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Should manicure and pedicure be the same color? Toenail polish: choose according to all the rules How to paint uneven toenails.

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Some women have a question: “How to paint your toenails correctly, and is it worth doing it at all?” Of course, whether it's worth it or not is a matter of taste. As well as what color of varnish to choose for application. You can choose fashionable bright shades, or you can cover well-groomed nails with colorless varnish.

In any case, before applying varnish to the surface of the nail, you need to do a pedicure. Perhaps many consider this procedure a luxury and an expensive service, but above all, it is a necessity that allows you to preserve the beauty of your legs and prolong their youth. Let's figure out how to do a pedicure correctly:

1. To begin, pour warm water into the bath. Add any pedicure emollient. You can use regular soda or a special emollient from cosmetics manufacturers.

2. Wait until the product is completely dissolved in water and lower your feet into it. Keep them in the solution for 5-10 minutes, then pat your feet one by one with a towel. Then, you should clean the heels with fine-grained pumice or a special brush. Very carefully and gradually remove the rough skin from the heels, so as not to damage healthy skin. You should not use an iron brush or blade - these methods are very harmful to the skin.

3. Apply cuticle softener to each nail. Using an orange stick, gently push the softened skin toward the base of the nail. Carefully trim the cuticle. This procedure is necessary in order to remove the dry part of the cuticle, which will not decorate the pedicure at all.

4. Trim your nails in a straight line without rounding the nail plate. File your nails with a file, giving them a rounded shape. Using a polishing pad, polish each nail. Lubricate the soles of your feet with an emollient cream without covering the nail plate.

5. Insert an expander between your fingers; it will prevent your fingers from touching and smearing the varnish. Apply a polish base to your nails - it will smooth out any unevenness and increase the life of your pedicure. Let the base dry.

6. Take a bottle of nail polish. Shake it thoroughly before use. Apply the required amount of varnish to the brush to cover one nail plate.

7. Apply polish from the middle of the nail to its end, and then from the tip of the nail to its base. Gently blend the polish around the sides and let it dry.

8. Apply a second layer of varnish to the nail plate in a similar way. Let it dry.

9. Then coat your nails with sealer. With its help, your pedicure will gain shine, beauty and durability. If you notice that you have applied varnish or any other product carelessly and have touched the skin around the nail, remove the unevenness with a corrective pencil. The pencil can be pre-moistened with nail polish remover.

Now your pedicure is ready. Legs are well-groomed and beautiful.

Pedicure polish is one of the most important components of beautiful feet. It is this that is the basis for all drawings; it determines the quality of the work and its durability. Of course good varnish high price, but it's worth it. The right combination various types and colors of varnish allows you to create unusual patterns on your nails. Without a pedicure, any look will be incomplete.

Color selection

Of course, the main determining factor when choosing colors and patterns is the style of clothing. Another important condition is why the feet are being treated: everyday or for some special occasion. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the toenails: their size, shape, smoothness. All this will affect what color the pedicure polish should be.

There are 3 rules that are always relevant and suitable for any occasion:

  • the same tone of varnish on the nails of the hands and feet;
  • pedicure to match the shoes;
  • Nail design matches clothing or accessories.

You can show more courage in your decisions, because fashion trends often contradict themselves. For example, it is believed that varnish does not have to be the same color as clothes and shoes; it can also be contrasting. Or even from a different color scheme.

So, good combinations are considered:

  • golden or lemon pedicure and purple shoes;
  • yellow tones go well with green and blue;
  • red and berry shades;
  • orange or purple with green sandals;
  • blue and chocolate.

A pedicure can be a couple of shades darker or lighter than a manicure. Contrasting combinations for arms and legs can be used.

When choosing the design of clothes and toenails, you need to remember only 3 rules:

  • The color of the nail polish and the color of the dress do not have to match. So, it would be nice to combine yellow clothes with an orange pedicure;
  • It is not advisable to use black varnish with a black dress, the image will turn out too gloomy;
  • translucent polish and French pedicure go well with a white dress, you can use light shades and other colors, such as blue or green.

As you can see, there are many trends. But you should always remember one most important rule of pedicure: your feet should be well-groomed and neat!

