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How to write about a child. Love expressed in powerful quotes about children

Olga Malyanova

When children enter kindergarten, we often ask parents write an essay about their child. It's not only creative work our parents, but also valuable material for us teachers. This story serves as an important source of diagnostic information, which will help in the future to avoid many mistakes in communicating with as a child. Sample Topics parent essays: "Our child» , "Waiting for a Miracle", "My child is the best", "My child and him individual characteristics» etc. It is always welcome if parents show not a formal, but an interested attitude towards completing the task, attaching products to their work creative activity their children: children's crafts and drawings, family photographs. I present to your attention one of these essays.

My name is Oganesyan Sos Gorovich. I was born October 22, 2009 at 14 :30 in Saratov, weighing 2 kg 200 g, height 46 cm. Very small! Mom was even afraid to pick me up, but I soon gained weight. I was named after my grandfather, and I'm proud of it! In the maternity hospital where I was born, it was a lot of fun. In the ward where I spent the first days of my life, there were three other girls. We were so friendly and interesting together! We went to weigh ourselves every morning and were glad that we gained a couple of grams. In the hospital, my mother breastfed me, and caring nurses also gave me a bottle of milk. And so, seven days later we were discharged. Hurray! Finally I get to see my dad! My friends came for me relatives: my beloved aunts, uncles and friends. But where is my dad? Oh, of course, here he takes me in his arms. When my aunt saw me, she began to be touched by me that I was so small, and then my parents They offered her to become my godmother, which I am immensely happy about. And when we arrived home, all the other relatives were waiting for us at the table. They celebrated my birth for a long time, alternately smiling, peering into my smart eyes and intercepting me from one reliable hand to another. I was tired and fell asleep... Over time, I stopped taking a pacifier, well, I’m a real man!

My favorite toy is a bicycle, my favorite game is "Catch-up". I also love to draw with paints and pencils and already know several colors. My teachers teach me this kindergarten and my beloved mother. My favorite fairy tale - "Turnip", favorite TV show - « Good night, kids!, favorite cartoon - "Luntik".

I am always pleased when guests come to us, because they They say: “How similar Sosik is to dad...”, “Sosik is the spitting image of dad...”, “Our Sosik is a copy of dad”. Well, of course, I am happy about this event! We ourselves often go to visit relatives in Ershov. I have many brothers and sisters there with whom I like to play different games. They love me and spoil me. Mom says I'm a naughty boy, and I agree with her. She scolds me, punishes me, but I can’t help myself. But I’ll tell you honestly, I will definitely improve! I like to help my mother in the kitchen, especially when she makes salad, I like to chop finely. But mine parents want so that in the future I become a musician or dancer. The kindergarten teachers say that I have abilities in this. I really like going to kindergarten: there I play, dance and sing. In general, I am developing. My teacher is Olga Rafikovna, she is like a second mother to me... This is how I live! Bye everyone. When I grow up, I will write to you again. Kiss! Your Sos..."

MADO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 33 "Rainbow"

Kanunnikova Irina Mikhailovna

What do you need to know about your child?

