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Where in the family, children are raised well. Children's sayings on the topic of family, proverbs about parents

1. Create conditions for reflection on the family’s experience on moral grounds.
2. Contribute to the development of communication skills, kindness and mutual understanding in the families of pupils.
1. Draw joint conclusions about the importance of mutual understanding in the family, as one of the components of future happiness.
1. Getting to know each other (all those present stand in a circle and hold hands)

We are people who have different names, different education, different characters, views on life, different destinies, but there is one thing that unites us - we are all mothers and fathers of our children. Who, if not us, should know that for a child the whole world is his family. Many of us are building our own families.

What is family? (Answers).

This is a word that everyone understands. It is with each of us from the first moments of life. Family is home, parents, close relatives.

IN family circle you and I are growing,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
All your roots are in the family circle,
And you leave your family in life.

When raising a child, we always face problems.

The family team has a complex structure, fixed by customs, traditions, moral and legal norms, within which children, parents, grandparents are united by a whole system of relationships: between older and younger children, between children and parents, etc. These relationships determine the psychological climate families.

“What makes up a good family atmosphere?” In a circle, parents offer their options:

From comfort, order and ready-made lunches;
- from good relations between family members;
- from everyone’s contribution to the common family business;
- from family holidays.

A healthy family is a family without conflicts.

Today our topic is devoted to the problems of family relationships, namely conflict situations.

Its goal is to build a model (mental algorithm) of adequate behavior for us, parents.

Everyone will probably agree that there are no conflict-free families. But in some families, conflicts are not only resolved safely, without harming the children, but also help strengthen mutual understanding. In other families, they turn into a protracted “war” in which there can be no winner. Let's try to formulate some causes of conflicts (answers):

Misunderstanding of each other and unwillingness to compromise;
- excessive care of parents for the child, when parents adhere to the following rule: children are created for joy (as a result, a small and then a large despot grows up in the family, accustomed only to receiving and not giving anything in return);
- disagreements between parents on issues of upbringing, when the child has to maneuver between the demands of the father and mother;
- excessive severity towards the child and pedagogical resentment.

1. Do you think that your family has mutual understanding with children?

Thank you for your answers, and I would like to turn to the words of I. D. Vilde “How much human happiness has been shattered to smithereens just because someone did not say to someone: “Sorry”

2. Do you think your child will want his future family to be like yours? If you can, please explain why?

Exercise 1.

Situation No. 1. The boy returns home late. His parents, tired of waiting, swoop down on him with reproaches and shouts, not allowing him to speak out. The boy goes to bed without explaining anything to his parents.

Later, the phone rings and the parents learn that their child is late for a very good reason.

Real situation?
What is the complexity of this situation?

Try to resolve it yourself

Situation No. 2.

A young man is in love with a girl from a dysfunctional family, who is a very good student, exemplary, well-mannered, and you will find out about this, but you do not approve of your child’s choice. Your actions? Do you think it is important to look at a girl's marital status?

Situation No. 1.

The child liked the toy, but the toy is very expensive; he asks to buy it and is capricious. You do not have such opportunities to buy this toy. Your actions?

Situation No. 2.

7 pm ( winter time). The child is late at school. My classmates have all been home for a long time. He comes home at 7.30 and starts making up stories about how the teacher delayed him, etc. You know that the child is lying.

Your actions?

Situation No. 1.

Dima is often angry with his parents because they raise him a lot and often scold him: you can’t spend a lot of time outside, you need to wash your hands more often, don’t sit at the computer for a long time, why don’t you study your homework, don’t be friends with Seryozha - he will not bring any good: and so on endlessly: he is rude to his parents and demonstrates insubordination.

What to do in this situation?
How to find a way out of a tangle of conflicting relationships?

Situation No. 2.

Your son (daughter) has developed bad habits. You smelled cigarettes. Your actions? What to do in this situation?

Situation No. 3.

The home environment itself objectively contributes to the emergence of trust and sincerity.

The girls come home from school and discuss what they will do at home. One of them says that her mother has just arrived and now the girl will tell her the news in 3 days.

But as soon as the girl enters home, her mother quickly asks about her grades, scolds her for her sloppy appearance and sends her to do her homework, citing her fatigue.

The upset girl goes to her room.

Conclusion: It is important not to miss the moment when children need us, when they reach out to us and want to discuss with us issues that are important to them. And this should not become a cause of family discord.

Message from a psychologist: what suicide is, types of suicide (show presentation)
Screening of the video “Where Childhood Goes” (discussion with parents)
Screening of the video “Please take care of your childhood”
Reflection showing the video “13 phrases of life”
At the end of the meeting, parents are invited to write their favorite words on hearts. best qualities your child, wishes for them
Write "Friendly" on stickers a happy family- this is... based on the results of the parent meeting

Let's now answer the questions:

When was the last time you had a private, heart-to-heart talk with your child?
When was the last time you stroked his head?
When was the last time you said you love your child?
When did you look into your child’s eyes with love and tenderness?

