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Where to celebrate a man's 50th birthday. Where to celebrate the anniversary

An anniversary is an important event in the life of a person who has achieved significant date. But relatives, friends and colleagues are no less happy about this celebration than the hero of the occasion himself. Each of them dreams of expressing their respect and love and giving gifts. Where can you organize a banquet to which you won’t be ashamed to invite your dear guests? I would like the restaurant for the anniversary to correspond to this important event. Many Muscovites have already realized that you simply cannot imagine a better place to hold a holiday than the estates near Moscow. The entire event can be easily decorated with the aristocracy and pomp appropriate to the occasion to emphasize the significance of the moment. Any banqueting hall for an anniversary in Moscow at the service of the birthday boy and his guests. The organizers will be happy to take on most of the work on decorating the room, after which everything will breathe with solemnity. Ordering a cafe for an anniversary is inexpensive, but a celebration that takes place in a large banquet hall will look much more impressive. This way, all guests will be able to sit comfortably at beautifully decorated tables, each of which will have a bouquet of fresh flowers. The host for an anniversary is very important, because you want the event to be memorable, everyone to have fun, and leave pleasant memories. A professional toastmaster, who has a lot of knowledge, is perfect for this role. various scenarios holding such holidays. A good banquet hall for an anniversary is necessarily equipped with all the necessary music and lighting equipment. So, if your budget allows it, it’s worth ordering a live musical ensemble or inviting a star. A celebrity who visited an anniversary banquet, a restaurant in the Moscow region, as well as the enthusiasm and fun that she will bring, will probably be discussed by guests for a long time. To prevent guests from getting bored, it is better to come up with and discuss the anniversary scenario in advance, taking into account the age of the main audience. A very important part of the event is music for the anniversary, because it creates the overall mood. If you include ceremonial marches or his favorite compositions while awarding the hero of the day and presenting gifts, then what is happening will be perceived with great interest. If the hero of the occasion is an active person, and his guests are the same active people, then the restaurant for the anniversary can provide a separate dance floor, equipped with light and music. At the request of guests, after the completion of the official part, a full-fledged disco can be arranged. And if the dances are planned in advance, they can be performed by a specially invited popular DJ. When a restaurant is ordered for an anniversary, one of the most important points of the celebration, especially the banquet itself, is, of course, the menu. Sometimes thinking through and discussing details can last more than one day. If you order a banquet for your anniversary in a serious country complex in Moscow, then the festive dinner will definitely include delicacies that lovers of interesting and rare dishes will appreciate. The highlight of the table can be a miracle cake, large stuffed fish or fancifully decorated game. Here you can show your imagination. When ordering a country restaurant for an anniversary, you can inexpensively take advantage of the swimming pools, saunas, billiard rooms and more located on its territory. All guests will appreciate the opportunity to relax in an informal atmosphere after the end of the formal part and dancing. If the birthday person is a person with a sense of humor, then the anniversary banquet can partly be organized in a bathhouse or sauna. When all the toasts have finished and the gifts have been presented, you can safely change your formal suits to towels and brooms. For a bathhouse party, another host can be chosen who will entertain and make people laugh. If you decide to rent a cafe for your anniversary outside the city, you should think about comfortable accommodation of all guests in separate rooms. Because not everyone wants to get to the capital at night, after the banquet is over. Some establishments have their own pond, in which case the day after the banquet you can organize a fishing competition. When an order is made for a restaurant for an anniversary, prices may vary depending on the number of guests and the list of all services provided. When making your final choice, you should choose a restaurant for your anniversary with a well-groomed backyard area. If the park and driveway are beautifully designed and the trees are trimmed, then photographs against their background will turn out incredibly beautiful. But the birthday boy will certainly want a banquet hall for the anniversary and festive program left the most pleasant impressions. At the end of the event, all participants can receive souvenirs in the form of postcard photographs, which will depict the hero of the day, guests and beautiful views of the nature of the Moscow region. Everyone, considering these small gifts, will also want to celebrate the anniversary in a restaurant in nature. And the birthday boy will have a whole album as a keepsake, which he can review and remember how beautifully everything was decorated, what exquisite dishes were served, what pleasant moments passed within the walls of a country club near Moscow. You can order a restaurant in Moscow for your anniversary, the prices will be high only because this establishment is located within the city. For the same price, you can take all your family and friends to nature, so that after a great feast and fiery dancing you can still go out for a walk, breathe fresh air, and admire the sky. If the banquet hall for the anniversary is located near the river, then everyone can easily get to the pier to travel on a comfortable ship. There is simply no energy or time left for such joys during everyday activities. And the anniversary scenario may include a wide variety of entertainment events. Busy people will be happy to change their surroundings to get closer to nature at least for a while.


