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How to rid yourself of jealousy. Is it even possible to get rid of jealousy? How to get rid of painful jealousy

Jealousy - a painful feeling that can cloud a person’s mind and also give rise to anger. A jealous man tries with all his might to prove that his wife is cheating on him. He feels fear, helplessness and resentment.

Main reasons for jealousy

  • Jealousy can arise from fear. A man is afraid of losing his wife, losing his only love.
  • Self-doubt is also one of the causes of fear. In his relationship, a man must be confident in the love of his partner.
  • Complexes or other fears are known causes of jealousy towards your significant other.
  • Dependence on a partner, and as a result of this, the fear of being abandoned and remaining alone for life.
  • Suspicions, mistrust and fears due to past infidelities of your partner.

How to get rid of jealousy towards your wife

To begin with, eliminate all your negative emotions, since they will interfere with your ability to soberly assess the situation. Prepare in advance for the conversation with your wife and try to be frank.

1. Stop comparing

Never compare yourself to other men. A man may have bad thoughts that his wife will find another, much better partner, and you will be left alone. You are overcome by fear of competition and a feeling of jealousy arises.

Your wife has accepted you for who you are, and almost every person has some kind of zest. Stop comparing yourself to the opposite sex, become a better person and try to be a great husband to your wife.

2. Don't rush to conclusions

Phrases from a conversation, gossip, photographs may not always mean that your wife is cheating on you. First, find out everything and think it through carefully.

If, after finding out, it turns out that your wife is cheating on you and your jealousy arose for a reason, then it’s up to you to decide whether to live with this person or not.

If you still haven’t been able to resolve anything, then it is recommended that you talk openly with your wife and explain to her what’s in your heart. Tell her in detail how you feel and also ask her directly about the cheating. Now watch her reaction and behavior. This way you can determine whether the jealousy was in vain or not.

3. Other activities

To get rid of feelings of jealousy towards his wife, a man is recommended to direct his energy to the right direction. You can start exercising to look more attractive. Also, find a hobby that brings you a lot of joy. There is no need to constantly blame your spouse for cheating or behavior.

Your relationship should have mutual understanding as well as support. Improve your relationship, give your wife pleasant surprises, and always give compliments.

4. Trust

The most important thing is to trust your partner. Jealousy is an unpleasant disease that needs to be gotten rid of. You must learn to trust your wife, stop seeing deception in her every word, do not eavesdrop on her conversations and do not check her phone.

Stop suspecting your spouse of something bad for at least a few weeks. Jealousy should disappear over such a long period of time. If she has not disappeared, then it is recommended to go to a psychologist or talk frankly about this topic with her wife.

5. Your life

The most important thing is to live your life. Stop constantly meddling in your wife's life. You should have your own interests and your own personal life.

Walking with friends, picnics, fishing, gym, running, etc. All this should be present in your life; it will not only distract you from feelings of jealousy, but also help you find new friends, interests and hobbies. Try to bring variety back into your life and you will definitely succeed.

Such small tips will help you get rid of jealousy towards your wife forever, but if jealousy has already become commonplace, then it is recommended to visit a good psychologist.

How to get rid of jealousy? - video

Every person has experienced this feeling at least once in their life. Unpleasant, painful, exhausting the soul and clouding the mind, giving rise to anger and envy - a feeling of jealousy. It can take over your heart completely small child who does not understand that his parents love both him and his little sister equally. It can guide the actions of adults, destroying trust and mutual understanding. Where does it come from, what gives rise to it, what is the cause of jealousy? Most often this is self-doubt, distrust of to a loved one, fear of losing the attention of a loved one. To overcome it, you need to start with yourself, your own feelings. How to get rid of jealousy, the terrible feeling of indignation, helplessness and fear? There are several principles, guided by which in building relationships, you can protect your psyche from the destructive effects of jealousy.

Principles for building relationships

But first you need to understand psychological reasons jealousy. This feeling is of the same nature as envy. Anger mixed with a sense of inferiority torments a person with low self-esteem. But jealousy can manifest itself in any person, because there is always someone smarter, more beautiful or stronger.

For women, personal relationships are often the reason for jealousy and envy, but men are made to suffer more by significant differences in earnings, social status, and power.

The great harm of jealousy and envy is in distracting a person from own life, in awakening anger and hatred towards others. The only case when jealousy can be beneficial is when it gives impetus to self-improvement, to improving one's appearance, and increasing self-esteem.

