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What does a 1 year old child understand? What should a baby be able to do at the age of twelve months?

Reading time: 6 minutes

At this age, children, as a rule, already have the basic abilities that are so necessary for further knowledge of the world around them. For this reason, in order to promptly detect a delay in the development of their baby, it is extremely important for parents to know what a child should be able to do at the age of 1, what skills he should have by this time. Find out more about this period of baby growing up.

Child development at 1 year

Loving parents treat with great trepidation the first manifestations of a conscious perception of life in their children. At the same time, some mothers and fathers, in an effort to give their baby the best, sometimes go too far, which is usually expressed in the requirement that the child master skills that are not typical for his age. Remember that each baby is unique in its own way and you cannot turn the baby into an “object” of self-affirmation. With all this, you need to understand that there is a certain average set of skills that a toddler should have by the age of 12 months.

One should approach this kind of development indicators calmly and without fanaticism. Often, what a child can do at 1 year old depends entirely on the parents. The only exception is any pronounced symptoms of a baby’s developmental delay. In addition to these points, it is worth paying attention to the norms of the child’s weight and height. So, a one-year-old baby should triple its initial weight and grow by 25 cm. It is important to say that the indicated values ​​​​cannot be applied to premature children or those with problems with excess body weight.


By the age of one year, children, as a rule, already know how to stand, holding onto pieces of furniture or an adult, sit, and actively crawl. Some especially nimble kids can even walk. For the most part, children move around the house along a support or with support from one or two arms. At the same time, do not underestimate the little one and think that he will not be able to climb onto the windowsill or pull sharp objects off the table. By this time, the children are already quite smart and, if necessary, can substitute a chair.

When answering what a child of 1 year should be able to do, experts note that the rate of development of physical abilities completely depends on the degree of independence of the baby. For this reason, it is extremely important that the baby does the main “work” himself, but with parental support. By the way, if your little one wants to learn to walk, then give him the opportunity to take the first steps on his own, while not forgetting about safety nets.


One-year-old children, regardless of individual development rates, actively explore the world around them. Kids, as a rule, are very interested in taking objects from inaccessible places and mastering the skills of building a simple construction set. The last activity is very useful for the little one, as it allows them to develop fine motor skills. Regarding what a one-year-old child should be able to do from the point of view psychological development, it is worth saying that by this time the baby already has the following basic skills:

  • knows how to assemble a pyramid from several rings;
  • plays with dishes and pretends to eat with a spoon or drink from a mug;
  • can build a tower from two cubes;
  • shows interest in unfamiliar objects;
  • feeds the dolls, combs them and puts them to bed;
  • can grasp small objects with two fingers;
  • imitates adults;
  • dances to music;
  • tries to open and close cabinet doors independently;
  • collects toys.

Baby skills at 1 year

Most babies can walk independently by 12 months. However, some one-year-old children still need their mother's help while moving around the house or playground. In addition, by this time the little one should be able to squat and freely rise from this position. The little man is becoming more and more independent every day, so parents need to pay him as much attention as possible. Based on communication with the mother, by the baby’s first birthday, one or another attitude towards the world around him is formed.

Required skills and abilities

When listing what a one-year-old child should be able to do, pediatricians often name, at first glance, completely unnecessary and inappropriate abilities. Nevertheless, these skills are an indicator of the success of the baby’s further development as a person. In a situation where a toddler cannot do any of the skills specified by experts, this should become a reason for parents to adjust the child’s upbringing. As for the required skills, a one-year-old toddler should be able to:

  • comply with adults' requests;
  • confidently hold light objects in your hands;
  • show emotions without hysterics and crying;
  • recognize familiar people;
  • react adequately emotionally to different situations;
  • show in pictures the objects in question;
  • through joint play, contact with peers;
  • speak at least a couple of words;
  • imitate adults, imitating their gestures and facial expressions.

How should a one year old child walk?

At this point, the baby is actively exploring the world around him. At the same time, the main skill that the toddler “works on” is walking. Most children by this time can move along a support or with the help of adults. Some children begin to walk early, but skip the crawling stage. With all this, it is worth paying attention to how the child walks. In a situation where the baby, while moving, places emphasis on his toes or spreads his legs too wide, you should seek advice from a pediatric orthopedist.