If you didn’t do it yesterday or the day before, then do it today.


I would like to end our meeting with a parable.

One morning a fisherman and his two sons went fishing. The catch was good, and by noon the three men were ready to return home. But as they began to pull out the nets, a storm suddenly blew in and completely obscured the coastline from view.

And at the same time the storm did not spare them either. small house. It caught fire and the fire burned their home and all their property to the ground.

When the fisherman and his sons got ashore, a crying wife was waiting for him, who immediately told her husband and children about the misfortune that had befallen them. But the fisherman didn’t even raise an eyebrow. The wife was indignant: “Husband, we have lost everything. what we had, but you don’t even care!”

Then the fisherman replied: “The fire that destroyed our house turned out to be the same light that suddenly appeared in the fog and showed us the way to the shore.”

Light in the window of the house... What feelings does it evoke in our children? Are you glad they're waiting for you? Tears of purification: “Well, here I am at home”: irritation - well, what do they need, what can they not sleep: fear - how to pass quietly so that there is no scandal and screaming?

As you leave the meeting, I really want you to think about what feelings the light in your window evokes in your children, who, in a very short period of time, will become fathers and mothers and will themselves turn on the light in their windows.

Memos to parents

Principles of parent-child relationships

1. I want to be loved. Therefore, I will be open to loving children's hearts.
2. I love being accepted for who I really am. Therefore, I will strive to empathize with and appreciate the child.
3. I am the only one who can live my life. Therefore, I should not strive to completely control the child’s life.
4. I often forget about the complex labyrinths of childhood. Therefore, I will let the children help me find ways out of dead-end situations.
5. I know a lot about the world around me. Therefore, I will try to ensure that my child also finds himself in this world.
6. I cannot make a child's fear, pain and disappointment disappear. Therefore, I will strive to soften the blows of fate.
7. I feel afraid when I'm defenseless. Therefore, I will touch the child’s inner world with kindness, affection and tenderness.

“Kindergarten and family” - Family is one of the oldest institutions that has survived entire eras. Historical excursion. Basic principles of implementation of the “SEVEN-I” program. Algorithm for opening SDS. Educational process in SDS. Three models of family kindergarten. Not a single nation, not a single cultural community can do without family. Large families? the most stable and strong family formations.

“Family Day” - Fevronia turned out to be an excellent wife, and Peter did not regret that he had made a misalliance. Family traditions. Peter was younger brother Prince of Murom. Then Peter and Fevronia left Murom. So...grass! That’s how it should be!” As a result, the boyars themselves asked Peter and Fevronia to return. From the story of Peter and Fevronia. The symbol of the holiday is CHAMOMILE.

“My Family” - Design of newspapers “My Family”. “The surroundings of Gzhatsk were distinguished by many water meadows and forests. Why treasure if there is harmony in the family? In your own family the porridge is thicker. Selection of photographs and information about the family. Goodness does not flow through the world like a river, but lives as a family. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place. Stolbovsky Nikolay.

“Interaction between family and school” - Stages of project implementation. The school is the family’s partner in the education of the individual. A model for disseminating positive experiences of interaction between family and school. Family is a priority area of ​​pedagogical work. Develop a program for interaction between family and school. The family is not a passive object of influence, but an active subject of personality formation.

“Family and kindergarten” - Adults and children play! Working with fabric. Work with salt dough. Fairy tales performed by parents and children. Master class from parents! Happy starts! “Dad, mom, I am a sports family.” Not only parents, but also grandmothers delight with their presence. Master class for parents. Educational game with parents, “What we are like – children and adults.”

“Family budget” - Utilities - monthly expenses for paying for an apartment. The “Income” table contains a list of income items. Each cell has its own address, for example A4, E1, C5. In the last row of the tables we calculate the total amounts for the columns. We learned what income and expenses are. 2.1.Income. Calculation of family income. To enter information, select the cell, after which the cursor appears.

There is a fashion for the number of children - no matter how strange it may sound. At the beginning of the 20th century, a family with one child was rare. Half a century later, a family with two children has become a familiar picture. In the heady 90s, few parents decided to have more than one child. And three offspring is heroism! The turbulent years smoothly turned into stable ones, although at times crisis ones. True, for some reason it confuses me: why? How did this happen? What guided the husband and wife when they had “so many” children?..

According to experienced parents, psychologists, and teachers, the biggest revolution in family relationships produces the birth of the first-born: the difference between zero and one in this matter is enormous, one might say, fundamental. Whole life changes: not only is there a shake-up in everyday life (lack of sleep, diapers, rompers, walks, children's clinics), but also a change in priorities - older family members have to take into account the interests of the “newcomer” and sometimes sacrifice their own.

