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Artistic work in the dhow. Handmade and artistic work

Features of manual labor in preschool age, forms of organizing work with children, the importance of artistic labor in the development and upbringing of children. Materials for making crafts, criteria for evaluating children's work. Traditions of decorative and applied arts, artistic hand weaving.



Consultation for educators

Teacher Bulankina T.A.

Features of manual artistic labor in preschool age.

Manual labor childrenrepresents self-production crafts using simple tools. This work, as a rule, has a practical, to a certain extent useful orientation. Children's awareness of the expediency of their labor activity has a significant impact on its quality, on the attitude of each child to the process and result of work.

The individual nature of manual labor (meaning that even with collective work, each of the children performs some part of it with their own hands), provided that all children are consistently introduced to it, allows us to record and correct some shortcomings.

Labor becomes an effective means of education and personal development only when it is naturally included in daily life kindergarten, aimed at satisfying children's interests, suitable for the child,

Carrying out collective tasks develops in children the ability to negotiate with each other, subordinate their interests and desires to a common goal, fosters a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, responsibility, and develops initiative and ingenuity. In the process of performing collective tasks of a visual nature, children learn to independently plan the upcoming work, coordinate their actions with the general plan, think through the sequence of its implementation, select and use the right one. visual material. At the same time, in collective works the individual characteristics children, their creative abilities are formed.

For example, a good gift for decorating a children’s play corner would be a rug, tablecloth, or runner. Any decorative collective work should be distinguished by clarity and simplicity of composition, uncomplicated content, and presented in the following sequence: creating the psychological readiness of children for upcoming activities, planning activities, preparing a workplace, making crafts, including training in technology and organization of control, maintenance of results, summing up .

Artistic manual laborthere is a child's labor with various materials, with the aim of creating useful and artistically and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate your life, games, work and leisure. This child labor is a decorative, artistic and applied activity, since the child, when creating beautiful objects, takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on his ideas, knowledge and practical experience acquired in the process of work.

Decorative and applied arts play a great role in the development of traditional types of artistic work of preschool children.

Decorative and applied art has well-established traditions in its development. True craftsmen, masters of their craft, based on traditional canons, create masterpieces of national culture that more than one generation of people are proud of. Applied art, while preserving the features of distant centuries, brings into modern times the unique beauty of the past. Folk embroidery, weaving, wood painting, intricate carving on birch bark, bone, wood. Ceramics and porcelain contain figurative elements that were carefully selected by the performers and passed on from generation to generation, like fairy tales, epics, songs, and legends.

Transfer of craft skills, creative process making products under the guidance of adults contributed to the consolidation positive emotions, the desire for knowledge and mastery of the specifics of craftsmanship, the formation of initial ideas about folk decorative art. The concept of heritage, tradition in teaching artistic craft has always been important. The most valuable product of labor was considered to be the one that accumulated not only individual creativity, but also the inherited experience of previous generations, learned in the process of practical actions.

Involving a child in labor activity in folk pedagogy has evolved over centuries. The formation of craft skills has always been associated with the production of necessary and useful household items. In the family, the elders taught the younger ones various elements of the labor process until the hand was “placed correctly.” The main prerequisite for such a teaching was the conditions of the surrounding life.

The activities of children with various materials in folk pedagogy were classified as follows: work with natural materials; processing of flax, wool, yarn production and weaving; carving on wood, stone, bone, leather; metal chasing, working with clay; production of ceramic products.

Arts and crafts work for children aged 5-7 years is aimed at creating original, simple crafts of varying quality, expressiveness, and texture of materials. To ensure that the passion for applied art is not episodic in nature, the teacher creates optimal conditions in the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten for the creative activity of every child who wants to test his strength. The atmosphere of “interesting things” is influenced by the organization of exhibitions of children’s works with their subsequent use in interior decoration, in doll and living corners, in setting the dining table, in the decoration of the hall and theatrical performance, etc. To demonstrate the most rational decorative techniques, the teacher can periodically organize exhibitions of art objects (folk and modern).

L.V. Panteleeva, E. Kamenova emphasize the leading role of the educator, who not only explains to the child technical techniques for handling various materials, but also systematically, purposefully teaches to understand beauty, and fosters a caring attitude towards folk experience and traditions.

Developmental adult artistic creativity older children before school age, in applied arts should:

*teach children to determine the aesthetic (artistic) goals of the product design as the final result of their work;

* master the technical skills of working with materials and tools in order to be able to convey your idea without distorting it.

By showing children the simplest techniques for working with paper, cardboard, clay, thread, and natural materials during modeling, applique, and design classes, the teacher solves not only artistic, but also general educational problems (teaches to compare, analyze, show independence and activity in work, help comrades, bring the work to completion, keep order in the workplace).

Each type of activity is unique, has its own special qualities and therefore has its own, irreplaceable influence on the child’s personality, obliges to build the pedagogical process in such a way that characteristics These types of activities were sufficiently developed and used for educational purposes.

It is especially important that the knowledge children acquire in classes becomes part of children’s everyday life and serves the development of work, play, and communication. Properly organized manual labor gives children knowledge about the quality and capabilities of materials, stimulates the desire to master the characteristics of craftsmanship, and introduces them to decorative and applied arts. When organizing artistic manual labor in kindergarten, you need to: teach preschoolers to determine and implement the idea (sketch) of a product, be able to plan the final result of their work; instill skills in working with materials and tools (paper, fabric, thread, glue, needle, etc.). At the same time, the following criteria are put forward for assessing the quality of children's handicrafts:

* functionality of the product, i.e. the possibility of it practical application;

* correspondence of shape, color, proportions to the texture of the material;

* use of national symbols;

expressiveness, imagery, decorativeness of the product.