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In this section, we have selected the cafes that are most suitable for celebrating an anniversary event in Moscow. Here you will find both small halls for 20-30 people and more spacious establishments. Choose and ask questions to our experts - they have visited all the establishments presented in the catalog and will be happy to tell you all the nuances of the establishments.

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Leave a request and we will contact you, answer all your questions, provide advice, tell you about the conditions for holding banquets in our restaurants, the advantages and nuances, and help you understand the prices!

It has long been customary in our country to celebrate anniversaries. On a grand scale - gypsies, fakirs, wandering artists and musicians; culinary delights - piglets, geese and quails; In Rus', these holidays were celebrated in palaces and in the open air by everyone who could afford them. The most often celebrated “round date” was the birthday of a person (the hero of the day), a company anniversary, a wedding anniversary, an acquaintance, receiving a degree, etc. are not excluded.

For the birthday boy, this is the very episode in life when you feel yourself the best person on the planet, hear laudatory odes in your honor, declarations of love and friendship and, of course, a sea of ​​gifts... So where to celebrate an anniversary in Moscow? How to choose the right restaurant for your anniversary, inexpensively and with dignity, from a huge variety of Moscow establishments?

We will help you choose an excellent restaurant, banquet hall, cafe for your anniversary, and receive gifts not only from guests, but also from partner venues where your celebration will take place.

Many restaurants give discounts and gifts to anniversaries. And how nice it is to unexpectedly receive a super dish from the chef, a cake and even fireworks. Our managers are aware of special offers from restaurants, ships and banquet halls and will be happy to select a suitable anniversary offer.

There are many specific features and nuances that accompany the organization of such an important event. Selection of cuisine based on the taste of your guests (national, vegetarian, children's), service and decent appearance of the restaurant or cafe for the anniversary at the optimal price-quality ratio, territorial location, absence of corkage fee and hall rental, or closure of the club or restaurant and much more. Finding a combination of all the important factors in one place, combining them with a good program and adapting them to your event is a task well within the capabilities of professionals in their field. And, of course, gifts from the OBanket company - they are individual, but we give them to absolutely everyone good mood

, a unique holiday and endless positive...

Agree, it’s not every day that we receive such a high reward! And such an event certainly needs to be celebrated! Celebrate brightly, shockingly, unforgettably! Surely, you yourself have more than once thought about the question of how to celebrate the golden anniversary, and you have a number of ideas for your honorary holiday. Well, if not, take a look at our article for a hint! You might find something interesting for yourself!

A bright event, 50! It’s worth noting him in a chic, dude style, forgive the verbal pun! In those days they were the idols of youth, they were revered, they were worshiped, they tried to imitate them in every possible way. However, less than half a century has passed since Hipsters returned to domestic screens, and the “stylish orange tie” became a youth fashion brand. By organizing a holiday in the Hipsters style, you will have a wonderful opportunity to unite the interests of different generations. Your children and even grandchildren will not be bored at the holiday! In preparation for the celebration, it’s worth rustling a little in the attic. Surely, you will find your old collections of photographs and stamps, once-favorite dresses and suits there! And, of course, ties! Prepare such a wonderful accessory as a gift for your guests! Several hours of great mood are guaranteed! “Shooting a musical” involves an evening of songs. Remember the favorite songs of your youth, sing them (fortunately, modern technology with a karaoke function allows you to feel nostalgic to your heart’s content!) all together, or one at a time.

2. Golden anniversary, or 50th anniversary only in gold

The decor, surroundings, and the entire atmosphere surrounding your guests should be saturated with bright, rich, sunny colors. You can greet guests at this arch. "Golden" Balloons, like nothing else, are able to convey the luxury and pomp of the upcoming holiday! The games room (room for dancing and entertainment) should be decorated with a serpentine with the number 50.