Sometimes it seems to us that we have too much good child. We wonder why teachers are often unhappy with him, why no one is friends with him. And we draw a salutary conclusion: teachers are unfair, and children are stupid and ill-mannered. And we make a fatal mistake. To avoid this, and also to correctly build family pedagogy, you need to know the age psychological characteristics their children. Then you will be able to compare your child’s capabilities and achievements with age requirements, prepare children for them, take into account the characteristics and difficulties of each age period, its sensitivity (the most favorable and optimal periods) for the development of certain aspects, qualities and personality traits. You can often hear the following phrase from parents: “I know what my child needs!” Such parents build their child’s life according to their own model, and then are surprised that this life was not a success. The trouble is that such a stereotype of relations between generations has developed in our country a long time ago and is firmly entrenched in our consciousness. Parents consider themselves the rulers of the child's future life. Very often they program the belief system, even the profession of their children, thereby suppressing their personality and the opportunity to more fully realize their abilities! As soon as a child asserts himself as an individual, a problem arises. And why? Because many parents are not able to say to themselves: this is my child, but he has his own values, and it is my duty to help him realize them. Parents see their task in this way: I will make his life such that he is happy! Parents proceed from the fact that a child, even an adult, does not have the most important thing - life experience, but parents do have it, and they want to help their son or daughter avoid mistakes. Such a judgment arises when parents are not confident that the child will choose his path correctly. As a rule, with this attitude, parents realize their ideas and their plans in their children and do this unconsciously. Psychologists, studying the motives and goals that parents set in their education system, found that the following motive prevailed: “Let my child realize what I failed to achieve!” And when life doesn’t work out for a son or daughter, parents look for those to blame educational institution, on the street, among friends, but they don’t think that they themselves are to blame for their child’s troubles.

An incomplete family has its own problems - the problems of single mothers. The feeling of anxiety cannot be satisfied, and there is always a reason for another anxiety. This is how hyperanxiety appears. A single mother tries to create a façade of external psychological well-being and does not discuss the problems of her life with her child. Children do not know about financial difficulties and receive little help around the house. This not only leads to negative consequences for the child. For the mother, this is no less destructive. Gave everything free time home and child, she takes little care of herself, she has no time to communicate with friends, her circle of interests is narrowing. She becomes irritable and painfully experiences her loneliness. The appearance of any third person in the house becomes for the child psychological problem.
One of the common mistakes of single mothers is overestimating demands on the child. The desire to compensate for his failures at the expense of his successes. Numerous studies of children from three types of families - single-parent, full-conflict and full-fledged families - have found that for most indicators (academic performance, intelligence, emotional stability) children from single-parent families are more often successful than their peers from two-parent families, but conflict, and only slightly differ from children from intact families.

In childhood, everything is laid that will later make up the essence of a person, his personality. A wise parent and teacher is like an architect who, when designing a new building, has a good idea of ​​not only the facade, but also the entire interior. What adults invest in a child from early childhood is stored in him, like in a piggy bank, for many years, melting into character traits, personality traits, forming into habits and skills.
But sometimes we, not knowing the future of our child and not knowing his present, build a too rough scheme, an ideal model, prepare for him in our ambitious dreams and bright hopes roles that we once could not cope with ourselves. You don't need to be a great expert on human nature to understand: biological and social laws it is impossible to jump over; the psyche develops in a certain sequence.
What are they, the main laws of childhood?

A child, in his full development, needs:

  • normal parents;
  • good living and educational conditions;
  • full communication with peers and adults;
  • constant, active, age-appropriate activity.

The powerful need for activity is the perpetual motion machine of human development. The wisdom of development lies in the fact that each age is characterized not only by a certain composition of activities, but there is also the most important one, as psychologists say, the leading one. It is in it that those processes develop that prepare the child’s transition to a new, higher stage of his development. IN preschool age- This play activity, in primary school - educational.

Disturbances in the normal development of a child occur:

  • when there is no agreement between teachers, dad and mom,
  • between parents and teachers,
  • when the chain of succession breaks down.

It is then that what is called personality disintegration occurs. Simply put, the child is like “a cart that is pulled in different directions.” Then development stalls or deviates to the side. A line of deviant behavior often begins in early childhood and, under unfavorable circumstances, ultimately leads to persistent indiscipline, delinquency and other forms of antisocial behavior in adolescence.

Pedagogical neglect is a state of a child’s personality caused by shortcomings in his development, behavior, activities and relationships due to pedagogical reasons. This may be the moral ill health of the family itself, flaws family education, shortcomings and mistakes of kindergarten and school. First of all, we need to eliminate our adult mistakes. With a kind, reasonable, gentle attitude, bring the child out of a state of discomfort (feelings of uselessness, insecurity, abandonment, inferiority, joylessness, hopelessness) and only then (or at the same time) help him achieve success in the most difficult task for him, create a desire to become better, build faith in yourself, your strengths and capabilities.