Self-care skills

The one-year-old toddler strives for independence with all his being. By this time, the baby is learning to eat on his own, which in no case excludes the mother’s participation in the process. Some children even try to dress themselves. Do not neglect this emotional impulse of the little one. Give your child clothes and give him the opportunity to practice as much as he can while watching this action from the side. Among other things, one-year-old children should be able to:

  • drink independently from a sippy cup or mug;
  • bite and chew solid food;
  • eat independently;
  • sit on the potty (essentially, the baby should ask to go to the potty and understand what it is for);
  • to wash hands.

Speech development in a 1 year old child

By 12 months, the toddler should understand speech addressed to him and fulfill simple requests from adults. One-year-old children react very sensitively to intonation, so it is extremely important not to overdo it when raising a baby. The baby should receive mostly positive emotions from communicating with his mother. There is no need to worry if the toddler does not know something from the list of what a child should say at 1 year old. In this situation, it is much more important that the baby understands the speech of adults and correctly perceives its emotional side.

How many words should a child speak per year?

The development of speech skills in children occurs in completely different ways. Some babies can already talk at one year old, while other toddlers are just learning to pronounce words. You can speed up your child’s speech development if you constantly have a lively conversation with him.. At the same time, it is very important to comment on everything that is happening around. The vocabulary of a one-year-old child includes only 2-10 words, which also includes onomatopoeia. In a situation where your baby cannot pronounce the simplest words and does not understand adult speech, he must be shown to a child psychologist.

What words should a child say per year?

By the age of one year, the baby has a limited vocabulary, so some children try to master onomatopoeia. I must say that many succeed in this. In the arsenal of toddlers by the age of one year, as a rule, there are two-valued words: mother, father, woman, grandfather. Most children are only capable of babbling and only understandable sounds. Answering what a one-year-old toddler should be able to do, pediatricians, moving on to speech development, as a rule, they are called words like: bi-bi, give, ta-ta, mu-mu, la-la, dyad-dya, am-am.

Child behavior at 1 year

At this age, children still cannot control their emotions, often expressing them by crying, screaming and other unsightly actions. This kind of protest should be taken as completely normal phenomenon for this stage of baby development. Correct behavior can be achieved solely through affection and encouragement. In addition, at one year old children begin to realize their isolation from their parents. They may cry because their mother has gone and left them alone. The baby must remember that although his mother is away, she is nearby and ready to come to his aid at any moment.


Good day to you, dear readers! The topic of baby development has become very popular. I recently published an article by a speech pathologist ““ on my blog. Now I’ll tell you about my view on this issue.

Young mothers sometimes feel like they can’t just let things happen. That they should do something. Actively teach your little ones something. What to do with a 1 year old child? Today they have come up with so many different programs... Reading from the cradle, endless educational toys, special classes...

I do not blame those who strive to pay as much attention as possible child development. Who, from the age of one, improves the toddler's thinking and buys toys that stimulate fine motor skills. Every mother must choose her own path.

One of my friends, a not at all stupid woman, is sure that without constant training her two-year-old son will deteriorate. And her child, from the age of 1.5, regularly attends either “developmental” or kindergarten“according to Montessori”, or something else where the child is not allowed to degenerate.

In addition, all children and mothers are different... I don’t want to convince anyone or look for other people’s mistakes. Perhaps someone really can’t do without drawing lessons at two years old and reading from diapers. I am only sharing my conclusions based on books and lectures by authoritative people, as well as my experience.

What development does a 1 year old child need?

Vedic psychologists often say that children under 5 years of age do not need training. This does not mean that you will not do anything with them, that they will grow like grass... On the contrary, it is often emphasized that during this period the influence of parents is especially important. That in the first five years a person should be imbued with love for the rest of his life.

I once thought this was an exaggeration. But now I think more and more that these psychologists are right. I don’t know about 5, but until the age of 3 it’s definitely not necessary to teach a child anything special. Of course, you can master developmental notebooks - nothing bad will happen. But only if the child is really interested in it. If not, don’t worry and leave the baby alone.

