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What is the name of the teacher's day. Day of the educator and all preschool workers

On September 27, our country celebrates an important holiday for all children and their parents - the Day of the Educator and All preschool workers. And why professional holiday of all preschool teachers was the day of September 27, and not, for example, August 6 or April 30? What is the history of this holiday in our country? We will give answers to all these questions in our article.

History of preschool education and education in Russia

Kindergartens in Europe have existed for nearly 200 years. founder preschool educational institutions was Friedrich Fröbel - a German teacher who studied at the university and worked in an orphanage with Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi - a classic of scientific pedagogy.

The first kindergarten in Europe was opened in 1837 in Blackenburg. Education in such kindergarten took place taking into account the philosophy of German educators-thinkers. This philosophy assumed the creation of a kindergarten as a model of the structure of the universe, in the center of which stood a child - an image of a developing human personality.

According to generally accepted data, history preschool education and education in Russia originates in 1863, when Adelaida Semyonovna Simonovich opened the first kindergarten in the Russian Empire. By the way, this significant event took place just on September 27 - the modern Day of the educator and all preschool workers.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that in these times - almost 150 years ago - female education was, to put it mildly, not widespread. There were not even women's gymnasiums - not to mention higher educational institutions. It was believed that the mission of a woman is to give birth and raise children, as well as to run a house. Therefore, the fact that Adelaida Semyonovna was able to finish 5 classes of the school and, with the help of self-education, pass the exam for the title of a home teacher, can be considered a miracle! True, as far as higher education is concerned, Simonovich did not manage to get it in Russia - when she tried to start attending lectures at Moscow University, she was rudely denied this right.

But this did not stop the enterprising madam, and she went abroad - to Switzerland - where she was able to get a pedagogical education and met her future husband. By the way, it was together with her husband that Adelaida Semyonovna opened her own kindergarten in St. Petersburg on Vasilyevsky Island.

Kindergarten, the opening of which became the central event in the history of the holiday - the Day of the educator and all preschool workers - took kids 3-8 years old. They played outdoor games with them, engaged in designing and various developmental activities, and also read a course on Motherland Studies to the kids!

A little later, Adelaida Semenovna began publishing the thematic magazine Kindergarten, which also made an invaluable contribution to the activities of educators and all preschool workers.

But it was not in vain that we mentioned earlier that the kindergarten of the Simonovich family was the first in Russian Empire, according to generally accepted data. There is another version of the origins of the history of preschool education and upbringing in Russia. There is evidence that the first kindergarten in the Russian Empire was opened in Helsingfors in 1859. Despite the fact that Helsingfors is the territory of modern Finland, at that time this city was part of the Russian Empire. Therefore, such a version has a place to be.

So when was the decision to establish the holiday -? The history of the holiday as officially existing in our country has been going on since 2004, when the Day of the Educator and All Preschool Workers was established on the initiative of several public pedagogical publications. This event was preceded by the fall of 2003, when the Day of the Teacher was celebrated in St. Petersburg, timed to coincide with the 140th anniversary of the appearance of the first kindergarten of the Simonovich family. It was after this event that letters were sent to the regions with proposals to establish the Day of the educator and all preschool workers in Russia. A year later, the decision was made - and the holiday was officially established.

Day of the educator and all preschool workers in Russia

In today's society, pre-school education receives very little attention - at least in comparison with school and university education. Meanwhile, this is a big minus - after all, the formation of a child's personality occurs just in the preschool period - and after 6-7 years it will be quite difficult to change something. In this regard, the work of educators and preschool workers is very important and responsible - after all, it is these people who spend a huge amount of time next to a preschooler and contribute to their proper development and the formation of their personality. It is preschool workers who lay the foundations of character and abilities for millions of children in our country, acquaint them with the world around them and help them find their first friends in life.

That is why the purpose of the holiday Day of the educator and all preschool workers is to draw public attention to the work of those people who work in kindergartens, and preschool education generally. On the Day of the educator and all preschool workers, solemn events, morning performances, interesting wall newspapers are made, and grateful parents give flowers and memorable souvenirs to educators and preschool workers. If your child has good artistic, Creative skills or reads poetry well - invite him to prepare his own personal gift for his beloved teacher. It can be a plasticine craft, a “masterpiece of painting” of your own production, or a beautiful poem memorized and proudly read at a matinee.