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How to get rid of jealousy forever

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First understand your own feelings

By refusing to admit to oneself that one is jealous, a person rejects his own feelings and disrupts his emotional balance. You need to admit this feeling to yourself. This will be the first step towards deliverance. Then, having calmed down, you can think about the difficult current situation. Statistics show that such recognition is much easier for women than for men.

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We need to determine the cause of jealousy

You can be jealous of a specific person, but more often there is jealousy of work, a certain occupation, parents, even children - everyone who claims the time and attention of a loved one. Need to find this the real reason, understanding what is happening will help determine how to get rid of jealousy.

An example from life: Oleg has been going to sea for many years, has received high qualifications, earns decent money, but on land he never dreams of such a salary. Six years ago he married a wonderful and decent girl for love. She gave birth to his child, sits at home and faithfully waits for her husband for six months, not meeting anyone and communicating only with friends and parents. But every time the meeting after the flight is overshadowed by scandal and tears: Oleg is jealous of his wife for no reason, without a specific rival. He forces his devout wife to swear on the Bible that she was faithful to him, simply because Oleg does not understand the situation: his wife is offended by his mistrust, she sincerely loves and waits for him, and then does not know whether to laugh or cry from him claims. If he does not change his attitude, their union may crack.

To get rid of a strong feeling of jealousy, you need to tell your beloved about unpleasant experiences, but do not rush to accuse her of infidelity.

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Better to question your assumptions

It is recommended to direct energy in the right direction, and not waste it on unnecessary jealousy or showdown. Sometimes a person accuses a completely innocent spouse of treason and drives him into irritation with constant nagging and surveillance. And then the situation, instead of changing for the better, gets worse because trust and mutual understanding disappear.

Example from life: having lived in civil marriage Quite peacefully for several years, Lena began checking her husband’s phone, eavesdropping on his conversations, unexpectedly coming to his work, accusing him of treason and inattention. At that time, Sergei did not even think about leaving, because he sincerely loved his wife, although he looked back at other women. But the constant nagging and clarification of relationships, close control tired of him, then he really cheated on his wife, deciding not to suffer in vain. Instead of denying the accusations, the husband confirmed them. The marriage broke up Small child left without a father. Why make a man think about cheating if he doesn’t think about it?

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Don't rush to conclusions

Compromising photographs can be faked, phrases from a conversation can be misunderstood, gossip could be received in a distorted form, and a bed scene can turn out to be an emergency massage session for a cramp. First you need to find out everything and think it over calmly. Maybe it’s beneficial for someone to quarrel married couple. Therefore, before throwing your spouse’s things off the balcony, you need to give the person a chance to explain the situation.

An example from life: after the birth of her child, Yulia went on maternity leave. The baby's crying, constant fatigue and some tension with money made the once calm and balanced girl irritated and jealous. My husband stays late at work, trying to earn more money, but she doesn’t like it. The husband is discussing work issues with his secretary on the phone, and Yulia is nervous. By expressing her complaints to her husband, she only offends him with distrust, by the fact that she does not appreciate her husband’s efforts to provide for the family well. And then one day Julia accidentally finds the number of a stranger mobile phone, carefully written down on a separate piece of paper that fell out of her husband’s purse. Jealousy clouds the wife's eyes - she calls the specified number and nervously listens to the long beeps. The husband sees his wife in a nervous state and tries to find out what happened. When accused of infidelity, he restrains himself and reports that this is the boss’s second phone number, which he gave only to trusted people when he was going on vacation so that no one would bother him. And he sarcastically asks what the boss answered his wife... It’s stupid and insulting. Hasty conclusions almost caused a quarrel between the loving couple. Later, Yulia found work from home and began nagging her husband less. He sighed with relief.

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You should not be jealous, but admire

If jealousy is caused by a person who has certain positive traits, which are absent in a jealous person, you can use your jealousy as a stimulus to action. It is advisable to develop these qualities in yourself.

You can, after looking at your husband’s slender secretary, finally start doing gymnastics. Or, having heard admiring reviews about to the new boss, develop valuable business qualities. Or, having stumbled upon the enthusiastic gaze of your loved one, directed at a well-groomed lady, go to the hairdresser and buy a blouse that you have long liked in the store.