It doesn’t matter at all whether your baby learns colors at 1.5, 2 or 3 years old. At what time will he learn to count, name the shapes of figures and compare objects. Until the age of 5, you don’t have to think about anything. Believe me, at 5 years old anyone healthy child will be able to learn to count and distinguish a circle from a square. And most likely, this will happen much earlier - involuntarily.

With children under 5 years old you only need to do two things:

  • play with them. In games you can often involuntarily learn counting and colors (without going too far). And the main thing is to learn how to behave in different situations, talk and make decisions.
  • read books to them. Don’t teach them to read, but read books to them yourself. This not only expands the baby's horizons and vocabulary, but also teaches wisdom. Using simple fairy tales, it is good to explain to your children what is good and what is bad.

As for development at 1 year... Then there is no need to invent anything. Play - that's enough! You can start looking at sturdy cardboard books. But without fanaticism... Very few children are ready to sit patiently and listen to books at this age.

What else is important to remember?

  1. Give your baby as much freedom as possible. Let him master his body and explore space. To do this, it is advisable to walk more, visit different playgrounds and help the little one climb somewhere less.
  2. At exactly 1 year old, your baby may not have the need to play with you much. In this case, don’t force yourself, enjoy free time. The child is also interested in simply exploring toys and conducting his own experiments.
  3. If the little one wants to communicate with you, don’t try to teach him to be “independent”; it’s too early for that. Some children need to be constantly occupied with something until they are 3 years old. While others, on the contrary, are ready to play for hours without their mother. It's not up to you. This is your child's specialty.
  4. The main development for a toddler at this age is physical. But this does not mean that you need to actively. Better give him the opportunity to crawl more. Especially on playgrounds or on the grass.
  5. It is also important to talk to your child more often. But I think that all mothers understand this very well. At one year old, the baby begins to pronounce his first words.
  6. Involve your child in household chores. Let him or her wash the closet with a rag.

Why is development needed?

Tell me, what do you consider education? What do you want your grown-up child to be like?

Early development is an attempt to make a child an excellent student. To do well in school. Got more diplomas. But this does not at all guarantee success in later life.

Moreover, this does not at all guarantee the development of important human qualities. But shouldn’t this be the basis of education?

Of course, every mother chooses something different. Personally, I don’t care what grades a child gets in school. What kind of certificate (I myself have a silver medal, and what’s the point of it?). No matter how prestigious educational institution he will be.

But it is important that the baby learns to be honest, compassionate, and self-confident. He had ideas about God and family. There are many other things that are important for a child... But tell me, what kind of “developmental aids” develop all this?

And all this is developed by play, reading (not!), communication... And most importantly, the personal example of the parents.

Will the child be ignorant?

Shall we not teach the child at all? Let him grow up without schools and institutes? No. That's not what this is about.

Firstly, training must begin after 5 years. And the baby will definitely master everything he needs.

Secondly, active play and reading allow a child to learn so many new things!

And of course, don’t forget about creativity: drawing, modeling, paper crafts... But in my opinion, it’s too early in the year for this. Most children begin to master all this only closer to two years.

Of course, if you really want to organize something “like that” - go ahead! Just remember that you are doing this for yourself, and not for the sake of the child’s development. You can see ideas in this video:

If the article was useful, tell your friends about it. And subscribe to new blog posts. I wish you happiness. See you in touch!

The baby was just born recently, and the child is already 1 year old. During this time, the little one and his parents learned a lot. And now, on the threshold of the second year of life, parents are concerned about many issues related to the behavior and development of their precious child. The most important and interesting of them will be discussed below.

Child development at 1 year

Attentive parents monitor the development and growth of their baby from birth. The doctor weighed the baby every month and measured his height. When everything corresponds to the norms, it means that development is proceeding correctly. And so the little one celebrated his first name day. How much should a child weigh at 1 year is one of the first questions that worries most parents.