“What kind of parent are you?”

Please mark those phrases that you often use when communicating with children.



How many times do I have to tell you?

Please advise me.

I don't know what I would do without you.

And who are you just like that (born)?

What wonderful friends you have!

Well, who are you like?

At your age I...

You are my support and assistant (assistant)!

Well, what kind of friends do you have?

What are you thinking about?

What (what) smart (smart) you are!

What do you think, son (daughter)?

Everyone's children are like children, and you!..

How smart you are!


Key to the test. Now calculate your total points.

From 5 to 7 points. You live with your child in perfect harmony. You respect the child, and he sincerely loves and respects you. Your relationship contributes to the development of his personality.
From 8 to 10 points. There are some difficulties in the relationship with the child, a lack of understanding of his problems, and attempts to shift the blame for shortcomings in his development onto the child himself.

11 points and above. You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

Of course, you understand that this is only a hint of the actual state of affairs, because no one knows what kind of parent you are better than yourself.

“To educate a Man” It is necessary!

1. Accept the child as he is, so that under any circumstances he is confident in the unchangeability of your love for him.

2. Strive to understand what he thinks about, what he wants, why he behaves this way and not otherwise.
3. Instill in the child that he can do anything if he only believes in himself and works.
4. Understand that for any misdeeds of a child, you should blame yourself, first of all.
5. Don’t try to “sculpt” your child, but live with him common life: see him as a person, and not as an object of education.

6. Remember more often what you were like at your child’s age.

7. Remember that it is not your words that educate, but your personal example.

It is forbidden!
1. Expect your child to be the best and brightest. He is neither better nor worse, he is different, special.

2. Treat the child as a savings bank, into which parents profitably invest their love and care, and then receive it back with interest.

3. Expect gratitude from the child for giving birth to and feeding him: he did not ask you for this.

4. Use the child as a means to achieve, even the most noble, but your goals.
5. Expect that your child will inherit your interests and views on life (alas, they are not genetically determined).

6. Treat the child as an inferior person whom parents can mold at their discretion.

7. Shift responsibility for education to teachers and grandparents.
Used Books:

1. S.V. Chirkova " Parent meetings in kindergarten" 2010;

2. N.A. Dorokhin “School of Caring Parents” Child in kindergarten. 2004 No. 3.

Experienced parents and teachers will agree that babies need to be loved with all their hearts. So much has been said about this and strong quotes about children are heard so often that it is worth getting to know them in order to get to know the soul of a little creature, teach you to appreciate the purity of this soul and try to give your little one true happiness.

No matter how knowledgeable, wise and versed many issues are, adults are superior to them, intuitively always choosing the right decision. Where do toddlers get this from? We probably need to get acquainted with these little creatures again to answer this question. Let's read together all the most interesting quotes about children to become closer with our children.

It’s interesting, but statements about childhood and about kids can be completely different. This: ; a frank opinion about our hopes; funny words and expressions; statements talking about the present and future; about raising children; let us remember the words of the great; everything in which we see the meaning of life.

It would not be amiss to remember your early years. This will help you understand your little ones, understand why they are naughty and playful, be able to forgive them for breaking their favorite vase, talk, and not read them boring morals. Memories of the time when we ourselves were carefree happy sometimes seem like a fairy tale to all of us. It was so long ago. But it happened! And it was because our parents and teachers knew how to understand and support us at the right time. So let's now learn to understand our kids from a parent's point of view!

Bright sayings about your favorite toddlers

Sayings about babies can only be the best and incredibly kind. After all, our children contain so much tenderness and so much sincerity that it involuntarily evokes a similar reaction in us adults. That’s why quotes about children are something that leaves no one indifferent. Happiness is soft, warm palms,
There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa,
What is happiness - it’s easier not to answer,
Everyone who has children has happiness! I don’t like it when people say “have children”. Cats, dogs and guinea pigs are adopted, and children are born.