One should learn from a person who has useful qualities. After all, you can turn an imaginary rival or rival into a teacher and adviser.

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The benefits of qualified help

If a person is unable to get rid of the strongest feeling of jealousy that interferes with life and spoils relationships, you can turn to a psychologist or talk to a trusted friend.

A person does not belong to anyone but himself, so you should let him go, let him return voluntarily. No one will like it if their freedom is severely limited; it is better to build relationships on trust and freedom of choice than on coercion and restrictions.

How often we are jealous of a loved one and torment him with constant interrogations and suspicions, without realizing it. At first, of course, this is pleasant, it seems that you are not indifferent, they care about you and “there is a fight for you.” However, over time it stops being fun. Constant reproaches and speculation are ready to drive any person into a corner, and then he begins to think about real betrayal, because this is what he is constantly suspected of?

What is jealousy

Jealousy is emotional condition when you try to protect your partner from other potential acquaintances and communication with the opposite sex. However, most people do not want to admit to themselves that they are truly jealous. Often, jealousy comes from childhood, where the parental model of relationships was before our eyes.

What is the nature of jealousy? Why does a human try to be the sole owner of a partner? This feeling is alien to most animals. However, people also have situations when one man is shared by several women - an eastern harem. Women of a polygamist have equal rights and receive the same amount material assets and attention from your spouse. And they are not at all jealous of his rivals (or do we not know much?).

But we are not going to breed a harem, and our halves, knowing this, behave decently, but for some reason this is not enough for us. Constantly checking your phone, email correspondence in social networks, checking all your friends of the opposite sex - life becomes like a manic pursuit. Jealousy is like salt – it is pleasant only in small quantities. This is a feeling that definitely needs to be gotten rid of.

Reasons for jealousy

Why are we jealous? Here are some basic and common problems.

  1. Unfinished situations related to betrayal or betrayal in the past. In fact, there is a very fine line here. If you've ever had a time in your life where a partner cheated (or almost did), jealousy increases exponentially. It happens that you seem to have forgiven a person in words, let him back into your life, so as not to lose the relationship, not to destroy the family, etc. However, the soul did not reconcile, and the heart did not forgive, because you cannot order them. And every time a loved one is late from work, thoughts always return to that very situation.
  2. Feeling of own inferiority. This often happens among people who are socially unequal. If he is the life of the party, was the first handsome guy in the class, and she is a gray mouse that no one paid attention to, the woman develops a powerful mental conflict. She doesn’t understand why he chose her, why he loved her (does she have anything to love?). And throughout her life, this feeling of uncertainty and inferiority gnaws at her, pushing her into a constant feeling of jealousy.
  3. Another reason for jealousy is a misperception of the feeling of love. Some pathologically jealous people believe that the more jealous they are of their partner, the more love they will show him. This model of understanding jealousy also often comes from childhood.

Types of jealousy

Jealousy, as a natural feeling, can be normal and pathological. Normal jealousy has an undoubted place for existence, often its absence is also a big problem. After all, if a person is absolutely indifferent to you, if he doesn’t ask where you are staying, where this bouquet of flowers is from, that’s not good. But where is this line? How to determine a “healthy norm of jealousy”? It’s different for every relationship. Rare jokes like “why did she look at you like that?” and the like are appropriate. However, if jealousy strangles a partner and stops allowing him to live normal life– it needs to be dealt with urgently.

Jealousy does not only happen between a man and a woman. Jealousy often manifests itself in sibling relationships when there is a struggle for parental attention. Jealousy borders very closely on the concept of “envy.”

    1. First, try to understand what are you afraid of? Losing a loved one? Will you be able to hold him by force if something happens? Understand that YOUR person will never leave you. And if he left, then he was never yours in the first place. Sooner or later this would happen. So is it really necessary to torment yourself with conjectures and conjectures?
    2. If you want to keep a person, let him go. This rule works one hundred percent. Move away from this problem, take care of yourself. You don't need to think about your partner every second. Play sports, sign up for drawing, driving, beading or cooking courses. Free time gives rise to thoughts that are unnecessary in a given situation. Show the person that he is not your whole life. That you have many other interests and hobbies. And he will reach towards you.

