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How to knit a hat for a girl using knitting needles - yarn, patterns and descriptions for beginners. Posts tagged children's hat with knitting needles Knitted hat for a 6 year old girl

Children's hats, scarves and mittens, knitted or crocheted

Now, if there’s anything worth learning to knit for, it’s to knit a hat for your child. Today in children's clothing stores you are unlikely to find a knitted hat containing 100% baby cashmere or alpaca wool. IN best case scenario you will come across a wool blend hat (50% wool and 50% acrylic). But knitting a baby hat with knitting needles or crochet is not at all that difficult; just basic knitting skills, a little patience and inspiration are enough.

Knitting patterns for children's hats are mostly universal, and to knit a hat for a girl you need to choose yarn in light or variegated shades, and if you are knitting a hat for a boy, then give preference to calmer tones. Also don’t forget to add a hat and knit or crochet a children’s scarf. Knitting children's scarf It will take you a few hours, and as a result you will get a warm and cozy thing for your child.

Well, what would a walk be without warm mittens? Knitting mittens for a child will require a little more time and patience, but on the Kolibri website you will find detailed descriptions how to knit mittens with knitting needles, as well as patterns for knitting mittens and ideas for implementing various models.

An original youth hat with a large pompom will appeal to young girls who like to attract attention with interesting additions to the main image. You can pair it with a lemon or light green scarf, which will add a touch of completeness to the look. Wool and acrylic threads are selected for this model in a ratio of 1 to 1. In addition to aesthetic functions...

Versatile and incredible simple model knitted shirtfront, which will look equally good on both a three-year-old child and a girl of eight years old. This convenient item has several important advantages: Ease of manufacture. You do the front and rear halves separately, and then simply connect them together. Convenience for the child himself; ...

Do you want to give your child an original and useful gift? Even if you haven’t knitted anything for a long time, this shirtfront is so simple that you can easily cope with the task. Beautiful colour The girl will definitely like the yarn. And if not, you can always choose a material of a different shade for knitting. It doesn't matter at all. Dickey...

A hat for a little fashionista is knitted from yarn emerald color. The hat is knitted with the “Leaves” pattern, it turns out light and openwork, so it is not suitable for cold weather, but for warm autumn or late spring will be very useful in the baby’s wardrobe. The description is given for a two-year-old girl. To knit this hat, it is better to choose...

Children's set of snood and warm knitted hat. A simple knitting pattern is quite accessible even to beginners. So you should try it. Firstly, this is a great experience, and secondly, there is nothing complicated, and the costs of the material are minimal. For this kit you will need to purchase green yarn from your local craft store...

A charming set for a little fashionista consisting of a hat and scarf will definitely please your princess. After all, wearing such accessories, she will definitely not go unnoticed by her friends. However, if you wish to change the yarn, select it with caution. After all, it is extremely important to choose one that will not inject the baby later. A good option might be...

I bring to your attention an original children's set, consisting of a warm hat with an original pattern and a cute scarf-collar. You have already seen this model of scarves more than once in the form of adult models, which are known as snood. This is a very comfortable thing that protects your neck from cold and wind. In addition, such an item of clothing looks very...