With a second child, experience certainly helps, and yet the appearance of a younger child in the family raises a wave of new concerns and difficult questions. Redistribution of parents' attention, division of toys and children's property, jealousy, disorder in the apartment. For the firstborn, the birth of a brother or sister is also a test: he has ceased to be the center of the universe. And yet, a brother or sister is for life. He or she will be a support and support when parents are gone, best friend who knows what kind of person you really are.

Mothers with many children unanimously declare: the appearance of a third child in the family does not fundamentally change anything in it. Life has long been restructured to suit the needs of children; by the time the third is born, the “childfree” lifestyle with nightclubs and endless parties, as a rule, is long gone. There are enough things (clothes, shoes, toys); Parental experience is also enough not to frequent pediatricians because of banal colds and scratches.

Of course, the appearance of a third person brings certain specifics to the life of the family:

  • the middle child becomes - the time has come for him to feel jealousy, and mom and dad are no longer as concerned about this problem as they were at the birth of the second;
  • you will have to think about whether it will fit in your family car;
  • the youngest baby, and the older ones already have to take the children to clubs and sections, we have to develop non-standard approaches to time management.

Of course, a lot depends on the age difference between the children - the greater it is, the easier it is for parents to cope purely physically. But even with a small difference (2-3 years), sooner or later parents of three discover that two (and then three) can solve many issues on their own. In general, life is getting better. True, this does not happen overnight...

Why do people give birth to a third child?

Mothers of three children often note that others are ready to suspect them of any kind of “crime” due to the appearance of a third child in the family. There are assumptions about unplanned pregnancy, medical indications, a desire to give birth to a third child for a new husband, an attempt to “shake out” benefits from the state (an apartment, a plot of land, etc.). For some reason, people are not ready to accept the simple idea that a child can be born not for any purpose, but simply to love him.

By the way, what benefits are we talking about?

According to Russian legislation, families with three or more children, including adopted children, those under guardianship (trusteeship) and those under the age of 18 (if they undergo training, the age increases) are classified as large families. The state really expresses its readiness to help large families - they are entitled to various rights and benefits: discounts for using utilities, free travel for children on the city bus public transport and a discount on intercity transport, free meals for children in educational institutions, priority admission to schools and provision of vouchers to sanatoriums, etc.

Parents who decide to have three or more children are provided with garden plots and are given the right to flexible forms of employment (for example, part-time work), priority training or retraining. According to the Federal Law “On State Support large families", parents of three or more children can receive a one-time preferential loan or an interest-free loan for the construction or purchase of housing (Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph 8); receive housing as a matter of priority, free of charge, in houses of the state and municipal housing stock - if they prove that they need improvement living conditions and fit the vague wording “meet additional conditions established by the authorities local government"(Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph 9).

The same law “On State Support...” invites parents of large families to engage in small business or farming and promises state support. Thus, they can receive a one-time plot of land to create a peasant (farm) enterprise, small and other enterprise - and at the same time tax benefits (Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph 11), or receive a one-time preferential loan or an interest-free loan in priority for the purchase of machinery, equipment, road transport and for other purposes related to the creation and development of peasant (farm) enterprises (Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph 12).

Parents with many children note that in Everyday life Benefits such as exemption from transport tax and the right to free parking in the center of Moscow, preferential entry to the zoo and some museums are useful.

But of course, people don’t give birth to children for dubious benefits! Many benefits in reality turn out to be a “pleasant trifle” and cannot seriously help a large family financially. All benefits must be issued by standing in everyone’s “favorite” queues in government institutions and proving that you have many children, and some (like the right to free parking) then have to be confirmed and re-registered annually... No benefits are worth going for the birth of a second, third and subsequent children.

The President and people's representatives in the State Duma are increasingly expressing the opinion that families with three children have become the norm, and therefore should no longer be considered large families. Rumors are being spread from mouth to mouth and on the Internet that the “large family norm” will be raised to 4 children from the beginning of next year, 2016 (there are no such bills yet). Most likely, these are unfounded statements: families with three children are still far from the “norm”. They are still quite rare and, although they are no longer perceived with hostility by others, they have not at all become models to follow. And the people’s representatives themselves are in no hurry to “follow the norms” and have more than 1-2 children.

So why do parents “decide on a third”?

If you try to formulate the answers logically and sort them into pieces, you will get the following reasons:

  1. Love for little children

When older children grow up and enter schools and kindergartens, mothers and fathers feel longing and the need to be vital to someone, the desire to “cuddle” a fragrant, plump baby.

  1. Communication and clannishness

Parents strive to create a “clan” so that their children are friendly, and there are many of them. Children from large families do not experience a lack of communication.