  1. Become a better person. Why do you underestimate yourself? Why do you think it is impossible to love you? Every person is unique and you are no exception. You need to bring yourself to your senses, literally and figuratively. Change your hairstyle, update your wardrobe, go for a spa treatment - all this can work wonders.
  2. Don't be jealous, let them be jealous of you. Arouse slight jealousy in your partner. This doesn't mean you should come home with bouquets of flowers (women) and lipstick on your collar (men). Allow yourself to lightly flirt with strangers in front of your partner. It may be just a smile and a polite word, but it will not go unnoticed. Don't go overboard, or you risk becoming a target for unbridled jealousy.
  3. If your jealousy is groundless, there is no need to try to hurt your loved one. You need to fight with yourself and your own feelings. Understand that your loved one is a full-fledged person who has not only a personal life, but also a job and a hobby. Don't block it in all areas. There is no need to call him every five minutes, annoying him and interfering with his work. There is no need to demand a minute-by-minute account of where and with whom he was. If you love a person, trust him.
  4. Stop making things up. So your husband helped the woman collect the fallen papers and left with a polite smile. If I hadn’t been there, you thought, he would certainly have walked her home. There is no need to fantasize and think out the possibility of the situation. You attract into life what you think about. Be glad that you have such a gallant husband, capable of coming to the aid of a woman. After all, this is exactly why you once fell in love with him. Think about what this woman probably thought in her heart, “what an intelligent man.” But this is your husband! Let him be jealous!
  5. Don't compare yourself to others. There will always be someone who is more beautiful, slimmer, smarter or richer than you. But your partner chose you. With your strengths and weaknesses. Do you really think that if he meets a woman who is more suitable in some respects, he will exchange you for her? Surely there are some spiritual qualities of yours that make your man fall in love with you.
  6. Understand that constant jealousy can torment any person. And he may have the thought “why not change, anyway, every day I hear about betrayal that never happened.” And he begins to pay attention to a more balanced and calm friend of the opposite sex. Thus, you yourself are pushing him to betray.
  7. Try to meet with your friends more often. Just don't choose envious people. Find someone in your circle who will cheer you up and bring you back to life. There is no need to communicate with those who “cheat” you.
  8. Call your loved one for a frank conversation. Try to understand the motives for certain of his actions. By remaining silent and thinking, you can easily paint an unflattering picture in your head. If your husband is late at work every day, try talking openly with him about your suspicions. Perhaps he found a part-time job to buy you an expensive anniversary gift, and you have already mentally figured out his mistress.

Jealousy is a negative feeling that should not be allowed to grow and consume all your thoughts and feelings. If jealousy becomes unbridled and uncontrollable, you need to consult a psychologist. However, in most cases, you are able to cope with these problems on your own, because you are a strong, self-sufficient person, aren’t you?

Video: how to stop being jealous (consultation with a psychologist)

Publius Ovid Naso

Jealousy to one degree or another is inherent in all people. It may be justified or unjustified, depending on the situation. Someone is jealous because of fear and self-doubt, and someone is jealous because of very strong, but at the same time inferior love, which gives rise to a feeling of possessiveness. It’s not for nothing that they say that if a person is jealous, it means he loves. It’s just not specified that this love is not real, because it deprives a person of freedom. Because of jealousy, people often not only cannot live in peace and happy life, but they also make serious mistakes, because of which their relationships with other people deteriorate greatly or even collapse. Jealousy often causes the destruction of a family, because it kills love, which is unthinkable without trust, respect and freedom. And jealousy is an expression of distrust in a person, it is disrespect for his desires and a restriction of his freedom. It's bad for love. In addition, very strong jealousy can lead to serious illnesses, because when we are jealous, we experience severe stress, which weakens our immunity. Therefore, despite the fact that jealousy in our life is a companion of love, we must be able to cope with it in order not to allow this harmful feeling to poison our soul, harm our health and ruin our relationships with people dear and loved to us. I will tell you, dear readers, in this article about how to cope with jealousy and how to stop being jealous, even if there is every reason for it.

What is jealousy

So, first of all, let’s find out what jealousy is. Jealousy, friends, is a complex of feelings such as: fear, uncertainty, resentment, selfishness, pride, doubt, anger and self-pity. Taken together, all these feelings greatly poison a person’s life and have a powerful destructive effect on him. At the same time, it is quite obvious that even separately these feelings could not cause as much harm to a person as they do all together when combined in a feeling of jealousy. Through jealousy, they poison a person’s insides and spill out in the most unsightly way. From severe jealousy, many people experience headaches, lose appetite, become nervous, restless, irritable, and aggressive. Their aggression spills out onto their partner and the relationship with him begins to deteriorate. That's how many bad things are combined in the feeling of jealousy.