Cast on 17 stitches freely +2 edge stitches
1 r: purl
2 r (knit side): 1 purl, * 1 knit, (yarn over, 1 knit) -2 times, 1 purl * (25 sts)
3 p: k1 * p5, k1 *
4 p: P1 * K2, yo, K1, yo, K2, P1 * (33p)
5 r: k1 * p7, k1 *
6 p: P1 * K3, yo, K1, yo, K3, P1 * (41p)
7 r: k1 * p9, k1 *
8 p: P1 *K4, yo, K1, yo, K4, P1 * (49p)
9 r: k1 * p11, k1 *
10 r: P1 * K5, yo, K1, yo, K5, P1 * (57p)
11 r: k1 *p13, k1*
12 r: P1 * K6, yo, K1, yo, K6, P1 * (65p)
13 r: k1 * p15, k1 *
14 r: p1 * k7, yo, k1, yo, k7, p1 * (73p)
15 r: k1, p17 * from one p. k2 - behind the front. and back wall, purl 17 * knit 1 (76p)
16 r: 1 knit, yarn over, 2 vm. faces with a tilt to the left, 13 persons, 2 vm. faces with a slant to the right, yarn over
* K2, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 13 persons, 2 vm. knit with a slant to the right, yarn over * 1 knit
17 r: purl
18 r: k2, yarn over, 2 vm. faces with a tilt to the left, 11 faces, 2 vm. faces with a slant to the right, yarn over
* K4, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 11 faces, 2 vm. knit, slanted to the right, yarn over * k2
19 r: k3, p13 * k6, p13 * k3
20 r: 3 persons, yo, 2 vm. faces with a tilt to the left, 9 persons, 2 vm. faces with a slant to the right, yarn over
* Knit 6, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 9 persons, 2 vm. knit, slanted to the right, yarn over * knit 3

21 r: purl
22 r: k4, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 7 faces, 2 vm. faces with a slant to the right, yarn over
*Knit 8, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 7 faces, 2 vm. Knitted to the right, yarn over * knit 4
23 r: k5, p9 * k10, p9 * k5
24 r: knit 5, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 5 faces, 2 vm. faces with a slant to the right, yarn over
* Knit 10, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 5 faces, 2 vm. knitted to the right, yarn over * knit 5
25 r: purl
26 r: 6 knits, yarn over, 2 vm. faces with a tilt to the left, 3 persons, 2 vm. faces with a slant to the right, yarn over
* Knit 12, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 3 persons, 2 vm. Knitted to the right, yarn over * 6 knits
27 r: k7, p5 * k14, p5 * k7
28 R: K7, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 1 person, 2 vm. faces with a slant to the right, yarn over
* K14, yarn over, 2 in. faces with a tilt to the left, 1 person, 2 vm. knit, slanted to the right, yarn over * knit 7
29 r: purl
30 r: 8 knit, yarn over, 3 vm. knit (middle loop in the center), yarn over * knit 16, yarn over, 3 inm. knit (middle loop in the center), yarn over * knit 8
31-32 r: persons
33 r: purl
34 r: (2 knits) - 3 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 7 times * (2 knits) - 6 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 7 times * (2 knits) ) - 3 times (84p)
35-36 r: persons
37 r: purl
38 r: (2 knits) - 3 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 9 times * (2 knits) - 6 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 9 times * (2 knits) ) - 3 times (100p)
39-40 r: persons
41 r: purl
42 r: (2 knits) - 4 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 9 times * (2 knits) - 8 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 9 times * (2 knits) ) - 4 times (108p)
43-44 r: persons
RUR 45: purl
46 r: (2 knits) - 4 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 11 times * (2 knits) - 8 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 11 times * (2 knits) ) - 4 times (124p)
47-48 r: persons
49 r: purl
50 RUR: (Knit 2) - 5 times, yo, (Knit 1, yo) - 11 times * (Knit 2) - 10 times, yo, (Knit 1, yo) - 11 times * (Knit 2) - 10 times, yo ) - 5 times (132p)
51-52 r: persons
53 r: purl
54 rubles: (2 vm.) - 5 times, 1 knit, (yarn over, 1 knit) - 12 times * (2 vm. knit) - 10 times, 1 knit (yarn over, 1 knit) - 12 times * (2 vm. persons) - 5 times (140p)
55-56 r: persons
57 r: purl
58 r: (2 knits) - 6 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 11 times * (2 knits) - 12 times, yo, (1 knit, yo) - 11 times * (2 knits) )- 6 times
RUR 59: persons
60 RUR: * 2 persons, 2 persons. persons* (105 p). Close all loops freely.

In order to connect bright and original hat with a flirty bow for a girl 4-5 years old required:

  • 75–90 g orange and 25–30 g white yarn YarnArt Baby (150 m / 50 g, 100% acrylic)
  • and knitting needles No. 4.