As a treat, you need to serve hearty, elegant dishes. Lamb in sauce, Caprice salad, and of course, cake! All covered in “golden” sugar crumbs. Remember, only gold - and nothing else! Well, maybe also champagne! However, it is also a kind of “golden drink”. Bubbling gold in a glass!

3. Nostalgia, or another option for a retro-style party

The idea of ​​the holiday: to recreate the happiest moments in the life of the hero of the day. We warn you right away - the preparatory process for a party is troublesome and long. And, for sure, one person will not be able to do everything! So, immediately put the advice into practice (if you are interested in this idea): interest relatives and friends of the hero of the day, let them make their small, feasible contribution to the preparation of “Happy Day”.

For decoration, it is worth making a photo collage of bright photographs of the birthday boy, those in which he (certainly!) smiles. You can also instruct your friends to prepare a small video (based on a home video of the hero of the day), comment on the colorful moments of his life (even cartoons would be useful!).

To make the surrounding atmosphere more convincing, you can buy evocative things at an antiques store: records, blankets, dishes, etc. And you should treat your friends and family to salads and appetizers that were traditional for a festive feast during the years of your turbulent youth. Pickled cucumbers, “Herring under a fur coat”, “Olivier” salad, etc.

And there is a wonderful idea for the cake! Give it in the form of entertainment! For each piece, put a checkbox with a task: tell a joke from the 70s, sing a song, remember what happened on May 20, 1972, etc. Before trying the delicacy, the guest must complete the task.

Well, after a hearty meal, it’s worth moving around! Organize a dance lesson for young people! After all, no one can dance like the “masters” at 50!

4. Day of Monuments, or historical masquerade for 50

It's no secret that it is customary in our country to erect monuments to idols from different eras. Charismatic personalities, conquerors of the hearts, wallets and thoughts of the people now stand in squares and parks, proudly raising their heads and humbling their followers with a contemptuous gaze. Peter the Great, Catherine the Second, Count Orlov, Zhukov, Stalin and many others. Why not adopt the manner of communication between the king and the commander, why not let the leaders of centuries-old history meet at the same time? Choose an image that suits your character and come to the dinner party at one o'clock! However, it wouldn’t hurt to dilute the slightly pompous atmosphere of the proud rulers. And you shouldn’t forget about the main “king” of the holiday! Surround him with attention, kind smiles, invite him to dance, in the end.

And also - give him such an “actor’s” caricature as a vivid reminder of the historical holiday!

5. Oscar ceremony, or 50 in the spirit of Hollywood

Red carpet, photo for the magazine at the entrance, dress code for guests. All these are mandatory attributes of the “anniversary film festival”. In addition, you need to take care of a stage on which the stars can express all their emotions about the award. And, of course, come up with films. Preferably, mentioning the name of the birthday person, his merits, “feats” and adventures. And award Film Academy statuettes to the main actors who took part in those events. As a decoration, you can use a real advertising film (only instead of the faces of the actors, paste in photos of real, well-known, mutual acquaintances, friends and comrades).

And you can treat the “actors” and “directors” with tartlets with a figurine and a gorgeous, “star” cake.

6. Antique birthday, or 50 in Greek style

Tell me, which fifty-year-old man doesn’t dream of seeing himself as Apollo? Greek god with a perfect toned figure, idol of women different types and generations?

And what birthday girl with the number 50 (according to her passport) does not dream of perfectly smooth skin, slender legs, and the figure of Aphrodite? Yes, of course they dream! At least, perhaps, they are carefully trying to hide their dreams! However, if the external beauty of the gods of the ancient Greek world is a painful and unpleasant issue for the birthday boy (due to some complexes or prejudices), you can orient the storyline of the holiday in the direction of the mind, the wisdom of the ancient Greek thinkers: Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. Surely, the wisdom and life experience of the hero of the day is worth celebrating with a “laurel wreath.”

For the holiday, try to choose a cafe (or restaurant) decorated in the appropriate style. Tall painted vases, flower pots made of wicker, and lots of candles will be an excellent decor for your event.

The treat should also be chosen in Greek or Mediterranean style. Lots of fish, seafood, cheese and fruit - the general line of the feast.