These criteria apply to working with fabric and threads (decorative appliqué from fabric, weaving, weaving, making panels, doll clothes, parts of costumes for games, theatrical performances, table setting items, souvenirs).

To work with natural materials (making small and large sculptures, decorative collages and volumetric compositions from dry plants, straws, weaving products from twigs, dry grass, making decorative bouquets from dry and living plants, decorating a living corner).

To work with paper, cardboard (application from paper of different textures in combination with fabrics, natural materials, making decorative panels, three-dimensional and flat objects and structures for decorating holidays, entertainment, decorations, souvenirs, models, doll rooms).

Woodworking (crafts and assembly of wooden toys, souvenirs, making small sculptures using elements natural material, doll furniture, small items everyday life).

To work with clay (creating decorative ornaments, ceramic panels for interior decoration, production of wall inserts, small sculptures of souvenir toys, doll dishes).

To work with artificial materials (knitting and weaving from synthetic yarn, polymer film, decorative tape, colored cellophane soft wire, production of decorative jewelry and household items, toys and souvenirs from synthetic rags and fur).

Artistic hand weaving has long been known in Russia. In the old days, home weaving was widespread in peasant life. Various raw materials were used for weaving: flax, wool, hemp, which were processed manually in each peasant house. Factory-dyed threads in hand-made home weaving began to appear only towards the end of the 21st century. The weaving process was almost ritualistic, extended over time - in the summer the raw materials for weaving were grown, in the winter, when field work was suspended, it was processed and woven. The girls got together and spun threads on hand spinning wheels. They were helped in their work younger sisters. On home wooden looms, which were available in every peasant family, they began to slowly weave canvases. Closer to spring, they were laid out on green, sun-warmed grass for bleaching. Various clothes and linens were made from these fabrics, and items were made to decorate the home - towels, tablecloths, curtains, valances. The ancient clothing of Russian peasant women from many regions of Russia can be considered a genuine art of handmade artistic creativity. Sundresses, poneva skirts, cuffs - aprons, shirts with patterned trims along the hem and collar, top summer clothes- shushpans.

The principles of folk artistic weaving do not fade away; they are developing in modern decorative art, becoming increasingly important in the preservation and development of national traditions, in the emergence of new types of products that shape the objective world modern man. Nowadays, we look at this type of applied art as a living and inexhaustible source of folk craftsmanship, wisdom and beauty. Experts believe that in modern folk art weaving is one of the most multivariate types. It is no coincidence that it attracts and captivates many people, regardless of their profession.

Russian patterned weaving, having come a long way in its development and without losing the traditions accumulated over centuries, has now been filled with new content. Traditional weaving is gaining increasing recognition as one of humanity's remarkable handicrafts.

The most widespread types of weaving are hand-made carpets, tapestry, and macrame.

You can start learning artistic weaving as early as preschool age in order to master this interesting and exciting activity, you need to have an idea about the weaving process itself, which has a number of technological features that should be familiarized with, first of all, by a teacher working with children. And so the weaving process is carried out on a manual Tata loom or frame using two threads - the warp (weft), which form the fabric. The simplest weave is plain, in which the warp and weft threads are intertwined alternately.

With the skillful, systematic guidance of a teacher, children can master traditional and modern types of decorative work, perform creative tasks, using their knowledge of the composition of color combinations, the ability to imagine ready product in its final form. During manual labor they develop visual memory, imaginative thinking, static taste, which, in turn, affects the clarity and accuracy of task execution and the quality of work.

Manual and artistic labor is aimed at satisfying human aesthetic needs. The content includes the production of objects from a variety of materials: paper, cardboard, wood, natural, waste.

They make crafts, toys, attributes for games, teaching aids, repair books, and printed board games. Show persistence, patience, and accuracy. They plan the work, select the necessary parts, and make simple preparations. Crafts are gifts for kids, adults and decorate group rooms for the holidays. Exhibitions, creativity competitions for children and adults, parents.

Approximate content of manual labor in the senior group:

· repair of books for children;

· sewing loops to new towels;

· making “vegetables and fruits” from foam rubber for playing “Shop”;

· repair of boxes for printed board games;

· sewing doll bed linen;

· making holiday decorations for the group;

· making characters for tabletop theater;

· making elements of costumes for the holiday;

· weaving a belt for doll clothes from braid;

· manufacturing Christmas tree decorations;

· making toys to play with buildings (trees, people, animals, cars...);

· making souvenirs as a gift to dad, mom, friend...;

· making toys and fun for kids, etc.

The origins of mental work (Kulikova T.A.) – work can act in the form of a logical solution to a problem (mathematical, everyday, the child’s own “discovery”, obtained as a result of thinking, etc.)

The teacher teaches children to “think before they act,” to explain to themselves and others the course of their thoughts, to draw conclusions and conclusions, and to receive satisfaction from the solution they independently found.

Mental work has all the components of work activity.

Various types of work are not the same in their pedagogical capabilities, their meaning changes at one or another age stage.

If, for example, self-care has greater educational significance in younger groups - it teaches children to be independent and equips them with skills to overcome difficulties, then at the senior preschool stage this work does not require effort and becomes habitual for children. When assessing the educational significance of self-service, first of all, one should note its vital necessity, its focus on meeting the child’s everyday personal needs. Daily fulfillment of basic work tasks accustoms children to systematic work. Children begin to understand that everyone has work responsibilities related to their daily needs. This helps to cultivate a negative attitude towards idleness and laziness. Self-service –

This is a constant work on the cleanliness of the body, on the order of the suit, the readiness to do everything necessary for this and to do it without demands from the outside, from the internal need, to observe hygienic rules. It is clear that such an attitude of children towards self-care work can be achieved through painstaking, systematic work in kindergarten and family. Self-care is the main type of work. Teaching children to dress themselves, wash themselves, eat, and put their toys away in their place develops in them independence, less dependence on an adult, self-confidence, desire and ability to overcome obstacles.