Pattern 1. Elastic band 1x1: knit rows – k1, purl 1; purl rows - according to the drawing.
Pattern 2. Front stitch: front rows - with front loops, purl rows - according to the pattern.
Pattern 3. “Rice”: front rows – k1, p1, finish with k1; purl rows – purl 1, knit 1, finish purl 1.
Loop calculation: 2 p x 1 cm horizontally.


Cast on 79 stitches with orange yarn on size 4 needles.

Knit 6 rows (2 cm) with pattern 1.

This will be the headband of the cap. The width in an unstretched state should be 30-31 cm.

Next go to pattern 2.

Knit 8 rows (3 cm).

From the right edge of the fabric, tie an additional white thread to the working thread. Work 1 row of faces with it. loops.

Starting from the next (purl) row, go to pattern 3. Make 4 rows. At the end of each purl. row, knit the edge loop with threads of two colors: orange and white. Then knit 1 row with purl stitches, cut off white yarn and fix it.

Next, continue the work with orange yarn, pattern 2.

Knit 12 rows (4 cm) in an even fabric.

Then you need to start shaping the bottom of the cap. To do this, not counting the first two loops, divide the loops on the knitting needle into 7 equal parts.
79 – 2 = 77 p
77: 7 = 11 p
You will get 7 wedges of 11 stitches each. At the beginning of each of them, knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left (behind the back walls).

Next, perform decreases in faces. rows, knitting the first 2 sts of each wedge together until there are 23 sts left on the needles.

Transfer them to long hook, cut the working thread, pull it through all the loops and tighten tightly.

Sew the edges of the cap with a vertical knit stitch. To do this, from the front side of the fabric, insert the hook into the horizontal broaches of two loops located next to the right edge. Pull the thread through them. Then insert the hook into the same broaches of two loops located next to the left edge. Sew the product in this way and secure the end of the thread.

The knitted hat is ready. But you also need to tie a bow that will serve as decoration.


Cast on 16 sts with white yarn on size 4 needles.

Knit 46 rows with pattern 3 and bind off all stitches.

Fold the resulting rectangle into the shape of a bow. Wrap yarn around it in the middle, imitating a knot.

Then sew the resulting bow to the white stripe on the knitted hat. Hide the ends of the cut yarn on the wrong side of the hat.

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


Fashion today pampers both children and adults, offering the most different variants clothes. Thanks to this, each person can stand out in the crowd by choosing their own original image. From an early age, children want to go to beautiful things. You can dress your child on a budget but attractively with the help of needlework. Simple hat for girls it is easy to knit, according to simple circuits, even if you are new to knitting. The design can be chosen for a child of any age.

How to knit a hat for a girl

Creating a beautiful and original piece of clothing is not at all difficult if you have the desire and a little patience. Knitted hats for girls in the form of a snood, a helmet, a hood, or a panama hat are noticeable accessories in any look, and knitting them is not difficult even for a novice craftswoman. All you need is to choose the knitting description you like, preferably with a photo, arm yourself with knitting tools and buy a couple of balls of yarn. If you have unnecessary knitted items suitable color, feel free to disband them and create new models in the next master classes.

Schemes and descriptions for beginners

Simple patterns and uncomplicated models, which are best to choose if you are a novice needlewoman, will allow you to knit a baby hat for a girl in just a few hours. Models designed for newborns or thin summer options are especially easy to create. The speed of knitting depends not only on skill, but also on the thickness of the threads and tools for work.

Winter hat with a simple pattern

For a cute warm knitted winter hat for girls with knitting needles, purchase 100 g of dark gray yarn and 25 g of pink yarn. Choose knitting tools No. 4.5. Then follow the instructions:

  • For a head with a girth of 46/48, cast on 120 loops Pink colour, distributing them evenly on four socks. Then knit a 2.5 centimeter high bar in the round. This is 11 rows in garter stitch.
  • When finished, switch to gray thread and knit with stockinette stitch.
  • For 39 rub. (approximately 9.5 cm) begin to decrease 15 stitches, then 2 need to be knitted, tilting them to the left. To do this, you need to remove 1, knit the next one, and pull the removed one through it.
  • Then everything is repeated: 1 l., 2 knit. Repeat this 6 times to reduce the number of loops to 108.
  • Then count 6 rubles twice and repeat the decreases.
  • Then - every 4 p., every 2, until there are 24 p. left that need to be pulled together.
  • Decorate the side of the product with a small white flower or beads.