Popular shades

Trends change every year, but some pedicure options always remain equally fashionable. For example, French, red, metallic and others. To keep up to date with new products, you need to read fashion magazines, watch how celebrities dress and make up and, of course, consult with pedicurists.

The classic design option for toenails is French. The nails look neat. This pedicure is relevant for both a business meeting and a holiday. Can be used at any time of the year.

Another fashionable option– . It brightens up all winter outfits and is also appropriate in summer. In addition, there are many shades of red, so it is easy to match any skin tone, clothing, shoes or accessories.

Metallic shades always remain fashionable, especially gold and silver, adding a festive touch to any look. They go well with jewelry from precious metals. Therefore, this pedicure is used on special occasions.

Dark tones of varnish are used in the cold season. They are also relevant for friendly parties. But at a business meeting, too dark or too bright a nail color can make a negative impression.

Depending on the condition of the nails

Unfortunately, not everyone has perfect nails on foot. Often the plates are irregularly shaped, slightly misaligned, or have an uneven surface. If your nails have any flaws, you should not use bright colors and draw attention to a part of the body that is not the most advantageous. What can you do to make your legs look well-groomed and beautiful, but at the same time hide some imperfections?

  • It is worth paying attention to the transparent varnish. It will hide some flaws, the nail plate will appear smooth and shiny, and the foot will look well-groomed. But at the same time, attention will not be focused on the legs. Also, transparent varnish eliminates the problem of matching colors and patterns, because it is absolutely neutral and goes with everything. It always remains a relevant option for pedicure.
  • Pastel-colored varnishes hide imperfections well. Only the color must be natural and light. To hide unevenness, it is advisable to apply a base coat. This pedicure goes well with almost any style of clothing.
  • A radical method of correcting all imperfections is nail extensions. In this case, they can be given any shape and get a flat surface.

Much luckier are those who naturally have smooth and beautiful nails. This gives a lot of room for imagination, since there are no restrictions in this case. If legs are one of the most attractive parts of the body, why not pay attention to them and make them even better? Design methods:

  • It is easy to apply a design on a flat surface. At the same time, you need to remember that you will have to view the patterns from a fairly large distance. Therefore, you need to make a drawing from large and medium-sized elements, otherwise the whole picture will look like an intricate multi-colored spot. The same goes for small nails.
  • The picture can be supplemented with rhinestones.
  • A pedicure can be darker than a manicure to draw attention to your feet.
  • For beautiful toenails, you can also use bright colors. This will make the image more impressive and memorable. There is no need to be shy about bold colors: red, orange, hot pink, etc. On the contrary, they can be used to focus attention on well-groomed parts of the body.

Owners of beautiful and even nails can always experiment on their own or go to a salon, where they can make their wildest fantasies come true for a reasonable price. But it is important not to overdo it. It is better to familiarize yourself with samples and photographs in advance in order to evaluate and understand what is really beautiful and what is not.

For what reason

Where the woman is going is of great importance when choosing colors and patterns. So, a pedicure that is appropriate at a disco or party will look completely out of place at a business meeting or at gala event.

  • So, if a woman is going on vacation to the sea, then she can get a pedicure with a marine theme: turquoise, waves, rhinestones imitating pearls, etc. Of course, you can choose a shade not only to match the color of the sea or sand. Nails that match your swimsuit or pareo will look good.
  • When attending a party, preference is given bright colors. Different designs on your toenails will look impressive. You can use decorative elements that will add glamor to the pedicure: rhinestones, sparkles, pebbles, velvet.
  • A modest and discreet manicure is appropriate for a business meeting. You can give preference classic options: French and clear varnish. A pedicure in natural tones or to match the color of your manicure will look good. If you want to make a drawing, then it should be discreet. The design option for 1-2 fingers is allowed.

Types of varnishes

Varnishes differ not only in color: red, blue, transparent, etc., but also in properties and area of ​​use.

Base varnish

It has a transparent color. It is used as a base for pedicure, as it creates a smooth surface, primes the nail and prevents the base polish from peeling off. The result is richer, clearer colors. And the pedicure itself lasts much longer and becomes more resistant to mechanical damage. The base varnish contains plasticizers, which prevents chipping. Thanks to the presence of cellulose, the base varnish penetrates into the base and is even better fixed on the nail.

