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How to starch a satin dress. How to quickly starch a baby dress? How to dry and iron starched clothes

Not so long ago, starched clothes were a prerequisite for solemnity and splendor. appearance. But the question of how to starch a dress is still relevant today, since such a product looks special, clean and well-groomed. Modern housewives rarely starch curtains or bedding, but festive clothes for children and adults sometimes need to be brought into the appropriate form.

In order to properly starch a dress for splendor or give it a solemn look, you need to understand how it is done, what tools will be needed for the process of processing clothes, how to dry and iron them later. Compliance with all the subtleties and rules will allow you to get the expected result.

Types of starching clothes

The process of processing clothes can be different depending on what concentration of the solution will be used and what you want to get in the end. To determine how much starch is needed to starch a dress, it is important to imagine the result that you want to get. In addition, it must be understood that the same amount of solution cannot be used for different tissues. In this regard, there are several types of processing clothes and things:

  1. Soft starching - used when the fabric is thin and delicate, and a special degree of rigidity is not required. This method is used for chiffon or tulle, light summer clothes, as well as for a knitted dress.
  2. Medium degree - allows you to starch bed linen, as well as linen and cotton products, for example, men's shirts. In addition, this is the best way to add splendor to a wedding dress or petticoat.
  3. Hard processing is often applied to individual items of clothing, such as cuffs, lace, apron, frills or a headpiece. In addition, it is used to give pomp and lasting shape to the petticoat in a layered outfit.

As a rule, starch is diluted in 1 liter of water. To obtain the first type of tissue treatment, 1 tsp will be required. powder, for the second type - 1 tbsp, for a hard method - 2 tbsp. To starch the product big size, the amount of water and starch must be increased proportionally.

Experienced hostesses know that starching a dress at home is not difficult. It is important to know the whole process in order to look especially fresh and attractive during the festive moments.

Clothes will look much better if they are "compacted" a little. So, to make it look perfect?

For what?

This method has been used for a long time. It is necessary for shaping puffy dresses so that they have a snow-white look and do not wrinkle.

Starching allows you to:

  • maintain a presentable appearance: the dress is less wrinkled;
  • look more solemn;
  • keep the freshness of the outfit longer;
  • emphasize the form;
  • give whiteness;
  • highlight small details.

After the solution, a thin film forms on the fabric, which protects the dress from dirt and dust. A starched outfit will be easier to wash after wearing. Dirt is not absorbed, and this greatly facilitates the process of removing stains.

If such processing is knitted dress, then the pattern is seen more clearly, and the threads fit more tightly to each other.

Where to begin?

Before you starch the dress yourself, you need to inspect it for stains and remove them. Removal of pollution is carried out by folk or by professional means, for example, Vanish stain remover.

If there is no stain remover in the house, you can use hydrogen peroxide. The agent is applied to a clean cloth and wiped the contaminated areas.

This method , coffee, tea and yellow sweat marks.

After removing the dirt, the dress is washed in a typewriter to remove dust and get rid of traces that have not been noticed. You can also add a capful of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the machine. After that, you can starch the dress for splendor.

Types of fixation

There are several types of fixation. The use of the method depends on the preferences of the hostess and depending on what result you want to get.

Table. Types of fixing things:

Rigidity The amount of starch per 1 liter of water For what types of fabric is it used?
Soft0.5 tspThe soft method is suitable for processing dresses made of delicate fabrics, such as chiffon or cambric.
Medium1 st. l.Medium hardness is used for starching outfits made of linen or cotton. Also, this method is suitable for products made of silk, spatula and tulle. Middle way starching is used if the dress is openwork or has lace inserts.
Rigid2 tbsp. l.The hard way is suitable for knitted things. With its help, the shape of the collar, petticoat is also preserved. The hard way is a great way to shape dance tutus for ballerinas.

The process of preparing the solution: the required amount of starch is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. Stir so that a mass without lumps is obtained. You should get a homogeneous solution.

The remaining lumps will negatively affect the final result. If the solution does not work the first time, it is better to try to make a new one.

Processing a thing in 3 steps

After preparing the solution for starching the dress, it is poured into hot water to make a wedding or child dress was completely covered in liquid. The tool must be warm.

How to properly starch a dress - 3 steps:

  1. Place the clothes in the solution. Make sure that the paste covers all the material. Straighten the wrinkles.
  2. After 30-40 minutes, remove the dress from the solution, inspect for intact areas. If such are found, place the product for another 15 minutes in the product, spreading it so that the untouched areas are covered with a solution.
  3. Now women's dress needed to be pressed. But not too much, so that wrinkles do not form, which will be difficult to get rid of.

A child's or adult's dress should not float freely in the starchy liquid.

To prevent the fabric from sticking to the iron when ironing, add 3-4 drops of turpentine or 1 tsp to the mixture. salt.

And to make the product easier to iron, 2 tsp are added to the solution. milk to 1 liter of water.

The starching process is over. Now you need to straighten the folds and creases. Then dry and iron.

If the thing is new, then it is not necessary to completely immerse it in the paste.

How to starch the petticoat of a child's dress, just bought in a store?

To do this, prepare a solution of the desired concentration and apply it to the skirts with a sponge. You need to start from the bottom layer.

For petticoats, a hard solution is used, and the topmost skirt can not be starched or made with a soft hardness agent, and also treated with a sponge, evenly distributing the agent over the entire surface of the thing.

The starched product is dried and ironed.


If you don’t want to mess with your wedding attire, you can treat it with a starch solution in a washing machine.

How to starch a dress in an automatic machine - instructions:

  1. Prepare a solution of the required hardness.
  2. The starch diluted in water is poured into the conditioner compartment and the desired washing mode is set in accordance with the information on the label.
  3. Drying in the machine cannot be done. Dry the thing on a coat hanger.
  4. To washing machine did not break after such a procedure, it must be launched at idle. Thus, the remaining particles of starch will be removed along with the water during the extraction.
  5. Then the drum is wiped with a dry cloth.

The dress is ready for further processing. This process does not take much time and does not require follow-up of the procedure.

When machine washed, the product is processed evenly. There are no unstarched areas left.

Drying rules

In order for a starched dress to acquire the desired shape, it must be properly straightened. The creases formed after drying will not be easy to smooth out.

The product is hung on a coat hanger and each fold is carefully straightened. If this is not done, the product will not dry properly.

Drying of the starched product is carried out at room temperature. It should be kept away from batteries and other heating devices. It also cannot be taken out in the cold. Very low temperatures can damage starch-treated material.

If the result is satisfactory, then the product will need to be starched with each wash. But you only have to process separate sections, not the entire surface.

The nuances of ironing

When deciding to iron clothes after starch treatment, you should know a few nuances.

  • The power of the iron must match temperature regime indicated on the clothing label;
  • the steam function cannot be used;
  • ironing is carried out through wet gauze.

If the material is not completely dry, but some creases have become irregular, spray them cold water and pat right away.

How to replace homemade paste?

Not everyone can cook starch paste at home. Even an experienced woman in this matter does not always succeed in preparing a solution without lumps.

Therefore, various means for starching were invented. In supermarkets, you can buy a liquid, powder or spray that will help make the job easier.