And as entertainment - dance the famous and beloved dance by many generations - sirtaki.

And to “consolidate the dance material” treat your friends with the real drink of the gods - martini with papaya, also called “sirtaki”.

7. Fishing, or 50 outdoors, near a pond

Is the birthday boy an avid fisherman? Loves outdoor picnics? With barbecue, fish soup and songs with a guitar until the morning? So why not give him a festive fishing rod for his birthday?
The day before, send out invitations specific to the event to friends and comrades.

And then - organize a grand exit! Such a holiday will surely delight both children and adults! And don’t forget about the holiday-themed treats!

8. Ice Cream Celebration, or Sweet 50

Adults, no less than children, love sweets. Only (due to age) they don’t always allow themselves to do so. But in honor of the golden anniversary, you can allow yourself to relax a little and enjoy your favorite delicacy. To interest guests in the theme of the party even before it starts, you can invite them to dream up at home on the theme of ice cream, fruit, yogurt, nuts and marmalade. And at the end of the evening, reward the inventor of the most original and delicious dish. And of course, surprise everyone with a unique ice cream cake.

9. Black and white image, or 50 without halftones

Respectable age no longer tolerates excuses and does not accept explanations. Life is divided into two stripes - black and white. Let's leave pink, purple, and other colored glasses to the youth! And our generation lived in the era of black and white television, costumes, photographs. Decorate the formal hall in appropriate colors! However, black and white tone An event does not mean that it should become boring and insipid. Even in black and white there is room for fun, unique sweets, and bright photos with a sparkle in your eyes!

10. The fountain of second youth, or at 50 life is just beginning!

Of course, by the age of 50, the vital resource of a person’s physical body begins to gradually dry up. But! This does not mean at all that you need to fold your arms and sadly wait for the arrival of old age! This means that you must definitely look for your source of vigor and energy, the source eternal youth souls! As a symbol of the event, it is worth building such a “waterfall with living water” in the yard, the fountain of youth! And also - it is important to hold the event itself in the healing fresh air (possibly by the pool), and certainly organize it in “live” and clean, light, white and blue colors! And at all times, our dear, kind, true friends were considered a source of positive energy!

If you want, you can add a “health swim” to the party.

Let your 50s become a symbol of a new, successful, cheerful and vibrant life!

It is better to rent a restaurant for an anniversary in Zelenograd 2-4 months before the special event. In this case, you will be able to choose a spacious room, evaluate the skill of the restaurant’s chefs, the level of service, think through the details and agree on the price. If before holiday date With less than a month left, be prepared for unscheduled collisions, significant overpayments and lack of time.

What to look for when choosing a restaurant for an anniversary?

An anniversary is a good reason to gather close people at one table, enjoy time well spent together and have a great rest by tasting the delicacies of national cuisine. Since the number of guests on a round date is often not limited to several relatives, for the celebration gala event You can choose a cafe, restaurant or banquet hall. This will save the owner of the holiday from the need to prepare food, decorate the apartment, and subsequently clean up after a fun holiday.

In order for the celebration to pass without incident, and after its end only pleasant impressions remain in the memory, many nuances should be taken into account. Among them:

  1. Number of invited guests. The area of ​​the room ordered depends on the number of people. If you have 5-12 guests at your party, you can simply rent an area in your favorite establishment to have a good time with your loved ones. If their number goes beyond 20-30 people, you should think about renting a hall where no one will disturb you. You can rent a hall for 50-100-150 people. Find an establishment of a similar format on the Internet, study its features and location before placing an order. It is best to rent a hall in advance - several months before the expected event.
  2. Requests for the interior of the establishment. Some halls of Zelenograd are decorated in themed style. This could be a design from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, a Ukrainian farmstead or a Russian folk settlement. You can organize the program according to the topic festive evening. You will have a great time, pleasantly pleasing both the birthday boy and the guests. If the room is decorated in a neutral style or modern style, you are free to add the touches that you like. These can be flowers, decorative figures, decorations from balloons- arches, columns, bundles of garlands.
  3. Study the hall so that, in addition to organizing seating, there is still free space for dancing and performances by guest artists. Then you won't have to cram into a limited space. If you plan to host presenters at an event, look in advance for a place to place the equipment.
  4. Parking zones. Most guests will arrive by taxi, but there will also be those who arrive in their own car. It will be good if the restaurant has convenient parking for its customers. This will allow you to park your car in close proximity to the establishment. This is especially true in winter, when you have to walk in shoes to a restaurant in the cold, as well as in inclement weather, when wind and precipitation can seriously ruin appearance before guests enter the foyer.

