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How to sew a cover for your car yourself. Sewing covers for clothes

Wonderful idea for needlewomen. Dress your assistant, the sewing machine, in a beautiful “dress.” But first, look at what wonderful covers for sewing machine You can make it yourself with just one pattern!

Sewing machine cover pattern:

How to sew a cover for a sewing machine from old jeans:

To do this we will need old jeans, a synthetic padding lining, small pieces of colored fabric for lining the pocket and canvas with embroidery.

Pattern for a sewing machine cover:

First you need to build the details of the pattern as in Figure 1. It is better to start building from the sides (details 8,9,10,11).

To do this, you need to measure the height of the sewing machine h, the width at the bottom x1 and the width at the level of the middle of the flywheel of the sewing machine x2.

Don't forget about protruding parts. They also need to be taken into account. And add 0.5 cm to freedom on each side.

First, construct a simple rectangle with parameters h and x1. Find the middle of the segment x1 and draw a dotted line dividing the rectangle into two halves. Then, along this line from top to bottom, measure a segment equal to the height from the middle of the flywheel to the very top of the machine, taking into account the protruding parts h1. After this, use a compass to construct a circle with a radius equal to x2/2. Connect the bottom points of the rectangle to the circle and adjust the top half of the circle to the height of the rectangle by hand.

Once the piece is built, measure the length of the sidewall outline excluding the bottom. This will be the length of part 1 (d).

Now let's start building part 1. Everything is simple here. Sidewall length d and sewing machine length y (don’t forget about 0.5 cm for freedom) The first part is cut out from a synthetic padding. After this, determine the middle of the rectangle and build a hole for the handle of the sewing machine, not forgetting the freedom allowances.

Everything else is calculated using the formulas below.

Now the details can be transferred to the fabric. It turned out that I cut the sides from one trouser leg, and the remaining parts from the other. First, I ripped the jeans along the side inner seam, and arranged the parts so that the outer seam looked harmonious. The knee-length pants were enough for me.

Now let's start assembling

First, we fold the parts of the sidewalls from padding polyester and from jeans inside out and sew them with a zigzag along the edge.

After this, we begin assembling the outer part of the pocket. Sew parts 3,4,5 to each other, where the embroidery is in the middle.

Sew part 6 on top of the resulting part. After this, iron the seam, fold it in half and make a decorative securing stitch. Sew part 7 to part 2 from below.

Don't forget to iron the seam. We apply part 1 of padding polyester to the resulting part and sew them to each other along the lines of the rectangular hole for the handle marked in the center. Iron, turn, iron again and make a decorative securing stitch. Now you need to sew a pocket to the resulting part. If desired, you can sew a patch denim pocket at the back.

What remains is the most difficult process of connecting the side parts to the main one. It's almost like sewing on sleeves. Don’t be lazy, sweep it first, turn it inside out and see how it turns out, and only then attach it.

At the very end, I folded the edges inward at the bottom and stitched. That's it - your clothes for the machine are ready!

Ideas for inspiration:

Sewing machine cover and mat

Sewing machine bag:

Pattern of a bag-cover for a sewing machine:

Case-house for a sewing machine

Pattern of a house cover for a sewing machine

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To turn the most ordinary, unremarkable chair into a chair for furnishings in the Provence style, it is not necessary to engage in its restoration. If the chair is durable, but not beautiful enough and does not at all add coziness to the Provence style room, it needs to be refined. The easiest way to make a chair exquisitely stylish is to sew a cover on it. Do-it-yourself chair covers, the patterns of which you will now see, will give a general idea of ​​how patterns are made for covers of very different chairs.

And then the most twisted backs of old chairs will not pose a problem when cutting covers for them. The chairs will serve for some time until their restorer arrives, because it is a sin to cover chairs with figured backs with covers. Only as a temporary measure.

Different patterns of chair covers

The chair cover, the pattern for which is given below, can be seen in the top photo. How to take measurements from a chair in the picture below.

A universal pattern for a chair cover without a fluffy flounce, which is called a skirt. This cover will have a skirt, which would be called flared if we were talking about a women's skirt.

If you need a chair cover with a gathered full skirt, then instead of the side parts and wedges marked with the letter F? you will take a long strip of fabric, the length of which will depend only on the degree of fluffiness you need for the lower part of the cover (its skirt part)


  • height 55+ 55 +110 cm,
  • width 45-48 cm.