For a newborn

The peculiarity of knitting clothes for a newborn is that it should be as simple as possible. For this model, purchase 50 g of light beige yarn. The work will be done with knitting needles No. 2, 3, 5. First, take numbers 2 and 5, cast on 80 stitches, distributing them evenly across 4. A hat for a girl is knitted with an elastic band in circular rows of 3 centimeters. Continue working in the round at number 3. In the first round you need to decrease 8 loops. Then make a decrease every 10 cm in every 2 circles. Repeat this three times, after which you knit 2 stitches in each 2nd circle. Pull the remaining rows together.


If you want a lightweight flyable model, choose cotton yarn in rich colors. The work will use an elastic band, purl stitch, then knit stitch. Measure the baby's head, divide the amount by 10 centimeters. Then cast on a row of loops of this length and count how many loops there are in it. Multiply the number of loops by the previously obtained amount and round it so that it is divisible by 6. Then it is convenient to divide the fabric into wedges. Next do the following:

  • Until 13 p.m. knit the elastic with two knit stitches and two purl stitches.
  • 14 rub. consists only of facial loops.
  • The next two consist of only purls.
  • The next two consist again of facial ones.
  • Then you knit two rows again.
  • 22nd r. changes to facial. Every 10th and 11th loop in it is knitted together. Mark the places of the ligaments with a thread of a different color.
  • Next, knit 2 p. alternate faces, purl.
  • For 27 r. begin to decrease 2 loops at the marks.
  • At the end, pull the thread through the entire product, pull it tight, fasten, and sew the sides.


For a spring hat, take knitting needles number 6 and 7; you will also need a needle and scissors. The product will be made with an elastic band and a braid pattern. You will need 100 g of yarn. Get started:

  • Cast on 54 loops. Knit 5 centimeters with an elastic band, alternately knit 2, purl 1.
  • Next, add 1 loop in each purl. You will get 72.
  • Continue to No. 7. Work row 2/2 (knit/purl).
  • Next is a row of faces. and purl, tied together.
  • Alternate one row: k2. with one purl..
  • In this row, purl all the stitches.
  • Knit one row.
  • Knit 2 r. like this: all loops are two.
  • Finish by tightening and securing the auxiliary thread.

Children's hat with ears for girls

For a children's hat with ears, prepare 100 g of wool or cashmere yarn, knitting needles number 5.5. For this model, the technique of elastic band and stocking stitch is used. Get started:

  • Decide on the number of loops depending on the circumference of your head.
  • The first row is knitted with an elastic band. To do this, the first loop is removed, the second is knitted purl, then knit, and so on. When you reach the middle loop, mark it with thread.
  • At the marked location, pull the line out of the knitting needle to pull half of the stitches towards the left. The right loops remain in place. Continue working. At the end of the row, pull the line again.
  • Knit 5 centimeters with an elastic band.
  • Next, knit 5 r. only persons. loops.
  • In the next row, decrease by knitting two stitches as one.
  • Repeat the decreases 5 times every 5 rubles. on the sixth.
  • Try on the hat for your child. If it's just right, finish the job.
  • Using a hook, make eyes, inserting it into the loop on the far, then on the near knitting needle. At this time they are kept parallel to each other. This will close all the loops.


