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How to quickly remove extended nails in a salon. How to remove extended nails? Technique for removing extended nails with a device

Extended nails have not lost their popularity for several years now. And such love among women is understandable, because such nails have a number of advantages.

Drawings that are applied to an extended nail last longer than on a natural one; the colors do not lose their brightness. In addition, such nails help to completely hide all defects of natural nails.

There are two types of nail extensions:

  • Tips.
  • Form.

Tips resemble ordinary false nails made of plastic. Tips are attached to natural nail, the top layer of which is first lightly sawed off to achieve strong adhesion of the surfaces.

If you choose extended nails on a form, then an artificial nail plate will be formed on the main nail using gel or acrylic. Then a decorative coating will be applied, and finally a final transparent layer, ensuring shine and preservation of the design until correction.

Is nail extension harmful?

But before going to an extension specialist, most of the female half of humanity asks a very reasonable question about how harmful it is for natural “native” nails.

After all, their surface will be filed, and the extended nail will be formed from synthetic material.

Of course, such an impact cannot remain without a trace - beauty requires sacrifice. But the negative impact can be minimized - only have your nails extended by good specialists who follow technology and use only high-quality materials.

And one more very important point- removing extended nails at home. Experts advise getting your nails done in a salon and having your nails removed by the same artist who had them done. In beauty salons, using a tool designed for removing nails, they will be able to remove tips in a few minutes, without causing any harm to your “native” nail plate.

But if you do not have the financial or physical ability to go to a specialist, you should not try to remove extended nails using any available means - this will definitely ruin your nail plate. If you follow certain rules, this will not happen.

Removing acrylic nails at home

In its structure, acrylic is a very hard, but at the same time quite fragile material. In order to remove acrylic without leaving home, you can purchase a special liquid that is designed to remove acrylic. It's called "AcrilikRemover".

But if you couldn’t find it, you can take regular nail polish remover; it contains acetone. When exposed to air, acrylic instantly hardens, but becomes soft again if regular acetone is applied to it. This is why nail polish remover containing acetone is ideal. Prepare everything you need in advance:

  • Cotton pads.
  • Nail polish remover.
  • File.
  • Foil. The most common one is suitable for baking.

But before you start removing acrylic, your nails need to be prepared. To begin, completely remove the excess length - this can be done using ordinary nail clippers. Or use special tongs - “cutters”, if by chance you have them. . In this case, you need to be extremely careful - the extended nail may bounce into the eye when trimmed.

You should not cut the nail to the very root; you can seriously damage the skin that is located close to the nail plate.

After this, remove the top layer (finish gel. This gel can be removed using a “coarse” file, which has an abrasive coating of about 100 grit.

Take a cotton pad, previously cut in half. Moisten generously with acetone and press firmly. Wrap the entire upper phalanx of the finger - along with the nail - tightly with foil so that there is no air access there.

Do the same with the rest of your fingers and hold for about forty minutes. When time will pass, remove everything from one nail. Examine it carefully - the acrylic should look like jelly. If it becomes like this, you can scrape it off with a nail spatula or file. Remember that this must be done very quickly, since the acrylic will harden again and you will not have time to remove it. All acrylic residues can be removed by simply wiping with the same cotton pad soaked in acetone.

How to remove gel nails?

With gel nails, not everything is so simple - there is simply no liquid to remove them. Therefore, the only way to get rid of the gel is to cut it off. Be prepared to spend a lot of time because it takes about 20 minutes to file one nail. First, you need to trim your gel nails - this will help save time and effort, and only then start filing them down.

You need to be very careful when choosing a nail file. All sorts of newfangled glass files will not suit you - they will become unusable on the first nail. Use a regular file with 150 grit coating. Carefully remove the gel coating from each nail, layer by layer. This must be done in order not to damage the plate. Be prepared for a lot of dust - stock up on a regular gauze bandage.

Pay attention to an important point - it is the hand in which you are holding the file that should move, and the finger from which you are removing the coating should be fixed.

To determine whether there are still gel residues, just wipe them with a cotton swab, after moistening it in acetone or nail polish remover. The gel coating and the nail plate get wet at different rates - you will be able to see clear boundaries of the gel that still remains. If there is very little coating left, then take a file with a fine abrasive.

After you have successfully removed the gel or acrylic, take care of your long-suffering nail plate. Gently heat the sunflower or olive oil, rub it into the nail plate with smooth, careful movements. After this, the masters recommend polishing them. The easiest way to do this is with a piece of suede. After all this, don't forget to pamper your hands and apply moisturizer to them.