The day of the educator and all preschool workers is associated by some with the Day of the Teacher - but these holidays are rather not a replacement for each other, but an addition. Indeed, without a decent foundation, there can be no decent secondary and higher education! And although so far the Day of the Educator and all preschool workers in our country is not celebrated as widely as the Day of the Teacher, in many regions it is celebrated more and more actively. Therefore, we dare to hope that the spread and increase in the scope of the celebration of the Day of the Educator and all preschool workers is only a matter of time.

On the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers, be sure to thank and congratulate the teachers and other employees of the kindergarten where your child goes. After all, the work of these people is very difficult, and their pay leaves much to be desired ... But even in such conditions they are able to maintain sensitivity, attentiveness and love for children - and should we explain to you how important it is that there are kind and sympathetic people next to the child?

Everyone knows such a holiday as Teacher's Day. He is very revered by all those who have already graduated from school, and those who are still studying. And the profession of a teacher is considered respected and very necessary, because thanks to its representatives, we all grow up as educated and socialized people. It includes not only the provision of knowledge about the world, but also a very important thing - the formation of the characters of children.

And the responsibility is also very big in this profession. But for some reason, many people forget that these same duties are honestly and conscientiously performed by representatives of another specialty. We are talking about employees of kindergartens. They lay the foundation for a future personality at a very tender age. And, unfortunately, few people know when the Day


The preschool years are an important period in a child's life. And the task of kindergartens is just to prepare kids for a more "adult" school life. Before the child got into it, he most often communicated only with his mother and other relatives. And about what a team, communication with peers, had a very vague idea. And it is in the garden that they help him get used to a large number of people, discipline, and also teach communication skills with other children. Therefore, knowing when the Kindergarten Teacher's Day is very useful, as well as congratulating employees preschool institutions.

solemn day

And such a holiday exists in the Russian calendar. It is relatively new, appeared in last years. When is Kindergarten Teacher's Day celebrated in our country? This date was set to be celebrated on one of the last days of September. Specifically on the 27th. The initiators of this professional holiday were several children's publications that wanted to draw public attention to the problems of preschool education. It was first celebrated in 2004, and although it was not organized at the state level, after a few years it was celebrated in almost all regions and federal districts of the country.

What is happening now that Kindergarten Teacher's Day has become official holiday? In large cities, as well as on TV channels, thematic events, concerts and programs are held. But in addition to such a respectful gesture, each kindergarten has its own holidays. Particularly grateful parents even prepare a holiday script for the Kindergarten Teacher's Day with concerts or performances that pupils play for their teachers.

For example, a children's room with decorations, which parents will do, and the kids will show a fairy tale. For example, "Kolobok". Costumes for kids need to be ordered in advance from the tailor, or each parent will make it for his child himself. Also, kids can, for example, show. An excellent end to such a holiday will be the presentation of flowers. The kids themselves will approach the teacher and give him a bouquet. Such a congratulation will be very pleasant for employees of preschool institutions, because it proves that their work is bearing fruit.

Day of the kindergarten teacher: congratulations

But besides this, you can congratulate dear educators in a different way. Preschool workers will certainly be pleased to receive a bouquet of flowers from pupils, and sweets, and a bottle of perfume as a gift from their parents. In addition, you can present a bottle of good wine to an expensive teacher. A pleasant surprise from the kids will be their drawings, in which they will depict themselves and their teacher.

Remember that any gift must be from pure heart in gratitude for the kindness of the educator, patience and gentle, Attentive attitude to children.

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September 27 in Russia began to celebrate not so long ago new holiday- Day of the educator and all preschool workers.


It is very good that a day has finally appeared in our country when we congratulate teachers, educators, methodologists and support staff of kindergartens and thank them for their hard, but such an important work.

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Preschool institutions should be staffed by people who really love children and know how to work with them. mutual language to be able to interest the child and contribute to the development of his talents and abilities. It is also important to educate a full-fledged citizen of your country.


It is very difficult to combine all this, but those who really succeed are real educators, professionals in their field.

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History of kindergartens in Russia

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It should be noted that this date was not chosen randomly. If we look into history, we will find out that it was timed to coincide with the opening of the first kindergarten in the Russian Empire. This event happened September 27, 1863 in St. Petersburg, the garden was located on Vasilyevsky Island. The initiators of the opening of the first kindergarten were Adelaida Semyonovna Simonovich and her husband.

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Somewhat later, private kindergartens began to appear in other cities of Russia. In St. Petersburg, in 1866, the first free kindergarten was opened. He worked for a charitable society. The children of the townspeople of the lower class were taken there.



As far as world practice is concerned, The world's first kindergarten was opened in Germany in 1837 y. Its founder was a German teacher Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. He worked for Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, who was a classic of scientific pedagogy

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In 1919, the first All-Russian Congress was held in the capital, dedicated to the problems of developing the upbringing and education of preschool children.