This hat is suitable for children aged 3-4 years. It will protect your baby's ears well from the cold. The head circumference is 52 cm. The work is performed with a 6 mm knitting tool. The loops must be crossed, removing 2 loops on an additional knitting needle and placing them before work. Then knit 2 on the left, then 2 knit with an additional one:

  • “Ears” are knitted in 11 rows, starting the first with 4 stitches and ending with the 12th, each time adding 2 stitches at the beginning and at the end of the row.
  • Knit the first part and set it aside, do not break the second thread, but pick up 14 stitches on it on the right, then connect to the left side.
  • Next, you need to knit the loops into the pattern, knit 14 cast-on loops, pick up another 24 stitches, and connect in a circular row.
  • Next, the headdress is knitted in a circle, 6 r each. crossing is performed.
  • You need to make a 16-centimeter fabric, then decrease, leaving only 14 stitches.
  • Finally, pull the thread through them and secure.
  • Make a binding of 88 stitches along the product.
  • Knit 2 rows with an elastic band. from 2 persons. and 2 out.


This product is intended for children from six months to 12 months with a head circumference of 43-48 cm. From materials, prepare 1 skein of acrylic yarn, 3.75 and 4 mm knitting needles, two stitch holders, and a needle.

  • Take smaller needles and cast on 82 sts.
  • Front side up to 2nd p. knit with an elastic band according to the pattern: 1 p., 2 knit., 2 p., then repeat everything until the end, where 1 knit stitch closes.
  • 3rd r. consists of knit 3, purl 2, knit 2. Then put 7 stitches on the holder, knit with an elastic band to the final 7 loops.
  • After this, turn the work over and set aside the last 7 stitches.
  • Take a 4-mm tool, knit 4 stitches, add a loop, and knit until the last 4, which you make into knit stitches.
  • Continue knitting in garter stitch until you reach 16.5cm.
  • Decrease by knitting 6 r. and closing 5 p.
  • For another 3 rubles. close in 3 stitches, then bind off all the loops and sew the seam.
  • Knit the neckline from the front side with small knitting needles evenly around the entire circumference.
  • Make 2 p. from the wrong side with an elastic band, repeating up to 5 cm in height. Close the loops and sew the seam.
  • At the end you need to sew on a button for the fastener.

Beret for children

A funny beret will be great to wear in the spring, the instructions described are suitable for a head with a circumference of 53-56 cm. The beret will lie beautifully on the back of the head. It will require 2 skeins of yarn, circular knitting needles sizes 2.5 and 3 mm:

  • It is necessary to cast on the tool 2.5 mm 112 stitches using an Italian cast-on and connect them in a circular row.
  • The next step is an elastic band of 2 rubles.
  • Next, alternate knit 1, purl 1. 4 cm in height.
  • Then knit on 3 mm, add. To do this, knit 1 purl, add a loop, then 1 knit, add a loop again, 2 knits, increase, 1 knit, increase again. Repeat 14 times until you get 182 sts.
  • This is followed by knitting with a pattern called “Leaves and Vine”, which consists of 8 p. They are repeated 5 times. Then 6 rubles. 1 time.
  • For 17 r. Decrease is performed until there are 17 stitches left that need to be pulled together.

Openwork hat

Prepare 1 skein of yarn of the desired color, knitting tool number 3. Depending on the time of year, choose the density of the threads. For more interesting looking For a future hat for a girl, you can use knitting threads of 2 colors. The following product is suitable for babies aged 1-3 months:

  • Cast on 93 sts. Knit the rib in 4 rows 1 to 1.
  • At 5 p.m. the pattern begins. It is performed by knitting 1 purl, 5 knits. loops
  • In the next 3 r. knit 1 purl, 2 together, 1 yarn over, knit 1, 1 yarn over again, the last 2 loops together with the front stitch.
  • Knit the next row as the stitches go.
  • Repeat the previous 3 times again. Knit 10 centimeters.
  • For 55 rub. the bottom is done. To do this, divide the loops by 6. Every 2 first and 2 last are knitted into one.
  • When you decrease to 21 sts, pass the thread through the product and tighten.
  • All that remains is to connect it at the back and sew on a lace for tying.