Very interesting and undoubtedly main feature jealousy is that a jealous person begins to see his partner as his property. He believes that he/she has the right to manage the life of another person as he/she wants. At the same time, jealousy is directed not only towards the husband or wife, groom or bride, but also towards friends, parents, and children. Although it is clear that jealousy towards a sex partner can be special - it often leads the jealous person to begin to hate his partner because of his suspicion of infidelity. Thus love is replaced by hatred due to jealousy. That's how it can be. A jealous person constantly monitors how much attention is paid to him and how much to other people, from his partner, as well as from friends, parents or children. Sometimes this takes on completely absurd forms, when a jealous person begins to cling to another person, whom he is jealous of, over all sorts of little things, or even begins to invent all sorts of nonsense, accusing him of all imaginable and inconceivable sins. Feeling deprived of attention and less loved, jealous people do not pay attention to the problems they create for others with their jealousy, thereby only pushing people away from them. In this way, fear, selfishness, hatred, and a sense of possessiveness can be combined in jealousy and harm both the jealous person himself and those whom he is jealous of, and even those of whom he is jealous.

How to stop being jealous

Now that you, dear readers, understand why and why we need to fight jealousy, I will tell you how to get rid of jealousy and start living a calm, measured life. To stop being jealous, you must first determine the cause of jealousy. There may be several of them. These reasons are related to those feelings that together make up the feeling of jealousy, which I wrote about above.

Fear. If you are jealous because you feel afraid, then think about what you are afraid of and what you lack. Jealousy is largely based on fear - the fear of losing what you have or not getting what you need. This normal phenomenon, this fear is justified, especially in cases where a person is not confident in himself for objective reasons. Well, let's say, a not very attractive man with a weak character, who is not popular with women, will inevitably be an insufficiently confident person with low self-esteem, and this uncertainty will form the basis of his fear of losing the woman with whom he begins to date and live. Afraid of losing her and not sure that he could find himself new woman- such a man will become very jealous of her. At the same time, negative past experiences in relationships with women, when women left a man, will increase his fear, and therefore will make him more jealous. The situation is similar with women. It is also worth saying that a lack of parental love and affection also makes a person jealous. The need for affection, attention, love, care must be satisfied from early childhood. If it is not satisfied, a person grows up insecure, therefore jealous, overly amorous (can become very attached to people), touchy or overly aggressive. Although touchiness and aggressiveness can and often are combined with each other. I repeat, all this applies to both men and women.

So, you need to find out what scares you, what consequences you are afraid of. You need to be aware of your fears so that you don't let them make you jealous. Think - what are you afraid of? What causes your fear? How valid and objective is it? What ways to combat this fear are there? Are they known to you? If not, find the necessary information. In other words, understand yourself instead of concentrating all your attention on the person you are jealous of. Even if your fear is justified, this is not a reason to be jealous. This is a reason to look for a solution to your problem. If you have an unfaithful husband and you are afraid of losing him, think about how to influence his behavior, taking into account your capabilities, and also think about the possibility of finding another man who is more suitable for you. Just don’t get along with people who are prone to treason, betrayal, deception, who are selfish by nature and don’t respect anyone but themselves. Otherwise, of course, you will be jealous of them, because they will start cheating on you, deceiving you, or even abandon you when they meet someone more interesting. Don’t create a problem for yourself and you won’t have problems with jealousy. Otherwise, as often happens, a woman will choose some womanizer for herself, just because, so to speak, he has a nice car or a lot of money, and then complains that he is cheating on her, as if it was impossible to guess before, that he is inclined to do so. Or a man takes some bitch as his wife, and then says that she doesn’t respect him, commands him as she wants and makes eyes at all the men in a row, and he, poor fellow, is constantly jealous of her and suffers because of this. Friends, we need to take such things more seriously. We are talking about people, and not about some things from a store. Try to choose your companions and life partners wisely, because the heart often fails in such matters. Normal person will not give you the slightest reason for jealousy, but on the contrary, it will help you get rid of self-doubt and those fears that make you jealous.

