Health Pregnancy beauty

How to care for dry skin. Proper care for dry skin at home

Properly caring for the skin of your face and body is very difficult - especially during pregnancy. But the result of your own efforts will please any woman.

Dry skin type is quite common and requires particularly skillful and careful care, since such skin is very sensitive to adverse effects and ages quickly. Dryness occurs due to insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands and increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. In young women, dry skin has a pleasant appearance: delicate, thin, smooth, matte. Subsequently, especially with insufficient nutrition or improper care, it becomes drier, flakes, and loses elasticity. It is worth noting that on dry skin, wrinkles appear quite early.

As a rule, dry skin is thin, light pink color, does not tolerate water and soap well, often flakes and is sensitive to external influences. Dry skin can be either congenital or acquired, for example as a result of poor care, improper washing, incorrectly selected creams, long-term use of exfoliating preparations (peels, freckle removal creams). As a result of these procedures, the skin produces little natural fat, sweating is reduced, so fat is poorly distributed over the skin. The outer layer of skin, not protected by fat, easily loses moisture due to evaporation. The dry layer of skin peels off, and the new one again remains unprotected from moisture loss. Dry skin is usually more noticeable in winter than in summer.

Dry skin can be caused by hypovitaminosis, diseases of the nervous system, working near hot stoves, prolonged exposure to the sun, and the use of soap. Dry skin undergoes age-related changes much faster and is more sensitive to mechanical, thermal, and chemical irritants.

Continuous dehydration is aggravated by the following negative factors: wind, cold, too dry/hot air, excessive sunbathing, smoking and an unhealthy lifestyle. Contact with chalky water, chlorinated water (such as swimming pool water), sea water, alcohol-containing lotions, highly alkaline soaps, strong peelings, and vitamin A and B deficiency are all very harmful to the skin.

  1. Do not use preparations containing surfactants in high concentrations - gels and foams for washing. Their action destroys lipid structures in the epidermis. You only need to wash your face by special means for dry skin: milk with a high content of unsaturated fats and waxes, hydrophilic cleansers (hydrogenated sesame oil, hazelnut, avocado, etc.), makeup remover creams. First, rinse off all medications with water, then wipe your face with a tonic appropriate for your skin type. Washing with a decoction of chamomile, peppermint, aloe, calendula, and comfrey works well on dry skin. You can wipe your face with a decoction of flaxseed or an infusion of marshmallow root. Infusions and decoctions are prepared simply: pour a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Preparations containing petroleum products, such as petroleum jelly, ozokerite, ceresin, must be excluded: they will create a dense film on the surface of the skin that interferes with the restoration of the natural barrier. Such products can harm even those with healthy skin.
  3. Products for deep skin cleansing should be as delicate as possible. If you use a scrub, it should be with soft granules (for example, jojoba), film masks and masks containing a high concentration fruit acids, are excluded: fruit acids will further dry out the skin of the face and increase its irritability, reduce the protective barriers of the skin, and film masks will stretch the skin.
  4. An important skin care measure is restoration of the lipid barrier. This can be done with the help of preparations containing ceramides, cholesterol and free unsaturated fatty acids. The main task that dry skin poses to cosmetics is to restore lipid metabolism and protect the skin from damaging environmental factors.

What type of skin is yours?
Depending on the amount of fatty secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands, they distinguish between normal, dry and combination skin. You can determine your skin type yourself at home using simple tests.

  • Method 1. Press your fingers firmly onto your face. If the mark does not disappear for a long time, this means that you have dry and low-elastic skin. If a mark does not appear on the skin at all, you probably have oily skin (it is more elastic); if when you press on the skin separate areas the mark remains, but on some it doesn’t - yours.
  • Method 2. Touch a clean mirror, napkin, tissue paper to your nose, forehead and cheeks. If there is a greasy mark on the mirror and paper in all areas, the skin is oily. If there are no traces left, it is dry. If the mark is noticeable in one area, but not in others, this means that the skin is combination.
  • Method 3. Draw a line from your forehead to your chin with an unsharpened pencil. If the pencil leaves a mark, it means you have sensitive skin.