Height and weight of a child at 1 year

There is an opinion that by this time the initial weight should increase 3 times. But children are all different, some of them are larger, others, on the contrary, are smaller. And that's okay. There are standards developed by WHO. According to them, a girl should weigh from 7 to 11.5 kg. And the boy’s weight should be 7.7-12 kg. The next important indicator is the child’s growth at 1 year. The range of values ​​for boys is 71-80.5 cm, and for girls 69-80 cm. In this case, a deviation of 6-7% in both directions may be acceptable.

During the first year of life, a baby from little lump turned into a real person with his own characteristics and character. When a child is 1 year old, he can:

  • stand;
  • walk independently or by hand;
  • actively crawl;
  • squat, stand up;
  • rejoice at the arrival of loved ones;
  • “dance” to your favorite music;
  • play “okay”, do “bye-bye”;
  • respond when his name is called.

This is how much the baby can already do, but many mothers are worried about the question of what to teach a child at 1 year old. Now there is an active development of speech. The task of parents is to facilitate this: you need to read fairy tales as much as possible, talk to him. It is very important to promote the development of motor skills in a 1-year-old child. At this stage of life, the baby tries to eat and drink on his own. Therefore, it is worth encouraging him in this. Don't scold him when he spills compote or gets dirty with porridge. This is the only way the little one will learn to do everything on his own.

1 year old baby routine

Children's doctors believe that after a year the rhythm of life should not change dramatically. More important is the concept of regime itself. When a child is 1 year old, it will be easier for him and his parents if getting up, breakfast, sleep and others key points days will occur every day at the same time. The daily routine of a 1 year old child will be something like this:

  1. Wake up at 7-7.30.
  2. Next, mother and baby do gymnastics and carry out morning hygiene procedures.
  3. At 8 am it is time for breakfast.
  4. After this comes a period of wakefulness and games.
  5. At 10 am you can put your baby to bed for the first time.
  6. The baby sleeps until about 12, then has lunch and at 12.30 it’s time for a walk and active pastime.
  7. At 3:30 p.m., the baby is ready to take a second nap. This sleep can last up to one and a half hours.
  8. At 16.30 there is afternoon tea.
  9. At 17.00 you can go outside for the second time.
  10. 19.00 – dinner time, then evening swimming, dinner and at half past eight – sleep.

How much should a 1 year old baby sleep?

A 1 year old child's daily sleep should be approximately 14-16 hours. Of these, 11-12 hours are night sleep, and the remaining hours are nap. But some babies grow up earlier and no longer want to sleep twice. This is a signal to parents that the little one has already grown up, and this regime does not suit him. In this case, it’s time to rebuild your routine and switch to one nap, which can last up to 3 hours. It is important to remember that such a decision should come when the baby himself is ready for it.

Diet for a 1 year old child

Adults are interested in what to feed a 1-year-old child? How many times should a child eat and how much should he eat at 1 year old? Answers to these and other questions are presented below:

  1. The number of meals at this age should be 4-5. If the child is 1 year old and the mother is still lactating, this is good, but in addition to mother’s milk, the baby should already receive useful substances from foods.
  2. So, in the morning, you can still give porridge. Its volume is 150-200 ml. As an option, you can also offer a steam omelette. It is better to choose white bread. Its amount per day should be up to 50 g.
  3. For lunch, it is advisable to give up to 200 ml of the first course with 50 g of boiled lean meat.
  4. You can gradually expand the menu by carefully introducing offal and fish.
  5. For an afternoon snack, instead of baby cottage cheese, you can already prepare cottage cheese with sour cream, curd soufflé. Every other day you can give your little one biscuits with fruit puree.
  6. A one-year-old baby's dinner should consist of milk or dairy-free porridges, for example, with vegetables. Sometimes potato dishes are acceptable, but you shouldn’t get carried away with them.
  7. Before going to bed, you can offer baby kefir.
  8. In addition to food, the child must receive liquid. Its total volume from 12 to 36 months is 100 ml/kg. For drinking, you can offer clean water, compotes of fresh berries or dried fruits. At the same time, it is advisable not to sugar them. Little by little you can give natural juices diluted with boiled water.
  9. It is important to follow a diet. So, over time, the child will produce the enzymes necessary for digestion at the right time. The main thing is that when choosing what to feed a child of 1 year, adults should understand that his diet should not contain cakes, smoked meats, sausages and other unhealthy foods.