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Today in Russia there are not only state, but also private kindergartens.

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Preschool age is an extremely important period in the life of every child. During this period, the formation of the personality and the laying of the child's health takes place. Therefore, it is very important that a wise, responsible, attentive and patient teacher, who listens to the inner world of the pupil, is next to the baby. I really want people for whom raising children is a true calling to work in this area. And with all my heart I would like to congratulate such teachers on their professional holiday!



With love to our teachers!

Happy teacher's day, we hasten to congratulate you
And wish you health and success,
Children's smiles, joyful laughter
How grateful for the goodness and light of the soul!
We bring our children to you every day
And we see your tender care.
You have chosen a difficult job.
We wish you happiness and creative ideas

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5:1601 5:4

Little kids need care
With them, the sea is a whole hassle.
And only a teacher with a good heart
The key to each crumb will pick up.
Thank you for your kindness and care
For treating children like family.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day and health
We wish you today.

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6:1005 6:1010

Happy Teacher's Day


Congratulations to you from me!


May every day, like a clear ray,


Comes, ringing with joy.


Let parents and children


You are respected, your work is honored.


Let the sun of happiness shine brightly


New successes are calling!

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Educator's Day is the kindest holiday in the world:


In it is the light and kindness of relatives.


After all, workers work for joy


Our kids are very mischievous.

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Bow to you low and many thanks


And for patience, and for the most difficult work.


After all, the educator is a teacher from the first days,


Giving knowledge, kindness, soul comfort!

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May fate give gifts every day,


May good luck and success accompany you.


Live happily, richly, very brightly,


And let the happy children's laughter sound!

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8:1358 8:1363

Of the professions of all in the world


The teacher is the best


Dasha, Mashenka and Petya


They love and listen to you.


May all the days of personal life,


Will be interesting


Let everything turn out great


In life and in profession!

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9:734 9:739

Preschool worker, happy holiday to you!


Let joy give the warmth of children's eyes


And happiness will light up the whole world around,


Thank you for everything, our attentive friend:


For the world of good books and kind words,


Care, warmth, patience, love!


For noble work - a bow from the heart,


Let your dreams come true!

9:1314 9:1319



You, looking at the fruits of your efforts,


You must be proud of yourself!


And spending years on children,


You appreciate your work!


Patience and understanding to you,


After all, the educator is the one


Who, with his efforts,


Gives the road to children in life!

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11:906 11:911

To all kindergarten workers


Sea of ​​happiness, clear days,


May it be for you, as a reward,


Laughter cheerful kids!


Life will give you health


Family in the world


And with hope and love,


The children are waiting in the kindergarten!

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12:1806 12:4

Educator! Congratulations!


Today is your day!


This is the holiday of those who are closely


Befriend kids!

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We wish you patience


obedient kids,


Not capricious, but good,


Smart, kind!

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And we wish you love


Joy in communication


From ordinary weekdays -


Only enjoyment!

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13:1022 13:1027

Congratulate educators


With this holiday we want


On this day, with all our hearts, we


We say thank you!


For care, education,


And for this kind look,


For love and understanding


Our little guys!

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The teacher is like a magician


What leads the kids


Life unread textbook


Opens with a light hand.

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Educator, nanny, sister,


Children's laughter sounds like music to you.


Cannabis, pigtail cubes ...


And again, no one is sleeping there.

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We wish you warmth, patience,


So that work is a joy to you,


So that luck does not leave you,


Children to come to you with a smile.

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So that every day is like an insight,


To thanks - a bag.


Your wisdom, education, teaching -


This is the first life lesson.

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15:1447 15:1452

To you, today, our congratulations,


You - smiles and fragrant flowers!


Let them come true under the autumn sun


Your hopes and cherished dreams!

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Diligent, kind and patient


In you from God - wisdom and talent


And in the kindergarten, the kids are fair,


For a good heart they adore you!

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I so want you to be happy


For sensitivity, mind, love and warmth,


Charming, loving and beautiful


I met my spring every day!

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16:1213 16:1218

You are in the kindergarten for children, like a mother,


There is no kinder and gentler


Let the kids be proud of you


And give smiles in return!

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Parents will be diligent


And with a sea of ​​great warmth,


For affection, care, cordiality,


Graciously give flowers!

16:106 16:109

Let anxiety not touch you


Adversity will bypass fate


And there will be a happy road


To a kindergarten where you are loved and expected!