  1. Desire to have a child of a different gender

If the two older children are same-sex, then many families decide on a boy/girl.

  1. "Last chance"

Some women, reaching the age of 40, realize that they will soon no longer be able to become mothers and give birth to a third, late child in order to again feel like women, keepers of the hearth, givers of life.

Whatever the rational reasons, often parents simply want to give birth and love another child - because they can, because they have the mental strength and desire to do so.

Three children is great and not at all as difficult as it might seem from the outside. All the difficulties and troubles are more than compensated by the happiness that children bring to the family. There are many myths around having many children, which life smashes to dust. Any mother (of two, three, or more children) will confirm that it is only difficult when the children have a small age difference (less than 2 years), and while all the children are small. As children grow older, it becomes easier. If the difference is 5-6 years, then the difficulties of raising children are not felt so acutely.

In many “multiple children” situations, you can find advantages: for example, when the eldest son goes to school, the second goes to kindergarten, and a baby appears in the family, then the mother, looking after the baby at home, can help the eldest more with his studies; There is no need for after-school care, just as there is no need for a nanny for a kindergartener while he is sick.

Children's jealousy is more frightening. If you prepare properly and behave correctly, jealousy can be minimized and even avoided altogether.

It turns out that the question of the birth of a third child for some of us (simply due to internal prerequisites and personal characteristics) is essentially no different from the question of the birth of the first. If for a woman the role of wife and mother comes first, then with the birth of children she ceases to be tormented by questions about the meaning of life and her purpose and knows exactly why and for whom she lives. The question “why give birth - first, second, third” simply does not arise.

  • According to a VTsIOM poll conducted in May 2014, 53% of Russians believe that a family should have two children, but only 38% have that many children. 28% of respondents declared the desirability of three children in a family, but only 8% put their ideas into practice. 10% of Russians are confident that one child is enough (among residents of capital cities there are statistically more families with one child). In general, Russians adhere to patriarchal views - only 1% of respondents suggested that a family could exist harmoniously without children at all.
  • Why do Russians think people have children? Among the answers are concern for procreation (36%), caring for children as the meaning of life (19%), children as the main goal of marriage (14%), hope for support in old age (9%), and simply happiness (6%).
  • Why then don't people have children? 31% of Russians simply have no idea why. Another 18% suggested that there is not enough money for children, 14% - that there is too much selfishness. The answers also included poor health (10%), inability to have children (9%), personal choice, beliefs (7%), and fear of responsibility (6%).
  • In 2015, 18,000 mothers in Moscow gave birth to their third or more children.
  • In 2009, the Order of “Parental Glory” was established in Russia (for parents and adoptive parents who raised 7 or more children). Since its inception, 281 families have been awarded this distinction. In 2014, 20 families received the order. In 2015, 25 families have already been awarded, including two single parents.
  • According to the Association of Large Families of Moscow, there are 104,088 families registered in the capital with the status of large families, of which 125 are raising 10 or more children.
19.09.2014 5576 0

prepared and conductedpsychologist Shishkova A. N.

“The family is all together - the soul is in place”

“From a scattering of folk wisdom”:

  • Where there is harmony in the family, children are raised well!
  • Becoming parents is easy. Parenting, on the other hand, is difficult. (W. Bush)
  • Attitude towards children is an unmistakable measure of a person’s spiritual dignity. (Yanka Bryl)
  • Love and respect for parents, without any doubt, is a sacred feeling. (V.G. Belinsky)
  • Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. (A.S. Pushkin)
  • Love for parents is the basis of all virtues. (Cicero)
  • Listening to your parents means no grief!
  • Whom you raise in childhood to rely on in old age!
  • It's warm in the sun, it's good in front of your parents!
  • Take care of your father and mother: you won’t find others!

Class progress

Everyone Good morning! Today we will talk about family. Guys, you are becoming more mature year by year, and the time will come when you, too, will start your own family. How do you understand this word “family”?

(“Family” - this word was formed from the noun “seven” that disappeared from our language - “worker, servant, household member.”)

What comes to your mind when you say it? (said by the children of the class, or perhaps excerpts from essays). Yes, this is a family. Every person should have: a home, a family, relatives, because this is where we will find sympathy, warmth, mutual understanding. Precisely to himself to a loved one you can trust your secret, talk about the most secret things, about what worries you, consult with them. Every family is a unique group of people of different ages based on consanguinity. Each of you has a desire to live in a friendly, prosperous family based on mutual understanding and trust between children and adults.

How can you make sure that you understand your loved ones and are understood, so that they trust you and trust others?

What does that require? (Feelings!)

Which? (Love!)

Psychologist . Listen to the poems of the poetess L. Suslova.

But a house filled with goods is not yet a home.

And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a home.

And on the window with living color - it’s not home yet.

When the evening darkness deepens,

So this truth is clear and simple -

That the house is filled from palms to windows

Your warmth.