Raising a child from 1 year old

The baby’s behavior is not yet stable; constant monitoring and attention is needed. Children now need to be taught hygiene - to wash their hands before eating, while telling them how nice it is to be clean. Around this time, the baby begins to show interest in items of his clothing. He needs to be supported in this in every possible way. Let the baby try to put on socks or tights himself. It is very important to teach children to communicate with peers; they need to be taught to share toys and not take them from other children. We need to teach children compassion—to show that if someone gets hurt, they should be pitied. The main thing is that when answering how to raise a child at 1 year old, relatives remember that children follow their example in everything.

We often hear from mothers that the child seems to have been replaced. From a gentle sun he turned into a hurricane, he doesn’t listen, he protests. This is the crisis of 1 year, age-related psychology says that this is not scary and is typical for many children. It is difficult for adults to accept and understand that their child has grown up. Yesterday they could play with a rattle, but now they need a computer mouse.

The first reaction of an adult is a ban! Is this correct? With his crying, the child tries to achieve what he wants - this manipulative crying. Adults are sometimes ready to do anything just to calm their child down. The main rule that adults must remember is that they must maintain consistency in their actions. If something is allowed now, then there is no point in banning it tomorrow, the child will not understand it. Something that threatens life should be prohibited. In the example with a mouse, you can give it to a child and explain how this device works. That's it, the baby will be happy and his interest will move on to something else.

How to develop a child at 1 year old?

No activity with a baby has such an educational, developmental impact as reading. This process promotes speech development and teaches concentration. Educational books for children 1-2 years old should have bright illustrations. These can be small poems, fairy tales, for example “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Rock-hen”. There are also the first encyclopedias for young children. They feature illustrations with images of objects; by looking at them with adults, the baby will remember the names, training memory and speech.

What to do with a 1 year old child, besides books? The answer is simple - interesting, educational and educational games. When a child is 1 year old, it is important to do everything possible. Babies love to play in the sandbox. But interesting game you can come up with it at home. To do this, pour semolina into a pan and provide it to the little one. First he will start fingering her. After this, you can hide a small toy in it, and let the little one find it. Then you can offer your child a strainer and show how to use it. Kids will enjoy playing with soft plasticine, dough, and finger paints. Even children at this age are delighted with playing with water.

Games for 1 year old children teach them to explore the world:

  1. They teach the baby to perform actions with various objects that are connected to each other. Children will be happy to put the balls into a box, roll them along the groove, and collect nesting dolls, putting the smaller ones into the larger ones.
  2. Now the baby is starting to like it role-playing games: a girl, with the help of an adult, can change the baby doll’s clothes and feed him.
  3. Boys are actively starting to take an interest in cars. Pushing machines are especially popular. The future driver drives himself, pushing off with his legs and steering, just like dad.
  4. You also need to remember to develop motor skills. Together with the children you can crawl, play tag, jump and run.

What toys does a 1 year old child need?

Now the baby doesn’t need fancy toys at all. Yula, drum, pyramids are simple toys that are always interesting for this age. A one-year-old baby will be delighted with a plastic phone and will copy an adult. Children will have great fun playing with dishes and trying to feed bears and bunnies. Coordination is promoted by playing with a ball - kids throw it, catch it, push it. The main point: toys for children from 1 year are a quality product, without small items and sharp parts.

A whole year has passed since the day a tiny bundle of happiness appeared in your life and your home. What is it - a child at 12 months, what has he become and what awaits him ahead? The restless time of infancy is over, he has grown up, taken his first steps and has already managed to show his character. He learned to frown and laugh wildly, mastered the first communication skills and can already do a lot on his own. What next, what to teach a one-year-old child now, what should his weight be, what to feed, how to develop correctly - we will try to give answers to these questions.

Physical development of a one-year-old baby

The first thing that worries mom, of course, is physical development baby. Thinking about how her child is developed, she involuntarily compares him with other children: thin or plump, stands firmly on his legs or is still unsure. To dispel any doubts that may arise, let us turn to the average statistical indicators.