Recovery after extension

Alas and ah, but the state and appearance nails after extensions leave much to be desired. Fortunately, the situation is quite fixable:

  • Trim your nails as short as possible. In most cases, after extensions, nails become too brittle and split. The shorter the free edge is, the less it will flake.
  • Buy “smart enamel” at the pharmacy - it will help quickly restore your nails and strengthen them. Apply it in the morning, but it is advisable to remove it in the evening. But only with a liquid that does not contain acetone - it dries out the nails.
  • Take medicinal baths regularly.

Baths with a small amount are very useful sea ​​salt. Dissolve half a tablespoon of sea salt in two glasses of warm water and add three drops of lemon juice to it. The duration of such a bath is approximately fifteen minutes. Then wipe your hands dry and rub a few drops of olive or sea buckthorn into the nail plate.

Another very effective bath, capable of the most short time restore normal condition of nails - oil and lemon. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice to slightly warmed sunflower oil. Duration - about fifteen minutes, then wash your hands with soap. Instead of lemon juice you can use iodine or Castor oil. You need to do such baths every day - and in just a month your nails will become strong and healthy.

With this video tutorial you can easily remove acrylic nail extensions at home

A girl should be beautiful from the tips of her hair to the tips of her nails. To meet this requirement, ladies do anything - they get hair extensions to get a luxurious mane, make artificial nails using gel or acrylic, lose weight using various diets. But sometimes unexpected difficulties arise.

For example, a beautiful lady went on vacation, and she does not have the opportunity to get rid of her nail extensions in a salon when her own have already grown out. How to remove extended nails at home without resorting to the help of a specialist, is this possible? Detailed instructions you will get from this post.

How it was before and how it is now

About twenty years ago, fashionistas used false hairpieces, false nails, curled their eyelashes with curlers, covering them with a thick layer of mascara. If you compare cosmetology then and now, it seems that a real revolution has taken place. And then certainly none of the fashionistas asked the question: “How to remove extended nails at home?” Today, girls still want to lengthen their hair, nails and eyelashes, but now all these feminine tricks look much more natural. Plus, extensions will not force the lady into a stupid or awkward situation - nails or hair will not fall off, as could have happened before with false beauty attributes.

However, in addition to the advantages, such technologies also have disadvantages. Thus, nails done in a beauty salon are subject to further care by a specialist. It is quite difficult to remove nail or hair extensions yourself or make corrections so that the appearance is natural and natural.

It is for this reason that the question of how to remove extended nails yourself is very relevant. In this article you will get step by step instructions regarding how to get rid of them.

Basic rules for removing nails yourself

It doesn’t matter whether you got your nails done with acrylic or gel, take note of the following rules. If you neglect them, then you have a high chance of damaging your own nail.

  1. Take your time! This procedure takes quite a lot of time and for a professional, what can you expect from a person who is new to this matter?
  2. The main goal is not just to remove the extended nail, but also to do it without harming your own. If it seems to you that the artificial turf has come off and you can pick it up and simply peel it off, this is a misconception. You will peel it off along with part of your nail.

Stage one - preparation

Whatever type of manicure you have, before removing your nail extensions at home, do the following: preparatory work. You need to take nail scissors and carefully cut off the edge of the nail on each finger. Do this procedure slowly, otherwise you will damage your nail plate or injure yourself on the sharp edges of the artificial nail. The ideal tool in this situation would be a cutter; this is what professionals use. But ordinary nail scissors or clippers will do the job.

Once you have trimmed the free edges of your overgrown nails, you can proceed to the next step. But keep in mind that the procedure for removing nails yourself differs depending on the material of the tips.

How to remove acrylic nail extensions: softening

So, if you have acrylic nails, follow these tips:

  1. In order to remove acrylic nails, it is best to use a special liquid. The best option There will be Acrilik Remover, which can be purchased at any store that sells professional hairdressing materials. If you do not have the opportunity to buy such a product, you can remove your nails using nail polish remover. A mandatory rule is that one of the components must be acetone. Why should you buy special remedy, if it costs much more than acetone? The fact is that such a substance is very gentle, and the removal process itself is much easier with its use.
  2. In addition to the liquid, you will need a piece of foil, which you need to cut into squares, approximate size- 15 by 10 mm. You need exactly ten pieces, for each finger. In addition, you will need cotton swabs, also 10 pieces.
  3. After you have removed the free edge of the nail with scissors, take a file (not glass, but preferably metal, with a rough coating) and begin filing the finish off the nail. Finish is a varnish coating that makes the nail shine. If the finish is not removed, then you simply cannot soften and remove the acrylic underneath.
  4. After you have removed the finish with a nail file, take a cotton swab, moisten it generously with acetone and place it on each nail. Since the acetone evaporates, immediately place a piece of foil on top of the cotton swab and secure it by tucking the edges.