Cosmetical tools

Milk or cream for makeup removal. Instead of milk, you can use special cleansers made from hydrophilic oils, which remove makeup well and do not dry out the skin. Gels can be used for sensitive skin, containing extracts of algae, azulene, bisabolol, ecotera oil, evening primrose, currant, etc.

Alcohol free toner. It usually contains silk proteins, wheat proteins, vitamins, wheat germ and algae extracts, and collagen (usually marine).

Creams with collagen and elastin useful for very dry skin or severely damaged skin normal skin: they restore its tone, smooth out wrinkles. Collagen needs to be stabilized and fixed in the body. This requires pictogenol or extract grape seeds, brown algae, seaweed, which also help maintain skin tone. Lecithin promotes the release and distribution of fatty acids over the surface of the skin. You can read about the composition of the cream in the annotation or on the cream label.

Day cream- base for decorative makeup. It should be a soft emulsion that is quickly absorbed into the skin and creates a protective film on its surface. It includes humidifiers ( hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, milk proteins), vitamins, antioxidants, extracts of oats, wheat, honey, etc.

Night cream- traditional bold nutritious cream. Preference is given to semi-synthetic fat compositions containing vegetable oils, essential fatty acids, and ceramides. In addition, creams often include extracts of algae, aloe, substances that improve immune processes, whey proteins, vitamins A and E. The cream is applied 1-2 hours before bedtime in a thick layer, 10 minutes after applying it, blot the skin with a napkin .

Masks. It is better to alternate nourishing and toning masks. The nourishing mask has a high concentration of fats, it has a dense consistency, it can be used as an emergency aid, but at least 2 times a week. Toning masks contain algae, trace elements, guarana extract, gingko bilobo and other substances. Such masks not only improve skin tone, but also strengthen and protect it.

Toning face masks can be used 2-3 times a week, alternately with a nourishing mask. In the hot season, instead of a rich, nourishing night cream, you can use lighter, cooling products - for example, wipe the skin with pieces of ice from a herbal decoction. They will relieve stress and soothe your skin.

The mask is kept on the face for 15-20 minutes, after which the face is washed with warm water, then with cold boiled water, slightly dried with a towel and lubricated with nourishing cream. It is advisable to carry out this procedure 2 times a week. You should remember about possible allergic reactions to various components of the mask, therefore, when making a mask for the first time, you should make sure there are no allergies. To do this, on a small area of ​​skin, preferably behind the ear, you need to put a little of the composition that you are going to apply to the skin as a mask. After 15 minutes, rinse it off with boiled water. Increased sensitivity It can appear immediately - in the form of redness or severe burning, or after some time. Therefore, wait 24 hours after the test.

When applying a mask, remember the rule: the mask is applied only to healthy, intact skin.

Masks for dry skin

  • Moisturizing mask: Grind 1 teaspoon of fresh cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of fresh cream and 1 teaspoon of carrot juice.
  • Yolk mask: mix 1 yolk with 1/2 teaspoon olive oil by adding 5 drops lemon juice.
  • Cucumber mask: Mix 2 teaspoons of mashed cucumber pulp with 1 teaspoon of fresh milk.
  • Honey mask: Grind 1 teaspoon honey until white by adding a little fresh milk.
  • Fruit masks: Strawberries, raspberries, apricots, peaches are ground into a paste with the addition of a small amount of milk.

Consider the season

In the summer, you can use scrubs and enzyme creams (they stimulate cellular renewal, prevent skin aging and restore a healthy complexion) for cleansing; they speed up the process of skin cell renewal and even out its texture. In summer, do not forget about regular use of sunscreen.

Winter is a time to reconsider your skin care habits. Three summer principles: cleansing, protection, moisturizing (use of moisturizers) - during the cold season, they need to be replaced with more intensive care: cleansing, protection, nutrition (using nourishing creams and masks).

All creams must be applied to the face at least half an hour before going out into the fresh air - otherwise the skin will become hypothermic. After applying the cream, be sure to blot your skin with a napkin. You need to wash your face no later than an hour before going outside.

