name "liquid blade", this type of pedicure began to enjoy popularity and has already earned positive reviews. The principle of their action is based on the properties of the substances included in their composition to soften dead, coarse skin areas. After the softening procedure, dead skin is removed, and the main, healthy layer of the skin receives additional care and nutrition.

"Liquid blade" refers to a chemical manicure, unlike hardware, classic and edged pedicure, human participation in this procedure is minimal. The advantages of this type include the following:

  • "Liquid blade" selectively acts only on areas with dead skin, without damaging or injuring healthy skin of the legs;
  • there is an opportunity to take care of the most inaccessible places in the toes;
  • you can quickly treat "pinpoint" areas of the skin to remove dry calluses or corns;
  • products not only help to remove rough skin, but also take care of healthy skinth legs;
  • performs a preventive function, even application of the product on the foot eliminates the appearance of cracks on the legs;
  • no contraindications for use, can be used for fungal infections, eliminates bad smell and disinfects the skin;
  • this type of pedicure does not require such preparatory procedures as soaking or steaming keratinized skin;
  • a pedicure with a liquid blade can be done at home without prior training, it is simple and convenient;
  • this is an absolutely safe type of pedicure, which cannot violate the integrity of the skin and excludes options for infection in the salon;
  • the procedure is absolutely painless, does not cause any discomfort.

Another point to note, going from a classic pedicure to a liquid blade pedicure will save you a significant amount. And it can be spent on other nice things! Let's count:

Components for pedicure

It should be noted that the "liquid blade" is a complex set of drugs. The set includes:

  • softening cream or gel;
  • means for disinfecting feet;
  • a nourishing agent for the skin of the feet.

The main component of the kit is a softening cream (it can be gel or foam), this is actually a liquid pedicure blade. Often, a brush for applying the drug and instructions for use are included with the bottle.

The branded disinfectant can be substituted with any other disinfectant if desired. It is better to buy a skin nourishing agent from the same brand as the liquid blade or use a neutral nourishing cream, such as a cream for children.

In addition to the "liquid blade" itself, for the procedure at home, you must prepare:

  • gloves to protect the delicate skin of the hands;
  • a basin and warm water to wash off the remains of the product;
  • cotton pads, with which the product is applied to the skin;
  • a special spatula or pumice stone to remove softened skin;
  • cellophane wrap may come in handy.

Before the procedure, ALWAYS make a test for an allergic reaction! The well-known companies Domix green and Gehwol deserve positive reviews, their preparations are hypoallergenic. They replace all possible chemicals with natural ingredients and oils and do not use fragrances. Urea is used as a softener in the products of these companies, talc and various essential oils are used as antibacterial components. However, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body, because there are allergies to natural products.

To test the drug, apply a little emollient to your leg. If burning, redness or swelling begins, then this drug is not suitable for you.

In this case, you need to try to change the manufacturer or turn to classic pedicure options.

Application of a liquid blade

Clean your feet thoroughly with a disinfectant. A liquid pedicure blade is applied to dry skin of the feet using a cotton pad or brush.

The product should not be applied to damaged skin areas, you should avoid places where there are wounds or cracks, otherwise you can get severe irritation!

On very coarse areas with a thick layer of dead skin, a napkin with a product is applied and wrapped in cellophane. The duration of the action of the drug largely depends on the layer of keratinized skin; for the correction of a pedicure on the toes, 1-1.5 minutes is enough, and for the heels, the time can reach 8 minutes or more. After about 5-7 minutes, the softened skin layer is removed with soft rolling movements along with the remnants of the product, after which the feet are thoroughly washed with warm water without soap, wiped off with a towel, lubricated with nourishing cream and admire the result!

To keep our feet neat at all times, we usually use traditional home care behind the nail plates, behind the skin of the feet and heels. As a rule, we use a pumice stone or a pedicure file to exfoliate rough skin, trim the cuticles on the nails with special scissors or nippers. For a faster and more thorough treatment of the feet and toes, some women have in the arsenal. However, constant home care of the legs with mechanical treatment of the epidermis can thin the skin and make it very dry, flaky and prone to damage.

Liquid pedicure bladeis an innovative cosmetic product for delicate foot skin care. Among the most popular brandsproducing such products include Faberlic (Faberlic Expert Pharma) and Domix (Domix Green Professional). Fruit acid is used as the main exfoliating component of the gel. In addition, the liquid pedicure blade contains moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory ingredients (natural oils and herbal extracts).

This liquid scrub helps to painlessly separate from the "living flesh" horny skin on the feet, corns on the heels, old calluses and overgrown cuticles on nail plates... Liquid pedicure stimulates the regeneration of connective tissue cells and the skin on your heels remains in perfect condition for several weeks.

- in the photo: feet before and after one procedure

- in the photo: heels before and after regular use of the liquid blade


Fruit acids, which are part of a high-quality liquid blade (Faberlik, Domix), affect only the keratinized layers of the skin and do not cause irritation and even less burns on the "live" epidermis;

☛ Even one procedure allows you to return a healthy pinkish color to the skin of the legs, as well as softness, elasticity and a smooth surface;

☛ The procedure is absolutely painless and does not cause any discomfort;

☛ There is no need to additionally process the epidermis with cutting instruments;

☛ The liquid blade will replace many tools and even a set of attachments for hardware pedicure... The tool allows you to quickly and easily take care of the delicate skin of your feet at home;

☛ The product has a long shelf life and one bottle is enough for 9-12 months of regular use.