Children's work in nature creates favorable conditions for physical development, improves movements, stimulates the actions of various organs, strengthens the nervous system, work in nature is of great importance for the mental and sensory development of children. This work, like no other, combines mental and volitional efforts.

Labor in nature is associated with expanding children's horizons, obtaining accessible knowledge, for example, about soil, planting material, labor processes, and tools. Working in nature contributes to the development of observation and curiosity in children, instills in them an interest in agricultural work and respect for the people who do it. Working in nature helps to cultivate love for it. Through maintaining labor in nature, for example, growing beautiful flowers, aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of people, through organizing the labor process in accordance with the requirements of culture and aesthetics, using the results of labor to satisfy practical needs and joyful aesthetic emotions, the aesthetic education of children is carried out.

Manual labor– develops children’s constructive abilities, useful practical skills and orientations, creates interest in work, readiness for it, to cope with it, the ability to assess their capabilities, the desire to do the job as best as possible (stronger, more stable, more graceful, more accurate).

In the process of work, children become familiar with the simplest technical devices, master the skills of working with certain tools, and learn to treat materials, objects of labor, and tools with care.
Through experience, children learn elementary concepts about the properties of various materials: the material undergoes various transformations, a variety of things can be made from it. Thus, while learning to make useful items from thick paper, children learn that it can be folded, cut, and glued.

Labor in nature

Household labor

Objectives of labor education

1. Labor education - nurturing a conscious attitude and inclination to work as a basic life need through the formation of a habit of work by including the individual in active work activity and organizing this activity in such a way that it contributes to the formation of satisfaction with its process and result.

2. Ultimate yel labor education - the development of a person’s need for work as a character trait.

The purpose of labor education of preschool children- formation in children of ideas about the work activities of adults, the formation of labor skills and abilities, the cultivation of hard work as a personality trait.

3. Different researchers offer their own formulations tasks of labor education. Let's list some of them. Yu.K. Babansky:

Developing an attitude towards work;

Cultivating attitudes towards working people;

Formation of the need to work;

Preparation for choosing a profession. V. I. Loginova:

Formation of attitude towards work;

Fostering the need to work;

Mastering labor knowledge, skills and abilities in the main types of work.

V.G. Nechaeva:

· formation of labor skills and abilities;

· nurturing an attitude towards work, laying the foundations of hard work;

· education of moral and volitional qualities of the individual;

· mastering work skills;

· education of adults’ attitudes towards work.

Thus, two groups of tasks can be distinguished:

1) assistance to the child in mastering work activities;

2) development of the child’s personality at work.

1. Self-service

5. The origins of mental work


Household work;

Labor in nature;

Handmade and artistic work.

1. Self-service - the child’s work aimed at serving himself: dressing and undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures.

The quality and awareness of actions differs among different children, so the task of developing self-service skills is relevant at all age stages of preschool age.

The content of self-care work changes at different age stages and as children master work skills. Having learned self-service, a child acquires a certain independence from an adult and develops a sense of self-confidence. Of course, even in older preschool age, children sometimes need the help of an adult, but still, before entering school, they should already be able to do a lot on their own.

2. Household labor - This is the activity of adults that is most accessible to a child’s understanding. In the process of such work, the teacher develops in children the ability to focus attention on one lesson and, with the help of an adult, to complete the task. Positive assessment and praise are very important.

It is necessary to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the importance of household labor for everyone and for everyone personally. It is this work that makes it possible to show the child that he himself can make the environment in which he lives beautiful and pleasant. Practice shows that by older preschool age, some children lose interest in this type of work. The reason is that the child has already mastered the necessary skills. However, the content of household work can be complicated by expanding the range of responsibilities or introducing a new object for the use of already developed skills.

Household skills acquired by children in preschool are transferred to the family and vice versa.

3. A special type of labor is allocated labor in nature. The content of such work is caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the area, participating in cleaning the aquarium, etc. Labor in nature has a beneficial effect not only on the development of labor skills, but also on the education of moral feelings, laying the foundations of environmental education.

Labor in nature has its own peculiarities:

The result of this work may be material product(vegetables grown by the child, a tree planted by him, etc.). This brings child labor closer to the productive labor of adults;

Labor in nature most often has delayed outcome;

Labor in nature makes it possible to simultaneously develop cognitive interests. Children observe the growth and development of living objects, learn about the characteristics of some plants and animals, experiment, learning about inanimate nature;

This type of work gives children the opportunity to bring joy to other people. Thus, work in nature contributes not only to labor education, but also to moral, aesthetic, mental, and physical development.

4. Manual and artistic labor by its purpose it is work aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. Its content includes the production of crafts from natural materials, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood.

This work contributes to the development of imagination, creativity; develops small arm muscles, promotes endurance, perseverance, and the ability to finish a job. Children make other people happy with the results of their work by making gifts for them. Artistic work in a preschool institution is presented in two directions: 1) children make crafts; 2) they learn to decorate the group’s premises for holidays with their products, design exhibitions, etc. 5 With regard to preschool age, we can also talk about the emergence mental work.

