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How is the recalculation of labor pensions for working pensioners? Recalculation of the insurance part of pensions for working pensioners Recalculation of working pensioners in August.

Prior toin August, pensions were recalculated for working pensioners about two weeks. What increase to expect, how is it calculated and what does it depend on? Let us recall the main provisions of the law and give formulas for self-calculation and control of the amounts that a working pensioner will receive after August 1, 2016.

The August recalculation of pensions for working retirees is carried out on the basis of the rules and procedures described in, in Article 18: "Determination, recalculation of insurance pensions, fixed payments to insurance pensions, increase of fixed payments to insurance pensions and adjustment of insurance pensions. "

The pension increase after the August recalculation can be calculated by the formula

Increase \u003dSPK x IPC 2015

What is "what" in this formula and what you need to know to calculate the size of the increase?

  • SEC  - according to ФЗ-400, this is the cost of one pension coefficient per day, swhose corresponding recalculation of the size of the insurance pension forold age. N and today there is some uncertainty regarding him. On the one hand, dfor working pensioners, the cost of the pension coefficient (point) was not indexed in 2016, therefore, in the calculations, the PFRF can use the value of the pension point of the past (2015) year - SPK \u003d 71 rubles 41 kopecks. If the law is executed literally, then the cost of a pension will be taken equal to today's value (indexed by 4%) -SPK 2016 \u003d 74 rubles 27 kopecks. Bye about there were no official clarifications in this regard.
  • IPC 2015  - an individual pension coefficient "earned" by a working pensioner for 2015 anddetermined on the basis of the amount of insurance premiums paid to the PFRF in 2015 (not taken into accountin the previous recalculation).Just note that the value of the individual pension coefficient IPC 2015  in this formula cannot exceed (according to FZ-400) value of 3 points.

If ordinary citizens (not pensioners) can find out the size of their IPC in the personal account on the PFRF website, for pensioners, including those working, such information is not available on the PFRF website. However, its realIPC 2015  a working pensioner can find out on the website of the State Service in the section "Obtaining information about the status of an individual personal account". By making a request, you can get the official "Notification of the status of an individual personal account" (form SZI-6), which will indicate, includingIPC 2015 .

In the event that you are not registered on the State Services website, thensize increase andIPC 2015can determineusing our based on annual earnings for 2015 (as a rule, everyone knows and remembers their salary).

EstimateIPC 2015  and size increases allow the diagrams below.

Figure out the size IPC 2015, it is easy to calculate the size of the insurance pension (Joint venture) after recalculation:

SP “after” \u003d SP “before” + IPC 2015 x SPK,


  • Joint venture "after"  - the size of the "new" old-age insurance pension after recalculation on August 1, 2016;
  • Joint venture "do"  - amount of the old-age insurance pension before recalculation (as of July 31, 2016).


The described recalculation procedure (through points) is applied this year for the first time and. as usual, again (in addition to non-indexation of pensions) infringes on the rights of working pensioners.

  • Firstly, the ceiling limit is three points ( 214 rub, 23 kopecks.) leads to the fact that those with a real IPC higher - sponsor the PFRF budget free of charge - points over three are assigned (confiscated) and remain at its full disposal. A well-earned working pensioner receives nothing in return.
  • Secondly, in previous years, the pension increase after the August recalculation was determined as follows: the pension capital earned by a working pensioner for the previous year was divided by the age of his survival - . Now, thanks to the ballistic principle of accounting for pension rights, this " minus the number of full years in retirement"disappeared. The pension capital added for 2015 is divided by 19 years, and not by the remaining term of survival - 19 years minus the number of full years in retirement. The reason is that for all, the starting cost of a retirement point was determined once and for all for a survival age of 19 years, and then simply indexed.

An increase in the size of pension payments is made in two ways - by indexation or recalculation. After freezing the indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2015, recalculation became the only affordable way to increase monthly payments for citizens continuing to work.

How is recalculation for working and non-working pensioners? What are the differences between these procedures? What determines the irrelevant and declarative procedure for changing pension payments? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Reasons for allocation

The reasons for the recalculation of the pension are changed circumstances or errors, shortcomings in the initial determination of the amount of payments. Employed citizens are entitled to an increase in pension coverage from insurance premiums paid by the employer.