Removing acrylic

Acrylic will soften in 35-45 minutes. After the procedure, it will look like jelly, which can be easily removed by picking it up with a sharp, thin object. Important! Do not hesitate for a second, as in the fresh air the acrylic will set very quickly and harden again.

If, after removing the “jelly”, you still notice any remaining material, you will need to remove it with a sponge soaked in acetone.

Here's how to remove extended nails at home if the tips are made of acrylic. Afterwards, wash your hands and lubricate them with moisturizer.

How to remove extended nails with gel

Gel is the most popular material today that is used to extend nails. If only because it is stronger. If you have gel nail extensions, how to remove them yourself? Alas, it is impossible to soften them somehow. The only way out is to cut it down completely. If you have visited a beauty salon before, then you know how much time the master spends on removing such nails. A professional takes from 7 to 10 minutes for each nail - and this is for a person who “ate the dog” to file his nails. Imagine how much time a non-professional, that is, you, will spend!

Self Removal Procedure for Gel Nails

But if you haven’t changed your mind and still want to try, then use the following tips:

  1. Is it possible to use a special grinder for manicure? In principle, you can, but don’t think that you will save much time. The fact is that when you use it, the machine will heat up your nails very much, causing unpleasant sensations. You will have to take breaks every now and then to cool your nails. Ideal option will use a nail file. Please note that a glass file or one that can be found in manicure set, will not work. Use files with an abrasiveness of 150 by 180 grit and 80 by 100. They are inexpensive, and you can purchase such accessories at any store that sells manicure tools. Also prepare a brush with which you will brush off the dust.
  2. Take a file with less abrasiveness and get to work. File the nail with quick, sharp movements. How not to “overdo it” and file off your own nail? Carefully remove dust resulting from sawing. In addition, place a sponge soaked in acetone near you and run it over your nail. If you still can’t see whether it’s your nail or still gel, then tap the plate with your finger. The gel is much tougher than the human nail plate.
  3. When almost all the gel has been cut, take a 150 by 180 file and continue sawing. Handle this file more carefully, since you are already working with your own nail. Do not try to file off all the gel from the nail; this is not necessary. Firstly, visually it will not be noticeable, and secondly, a little remaining gel will only strengthen your nail plate.
  4. The final stage is polishing the nails. Polish them thoroughly, making the surface shiny and uniform. Lubricate your hands with cream, since the dust that is formed as a result of sawing dries out the skin. After this, you can coat your nails with varnish.

Now you know how to remove gel nail extensions yourself. This procedure is simple, but longer than in the case of acrylic.

Nail care

No matter how carefully you remove your nail extensions, your own nail plates will require additional care. After all, even after salon procedures, when a qualified and skilled craftsman works with them, they become damaged.

What can we say about removing extended nails at home! Your own plate is badly damaged, but you can restore it yourself. Of course, any store will offer you an expensive product, but there is no need to purchase it. You learned how to remove extended nails at home, now you will learn how to restore them for literally pennies. You will need some vegetable oil. It is best to use almond or castor oil, but unrefined sunflower oil is also quite suitable. Here is the simplest and effective recipe: heat the oil a little, and then rub it into the nail plate with massage movements. Then take a piece of suede and buff your nail with it. This will not only give it shine and a well-groomed appearance, but will also save it from delamination and fragility.

Instead of a conclusion

In the article, we answered the question of how to remove extended nails at home if visiting a salon is not possible. You could see that this procedure is quite labor-intensive, but not too complicated, and anyone can cope with this task.

Extended nails have long become a popular attribute of many girls. This manicure looks elegant and sophisticated and does not require special care and looks neat no matter what you do. In addition, special materials help preserve your own nail plate and visually lengthen it due to quickly hardening components. But sooner or later, even the most wonderful manicure has to say goodbye: firstly, the natural growth of nails has not yet been canceled, and secondly, over time the coating becomes dull and “shabby”, and microcracks appear on the varnish surface, which spoil the whole appearance . At this point the question arises: how to remove extended nails? Of course, the easiest (and most correct!) option would be to turn to a professional manicurist, but if this is not possible, you can do it yourself - if you wish.