Matt lacquer

The matte varnish has a non-shiny base, making the coating appear very smooth. Dark matte shades are considered fashionable for pedicures. It is convenient to apply drawings on it, because it does not conflict with other colors. It looks good in a business atmosphere. To create a matte varnish, ingredients that absorb and reflect light are used. It provides good protection nail The matte finish looks very good on long nails, including extensions.


Glitter polish gives a more feminine look, but it doesn't last as long. Glitter varnish is used for special occasions and Everyday life.


Semi Matt lacquer- This is something between matte and shiny. Therefore, it can be used for any occasion.

A combination of matte and shiny nail polishes looks good. They are applied next to each other and used to create drawings.


Craquelure or cracking varnish is new fashion trend. It serves to create an artistic effect. After its application, many thin cracks form. This is due to the fact that it destroys the structure of the previous layer. Typically, crack varnish is applied in a thin layer.

Unfortunately, it is not compatible with all types of varnishes, so when purchasing, you need to clarify whether the purchased products are suitable for the selected type of pedicure. If you use incompatible varnishes, you may not get the desired result. best case scenario, and at worst - a pedicure falling into rags.

In addition to the compatibility of products, you need to take into account some other features when painting nails. The varnishes should contrast with each other (for example, red and blue), the brighter the difference, the more pronounced the effect can be achieved. Immediately after drying, apply a protective clear varnish. Otherwise, the pedicure will quickly crumble and your toenails will look sloppy. The crack coating is applied in a thin layer. To achieve a greater effect, you can combine several primary colors or make several layers.

A pedicure opens up endless possibilities for imagination, regardless of price. And only the woman can decide which option to choose.

We have said more than once that the image of a woman lies in the details. Throughout their lives, ladies spend a lot of time taking care of themselves. Sometimes the procedures bring ladies joy and pleasure, and sometimes they bring trouble. To ensure that self-care brings only pleasant moments, you should not put off beauty until tomorrow. It becomes very important for a woman to toenail care, which is what we want to talk about.

Manicure and pedicure are procedures that every woman should perform. Of course, you can spend time in the salon if you have the money for it, but this is not enough. If you really want to have strong, healthy and beautiful nails, you must understand how correctly the procedures are performed.

The frequency of pedicures is 1-2 times a month. The procedure begins with a preliminary stage in which the legs are processed and prepared for the procedure. This is what it looks like:

  • The basin is filled with warm water and soap. If desired, you can add lemon juice(it helps whiten the skin), fresh or dry mint leaves (has a deodorizing effect) or olive oil.
  • The legs are steamed for 10-15 minutes.
  • Cleansing is carried out using a scrub or penza skin. Heels and soles are thoroughly rubbed with pumice. All rubbing should be done in a circular motion.
  • After the dead, rough skin cells are removed from the feet, the feet are rinsed with clean, cool water.

After finishing preparatory stage The pedicure procedure itself begins.

  • Using a special manicure spatula, carefully push the cuticle away from the nail. This will allow the nail plate to “breathe”.
  • Use other manicure tools to give your nails the desired shape. Pay attention to the nail on thumb– it is cut exclusively in a straight line. If you deviate from this rule, the risk of painful ingrown toenails increases.
  • Move on to painting your nails.

The procedure will become more effective and enjoyable if you listen to the following useful tips:

  • After taking a foot bath and softening your feet, dry your feet with a soft towel and apply nourishing cream.
  • File your toenails in one direction, avoiding curves and curves.
  • After the feet and toes are lubricated with cream, have a short massage session. A softening effect can be obtained by using a small amount of lemon or orange juice with olive or other vegetable oil.
  • If the shape of your toenails is not attractive, do not focus attention on them by applying bright polish. The best option will use colorless varnish or gel.
  • Use an orange stick to push back the cuticle.
  • Don't forget to use a cuticle softener.