Looking into the baby's mouth, we will see 12 strong milk teeth. If there are fewer of them, don’t worry - the child’s development by 12 months often follows an individual plan. Provide vitamin D, phosphorus and calcium in your baby's diet - the teeth will grow.

Weight fluctuates between 10 and 11 kilograms (the last increase before weighing is at least 350 grams). Thus, by the age of 1 year a child should gain about 7 kilograms. Let's look at the growth. For a 12-month-old child, it should be 72-77 centimeters; over the last month, the increase in height should be 1.5 centimeters. Note that after a year, his physical parameters will change more slowly, because the baby will begin to move more.

New independent actions

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As a rule, a child begins to walk at 1 year of age. His other actions related to the environment are also expanding. The vertical position enriches the physical skills of the baby, and the mind of a great researcher encourages them to use them.

At one year old, the baby is actively exploring the world around him: he is no longer so dependent on his mother, so you need to keep an eye on the child - he can end up anywhere
  • Stand firmly on your feet and take your first steps (we recommend reading:). If your child stands poorly and crawls more willingly, you should take him to the pediatrician. The doctor will determine the reason for this behavior and give useful recommendations. You may need to undergo a special massage course. There is no serious reason for concern, but it is desirable that by the age of one year the child confidently gets on his feet.
  • A 12 month old baby is trying to learn how to climb on and off the sofa. Learns to go up and down stairs. If he climbs easily, then when descending, fear may appear, based on the formed instinct of self-preservation. Help the baby, tell me how to do it correctly, so as not to develop a phobia in the child in the future.
  • Independence is also manifested in the desire to hold the spoon yourself. The baby can transfer it from one hand to another, tries to take porridge or puree with it, and learns to eat himself.
  • New skills include scooping up water, opening cabinets, doors, drawers, removing beads over the head, and tearing paper into pieces. While bathing, he can splash not only with his hands, but also with his legs. Once he has learned to stand firmly, he can try to climb out of the bath. Never leave him alone while bathing.

Learning through imitation and active participation

Imitating adults is a natural process for a one-year-old child to learn about the world. If you do exercises in the morning, your baby will repeat gymnastic exercises after you, follow dad into the kitchen and help him repair something. It is important here that the example is correct and useful.

  • The tactile way of studying objects is preserved in a 1-year-old little man. Besides, he still tries to taste what he picks up. Now that he can independently move around the house, carefully monitor what comes into his eyes and hands - remove small and dangerous things away so that the child cannot swallow them or put them in his nose and ears.
  • Having been observing the world for a long time from a lying position or in the mother’s arms, by the age of one year the former baby is ready to become the center of the universe. A 12-month-old child develops at a rapid pace (see also:). He wants to take part in everything, he wants to be a full-fledged actor. If something is forbidden to him or he is not allowed somewhere, the baby is able to show his character and express his dissatisfaction with an angry grumble or scream. Here he also copies you.
  • An important personal hygiene item for a 12-month-old child is a chamber pot. Most parents introduce their baby to it earlier, but if you have not yet accustomed your child to it, use the recommendations given on our website.

There are no fewer dangers lurking right in the baby’s house than on the street, so parents must take measures: buy plugs for sockets, remove sharp objects and medications from the bottom drawers

Speech, emotions and behavior

Having reached the age of one, the child parts with the simplest speech sounds such as “agu” and “gu-gu”, and consciously tries to pronounce syllables and individual words. Subject to normal development, he can please you with 5-10 easy words from his own vocabulary. His main desire is for mom and dad to understand him. Learn to understand your child, especially since if there is a lack of words, the child can supplement his speech with gestures.

In addition, he correctly voices what he sees: his mother will be “ma”, and the car will be “holes” or “shi”. He also understands the words that adults say to him: in response to a remark about an object that it is “kaka,” the child will throw it out of his hands. If your child is stubbornly silent, refer to the video lessons of Dr. Komarovsky. They explain in detail the reasons for such silence and give advice on how to correct the situation.

In a 1-year-old child, the need for emotional expression of his desires and actions also increases. The speech is complemented by tears and laughter, fear and joy. If a baby sees a stranger, he may cry, but a familiar person evokes joyful emotions in him. He reacts well to music, loves to dance to it if he stands firmly on his feet.

