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How to clean fabric roller blinds at home. How to wash roller blinds? How to properly care for fabric roller blinds

When making modern renovations, more and more people are choosing roller blinds. They fit perfectly into the interior, reliably protecting the room from bright light. Depending on the density of the product, light transmission varies. Roller shutters not only look beautiful, but are also the most practical window decoration. The products are made from special impregnated textiles. This treatment prevents dust from accumulating on the roller blinds. They get less dirty than regular curtains.

But no matter how high-quality the impregnation is, it is necessary to keep the roller shutters clean. Cleaning roller blinds is not difficult, you just need to follow some nuances so as not to damage the product.

How to do dry cleaning at home?

To keep attractive appearance roller blinds, it is recommended to remove dirt from them as soon as they appear. Dealing with old stains is much more difficult. The following items will help get rid of dirt:

  • eraser. Stationery helps to bring your rollers into proper shape without much effort. Now erasers can be bought not only in stationery departments, but also in stores selling household chemicals. There erasers are presented in large size. They are produced specifically for cleaning roller shutters. Although an eraser purchased from an office supply store will cope with the task no worse. It will remove stains of various origins. After all, the fabric of the curtains is treated with a special impregnation that prevents dirt from being embedded deep into the fabric;
  • vacuum cleaner. If dust has accumulated on the roller blinds, you can remove it with a regular vacuum cleaner. When cleaning, it is important to ensure that the canvas does not wrinkle, break, or get sucked into the nozzle. Otherwise, the risk that the curtain will deteriorate is high. To avoid an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to keep the power of the unit to a minimum;
  • detergent. To care for delicate fabrics You can find gentle detergents on sale. They are usually presented in liquid form. Roller blinds can be washed with these products. Removing the stain is quite easy. Apply the product to a soft sponge and gently rub the area of ​​contamination with it. Then the sponge should be rinsed with clean water and removed cleaning composition from the canvas. Repeat manipulations until the stain disappears.

If children stick chewing gum to the roller blinds, try to freeze it and then chip it off. To do this, it is recommended to use a piece of ice.

Get rid of greasy stains You can use a damp cloth soaked in dishwashing detergent. The dirt needs to be rubbed a little and it will disappear. The main thing is not to put in a lot of effort, otherwise the canvas will be damaged.

How to wash roller shutters?

The curtain fabric is coated with a special impregnation. It gives the product fire resistance, protects against fading, stretching, and does not allow dust to settle on the material or dirt to penetrate into the material. Thanks to this “magic” layer, dirt does not penetrate deep into the fabric, but, remaining on the surface, is easily washed off. Washing roller blinds at home is not difficult, but you need to remember that manipulations can only be carried out manually. If you place the product in a machine, active washing will damage the impregnation and the fabric.

To prevent roller blinds from becoming unusable after washing, you need to act in the following sequence:

  1. Remove the canvas from the window opening. You can do this yourself; a diagram is usually included with the product. If there are no instructions, then try doing everything as follows. Screw the fabric onto the shaft using a chain. Now remove the pipe from the box. This can be done by “driving” the spring-loaded axle into the body of the plug with a screwdriver.
  2. Spread the removed canvas on a table, floor or any other flat surface. Assess how dirty the roller blinds are. Try to remove any stains you find with an eraser. Fresh dirt can be easily removed.
  3. If the pollution is old or planted with greasy hands, then you need to treat the area with a special cleaning agent; it should be gentle and made on a natural basis. The substance is used to spot-treat areas of contamination. Then follow the instructions on the packaging; it should indicate how long it is allowed to keep the selected product on the canvas. Leftovers household chemicals remove with a sponge.
  4. Now you can start washing your roller blinds. To do this, fill the bath with water (slightly warm) so that when the roller is immersed in it, it will be hidden. Add detergent to the water. Do not pour too much, otherwise the soap suds will be difficult to remove from the canvas.
  5. Immerse the roller blind in water, spread it throughout the bath, and carefully begin washing, using a soft sponge in circular motions. You should not rub too hard; if you overdo it, the product will change color and become damaged.
  6. After the entire surface of the curtain has been treated with soapy water, you need to drain the dirty water and fill the bath with clean liquid. You need to do these steps until the water you drain becomes clear. It is important to rinse the detergent thoroughly, otherwise, after drying, unsightly stains will remain on the canvas.
  7. Some housewives claim that it is more convenient for them to wash roller blinds with a shower. This method is good, but you need to act carefully, strong water pressure can damage the delicate fabric. After the detergent is completely removed, you need to blot the material with cloth napkins.