Painting your toenails is an art, and no less so than carrying out a similar procedure on your fingernails. And there are secrets here:

  • Using a polishing pad, polish your nails - this will allow you to apply the varnish in an even layer.
  • Gently coat your nail plates with base coat. Let your nails dry. This action will straighten and protect the nails and increase the period of wearing the pedicure.
  • Taking a bottle of varnish, shake it.
  • Cover the nail plates with varnish. Apply to the brush the amount of varnish that is necessary to cover one nail. Paint your nails from the middle to the tip and vice versa. Then carefully blend the polish on the left and right sides. Wait until the varnish dries.
  • Just as you applied the first coat of polish, apply a second coat to your nail. Give the varnish a chance to dry.
  • Cover your nails with a layer of topcoat varnish.

Basic rules for caring for toenails

Good condition of toenails is preceded by compliance with the rules of foot care. Take note of them and don’t forget to follow them!

  • Trim your toenails promptly. Before starting the procedure, do not forget to take a steaming foot bath and massage your feet and toes.
  • Make sure to always keep your toenails in dry, clean, and soft shoes. Of course, shoes should be tight. Otherwise, you provoke the development of fungal diseases, which we will talk about a little later.
  • Wash your feet daily, morning and evening.
  • Wear socks from cotton fabric and change them every day.
  • If necessary, use foot deodorant or refreshing cream. It would also be useful to use special herbal foot baths.
  • Disinfect your pedicure tools every time you use them.

Fungal nail infections, which, unfortunately, are very common, will help reduce everything to nothing. Let's try to understand the causes of their occurrence and methods of treatment.

To be fair, we note that on average, 50-70% of people have fungal cells on their skin on their feet, which in turn are the ancestor of numerous fungal colonies. However, fortunately, many people are saved by strong immunity and the protective function of the skin. In other people, the fungus independently penetrates the nails and settles there.

The most common fungal nail disease is onychomycosis.. This is a very contagious disease that develops on keratinized epithelium. Onychomycosis often develops against the background of common diseases such as: varicose veins, diabetes, swelling in the legs, thrombophlebitis, vitamin deficiency. Fungal spores and cells can be stored in cracked floors, such as baths, saunas, sports pools, hotels and even beaches.

The development of mycosis of the nails and skin of the nails is accompanied by the following factors:

  • Professionally caused need to wear plastic or rubber shoes all day long
  • External factors that reduce the body’s immunity: the use of antibiotics, background radiation, etc.
  • Established habit of wearing airtight sports shoes
  • Poor hygiene (washing feet, cutting nails, etc.)
  • Using someone else's shoes
  • Excessive foot washing - strips skin protective properties, which provokes the development of the disease.

The presence of onychomycosis is indicated by:

  • Skin rashes
  • Peeling skin or cracks between the third and fourth toes
  • Changed color or structure of nails
  • Rough or thickened skin on the sides of the heels or feet
  • Itching and bad smell legs

How to get rid of mycosis of nails?

To give an absolutely accurate and correct answer, you need to consult a doctor who will determine the extent of the disease and select the necessary treatment.

If you manage to notice the development of a fungal infection on early stage, you can buy antifungal cream: travogen, batrafen, exoderil and other external agents that contain terbinafine.

To treat fungal nail infections, there are special varnishes, such as batrafen. This varnish should be applied to the nail plates every time after taking a foot bath, trimming the nails, filing them or cleaning them. In the first month, the varnish is applied every other day, then twice a week. Also, do not forget to remove any remaining varnish with a special liquid once a week.

Surely you have already encountered this problem, because the quality of shoes leaves much to be desired and even the most comfortable ones at first glance bring troubles that you won’t immediately notice.

You can use traditional home remedies to treat the problem of ingrown toenail. It is recommended to do the procedure itself at night.

  • Prepare vinegar, glycerin and iodine. After pouring hot water into a basin, soften the skin of your feet and nails. Dry your feet.
  • Process problem nail. Gently push back the cuticle and place a little under the nail butter. Treat the nail plate with a mixture of iodine, glycerin and vinegar (the mixture is prepared in equal proportions) with the addition of two parts of water. Leave the nail overnight.

This procedure should be carried out every day.

It should be noted that soaring feet is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and people with diabetes.