Spray is the most convenient way. It is evenly applied to the material. Spray is great if you need to treat individual areas. For example, bow, frill, frill, cuffs. The spray is simply sprayed on the desired place during the ironing process.

Petticoats of a wedding, ball or children's dress are best treated with powder or liquid starch. Such products are used for washing in a typewriter, they are added to the powder or conditioner compartment after the main wash cycle has been carried out.

Tips for special cases will help solve some of the problems that may arise when processing products.

  1. If you do not want a clear "ball" effect, process not all petticoats, but through one.
  2. On children's dresses there are bows, ruffles and frills, they also need to be treated with starch.
  3. A little blue will give a special shine and whiteness.
  4. It is impossible to process black things with an ordinary starch solution, white spots may remain on them.
  5. Synthetics cannot be processed.
  6. The following recipe will help update the look. It will look like new. Borax, talc and starch are mixed in proportions 1:3:5. Dilute in the required amount of water. In the solution, gauze is moistened, and the dress is ironed through it. After such a procedure, the clothes acquire a shine that will not disappear even after 2-3 washes.

The process is quite simple and not expensive. Even a teenager can starch a dress.

Ten years ago, every girl knew how to starch a dress. Modern housewives rarely carry out this procedure, and in vain, since starch treatment has many advantages. First of all, the applied layer of the starch mixture forms a thin film on the clothes that protects the fabric. When washing, the film dissolves, and even the most difficult stains easily move away without penetrating into the structure of the material.

And if underwear is not recommended to be treated with a solution due to the loss of hygroscopicity, then the rest of the things can be safely starched. Today we'll show you how to do it right!

Preparing for starching - preparing the mixture and tools

Before proceeding with the treatment, it is necessary to determine the required degree of concentration of the solution - this depends on the type of tissue. There are several types of mixture:

You will also need the following tools: enameled or glass container, water, starch.

The mixture is easy to prepare. First, the starch is poured into a container and a little cool water is added there. Be sure to knead all the lumps and dissolve the particles - the consistency should be similar to sour cream. Then boiling water is added in a thin stream and the solution is allowed to cool completely. It happens that the mixture becomes cloudy, which may be due to the quality of the starch and the hardness of the water. In this case, it should be boiled for literally 2-3 minutes.

What are the best tools for starching?

Do not be surprised by this question, because today the stores are full of a variety of sprays, powders and all kinds of starching liquids, which can replace the traditional and home-made mixture.

The spray is most suitable for processing cuffs and collars of shirts. Powders or special liquids are best purchased if you are going to starch bedding, wedding dresses, and other large items. Applying powders is very simple - add them along with detergents when washing.

Important: Before proceeding with processing, read the instructions in order to accurately determine the required amount of processing agent.

If you don't trust modern chemistry, use regular starch. Many housewives consider this tool to be the best, since it is made exclusively from natural ingredients. The second advantage is that the result of starching will be quite stable and long-lasting.

How to starch a dress - step by step processing

Starching a dress is very simple - this event will not take much time. However, much depends on the type of fabric, so let's look at the process of starching various fabrics in more detail. So, if you decide to completely process the dress, proceed as follows:

  • prepare the solution and let it cool;
  • dip the dress into a container with a paste so that all parts of the product evenly absorb the mixture;
  • a little "carry" the clothes in the solution;
  • take it out and check if there are any areas not covered with paste;
  • wring out the dress to remove excess liquid.

But not all housewives like to starch the whole product, because this makes things very tough. In this case, the question arises, how to starch a child's dress, so as not to create discomfort for the child? Here it is better to process only the skirt with the mixture - and the appearance will be spectacular, and it will be a pleasure to wear such a dress.

For processing, prepare a solution of medium hardness by adding not 1 liter of water, but 800-850 ml. If there is a pattern on the dress, the solution should be at room temperature, so that the product does not shed.

After processing, the skirt must be steamed with an iron.

Here you will need the softest mixture - after preparing it, lower the product into the solution as a whole, remove it, wring it out and dry it so that there are no creases on the fabric. If possible, dry on a mannequin, straightening the material. After 2-3 hours, iron the clothes by heating the iron to medium temperature.

Processing of mixed fabric shirts

Important: the thing is washed before starching - even if you have just purchased the product.

If there is a stain on the clothes, remove it with either a stain remover or peroxide (when treating a white shirt).

Then prepare a solution of medium hardness, lower the shirt into it. By the way, for the processing of mixed fabrics, it is best to take rice starch. Lower the product into a container, wait until the paste is absorbed into the fabric. To remove the remnants of the mixture, use a white absorbent cloth - wrap the shirt in it, wring out and iron.

How to starch collar cuffs?

Use a hard solution to clean the cuffs. True, to improve the quality of the composition, sodium boric salt should be added to it, dissolving it in boiling water (a spoonful of the product per 200 ml of water). After mixing the ingredients, leave the solution to "infuse" for two hours. After that, we proceed to the process: we lower the processed parts of the clothing into the solution, wait until the mixture soaks the fabric, then remove the remaining liquid and dry the thing.

A few secrets from experienced housewives

It is necessary not only to starch clothes, but also to give it shine? This is usually required for evening dresses. In this case, you should prepare a solution from:

  • talc;
  • borax;
  • starch (in the ratio 3:1:5).

Moisten a napkin made of natural material in the solution, place it on the product and iron the fabric. If there is no piece of natural matter at hand, use gauze. The shine from the mixture will not go away after the first wash. Unfortunately, the treatment with a hard solution leads to difficulties in smoothing. To avoid this, be sure to add 2 tablespoons of milk to the mixture. To whiten clothes, use blue - just a drop, and your things will shine with whiteness.

In order for the things treated with the mixture to look beautiful, you must follow all the recommendations for drying and ironing. Let's start with drying. So, it is best to dry dresses on a hanger, straightening all the "wrinkles" on the fabric. If you forget about this step, the folds will seem to “petrify”, and it will be almost impossible to straighten them in the future. It is also worth remembering about the temperature - it should be room temperature.

Tip: provide starched things with natural conditions during drying, do not use additional tools and equipment, do not speed up the process in any way.

Now we can move on to ironing. There is one very important nuance- iron starched items while they are slightly damp.

Due to this, the ironing process itself will be greatly facilitated, and you can easily give the clothes the desired shape. If you are distracted by doing household chores, and the dress has had time to dry, moisten it with water from a spray bottle and immediately pick up the iron. Some housewives use slightly moistened gauze when ironing.

Pay attention to the power - ironing starched things is possible only with medium degree warming up, also do not use steam.

Ways to starch dresses and napkins. Review of means for starching.

Many housewives have long lost the habit of hard covers, bed linen. Starched cuffs and collars are no longer in fashion. Since there are no old school uniforms with aprons, there is no need to starch them either. But still, sometimes it is necessary to give additional rigidity to things, in which case use starch.

There are many ways to stiffen fabrics. And you can use potato, corn and wheat starch. But now there are products in solutions and sprays on sale that help save time. In this case, there is no need to soak and brew starch.