  • Width (equal to the width of the back) - 45-48 cm
  • Length - 45 cm.


  • height - 44 cm.
  • length 210-250 cm (length depends on the intended fluffiness of the shuttlecock).

When you sew the cover, be sure to sew two strong ribbons to the two corners of the seat (from the inside). They are needed to secure the cover by tying them to the legs of our chair.

Cover for an unsightly office chair

Even absolutely terrible and boring office chairs can be used and made very cute with the help of chair covers.

How to take measurements from an office chair

Pattern of a cover for an office chair

All other decorative elements in the form of ties, bows and even a shirt-style fastener at the back can be made based on the basic pattern.

An office chair on wheels can also be draped in a cover and then it will decorate a Provence-style bedroom, which has room for a table for a laptop or computer. It is not always possible to allocate a separate room for an office, but you always want comfort. Even when the bedroom is decorated nicely, in the Provence style, you still have to place workplace. A Provence style bedroom generally rejects proximity to modern devices that kill comfort and tranquility. But we cannot do without them, therefore, so that modern furniture and displays do not look like an eyesore, they need to be decorated. Soften their modernity and aggressiveness. Office chair covers are one such way.

Chair covers - straight and curved backs

Pattern of a simple cover for a rustic chair

Pattern of a cover for a chair with a curved back

Another case for variety

Enough for today. There can be an infinite number of chair covers, both in cut and design. General style rooms in the Provence style will tell you what kind of covers, what colors and what print your covers will be. And the do-it-yourself chair covers, the patterns of which you see now, will certainly add coziness to you.

A universal way to update old and already rather boring chairs is to sew textile covers. They can change not only the appearance of the chair, but also add new colors to the home interior.

Add coziness kitchen or dining room, chic living room and playful spontaneity of a children's room, they will cope with these tasks perfectly covers on the chairs.

It is also relevant to use the design of chairs for banquets in cafe and restaurants. Chairs with covers look special solemnly and stylish.

In addition to the decorative function, covers solve the issue protection stool from contamination. In everyday life, incidents often happen that leave characteristic marks on the upholstery. And if there are children or pets in the house, protecting the chair with a cloth is easy necessary. The covers are easy to remove and wash. And if necessary, you can always sew a new one in return spoiled.

Chair covers and capes

Chair covers differ from each other in their own way purpose, form And invoice. Strict and cute, formal and unusual - you can choose covers for any case and stool.

Variety of shapes

By shape covers can be divided into three groups:

    1. One-piece, closing all whole chair.
      They are the most universal. Suitable for any occasion and interior. They allow you to cover the entire chair and hide all imperfections, if necessary. These cases look holistically and thoroughly. One of the disadvantages of one-piece cases is the relative complexity tailoring and larger (compared to other types) consumption fabrics;
    1. Back covers And sitting. For household purposes good decision I can be separate seat and back covers. The seat of the chair usually gets dirty more often than the back. Therefore, the seat cover needs to be washed more often. Separate covers are especially suitable for an informal, light atmosphere. For example, for a garden or children's room;
  1. Back covers. Back covers can be classified as covers only formally. Their purpose is holiday decor . Such capes are easy to sew (if you don’t take into account crocheted capes) and they don’t require a lot of fabric. With the help of capes you can decorate chairs for the New Year, children's party and for other purposes.

Choosing fabric for covers

The fabric for sewing covers should be selected based on appointments chair. And also correspond to the general design solution rooms.

Almost suitable for sewing holiday covers any types of fabrics, even the lightest and most decorative ones.

Often used curtains types of fabrics due to their attractive appearance and relatively low cost.

To a question choice fabrics for everyday covers need to be approached more thoroughly.

Kitchen covers

For sewing covers on kitchen It’s better to choose inexpensive chairs durable fabrics. Perfect fit cotton or a mixture of cotton and viscose. The fabric should be easily ironed, not fade when washed and not form clues at the slightest touch. The colors can be very different. Beautiful covers that match the tablecloth on the table, curtains or potholders look great.

Covers for the living room

The mood of the living room is usually more seasoned and strict. For covers in this room, it is better to choose a fabric from the furniture category. It is durable and presentable looks. You can support the colors or curtains by choosing a similar fabric for chair covers.