Mom should understand that this is a person in front of her, not a baby. Learn to praise a boy or girl for good behavior, say “thank you” to them, setting a personal example of politeness. Stock up on educational games and read to your baby more so that new words appear in his speech.

What to feed a 1 year old baby?

The baby's diet consists of products recommended for feeding a child at the age of one. An exception is the diet of children who have allergic reactions to certain foods. It is not permissible to feed a child for 12 months with spices, chocolate, smoked products, sausages, and spicy foods. The time has come - the baby must be taught to handle a spoon independently. However, Dr. Komarovsky advises keeping formula for a one-year-old child on the menu, but it is better to give it not from a bottle, but by pouring it into a bowl.

A one-year-old baby can slowly switch to adult food, but not harmful, but healthy, which will help him actively develop fully

Pay special attention to the consistency of food, as the child must develop a chewing reflex. Replace mashed potatoes with stewed potatoes or vegetables. Also include tender meat and fish cutlets in your baby’s diet. Make sure he doesn't bite off large pieces. You can give bread, cookies, fruits. Keep the intervals between feedings at 3.5-4 hours. Give your baby only freshly prepared meals: anything that has been left in the refrigerator for a day is not suitable for the child to eat.

Health and personal hygiene

A visit to the pediatrician with a child aged 1 year is a mandatory procedure. The doctor takes physiological measurements (height, weight, chest volume and head circumference) and takes tests. Specialists (orthopedist, neurologist, surgeon) check the baby in their areas. Be sure to visit an ophthalmologist and dentist so as not to miss any little details in the child’s development. Personal hygiene of the baby consists of:

  • ability to wash hands and face, attempts to brush teeth;
  • mandatory hand washing after going outside and before eating;
  • evening bathing or rinsing in the shower;
  • personal hygiene items (soap, towel, toothbrush, comb).

The issue of vaccination is discussed with the pediatrician. Recently, there have been numerous debates about the feasibility and safety of vaccinations. Many children tolerate various vaccinations well, but there is always a risk of individual intolerance. It is wrong to discuss something based on rumors; it is better to consult a doctor. You should not decide on your own whether to refuse vaccination. The topic of vaccinations is covered in detail in other materials on our website.

The child is one year old, and this changes a lot: he becomes more independent and curious. Now, for him to be in a good mood, it is not enough just to be well-fed and dry; the little man is actively beginning to explore the world. Simple actions, such as learning to drink, eat, walk, are being replaced by more complex ones: learning to speak, think, analyze.

A 1-year-old baby is actively exploring the world

How to develop the abilities of a one-year-old child so that it brings him not only benefit, but also pleasure?

Basic moments

The baby's brain is hyperactive and capable of absorbing a large amount of information. Scientists more than 100 years ago established that in the period up to 3 years the foundation of intelligence in the future is laid. Today there are many methods early development. Which one should you prefer? There is not and will not be a common opinion, because we are all different, and so are our children. Some people prefer to raise a child “the old fashioned way,” others adhere to a certain author, and some mothers make a “mix” of all sorts of recommendations, and this suits them quite well.

The most important thing is that classes should bring joy to the child, so knowledge at such a tender age is taught through play.

Developmental center for the little ones

If a mother decides to attend developmental centers with her child, which are so fashionable these days, then you should clarify in what form the classes are conducted. Sitting at a desk will not be productive for your baby. Young children cannot be forced to acquire knowledge. The child learns and does only what interests him and brings him pleasure.

Play is the main element in the development of a child from one to seven years of age. Play with your child little by little (you can add this to), but every day; choose a time when you and he are at good mood and full of strength.

Development of fine motor skills in children per year

  • Children enjoy simple finger exercises with a counting rhyme and develop their motor abilities.

Sensory boxes invented by Maria Montessori
  • Embroidered pillows will appeal to almost all kids. Sew buttons on the pillowcase different sizes or fill the pillows with cereals, dry herbs, etc.
  • From 12 to 18 months, the child tries to pick up a pencil and scratch something on the surface with it. Support him in his first attempts at creativity.
  • Rustling books, tactile books, and protective bubble wrap have an impact on development fine motor skills child one year old.