Overview of starching products:

  • Luxus superform. The product is sold in a spray bottle. You just need to shake the bottle and apply the product to dry and clean linen. Iron it. The substance helps to stiffen the laundry and contributes to the long-term preservation of its shape. Linen does not wrinkle.
  • Chirton starch. The product is sold in a spray bottle. It is necessary to apply not dry linen and iron. After such processing, things will not stand with a stake, but the process of ironing shirts and linen is greatly simplified.
  • Ocean starch. This is a product that comes in a bottle. It is a solution that is injected into washing machine while rinsing clothes. It is introduced into the place of the rinse aid.
  • Selena starch. This is also a liquid that is introduced into the washing machine in the air conditioner compartment. After that, the laundry is easier to iron.

There are several ways:

  • Soft starching. Ideal for tulle, light blouses and linens. Gives a little stiffness. You need to dilute a teaspoon of potato flour in 220 ml of cold water. Boil 800 ml of water on the stove and add the prepared solution in a thin stream with constant stirring. Let cool and submerge items for 1-2 minutes. Wring them out and dry.
  • Hard starching. This option is used if you need to starch a gauze collar or petticoat. This option allows you to make things tough. It is necessary to dissolve 2 tablespoons of potato flour in 200 ml of cold water and pour the solution into 800 ml of boiling water while stirring constantly. The fabric is dipped in a viscous solution and wrung out.


  • Dilute a spoonful of potato flour in 210 ml of cold water
  • Boil 210 ml of water and pour in the prepared solution
  • Pour the resulting paste into the dispenser of the washing machine and turn on the rinse mode
  • Dry things as usual.

The easiest way is to use a spray, it is applied during ironing. But if you want to starch the old way, follow the instructions.


  • Dissolve a spoonful of starch in 200 ml of cold water
  • Pour the solution into 200 ml of boiling water and stir
  • Immerse the dress in a slippery mass and let it soak completely
  • Squeeze a little, remove excess moisture
  • Hang on a hanger and dry at room temperature, smoothing out any wrinkles

How to starch crocheted products?

Basically, a concentrated starch solution is used, that is, a hard version. Products keep their shape well and are perfectly ironed.

VIDEO: Starch napkins

Often a bandage is needed for laboratory work. In this case, you will have to try a little.


  • Dilute a spoonful of starch in 250 ml of water
  • Pour the solution into a glass of boiling water and keep on fire with constant stirring.
  • Cool the resulting jelly and immerse the bandage in it
  • Wring out the bandage and hang to dry
  • Iron the dried bandage and roll it up

For these purposes, hard starching is used, that is, a concentrated solution. How to perform hard starching is described above.

The tutu skirt is made of tulle, which keeps its shape perfectly. By itself, this fabric is quite elastic. But sometimes it needs to be starched to make it more rigid. In this case, use hard starching. The process is described above.

Veil and dress are made of synthetic material. At the same time, even when sewing a dress, it is starched and ironed. During gentle washing in cool water, this layer is not washed off, and the dress keeps its shape. But if the dress was at the box office several times, then it might be worth starching it. To do this, you should use funds in aerosols. They are applied directly to the fabric before ironing. The most effective can be considered such means: Luxus superform and Chirton starch.

These products are made from cotton fabric. Starching in these cases is used to improve the shape of the product and to make sure that wrinkles and bruising do not form. For this purpose, mild starching is sufficient. That is, clothes or linen are rinsed in a weak solution of starch. The method of soft starching is described in more detail above.

To starch such a fabric, soft starching is required. Half a teaspoon per liter of water is enough for organza (bows) and a teaspoon for starching satin ribbons. You can learn more about the preparation of the solution above.

It is worth noting that after using starch, stains or white stains may remain on dark or colored items. In this case, it is better to use gelatin instead of starch.


  • Soak a bag of gelatin in cold water (100 ml) for 5 minutes to soften, drain and bring 0.5 liters of water to a boil
  • Add softened gelatin and cook, stirring, until completely dissolved. Cool solution to lukewarm before use
  • There will be no traces, gelatin covers the fibers with a transparent film

For dark, black and colored things, starch should not be used. For this purpose, use gelatin. Instructions for the use of gelatin above.

For starching, you can use not only starch and gelatin, but also sugar. For this purpose, you need to prepare sugar syrup.


  • Dissolve 8 tablespoons of sugar in a liter of water and bring the solution to a boil
  • Cool the syrup a little, it is necessary that it becomes warm
  • Soak the wipes in the solution for 15 minutes
  • Dry items at room temperature
  • Stroke as usual

How to properly starch a dress for splendor with a solution of selenium?

Exist special means for starching clothes. One of them is Selena. It is necessary to dissolve the amount indicated on the bottle in a liter of water and immerse clothing in the solution. It is necessary that the dress lies in the solution for 15 minutes. After that, the clothes are wrung out and dried at room temperature. All folds must first be leveled.

This is partial starching, which is used to make the hem heavier. The skirt at the same time becomes quite heavy, it is perfectly smoothed out. Such starching is suitable for dresses and skirts with a sun-flared or "beauty" cut. Hard starching is used, which is described above. At the same time, not the entire product should be dipped into the solution, but only the lower part. It must be squeezed out and hang the dress on a hanger.

As you can see, with the help of starching, you can give things a neat and beautiful look. This will keep the clothes neat.

Question: “How to starch a skirt at home?”- is no longer as relevant as some time ago. Few starch linens, shirts, or skirts these days, as our closets are full of synthetics. But sometimes you have to remember grandmother's methods for starching clothes in order to give the image of mystery and pretentiousness. Starching a tulle skirt, mesh, or a pack is quite easy at home. To do this, you will just need to read the recommendations of our article, which will greatly facilitate your task.


It is quite easy to starch a tulle skirt at home, whether it is a multi-layered tulle skirt or a children's tutu. Here it is very important to observe the proportions of water and starch, as well as to know one trick. The fact is that multi-layered tulle skirts usually do not starch completely, as this can give them too much volume, which will not look very attractive. You need to starch only the lower layers, while holding the upper ones so that they do not touch the solution. So, let's look at detailed step by step instructions, thanks to which you can starch a tulle skirt or a pack at home.

  • First you need to thoroughly wash the skirt that you are going to starch at home. The fact is that the starching solution is very sticky, so any debris or dust will firmly stick to the skirt after you starch it. Therefore, first you need to wash the thing, and then dry it in the open air.
  • During washing, it is very important to rinse the skirt well so that there are no marks left on it. washing powder, because this can significantly spoil the appearance of the skirt in the process of starching.
  • Now we can prepare a solution for starching a skirt at home: for this, you should take an incomplete glass of cool water and pour about five grams of potato starch into it. Stir the mixture until the powder is completely dissolved in water.
  • Then you should take a small saucepan, fill it with water and put on fire. When the water boils, carefully pour the starch solution into it, stirring the contents of the pan continuously.
  • Boil the solution in this way for no more than five minutes. After that, you should let the solution cool, and then take a cheesecloth and strain it to avoid the appearance of lumps and excess debris.
  • Now we take our skirt, lay it out on oilcloth, arm ourselves with a sponge and with its help we begin to starch the lower layers of the tulle skirt with a starch solution. There will be no hurry here, as you can apply the solution unevenly, which will cause the shape of the skirt to suffer.
  • If you don’t want to bother for a long time, then you can simply dip the lower layers of the skirt into the starch solution, holding the upper ones, then gently wring them out and send the skirt to dry.