Other factors affecting the size of payments may change. For example, the number of dependents, the total length of service in the Far North, the achievement of an age that provides for benefits. In the initial calculation, some criteria may not be taken into account due to the lack of documents, mistakes of the employer and employees of the FIU, and the illiteracy of the pensioner himself.

Recalculation allows you to adjust the amount of monthly payments. Legislatively established two ways of recalculation - at the request of a citizen and without him. Unsubstantially, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation recounts its pension to citizens on the basis of information received in the pension system. Upon application, recalculation is carried out on the basis of information and documents provided by the applicant, after verification.

More detailed information on the bases for the allocation and its terms is indicated in the articles:

Recalculation of insurance pension for working pensioners

Retirees who continue to work can expect to receive an increase on August 1 of each year. On this day, payments are recalculated based on the results of the previous year. The amount of the insurance pension changes through an increase in the individual pension coefficient (IPC), also called pension points.

Both pensioners who continue to work in the current year and who have stopped working can rely on the recalculation of the insurance part. The maximum increase in pension without a request is limited to 3 points. If a pensioner continues to work this year and contributions are transferred for him, the amount of the supplement cannot be higher than 1,875 points (according to Clause 4, Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 13 No. 400-ФЗ).

The cost of a retirement point is also different. If no pension contributions are formed on the citizen’s account in the settlement year, the current value is taken. From 04/01/2017, the retirement point is 78.58 rubles. Pensioners who continue to work, the points are not indexed, in their case, the value used in the initial calculation is used (until 01.01.15 - 71.41 rubles.)

The number of points earned per year depends on the size of the salary and the method of forming the pension. Citizens younger than 1967 of birth can choose: send all contributions to the insurance part or divide them into insurance and funded. Three points in 2016 can be obtained with an average monthly salary of 19.9 thousand rubles (all contributions go to an insurance pension). You can calculate the approximate amount of earned points on earnings in the online calculator of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Example of calculating retirement points

Citizens Egorov S.I. and Andreev L.N. After applying for a pension, they continued to work and earned three pension points in 2016. Both citizens issued a pension payment earlier than 01.01.2015. Egorov S.I. in 2016 it stopped working, and in 2017 did not form pension savings. Andreev L.N. continued to work. What is the increase in pension from August 1, 2017 for one and the second pensioner?

As a non-working citizen, Egorov S.I. received the right to a supplement of 3 pension points. For recalculation, the current point value of 78.58 rubles was used, so the increase was: 3 * 78.58 \u003d 235.74 rubles.

For working Andreeva L.N. the limit of incremental IPC is equal to 1.875 points, and the cost of an unindexed point is 71.41 p. The pension supplement amounted to: 1,875 * 71.41 \u003d 133.89 rubles.

In the above example, the maximum pension increase was calculated in a non-bidding manner in August 2017 for working and discontinued citizens. For non-working citizens, the pension is not recalculated.

Other cases of recalculation of pension without application of the recipient

To adjust pension payments to citizens without submitting an application, the Pension Fund should upon the occurrence of the following events:

  • achievements of 80 years;
  • recognition of another disability group.

In the first case, the old-age pension is recalculated, and a change in the disability group affects the size of the payments in both old age and disability. When these facts are established, the fixed part of the pension changes.

Recalculation of funded pension

Pensioners who receive income from pension savings are also entitled to an annual recalculation of this part of payments. Like an insurance pension, the new amount of the funded pension is determined without a request. The amount is recalculated as of August 1 of the current year based on the results of financial investments of pension savings last year.

The amount may be increased at the expense of funds received to the citizen's account after the previous calculation. This may be employer contributions or money transferred under the Pension Co-financing Program, which is in accordance with the Federal Law “On Additional Insurance Contributions for a funded pension and state support for the formation of pension savings” dated April 30, 2008 No. 56-ФЗ.

Recalculation of pension upon application

A citizen can submit an application for adjusting the size of the pension for various reasons. For convenience, the grounds are combined into several categories. In the first group, applications are submitted to establish the following events:

  • increase in the number of disabled persons dependent on a pensioner;
  • relocation of a pensioner to the Far North or to territories equivalent to it;
  • achievement of work experience or residence in regions with severe climatic conditions.

The applicant must attach documents proving the existence of these facts. In these cases, an increase in the fixed part of the pension is provided.