Any work is characterized by an effort aimed at achieving a result. The result can be materialized, can be presented through quality improvement, or can appear in the form of a logical solution to some problem. The latter is the result of mental labor.

Mental labor accompanies (should and can accompany) any other type of child labor. It is necessary to instill in children interest and respect for mental work, to show its importance for other people and for a particular child.

A child’s mental work has all the structural components of work activity: motive, goal, process, result. It is carried out both during educational activities and in everyday life. Like any other type of labor, it has its own forms of organization.

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The issue of introducing preschool children to national and regional cultural heritage and the history of the country and region is of great importance in the continuous education of the individual.

Manual labor is closely related to cognitive development, which helps to enrich children’s consciousness with new content, systematize accumulated and received information, develop artistic and creative abilities and a positive emotional perception of the world around them. Varieties of manual labor are repeated in age groups, only the content, volume of cognitive material, complexity and duration of study change. Through manual labor in the preschool period, psychological processes actively develop, voluntary attention and memory are formed, creative imagination, new feelings are born (friendship, duty, etc.). A child who has little contact with peers or is not accepted in the community due to inability to communicate feels wounded and rejected, which can lead to decreased self-esteem, self-doubt, and isolation.

Preschool age brings new fundamental achievements to the child. Manual labor has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche, as it calms and relaxes her. While doing a favorite and interesting thing, be it sewing, embroidery, appliqué, a child can throw out emotional stress outward, the tension breaks, and calm comes. This allows adults to track the child’s internal state. The lesson helps to adequately express emotional condition preschooler: anger, resentment, pain, joy.

1. Characteristics of manual labor

Manual labor is creative work child with various materials, in the process of which he creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products for decorating everyday life. Such work is a decorative, artistic and applied activity of a child, since when creating beautiful objects he takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on existing ideas, knowledge, and practical experience. Properly organized manual labor in kindergarten gives children an idea of ​​the quality and capabilities of various materials and helps to consolidate positive emotions. Manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills - coordination of the eyes and hands, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills and abilities is formed. Manual labor develops design skills and plays a big role in mental and aesthetic education child, the development of his creative and technical abilities. The older preschooler is fascinated by the process of work itself (sawing, planing, cutting with scissors, gluing, etc.) and, of course, its result. After all, you can play with a toy that he made, for example, from cardboard or old boxes, or you can give it as a gift younger brother, sister.

By the way, a child’s homemade toy is often no less interesting and necessary than a purchased one. For example, to play “sailors”, by making binoculars from thin cardboard, it turns out that you can perfectly see the distances of the sea! Embroidered napkin, bookmark, souvenir basket made of natural material (thorns, cones, moss) - good gifts for an adult family member for a birthday or any other holiday. And this is already a manifestation of attention to relatives on the part of the child.

Showing a son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter what and how can be made from various materials will not require a lot of time from an adult, but this should be specially allocated time not related to household and other household chores, especially since much of what is planned a child can only do it with the help of an elder. It is necessary to encourage the joint manual labor of school-age brothers and sisters with older preschoolers. It’s interesting, and it also brings family members closer together and makes their communication more meaningful.

It has long been proven that the development of the hand is closely related to the development of the child’s speech and thinking. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school education. Therefore, in preschool age it is very important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills. Manual labor in kindergarten contributes to the development of a wide variety of skills and abilities and affects the mental and aesthetic education of the child. One of the main tasks that manual labor solves is the development of fine motor skills of the hands. What are fine motor skills and why are they so important?

Scientists have proven that from an anatomical point of view, about a third of the total area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech zone. It is the size of the projection of the hand and its proximity to the motor zone that gives reason to consider the hand as an “organ of speech”, the same as the articulatory apparatus. In this regard, it was suggested that subtle movements of the fingers have a significant influence on the formation and development of the child’s speech function. Therefore, in order to teach a baby to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulatory apparatus, but also to develop finger movements, or fine motor skills. Fine motor skills of the hands interact with such higher properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, optical observation, visual and motor memory, and speech. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the child’s entire future life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform many different everyday and educational activities that will later help the child in school.

Manual labor is of great importance in the activities of preschool children, and it is very diverse. A feature of children's manual labor is its close connection with play (children create buildings and play with them, make toys from paper and other materials and use them in their games). Games reveal to the child the practical expediency of manual labor; they consolidate and improve the skills acquired in the classroom.

When organizing classes to teach children manual labor, the following conditions are met:

1) Age and individual characteristics of children are taken into account

2) When selecting content for manual labor and samples of toys for children to make, we take into account the difference in the interests of boys and girls

3) Each craft should be interesting in content to children and find specific practical application

4) Complication of technical and visual arts training to give classes an educational and developmental character

5) About the results productive activity the child is told to his parents, adults who come to the group, we show them crafts, publicly expressing our approval and praise;

6) Classes are structured in such a way as to bring children a positive emotional mood and instill moral concepts in children