Washed items should be dried in a horizontal position. Hanging curtains on a rope is prohibited. Otherwise, a crease will appear in the middle of the canvas; you shouldn’t hang the roller shutters on clothespins either.

The most correct option is to let the water drain from the canvas, then wrap the fabric on a holder and hang the product on the window. After fixing the structure in place, the roller blinds need to be unrolled. In this position it should dry.

If you organize proper care for your products, you won’t have to wash them again. Manufacturers' advice is approximately the same. They advise cleaning the canvas from dust with a vacuum cleaner once every 10-14 days. Curtains should be washed (in the absence of heavy soiling) 2 times a year.

Cleaning intervals may vary depending on the quality of the fabric and its individual characteristics. For example, fabric blinds need to be cleaned once a month. Specialized products must be used for the procedure; washing blinds at home is prohibited; dry cleaning is allowed.

To ensure that roller blinds retain their attractive appearance longer and are stain-free, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • When placing the canvas on a plastic window, make sure that they do not heat up from the battery or other devices. A window sill is an essential element that can protect roller shutters from unwanted heat;
  • It is recommended to ventilate a room whose windows are decorated with roller blinds 1-2 times a day. This will help get rid of dust that has managed to settle on the canvas;
  • You should not hang roller blinds in a room where people smoke. In such a room, products will quickly lose their attractiveness.

Roller blinds will last longer if you treat them with care. If the curtain is located in the kitchen, then it is recommended to roll the curtain when preparing food. The cloth should also be rolled up when washing windows or cleaning a room.

To keep roller blinds less dirty, it is important to maintain order in the room where they hang. Removing dust and wet cleaning the room will minimize contamination of the window panel. At proper care roller blinds will delight their owners for a long time.

Cleaning is a procedure that must be carried out regularly, regardless of the conditions in which the roller shutter structure is operated. If the roller shutter is installed indoors, then cleaning it from dust does not take much time - a slightly damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner (you can even use a car vacuum cleaner or one specially designed for cleaning clothes) will help cope with the dirt that inevitably appears.

But those roller shutters that are installed outside need much more thorough and careful cleaning!

Why do roller shutters need to be cleaned?

Attractive appearance and neatness are the number one reason. But reason number two is much more prosaic - but it is the main one. Timely cleaning will significantly extend the service life of the blade and guides. The fact is that the pollution that accumulates between the lamellas of the roller shutter and at the point of contact between the end caps of the lamella and the guide becomes especially dangerous.

Dust itself, and even in combination with moisture, is a powerful abrasive - it strips the paint and varnish coating from the surface of the roller shutter, significantly reducing the flexibility of the design (and this is one of the main advantages of the canvas). Accumulating in the spaces between the lamellas, moisture freezes in winter, then thaws (about two hundred freezing/thawing cycles occur during the winter in our climate), expanding and contracting, literally loosening the connection of the profiles. And, at one point, the deformation of the profile becomes irreversible - the canvas simply ceases to function normally, which leads to breakdown.

Features of cleaning roller shutters

Roller shutters are cleaned in two steps:

  1. First, external, visible dirt is removed - a rag or sponge easily copes with this task. Then, using a very soft sponge soaked in water with a weak solution of cleaning agent, the dirt accumulated between the slats is washed away. If the location of the guides allows, the same procedure is carried out at the point of contact between the guide bar and the ends of the blade profile.
  2. After “wet cleaning”, the roller shutters must be opened and closed several times to shake off any remaining water, and, if possible, dried using a regular hairdryer. If necessary, treat with an antistatic agent that prevents dust from being attracted to the surface of the profile and guides.

Then you can start cleaning the box - thanks to its tightness, it will be enough to clean its external surfaces.

Roller blinds for plastic windows are becoming increasingly popular, but they require cleaning from time to time. In order not to spoil their appearance, you should adhere to a number of rules. So, let's look at methods and means for cleaning roller shutters.

What should you consider when washing roller blinds?