Toe nail extensions

Undoubtedly, if you want to have beautiful, even nails (which, unfortunately, nature did not endow you with), you can try the procedure of toenail extensions. You can do this service either yourself or in a salon. It should be noted that in the salon this service is seasonal, and toenail adjustments are carried out 1-2 times during the entire season.

If you have uneven nails, toenail extensions are a must. If you choose acrylic extensions, the material will force the nail to grow in the desired direction, pulling it down. Acrylic extensions Helps get rid of the problem of ingrown toenails.

Taking care of your toenails is essential. Beautiful, well-groomed toenails are not only a sign of beauty, but also a sign of health!

We've collected 30 tricks and tips for girls who love to take care of their nails on their own. How to dry your manicure quickly? How to make varnish? How to carefully draw a French jacket? About this and more - in our article.

1. Wash off the varnish carefully

To prevent the skin around your nails from looking like you killed someone or were poking around somewhere after removing red or other bright polish, apply a rich cream to your hands before the procedure.

2. Remove any remaining varnish from the skin

If you did not use the previous advice and the skin around your nails is stained, tape will help remove stains. Adhesive tape is great for collecting polish residue, especially silver.

3. We erase the varnish quickly

In the manicure departments of cosmetic stores they sell various products for quickly removing nail polish. They are bubbles with a sponge soaked in cleaning liquids. You don't need to run the cotton wool over your nails: just dip your nail into the bottle and wait a little.

You can make this product yourself. Take a small glass jar, place a sponge cut to size in it and soak it in nail polish remover. The principle of operation is the same.

4. Remove glitter polish

Soak cotton pads in nail polish remover, apply them to your nails, and wrap each finger in foil. After 10 minutes, the polish will come off easily, despite the glitter.

5. Whiten your nails

Sometimes colored polish is absorbed into the nail plate, leaving behind an unsightly yellow discoloration. You can get rid of it with whitening toothpaste. Take an old brush and brush your nails with it.

But to prevent such incidents from happening at all, do not forget to use a base coat before applying the main varnish.

6. Saving a broken nail

You will need a tea bag and clear nail polish. Apply the latter to the damaged nail, and then place a patch cut from a tea bag over the crack. Re-coat the nail with clear polish.

7. We store varnishes conveniently

If you store your polishes in an opaque box, label the caps with the appropriate shades. This way you don't have to take out all the vials to find what you need.

8. We make our own varnishes

If you have few varnishes or cannot find the desired shade in the store, you can make what you want yourself. You will need clear varnish and mineral shadows. They dissolve perfectly in varnish, and you can adjust the color saturation.

You can also add various glitters to your homemade varnish.

9. Open a bottle of nail polish easily

If the varnish cap is glossy, screwed tightly and does not give in, they will help you deal with the problem. By wrapping them around the lid, you will get the desired grip and easily open the varnish.

10. Extending the life of manicure

If you want the varnish to last longer, before applying it and applying the base, the nail plate must be thoroughly degreased. To do this, wipe your nails with a cotton swab dipped in white wine vinegar.

11. Paint your nails correctly

The accuracy of a manicure largely depends on the technique of applying varnish. How to paint your nails correctly, read this.

12. Create an even coating

One thick layer will never lie as smoothly and neatly as several thin layers. Just be patient: let each layer dry.

13. Making a matte finish

Matte varnishes are very popular in Lately. But if you don't have one, then just mix light loose powder with a clear polish. In this case, you should mix as shown in tip No. 8.

14. Making the polish brighter

Many girls know that if you apply shadows to the base, they go on more evenly and the color turns out more saturated. It's the same with varnishes.

If your colored nail polish looks faded, use a white matte polish as a base. You will get a bright manicure and will be able to avoid multi-layer application.

15. Apply glitter correctly

This video shows how to apply polish with large glitter so that it adheres well to the nail and does not bulge.

16. Protect your skin

Applying stamping or gradient to your nails can seriously stain the skin around you. We have already written that in this case a special one will save you. But if you don’t have one, use PVA glue: it also forms an easily removable film.

17. Eliminate defects in manicure

Paint your nails and do not stain the skin around them, especially on right hand, pretty hard. But it doesn't matter if this happened.