In kindergarten, children engage in a variety of manual labor, the content of which is determined in the program for the education and training of preschoolers. IN family education It is also important to pay due attention to this type of child labor: to create interest and a desire to make a toy, craft, souvenir, or decoration with your own hands. At five and a half to six years old, a child can make (put together) a bench, a table, a bed for a doll out of wood. First, you should help him prepare the necessary parts, design the product, and then knock it together or glue it. For example, give your child two cubes of the same size (you can use old cubes with pictures or from a building set) and a board. The child will use a hammer to make a bench from these parts. He can paint it himself with gouache or (which is better) oil paint. A little later he needs to be taught how to saw a board; whittle a stick with a knife.
In addition to toys, souvenirs, children can be taught how to make models (see: Nechaeva V.G. Manual labor // Education of a preschooler in labor. - M., 1983), for example, “football” or “hockey”. On a rectangular cardboard stand (30 - 50 cm) with sides (1.5-2 cm) - a field - a goal is placed on both sides, firmly gluing it to the field, which, depending on the content of the game, can be green (football field) or gray -blue (field for playing hockey). Figures of players are placed on the field; they are made from acorns (torso), plasticine (head) and thin sticks (arms and legs). For strength, holes are made in the acorn with an awl into which the arms and legs of the little men are inserted. To make the figures stable, they must be attached with plasticine. You can make a ball or puck from plasticine. Children are divided into two teams and, rearranging the figures, willingly play football matches. You can make models based on fairy-tale plots - “Geese-Swans”, “Three Bears”, “Masha and the Bear”, etc. With their help, children willingly retell fairy tales, sometimes telling them to their younger brother or sister.

It should be borne in mind that making mock-ups is not the initial stage; rather, it is the final stage. First, children look closely at how the teacher makes toys, then they themselves learn to make one thing or another - a house, a slide, furniture, figurines of birds, animals, people. In the layout, children use all these skills, dividing parts of the work among themselves. For example: some make huts, others make furniture, others make dishes, others cut out and paint bears, make trees. It is important that children agree among themselves not only about who will do what, but also about the size of the figures, trees, houses, and how everything they have made will be placed in a small area of ​​the model. When selecting, some poorly made figures, poorly carved and poorly painted trees are not placed on the model. If someone's work is not placed, the teacher still evaluates the efforts and dexterity of each child, notes what was successful and what did not work out. Making models makes it possible to develop skills in planning work, providing all the conditions for the toy to turn out. If one of the children takes on a task that he clearly cannot handle, the teacher should advise him to take on an easier task, and next time take on a more difficult one. This approach will predetermine possible disappointments in these cases, dissatisfaction from unsuccessfully completed work.

Many toy-making activities are carried out during play hours with small groups of children on the site or in the room. Work with the entire group is organized only in individual cases (production Christmas decorations, bookmarks, gifts for mom on March 8, etc.). Teacher directing work small group children, can pay more attention to the aesthetic requirements for children's crafts, and provide assistance to children with difficulties.

Some plans are collective in nature. Working on the creation of a common toy, a useful object, children get used to working collectively: agreeing at the beginning of work, distributing responsibilities, working together, helping each other, coordinating actions and methods of work. Such joint creative work helps strengthen children's friendship. By making toys, children acquire a lot of knowledge and parts where the material can be divided into types: boxes, pieces of cardboard, fabric, spools, twine, wire. To make toys, you need to have tools that children gradually learn to work with. In the senior and preparatory school groups it is necessary to have scissors, small awl with a short prickly part, glue brushes, glue, stationery, synthetic, as well as pieces of wood glue, which the teacher will prepare as needed.

Children 4-5 years old can do the most simple toys. In order for them to successfully cope with the task, it is necessary to give them prepared parts that can be easily connected. For example, children can make a top to play with. To do this, they need to be offered sticks 3.5 cm long with a pointed end and circles cut out of thick cardboard, pierced in the middle. Children need to be shown how to connect these two parts. Children will be happy to play with such a homemade toy, spinning a top on a table or on the floor.

3. Lesson notes on artistic work

manual labor children sensorimotor

1. Application “Chamomile” (preparatory group)

Program content:

1. Continue learning to create object images using various materials (paper, cardboard, thread);

2. Strengthen the ability to make markup using a template;

3. Develop a sense of composition, aesthetic feelings;

4. Develop the ability to express your impressions in speech, express judgments, evaluate your work and the work of a friend;

5. Cultivate respect, love and gratitude for people who defend the Motherland from enemies, war veterans, and take care of them;

6. Promote safe handling of scissors.

Material: thread braids, crocheted; color cardboard; color paper; glue; scissors; templates; simple pencils.

Methodological techniques: teacher’s instructions for making crafts (work algorithm); explanation showing the action; verbal repetition; clarifications; search questions; incentives; inclusion of motivation; examination of the sample; independent work of children.

Progress of the lesson:


Today in class we will make gifts for WWII veterans.

In the last lesson we knitted braids different lengths. Today we use them to make gifts.

Look, there is a sample of my work hanging on my board. Let's look at it.

What flower is shown? (chamomile)

What materials is it made of? (cardboard, paper, thread)

What color are chamomile petals and what are they made of? (white. made of paper and thread) What color is the core and what is it made of? (yellow made of paper and thread)

You have templates on your table that you will need to trace and cut out.

So, first you need to trace the templates and cut out one core and 10 petals (showing the action on one petal). Then distribute the petals evenly on the paper. Then glue it. The next stage of work will be gluing braids of thread onto the applique, that is, we will decorate our applique. Look in the middle, the pigtail is attached in the form of a snake, and on the petals there is an outline made with a pigtail.

Now repeat the steps.

Finger gymnastics:

We can't sit still -

Stretch your lower back.

We twist the body left - right,

So we will have a great rest.

There is a deep pond in the park,

Crucian carp live in the pond.

So that we can catch up with the flock,

You need to wag your tail.

Well we had a rest

And we returned to classes.

You can start working.

Independent work of children.

Children's evaluation of their work.

2. Making crafts from natural materials (preparatory group)

Program content:

1) Teach children to select a variety of natural materials for making the intended craft.

2) Develop imagination and good feelings.

3) Strengthen teamwork skills.

4) Cultivate a sense of compassion, a desire to help, and love for the living world.

Enrichment of vocabulary: zoo, veterinarian, tests, aviary, country, England, Globe.