I miss the warmth -
She told her daughter.
The daughter was surprised:
You're freezing
And on summer days?
You won’t understand, you’re still small, -
The mother sighed tiredly.
And the daughter screams:
I understood! -
And he drags a blanket.

Psychologist . What warmth is being referred to in these passages? (About warmth)

In a strong, friendly family, everyone takes on some responsibilities - earns money, goes shopping, cooks, washes, cleans, organizes vacations, etc. If there is a need, one family member comes to the aid of another. Everyone strives to help, to the best of their ability, a family member who has problems. Such a family is not afraid of any troubles; in such a family there is warmth and mutual understanding.

If you have ever left your home for a short time, remember how you missed it and your family and how you wanted to return to your native walls as soon as possible.

After all, family is an island of understanding, love, warmth and reliability. Here you draw strength, gain confidence, learn from experience, resolve doubts, find forgiveness for your mistakes...

A special, sometimes inexplicable feeling is evoked in us by people who have passed on to us their traits, strengths and weaknesses. What do we know about them?

In each of us you can simultaneously find the characteristic features of all our ancestors: mother’s nose, grandmother’s chin, father’s character, etc., and sometimes this is a real explosive mixture. To know ourselves better, we study our family, its pedigree. There are many relatives around each of us, we are connected with them by invisible threads - by blood: grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts... There are relatives who are younger, and there are also much older than us. And that family is strong which remembers and honors its ancestors. This genus can be compared to a large and strong tree that has deep and strong roots. And if there are many such strong trees, then the storm is not scary for them. And the enemy will not pass through such a forest.
Ignorance of one's ancestors was equated to lack of education

Genealogy is the history of a family, the history of a family in the form of a table or in the form of a branched tree.

Who wants to talk about their ancestry?
(children's story)

And evenings with family! And family holidays and celebrations!

What traditions exist in your family?

Where do you like to spend family holidays?

What family holidays will bring the family together?

In a word, family is a whole world, and it is no less interesting than the one that extends beyond the threshold of your home. Your participation in the affairs of your relatives, your care and help, your interest and respect for the traditions of your family and your family - all this will support the warming and necessary fire of the family hearth.

Why is it important for a family to love each other?

How to express your love for your parents?

How to learn not to upset loved ones?

How to behave when you have done something wrong?

How to learn to understand the mood of your parents?

How to improve the mood of dad and mom?

Guys, do you like riddles? Let's try to guess these:

Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are in the family? (Eight)

My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother? (Yura)

Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (One)

My father's child is not my brother. Who is this? (My sister)

Two mothers, two daughters, and a grandmother and granddaughter, and there are only three of them (mother, daughter and granddaughter)


As we see, family is like a little sun, thanks to which we are warm, cozy, and attract us. And all of us: both adults and children must make sure that this sun always shines, giving us love, affection, uniting us, protecting us all our lives. But a class is also a family, so let's take a photo! (photo for memory)

 What do they say about those who divulge internal family troubles and quarrels? (Wash dirty linen in public.)

 Here is a Russian proverb: “To live for oneself is to smolder, for the family is ... (verb missing), but for the people is to shine.” Name the missing verb. (Burn.)

 Name a completely unsuitable month for getting married. (May, then you’ll have to suffer all your life.)

 This word, dear to everyone, is found in almost all Slavic languages. In Serbian and Slovenian it means “good harvest”. In Czech, Slovak and Polish it means "family". What is this word? (Motherland.)

 Name a fairy tale by Andersen in which this article is violated by its characters. (“Thumbelina.”)

 Which bird saved Thumbelina from marrying a mole? (Martin.)

 In which Andersen fairy tale is the child’s right violated: “Children have the right to live with their parents, and no one is allowed to separate them”? (“The Snow Queen.” From her grandmother’s house, the Snow Queen took little Kai to her ice palace.)

 In which fairy tale by K.I. Does Chukovsky's name day end with a wedding? ("Fly Tsokotukha".)

 The geometric symbol of marriage is... (Two rings.)

 Name the most family geometric figure. (Circle. Close family circle, in the family circle.)

ÿ My father's child, not my brother. Who is this? (My sister.)

My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother? (Yura.)

 The most family mushrooms are... Which ones? (Honey mushrooms.)

 Which plant represents both a native and an adopted relative? (Coltsfoot.)

 In which month is International Day of Families celebrated? In May;

Assignment “For my family”

There are pieces of paper in front of you, write all your family members on them. Under each of your relatives, write down four things they like.

(Students write down on a piece of paper the names of all members of their family and under each name - at least four things that one or another member of their family loves. Then they talk about it out loud).

Now you need to turn over the piece of paper and write on the reverse side the same relatives and under each of them, what you can do to bring him joy.

(Students write, and then everyone speaks out).