Take a thin brush, soak it in nail polish remover and erase the blemishes. Unlike cotton swab, the brush does not cling to the varnish and does not leave lint.

18. Draw patterns on your nails

If your eyeliner has dried out or simply doesn't suit you, don't rush to throw it away. Her excellent elastic brush - as a rule, this is exactly what is there - can be used in nail design to draw fine lines.

Some girls even use ordinary stationery markers for nail art.

19. Create an animal print on your nails

If you cut the eraser on a pencil like this, you get a homemade stamp: dip it in black polish and make leopard print designs on your nails.

20. Making blanks for nail art

Add varnishes different colors alternately into the water. Use a toothpick to create a pattern. Remove the resulting film and cut out blanks from it.

21. Making sliders for design

The principle is the same as in the previous case. Only here you need to make a film from clear varnish and then apply drawings on it. For example, using dots.

22. Replace dots

A dot is a stick with a tip in the form of a metal ball. With it you can create various designs on your nails.

If you don't have a dots, use available tools. For example, safety pins, toothpicks, empty ballpoint pens and so on.

23. Doing a French manicure

French manicure looks feminine and suits almost any occasion. But not everyone can draw a smile line for a French jacket. The video shows several ways to do this carefully.

In addition, you can highlight the tips of your nails using a regular rubber band.

Just stretch it around your finger and apply white varnish. This is a budget alternative to special vinyl stencils.

24. Masking the unevenness of the French coat

If, despite all the tricks, you cannot get even stripes, you can use a trick. Draw a line under the white part with glitter varnish. Glitter will hide flaws, and you will get an original design.

25. Making stencils from electrical tape

This irreplaceable item can also be used in nail art. For example, for the same drawing of a French jacket.

Insulating tape also makes excellent stencils, which, unlike adhesive tape, do not stick tightly and do not peel off dried varnish.

26. Dry your nails quickly


To protect freshly painted nails from small lint and dust, add a drop of cuticle oil on top.

28. Saving a manicure

If you have smeared the manicure you just did, do not rush to wash everything off. Just wet your finger with water and gently rub the damaged area. The varnish has not yet hardened and will easily return to the desired position.

29. Shake the varnish correctly

What do you do before opening a bottle of nail polish? Do you shake it well to make it less chewy? Great! Just do it right: place the bottle between your palms and roll it around.

If you shake and turn the varnish over, it may bubble up when applied.

30. Saving thickened varnish

Has your favorite polish started to thicken and doesn’t fit well on your nails? Place it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes and then shake well.

If you have your own manicure difficulties, be sure to share them in the comments.

Pedicure – important detail when creating an image. What color should you paint your toenails? It all depends on the shade of the manicure and the outfit you are going to wear. There is no need to go to extremes, paint your nails in neon or poisonous colors, believe me, they have not been in fashion for a long time. And here dark shades By the way, they will be just right, for example, cherry, burgundy, brown. But such tones are suitable if there is no dress code in the office. Otherwise, you will have to be content with a beige palette or a French coat. But you must admit, they look great. In addition, they match any color of clothing.

Thanks to rhinestones, beads, foil, and other materials, you can make your nails interesting and unusual. Recently, cosmetic stores have a huge number of bottles with different coatings. What to look for when choosing foot polish? We'll talk about all the nuances in the article.

What color should you paint your toenails? After reading the article, you will probably find out the questions that interest you. But remember one thing, your legs must be fine. Don't forget about softening baths using oils and medicinal herbs. – the right tool, without it, the skin on your heels will be rough and ugly, remember this. About fashionable color scheme We'll talk later, but first, let's find out the most popular pedicure designs.