Needs. Also think about what you lack in life - attention, affection, communication, sex, romance, money, and so on. These needs can be met different ways, depending on the situation, so it is absolutely not necessary to demand everything you need from one specific person, expressing your demand for him in the form of jealousy. It may happen that your husband or your wife works very hard to provide for the family, and he or she simply does not have time to give you as much attention as you want, as much as you need. In this case, you have nothing to fear, no one is ignoring you, no one is cheating on you, you just need to solve this problem. You either need help finding your husband or your wife - new job, so that he or she has more time for you, or try to spend more time together when he or she is free, or find a job yourself to make life easier for your husband or wife. Or even you can find what you need - on the side, if this is acceptable for you and your life. Different people solve such problems in different ways, so I do not exclude any possibility of a person satisfying his needs. Well, what is right and what is wrong, what is ethical and what is not ethical - you decide for yourself. So this approach to the problem of needs allows you to solve it, and not aggravate it due to jealousy.

Selfishness. Also very important point in relationships between people. A jealous person can be very selfish, both because of the attention, love and affection that he did not receive in childhood, and because of his bad upbringing, when he was pampered all his life, instilling in him that he is more valuable and important than anyone else in the world. On the one hand, it’s not bad to be an egoist, since we are all egoists by nature, the only question is to what extent and in what form selfishness is expressed in each of us. But selfishness must be supported, or better said, disguised by reason, so as not to disgust other people. When a jealous person considers another person to be his property, then he deprives him of the right to have his own desires, denies him free will and, most importantly, he exalts this person, both in his and in his own eyes. This is a particularly important point - pay attention to it. Think about it, why show another person that he is so important to you that you are ready to limit him in everything and constantly control him, just not to allow him to deceive you, betray you, cheat on you, or leave you? This does not strengthen love and respect, does not make people more loyal, but it does allow them to realize their capabilities, their importance, their value to you. Do you understand how selfishness harms in this case? You put yourself down and elevate the other person. I'm not even talking about the fact that you need to respect the desires, needs and especially the freedom of other people if you want them to respect you. This is a question of ethics and even a question of reason. Of course, there are people who, as they say, cannot live without a stick, just give them free rein, and they will do such things that you will grab your head. Well, don’t choose such people for yourself - let like be attracted to like - let them live with those who are the same as them.

You also need to become aware of your behavior, assessing it as objectively as possible. Think about it - do you really get so little that you can demand more from a person? After all, if you are jealous of a person for every pillar, then what do you want from him or her, so that he or she spends all his time, spends only with you? Why do you need this? Think about this person's interests. Think about what he wants. Understand that in this world there are not only you and your interests, there are other people, and they also have their own desires and needs. And if you begin to take into account their desires and needs, you will get more than if you constantly demand from them what you need, including through jealousy.

Diffidence. If you are not confident in yourself, then you need, if possible, to evaluate yourself impartially - all your weaknesses and strengths, all your pros and cons, all your advantages and disadvantages. It is quite possible that you hold an unreasonably low opinion of yourself, so you are afraid that you may be betrayed, abandoned, offended, that you may be cheated on, and you, in turn, will not be able to oppose anything to all this. Even if you are justifiably unsure of yourself, you can cope with this uncertainty. You can develop your strengths so well that people won't even notice your weaknesses. Your self-confidence, based on these strengths, will allow you to be more calm about any turmoil in your personal life. There is no point in being jealous of someone when you know that you will never be left without attention, that you can always find yourself that person who will appreciate, love and respect you, who will pay you maximum attention and will never betray you. Would you say that you can never be sure of this? You are wrong. Can. If this were not the case, I would not write about it. They can be confident different people, any gender and any age. And such people will always be in the center of attention, so they are not afraid that someone might deceive, betray, or abandon them. That's why they're not particularly jealous. So increase your self-confidence, get rid of all your complexes, phobias, pressures, false stereotypes and prejudices, then jealousy will leave you alone. Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy will help you do this.