The following scheme is suitable for girls up to three months. You will need yarn desired shade, double needles 4 mm. The knit stitch is done like this: you need to knit knit stitches on the front side, purl stitches on the back side. For purl stitch, purl stitches are knitted on the right side, knit stitches on the opposite side. Then the work is done like this:

  • Dial 26 p.
  • Knit 3 r. stockinette stitch.
  • Cast on 8 stitches in garter stitch and 18 in purl stitch. Next, alternate them until you get 45 scars per stitch.
  • Knit 3 more rows. stockinette stitch.
  • Close the loops and sew the seam.

Pattern Schemes

For decoration knitted products Several basic ornaments are used. It’s worth going through the lessons on them once, and your knitted hat for a girl will turn out beautiful and original:

  • Honeycomb pattern. The number of loops in it is a multiple of four plus two edge loops. Each row begins and ends with an edge loop. In the first row, after it there is a crossed loop behind the back wall, then behind the front. 2, 4, 6, 8 r. Knit only with purl stitches. Z r. consists of facial loops. 5 rub. repeats the first one. 7 rub. consists of facial loops. This pattern is repeated the required number of times.
  • Openwork pattern leaves need to be knitted according to a specific pattern. It will indicate the number of front rows, and the back rows must be created based on the drawing. “Leaves” are obtained by alternating yarn overs with decreases while knitting 2-3 stitches together. These techniques are done only in the front loops, and the purl loops correspond to the pattern. Yarns in them are knitted purlwise.
  • Braid pattern. The first row consists of 2 purl, 8 knit, 2 purl. In 2, 3, 4, purl stitches are knitted above the knit stitches, and knit stitches are knitted over the knit stitches. 5 rub. starts with 2 purl, then 4 pieces are removed without knitting to the auxiliary one. Next you need to knit 4 faces. loops. Slip the first 4 stitches from the auxiliary stitch onto the main stitch and knit. Then everything is repeated.
  • The plait pattern is knitted according to many patterns. For example, with inclined hinges. To do this, cast on a number of loops that are a multiple of 10. To them you need to add 2 stitches for symmetry, 2 edge stitches. 1 rub. starts with two purls, then 4 knits, the eighth, ninth are removed to the auxiliary, followed by 2 knits, then 2 knits. with auxiliary, last - 2 purls. All even rows are knitted with purl stitches in the front row, and vice versa in the purl row. 3 r. repeats the second, but 5 and 6 sts are removed. In 5 p. everything is the same, only 3 and 4 are removed. From 7 p.m. everything starts all over again.

For a teenage girl

A teenage girl is more picky than Small child, but you can cope with the task if you choose one of the knitting patterns in trends that are fashionable today. Spectacular knitted models hats with cat ears, fashionable knitted ruffle trim, pompom decoration, jacquard patterns. A beanie hat for girls with an elongated top can please even the most stylish young fashionista.

Cat hat with embroidery

A cute baby hat is knitted for girls stockinette stitch, along which the cat's muzzle is knitted. Knitting tools are used circular or regular. In the second case, the halves of the hat will need to be sewn together. In addition, you will need 90 g of light-colored yarn, 5 g of black for embroidering the nose and eyes. Then follow the diagram:

  • Take the circular ones at number 4, cast on 68 sts.
  • Knit 1 p. facial, 1 r. purl stitch. This is an elastic band. By this alternation you need to perform 10 r. Loop density – 15.
  • Then knit another 38 rows in stockinette stitch.
  • For 39 rub. close the loops.
  • At the final stage, you need to make a seam, embroider a design with black threads in the form of eyes and a nose.

Double winter with large bubo

To knit a hat for the winter you will need to spend about 100 grams of yarn. Both layers, the top and the lining, are knitted in two threads. Start with a sample:

  • Cast on 20 stitches using thin knitting needles.
  • Remove the edge, yarn over, then knit, yarn over, knit again.
  • At 2 p.m. Yarn over before the edge is not done. Remove purl, knit, and so on.
  • Make 8 p. in a circle, where all purl loops are removed and knit stitches are knitted.
  • The stacked row can be unraveled, using non-circular larger ones.
  • Close the elastic by removing the edge, knitting and purling together 2 times. Then purl, knit, 2 are knitted together, 2 are knitted together again. Repeat.
  • Knit a braid of purl 7, knit 12, purl 7. Do this 6 times. After this, the loops need to be crossed.
  • Now it's time for the top of the hat. It will require about 70 p.
  • Knitting a braid. It consists of 3 purl. at the beginning and at the end, in the middle, alternate 12 faces. with 6 p.
  • After 3 p.m. up starts decreasing every 4 p. To do this, there are two purl sides on the sides of the braids. are knitted together.
  • Without lifting the elastic, loops for the inner lining are cast on. Purl 1 row, knit rows next. Periodically apply the pad to the top to reduce it in time. This is done in the same way as in the upper part.
  • Sew the two pieces together.
  • A pom pom is made by wrapping string around two circles of cardboard.
  • Then they are cut along the edge and tied tightly in the middle.
  • The pompom needs to be carefully trimmed and tied to the hat.
  • Decorate the product with snowflakes.

The cold weather is coming, it's time to warm up your beloved daughters. A hat for a girl, knitted with her own hands - this is the case when you can make it for your baby fashion accessory. If you have ever held knitting needles in your hands, then this is not a problem. We have chosen the most interesting and stylish models. Here are detailed descriptions with diagrams for the header and two sets.

For this stylish hat, thick yarn, peach or light brown. Then the flower on the hat will look especially interesting. The flower is made with a size 5.5 or 6 crochet hook. A large light-colored linen button is sewn right in the middle of the flower. A master class for a cap and a flower is attached. Head circumference 48-50 cm.

To work you will need:

  1. Single or circular knitting needles size 6.
  2. Beige or brown thick yarn - 100 grams.
  3. A little light thick yarn for the flower.
  4. Needle with a large eye.
  5. Button with 4 holes.
  6. Crochet hook for flower.

The number of stitches you cast on must be a multiple of 6. In this work we use a 2/2 elastic band, knit and purl stitch. Cast on 60 loops in the round or simple knitting needles. If you knit on simple ones, at the end you will just need to sew the side seam. To find out how many loops you need to cast on, measure the volume of the baby’s head, knit a piece of 10/10 cm. Let’s say the volume of the head is 48 cm, and in 10 cm you get 18 loops. Therefore, you need to dial: 48:10*18 =86.4. And we need the number to be divisible by 6, so we round up = 84 loops.

  • Rows 1-13: knit with 2/2 rib: knit 2, purl 2. In the next row, knit as the knitting looks.
  • Row 14: knit the entire row.
  • Rows 15-16: purl the entire row, the second row as the knitting looks.
  • Rows 17-19: knit the entire row, the second row is knitted as it looks (purl).
  • Rows 20-21: purl the entire row.
  • Row 22: Knit, knit together every 10th and 11th stitch. We mark these places with pins or colored thread - we will be guided by them. At the end we should have 55 loops left.
  • 23-24 rows: the entire row is knitted, the second row is knitted as it looks.
  • Rows 25-26: purl the entire row, the second row as the knitting looks.
  • Row 27: we begin to decrease the loops. Decrease 2 stitches at each mark.

We finish the work: we pull the thread through all the remaining loops and tighten it tighter. We fasten and fix. Sew the sides of the hat.

Take the hook big size, for example number 6. It should be large and voluminous. Let's start crocheting a flower for a hat.

  • 1st row: 2 sc in each loop = 8 loops.
  • 2nd row: 2 VP (chain loops)*, SS (connecting stitch) in the next loop, 2 VP, repeat from* = 8 arches.
  • 3rd row: SS in the arch*, 1 VP, 2 Dc (dc) in the arch, 1 VP, SS in the next row. arch, repeat from* along.
  • 4th row: join yarn to second row. Next - knit SS in the arch* 3VP, SS in the next. arch, repeat from * = 8 arches.
  • 5th row: (SBN, 1 VP, 3 SSN, 1 VP, 1 RLS) - in each arch.
  • Row 6: Join yarn to row 4. We knit SS in the arch *, 4 VP, SS in the next. arch, repeat from * along = 8 arches.
  • 7th row (sc, 1 ch, 5 dc, 1 ch, 1sc) - in each arch.