Such curtains cannot be washed in the same way as regular ones, especially if the fabric is 100% natural. To clean them, you must follow special instructions. But before you start washing, pay attention to the following restrictions:
  1. They cannot be twisted or bent - they must be protected from any damage.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to wash such curtains in a machine. Some people think that since the linens are made of fabric, they can be washed like other fabric products. But this is not true at all. The difference between roller shutters and other things is that they are impregnated with a solution that maintains their original shape and protects them from contamination.
  3. Do not hang curtains to dry, this will cause creases to form.
  4. Any wet cleaning or washing should only be done when dry cleaning fails. You can’t wash curtains just like that, “for prevention.”
  5. Never use solvents, bleaches or other aggressive products to clean curtain textiles.

The less often you wash your roller blinds, the longer they will last.

How to remove roller blinds for washing?

To remove roller blinds from a window for washing or cleaning, you need to follow a few simple steps:
  1. Roll the curtains tightly;
  2. Unhook the guide line, if there is one, and then the weight plugs that slide along it.
  3. Remove the weighting material from the bottom of the canvas, if it is removable;
  4. Remove the protective capsule, if present;
  5. Now take out the canvas itself along with the tube on which it is wound. To do this, use a screwdriver or other convenient object to remove the plug and remove the axle from the bracket.
If you have more simple model, which is attached to a hanging bracket, you will simply need to remove the mount from the window. Then unhook the shaft from the mountings. In this case, the roller blinds are attached to self-tapping screws or double tape. Here you will have to work hard - unscrewing the screws is as easy as shelling pears, but carefully peeling off the curtain brackets from the tape is not so easy. Try not to damage the coating of the plastic frame or break the curtain bracket on which the axis rests and rotates. Replace the tape when you put the curtains back up.

More expensive models are well versed. The simpler the roller shutter, the more difficult the process will be. High-quality curtains are also good because you can always replace the canvas if something happens to it.

Roller blinds can be dry cleaned independently, which can be done in various ways:

Vacuum cleaner

The easiest way to get rid of surface dust contamination is to vacuum the curtains. This must be done very carefully and at the lowest power. Use a delicate attachment, no need to do this with a pipe or a regular brush attachment.

If you do not have a special attachment, sew a cover from a soft fabric onto one that does not have hard pile:

The most important thing in such cleaning is to avoid deformation of the canvas and excessive friction.

Soft cloth

Another method of dry dust cleaning is to wipe the curtains soft cloth with long pile. The fabric must be dry! The dust-repellent coating does not allow dirt particles to penetrate between the fibers of the fabric, but this does not mean that dust will not settle on the curtains. Therefore, such cleaning should be carried out a couple of times a month.

Remember, just forget about dry cleaning against dust for a couple of months, and the saturated beautiful shade textiles will become dull. Few people have the desire to change curtains often only because of their own laziness.


Local stain cleaning also does not require special knowledge or skills. The easiest way to remove a dry stain is to gently rub it off with an eraser. An ordinary soft eraser, which we use to get rid of pencil lines on paper, will be a faithful assistant.

Before cleaning, check that the eraser is clean - free of pencil marks. It should not contain abrasive particles. Wash stains very gently and do not rub too hard. If the stain does not come off, you will have to use wet cleaning.

Wet washing roller blinds

Roller blinds rarely need to be washed. You shouldn’t do this at all without a special reason, but if such a need arises, then carry out wet cleaning as follows:
  1. Dissolve a product with a natural cleansing composition without dyes or fragrances in warm water;
  2. Apply the product to the curtains with a soft sponge. in a circular motion;
  3. Do not rub dirty areas too much: their shade will change and stains will appear on the curtains;
  4. Rinse the roller shutters with running water from the shower.
Wet cleaning should be done in the bathroom, and it will take no more than an hour.

Another method of wet cleaning will help get rid of stubborn stains. In order to clean grease, stains from various liquids, berries or paints, you need to purchase a special cleaning product. It should be natural, as in the case of washing.

Any chemical compounds in the cleaner will spoil the impregnating agent and damage the roller shutters.

The product must be diluted according to the instructions and the dirt must be carefully cleaned. After cleaning, rinse the area thoroughly with a wet sponge.

If cleaner remains on the curtains, you will see unsightly streaks when they dry. Another reason for stains can be infrequent dust removal - if you have not cleaned the dust for a long time, and then decided to locally wash up some stain, then stains are guaranteed. In this case, you will have to wash the fabric.

Washable curtains can be wiped with foam from a solution of regular dishwashing detergent. The foam then needs to be thoroughly washed with a wet sponge. After cleaning, simply wipe these curtains dry with a soft cloth.

