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Applications from palms for children: flowers with photos and videos. Simple lilies from paper palms Applique from paper palms

Greetings, friends! Many kids like it creative activities: drawing, modeling from plasticine, salt dough, appliqués... Today I propose to make crafts and applications from children's palms! The kids and I made sun, swan and octopus appliqués from children's hands.

The applique of colored palms is very easy to make. From the outlined children's hands we create beautiful applications sun, birds, animals, people, Christmas trees, snowmen, flowers... The list can be endless! There is a limitless flight of fantasy here. You can decorate the interior of your apartment with ready-made handicrafts made from palms. We hung the sun appliqué in the room in a visible place, which the children are very proud of, and I signed the swan appliqués that the children made (name, age and date of creation) and put them in the album as a souvenir. In a few years, it will be interesting to see what small hands the daughter had at 2 years old and her son at 5 years old.

Sun applique from children's hands

What is needed to make a sun from palms:

  • Yellow cardboard is the basis of our applique
  • Colored paper to create rays of sunshine
  • Wool threads - you will need them if you want to hang a craft
  • Scissors
  • Simple pencil
  • Felt pens, pencils or crayons - to draw the sun's face

Sun applique made from colored palms:

  1. The first step is to cut out two identical circles - the basis of our sun. The more children take part in creating sun crafts, the larger the circle we make. My children each made their own craft, so we cut out 4 identical circles for them (two circles for each). To make the circles evener, I outlined a regular cocoa can.
  2. Next, we proceed to the most interesting stage - we trace the children’s palms. The most important thing here is that the child does not move his hand, then tracing the palm will not be difficult. We have double-sided colored paper, so the finished sun has a beautiful look on all sides. appearance. If you are wondering what colored paper choose - I recommend double-sided.
  3. Cut out the palms. To make the cutting process go faster, you can put several sheets of colored paper in a stack and cut it out that way. We got 6 palms each for Lena and Nastya. Then I had to cut out another palm for my daughter, because it wasn’t enough, the hand was small.
  4. We grease the “wrist” of the palm of colored paper and glue it to our base for the sun, creating multi-colored rays for it.

  5. Next, we create a loop for our sun so that it can be hung in the room. To do this, we unwind the woolen thread (we took the yellow one), fold it in half, place the ends of the thread on the base of our sun (on the side that will be inside) and glue it. For strength I'm on top wool threads I glued a small strip of colored paper.
  6. Next, we lubricate the second part of the base of our sun and place it on the first circle so that the palms are between the two circles.
  7. Well, our sun applique is almost ready. All that remains is a small detail - to draw the eyes, nose and cheerful smile for our sun.

Now the sun applique craft made from children's hands is ready. You can hang it in the children's room so that it delights us with its presence and warms us with its warm rays when it is raining outside the window and clouds are walking across the sky.

The children and I didn’t stop at the sun craft; they really liked creating crafts from palms, so they continued our creativity. And the next stage for us was the swan applique from children's palms. This swan is quite simple to make and will not take much time to make. Ready craft from the palms, as I wrote above, you can sign and save as a keepsake. After all, children grow up so quickly, and small hands will remain as a memory of what they were like as kids with tiny hands and fingers.

What is needed to make a swan palm craft:

  • Colored cardboard is the base on which we will glue the applique. We took blue.
  • Sheet of white paper
  • Scissors
  • Simple pencil
  • Felt pens, crayons, pencils - to draw the beak and eyes of a swan
  • Colored paper - if you don’t want to draw the beak, but glue it from colored paper

The swan applique craft made from children's hands is ready.

Octopus appliqués with palms

The children did the appliqué of octopuses with their palms six months ago, but I decided to add that to today’s article as well. Applique of octopuses is quite easy to do. In the process of completing it, the son himself learned to trace his palm with a pencil, and tried to cut it out on his own with children's safety scissors. Well, at the end I dressed up the octopus using colored paper and markers. Nastya has the same applique of an octopus made of colored paper in her album, but I traced and cut it out for her myself, since she is still small and doesn’t know how to do it herself.