We finish the flower and sew on the button.

For a girl from 2 to 14 years old (diagrams). A beautiful cozy hat with an interesting pattern and a scarf from the same yarn can be knitted with your own hands on knitting needles for a child from two to fourteen years old. For a hat you will need 2 skeins of 50 grams of wool, for a scarf - 4 skeins of 50 grams. The scarf is 150 cm long. Description for girls (2-4), (6-8), (10-14) years old.

Knitting a hat

So, we are knitting a hat for a girl on knitting needles 6 and 7 mm. It is better to use wool or wool and mohair yarn. When buying yarn, run a skein over your face: the yarn should not be prickly, and the child has delicate skin. Hat pattern: 2/1 elastic band and braid pattern. Knitting needles are used either circular or regular. If you knit normally, the side seam is sewn at the end of the work.

To work you need:

  1. Yarn - 100 grams (80% wool, 20% mohair).
  2. Knitting needles number 6 and number 7.
  3. Needle.
  4. Scissors.

For the hat, cast on 54, 60, 66 stitches on needles number 6. Knit with a 2/1 elastic band: knit 2, purl 1. We knit an elastic band with a height of 5 cm.

On the next row, add 1 stitch to each purl stitch. You should get 72, 80, 88 loops. Switch to knitting needles number 7. Knit the pattern according to the diagram for a hat up to 23, 25, 27 cm.

Next row: knit the entire row, knit 2, purl 2.

Next row: knit 2, purl 2 together, knit 2, purl 2. together, etc.

In the next row: k2, p1, k2, p1, and so on.

Next row: decrease all purl stitches.

Next row: knit the entire row.

In the next 2 rows we knit all the loops 2 together.

We pull the thread through the remaining loops, tighten and fix. Sew the side seam.

We knit the scarf on knitting needles number 7. Cast on 30 stitches. First, we knit with an elastic band: knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, etc. We knit 5 rows with an elastic band. Next we knit the pattern according to the scarf diagram.

We end next to the arrow (inscription). Next, 5 rows with an elastic band: knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, etc. Cast off the loops.

Based on the American cap, we will knit a hat with ears. This hat can be decorated with a flower and pom-poms in a contrasting color. Knitting density: 11 loops = 10 cm.

This knitted hat is made of thick yarn with knitting needles size 47-48.

To work you will need:

  1. Thick yarn - wool or wool with acrylic - 100 grams (60 m/100g).
  2. Circular knitting needles 8 mm thick. The length of the knitting needles is 40 cm.
  3. Simple knitting needles 5 mm thick for finishing with cord.
  4. The needle is big.

We cast on 8 mm circular needles, cast on 3 loops and knit according to the “Left eye” pattern from the 1st to the 8th row. Cut the thread. We cast on 3 loops and knit according to the “Right ear” pattern from the 1st to the 8th row. We do not cut the thread. We remove the loops from the right and left ears onto a pin or any knitting needle and put it aside. We will add them in the future.

We knit the main part of the hat

We start from the front side of the hat, knitting according to the “Ear Connection” pattern. In the end, we should have 54 loops of the main fabric.

  • We cast on the knitting needles 14 loops of the “right eye”,
  • Cast on 7 stitches for the back of the hat.
  • Cast on 14 left eye loops. It turned out to be 35 loops.
  • Next, knit according to the pattern (k4, p3, k7, p7), and then follow the pattern for 35 stitches.
  • Turn the knitting over.
  • In the purl row of the pattern we knit, marking the 18th loop with a colored thread - this is the middle. We tie the row.
  • Cut the thread.
  • Transfer 18 stitches (including the center one) to the right needle.
  • Attach the thread and knit 17 stitches (left eye)
  • We put 19 loops on the knitting needles, connect the row into a circle, and knit to the marker. We should have 54 loops - the volume of our hat. Check the symmetry of the cap.