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Let labor resound with joy,


Dreams become reality


Worthy, rich life


And the days will be filled with happiness!

16:532 16:537

17:1041 17:1046

preschool workers,


All educators, all nannies, cooks,


Today is your holiday, and we congratulate you,


We wish you prosperity and good.

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We wish you good mood


Work daily with kids.


Invent activities with rapture,


To fill the souls of children with beauty.

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We wish you happiness in your personal life,


Success and recognition in work,


Love and joy - well, just limitless,


Teacher's Day is a very important and necessary holiday. After all, it is these people - educators, teachers - that we entrust the greatest value, our children. It is the educators who lay the foundations of morality and life principles; it largely depends on them how the little man will grow up. What date is Teacher's Day in 2018, Interesting Facts about the holiday and its history - in our article.

Teacher's Day in 2018 is celebrated on September 27, Thursday. This is a professional holiday of educators and other employees of preschool institutions. It is celebrated every year on the same day and is not a public holiday.

Holiday traditions

Teacher's Day is a necessary and correct holiday. Moreover, it is customary to congratulate not only educators on this day, but all employees of preschool institutions - from the head to the nanny. After all, all employees of kindergartens take part in the learning process, regardless of their position and status.

As a rule, preparation for Teacher's Day begins in advance. The kids are preparing a concert-matinee, where they congratulate their favorite teachers. Poems, songs, dances, funny contests, the indispensable presentation of gifts - crafts made by children's hands, a little clumsy, but invariably sincere. What child refuses to take part in a festive matinee?

Parents of pupils also take part in congratulations. An initiative group of parents - a parent committee, a board of trustees, etc. - a couple of weeks before the holiday decides on the issue of a gift. What can you give a kindergarten teacher? A lot of different things - from a lush bouquet of autumn asters to a TV or a printer in a group. But, according to tradition, it is customary to discuss gift options with all parents.

Teacher's Day is also celebrated at the state level. The administration of settlements usually arranges a reporting concert, round table or a gala evening where outstanding employees of preschool institutions are awarded. Educators, heads of kindergartens, assistants, administrators, children's trainers are awarded diplomas, certificates of honor, Thanksgiving letters, often accompanied by valuable gifts. Well, the leadership of kindergartens for a professional holiday, as a rule, writes out a cash bonus to all employees of the institution.

How did Teacher's Day come about?

Educator's Day is a young holiday, with only twelve years of history. It was established only in 2004, and the initiators of the emergence of a new holiday were the journalists of several pedagogical publications - in particular, the magazine "Obruch", the newspaper "Kindergarten from All Sides" and the periodical "Preschool Education".

The idea to dedicate one day a year to the work of preschool teachers was announced on the pages of periodicals after the City Teacher's Day was celebrated in St. Petersburg in 2003. After talking about the past event, the journalists proposed to make the holiday an annual nationwide. Honored teachers, authors of preschool educational programs, heads of well-known preschool institutions, public figures were sent letters with a proposal to openly support the initiative. Literally a year later, in 2004, the first all-Russian celebration of the Teacher's Day took place.

What to give the teacher?

At the initiative of the parent committee, pupils usually give a collective gift. It can be something useful for filling the group: furniture, textiles, appliances, or maybe something memorable for the mentor himself. At the same time, it is advisable not to go against the norms of etiquette, so as not to put yourself and the recipient in an awkward position.

Relevant gifts:

  • No matter how scornfully they treat the slogan "book - best gift”, however it is so. Especially if a thematic gift edition is presented.
  • Business gifts: flash drive, tablet, classic leather briefcase.
  • Sweets, as well as tea / coffee - the "ingredients" of the standard gift set. If a joint tea party is planned, you can present a cake.
  • Flowers for young girls are chosen in pastel colors (irises, daffodils, roses), it is better for ladies of age to present something solid in dark colors. creative option bouquet: a bouquet of sweets, bears.
  • Certificate to the stationery store or bookstore. The only downside is the advertised price.
  • A pen, a diary, of course, should be from the goods of a high price segment.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in prose

Congratulations on the Day of the educator and preschool workers. I wish life to be adorned with children's sincere smiles and joy, I wish you respect and well-being, I wish you great success and good health, a rich life and bright moments.

I congratulate you on the day of the educator and preschool workers. May life bestow strength and health for the accomplishment of good deeds and noble activities. I wish you happiness and great success, understanding and gratitude, sensitivity and responsiveness. May every day bring smiles and joy.