Dry roller blinds on a flat surface, unfolded. If they bend during drying, it will be impossible to hang them properly. You can steam them through a damp cloth, avoiding seams and areas above them. You can hang the canvases on the shaft only when they are completely dry.

Rules for caring for roller blinds

Unlike ordinary curtains, roller blinds require special operating rules. At first glance they seem complicated, but in fact they take very little time and effort. Thanks to their features, such curtains are much more convenient and practical. Their advantage is that if you take care of them, they will serve faithfully for decades.
  • Only those roller shutters that the manufacturer has treated with a dirt-repellent coating and agents that protect against deformation will be durable. Cost is one of the main indicators of quality.
  • Such curtains cannot be used in rooms with excessive air humidity and a lot of dust.
  • They will deteriorate if they come into contact with heating devices.
If you use such curtains in the kitchen, dining room or children's room, then roll them up before cooking or eating, as well as when you are going to play with the children. This will protect the curtains from accidental contamination.
  • Roller blinds need to be properly ventilated by opening the windows and creating light drafts, so dust will fly off them. Textiles must breathe. So airy
  • The curtain mechanism requires lubrication; it is enough to do it once a year. Treat it carefully with aerosol silicone lubricant. Make sure it doesn't get on the curtain. If there is too much of it, it can stain the control circuit, which in turn will stain the fabric.
How durable roller blinds will be depends only on their use. Simple rules handling and cleaning will preserve them for a long time. The most important thing in caring for such things is regularity.

Several years ago it became fashionable to install blinds in apartments. This was a more practical option compared to fabric curtains: dust did not accumulate as much, and washing blinds was easier than washing curtains. But rooms with plastic blinds look official and lack coziness and warmth. An excellent alternative to both the fabric option and blinds are roller curtains: stylish, practical, convenient.

But how to wash roller blinds? Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing difficult about it. The work is made easier by the fact that such products have a special coating, due to which dust does not settle so actively on the canvas and stains become a rare occurrence. But still, caring for curtains is necessary, and it is somewhat different from what we were used to in the days of curtains and tulle.

Caring for roller blinds

New curtains have been purchased, installed and have served you for some time. Sooner or later the question will arise: “How, exactly, can you wash roller curtains?” The standard fabric version could simply be put into the washing machine, pour in powder and press a few buttons, and after a while you would get clean and fragrant curtains. Plastic blinds can simply be wiped with a damp cloth from time to time. It’s not entirely clear what to do with roller blinds.

In fact, washing roller blinds is no more difficult than more conventional options.

  1. In order to keep the roller blinds clean, you just need to periodically ventilate the room. This simple method will quickly and effectively rid your curtains of accumulated dust.
  2. If you don’t trust ventilation, you can arm yourself with a soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a fabric attachment. Thanks to special impregnation, dust does not penetrate inside the canvas, but accumulates on the surface, and can be removed using simple devices. It is enough to resort to such care once a week or two, and the curtains will look quite presentable.
  3. If stains of dirt appear on the canvas, you can use a regular office eraser, which can be found in almost every home. It removes various contaminants from the surface of roller blinds quite well. Just be careful not to rub too hard, otherwise you may damage the fabric. If you cannot remove the stain, you should resort to more effective means.
  4. Despite the constant care of roller curtains, sooner or later they will need to be washed. The easiest option is to take them to the dry cleaner. You just need to contact a reliable organization that is well acquainted with the features of caring for roller curtains. In this case, you no longer have to waste time washing the curtains. It is enough to remove the canvas, take it to the dry cleaner and get it back in a few days.

If you don’t trust dry cleaners or are not willing to spend money on it, you can wash the curtains yourself. Washing the fabric in a machine is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is worth emptying the bathtub for a while - this is the most the best option for washing roller blinds.

  • For washing, use only mild detergents without bleach or various additives. It is better if they are on a natural basis.
  • Dissolve the product in water so that no grains remain.
  • Using a soft sponge, apply the solution to the surface of the canvas in a circular motion. Do not rub too hard; movements should be soft and careful.
  • Rinse the fabric thoroughly, preferably several times. There should not be the slightest trace left in the curtains detergent. Residues of the product on the fabric may cause subsequent exposure to sun rays they will change the color of the fabric, and not for the better.