Covers for the nursery

Children's room supports the most original ideas. For cases can be used as smooth cotton fabric, so fleece or even fur. You can also use old jeans and sew them together funny chair covers with pockets.

You might be interested in learning how to make a children's chair with your own hands:

Patterns for chair covers

Pattern for a chair cover directly depends on back shapes And seats, from being made legs chairs are perpendicular to the floor or located at an angle.

It is impossible to choose a universal pattern for covers that would fit any chair. Therefore for everyone specific The chair will have to be made using an individual pattern.

Construction stages patterns:

  1. Taking measurements from the chair. Measurements are taken accurately, without allowances. It is necessary to take into account the features of the shape of the chair that affect the configuration of the cover;
  2. Schematic drawing of parts cover. Before transferring measurements to a full-scale pattern, it is worth constructing a schematic drawing of the parts on a sheet of paper. The drawing does not indicate the measurements taken of the chair, but the values ​​for sewing the cover;
  3. Constructing a trial pattern. The trial pattern is built on a newspaper or tracing paper already in full size, following the schematic drawing. It is necessary to make a pattern of all the details of the cover, even paired ones;
  4. Trying on a pattern on a chair. To check the correctness of the pattern, you need to try it on a chair. This is done using tape. During fitting, you can see possible flaws in the construction of the pattern;
  5. Refinement and correction of the pattern. If necessary, the pattern is adjusted. It is convenient to do this on a schematic drawing;
  6. Construction of the final version of the patterns. Taking into account all the identified shortcomings, a final paper pattern is constructed, which will be used to cut the fabric.

Master class on sewing a chair cover

Sewing a chair cover just looks complicated. Having studied the issue and applied a little patience and work, even beginner seamstress.

In many ways success activities determines configuration chair and model complexity cover. It's better to start with simple chair and inexpensive fabric.

Let's consider phased the process of sewing a chair cover with rectangular back and seat with your own hands.

We take measurements

For sewing a cover for a chair with a rectangular back and seat need to measure:

  • Distance from the top of the back to the floor;
  • Back height;
  • Seat depth;
  • The width of the chair (in our example, the width of the back and seat are the same);
  • Height of legs.

We are building a drawing

Before moving on to full-scale cutting, recommended make a schematic drawing.

Our case model will contain everything three details: a long rectangle that will cover the back, seat and distance to the floor in front and back, as well as two rectangle of side parts from the floor to the seat.

Width the main rectangle will be equal to the width of the chair with an increase 2 cm from each side.

The length of the rectangle is the sum of the height of the backrest from the floor, from the top of the chair to the seat, the depth of the seat and the height of the legs. Worth a raise 1.5 cm each on each side.

Transferring the pattern to fabric

Since the chair model we are considering does not assume complex patterns, you can skip the stage of constructing a drawing on paper and trying on a paper pattern on a chair. You can cut the details of the cover straightaway on fabric, using data from scheme.

Attention! When transferring a pattern to fabric, it is worth considering the position of the grain thread. It is advisable to cut all the details along the fractional lines.

You can draw on fabric using chalk, soap or a simple pencil. It is convenient to use a ruler, since all sides of the patterns straight.

Sewing a cover

When the details of the future cover are cut out, you can move on to tailoring. Sequence of operations:

  1. Pave side seams backrests;
  2. Tuck And stitch side and bottom sections of the back of the cover;
  3. Sew the side parts seat cover;
  4. Tuck And stitch side and bottom sections of the side and front parts of the cover;
  5. Finish internal seams and cuts on an overlocker (Overlock is a special sewing machine for overcasting sections of the product).

Advice! If you don't have an overlocker, you can finish the edges with a zigzag stitch or overcast stitch by hand. The sewn cover is turned inside out and the seams are ironed.

Our cover, sewn with your own hands, ready!

The following recommendations may be useful when sewing chair covers:

  • To sew one cover you need 1-2 meters fabrics;
  • To do cut more rational, you need to cut several covers at once for the entire dining group;
  • Having sewn synthetic winterizer or foam rubber into the seat, you will get soft case;
  • The more details in the pattern of the cover, the less fabric is required for sewing;
  • To create an original color for the cover, the fabric for sewing it can be combined;
  • To cover didn't slip from the chair, laces are sewn from the inside, which are tied to the legs of the chair;
  • It is not necessary to sew covers from new fabrics, even old jeans, sweaters or coats will do.