Look at your sheet, why do you think we wrote this. What it is? … Yes, indeed, we have drawn up a love plan for each of you for the whole family.

A strong, friendly family has always been an ideal for every generation. How many proverbs have people made about family? Attention to the board. You will also have to put together proverbs, i.e. decipher them.



Family is a stove: it’s so cold, everyone gathers near it.

In the family there is love and advice, and there is no need.

Now I will read to you the rules that exist in a certain family, say, the Ivanovs. Listen to them and tell me what rules you, being adults and respected heads of your families, would not consider it possible to introduce into your family’s everyday life.

  1. Parents supervise their children's school affairs.

2. Each family member has his own responsibilities.

  1. Parents give their children a small amount of pocket money every week.
  2. Children have the right to watch TV without restrictions.
  3. In preparation for family holidays Each family member contributes his/her contribution to the extent possible.
  4. Parents are not required to know what their children do in their free time.
  5. The older children help the younger ones and look after them in the absence of their parents.

Psychologist . Everyday life is hard work for all family members. Mutual assistance, mutual assistance, understanding, etc. But what about holidays in the family? Every family celebrates holidays. Along with the traditional ones, i.e. those that the whole country celebrates, each family has its own. Let's play.

Game: The last person to name a family holiday is the winner. (Birthday, wedding day, farewell to the army, housewarming, presentation of a school leaving certificate, first salary day, entering first grade, farewell to kindergarten, farewell to elementary school, buying a summer house, car, winning a competition...)

Psychologist: The success of the celebration depends not only on the food and drinks served, but also on the prevailing atmosphere; pleasant witty conversation, relaxed fun, joyful animation - these are indispensable companions. Of course, a lot depends on the guests, but the hosts still play the main role.

They say that home and family used to be spoken of with great respect. This is probably why families in Rus' were large and friendly. And there is a lot of evidence of this. Let us at least remember folk tales, proverbs, sayings... They talk about family.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
The hut is not red in its corners... but red in its pies.
The hostess of the house... is like pancakes in honey.
What it’s like at home... it’s like that myself.
Lead the house... don't shake your beard.
You don't need a treasure... when there is harmony in the family.
Examples of proverbs (called by children)
The whole family is together, and the soul is in place
In the sun it’s warm, in the mother’s presence it’s good
A family that agrees and does not take grief
Proverb competition
Task: Collect a proverb (cut proverbs are offered)
1. What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family?
2. In the family the porridge is thicker.
3. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
4 A family that agrees does not suffer grief.
5. In the family there is love and advice, and there is no need.
6. Family - stove: how cold it is, everyone is going to it.
7. A friendly family turns land into gold.

Test "Are you ready for family life
Purpose: to understand your attitude towards future family life.
Please mark in the list below what you consider to be your responsibilities in the family:
1. Taking care of children.
2. Checking homework.
3. Attending parent-teacher meetings.
4. Solving problems with which children turn to their parents.
5. Organization of children's parties in the garden and at school.
6. Organization of family holidays.
7. Reading specialized literature on raising children.
8. Doing heavy physical work around the house.
9. Doing homework that requires a lot of concentration.
10. Buying groceries.
11. Cleaning the apartment.
12. Washing clothes.
13. Current renovation of the apartment.
14. Minor repairs around the house (electrical appliances, furniture, etc.)
15. Maintaining contacts with neighbors.
16. Family budget planning.
17. Payment of utilities and electricity.
18. Buying clothes and shoes.
19. Purchase of furniture, household appliances.
20. Feeding and caring for domestic animals.
Processing test results. Each marked item is worth 1 point.
5 points or less - you want to get not a spouse, but a housekeeper.
From 6 to 14 points - you have no particular reason for alarm, but still think about whether you are shifting a lot of responsibilities onto the shoulders of your future spouse.
15 or more points - you are completely ready for family life. Learned? Now draw a conclusion: maybe you need to change something in your views, in your behavior.

Psychologist: Guys, can our class be called a family?
Loseeva Yanna: To some extent it is possible. We must treat each other like a family, with care, kindness and understanding.

Psychologist: She said it very correctly. I also hope that our class will become a friendly family and, like in a good family, respect and mutual understanding will reign in it. I would like to remind you of the wonderful words: “A house is good where its inhabitants are good.” I wish everyone mutual respect and harmony. Let each of your homes and our common big home be warm, sunny, and cozy.

Sometimes even the meaning of proverbs may not be explained; the child understands the meaning or content without the help of adults. Yes, such short aphorisms, but sometimes they carry more benefit and meaning than long works or stories.

Proverbs and sayings about family convey to children the age-old wisdom of the people. Therefore, it is so important, when raising a child and playing with him, to include these proverbs in his classes.