A tulle skirt starched at home should be dried either on a trempel or on the same oilcloth on which you starched it. After that, you need to iron the skirt, smoothing out the wrinkles, and it will be ready to be worn. But it should be remembered that upon contact with moisture, the result of starching can be reset, so it is advisable not to fall into the rain in a starched tulle skirt.

Mesh skirt

At home, starching a mesh skirt or petticoat is not at all difficult. To do this, you will need some potato starch, water, and a little patience. Next, we will tell you in detail how to starch a mesh skirt on your own at home.

  • To properly starch a mesh skirt at home, you first need to dissolve the starch in water. To do this, take one incomplete glass of cold water and pour two tablespoons of potato starch into it. Stir the solution until the starch is completely dissolved. Avoid lumps.
  • After that, you need to find a small saucepan, collect about a liter of water and put it on fire. When the water boils, pour the starch solution into it, constantly stirring the contents of the pan.
  • Remove the starch solution from the heat, then leave it to cool. When the mixture has cooled, it will need to be strained with cheesecloth to remove undissolved lumps.
  • Now pick up the mesh skirt that you want to starch at home, and dip it briefly in the starch solution, then remove it and wring it out gently. In this case, you should not twist the skirt dry, as it will wrinkle very much and it will be difficult to smooth it out.
  • Dry the starched mesh skirt with an iron. To do this, lay the skirt on the ironing board and thoroughly iron every centimeter of fabric. It is necessary to iron until the starched skirt is dry.

As you can see, starching any skirt at home is very simple if you know how to prepare a starch solution and how to dry the product. Using these methods, you can starch a skirt made of mesh or tulle, as well as other lightweight materials.

Starch has long been used to give clothes a fresh, formal look. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew well how to starch a dress. It would seem that the distant past ... However, even today starch has found its application.

Any starched product will look “like a needle” and shine with freshness. The fact is that the thinnest breathable film is formed on the fabric, protecting it from pollution. During washing, it is easily washed off, and along with it, the dirt also leaves.

Why starch garments?

  • The dress will get a clearer voluminous shape that will last until the next wash.
  • The impression of freshness and presentability will last longer.
  • The product will wrinkle less.
  • The outlines of the collar and cuffs will remain correct, uncreased due to their rigidity.

A starched knitted dress will look especially impressive. It stretches less, keeps its shape, the pattern becomes more embossed, the threads of knitted fabric lie more evenly. And even the color of the thing seems to become cleaner and brighter.

How to prepare starch paste?

At home, for this purpose, ordinary potato starch is used, which is always present in the arsenal of any housewife.

If you go to a dry cleaner, your product will be starched with chemical additives.

There are three degrees of hardness in the preparation of the paste: soft, medium and strong.

  • For soft water, put 1 teaspoon of starch in 1 liter of water - in order to starch a dress made of thin fabric, such as cambric or chiffon.
  • For an average of 1 liter of water, dilute 1 tablespoon of starch - for knitted dresses or sewn from linen or cotton.
  • For a strong one - 2 tablespoons - prepared for starching individual details of the outfit: flounces, collar, cuffs.

Cold water is first poured into starch, the resulting lumps are thoroughly rubbed, achieving uniformity and consistency comparable to thick sour cream. And only then pour boiling water in a thin stream, bringing the volume to 1 liter. Before immersing the dress in a liquid paste, the composition should be cooled.

What to do with the dress?

In order to starch the dress, it must be completely saturated with starch for 30–40 minutes. During this time, it does not hurt to turn it over several times. Then remove from the liquid, squeeze out the excess paste and hang the thing on a coat hanger. The dress should be dried at room temperature, away from radiators, in no case turning on an electric dryer and other heating devices.

  1. To give the fabric an elegant sheen, add a little table salt to the diluted starch.
  2. You can enhance the shine by dropping a little melted stearin into the paste.
  3. Sometimes you can see recommendations to dry the starched product in the cold. It is possible, but it is unlikely that this method will give the product additional rigidity.

It is best to iron a starched dress slightly damp, while it will be possible to carefully smooth out all the small details, folds, avoiding creases and keeping the shape. If the dress is still dry, it is not necessary to steam it with an iron, it is better to sprinkle it with water or iron it through a damp thin cloth. If the iron sticks to the fabric, add a few drops of turpentine to the diluted starch.

Wedding dress: starch or not?

It may not be necessary to completely starch a wedding dress at home. But you will have to soak the petticoats with a paste so that the skirt is fluffy. If petticoats several, you can adjust the volume, processing not all petticoats.

Here's how to starch a petticoat: smear the petticoat with a solution of starch (make it harder) and iron it without waiting until it dries completely.

There is a simple rule: you can starch - and sometimes you need to - everything except underwear and black products. Otherwise, the linen will lose moisture permeability, and the black thing will be covered with whitish stains.

Make your baby's dress look prettier

With a festive children's dress, they do the same as with a wedding dress. That is, petticoats are starched and then ironed. Such dresses are usually decorated with small details: ruffles, flounces, frills, which look wrinkled and wrinkled after washing. They should also be starched and ironed with a small iron.

Something about starching technique

By the way, to process individual parts of the dress, whether for children or adults, it is convenient to use a starch spray, sold in company stores. household chemicals. The spray is sprayed on the collar, cuffs or flounces, which are immediately ironed.

A knitted dress is starched in accordance with the general rules, but there are also some peculiarities. Hanging it to dry, of course, is impossible. The dress is dried in a horizontal position laid on a towel. If lace is knitted along the hem, they need to be straightened and fixed in the desired shape with tailor's pins.

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Have you come to the solemn moment of the first matinee of the child in the kindergarten? Or are you, your eldest daughter, a friend getting married? And for some reason, after washing, the dress hangs sadly on the shoulders and the usual iron does not help? Use starch in this case. If you still don’t know how to starch a children’s dress at home and how to give a more magnificent and festive look to a wedding dress, then our article will help you figure this out and much more.

Why starch the dress?

For a very long time, the starching method has been used to give things a stable shape, a neat and solemn look. Our grandmothers could eyes closed prepare the desired solution for processing a particular dress.

Important! Probably, we all paid attention to the puffy dresses of ballerinas, how they keep their shape, and what a snow-white look they have. Not everything depends on the cut and design of the dress. To achieve this effect, you need to be able to properly starch things at home.

A starched dress retains its freshness and curvaceous shape longer. This is due to the fact that during the procedure for processing products with a solution, a thin film is formed on things, which has the following properties:

  • Does not allow the product to wrinkle, as the fabric becomes stiffer.
  • Dirt on the dress is not absorbed, which greatly facilitates the process of removing stains during washing.
  • A yellowed dress after starch will again acquire a white, sparkling appearance.
  • The dress stays presentable and fresh longer.
  • With the help of starching, you can emphasize or highlight such details of the product as collars, cuffs, ruffles, bows.

Where to begin?

Before starching a skirt at home, you should get rid of all the stains that are present on the product. You can do this in the following way:

  1. Take 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Apply the product to a soft, clean cloth.
  3. Rub on problem areas and leave for a few minutes. The spots will begin to disappear right before your eyes.