What you will need to applique the octopus:

  • White list
  • Colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Simple pencil

Octopus applique with palms

  1. On a sheet of colored paper, trace a child’s hand with a simple pencil.
  2. Cut out a palm from colored paper.
  3. Glue the colored palm blank to a white sheet.
  4. Draw the eyes, nose, mouth of the octopus
  5. And then... we give free rein to the child’s imagination. You can dress up the octopus by gluing a bow, a hat, a skirt, pants, or “hand” the octopus appliques to a bag or phone, creating them from colored paper or drawing them with pencils.

The octopus applique with palms is ready.

That's all I have for today. I hope you and your kids enjoyed it crafts and applications from colored children's hands: sun, swan, octopuses.

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Making appliques from palms is one of the most interesting and understandable activities for children. preschool age. Little fidgets love to draw their hands, so getting them interested in this work will not be difficult. With the production of applications time will pass quickly and usefully, because this activity contributes to the development of imagination and fine motor skills child's hands.

For those who want to master this simple appliqué technique, we offer several master classes with step-by-step descriptions.

Learning fun hand appliques to create with children

Palm tree.

Getting acquainted with this type of creativity should begin by creating a simple composition in which only the child’s outlined palm is used. An excellent option for this work would be a tree in which handprints will be used as leaves. This composition can be performed either with one child or with a whole group, allowing each child to contribute to the overall creation.

You will need:

1) Large sheet;

2) Paints;

3) Colored paper;

4) Scissors;

Stages of work:

1) First, draw a tree trunk with branches on a large sheet of paper and paint it with appropriate colors.

2) Then offer the child several sheets of paper different colors so that he traces his palm over them.

3) We cut out the drawn prints and glue them onto the “branches”.

This is what a tree looks like with unusual leaves in the shape of palms.

We make jellyfish.

This master class will tell you how to make simple craft in the form of a jellyfish, using the child’s outlined palm as a base.

You will need:

1) Colored paper;

2) Cardboard base;

3) Pencil;

5) Scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Place your open palm on a sheet of colored paper. Let's outline it. We connect the points of the wrist with an arc. We get the outline of the jellyfish tentacles.

2) Cut out the resulting part and glue it to a cardboard base.

3) Draw the body of a jellyfish. You should get a kind of “cap”, similar to a mushroom cap. We cut out the “cap” and glue it on top of the tentacles.

5) We complete the craft by drawing the eyes and mouth of the jellyfish.

Let's make a swan.

You will need:

1) Cardboard base;

2) Pencil;

3) Colored paper;

5) Scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Apply a closed palm with a protruding palm to a sheet of colored paper thumb. We draw a contour limited by the points of the wrist, which we then connect to form the outline of a bird.

2) A little away from thumb draw a round head, then draw a neck from it.

3) Cut out the resulting part and glue it onto the base.

5) We make a wing and glue it to the body.

6) We finish the work by drawing the eye and the black spot near the beak.

MK for making flowers from palms.

You will need:

1) Three-layer napkins in two colors (red and yellow);

2) Thick cardboard;

3) Green cardboard;

5) Scissors;

6) Stapler.


1) First, on thick cardboard, draw three circles of different diameters (two 14 cm and one 8 cm).

2) Outline the child’s hand and cut it out.

3) Place the palm blank on a red napkin, trace the outline with a pencil and cut it out.

5) Apply a drop of glue on top of the palm print closer to the center of the circle. We overlap the next palm on top. Fill the entire circle in the same way.

6) We perform the same actions with another circle of the same diameter.

7) Then take a circle with a diameter of 8 cm and cover half in the same way.

8) Cut out half a circle from green cardboard and glue it onto the empty part of the circle that was previously filled with handprints.

10) Now we begin to form them; to do this, we lift each layer of the napkin upward, creating a kind of flower.

11) Glue the core onto the flower.

12) Cut out the stems from green cardboard and glue them to the buds.

Flowers are ready!

You can make others from your palms voluminous applications, inventing and bringing to life various stories. Examples of such work can be seen in the selection of photos presented below.