If the celebration date falls in the summer, consider options for going outdoors. Specialized companies will help organize an outdoor restaurant, and professional catering will not allow you to doubt the quality of the service provided.

What nuances should you discuss with the manager before concluding a deal?

Before concluding a rental agreement for a restaurant hall for a specific date, discuss the details of the upcoming celebration with the administrator. There are no trifles in such matters, so do not hesitate to be vigilant so as not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation later. Please check the following points:

  • Is it possible to purchase alcohol on your own and is there a corkage fee?
  • Does the customer have the right to buy fruits, sweets, coffee and tea outside the establishment?
  • Is there a cost for renting the hall? What does it consist of?
  • What is the minimum check amount when creating a menu?
  • What is the prepayment amount? How long before the celebration is it paid?
  • What discounts can you expect?
  • Are there any sound restrictions? They may overlap if the restaurant is located in a historical building.
  • What penalties do you have to pay when canceling an order?

If the celebration is planned for the cold season, find out how the wardrobe works and whether its workers can cope with the influx of guests. Check where the smoking room is located so as not to make tobacco lovers freeze outside. If it is hot, check the operation of the air conditioners - the room should be comfortable and pleasant.

Check to see if it is possible to invite your host. Sometimes restaurants make it a condition to order the toastmaster they recommend. In this case, it is better to coordinate the work of third-party specialists in advance. To check the quality of service, visit the restaurant before concluding a contract. This way you can appreciate the masterly work of the chefs and note the overall level of the establishment.

How to create a menu for holiday guests?

The kitchen is the central focus of the upcoming holiday. Menu selection is of paramount importance. Meet with the manager, discuss the details of the order, ask to sketch out several options for organizing a banquet. If you have children at the party, create a separate table for them. The best way to keep kids occupied is to have a children's playroom or invite an animator.

The quality of the dishes, the features of table setting and the level of service are very important, because the atmosphere of the establishment depends on them. Since the entire holiday takes place “at the table,” it is important to create comfort. Concerning general rules When calculating the menu, an average of 1 kg of food is assumed per guest. This includes appetizers, salads, hot dishes and desserts. Make sure hot food is served on time. There is no need to serve them at the start of the banquet. Let guests get comfortable at the table, try snacks, and appreciate the beauty of the interior. And after 30-40 minutes, the waiters will bring hot delicacies into the hall.

In addition to the listed details, pay attention in advance to the textiles of the banquet hall - what tablecloths and napkins are on the tables, covers on the chairs. Note how the waiters' uniform looks and how carefully they treat it. Check the condition of the toilet room and foyer. After careful research, make a decision. If everything suits you, sign the contract.

How to spend your 50th anniversary if you decide to celebrate it alone, with friends, relatives, or work colleagues? In all these cases, it will be necessary to provide for a large number of nuances. We hope that the tips outlined in this article will definitely help you organize your event correctly.

Why not do what you have long dreamed of on your own birthday? Do you want to skydive? So finally do it! It is on your birthday that you are allowed everything! Take advantage of this chance. You can celebrate your fiftieth birthday the way you want.

And even if you've always dreamed of spending your 50th birthday alone, do it without remorse. If you feel uncomfortable in front of friends and family, let them know in advance that you will be unavailable for some reason on your birthday. It is not necessary to give reasons.

On your birthday, just turn off your phone and do what you dreamed of. Someone just wants to get some sleep and spend the day away from the hustle and bustle. Often such a desire arises in people who are forced to be in society for a long time.

You can watch your favorite movie, eat various delicacies, take a walk, or go shopping. The main thing is to come up with a celebration program for yourself, and then you won’t be bored.

How to spend your 50th birthday with family and friends? Make a guest list in advance and think about where you can accommodate that many people. If it is impossible to celebrate your birthday at home, consider the option of a restaurant, entertainment center, paintball club, country house, water park, or cafe.