In this way, not only yellow stains are removed, but also stains from coffee, tea and wine.

Important! In the process of starching, the fabric becomes less breathable. Therefore, light summer things are not desirable to starch completely.

How to decide on technology?

Depending on what you want to get from starching: strong or slightly hard fixation, you need to use a certain concentration of starch.

The fabrics from which clothes are sewn differ in the composition of the threads, color and density. Therefore, you should know which starch solution to use to process the fabric of your choice.

Important! For example, under the influence of starch, a knitted dress acquires a number of positive qualities:

  • Becomes more presentable.
  • Less stretchable.
  • The position of the threads becomes more uniform.
  • The pattern stands out more clearly on the product.
  • The color becomes more saturated.

What things cannot be starched?

There is a second side of the coin: not all things can be starched. Some of them are negatively affected by starch exposure. List of similar products:

  • Underwear. Under the influence of starch, the fabric is less breathable, so wearing such underwear is not hygienic.
  • Dark or black clothes. When your clothes are completely dry, white streaks may remain on them.
  • Synthetic or semi-synthetic dresses. Such fabrics do not lend themselves well to starching.

Types of starch fixation

Depending on the desired result and the concentration of the active substance, the following types of starch fixation are distinguished:

Soft way of starching

With this solution, you can starch summer sundresses made of chiffon or cambric, bed linen and curtains. Also a great option would be this method to starch a baby dress at home. Thin flowing fabrics will take a rigid form with a small amount of starch:

  1. Take 1 liter of water and dilute 0.5-1 teaspoon of starch in it.
  2. Stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Medium hard starching

So that the collar and cuffs on a men's shirt, flounces in a dress and artificial bows, tablecloths and napkins have a stable beautiful outline, prepare the following composition:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into an enamel bowl and add 1 tablespoon of starch to it.
  2. Stir until a lump-free mixture is obtained.

Rigid starching method

With the help of such a concentrated solution, only certain parts of clothing can be starched: cuffs in a shirt, petticoat in a ball gown, dance tutus for ballerinas. Products become rigid and retain their shape for a long time. The procedure is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  1. To give the product a special shine, add 1 teaspoon of borax (boric salt) to the prepared liquid, stir well and leave to brew for a couple of hours.
  2. Dilute 2 tablespoons of starch in 1 liter of water.
  3. Mix all components until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Important! Regardless of which starch method you choose, it is very important that there are no lumps in the resulting raw material. They will negatively affect the final result.

How to starch a dress at home?

To prepare a starch solution, you will need:

  1. Starch and water.
  2. Deep enameled or other heat-resistant dishes.

Important! You may have to heat the raw material on the stove.

  1. Spoon or spatula for mixing.

Important! To prepare the mixture, you can use absolutely any starch: rice, corn, potato or wheat. Experienced housewives prefer to use potato starch. It can be easily purchased at the store. It has a snow-white color, thickens perfectly, which cannot be said about corn starch.

To starch a dress at home, follow this algorithm of actions:

  1. Before you lower things into the resulting liquid, they need to be washed and all stains removed.

Important! Starch has the property of whitening, so all subtle stains will disappear after the starching procedure.

  1. Pour cold water into an enamel bowl and add the required amount of starch to it. Stir the ingredients thoroughly.

Important! The amount of water and starch depends on the method of starching and the type of fabric of your clothes.

  1. Pour hot water into the mixture in a thin stream. You need to increase the amount of starch liquid to completely cover the product.

Important! The dress to be starched must not float freely in the starch liquid.

  1. Make sure that the product has the consistency of thick sour cream, is transparent and without lumps.

Important! The cloudy solution should be boiled for 5 minutes.

  1. To make the starch better saturate the fabric, it can be diluted with a small amount of water.
  2. Wait until the resulting solution has cooled to room temperature.
  3. Lower the product into the resulting paste.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes to soak with starch.
  5. To starch your clothes evenly, turn them over in the bowl a few times.
  6. Take out the dress, remove excess liquid from the product, straighten the folds and creases.
  7. Lay flat to dry at room temperature or hang on a coat hanger.
  8. Drying must be done away from the battery or heat generator.

Important! After drying on the battery, the dress will be difficult to smooth and give it the desired shape.

  1. To iron the fabric of the product well and give it the desired shape, it is necessary to iron it in a wet state.
  2. If you like the effect of starching, repeat it with each wash.

How to starch a dress in a washing machine?

Now there is a washing machine in almost every home. In it, you can not only wash and rinse, but also starch fabric products. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. Dilute starch with water in proportions appropriate to the desired fixation result and tissue type.
  2. Pour the starch solution into the conditioner compartment and set the desired washing mode in the automatic machine.

Important! If you prefer washing with a softener, conditioner, then you should refuse it during starching.

  1. In order not to harm the washing machine, run it empty after starching.
  2. Wipe the drum and door with a dry, clean cloth.

Alternative to homemade paste

Today, in a period of technological progress, it is not necessary to prepare a starch paste at home. In trade pavilions or large supermarkets, you can buy starch products in the form of a spray, liquid or powder.


This form of fabric starching agent is very convenient to use. This is especially true when you only need to starch certain areas of clothing: collars, cuffs or frills on a dress. All you need is to spray the product on the clothes during the ironing process.

Powder or liquid starch

Items such as tablecloths, curtains, tulle, dance dress petticoat and other bulky items are very difficult to starch by hand. Therefore, they often use a tool that is specifically designed for a washing machine.

Important! Before using any store-bought product, read the instructions for use and follow it.

Ancient methods of starching

Previously, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers found a way out. For these purposes, they often used sugar, gelatin, and a little later, in some cases, PVA glue.


  1. A rigid form of clothing is given thanks to the syrup, which is boiled in the ratio: 100 ml of water per 200 g of sugar.

Important! It is very important not to overcook the syrup. Otherwise, your thing will acquire unwanted yellowness.

  1. Pre-prepare a solution with starch and pour the cooled syrup into it.
  2. Mix thoroughly.

Important! If lumps remain, you can strain the paste through cheesecloth.

  1. Lower the product and leave it to soak for a while.
  2. Squeeze out excess liquid.
  3. Lay flat to dry.

Important! Under the influence of water, clothing will lose its acquired shape and rigidity. Therefore, make sure that after starching the product does not come into contact with water.

PVA glue

This method is perfect for knitted products or embroidery. To give things rigidity and the correct position of the threads, so that the pattern on the product looks more expressive, prepare the following tool:

  1. In a ratio of 1: 2, dilute the PVA glue with water.
  2. Put the product in the prepared paste.

Important! If you need to process individual parts, apply the product with a brush.

  1. Leave to dry flat.


Purchase gelatin from the grocery store and prepare the following solution:

  1. One tablespoon should be diluted in warm water until completely dissolved.
  2. Pour 200-250 ml of water into the resulting gelatinous liquid.
  3. Put the dress in the resulting composition.
  4. As soon as it is saturated with gelatin, wring it out and lay it out to dry.

How to starch a wedding dress at home?

A wedding dress may consist of several layers of skirts. If you starch all the layers of the petticoat, you get a chic fluffy dress.