Fashion trends

It would seem that nothing could be simpler than choosing a palette of toenail polishes. It turns out that there are pitfalls here too. You won't right choice, and the whole image, so carefully created, can be ruined. How to prevent such mistakes? Choose those shades that are always at the peak of popularity. Among them are:

  • Pastel shades. These include beige, sand, flesh tones. Say that they are boring and not bright, that’s how they are. But there is a huge plus, a similar color of varnish can hide absolutely all the shortcomings: an uneven nail plate, perfect shape. In this case, the emphasis is not on the legs;
  • Options for summer. In fact, there are many of them. Pedicurists suggest not to be shy and use bright colors. Believe me, on the beach you should stand out and arouse the envy of others. Choose a popular palette: mint, yellow, metallic, fuchsia, dark blue. These shades harmonize perfectly with many colors. In principle, with regards to the beach, this is not necessary. Completely different aesthetic laws apply here;
  • The next option comes to us from the corners of Paris. This is famous French manicure. Its simplicity and unusualness attracts. It wasn't that long ago fashionable combination white and beige shade. But over time, everything changed. Nowadays, colored French pedicure is in trend. Choose the right palette, the shades should be in harmony with each other. You should not give preference to black tones, they make your nails rough;
  • Neon back in fashion? The answer is probably more yes than no. But you need to be extremely careful with this varnish. He attracts, but at the same time repels. We settled on this palette, choose accessories to match (bag, jewelry, scarf). Don’t even think about purchasing shoes of the same color; the ensemble looks very awkward, even childish;
  • Unusual prints. If using nail polish seems boring and uninteresting to you, try unusual drawing. If you don’t have artistic skills, stamping or special translations will help;
  • And of course, for those girls who love chic and sparkle, there is still somewhere to “roam around”. , stones, feathers are back in fashion.
Decorate your nails and you will look like a real princess.
Pedicures must be done at least once a month. Recently it has become practical and convenient to coat the plate with shellac or gel.

Particular attention to sandals

There is an opinion that the color of nail polish on your feet should match the palette on your hands. But this has not been in fashion for a long time. But he simply has to match the color of the shoes. Let's consider popular options:

  • Black shoes. Will fit dark colors. It can be cherry, burgundy, shades of blue. Gold and silver are prohibited. It is better not to use metallic varnishes;
  • White sandals. The perfect mint shade. He's been trending for the second season now. Complete your look with accessories of the same color and you are guaranteed success. This pedicure is especially popular in summer season. In winter, cool shades will be appropriate: coral, purple, violet. It is not advisable to choose a pink color scheme; your nails will blend in with the color of your shoes;
  • But if the sandals are colored, decorated with large stones, rhinestones, lacing, the pedicure should be as calm as possible. You don't want to resemble a colorful parrot, do you?
As you can see, everything is quite simple. Use the above tips and your legs will look great.

Pedicure secrets

To make your pedicure look perfect, you need to know the following nuances:

  • The varnish will fit perfectly only on a completely degreased nail plate. This can be done using special means or ordinary alcohol, acetone;
  • Don’t forget to wear special pads that are attached between your fingers; they will prevent the varnish from getting on your skin;
  • To make the coating stick better, it would be a good idea to use a base;
  • The bottle of varnish must be new (no more than six months). Otherwise, cracks and chips will appear within 1-2 days; no one needs this. Remember, you cannot dilute the coating with acetone or any other product. It is more profitable to buy a new one;
  • Apply varnish from the middle of the nail plate to the bottom and top, so you make several strokes;
  • If you use a bright palette, make sure that the varnish does not end up on the skin, it looks very ugly. Use special acetone pencils for removal;
  • The coating must be applied in 2 layers, you will get a rich and deep color.
Use these tips and the pedicure procedure will turn into a pleasant experience.

  • For those who do manicures and pedicures at home, it is important to remember some rules to look stylish:
    • Despite the trendy shades, make sure that the palette suits you individually. Knowing your problems, for example, a protruding venous network, you should not emphasize this problem;
    • The color of the polish on your arms and legs does not have to match. This fashion is a thing of the past;
    • Contrast of tones is in fashion; try not to choose colors that are similar to each other;
    • Remember, being bright does not mean using neon polishes. They are quite specific. If you use them on your legs, it is better to avoid using them on your hands.
    The ideal image for a woman is not only stylish wardrobe, but also details: well-groomed hair, smooth skin, manicure and pedicure. Remember, every little detail is important. What color to paint your toenails is a question that can often be found on women's forums. There are no specific dogmas or rules; be guided by your own taste. Remember, the same colors are not acceptable, these are relics of the past. Try to look fashionable. How to do this was described in the article.