If you plan to hold an outdoor event, be sure to resolve the issue of transport. Will guests get to their destination and go home on their own? If not, you will need to rent a minibus.

Think carefully about your menu before hosting your 50th birthday party. What do you plan to treat your guests to? If the event is taking place in an office, it is very important that the food is easily portioned. People will eat in a work environment, and therefore it is necessary to prepare dishes that would not lead to discomfort when consumed. So, give preference to sandwiches and light snacks. Be sure to resolve the issue with drinks. Remember that frankly cheap alcohol is a sign of bad taste.

If you decide to start organizing a holiday, the tips from this article will definitely come in handy. We hope that the information we bring to your attention will be necessary and useful.

How to spend your 50th anniversary

First, talk to the birthday person to find out if he has decided on the place to celebrate his birthday. If the hero of the occasion is confused, you can offer him a couple of options. So you can spend your 50th anniversary at home, in a restaurant, or even go out into nature.

A birthday held at home gives peace and comfort. Invite guests, look at photos of the birthday boy together, talk about various topics, raise a glass to the health of the hero of the day.

What should you consider when preparing for a holiday if it is held at home? First, decide on the number of guests. The average apartment can accommodate about 10-15 people. A larger number should already be taken to a cafe or restaurant. Home celebrations can be considered the most economical, although not always the most fun.

If you want more movement and joy, go to a restaurant. There you can dance and socialize to your heart's content, because the banquet hall can accommodate many more guests than an ordinary apartment. Of course, this option is more expensive, but there is no need to prepare food and wash dishes - both the organizer of the holiday and the hero of the occasion get the opportunity to simply relax and unwind, and this is also important.

If the weather is good, you can celebrate your fiftieth anniversary outdoors. Go barbecue, fish, or even sunbathe on the beach. In this case, do not forget to think about transporting guests to and from the celebration site, because many may not have a car.

We will also dwell on those points that need to be taken into account regardless of where you decide to spend your 50th anniversary. So you need to find out in advance whether among the guests there will be people who, for health reasons or ethical reasons, do not eat this or that product. In this case, you will need to either exclude the “forbidden” ingredient or prepare a separate dish for the guest.

Also take care of entertainment program. It's great if you hire a toastmaster. Don't forget to discuss the script, competitions and games with him. Approach the process of organizing a holiday creatively, and everything will work out!

Now you know how to celebrate your 50th anniversary. All that remains is to put all the tips into practice!

How to end a 50 year anniversary

Usually the holiday goes on as usual: gifts are presented, then a feast follows, toasts are made, games, competitions, and dancing begin. But it is very important to end the celebration in such a way that the guests and the hero of the occasion have only positive impressions about the holiday. How to do it? You will find the answer in our article.

It’s great if your holiday develops according to a pre-thought-out scenario. In general, this is one of the most the best ways not only to finish, but also to have a birthday party in general, since this means that neither you nor the guests will be bored. It is very important to calculate how much time a particular event will take in the scenario. For example, it is known that games and competitions should be held already in the middle of the celebration, and their duration should be a maximum of 15 minutes at a time. Intervals between competitive programs can last from 30 minutes - this is enough time for guests to chat and get ready to play. The same goes for dancing, feasting, toasting - everything needs to be timed.

It is important that the hero of the occasion pays attention to the guests, and does not spend time in the kitchen, occasionally running out to listen to the next toast. If you expect a significant amount of work, invite an assistant (you can hire such a specialist through an agency), and have fun and have fun. Today you can do this.

It’s good if you entrust the organization of the holiday to a professional toastmaster. He knows how to end the anniversary competently, without offending the guests who are still not averse to having fun. In addition, he can have an interesting birthday, which is also important.

Usually the end of the holiday is marked by a sweet table. This is a kind of hint to the guests that the celebration is coming to an end and it’s time to leave. Gather your guests, tell them a few nice words, raise your glasses and then give each guest a piece of cake as a sign of gratitude for the attention paid to your person.

Be sure to do group photo with guests - this will also become a symbol of the end of the holiday and at the same time will allow you to get a photograph that will be pleasant to look at years later.

You can also end the holiday with fireworks. That's very beautiful!

Now you know how to end your anniversary correctly.