Important! To achieve a slightly fuller skirt, starch only a few layers of the petticoat. This way your dress will have a rigid bottom that will hold all the other parts of the skirt, and the dress will take on a delicate airy look.

You can’t ruin such a beautiful and expensive outfit, so proceed in this way:

  1. Prepare a paste for the hard starch method.
  2. Treat them to the lowest skirt.

Important! The topmost skirt of the dress is never starched.

  1. Don't wait for it to dry. When wet, iron it with a warm iron.

Important! To prevent the fabric from sticking to the iron, you need to iron it through cheesecloth.

  1. Treat all subsequent layers of the petticoat with starch of any hardness.

How to starch a baby dress at home?

An elegant children's dress after washing can have a completely non-holiday look. Frills and bows after "water procedures" become drooping and pretty wrinkled. To give a solemn and neat look to this product, perform the following steps that will help you quickly and correctly starch a children's dress at home:

  1. Prepare a paste for hard starching.
  2. Starch individual details: collars, ruffles, bows, petticoat.
  3. Iron the damp cloth with a warm iron.

How to iron a starched skirt?

There are several rules that must be observed in order for the thing to have an excellent appearance:

  • The skirt should be ironed slightly damp. With this approach, all folds and creases can be easily smoothed out without damaging the shape of the product.
  • It is impossible to use steam during the ironing process - the skirt may lose its acquired rigidity.
  • If the product is still dry, sprinkle it with water or cover it with a slightly damp cloth and iron it with an iron.
  • Do not use a very hot iron. As a result, yellow marks may appear on clothing.
  • To prevent the skirt from sticking to the iron, turpentine can be added to the starch.

Important points in the starching process:

  • Table salt added to the paste will give the dress a unique shine.
  • Additional shine can be obtained by adding a few drops of stearin to the solution.
  • Do not leave starched items to dry in the cold. With such drying, the product will not become rigid.
  • Clothing that has elements of embroidery with floss threads cannot be starched, as the threads lose color and stick together.
  • Knitted items should not be dried on a hanger, they should be laid out in a horizontal position and secured in the desired shape with sewing pins.

With the help of simple starching actions, your daughter will look like a little princess in her magnificent outfit, and starched Wedding Dress will give the bride a gentle, airy look. Using the simple tips from this article, you will learn how to give your things a special gloss and beauty.

Ways to starch dresses and napkins. Review of means for starching.

Many housewives have long lost the habit of hard covers, bed linen. Starched cuffs and collars are no longer in fashion. Since there are no old school uniforms with aprons, there is no need to starch them either. But still, sometimes it is necessary to give additional rigidity to things, in which case use starch.

There are many ways to stiffen fabrics. And you can use potato, corn and wheat starch. But now there are products in solutions and sprays on sale that help save time. In this case, there is no need to soak and brew starch.

Overview of starching products:

  • Luxus superform. The product is sold in a spray bottle. You just need to shake the bottle and apply the product to dry and clean linen. Iron it. The substance helps to stiffen the laundry and contributes to the long-term preservation of its shape. Linen does not wrinkle.
  • Chirton starch. The product is sold in a spray bottle. It is necessary to apply not dry linen and iron. After such processing, things will not stand with a stake, but the process of ironing shirts and linen is greatly simplified.
  • Ocean starch. This is a product that comes in a bottle. It is a solution that is introduced into the washing machine in the process of rinsing clothes. It is introduced into the place of the rinse aid.
  • Selena starch. This is also a liquid that is introduced into the washing machine in the air conditioner compartment. After that, the laundry is easier to iron.

There are several ways:

  • Soft starching. Ideal for tulle, light blouses and linens. Gives a little stiffness. You need to dilute a teaspoon of potato flour in 220 ml of cold water. Boil 800 ml of water on the stove and add the prepared solution in a thin stream with constant stirring. Let cool and submerge items for 1-2 minutes. Wring them out and dry.
  • Hard starching. This option is used if you need to starch a gauze collar or petticoat. This option allows you to make things tough. It is necessary to dissolve 2 tablespoons of potato flour in 200 ml of cold water and pour the solution into 800 ml of boiling water while stirring constantly. The fabric is dipped in a viscous solution and wrung out.


  • Dilute a spoonful of potato flour in 210 ml of cold water
  • Boil 210 ml of water and pour in the prepared solution
  • Pour the resulting paste into the dispenser of the washing machine and turn on the rinse mode
  • Dry things as usual.

The easiest way is to use a spray, it is applied during ironing. But if you want to starch the old way, follow the instructions.


  • Dissolve a spoonful of starch in 200 ml of cold water
  • Pour the solution into 200 ml of boiling water and stir
  • Immerse the dress in a slippery mass and let it soak completely
  • Squeeze a little, remove excess moisture
  • Hang on a hanger and dry at room temperature, smoothing out any wrinkles

How to starch crocheted products?

Basically, a concentrated starch solution is used, that is, a hard version. Products keep their shape well and are perfectly ironed.

VIDEO: Starch napkins

Often a bandage is needed for laboratory work. In this case, you will have to try a little.


  • Dilute a spoonful of starch in 250 ml of water
  • Pour the solution into a glass of boiling water and keep on fire with constant stirring.
  • Cool the resulting jelly and immerse the bandage in it
  • Wring out the bandage and hang to dry
  • Iron the dried bandage and roll it up

For these purposes, hard starching is used, that is, a concentrated solution. How to perform hard starching is described above.

The tutu skirt is made of tulle, which keeps its shape perfectly. By itself, this fabric is quite elastic. But sometimes it needs to be starched to make it more rigid. In this case, use hard starching. The process is described above.

Veil and dress are made of synthetic material. At the same time, even when sewing a dress, it is starched and ironed. During gentle washing in cool water, this layer is not washed off, and the dress keeps its shape. But if the dress was at the box office several times, then it might be worth starching it. To do this, you should use funds in aerosols. They are applied directly to the fabric before ironing. The most effective can be considered such means: Luxus superform and Chirton starch.

These items are made from cotton fabric. Starching in these cases is used to improve the shape of the product and to make sure that wrinkles and bruising do not form. For this purpose, mild starching is sufficient. That is, clothes or linen are rinsed in a weak solution of starch. The method of soft starching is described in more detail above.

To starch such a fabric, soft starching is required. Half a teaspoon per liter of water is enough for organza (bows) and a teaspoon for starching satin ribbons. You can learn more about the preparation of the solution above.

It is worth noting that after using starch, stains or white stains may remain on dark or colored items. In this case, it is better to use gelatin instead of starch.


  • Soak a bag of gelatin in cold water (100 ml) for 5 minutes to soften, drain and bring 0.5 liters of water to a boil
  • Add softened gelatin and cook, stirring, until completely dissolved. Cool solution to lukewarm before use
  • There will be no traces, gelatin covers the fibers with a transparent film

For dark, black and colored things, starch should not be used. For this purpose, use gelatin. Instructions for the use of gelatin above.

For starching, you can use not only starch and gelatin, but also sugar. For this purpose, you need to prepare sugar syrup.