Mistrust. Mistrust itself causes feelings of jealousy. But mistrust comes in different forms. In this case, I'm talking about the mistrust that is caused by past negative experiences. I don’t want to say that we should all always trust each other in everything, that trust must necessarily exist in relationships between people, especially when it comes to loving friend friend to people. Trust is necessary, but it should not be blind and reckless. After all, anything can happen in life, and under certain circumstances, any person can commit an act that he does not expect from himself. But you understand what the matter is, friends, we often don’t trust people, so to speak, not for the sake of business, but only because we don’t trust anyone at all because of our beliefs and negative past experiences. That is, we can suspect a person of something for which he is not guilty, twisting one bad thought after another in our head until we paint a terrible picture, far from reality, but causing strong jealousy. And this picture may remind us of a picture from our negative past. Actually, because of this past it can arise. That's the problem. Therefore, do not rush to generalize all people, do not label them, relying solely on your negative life experience, which reflects life with only one thing - not the most the best side. Always try to evaluate each person individually and as thoroughly as possible. The more you know about a person, the better you can understand him, and therefore appreciate him. This in turn will allow you to understand how justified or unfounded your trust or mistrust in him is. I also want to say that you don’t need to show other people your distrust of them - this pushes them to justify your opinion of them. If a person sees that you don’t trust him, then he has no need to be honest with you. So he will deceive you, but you still consider him a liar, a traitor, a cheater, and so on. So don't see a person as someone you don't want them to be. On the contrary, try to see more in a person than he really is, then, satisfied with your attitude towards him, he will try for your sake to correspond to the image that you see in him.

Control. Man always wants to control everything, that is his nature. The more control we have, the calmer we feel. But it’s impossible to control everything, and what’s more, it’s not necessary. There is especially no need to control other people, including those we love. It is necessary to get rid of this habit, but not in order to allow your loved one to do whatever he wants to do, but in order to feel calm. After all, because of the desire to control everything, we feel restless and this anxiety feeds our jealousy. Because who knows what he or she might do if I don’t keep an eye on him or her. Your loved one must understand for himself what is good and what is bad. He must control himself. Each person must be responsible for his own life. Only in this case can you rely on him. Therefore, in order to get rid of jealousy, you need to give the other person more freedom and let go of life, let it take its course. Let everything go by itself - don’t be afraid of the unknown. What will be will be - you will cope with any situation, be sure of it. Think more about yourself - about your qualities, about your capabilities - strive to expand them, work on yourself, develop yourself. After all, the only person in this life whom you can more or less completely control is yourself. And you don’t need to control other people unless absolutely necessary, because if your capabilities are limited, then you won’t achieve anything anyway, you’ll only ruin your nerves. In addition, if we are talking about love, then think about how it can be controlled, because it is an absolutely voluntary feeling.

Enthusiasm. Get passionate about something. You know, sometimes in order to calm down and stop inventing all sorts of tall tales about another person, fueling your feelings of jealousy with them, it makes sense to switch your attention to something interesting in order to distract yourself from all your bad thoughts. Do something interesting - find yourself some worthy activity that you can immerse yourself in. This is very useful and, in principle, simple. The main thing is to captivate yourself, that’s all. And that is, people who constantly think about betrayal, betrayal, resentment, because they have constantly encountered this in their lives or because they are so insecure that they cannot think about anything else. They see life in extremely gloomy tones, even when everything in it is actually good and calm. Focus on bad thoughts always leads to even more of these thoughts, so if you don’t switch to something interesting and positive, you can simply go crazy. Which, by the way, is what happens to some jealous people, whose jealousy, as I wrote above, reaches the point of absurdity. So find something to keep yourself busy so you can spend less energy on jealousy. Then it will subside.

Respect. Respect yourself. And finally, the last thing I want to recommend to you so that you stop being jealous is to start respecting yourself more. It is clear that first of all you need to deal with your fears, your insecurities, your selfishness, resentments, anger and other negative feelings. But sometimes you need to think about your attitude towards yourself. Some people love to complain about their lives, and in particular about their significant other, who, in their words, treats them so badly that it causes them incredible suffering. And these people suffer, and they tell everyone around them about how they suffer so that they can feel sorry for them. And they also love to feel sorry for themselves. Friends are a sign of weakness. Self-pity is the last thing you need in this life. You kill your personality with it. No one will respect you if you always tell everyone how badly your husband or wife treats you. Don't need this. Respect yourself. Do not be jealous in order to once again feel sorry for yourself, in order to cry to others about what an unhappy fate you have, because if you are dragged into this swamp of suffering, you will suffer all your life. Anger, selfishness, fears, self-doubt - all this can be dealt with, but if a person likes to suffer, if he likes to feel sorry for himself, if he wants other people to feel sorry for him, then it is very difficult to cure. Respect yourself - do not make yourself a victim of circumstances and unhappy love, whose jealousy is expressed in self-pity. This attitude towards yourself and life will not make you a happy person.