For some reason many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. One could just as well say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing.

If by the age of forty a person's room If it is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares.

The most expensive bracelet - rubber tag, on which the weight, height and time of birth of your baby are written!

With the birth of children, the house disappears order, money, peace and serenity... And happiness appears.

All the joy of life fits in a child's smile!

Little happiness sleeps quietly on the pillow! She's clinging to the toy and quietly sniffling!

The best a father can do for your children it is to love their mother.

What is happiness, mom? - my son asked me
And, looking into my eyes stubbornly, he waited for an answer from me.
I love his questions so much, there is so much childish simplicity in them.
I, kissing his stubborn nose, will answer: HAPPINESS IS YOU!

Live like you did in childhood... Without hiding feelings and emotions.

Children are not only the flowers of life, but also the fruits of love.
(Tamara Kleiman)
They say that sons and daughters are happiness, they are the flowers of life. Why not? After all, how much joy they bring loving parents only by his birth. And then they grow. They learn to crawl, walk, smile and talk. And now our “piggy bank” is filled with them.

Aphorisms about education

Many statements about children clearly show that we are ready to do absolutely anything for our little ones; We are ready to give our child everything we have and a little more. They are our future and present, our meaning of life. That’s why we have great hopes for them, we dream that they will be able to do what we couldn’t do!

Purpose of education– to teach our children to do without us.
(E. Legouwe)

Advice is like snow: the softer it is, the longer it stays and the deeper it penetrates.
(N. Coleridge)

What are you doing for their parents, Expect the same from your children.
(D. Pittacus)

Parenting... the hardest thing. You think: well, it’s all over now! No such luck: it’s just beginning!
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Science should be fun exciting and simple. So must be scientists.
(P. Kapitsa)

True education consists not so much in the rules as in the exercises.
(J.J. Rousseau)

If a teacher combines love to business and to students, he is a perfect teacher.
(L.N. Tolstoy)

...Adults should not be angry with children y, because it does not fix, but spoils.
(Janusz Korczak)

When the word doesn't strike even a stick won't help.

We are depriving children of a future if We continue to teach today as we taught it yesterday.
(D. Dewey)

And then our hopes are balanced by aphorisms about raising children. As a reminder that loving does not mean pampering and pandering to all their “wants!” If we want to be proud of our child, we must educate it. We do it as great teachers advise, or as we decided on family council, this is our business, the main thing is not to forget about the love for children.

The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn.
(L.N. Tolstoy)

It's not what spoils children that we give in to them, and that we give in to them just to avoid conflict.
(John Gray "Children Are Gifted From Above")

Children need not teachings, but examples.
(J. Joubert)

The person who vaccinates giving his children the skills of hard work, provides them better than if he left them an inheritance.

Love children- a chicken can do that too. But to be able to educate them is a great matter of state, requiring talent and broad knowledge of life.
(M. Gorky)

Don't think you're raising a child only when you talk to him or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home
(A.S. Makarenko)

Who can't take with affection, he will not take it with severity.
(A.P. Chekhov)

Raise livestock for slaughter, and children need to be raised.

Funny sayings for kids

and the children in the selection would sound dry and uninteresting if the strong ones themselves were not given the floor! Oh, how talented they are! How often their short funny remarks become family property and are passed on from generation to generation, like aphorisms about childhood.

They seem to have extensive knowledge and their own point of view about everything, they have their own special wisdom. Everyone knows, understands the meaning of everything and is ready to speak out. It’s as if they are teachers and diligently perform the role of teachers, even though from the outside it all looks so funny. And it’s always interesting to read such funny stories about children.