Vitamins for your skin
Vitamin A, vitamin B complex and a higher dose of vitamin B12 are suitable for reducing the effects of stress and slowing down the aging process. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids found in vegetables and fruits are needed to strengthen capillaries and form collagen. Vitamin E should be applied topically in creams and masks to protect against free radicals and reduce the formation of wrinkles.

Express home care program for dry skin

This program can be used periodically - once a month.

Start by removing daytime makeup. Rub nutrients, collagen, elastin, vitamin into the skin (they are sold in ampoules in any perfume store). Then apply a light nourishing cream with liposomes (liposomes ensure rapid transfer of biologically active substances into the deep layers of the skin and fiber).

When irritation and peeling occur, you need to use emollient creams containing vitamin A.

In addition to this short-term program, there are more extensive dry skin care courses, which are usually conducted in beauty salons.

Tatiana Nalivaiko,

Due to a violation of the hydrolipid balance, the skin dries and peels. Fat glands secrete little lubricant, while sweat glands, on the contrary, produce large amounts of moisture. The water evaporates and the face dries out. Proper care for dry skin is required to restore balance.

Causes of hydrolipid imbalance:

  1. digestive system problems;
  2. disruption of the endocrine glands;
  3. use of dry powder;
  4. lotions containing alcohol;
  5. sudden climate change;
  6. washing with soap.

One of the unpleasant features of this type of fabric is peeling, the appearance of white scales on the face. Attempts to remove scales using peeling lead to thinning of thin skin.

How to care for dry skin

With a dry type of tissue, the lipid balance is restored, so check the refrigerator.

Open the refrigerator and look at the food. The list of products includes products that help establish the right balance.

The product is in the refrigerator, put “+”, no “-”:

  • fish;
  • liver;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • fruits;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin.

You have more than two minuses, your nutrition is not correct, you need to reconsider.

If there are few or no disadvantages, add multivitamins to your food, this way you can improve in a short time appearance. It’s easy to create the right menu based on the products offered.

To restore tissue, constant facial care is required. You should avoid washing your face with hot water. Wash dry, flaky skin with warm, soft water. Every morning prepare soft water: a teaspoon of soda per liter or 1/2 borax for the same amount of water. In the morning, wash your face with this water, without additional cleansers, or simply wipe your face with a non-alcoholic toner. Dry skin accumulates little oil overnight, so cleansing is not necessary. After washing, apply day cream to the face.

For facial care, choose the right cream. Choose creams with UV filters for dry, flaky skin. The products are applied to the face in a very thin layer. After using it for the first time, pay attention to how the cream is absorbed and calculate the dosage better next time.

Creams with protective components from VA and VB prevent moisture evaporation, protect from wind, sun, and adverse weather conditions. Before going out into the streets, use creams with protective filters.

Use special light gels to moisturize and soften. Apply protective equipment before going out, and also as a base for makeup. Traditional recipes have a good effect.

Cream for dry skin


Half a tablespoon of beeswax is softened using a water bath, pour in 3 tablespoons of kernel oil (coconut), two olive and one almond. For 3 tablespoons of water, take half a teaspoon of borax. Slowly pour the dissolved borax into the prepared oil mixture. Continue stirring the mixture until it cools completely. Store the product in the refrigerator. Use before going out or under makeup.

From quince

Dissolve 2 tablespoons of bone marrow in a water bath, add one teaspoon each of olive oil and honey. Mash the quince. Combine one egg yolk and two tablespoons of fruit pulp. Combine the two compounds. Whisking quickly, add one tablespoon of camphor alcohol.

From strawberries

Melt 2 tablespoons of bone marrow in a water bath, add the same amount of mashed strawberries, a teaspoon at a time vegetable oil and honey, mix everything well. Continuing to stir, pour in a tablespoon of camphor alcohol drop by drop.