Where to start removing nails at home?

Before choosing the most suitable method to remove extended nails, you need to evaluate their condition and appearance. If the manicure is relatively fresh and the nails look strong, it will be quite difficult to get rid of them. Over time, materials become less hard, making it much easier to saw off or soften their substances.

The features of the process also depend on the material that was used during the extension. If you remove acrylic yourself relatively simply and quickly, then getting rid of the gel will be much more difficult.

The length of the nails also influences the nuances of preparation. If the extended tip is noticeably longer than its own plate, you should cut it off with special nippers - this will save time on cutting or softening. The main thing is not to damage the “native” nail. Therefore, make sure that your manicure tools are always perfectly sharpened.

Features of acrylic nails

This material is not so popular in manicure salons - working with gel is more convenient and easier, and the result is more “long-lasting”. However, acrylic nails are still found, and quite often - for those who are already accustomed to doing extensions with this composition, it is very difficult to refuse it.

You can remove acrylic without harm to the nail plate at home, the main thing is to approach the process correctly and responsibly. To do this you will need:

  • highly abrasive file;
  • special liquid for softening acrylic composition - Acrilik Remover;
  • 10 cotton pads;
  • 10 pieces of foil or a set of special caps;
  • a pointed bamboo stick or nail file with a sharp tip;
  • protective glasses(you can also use solar);
  • favorite movie to pass the time.

If you couldn’t find Acrilik Remover, it’s okay - you can use regular nail polish remover with acetone. Of course, its composition is much more harmful to your own nail, but in any case it is safer than removing acrylic without softening.

The first thing to do is cut off the protective finishing layer. It reliably covers the acrylic and prevents the liquid from reacting with the composition. Then soak a cotton pad in the liquid and wrap it around the extended nail. Cover this structure with foil on top and form a kind of thimblestack. If there are special caps available, even better. Wrap each finger in this way and sit comfortably in front of the screen - you will have to wait 40-50 minutes. After this time, remove the caps and carefully pick up the softened acrylic with the sharp end of a bamboo stick or files.

Important! Before removing extended nails, be sure to protect your eyes - poorly softened pieces of acrylic can jump off and accidentally damage the cornea.

It is better to remove the foil one at a time - acrylic tends to harden quickly, so time spent waiting may become useless. Upon completion of the procedure, wash your hands and apply nutritious cream , thoroughly treating each finger - this will help prevent overdrying.

How to remove gel nails?

In this case, everything is not as simple as with acrylic: the gel does not soften under the influence of solvents, which means the only way out is to cut off the extended plate with a file. On the one hand, this practically does not require special tools - it is enough to have a file with a high level of abrasiveness (approximately 80/100), a soft buffer for polishing and protective glasses for the eyes. On the other hand, cutting can take several hours, so you won’t be able to get by with just one film. Of course, a professional manicurist, having a special machine, will be able to cut off the gel in half an hour or an hour, but not everyone has such a tool at home, so you will have to make do with improvised means.

Cutting off the gel: step-by-step instructions

1. Take the hardest file and begin to carefully remove the top layer of the extended nail. This must be done in one direction.

2. When the layer of artificial material becomes thin, change the file to a softer one - this will make the process more delicate and will avoid damaging the nail.

3. Periodically wipe the nail with a damp cloth to remove dust and see how thick the gel layer is on the nail.

4. Once the entire gel layer has been filed off, take a buff and thoroughly polish your own nail plate.

Advice! After removing the gel, it is worth covering your nails with a restorative colorless varnish to slightly strengthen their structure and prevent peeling.

In principle, there is nothing difficult, much less unrealistic, about removing extended nails yourself. Be patient - and everything will definitely work out! But you shouldn’t overuse such procedures - sooner or later they will completely ruin your own nails, so after removing them once, take time to nourish and restore them so that the manicure remains well-groomed and beautiful.

Gel nails are a convenient solution for women who do not have enough time and patience for frequent manicures, but who want to have beautiful, well-groomed nails and a flawless appearance. However, sometimes situations arise when they need to be removed. What are these reasons and how to remove extensions gel nails at home on your own and without assistance professional master, we'll talk.

Reasons for deletion

Gel, acrylic or others artificial nails requires periodic removal in order to ensure regeneration and restoration of the natural nail plate.

It happens that cosmetics manufacturers do not take this need into account, but if you neglect it, you will soon see that the extended nails no longer look attractive, and your own nails are very damaged. Subsequently, several weeks of intensive medical therapy may be required to restore and strengthen them.