Vocabulary activation: name of natural material: cones, pine needles, etc.

Material: pine and fir cones, pine needles, maple seeds, hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnut shells, acorns, branches, leaves, shells, bird feathers, various seeds of large fruit crops, stands for brushes, backing boards, napkins, sockets (for glue, writing , enclosures, diagrams.

Additional materials: plasticine, thread, PVA glue, wire.

Tools: awl, needle (for the teacher, stacks, scissors, brushes, pencil.

Previous work:

1) Conducting classes on making toys and crafts from natural materials: hedgehogs, swans, turtles, penguins, ducks, geese, etc.

2) Collection of natural material.

3) Examination of illustrations of crafts and toys.

4) Consideration of natural material.

5) Reading the article “Zoo” from the encyclopedia “What is it? Who it? "

6) A conversation about what can be made from this natural and waste material.

Progress of the lesson:

Kids are playing. The teacher approaches the children with an envelope and addresses them: “Guys, today a letter from England arrived in our group. Here it is” (shows the children an addressed envelope). “Do you want to know what they write to us from England? "(children agree for the teacher to read the letter). He opens the envelope and reads the letter: “Hello, dear guys! A friend of doctor John Dolittle writes to you. I want to ask you for help for my friend. But first I want to tell you one story that happened to John. John works as a veterinarian at the zoo. A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals. John loves animals and birds very much. By directly communicating with animals and birds, he learned to understand their complex language and habits. John has many questions. When an animal arrives at the zoo: what cage or enclosure to put it in, what to feed it, how to take tests from it to determine its health status. Animals walked throughout the zoo, and the talking parrot loved to sit on his head. All day long there was noise and hubbub in the zoos. It must be said that not all zoo workers liked this. One day John had to leave the zoo to get medicine for the animals. When he returned, he discovered that in the cages and enclosures, instead of animals and birds, there were cones, acorns, and twigs. John was very upset that someone had enchanted his favorite animals into acorns, pine cones and twigs. Guys, that’s why I’m turning to you with a big request: do you agree to disenchant the animals and return them to the zoo to my friend? "

The children answer in the affirmative.

Educator: “Children, look at the enclosures. Who is missing from them? "

Children's answer: “Animals and birds.”

Educator: “Guys, let’s remember what animals live in the zoo? And so that you remember faster, I will tell you riddles about the inhabitants of the zoo. Are you ready to guess? "

Children's answer: “Yes! "

Educator: “Then listen to the riddles.”

“Not a tailor, but he’s been walking around with needles all his life? »

Children's answer: “Hedgehog”

Educator: “That's right. What can you make a hedgehog from? "

Children’s answer: “From pine cones, pine needles, plasticine.”

2) “Guess who it is, walking around in a bone coat? "

Children's answer: “Turtle.”

Educator: “Well done. What are we going to make a turtle out of? "

Children's answer: “From shells, walnuts, plasticine, twigs.”

Teacher: “Okay, listen to another riddle.”

3) “I walk around in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest. I’m gnawing nuts in a hollow on an old oak tree.”

Children's answer: “Squirrel.”

Educator: “That's right. Guys, what can we make a squirrel from? What material should we use? "

Children’s answer: “From pine cones, plasticine, feathers, twigs, grains from cherries or apples.”

Educator: “Well done! And who is this? Listen and guess!”

4) “Club feet, sleeps in a den during the winter, guess, answer, who is it?”

Children's answer: "Bear."

Teacher: “Okay! You guessed all the riddles correctly. What natural material will you make the bear from? "

Children’s answer: “Made of cones, plasticine, hazelnuts.”

Educator: “That’s right, guys! But there are so many inhabitants of the zoo that even a day would not be enough for us to name them all. And now it’s time to disenchant the zoo’s inhabitants so that they return to John. But don’t forget that the zoo can contain any animals from warm, hot, cold and northern countries.”

Then the teacher invites the children to prepare material for manual labor; if they find it difficult to prepare the material, then the teacher advises to refer to the diagram, which schematically depicts required material for work.

Children prepare material.

Before starting work, the teacher reminds children of the rules, compliance with which increases the safety and quality of work. Children remember that they must not be distracted, they must handle scissors carefully, crafts must be done carefully, slowly, naturally and waste material use sparingly.

Educator: “Guys, as soon as you finish casting a spell on the animal you have chosen for yourself, you can quietly stand up and go to the enclosures and place your craft in them. In the meantime, while other children finish working on crafts, you can put yours away workplace and help a friend."

Physical education minute.

The music of Ariel Ramirez is “Alouette (The Lark)” or “La peregrinacin (The Pilgrimage)” adapted by the Paul Mauriat orchestra.

Children begin making crafts. The teacher gets involved in the work with the children and voices what craft he will do.

Children who find it difficult to choose a craft need to select the necessary material and offer to make a craft that is easier and more accessible for this child.

Once the crafts are completed, you can invite all the children to come to the enclosures.

Educator: “Guys, look what wonderful animals they turned out to be. All the animals that you disenchanted are very happy that they will return to their beloved doctor John, and he will take care of them again.”

“Children, listen, while everyone was working, a wizard appeared who bewitched the inhabitants of the zoo, and he felt ashamed of his action. He decided to disenchant several animals. Look (the teacher shows the animals made in advance).”

“Guys, the wizard decided never to bewitch anyone again. He realized that all animals on the globe need love and care.”

Then the teacher and the children analyze each craft. The children note what they liked most. The teacher emphasizes the most expressive author's solutions.

In conclusion, the animals thank the children.