Playing with cereals develops motor skills

Mom can build a tactile book herself, the pages of which will be covered with materials of various sensations: wool, jeans, silk, etc. Denim rough, silk delicate - all this sharpens sensitivity and stimulates the development of children's fingers.

  • Don't forget about sorting through the cereals. It is worth giving preference to safer, smaller grains: semolina, buckwheat, etc. You can hide an object in the cereal that the child must find.
  • Games with pasta are a flight of fancy: pasta appliqués, beads made from pasta, or simply sorting them out.

Games with dough - development of motor skills

How to stimulate speech development in a one-year-old baby

Remember: talking more with your baby means talking non-stop. Speech therapists say that it is useful for children to arrange moments of silence. Let the child learn to listen to sounds other than his mother's voice.

Games for the development of intellectual and logical thinking of children per year

How to choose a book for your baby?

One-year-old children are usually not interested in fairy tales; they are closer to poetry and nursery rhymes. The mother herself should like the book, because the baby needs to read it emotionally and with pleasure.

Now you can buy amazing educational books

Games for the psychomotor development of a child aged 1 year

  • The young explorer will be interested in toys on wheels that can be pulled and pushed. They allow you to study the movement of objects. The child is happy to put them into action.

  • There is nothing wrong with your child developing a passion for taking apart toys. At this age, the composition of things is much more interesting than the game.
  • The well-known pyramids and cubes develop better than expensive toys on batteries. How simpler toy, the more they interest the one-year-old toddler, because he still has room for creativity.
  • A homemade educational simulator can be an entertaining toy: a board with a door handle, lock, latch, push-button doorbell, bells, etc. attached to it.

Games with water - all children love

All children, without exception, like games with water: catching objects from the water; pouring water from one container to another; absorbing water with a sponge, squeezing it out and much more.

  • The long-loved “Ladushki” are very good for a one-year-old child, let him imitate flying birds and clap his hands as best he can. Encourage your baby to take action.

Fun physical education for your baby

Teach your baby gestures and words of greeting and farewell: “bye-bye,” “hello,” etc.

Development of creative abilities per year

  • IN early age Children are very natural in all manifestations, so they have no equal in dancing. Play music and dance with your child more often.
  • One-year-old babies like simple and rhythmic melodies.
  • Sing to the child. Kids listen attentively to singing, they try to imitate adults, reproducing sounds, gestures, and facial expressions.
  • Choose musical toys with a calm sound and as simple as possible, because a lot of sounds will not give the child the opportunity to concentrate.

The first musical toys

Development of social skills in one-year-old children

  1. Communication with peers is of great importance in the life of every child. He learns to play with other children, use common toys, and share them. This is how the ability for social communication is formed. Loneliness is not good for children. At one year of age, it is recommended to communicate not only with peers, but also with children a year or two older. From them the baby can learn many household skills.
  2. At such an early age as 1 year, children are not so interested in playing together as they are in communication itself. The toddlers do not yet know how to organize a game, parents should help with this: show what to do with a scoop, molds; teach how to roll a car, etc.
  3. Children from one to three years old love everything related to animals. They imitate the barking of a dog, the meowing of a cat. At one year old, communication with animals should be especially careful; the baby may be frightened by the crowing of a rooster or the loud neighing of a horse.
  4. Contact with nature is very important for the development of children. It’s as if the child is just discovering that there are leaves on the trees, and for the first time he is looking meaningfully at the snow and rain. Tell your child about natural phenomena.

Even the little ones need company

Every mother who thinks about the question: “How to develop the abilities of a one-year-old child?” must remember that the most important thing is to help the baby grow up to be a full-fledged, self-confident person, both intellectually and physically.

Understanding the world is the main task of a 1-year-old child

The development of a child per year is impossible without motor activity. Arrange funny Games in nature, explore the world together. Don't neglect your child's needs because you want to raise a genius. Remember that any early development method is just a model, and it is up to you and your baby to decide to what extent to adhere to it. A person who is one year old already has his own opinion, which is worth taking into account.