Video on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch the video, from which you can find out what other crafts can be made using children’s hands, as well as get new ideas for creativity.

Your own palms are the baby’s first creative “tool”. First, he leaves marks of paint on paper, then he learns to trace his pen with a pencil, and then to cut out an outline from paper. Your palm is always at hand!

However, you will agree that it will be much more interesting for a child to master these skills if the result is not just a handprint, but a beautiful and elegant craft. We've put together a few ideas to help moms engage with their babies!

Draw on the palm print

A handprint is a base to which you can add anything: turn it into a flower, a sun, a hedgehog...

At first, the mother can do this instead of the child - he will simply watch how his drawing is transformed. But then he will be able to do it on his own.

It's not just about what happens in the end beautiful drawing. This is an almost perfect exercise for developing your imagination! A younger child usually just looks at the print and fills in the missing details.

While an older preschooler can already plan a future masterpiece, leaving prints of a certain color in the right places. To do this, show him the basic techniques for creating figures from several prints, for example, a peacock and a spider, and then he will do it himself!

We make applications from palms outlined along the contour

If the child can already trace and cut out his palm, then this is an excellent basis for appliqué. They usually look neater than the drawing, so they can be a wonderful souvenir.

Even one print can be an excellent basis for a craft. In this case, you can write the child’s name and age on your palm - the applique will become a wonderful gift for grandparents.

They cause a splash on their own positive emotions, especially in comparison with the large palms of adults, accustomed to work.

They remind us with what small and inexperienced hands children strive to understand the vast world around them.

Of the palms, they are especially interesting for children because children really like to watch how some reflection of themselves becomes a fragment of a craft. With great delight, the kids trace their hands, cut them out paper sheet and turn them into unexpected images. They are of great interest in images of animals, for which children always have a special sympathy.

For example, as an applique from cut out palms, you can make a cute hedgehog. This is very appropriate in a kindergarten because in one craft it will be possible to use the contours of the palms of several children, thereby giving the work a collective character.

Let's get started!

On a black cardboard sheet, we outline the little ones’ palms with white chalk (one sheet – one palm).

If the leaf is much larger than the palm. Let's cut it into several parts. This will make it more convenient to distribute the blanks to the kids so that they can proceed to the next stage of work.

In this next step, we invite the kids to cut out their own hand from cardboard. Very young children will need help.

For one hedgehog we will need four palms - they will need to be arranged in the form of a fan. If the palms differ in size, arrange them so that the overall outline resembles the outline of a hedgehog’s prickly back. Glue your palms together.

From black cardboard we cut out the body of the hedgehog - the tummy and the head with a nose.

Glue the body to the needle back. The base of the craft is ready.

Draw a mouth on the face using gouache or acrylic paint. Felt pens and watercolors on a black background will not be visible. You can cut out a red mouth and glue it on.

From white paper we cut out the next fragment of the picture - an eye. We stick it on the muzzle.

Using a black marker, draw the pupil. You can cut out the pupil from black paper and glue it too.

Now let's start decorating our hedgehog. Cut out an apple from green paper. Let's glue it.

You can make a bouquet of delicate lilies for your loved ones with your own hands, either in summer or in winter. And they will have a soul, because these flowers are made according to the pattern of a palm - maybe a child’s, or maybe an adult’s. Easy to make and easy to give. Just like that, for no reason :)

You will need sheets of pink paper, chenille wire, a pencil, scissors, tape or glue.

Instructions on how to make paper lilies

To begin, trace your palm on a sheet of colored paper. For one flower you need 1 paper palm.

Cut out the palm.

Roll it into a cone with a small hole at the base.

We glue the joint with tape or glue.

We bend the petals onto a pencil.

The flower itself is ready. You need to make a center and a stem for it.

To do this, we will use green and yellow chenille wire.

We attach them to each other. We twist the yellow pestle so that it is thicker and fluffier than the stem.

Insert the stem into the flower. We stretch it so that the yellow pistil is visible from the lily up, and the green stem goes down.

Lily is ready. And if there are 3 or 5 of these lilies, you’ll get a whole bouquet!

MK was prepared and conducted by Debbie.