For now, this is all I can advise you on this topic. Follow all the above recommendations and you will definitely cope with your jealousy. In the future, you and I, dear readers, will definitely return to the topic of jealousy so that you can study it inside and out. In the meantime, please draw conclusions from what I have already said in this article, so that, first of all, you can at least understand what is connected with your jealousy, or the jealousy of the person who does not give you peace because of it. When you understand where a problem comes from, it is easier to solve it. I believe that jealousy is a weakness, to summarize all of the above. Therefore, it is imperative to get rid of it. After all, any weakness prevents us from living well, fully, and happily. There is no need to justify jealousy with all sorts of nonsense - your love, the selfishness of another person, life circumstances and the like. Everything can be justified, absolutely everything. But why do this when your behavior makes you feel uncomfortable, when your jealousy creates problems for you? So all excuses aside. Problems need to be solved, not justified.

A person who is strong in spirit and mind will never be jealous of anyone, he simply doesn’t need it - he is confident in himself, he knows what he is worth, so if someone deceives or betrays him, he will simply erase such a person from his life and that’s it. This is what you need to strive for - this is a strong position in life and if you manage to take it, other people will feel your strength and simply will not want to betray you, since they will be afraid of losing you. A self-confident person who knows his own worth is also valuable to other people. So it’s better to let them be jealous of you, it’s easier to deal with it if necessary, than to be jealous - humiliating yourself in the eyes of others and your own.

There is no such person who would be completely alien to the feeling of jealousy. Each of us has been jealous of a loved one at least once in our lives. A certain amount of jealousy is always present - and that's normal. It's not normal when it is stronger than other feelings.

Reasons for jealousy

In order to figure out ways to get rid of this feeling, you need to understand what can make you jealous. The list of reasons is very short:

  • the main reason is fear, because each of us is afraid of losing the one we love;
  • complexes. They cause jealousy that is unreasonable for the observer, which is very difficult to treat. Complexes in almost one hundred percent of cases give rise to self-doubt, which is also very difficult to get rid of;
  • selfishness. This feeling is very dangerous for the one we love because it creates a sense of possessiveness. Your loved one does not belong to you - he is with you because he wants it, and not just you.
  • Past failures. A fairly common reason for jealousy.

7 ways to treat jealousy

Method 1: Trust is the key to happiness. Even the most obsessed person is able to rid himself of jealousy and not return to it if he trusts his partner. Just think about the fact that your loved one chose you and not someone else.

Method 2: try to look at yourself from the outside. This method will be especially effective for those whose love is not mutual or impossible. The fact is that very often jealousy makes people look extremely stupid. This applies, for example, to spying on someone you love - many people resort to this to find out if they are being cheated on, or to find out the identity of their rival.

Method 3: Take control of your imagination. Your spouse or your husband has become more secretive... yes, this is a problem, but there may be a lot of reasons for it other than someone appearing on the side. You are digging a hole for yourself, thinking about things about lovers and betrayals. Try to think only logically and be based on facts, not speculation.

Method 4: Do not compare under any circumstances. You are not a thing with certain properties and a price. You are the person who was chosen from millions of others. There are other millions of people who are better than you in some way, but true feelings cannot be destroyed by the knowledge that your lover is not the best carpenter or your beloved woman is not a beauty pageant winner. You are you, not someone else, so stop being jealous of your soulmate for an imaginary ideal that simply does not exist.

Method 5: Always look for a solution to a problem rather than focusing on the consequences. In other words, stop being afraid. Fear is one of the most terrible and destructive human feelings. Be prepared for anything, because this is life - unpredictable and real.

Method 6: awareness of the uniqueness of each of us. This will help those who have encountered betrayal and know about it firsthand. Those who have been dumped are often afraid of losing love again. But first, fear can incapacitate you. Secondly, who told you that all people are the same? There are similar character traits, but no identical people - we are all unique, so most likely, a bad experience was not love. You were simply not loved - this, of course, is true for those cases when there were no mistakes or actions on your part that could cause pain.

Method 7: Be honest - if you tell your loved one everything directly, then those who truly love will not turn away, but will help prove their devotion. You need to be careful with this method: speak only to the essence and state real fears, not speculation. Operate with facts, otherwise emotional outbursts can play a bad role. Be calm and think before you say anything.