The most famous, interesting folk proverbs about family for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Brotherly love is stronger than a stone wall.
Without a husband - like without a head, without a wife - like without a mind.
Without a father, he is half an orphan, and without a mother, he is an orphan.
There would be someone to drink, feed, and cover their eyes until they die.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
They are friends in the family - they live, they don’t bother.

Every bride is born for her groom.
Every layman is a family man to his brother.
In the family there is love and advice, and there is no need.
This is the power of a wife loving her husband.
The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.
Choose your wife not in a round dance, but in the garden.
A diligent house is thick, but a lazy house is empty.
The family agrees that things are going great.
All children are equal - both boys and girls.
It's warm in a friendly family even in the cold.
There is no good in an unfriendly family.
Everyone is big in his family.
What is the calculation in your family?
In your home, the walls also help.
In the family the porridge is thicker.
There is discord in the family, and I’m not happy at home.
There is no good in a family where there is no agreement.
In a good family good kids grow.
Everywhere is good, but home is better.
Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.
Where there is advice, there is light, where there is agreement, there is God.
Thick porridge will not disperse a family.
Twins - and double the happiness.
Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its family.
The child does not cry - the mother does not understand.
Although the child is frail, it is sweet to his father and mother.
A good wife will glorify her husband’s valor and smooth out his shortcomings.
A good family will add intelligence and intelligence.
If you take a good wife, you won’t experience either boredom or grief.
A girl's humility is more valuable than a necklace.
They show off their daughters and live in honor with their sons.
Goodness does not flow through the world like a river, but lives as a family.
A friendly family knows no sadness.
The life of parents in children.
Getting married is not drinking water.
The wife is in charge, so the husband wanders around the neighbors.
The wife is for advice, the mother-in-law is for greetings, but there is no dearer than your own mother.
The wife will caress you, but the mother will regret it.
The wife is a friend to her husband, not a servant.
To get married is not to be attacked, just as if you got married you will not be lost.
If your wife doesn’t play the harp, you can’t hang it on the wall.
Why a treasure if there is harmony in the family?
An evil wife will drive her husband crazy.
The father is criticized for being a bad fighter.
Land without water is dead, a man without a family is empty.
He who respects his own mother will not curse someone else's.
He who honors his parents never perishes.
It is better to eat bread with water than to live with an evil wife.
It is better to burn seven times than to be widowed once.
It is better to cry in childhood than in old age.
I love my children, but my grandchildren are sweeter.
Love and advice - there is no grief.
A loving mother is the soul of the family and the decoration of life.
There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.
She gave birth, but did not teach.
Hints and reproaches are family vices.
A husband without a wife is like a goose without water.
The husband - for the glass, and the wife - for the stick.
A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
The mother feeds her children as the earth feeds people.
A mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.
The mother of every business is the head.
Welcome mother - stone fence.
Marrying someone unloved will make your heart embittered.
There is no good if there is enmity between your own.
There is no friend against brother.
The father punishes, the father praises.
To honor your father and mother means not to know grief.
It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.
Honor your parents - you will not go astray.
Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.
The parent's word is not spoken by anyone.
Don't boast about your father - boast about your son - well done.
It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.
The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother.
In good times, godfathers are also brothers-in-arms.
Honor your parents - you will not go astray.
Parents are hardworking - children are not lazy.
A Russian person cannot live without relatives.
A family without a child is like a hearth without a fire.
A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
The glory of a son is a joy to a father.
You will make a home with your son, and you will live the rest with your daughter.
With a bad wife you will grow old, but with a good wife you will become younger.
A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.
The family is at war, and the lonely one is grieving.
To cherish family is to be happy.
Your home is not someone else’s: you can’t leave it.
One's own is not one's enemy.
Consider yours with yours, but don’t interfere with someone else’s.
Family harmony is the most valuable thing.
The family pot is always boiling.
A family that helps each other is not afraid of troubles.
The family threshes peas too.
A family without children is like a flower without a scent.
Family is the pillar of happiness.
The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary.
Family gives a person a start in life.
The family is strong together.
A mother's heart warms better than the sun.
A mother's heart is kind.
Sister to sister is like a river to water.
Agreement and harmony are a treasure in the family.
A family that agrees does not take grief.
Harmony in the family is wealth.
A quarrel in your family - before the first glance.
An older brother is like a second father.
The happiness of parents is the honesty and hard work of their children.
Son and daughter - the sun is clear, the month is bright.
There is no limit to a mother's patience.
Those who know how to live at home have nothing to worry about.
Whoever has a grandmother and grandfather knows no troubles.
The sweet child has many names.
Even if it’s crowded, it’s better together.
A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.
What is there - together, what is not - in half.
The house is held together only by hard work.
If you knew how to give birth to a child, you also know how to teach it.
God help the single man, but the mistress will help the married man.
Wear a warmer fur coat, and choose a kinder wife.
A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.
What you don’t wish for your sister and brother, don’t wish for your offenders.
What a wife doesn’t like, her husband will never eat.