Advice! For those who are not confident in their abilities, it is recommended to sweep the cover by hand first. And only after trying on the sour cream model, proceed to machine sewing.

Today we will tell you how to sew car covers with your own hands. You can also prepare patterns for this operation yourself. After all, if the car is used intensively, then sooner or later you will definitely have to change the upholstery to a new one.

You can do this at a car workshop or buy ready-made covers in a store, but in the first case it will be expensive, and in the second there will be no individuality. Therefore, the most profitable option would be cutting and sewing yourself.

Among all the variety of fabrics in stores, it is necessary to choose the most practical materials to use. Leather upholstery or its artificial substitutes have a large number of fans. It is easy to care for and does not wear as much. However, in the cold season, leather upholstery does not retain heat. It also does not tolerate sudden temperature changes.

Set of cases made by yourself

You can also sew a cover for a car seat with your own hands from polycotton. This material combines the positive properties of polyester and natural cotton. The fabric is machine washable, so caring for it is very easy.

When using velor, you can make inserts from other materials. This will highlight the advantages of the fabric and add individuality to covers or capes.

Fur upholstery made from natural and artificial materials is popular. A large selection of materials and colors will help you create any image for your car interior.

Preparing for surgery

Before you start sewing covers or cutting them out, you need to prepare the tools:

  • sewing machine;
  • a set of sewing needles and pins;
  • cutting chalk or marker;
  • tailor's meter;
  • tailor's scissors and a construction knife.

Pattern for universal covers

Measurements are taken from the car seats in advance. In order to transfer all the patterns onto paper, you can use newspapers or album sheets glued on one side with tape. Some beginners use large-area oilcloth, however, it is not very convenient to work with.

When transferring dimensions to a pattern, you need to remember to add 1-2 cm to the seams on all sides.

Sewing process

After you have prepared a pattern for car covers with your own hands, you need to start connecting the parts. When stitching, you can additionally strengthen the seam with a strong insert made of leather or nylon tape. This will ensure durability and practicality of the covers.

The main fabric should not be too soft. This may give the item a baggy appearance. To give it shape, the side inserts can be made from a more rigid material, providing a more durable frame for the entire structure, as well as diluting the design with a new texture.

Pattern for the lower part of the chair Pattern for the front seat Side and rear sofa Pattern for the headrest

On finished goods Be sure to add ribbons, elastic bands or hooks for good fixation. With their help, the covers do not slide off the chairs.

When forming a pattern and sewing it together, it is necessary to comply with the design features of the back sofa. It may have an armrest in the middle. You need to make sure that new covers do not reduce the convenience of the car and allow you to enjoy all the advantages of the design.

The rear passenger seat is often divided into two parts for reclining and access to the trunk. This way you can transport long loads. New covers must take this feature of cars into account. When cutting and sewing, you need to cover the chair on all sides with new covers.


Foreign cars can be equipped with end airbags. In order not to reduce the level of protection for passengers and the driver, it is necessary to ensure that the seams at the exit points of the airbags are sewn with weak threads. You can also leave neat machined slits for this operation.

If you're tired of taking your car seats to the dry cleaner for the umpteenth time, perhaps it's time to think about purchasing special protective covers. Of course, you can buy covers at any auto supply store. But isn't it more interesting to sew them yourself? After all, this way you will know for sure that the material is of high quality, and the seams are carefully worked out. In addition, you can make the pattern yourself and choose color scheme according to your taste and style of the entire car. An equally useful purchase is an awning that protects the car from the sun, dust and moisture. It’s very easy to make them yourself; you don’t even need any special tailoring skills.

Why do you need car seat covers?

Car seats get dirty very quickly. They appear greasy spots, crumbs, dust deposits. The pile can roll up and the overall appearance of the seats will not be very attractive. To protect yourself from all these problems, you just need to protect the chairs with special covers. Such capes have many advantages:

  • protect seats from cracks and scratches;
  • do not allow the seat upholstery to fade in the sun;
  • cleaned from dust;
  • they are easy to remove for washing;
  • create comfort in the car;
  • allow the driver to express his individuality.

You can even sew several covers different types and colors, and then change them to suit your mood, weather or season.