Removing stains of various kinds requires special attention, since it is with them that problems most often arise. Certainly, perfect option- this means folding curtains for the period while you are cooking in the kitchen or the children are drawing next to the windows. But it’s not always possible to do this on time, and sometimes stains of grease, coffee, paint, berries, and similar not entirely pleasant manifestations of everyday life appear on the canvas.

The matter is a little complicated by the fact that you cannot use bleach and chemical stain removers, which we are so accustomed to, but which can render the roller shutter fabric unusable. On the other hand, washing roller blinds is somewhat easier thanks to the protective coating. Moreover, today on sale you can find a huge number of gentle, natural-based cleaning products, with the help of which it will be much easier to get rid of difficult stains. Just before purchasing, you should read the instructions for use. If this product cannot be used on the fabric from which your roller blinds are made, then you should look at something else. And just before washing, be sure to test the stain remover in an inconspicuous place. If the structure and color are not damaged, then you can, following the instructions exactly, begin cleaning the surface.

What can't you do?

Like any other type of window decoration, roller blinds have some maintenance features. Ignoring these very features can not only affect the appearance, but also simply ruin the curtains. Therefore, it is worth knowing and, most importantly, following the recommendations so that the new curtains last as long as possible.

  1. Under no circumstances should you attempt to wash such curtains in washing machine, even if they are made of fabric. Such care will only ruin the canvas, and you will have to go to the store again for new curtains.
  2. Roller blinds can only be dried flat. Do not allow kinks to form; you will not be able to fix this.
  3. Ironing roller blinds is not recommended. If you want to smooth the fabric a little after washing, then use only the tip of the iron, and iron only through the fabric or wet gauze.

At first glance, it may seem that caring for roller curtains is very complicated and time-consuming. In reality, everything is not so scary. Firstly, dust does not accumulate on curtains as actively as on ordinary fabric; it is enough just to periodically remove it with a cloth. You can wash the linens in no more than an hour, and you will have to resort to this process very rarely.

Today, roller blinds are preferred by an increasing number of consumers, and they can often be found in the works of fashion designers. This happens for the reason that roller blinds are not only stylish, but also one of the most practical and convenient interior decorations.

Roller blinds are one of the most modern, stylish, comfortable and practical options home and office interior design. When purchasing a product of this type, you involuntarily ask the question: how to wash roller blinds? After all, with proper care, they will retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time, protect windows from the scorching sun and curious neighbors.

How to care for roller blinds

Roller curtains are made from specially impregnated dense fabric with the following properties:

  • antistatic, thanks to which dust particles are repelled and the canvas does not become too dirty;
  • fireproof, which allows you to install them in the kitchen;
  • color-protective – resistant to fading and stretching;
  • moisture resistant.

However, despite this, caring for them is still necessary, although it differs from the traditional washing of fabric curtains, drapes and curtains or wiping plastic blinds.

You should remember the basic tips to extend the life of rolled products:

  • When buying roller blinds, you should give preference to closed-type roller blinds made from more expensive and high-quality material, since they are better treated with an anti-deformation, color-protective and dust-repellent composition.
  • Roller blinds cannot be installed in the following rooms:
    - near heating devices, fireplaces, radiators;
    - With high temperature;
    - with high humidity and pollution.
  • When washing windows and general cleaning, it is necessary to roll up the roller blinds into a tube or cassette.
  • It is forbidden to wash rolled products made from natural materials: reed, bamboo, wood, linen.
  • During care and use, avoid deformation, creases and damage to the fabric, as dust and dirt accumulate better in these places. And when they appear, it is recommended to replace the damaged fabric in the structure with a new one.
  • It is necessary to frequently ventilate the room by lowering the blinds.
  • If fabric roller blinds are installed in the kitchen, then during cooking it is recommended to roll them up to avoid contamination with grease.
  • Avoiding the adverse effects of detergent, they should be washed only in extreme cases when cleaning does not bring results.
  • To remove dirt more effectively, problem areas should be cleaned immediately after contamination appears. Old stains are more difficult to remove, and too frequent use of even the most gentle stain removers negatively affects the condition of the fabric.
  • The force applied to the chain mechanism for controlling the roller blinds should be moderate so as not to damage it.
  • The mechanism for lifting and securing the rolled product must be periodically treated with special lubricants (oil or aerosol) for better functioning.
  • Regular wet cleaning, washing windows, frequent vacuuming of carpets and upholstered furniture help keep the room clean and reduce the accumulation and settling of dust on curtains.