Sometimes it happens that gel nails are subject to mechanical damage, which can cause them to break or peel off along with the natural nail plate.

  • There are several important reasons why you have to get rid of them:
  • Suspicion of significant destruction of the native nail due to continuous wearing of gel nails for months.
  • Pregnancy and hormonal disorders that cause too high levels of moisture in the nail plate.

Pregnancy, disorders and hormonal imbalances in the body can cause poor adhesion of the gel mass to the surface of the nail plate. The gel applies and sticks very poorly if it is too wet or oily. In turn, applying it if you have nail diseases will, for obvious reasons, harm them even more.

You can remove gel nails yourself at home, or by contacting a specialist in a beauty salon. In the second case, you will have to pay a decent amount for the procedure, so if you do not want to waste time and money, then you can get rid of the gel yourself. How to do this correctly and how to then care for your nails in order to restore them, we will look a little further.

How to properly remove gel nails yourself at home

The procedure for removing gel nails is quite complicated and troublesome. Unlike regular varnish, it will not be possible to remove it using special solvent liquids. To do this you will need to use some tools.

You will need the following materials:

  • Manicure tweezers.
  • A file with a high abrasiveness coefficient, for example, 80/100, is perfect.
  • Polishing buff file.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Acetone.
  • A brush is required to easily remove gel dust.
  • It is advisable to have glasses to protect your eyes, since during the procedure pieces of the gel and its small abrasive particles can fly into the eyes and injure the mucous membrane.

Stages of the procedure

In the video you can see in detail how to remove gel nails. Repeat all the steps after the wizard, and you will be surprised that, it turns out, there is nothing difficult in removing them. But by carrying out the procedure yourself at home, you will save a considerable amount.

How to care for damaged nails after removing extensions

After you remove your gel nail extensions, you will find that your own nails are in very poor condition. That’s why they need treatment and recovery. Most The best way To ensure this, go to a beauty salon where you will receive professional care. It has an undoubted advantage over home methods, primarily due to the availability of a professional range of care products and tools, as well as the experience and knowledge of a specialist.

Oil baths to restore and strengthen nails

However, if for some reason this is not possible, you can treat damaged nails yourself at home. Once a week or even every other day, make a hand bath with olive or linseed oil. Nails are damaged, and the fastest and effective method return them to their proper condition - procedures with oils. During the treatment bath, you should gently massage the area around the nail to stimulate its growth. Due to frequent contact with oils, creams and other cosmetics

, you should forget about varnishes at first.

Eating vitamins and other beneficial substances is an important part of nail care. You can purchase special medicinal preparations for nails, or buy vitamins in ampoules and rub them into the nail plate. Don't forget about your diet. Care should be taken that it includes a sufficient dose of all substances necessary for the body. This will speed up the process of restoring damaged nails after removing the extensions. The speed at which damaged nails return to their proper condition depends on the intensity of their care and adherence to proper diet

nutrition, including all necessary vitamins and minerals. It is especially important to pay them as much attention as possible at the initial stage of treatment.

Manicure after gel nails

After removing the gel mass, you will see that your nails look unsightly, so it’s worth doing a fresh manicure. However, without the use of varnishes and other coatings. It should be done on polished nails. To do this, it is better to use a glass file, and at the same time use it to give the nail plate the correct shape and shorten it, if necessary. A good solution would be to get a gentle biological manicure.

, which begins with a regenerating bath for hands and nails with the addition of oils that contain a large amount of nutrients. After softening the skin and if there are no contraindications in the form of damage to the epidermis, you can also do a gentle peeling. To soften the cuticle and make it easier to remove with a wooden spatula, apply a special preparation to it. If the nails are severely damaged and the skin of the hands requires more deep nutrition and regeneration, then the next step is to use a mask, serum or nutritious oil

. It is recommended to massage the selected product into damaged nail plates. To achieve the best result, you should immediately do this. This will cause the beneficial substances to be sealed under an impenetrable layer of paraffin, and the increase in temperature will enhance their penetration into the skin. After completing the procedure, apply a nourishing cream high in vitamins and other beneficial substances to the skin of your hands. And on the nails, depending on their condition, the regenerating substance is applied in the form of oil. After a biological manicure, do not paint your nails. Using conditioner is also worth waiting for, as they have an oil film that nourishes them.

As you can see, removing gel nails yourself at home is not that difficult. However, do not forget that after the procedure your loved ones need recovery and strengthening, and therefore it will be necessary to provide proper care for them.