  • Dissolve 8 tablespoons of sugar in a liter of water and bring the solution to a boil
  • Cool the syrup a little, it is necessary that it becomes warm
  • Soak the wipes in the solution for 15 minutes
  • Dry items at room temperature
  • Stroke as usual

How to properly starch a dress for splendor with a solution of selenium?

There are special tools for starching clothes. One of them is Selena. It is necessary to dissolve the amount indicated on the bottle in a liter of water and immerse clothing in the solution. It is necessary that the dress lies in the solution for 15 minutes. After that, the clothes are wrung out and dried at room temperature. All folds must first be leveled.

This is partial starching, which is used to make the hem heavier. The skirt at the same time becomes quite heavy, it is perfectly smoothed out. Such starching is suitable for dresses and skirts with a sun-flared or "beauty" cut. Hard starching is used, which is described above. At the same time, not the entire product should be dipped into the solution, but only the lower part. It must be squeezed out and hang the dress on a hanger.

As you can see, with the help of starching, you can give things a neat and beautiful look. This will keep the clothes neat.

VIDEO: Starch dresses

The use of starch at home for some clothes allows you to:

  1. Make the fabric stiffer.
  2. Make the shape of the dress more voluminous.
  3. A starched outfit will become beautiful, festive, it will look perfect.
  4. The starch layer plays a kind of protective role. It serves as a barrier against dirt. Keeps clothes fresh for longer.
  5. It is easier to wash stains without allowing them to penetrate deep into the fabric thanks to the film of starch.
  6. Save flawless look. Clothes do not wrinkle so much, keep their shape longer. Collars and cuffs will be resistant, highlighted.

2 Instructions for preparing the solution

First you need to determine the concentration of the solution. It depends on the type of fabric, and how stiff the material should be.

Starching solution

Types of mixture:

  1. Soft solution - used for light fabrics like chiffon. Proportions: 0.5 tsp. starch per 1 liter of water.
  2. A solution of medium hardness - used for products made of cotton, linen, knitted products from natural yarn. Proportions are taken in the calculation of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  3. Hard solution - suitable only for highlighting individual sections of the outfit. So collars, cuffs, petticoats starch. The mixture is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. starch per 1 liter of water.

  1. Pour the required amount of starch into the container. Add some cool water to it.
  2. Stir the mixture so that the consistency resembles thick sour cream. It is necessary to thoroughly knead the lumps, all grains of starch must be saturated with water. It is very important to achieve a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Then pour boiling water in a thin stream. Mix everything thoroughly. Leave the mixture to cool.
  4. In case of turbidity of the solution, it must be boiled for 3-5 minutes. This happens if the water is too hard or low-quality starch.

3 Starching process

After preparing the solution, you can proceed to the process itself at home. But first you need to wash the thing and remove all stains:

  1. The outfit is placed in a container with a solution completely, all parts must be under water. But the product should not float.
  2. After 30-40 minutes, you need to turn the product several times in solution. Then pull it out, check for missing sections. If there are any, once again thoroughly moisten with a paste.
  3. The dress is pulled out, squeezed a little. Shake and hang on a coat hanger.
  4. The product is dried on a coat hanger at room temperature, without the use of additional sources heat.
  5. When the outfit is dry, but still damp, it needs to be ironed. Then all the folds are smoothed out, the dress takes shape. If the moment was missed, the dress dried up, it is still necessary to iron it. Only you need to do this through a wet cloth or lightly sprinkle with water from a spray bottle. You can not steam, the thing will lose its rigidity.
  6. Leave the dress on the shoulders to dry at room temperature.

Strange, but not every young fashionista knows how to starch a fabric, and why it is generally necessary. Meanwhile, it is this technique that makes it possible to return the product to its original fresh look. In this article, we will look at how to starch a dress step by step.

How to starch things?

To begin with, let's dwell on why linen and clothes are starched. Firstly, it makes the fabric more rigid and dense, which prevents it from quickly losing its shape. As a result, your clothes become fresh and their original appearance returns. All decorative cuffs, lace or ruffles are also transformed and become like new.

Before you starch, you must determine the required degree. There are three options: soft, medium or hard. It all depends on the concentration of starch and your goals.

Now let's look at step by step how to properly starch things:

  • pre-wash clothes and remove all stains from it;
  • in an enamel bowl, dilute a teaspoon of starch with cold water (this is the concentration for soft starching) to the consistency of sour cream;
  • to starch the fabric, dilute this mixture with boiling water as thoroughly as possible so that there are no lumps;
  • as soon as the solution has cooled down, it's time to starch the dress: just put the thing into it and then outlive it, hang it out to dry.

So that after such processing things do not stick to the iron, a couple of drops of turpentine should be added to the solution. Things after starching will shine if you add a teaspoon of salt there.

If you want to hang knitted things in order, they should be dried on a horizontal surface on an absorbent fabric. All lace ruffles are laid out and fixed with pins so that they retain their shape. If it's about wedding dress, then only the petticoat or petticoat is starched, with children's holiday dresses act similarly.

To qualitatively starch a skirt, you need to properly prepare the solution

Recently, my daughter got the role of the princess of flowers, and at the same time, the task for my mother is to make a magnificent dress. I, completely ignorant of anything in matters of needlework, turned to a familiar costume designer. She told me how to make an outfit with my own hands and how to starch the petticoat of a child's dress to all standards.

Oddly enough, but I managed to create an amazing outfit for my daughter. I will tell you about all the secrets.

Preparation for starching

Ballerina tutus hold their shape for so long for a reason. Costume designers are well prepared to care for the things of the speakers. First you need to prepare inventory:

Also needed proper preparation products:

  1. The item must be washed.
  2. Rinse it thoroughly during washing so that no traces of powder remain. If this is not done, ugly divorces will turn out on a skirt or dress.
  3. After washing, inspect the skirt for lumps of adhering dirt - it will be quite difficult to remove it frozen in starch.

Rules for the preparation of starch solution

To prevent damage to the product, it is very important to observe correct proportions when preparing the solution.

Before use, experiment - prepare a solution from one teaspoon. In terms of density, it should resemble jelly. Try starching an inconspicuous part of the skirt.

Stages of starching a skirt

How to starch a petticoat at home correctly? First, determine the material with which you will work. This is important, since the technology for starching different fabrics is different.

Tulle skirt

Before starching tulle, you need to know that only the lower layers of the petticoat can be processed. Do not allow the starch mixture to touch the face layer

  1. Lay out the skirt on the oilcloth, stretching it as much as possible.
  2. Using a sponge, start applying the starch solution from the bottom layers to the top.

Before moving on to the next layer of the petticoat, let each previous layer dry slightly. The volume of a tulle skirt must be constantly maintained with starch.

Mesh skirt

Starching a mesh skirt is not as difficult as it seems. The process requires only patience and accuracy.

  1. Dip the product in the starch solution completely for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Take out and gently wring out the skirt. Try not to twist the skirt and do not wring it dry - because of this, the product will wrinkle ugly.
  3. Dry the starched object with the help of an iron.

When ironing, select the delicate mode and iron until the skirt is completely dry.

Starching the dress

Lush robes, whether it's a wedding dress or a baby's outfit for a matinee, are now at the height of fashion. Salon services are not the cheapest, but you want to look beautiful all the time.