❶ Pour soapy water into the bath and immerse the legs there for 15 minutes (you can add a tablespoon sea \u200b\u200bsalt and 2 tablespoons of chamomile infusion), and then wipe the skin dry;

❷ Put on thin protective gloves and treat the feet with a disinfectant;

❸ Squeeze the liquid blade onto a cotton pad and in a circular motion apply to keratinized areas of the skin of the feet and toes;

❹ Now wrap the legs with cling film or put sterile plastic bags over them. If the stratum corneum is not too thick, then it is enough to carry out the procedure for 10-15 minutes. If on the soles of the feet old coarse skin and corns have already turned into a "petrified shell", then hold the legs in cellophane for 30 minutes;

❺ Remove the film and, using a wide grater for feet with a fine abrasive, start exfoliating the soft keratinized layers of the epidermis loosened by fruit acid;

❻ Use a soft brush to shake off any remaining skin after exfoliation and apply a moisturizer or mask with aloe extract.

Course: use a liquid home pedicure razor once every two weeks until the skin of your feet improves. After that, it is enough to apply the product once a month.

If the growth of the keratinized layer of the epidermis on the legs occurs too quickly, there is an excessive thickening of coarse skin (hyperkeratosis), then exfoliate once every two months using exfoliating pedicure socks. The products of the Sosu brand from Japan have proven themselves well. But there are also quality cheaper counterparts - Korean (Tony Moly, Skinlite Exfoliating Foot Mask) or Chinese socks (Silky foot, Braphy).


Calluses appear quickly, cracks form on the keratinized skin of the heels;

Plantar calluses, painful rod calluses on the fingers and feet constantly appear;

Chronic onychocryptosis (the nail often grows into the lateral ridges of the thumb) ;

The skin of the feet is very dry and rough even with regular use of moisturizing masks and

Every woman wants to have beautiful, smooth legs without calluses, but it takes a lot of time, patience and a systematic visit to a beauty salon to fully care for them. We have good news for those who take care of themselves, but do not have enough time. A liquid pedicure blade is now commercially available, eliminating the need for steaming and cutting tools. Today you will learn what it is, how to use a liquid blade, and what advantages it has.

What is this miracle cure?

A liquid blade is a special formulation that contains fruit acids. It is they who help to restore a flawless well-groomed look to the nails, cuticles and feet as a whole. After just one use, rough calluses and corns will disappear, the skin will become soft and silky. And all this without the use of cutting tools!

A liquid pedicure blade in its action is acid peeling... Fruit acids act on hardened tissues without showing aggression towards healthy skin. As a result, all the corns flake off. Many companies produce such drugs. The products under the Domix brand have an excellent reputation.

When to use a liquid blade?

The liquid blade is used in a variety of situations. This remedy can be recommended to everyone who loves to make the legs look well-groomed. Let's see in what cases the drug will be effective.

  • Rough and dry skin of the feet.
  • Cracked heels.
  • Ingrown toenails.
  • Dry calluses and corns.
  • Signs of hyperkeratosis.
  • Fungal lesions.
  • Diabetic foot syndrome.

You don't have to have these issues to use the tool. The liquid blade is great for regular preventative foot care.

Instructions for use

The first thing you need to do is purchase a set of special drugs. You can choose any company - Callus, Domix or another at your discretion. The kit usually includes a special cream containing acids, a disinfectant and a nourishing cream. The procedure itself is quite simple and does not take much time. detailed instructions will help you carry it out quickly and correctly.

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, make sure that there are no wounds, abrasions and other damage to the skin on the legs.
  2. Pour warm water into a basin and hold your feet in it for about 15 minutes so that they are well soaked and steamed. Dry your feet with a towel.
  3. Be sure to wear gloves as the skin on your hands is more sensitive. Now you need to disinfect your feet with a special compound.
  4. Squeeze the liquid blade in small portions onto a cotton pad and apply it to rough skin.
  5. Place regular plastic bags on your feet or use cling film. This is necessary in order for the remedy to work better. Please read the recommended exposure times carefully in the instructions, as they may vary depending on the manufacturer. On average, it takes about 10-15 minutes.
  6. When the indicated period has passed, the film can be removed and the legs can be massaged to remove softened tissues. If necessary, you can use a pumice stone, but very carefully. Move it in one direction only. You will notice that the hardened skin separates easily from the healthy.
  7. We finish the procedure by re-disinfecting the feet and applying a nourishing cream to them.

You will spend an average of half an hour on the entire procedure. During this time, the liquid blade will perfectly cope with its task - the legs will become smooth, delicate and well-groomed.

Pros of using a liquid blade

Having once experienced the effect of this remedy on yourself, you will forget about the need to perform trim manicure... Your legs will look great without it! Compared to a classic pedicure, there are many advantages to using a liquid blade.

  • You do not need to use scissors and forceps - there is no risk of injury to healthy tissue.
  • Fruit acids do not have a negative effect on living tissue, but they effectively soften the stratum corneum.
  • One bottle of the product is enough for several uses. Cosmetic procedures there is no need to carry it out often, so it will last about six months or a year.
  • The tool is easy to use at home, and you get the result at the level of a salon pedicure.
  • After the first use, the legs are literally transformed, the skin becomes smooth, soft and silky.

If you want to keep your feet well-groomed at all times, try using a liquid blade. This is the optimal solution when you need to quickly achieve good results without harming the skin. You will find a detailed review of one of these tools in the final video.