Today we congratulate all educators and preschool workers on the holiday. Let your every day, every moment be festive. Those who love children, who know how to heal children's souls, are worthy of love and reverence. So let love always illuminate your life. May you have patience in your hard work. Health to you and good luck.

Happy Teacher's Day! Let the key that you select for each child open a treasury with the most important gifts - health, happiness and love for you personally. And let fate and the state adequately reward you for affection, tenderness and patience.

Congratulations on the holiday - the Day of the educator and all preschool workers. I want to wish you optimistic and cheerful notes in the song of life, smiles, fun, perky laughter and bright hobbies. Let purposefulness and luck help you achieve your goals and turn unusual ideas into reality.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse

Happy holiday to you, Happy Teacher's Day!
We are grateful for your efforts
For a good heart, for work and care,
Thank you very much for your work!

Let the rainbow shine for you
And the sun illuminates everyday life!
You are an educator anywhere,
We wish you easy work
Love, warmth and clear days,
Love from little friends!

Kind hands, attentive look.
Meets the guys every morning.
Embrace, hold, comfort, understand.
May love for children never go away!

I like to go to kindergarten
The best teacher is waiting there.
I'll hug you tightly,
I congratulate him from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you good health,
Smiles, happiness and love,
May the weather be sunny
And dreams come true.

Little devils will bring anyone
Screams, yells, running around - try to see!
Only you, beloved, sit with them,
You will have time to feed and regret!

We thank you, dear educators,
For your hard, exorbitant work!
You forgive our little devils,
They won't let you work in peace!

Our teacher aunt
Walks in a white coat
The teacher is a match,
She eats like a titmouse.

Makes kids eat
Who does not eat - scolds him.
But understand, then we
Let's be bigger than her!

We love her like this
Slim but not skinny
Read her a poem
Juvenile congratulations!

Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 27th. This holiday is young, it is only a few years old. Previously, preschool each other in but now they have a separate one. It was created in order to draw society's attention to preschool education, which has become almost mandatory. Many educators and parents have only recently learned that there is such a holiday, which is why they ask the question: “When is Teacher’s Day celebrated?”.

How is the holiday celebrated?

On this day, celebrations are held. Now employees often congratulate each other, and when Teacher's Day comes, and then on Teacher's Day. In the selected sums up, pronounces parting words, rewards or recognizes particularly distinguished employees and highlights the work plan for the coming year. Subordinates are preparing a small concert dedicated to Sometimes they celebrate the day with a joint tea party, a trip to a cafe, to a concert initiated by the city authorities. However, a lot depends on the team, the number of groups in the kindergarten and the district. Of course, parents can congratulate educators and other employees on this day. It is not necessary to collect a lot of money for this, because the main thing is attention. People who teach children are pleased to receive flowers, postcards "Happy Teacher's Day" (which you can make with the kids), chocolate.

The history of kindergartens

The first kindergartens appeared in 1802 in Germany. At first, these were institutions to which the poor sent their children in order to be able to work. The children were attended by nannies - women from noble families who were engaged in charity work. They did not teach children as such, knowledge could be given on a case-by-case basis, nannies spent more time simply watching and caring for the children. The name "garden" for such institutions was given a little later by Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. He explained it by the fact that children are the flowers of life, and they grow in the garden, and gardeners should grow them. Well, the name stuck, and gradually preschool education itself became streamlined, systemic. Previously, kindergartens were not the same as they are now, when educators give children much more knowledge, skills and abilities.

What do educators give to children?

Now in the kindergarten there are clear classes, walks, meals, recreation, entertainment. Educators really give a lot to children. It's good that they have their own professional holiday, and it would also be good for parents to know when the Teacher's Day is, and congratulate them at least in words, thanking them for their hard work. Teachers are with the children all day, teaching them to take care of themselves, wash, dress (if their parents have not taught). In the classroom, they teach children what is included in the program approved by the ministry. This may be familiarization with the environment, rules fire safety. Children are taught to draw, sculpt, count, distinguish colors, sounds; in senior group- read, think logically, speak out, and prepare for writing at school. And besides, educators teach children to interact with each other, resolve conflicts and look for a way out of various situations.

Who else in the garden takes care of your children?

Of course, you need to know when the Teacher's Day is, but keep in mind that there are many other important workers in the kindergarten:

In addition to them, there is a whole staff of staff in the garden who have little direct contact with the children, but provide them with a fertile, clean, comfortable environment. They do everything to make the children feel at home, because they spend so much time there. If you are satisfied with the work of your teachers, do not forget to find out, remember in time when the Teacher's Day is, and congratulate them on their professional holiday! After all, congratulating a person, you yourself become a little happier.