Starching a dress at home is much easier than you might imagine:

  1. Cool the starch solution up to room temperature.
  2. Dip the product in the container for 5-10 minutes and evenly distribute in the liquid so that the starch evenly gets on each element.
  3. Gently wring out the dress. Try not to make an effort.
  4. Dry the dress on a hanger smoothing out all the wrinkles.

Photo - subtlety is important during processing - pay attention to even the smallest details so that the product looks impressive.


As it turned out, adding splendor to your clothes is very simple at no extra cost if you know how to properly prepare the starch mixture. You will learn how to make a puffy skirt on a Tutu dress with your own hands from the video in this article.

You can give the dress its original look with the help of starching.

A fluffy starched dress is the basis of a stylish look and any celebration. wedding, graduation kindergarten, school matinee - these events are united by fashionable outfit with a firm, standing skirt. At home, you can starch a baby or wedding dress, skirt and petticoat, as well as protect things from dirt and dust. This function is performed by a layer of starch.


At home, starch is used. You can buy ready-made sprays in the store: they simplify the process. With their help, it is easier to starch individual parts of the outfit - collars, cuffs. For things completely easier to use potato, corn, rice starch. This substance is resistant, thanks to which the skirt keeps its shape well.

There are other ways: using PVA glue, gelatin solution, sugar. But starch for this procedure is used more often.

Solution preparation

It all depends on a well-prepared mixture. If you do not follow the proportions, time, the solution will not turn out to be concentrated. As a result, the skirt will not be fluffy. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • starch itself;
  • boiling water;
  • spoon or other tool for stirring;
  • glass container. Must be resistant to high temperature. Sometimes the solution is boiled;
  • the product itself.

Cooking method:

    starch is poured to the bottom of the container;

    cold water is added first. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed. You will get a white consistency. It is viscous, reminiscent of sour cream;

    mass must be mixed. In this case, boiling water is added to the mixture. Important point: there should be no lumps in the mixture. If they are formed, it is necessary to mix everything well with a spatula.. Lumps will not allow clothes to starch. The consistency should resemble a paste;

    if the solution turned out to be dark, cloudy, it is boiled for 5-10 minutes.

How to prepare starch? Video tip:

How to properly starch a dress or skirt?

The procedure does not take much time, and the effect of it is very obvious.

Remove the mixture from the fire and let it cool down. Do not dip things in a hot solution, they will deteriorate. The consistency cools down to room temperature. Then you can start. The product is immersed in the container. It should absorb the mixture evenly. To do this qualitatively, it is necessary to straighten the details, frills, wedges.

Then the dress is taken out. Check to see if there are any spaces left. Squeeze out, drain the liquid.


The solution must dry. To do this, a dress or skirt is placed on a hanger, all the details are straightened. This must be done, because the folds freeze. Straightening them will be difficult. You can not dry with a hairdryer, put the thing in a room where it is very hot. It is recommended to dry at room temperature. Do not place on the balcony, especially in cold weather.

While the dress is not yet dry, iron it. Thus, it will be easy to give shape to the side. If the outfit is already completely dry, it is moistened with water, then ironed.

The nuances of a wedding dress

Lubricate the petticoats of the wedding dress with a starch solution and, without waiting for them to dry, immediately iron them.

How to starch a wedding dress at home? In order for the outfit for the wedding celebration to be magnificent, it is necessary to starch only the lower skirts, and do not touch the upper one. It is possible to regulate the process: process all petticoats at once or only two or three. The splendor of the outfit itself depends on this.

Petticoats are treated with a solution, but do not wait for complete drying, but are immediately ironed. Otherwise, it will not work to make skirts of the desired shape.

What about baby clothes?

Lush outfits are appropriate for children's parties in the garden. They starch the outfit in the manner described above: they work only with a petticoat, and do not touch the upper skirts. If there is no petticoat, then the skirt itself is processed. While the fabric is still damp, smooth the fabric.

    Starching a petticoat is easy. But you should not wait for the final drying: it will be hard, and it will be difficult to shape it. It is better to iron it when slightly damp. A too fluffy petticoat is straightened, paying special attention to details and folds.

    Similar to ballet tutus tulle skirts are starched as follows:

    carefully apply the mixture with a sponge to each layer. First work with the lowest;

    it is not necessary to touch the upper layers, everything is optional;

    it is impossible to dry in frost, heat;

    carefully iron the top layer.

Don't get shaped:

    black things. The mixture will leave white spots;

    clothes made of synthetic fibers;

  • underwear. This is not recommended, as the fabric will become waterproof. It's not good for the skin.

Starch is an excellent substance for shaping a skirt or party dress.

To get an elegant spectacular dress, try starching it. In addition to a pleasant appearance, it will become less wrinkled and dirty. The starching procedure is quite simple and available at home.

Types of starching

The amount of starch used, dissolved in water, determines the degree of concentration of the solution and, accordingly, the different starching result. Things sewn from light fabrics are starched in a soft solution consisting of 0.5-1 teaspoon of starch per 1 liter of water. A solution of medium hardness is used for shirts, bedding, cotton and linen fabrics. It contains 1 tablespoon of starch per 1 liter of water. A solution of a hard consistency is used much less frequently, mainly for starching cuffs, petticoats in a multi-layered dress. The fabric becomes quite stiff and gives splendor to the product. It is prepared from 2 tablespoons of starch per 1 liter of water.

Preparation for starching

The dress should be carefully washed, you need to check if there are any third-party yellow spots. Before starching, they must be removed, as the effect of starch can strengthen and fix them. A solution of hydrogen peroxide helps to remove such stains. Apply it on the stain and leave to dry in the sun, preferably without using a heater or hair dryer.

Means for starching

In addition to the traditional starch dilution method, there are many handy sprays or liquids sold in hardware stores. Separate areas are sprayed with a spray and ironed, it is indispensable for starching cuffs and collars. If you want to starch the whole dress, here better fit liquid that is poured directly into the washing machine. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use, and the result will not disappoint you. If it is impossible to use ready-made products, you can prepare a solution at home using food starch.

Preparation of starch solution

After determining the degree of starching required and the amount of the desired solution, we proceed to preparation. From the amount of water used, approximately 1-2 cups should be poured into a separate container and the starch should be diluted in it until completely dissolved. Bring the rest of the water to a boil. Be sure to turn down the heat and add the dissolved starch to the boiling water in a thin stream. Do not forget to constantly stir the prepared solution, in order to avoid the formation of lumps. If this could not be prevented, you will have to strain the solution through several layers of gauze. The resulting paste should be transparent.

Starching the dress

After the solution has cooled, you need to place a dress in it and leave it for a while to better absorb the paste. Of course, periodically you should turn over and straighten the product. After a few minutes, the dress can be taken out. We do not squeeze it strongly and set it to dry. It is better to do this on a coat hanger, it is recommended to dry at room temperature.

Dress ironing

You need to iron the dress when it is still a little damp. It is very difficult to iron an overdried starched fabric; you will have to spray the dress with water all the time or use wet gauze. It is also highly undesirable to use steam and high power of the iron.

Your favorite dress can look amazing. Try to starch it following the instructions above.