Making a chair cover with your own hands

Sewing a seat cover yourself is not too difficult. The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  • selection of cover type and material;
  • taking seat measurements;
  • pattern making;
  • sewing a cover.

Selecting the type of case

First of all, decide what kind of case you need. All of them can be divided into several categories:

  • T-shirt capes;
  • model cases;
  • knitted covers;
  • massagers;
  • heated covers.

A T-shirt cape is one of the most versatile and popular types of covers among motorists. It got its name because of its specific style, which really resembles an ordinary undershirt. They are convenient and practical: they are easy to remove and clean from dirt. In winter, sitting on them is much warmer and more comfortable than sitting on cold leather upholstery. In addition, with proper selection of colors, such covers will look very stylish in the interior of the car. Choose a shade that matches the seats to make the covers as discreet as possible, or create a special accent with a contrasting color.

Model covers are made individually for each seat. They fit tightly and exactly follow the shape of the chairs. They are quite difficult to take off and put on for washing. You can order such covers only in special stores or car workshops.

Knitted capes resemble T-shirts in their properties, but are made not from ordinary fabric, but from yarn. If you have experience in crocheting, try making a cozy and original cover for yourself.

Massager capes differ not only original look, but also benefits for the body. It's no secret that a person's back experiences great physical exercise and can be very tired after a hard day at work. But with the modern rhythm of life, not everyone has free time to visit a doctor. This is where massagers come to the rescue. They can be divided into two types: passive and active.

Passive massagers were very often found on car seats in Soviet time. They consist of wooden balls or cylinders strung on a frame, which precisely apply pressure to your back and neck as you move.

But now active massagers are gaining more and more popularity. Outwardly, they look like regular T-shirts, but inside they have a special roller or vibration mechanism. It comes into action when you connect the cape to the cigarette lighter. With such a case, time spent in traffic jams and at traffic lights will fly by unnoticed.

Cases made from wooden elements cool quickly when low temperatures. Therefore, using them in winter will not be very comfortable.

And, of course, you can’t ignore the heated covers. Outwardly, they are similar to T-shirt capes, but at the same time they have a heating element that makes the seat warm even in the coldest weather.

Secrets of choosing material

The second step is choosing the material for the future product. Today, the car accessories market offers a wide range of fabrics and materials for sewing covers. Each of them has its own unique properties, Advantages and disadvantages. Choose the material based on your taste preferences and how you use your car. Among the most popular materials are the following:

  • natural and artificial leather (eco leather);
  • natural and artificial fur;
  • neoprene;
  • velours;
  • polycotton;
  • suede leather;
  • vinyl.

Genuine leather is one of the most popular materials for cases. It looks expensive and stylish, while being quite easy to care for. At proper care the leather cape will serve you for many years, and protection from ultraviolet rays will not let it fade in the sun. However, this material has a couple of significant drawbacks: for example, leather does not retain heat well, which will create inconvenience in cold weather. In addition, with sudden temperature changes, unsightly cracks may form on it. Eco-leather is a smart choice for those who want to get all the benefits of natural material, but are not ready to pay the full price.

No less popular are capes made of natural fur. Their main advantage is the ability to retain heat in cold weather, which, unfortunately, leather covers are not capable of. Sheep and goat wool are considered the highest quality materials: they do not fade and retain their original appearance for a long time. But faux fur cannot boast of the same. In addition, it is not as good as insulation as its natural counterpart. As a rule, faux fur covers serve only a decorative function.

The color range of both artificial and natural fur covers can be very diverse. Upon special order, the material will be painted in any color of the rainbow.

Perhaps the main disadvantage of such a cape is that it quickly becomes dirty. At the same time, you can clean it yourself only from dust and small crumbs. And even then you will need a car vacuum cleaner for this. But to get rid of large stains with bright color and only dry cleaning will help with the pungent odor.

Neoprene is a practical synthetic material that looks modest, but does not have any particular disadvantages. Neoprene is resistant to temperature changes and is not flammable. With regular cleaning, it will hardly wear out and change its properties. Neoprene is suitable for those who prefer practicality to beauty.

Making covers from velor is one of the most economical options due to the low cost of materials. It maintains a neutral temperature in any weather. It is quite easy to care for: timely washing and ironing will help it remain soft to the touch for a long time.