Children need to be given a good foundation in acquiring basic technical skills and abilities. An adult needs to express approval for every success of the creator himself, constantly encourage children, making any mistake easily correctable. The lesson should take place in a trusting environment and a calm atmosphere, so that not only talented children express themselves, but also children with average abilities are drawn to them. The work was carried out with enthusiasm, ease and responsibility.


Artistic manual labor is a child’s creative work with various materials, during which he creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate everyday life (games, work, gifts for mother, recreation). As a number of studies by L.P. show. Luria, N.N. Poddyakova, A.N. Davidchik, L.A. Paramonova’s constructive activities, meeting the interests and needs of preschoolers, have extremely broad opportunities in terms of the mental education of children.

By working with products made of paper and cardboard, the child gains additional knowledge and practical skills, while expanding his horizons. He develops a imaginative understanding of the possibilities of objects, learns to design and model, and find unexpected uses. Children acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities in classes and consolidate them in making various crafts, toys in manual labor classes and in group work. The high level of development of constructive skills and the level of manifestation of independence in the manufacture of mobile toys allows us to definitely state that children began to actively engage in work, with joy, with pleasure.


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2. Funny homemade products [Text]/ Comp. T.I. Panfilova. - M., - 1995.

3. Goman, L.A. Manual labor classes in kindergarten[Text]: Methodological recommendations for the album. - Dnepropetrovsk, - 1982.

4. Gibson, R., Tyler, D. Do and play. Merry Christmas [Text]. - M., - 1994. - 96 p.

5. Grigorieva, G.G. Visual activities of preschool children [Text]. - M., - 1999. - 272 p.

6. Davidchuk, A.N. Development of constructive creativity in children [Text]. - M., - 1976.

7. Davidchuk, A.N. Formation of a constructive plan [Text] // Preschool education - 1969. - No. 4.

8. Dolzhenko, G.I. 100 paper crafts [Text]. - Yaroslavl, 1999 - 144 p.

9. Preschool pedagogy [Text]/ Ed. IN AND. Yadeshko and F.A. Sokhina. - M., - 1978. - 416 p.

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Manual and artistic labor as a type of labor for preschool children



Labor is a purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to satisfy one’s needs.

K.D. attached great importance to labor education. Ushinsky - “Education should not only develop the mind, equip it with knowledge, but also ignite in a person a thirst for serious work...”

A.S. attached great importance to work. Makarenko, N.K. Krupskaya, V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Throughout development preschool education Much attention was paid to the problem of labor education of preschool children:

It was considered important and obligatory to introduce self-service work, work in the garden and in the garden, manual labor with various materials.

The leading tasks were identified - to learn to work with joy; teach you to work efficiently.

Since 1964, systematic in-depth studies of the problem of labor education began: V.G. Nechaeva, G.N. Godina, D.V. Sergeeva, R.S. Bure, A.D. Shatova and others.

Their research answered the question about the content, means, methods and forms of labor organization and its role in educating the personality of a child of childhood.

Absence in educational process the labor component can lead to delays in personal development.

Characteristics and importance of manual and artistic labor for the development of the personality of preschool children

Children's manual labor consists of independently making crafts using simple tools. This work, as a rule, has a practical, to a certain extent useful orientation. Children’s awareness of the expediency of their work activity has a significant impact on its quality, on the attitude of each child to the process and result of work. The individual nature of manual labor (meaning that even with collective work, each of the children performs some part of it with their own hands), provided that all children are consistently introduced to it, allows us to record and correct some shortcomings. Work becomes an effective means of education and personal development only when it is naturally included in the daily life of the kindergarten, is aimed at satisfying children’s interests, is feasible for the child,

Carrying out collective tasks develops in children the ability to negotiate with each other, subordinate their interests and desires to a common goal, fosters a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, responsibility, and develops initiative and ingenuity. In the process of performing collective tasks of a visual nature, children learn to independently plan the upcoming work, coordinate their actions with the general plan, think through the sequence of its implementation, select and use the necessary visual material. At the same time, in collective work, the individual characteristics of children are clearly revealed and creative abilities are formed.

Artistic labor is the work of a child with various materials in order to create useful and artistically and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate his life, games, work and leisure. This child labor is a decorative, artistic and applied activity, since the child, when creating beautiful objects, takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on his ideas, knowledge and practical experience acquired in the process of work. Properly organized manual and artistic work gives children knowledge about the quality and capabilities of materials, stimulates the desire to master the characteristics of craftsmanship, and introduces them to decorative and applied arts.

The formation of a child’s personality is impossible without labor education. In senior and preparatory groups The main role is played by manual labor with elements of creativity. The manifestation of creativity of preschoolers is determined by the nature of the implementation of the mental tasks offered to them. It is important that children can release their creative energy. In terms of practical significance, the basic skills acquired in handicraft classes are needed by every person. In these types of work, many important qualities are cultivated: the habit of effort, the ability to overcome obstacles, responsibility, the ability to plan work and anticipate the stages in the sequence of its implementation.

In particular, beadwork is a type of needlework that can be used to solve the following problems:

· instill interest in the culture of their homeland, in the origins of folk art, cultivate an aesthetic attitude to reality, hard work, accuracy, perseverance, patience, the ability to complete the work started, mutual assistance in carrying out work, an economical attitude to the materials used, instill the foundations of a work culture.

· develop motor skills, imaginative thinking, attention, imagination, creativity, and form aesthetic and artistic taste.

In the process of classes, children develop attention, observation, imagination, fantasy, and creativity. In every task, in every lesson, children are given the opportunity to imagine, and are encouraged to bring their own images into the work. Practical work beadwork develops the eye and fine motor skills of the hands, which is an important element of general labor training.