Russian sayings about family and love, on the topic of parents and family relationships

Well, let’s consider it our own: how did grandma’s grandson goat suit her mother-in-law’s hen?
Grandma-grandmother, golden lady!
You pray to God, you feed him bread, you take care of the house, you guard the good.
Close relatives: our Marina is your cousin Praskovya.
Brother won't betray brother.
Brother and brother go bear hunting.
If only I were my grandmother, I’m not afraid of anyone; grandmother is a shield, fist is a hammer.
Even if your wife is a goat, she just has golden horns.
They got me married without me.
He is white-faced and thin as a father.
In people there is an angel, not a wife; at home with her husband - Satan.
In one bag - yes, different money, in one family - but different children.
In a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the way.
The family agrees that things are going great.
In a large family the beak is not clicked.
In a large family, ears don't flap.
Every family has its black sheep.
Where the heart lies, there the eye runs.
Large pot for the whole family.
The son-in-law loves to take, the father-in-law loves honor, and the brother-in-law squints his eyes.
Matchmaker, no matchmaker, don't mess around with it.
Children are not judges of parents.
For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
The bad seed grows quickly.
A good wife is fun, and a thin one is an evil potion.
Village relatives are like a toothache.
The evil seed is nettle. You can't make beer from it.
The mother-in-law thought that five people couldn’t eat; and the son-in-law sat down and ate it in one sitting.
There are relatives, there is fuss.
Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.
Why should I be a father-in-law if I have nothing to eat?
Grandmother - only grandfather is not a grandson.
Behind my husband, like behind a stone wall.
Tenth water on jelly.
He's fat in the family, but not simple in the family.
He is our mechanic's second cousin, a blacksmith.
How are your family? Yes, we are looking at the same sun.
A wife without a thunderstorm is worse than a goat.
The wife is a cat in the hut, the husband is a dog in the yard.
And from a good father a mad sheep will be born.
The hut is fun for children.
From rags to riches.
As is the seed, so is the tribe.
Those who come from a fist cannot bend into a palm.
Husband and wife are one Satan.
The mother is a treasure in the family.
He is young and walks around the world; old, but feeds his family.
Husband and wife are two pairs of boots.
You can't pull a thread between a husband and wife.
The husband is the head, the wife is the soul.
The mother is righteous - the fence is stone.
The mother swings high, but doesn’t hit hard; The stepmother swings low and hits him painfully.
Mother's prayer takes you out from the bottom of the sea.
Dad didn’t buy a hat - let his ears freeze.
Hints and reproaches are family vices.
The family rests on the elderly.
Even the chicken beats on its ashes.
Your father is onion, your mother is garlic, but how did you turn out to be a rose?
Your father is a stocking, your mother is a rag, and what kind of bird are you?
A skinny chicken produces skinny eggs.
The father sipped cabbage soup, and the son became a governor.
The last spoke in the chariot.
The bird's wings are strong, the wife's husband is red.
The horn is a goat, but the origin is a donkey.
Relatives until noon, but nowhere to have lunch.
A grumpy wife means there is a fire in the house.
The father-in-law is a thunderstorm, and the mother-in-law will eat her eyes out.
A pig's snout is in the ground, and a pig's snout is not in the sky.
A blind puppy crawls towards its mother.
Family is a stove. It’s so cold - everyone is going to her.
Seventh water on jelly.
It's hot on the side.
There is no salt, so there is no word; and the torment reached, negotiations began throughout the whole family.
Uncle will make you ugly, looking at himself.
The dashing mother-in-law has eyes in the back too.
The hinny boasts about his tribe.
The cone from the spruce tree does not fall far.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
When I don’t see my people, I feel so sick without them; But when I see my own people, it’s better without them.
Although the inheritance cannot be divided, we must consider it our own.
Everyone in the family is asleep, but the daughter-in-law is told to grind.
The father's son is stupider - a pity; the father's son is smarter - joy; and brother's brother is smarter - envy.
Spiritual kinship is more important than carnal kinship.
Wherever you take your grandmother, feed your grandson!
Harmony in the family is wealth.

Basically, in the 2nd or 3rd grade, as homework for school, they will ask you to find proverbs about family in the amount of 5-7 pieces, children or parents will come, copy it safely, submit it for assessments and forget. Stop, think, spend a little more time, read and comprehend - believe me, a lot will change after these wise quotes or thoughts, aphorisms or sayings, phrases or statuses, and sayings in your family life and marriage, in yourself and in your relationships with your family. Think about it, maybe you can bring an understanding of the value of family to your family, you will become proud of the dynasty, the full family circle.

Also interesting, useful and educational will be love and proverbs about mother.