The procedure of nail extensions is considered harmful because it spoils their structure and thins it. In fact, the cause of these consequences is a neglectful attitude towards the process of removing layers of material. In order for the plates to remain healthy and beautiful, you need to know how to properly remove extended nails.

Each type of extension determines the specifics of removing extended nails. However, there are general recommendations which should be observed when removing acrylic, gel, and tips:

  1. Using nail files made of glass and metal is completely impractical - they will deteriorate and will not cope with the task.
  2. When working with a file, a large amount of dust is generated, so to avoid inhaling it, it is better to use a mask.
  3. The free edge of the plate should be trimmed carefully, not at the root.

How to remove extended nails: basic products and tools

To remove your nails yourself, you must first shorten them. To do this, you will need either a catheter, or special nippers, or nail scissors.

For the procedure, you should also purchase a file with an abrasiveness of 80-100 grit. Below are instructions on how to file off extended nails at home:

  1. You need to take the file with your thumb and middle finger, and apply pressure with your index finger.
  2. The finger from which the layer of material is removed should be kept motionless - this way the cuticle will not be damaged.
  3. From time to time you should stop and use a brush to remove any dust that has formed and wipe the plate with nail polish remover. When there is little material left, the file should be changed to a soft one - with an abrasiveness of 150-180 grit and the pressure reduced.

Filing one nail can take up to 15 minutes. If you do the procedure faster, the plate will heat up.

Withdrawal procedure gel coating requires special liquid, foil and sticks


To remove, you will need nail clippers; they will remove the free edge of the plate. Then you should cut off the top layer of acrylic. Then you need to follow the following steps:


Gel-extended nails can be removed at home only by filing them. No amount of acetone will help in this case, since the gel cannot be softened and does not dissolve.

To remove extended nails with gel or, you must first cut off the protruding free edge in the same way.

The gel cannot be removed with acetone, and the tips cannot be peeled off. To remove you will need:

  • abrasiveness 80-100 grit, this is what cuts off the main part of the gel;
  • file with abrasiveness 150-180 grit;
  • brush to remove generated dust;

You need to file slowly in one direction and evenly, starting from the cuticle to the free edge. From time to time you should check how much the coating has been cut down with a brush to remove dust.

If you run a damp cotton pad over the plate, you can see where the plate borders on the gel.

Then you need to take a softer file and continue working with it, the pressure on the plate should be reduced.

At the end of the procedure, the plate should be treated with a soft buffer and soften your hands with cream.


You can remove extended nails with biogel using foil and acetone, which can be replaced with alcohol diluted with water, but it is better to use a special liquid for these purposes.

  1. It is necessary to cut small shapes from cotton pads so that the acetone does not irritate the skin.
  2. Remove as much gel as possible with a file. This will allow the acetone to penetrate the gel faster, and the duration of the procedure will be significantly reduced.
  3. In order not to spoil the condition of the skin around the nail, you should lubricate it with hand cream.
  4. Cotton molds, soaked in acetone, must be applied to the plates and wrapped in foil. Wait 15 minutes, massaging the plates to improve the penetration of liquid into the gel. Then you need to remove the foil and remove the remaining biogel with an orange stick.

Technique for removing extended nails with a device

To remove nails with the device, you only need it yourself. As a rule, the device comes with several attachments: from hard ones made of ceramic or metal to soft ones. The first nozzles remove most of the gel, and the second ones are used to process the plate near the cuticle and remove gel particles.

It is necessary to carefully cut down the material, you should move softly and smoothly, while your elbows should rest on the table. Do not press on the plate, it may be damaged. Then you need to take the softest nozzle.

Features of professional products

In stores there is a special product for removing extended nails. The remover is produced by such brands as CND, OPI, Harmony, etc. They will provide reliable protection plates and cuticles from overdrying, making the procedure for removing manicure harmless.

Liquid for removing extended nails is used similarly to acetone. It is also applied to a cotton pad and secured with foil. However, it gently and carefully removes the gel. Many of them contain vitamin E and oils, which have a moisturizing effect, prevent drying of the plate and cuticle, and prevent the appearance of white spots on the natural plate.

Nail care procedure after removing the coating

After removing the gel, the plates need to be moistened, so they should be treated with any vegetable oil, or use a special oil nail product.

It is imperative to give the plates a “rest” so that they can recover. You can apply transparent on them medicinal varnish with vitamins for several days.

Thus, you can remove extended nails at home. For this you do not need to have specific skills or special tools.