Polycotton, as you might guess from the name, combines the advantages of natural cotton and synthetic polyester. Due to its water-repellent properties, it can easily survive machine washing, so it is suitable for those who often carry small children and animals.

Suede covers are not so common among motorists, so they are suitable for those who love everything unusual. They look expensive and elegant, and with proper care they delight owners with their durability. The main thing is not to forget to clean the suede from dirt in a timely manner.

And finally, vinyl. This is a synthetic polymer material that is highly practical: it does not allow or absorb moisture, is difficult to get dirty and is easy to clean from dust and small stains.

Taking measurements for the future car cover

Just like when sewing regular clothes, before making a car seat cover, you need to take measurements from the seats. To do this you will need the following parameters:

  • height and width of seat backs;
  • length and width of the bottom pillow;

Note! The figures shown in the image are not universal for all car seats. Measure all the necessary parameters for making the pattern yourself.

Remember that when making a pattern you need to add a margin of 2-3 cm in each direction; it will come in handy when sewing the parts together.

For ease of work, you can take a regular oilcloth, which is slightly larger than the dimensions of the seat. Then use a marker to transfer the outline of the chair onto it, paying attention to the seams. After this, you need to cut out the resulting diagram along the contours and cut it into its component parts. This blank will help you accurately transfer the pattern onto the fabric.

Nuances of patterns for car seats

In order to make a pattern, and subsequently sew a high-quality cape for a car using it, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • markers;
  • meter tape;
  • chalk for cutting;
  • sharp tailor's scissors;
  • stationery knife with a wide, dense blade;
  • a set of threads of suitable colors;
  • needles and pins;
  • sewing machine.
  1. In order to make a pattern for covers, you need to do the following:
  2. Take the prepared polyethylene parts and, using chalk, carefully transfer their contours onto the fabric. Remember to spare centimeters on each side.
  3. Place the pieces on the fabric in such a way as to use its entire surface and leave as few empty areas as possible. In this case, the distances must be calculated so as not to accidentally touch the adjacent part with scissors. Even if you have never sewed before, remember your school crafts lessons and crafts made from colored paper.
  4. Before cutting out the pieces, cut the fabric into several small pieces. This will make your work more convenient.
  5. Carefully cut out the pattern, helping in some places with a utility knife.
  6. If the fabric is very wrinkled during the previous steps, you can lightly iron or steam it. This will make the stitching process easier.

Patterns of seat covers for Volga car in the photo

pattern diagram for the front seat of a Volga car pattern diagram for the rear seat of a Volga car pattern diagram for the rear seat cushion of a Volga car

Table: Important explanations for machine parts

Item no.DetailNumber of parts per case
I. Front seat cover (Fig. 1)
Front seat cushion cover assembly (1)
2 Front end1
3 and 4Side part2 (left and right)
5 Top part1
6 Holder5
Front seat back cover (7)
8 Rear end1
9 Top part1
10 Front end1
11 and 12Side part2 (left and right)
II. Rear seat cushion cover (Fig. 2)
13 Front end1
14 and 15Side extension2 (right and left)
16 and 17Side part2 (right and left)
18 Top part1
19 Holder12
III. Rear seat back cover (Fig. 3)
20 Front end1
21 Top part1
22 Rear end1
23 and 24Side part2 (right and left)
25 Holder14

Of course, the size and shape of the parts will vary depending on the make and model of the car. Refer to the images shown here to correctly cut the material for your car seats.

That's it, your pattern is ready. All that remains is to assemble the parts together.

Sewing a cover: step-by-step guide

After you have cut out all the components of your capes from the fabric, you need to carefully sew them together. It was for these purposes that spare centimeters were left at the edges of the parts. First, connect the pieces of fabric using pins, and then finish with a hand basting stitch. If you make a mistake at any stage, such a seam will be easy to rip.

Once you are sure that you have done everything correctly, start sewing the elements together using a machine.

If you choose for the case soft cloth, but want to increase its density and strength, use the following trick: make similar patterns on the mattress fabric, and then sew each piece with the wrong side inward. For even greater compaction, fill the covers with foam rubber.

To keep the chair in place, take care of the fixing elements: hooks, elastic bands and garters.

Don't forget about the design features of your seats, such as seat belts and an armrest in the back row. In addition, the covers must not interfere with the deployment of the airbags. Take care in advance to create the necessary slots in these places.