The second group of grounds for recalculating a pension is related to non-insurance periods - the time included in the calculation when a citizen does not work. For these periods, pension points are awarded, despite the absence of insurance premiums. This includes caring for children under 1.5 years old, military service, caring for sick relatives and citizens over 80 years old.

The last group of applications is related to other recalculation reasons not included in the first two categories. A pensioner can file an appeal if he doubts the correctness of the calculations.

If a mistake is recognized in the FIU department, ”says Vladimir Nazarov, deputy director of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting, RANEPA,“ then you will be recalculated again. ” If you are not satisfied with the decision and there will still be doubts, the next instance is the court


The pension of working citizens is subject to annual automatic recalculation due to an increase in insurance premiums. In the event of events entailing an increase in pension payments, an application should be submitted to the PFR office at the place of residence. You can check the correctness of calculations and the status of the personal account online on the website of the Pension Fund.

In August 2015, pensions for working pensioners were adjusted. This year it was carried out according to the new rules.

Working pensioners received payments in August slightly more than in previous years.

“Why did I receive a pension more in August than in September?” - With this question, residents of the region began to apply to the regional offices of the Pension Fund of Russia.

The FIU branch in the Saratov region explains: in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 35 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-ФЗ "On Insurance Pensions", the size of insurance pensions of citizens, by which labor pensions are established before January 1, 2015,  from January 1, 2015 are subject to clarification (adjustment).

The 2015 adjustment is different from the previous ones. So, when adjusting in 2014, insurance premiums for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2013 and the 1st quarter of 2014 were taken into account.

When adjusting in 2015, new rules apply, namely, insurance premiums are only considered for the II, III and IV quarters of 2014 inclusive (i.e. for the period until 01.01.2015), if they were not previously taken into account in calculating the amount of pension .

Contributions received to the personal account of a working pensioner for 2015 will be taken into account during the adjustment in 2016.

Thus, the size of insurance pensions assigned before December 31, 2014 is restated from January 1, 2015. Since this recalculation was carried out in August 2015, the district FIU departments carried out surcharge  for the period from 01/01/2015 to 07/31/2015.

As a result, in August, pensioners received an increased August pension + one-time surcharge  for the period from January to July 2015. It should be borne in mind that this surcharge is one-time.

  • Old-age pension assigned to Ivan Ivanov on March 26, 2014 in the amount of 11 526 rub. 25 kopecksand was paid in this amount until February 1, 2015.
  • Since February 1, 2015, as a result of indexation by 11.4%, the size of the insurance pension increased and amounted to 12 840 rub. 24 kopecks  (11526.25 * 1.114). In this amount, the pension was paid until July 2015 inclusive.
  • Considering the fact that after the appointment of a pension, the pensioner continued to carry out labor activities and received on his personal account for the period from 03/27/2014 to 12/31/2014 68,000 rubles,  in August 2015, he was adjusted for his pension.
  • The calculation of the surcharge for the period from 01/01/2015 to 07/31/2015 is as follows:
  1. The amount of the monthly pension increase is determined by the contributions paid in the past year for January 2015. 68000 / T (228 months) \u003d 298 rubles. 25 kopecks

where: T is the number of months of the expected period of the retirement pension as of December 31, 2014 (in this example, T \u003d 228 months)

  1. The amount of the monthly surcharge from February 1, 2015 is determined by the contributions paid in the past year, taking into account indexation by 11.4%. The amount of the surcharge amounted to 332 rubles. 25 kopecks (298.25 rub. * 1.114).

As a result, the amount of surcharge for January 2015 (298 rubles 25 kopecks) and for February-July (332.25 rubles * 6 \u003d 1993 rubles 5 kopecks) is 2291 rubles. 75 kopecks

Thus, in August Ivanov I.I. received an insurance pension indexed in February and adjusted by paying contributions in 2014 in the amount of 13172 rubles. 49 kopecks (12,840 rubles. 24 kopecks. + 332 rubles. 25 kopecks.) In addition, the pensioner received a one-time supplement for 7 months of 2015 in the amount of 2291 rubles. 75 kopecks

The total amount paid in August amounted to 15,464 rubles. 24 kopecks

In September, Ivanov I.I. pension is 13172 rubles. 49 kopecks and so on monthly until the next indexation, which will be carried out on February 1, 2016.