Lemon face

Combine the yolk and 1.5 teaspoons of vegetable oil. The technique is the same as when making homemade mayonnaise. Beat the yolk and add oil drop by drop, you should get a homogeneous mass, add drop by drop a little lemon juice and borax on the tip of a knife. The resulting cream is stored in the refrigerator. Apply a thin layer to the face, rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water. The cream softens and nourishes dry skin.

With honey

Take any in equal proportions fat cream for dry skin and honey (for example, one teaspoon each), mix until smooth. Apply the cream to your face and rinse off after 30 minutes with warm water.

Proper care

Dry skin is thin, flaky, tight and easily injured. Particularly dangerous frequent peeling, scars and spots may remain on the face.

  • Before going outside, you should use protective equipment.
  • It is contraindicated for people with dry skin to stay in a heated room for a long time or sit by the fireplace. It is recommended to ventilate more often and apply moisturizer to your face.
  • You should not take a shower or wash your face with soap several times a day. It is recommended to wash with soft water at room temperature. Instead of soap, tonics and lotions are used to cleanse the face. After washing, use cream.
  • Before visiting the beach, apply protective equipment. For solar treatments, choose the time: from 7 to 11 o’clock, from 18 o’clock to sunset.
  • Oily night cream has a positive effect; avoid semi-oily creams and alcohol lotions.
  • Before applying decorative cosmetics, foundation and powder to the face, use a protective base. It is forbidden to apply makeup to unprepared skin.
  • Clean with mild store-bought or home-made products. Mechanical and chemical peeling is prohibited.
  • Dry, flaky skin requires nutrition, so you can’t do without masks. The store sells ready-made formulations, but it’s easy to make yourself at home. Masks are applied to the face in a thick layer, the more, the better.
  • To remove makeup and cleanse the face, use regular refined oil or cosmetic milk. The film remaining from the oil is removed with a napkin, applied and pressed lightly. At the end of the procedure, wash your face.
  • In the evening, apply a rich cream to the face, remove after 20 minutes, it is not recommended to leave it overnight.

Useful and harmful cosmetics

Do not use semi-greasy creams; they are completely absorbed. This seems good, but in reality it is not. Only a small part of the composition is absorbed, and the rest evaporates. As a result, the skin dries out and peeling appears. The example looks like this: the water present in the cream evaporates from the surface, but the component that helps mix fat and water remains. As a result, the emulsifier begins to remove moisture from the tissues. For this reason, oily creams are selected for dry, flaky skin. For oily people - semi-bold formulations.

For the process of formation of new cells, it is useful to use night creams. Night cream Apply a thick layer to the face and leave for several hours. You'll have to sleep on your back, otherwise it's easy to stain your bed linen.

Oil compresses, wraps, and rubs help take care of flaky skin. Vitamins are added to the oil to revitalize the epidermis. Wet clean fingers in the mixture and massage the face. After 20 minutes, remove with cosmetic wipes.

And buy other cosmetics from companies specializing in medicinal products.

Do not overload dry skin with cosmetics; dryness and flaking may increase.

Folk remedies

St. John's wort oil

First way:

The first recipe will help for dry, often irritated, flaky skin. Half a glass of dry or fresh St. John's wort leaves is poured with one glass of olive or other vegetable oil and left for three weeks. The oil is used daily at night.

Second way:

Helps in nourishing the skin, used as a cream. For one liter of vegetable oil, take 500 grams of fresh St. John's wort flowers and 0.5 liters of dry white wine and leave for three days. The resulting mixture is filtered and put on fire. After the wine has evaporated, turn down the heat and keep the mixture on the stove for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

Decoction of birch buds

The decoction relieves irritation on dry skin and is used warm for washing. A tablespoon of birch buds is poured into a glass of boiling water. Place on the stove and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Strain.

Curd and honey mask

  • Tablespoon cottage cheese;
  • tea honey

Dilute cottage cheese and honey with milk to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture onto the face in a thick layer, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Beard mask

Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with the same amount of milk. Blend into a homogeneous mass, stirring vigorously. The mask is applied to the face in a thick layer, kept for 20 minutes, and washed off with warm water.