To make the seams stronger and more durable, add durable leather or nylon tape to them.

Video: how to sew a car cover with your own hands

Why do you need a car awning?

Few people think about how useful a car awning is. If you do not have your own garage, or it is located far away, such a protective cover will protect your car from many harmful influences. Imagine that you and your family went out into the countryside, but suddenly it began to hail: large ice peas can seriously damage the car’s surface, and sometimes even break the windows. To prevent this from happening, cover the car with an awning.

Thus, the case performs many useful functions:

  • protects the car's paintwork from fading in the sun;
  • protects against rain, hail and snow;
  • prevents dust from entering the mechanism;
  • reliably protects the car from birds and street animals.

As you can see for yourself, this is an extremely useful accessory that can be easily carried with you in the trunk of your car and used at the right time.

There are two main types of awning fabric:

  • Oxford;
  • tarpaulin.

Oxford is a synthetic fabric impregnated with polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane. Its density can reach 500 g/m2.

Tarpaulin is a material consisting of durable polyethylene threads that are tightly woven together. It is laminated on both sides with a special light-stabilized film.

The materials are united by increased strength and resistance to temperature changes. At the same time, the air underneath can circulate freely, which means that moisture will not accumulate on the walls of the car. Such an awning will not fade in the sun itself, and will not allow this to happen to your paint.

It is quite easy to care for such materials: clean them as they become dirty with a brush, and periodically wash them in a regular automatic machine. The average price for fabric for awnings varies between 70–180 rubles per m2.

Making a car awning with your own hands

Sewing a car awning with your own hands is much easier than, for example, seat covers. It is easy to work with durable fabric, because it will not tear or stretch under the sewing machine needle. In this case, minor flaws on the seams will be invisible to prying eyes.

The procedure is almost the same as when sewing chair covers. Except that the awnings have only one style, and the variety of materials is not so high. Use the same set of tools as when working with seat covers.

Making a pattern

The work begins with machine measurements. You can greatly simplify this process by looking at the instruction manual: as a rule, all the main parameters of the model are indicated there. But for reliability, check all measurements with a meter tape.

There are two ways to sew an awning:

  • longitudinal parts;
  • transverse parts.

Using the method with longitudinal parts, you separately prepare three parts: one upper part, passing over the hood, cabin roof and trunk of the car, as well as two side parts.

  1. Measure the length of the top from the front to the rear bumper.
  2. Measure the width along the windshield.
  3. Measure the height of the car in the area of ​​the hood, cabin and trunk.
  4. To make the cover fit more freely, add 20–25 cm on each side.
  5. Based on the obtained values, transfer the diagrams of the three longitudinal stripes onto film or paper, and from there onto the fabric.

An awning sewn using transverse parts looks a little different. It also consists of three parts, but they are located in the area of ​​the hood, cabin and luggage compartment.

  1. Measure the hood from the middle of the right to the middle of the left wheel.
  2. Measure the width of the hood from the license plate to the windshield.
  3. In the same way, measure the width and length of the cabin, and then the trunk.
  4. Add 20–25 cm on each side.
  5. Transfer the outlines of the three transverse stripes onto the paper and then onto the fabric.

Thus, if you use the first method, the seams of the parts will be along the contours of the top of the car. And with the transverse method, the seams will pass under the windshield and rear glass.

Both methods are quite simple both in cutting and in the sewing process. Choose the one that seems more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing to you.

We sew an awning

To sew dense pieces of fabric, use special threads with polyester reinforcement. Connect the edges of the parts with pins and finish with a basting stitch. Try it on your car. If everything fits as it should, sew the seams using a sewing machine.

If your car does not have the function of pressing the side mirrors, do not forget to make a margin of up to 50 cm for them.

Stretch a regular elastic band along the bottom contour of the awning and stitch the fabric. This way it won’t lie on the ground and get dirty.

Your protective car cover is ready! Now you are not afraid of either the scorching sun or the snowstorm.

The new awning will perfectly protect your car from external influences, and seat covers will help keep the inside of the car clean. At the same time, it is not necessary to order them from workshops: sewing covers yourself is not the most difficult job. In addition, you can show your imagination: choose one fabric for your chairs or try combining several. For example, combinations of suede and polycotton, leather and velor look interesting. Show your imagination and choose different textures and colors of materials, and your car will sparkle with new colors.