With meaning about childhood: sayings about the present and future

Of course, quotes about the new generation are words about children and parents, about the present and the future. Years, centuries and millennia pass, but the essence is the same: the new generation still does not know something, and only their desire to learn from the mature generation will help each of them become a real person. That’s why these quotes about children always sound with meaning.

Childhood- the rise of destiny in human life.
(Sonya Shatalova)

Childhood is when you can commit unforgivable mistakes and hope that you will be forgiven.
(R. Downey)

Children's imagination is wider an adult from what is still free from the realities of life.
(L. Sukhorukov)

Child's character- this is a cast of the parents’ character, it develops in response to their character.
(E. Fromm)

A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.
(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Give children the opportunity to make mistakes. You give them life, but you have no rights to it.
(O. Anina)

Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love.
(P. Buck)

Proper upbringing of children brings success. It is worth remembering quotes about raising children. Perhaps they were said by great teachers or thinkers, parents and simply caring people. The main thing is that the content of such sayings has always been a reason to think about it. After all, the greatest goal of parents is to raise their children, which is what these words say: your daughters and sons are your happiness if they are taught correctly.

Words of the greats

Famous and wisest quotes from great people are a useful and interesting way to look at everything from a different point of view. Thus, aphorisms about children expressed by teachers help us learn to value the time spent with our kids. After all, this is a way to tell them about family, about happiness.

There are quotes about children that help us find the meaning of life ourselves and understand something about love for children. Reading them will benefit us and help strengthen family relationships.

Baby needs your love most of all exactly when he deserves it least.
(E. Bombeck)

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children.
A child who is not loved by anyone ceases to be a child: he is just a small defenseless adult.
(Gilbert Sesbron) Mother's hands- the embodiment of tenderness; Children sleep well in these arms.
(V. Hugo)

Love childhood: encourage his games, his fun, his sweet instinct. Who among you has not sometimes regretted this age, when there is always laughter on your lips, and always peace in your soul?
(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

For parents, raising a child always comes first. But, unfortunately, not everyone can find the right approach to their baby. This is basically where all disagreements in the family begin and sometimes continue until old age.

What do parents need to know about their child?

Child's interests

Attentive parents will notice the child’s outstanding abilities in time in order to develop them in the future. Sometimes a child sits for a long time at the computer and parents get the impression that he is interested in computer games, although in fact he just draws and likes drawing. You may also be interested in a set of calico bed linen, more details on the website at the link.

Circle of friends

A mother should know who her child communicates with at school and after school. What families are your child’s friends from? Who of all his friends is closest to him, and with whom his relationship is strained. Such knowledge will help the mother, take care of the child’s safety and learn about his interests.


A caring mother always feels what her child is afraid of. There is no need to tell a child that his fear is baby talk. Try to identify fear in time and explain to the child that he should not be afraid. If a child's fears are not identified in time, they can develop into phobias.


Every child has their own way of expressing themselves. Some express themselves through dancing, music, sports or drawing, others have phenomenal memory. If a child is interested in computer games, it is not always necessary to abruptly stop this hobby. Often it is enough to simply limit the time you play and carefully monitor the selection of these games. If you notice these abilities in time, you can discover great talent in the child.

Favorite toys

Every child has a favorite thing or toy that he almost never parts with, takes with him to bed, and cares for as a member of the family. You need to know what kind of toy or thing it is, because it symbolizes his interests. You should not take such a toy away from a child for punishment.


Under no circumstances should you leave your child alone with unresolved conflicts and problems. Build a trusting relationship and the child will definitely tell you about his problem. It would be right for you to give him practical advice to get out of a conflict situation.


If the mother has developed a trusting relationship with the child, then he will definitely share his secrets with her. Many mothers, when in conflict with a child, reveal the secret they told him against him. This cannot be done, otherwise your child will never share his secrets with you again.

Knowing all the interests of the child, you will be able to communicate with your baby, discuss plans for the future, and most importantly, strengthen trust between you. Good luck!