In the process of engaging in artistic work, all mental processes are formed in children of senior preschool age, creative abilities and a positive emotional perception of the world around them develop. N.K. also attached great importance to classes in artistic manual labor in the comprehensive development of the individual, and especially in moral and aesthetic education. Krupskaya: “Classes in artistic manual labor should be gymnastics for the eyes and touch, establish the coordination of visual impressions and motor reactions, and provide a concrete acquaintance with the world of things.”

Learning through artistic and manual labor classes is impossible without the formation of such mental operations as analysis, comparison, and generalization. In the process of observation, when examining objects and their parts, the size and location of parts in an object, the color image of objects of different shapes, their comparison and establishment of differences. At the same time, children learn to compare objects and phenomena and highlight what is common and different in them, and combine objects by similarity.

In art classes, children's speech develops: mastering the names of shapes, colors and their shades, spatial designations that help enrich the vocabulary.

A child who can do a lot feels confident among his peers. It is also desirable in their games. In their little affairs. All this provides the child with a comfortable position among children and adults, contributes to the manifestation and formation of such an important personal quality as independence. The child becomes more sensitive to the beauty in the surrounding life, in hand-made objects and people. The child begins to appreciate the results of the labor of not only his own, but also those of others.

Methodology for organizing and managing manual and artistic labor in different age groups

Junior groups. It is necessary to arouse interest in “researching” the material and working with it, help to gain confidence in one’s own abilities, and enjoy the result of one’s work. It is necessary to encourage children to master spatial relationships between objects and certain physical laws, and to understand the properties of materials. To develop in children basic practical skills in working with materials and tools.

Middle group. There is already training in paper construction: bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half, aligning the sides and corners, and glue the parts to the main shape. You can teach how to make crafts from natural materials: bark, branches, leaves, cones, chestnuts, etc. The teacher teaches how to use glue and plasticine to secure parts; use reels, boxes of various sizes, plastic bottles, etc. in crafts.

Senior group. The ability to work with paper is improved: bend the sheet four times in different directions; work on finished pattern. Children learn to create from paper volumetric figures: divide a square sheet into several equal parts, smooth out the folds, cut along the folds. Training continues in creating toys, souvenirs from natural materials (cones, branches, berries) and other materials (spools, colored wire, empty boxes), firmly connecting the parts. The ability to independently make toys for role-playing games is developed; souvenirs for parents and kindergarten staff; Christmas tree decorations. It is good to involve children in the production of manuals for classes and independent activities, repairing books, and printed board games.

Preparatory group for school. Here you can already divide the work of a teacher into several types:

Working with paper and cardboard – continue learning how to fold paper rectangular shape, square, round shape in different directions; use paper of different textures, make markings using a template; create fun toys; creating objects from strips of colored paper, selecting colors and their shades when making toys, souvenirs, costume parts and decorations for the holidays; developing the ability to use a sample; creating a variety of three-dimensional toys using the origami technique.

Working with fabric - learning how to thread a needle, tie a knot, sew on a button, a hanger, sew simple items with a needle-forward seam; teach how to make applique using pieces of fabric of various textures, apply an outline using chalk and cut out in accordance with the intended plot.

Working with natural materials - creating figures of people, animals, birds from acorns, pine cones, seeds, etc., conveying the expressiveness of the image, creating general compositions.

Conditions for independent creative activity of preschool children:

· a subject-development environment rich in iso-materials and a variety of materials for children’s artistic creativity;

· free access to materials and the opportunity to experiment with them;

· availability of samples of products and crafts;

· use of artistic products created by children to decorate a preschool institution, prepare attributes for performances, organize exhibitions, and participate in competitions;

· creation of a museum of children's crafts, albums, books;

· direct involvement of parents in the process of creative activity with children.

To successfully teach preschoolers manual and artistic work, it is necessary to carry out certain preliminary work:

· creation of exhibitions

· creation of collections (candy wrappers, buttons, shells, stones, etc.)

· creation of albums (samples and diagrams of crafts, types of fabrics, herbarium, etc.)

· experimentation

· viewing filmstrips

· reading literature

· looking at paintings

· excursions

· collages

Materials and tools necessary for manual and artistic labor in preschool educational institutions:

· natural material (spruce, pine, cedar cones, coniferous tree needles, bark, leaves, fruit and berry seeds, eggshell, pebbles, cereals, vegetable and flower seeds)

waste material (boxes and jars different sizes, discs, lids, tubes, candy wrappers, etc.)

paper (plain, corrugated paper, napkins, newspapers, cardboard, foil)

· fabric, wire, cotton wool, cellophane, beads, foam rubber, buttons, etc.

· scissors, glue, plasticine, brushes, sewing needles.


Manual and artistic labor - by its purpose, is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person.

Its content includes the production of crafts from natural materials, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood. This work contributes to the development of imagination and creative abilities; develops small arm muscles, promotes endurance, perseverance, and the ability to finish what you start.

Children delight other people with the results of their work by creating gifts for them.

Artistic work in a preschool institution is presented in two directions: children make crafts and learn to decorate the group room for the holidays with their products, design exhibitions, etc.

Certain elements of manual and artistic labor can be introduced already in younger groups.

In this case, the participation of an adult is mandatory. More precisely, children help an adult in creating crafts. And although the activity of children of this age is minimal, involvement in such interesting work is very useful.

The child sees how, in the hands of the teacher, a simple stick suddenly turns into a doll, and a ball into the head of a funny clown. This “magic” fascinates children, delights them and motivates them to their own activities.


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