Yolk and almonds

While grinding the egg yolk, add 2 teaspoons of almond oil drop by drop. A thin layer of mask, keep for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Cream soap

Cream soap softens, cleanses and whitens the skin without irritating. Finely rub a bar of soap for dry skin, place it in a glass bowl, add a tablespoon of glycerin and 3 cups of water. Cover with a lid and leave for 12 hours. Place a saucepan with soap in a water bath and heat while stirring. Continuing to stir vigorously, add a solution of boric acid (1 tablespoon per glass of water) and 3 camphor alcohol. The mixture is not completely cooled. Add half a glass of oxygen water to warm soap and mix.

Dry, flaky skin, so it requires daily care. And if wrinkles have already appeared, it is simply necessary to restore the skin.

Dry skin causes beauties a lot of trouble. She is prone to redness, irritation, itching and flaking. But the most important problem is early aging. What to do at home with dry skin to make it soft and smooth? How to properly care? The best folk recipes and advice on choosing cosmetics.

IN adolescence Girls rarely pay attention to dry face. Moreover, this is considered an advantage, because the skin does not become shiny or covered with acne, like its peers. But after 30 years, when the sebaceous glands begin to work even less actively, a lot of problems appear. For example, expression wrinkles, which are formed due to lack of hydration. Proper and regular care will help delay age-related changes and eliminate discomfort.

Why does peeling occur?

Peeling, dryness, tightness are the result of weak activity of the sebaceous glands. This failure in external secretion may be explained by the following reasons:

  • hormonal problems;
  • age-related changes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent stress;
  • lack of vitamins A, E and C, as well as other nutrients;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or frosty air;
  • washing with hot water;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • skin diseases;
  • prolonged stay in a room where the air conditioner or heater is operating;
  • wrong choice of cosmetics.

Bad habits are one of the most common causes of dry skin. Alcohol and nicotine literally dry out tissues. Also, problems may arise for lovers of too strong coffee and black tea.

What to do at home with dry skin

Dry facial skin requires careful and careful care. You need to start acting at a young age to avoid the appearance of early wrinkles. In home care you can use not only cosmetical tools, but also proven folk recipes.

It is important to properly care for dry skin at home. This will bring not only a cosmetic effect, but will also help regulate the functioning of the glands. Remember five basic rules.

  1. Washing. Evening only. During the night, the skin becomes covered with a small amount of fat, which softens the epidermis and provides protection. There is no need to wash it off: in the morning, just rinse your face with water and gently pat dry.
  2. The right water. Hard chlorinated water can cause dryness and flaking. It must first be boiled, settled or passed through a filter.
  3. Correct temperature. The best option for cleansing dry skin is water at room temperature.
  4. Hydration. Apply a nourishing cream appropriate to your age and skin type morning and evening. Make moisturizing masks twice a week. If you use lotion, make sure it does not contain alcohol.
  5. Healthy eating. Your diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products. Take multivitamins and fish oil periodically.

The skin needs to be moisturized not only from the outside, but also from the inside. A woman needs to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water daily. If you play sports or your work involves physical activity, the recommended amount of fluid increases by one and a half times.

Grandma's recipe table

Treatment for dry facial skin at home is often carried out using traditional methods. Proven recipes saved our grandmothers and great-grandmothers when the cosmetic industry was not yet developed as it is now. In addition, natural ingredients are always better than any synthetic substances.

Table - Recipes for homemade masks for dry skin

MaskComponentsProcedure time
Mustard- A teaspoon of mustard powder;
- a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
- a little water (if necessary)
15 minutes
From aloe- A tablespoon of aloe juice;
- half a grated apple;
- egg yolk
Two minutes
Curd- A tablespoon of grated cottage cheese;
- a teaspoon of liquid, warm honey
15 minutes
Smetannaya- A bunch of chopped dill;
- a bunch of chopped parsley;
- two to three tablespoons of sour cream
20 minutes
Herbal- Strained infusion from a mixture of hops, blackberry and strawberry leaves, chamomile, yarrow (a total of a tablespoon of crushed leaves, poured with 200 ml of boiling water);
- a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
- a teaspoon of honey;
- egg yolk
15 minutes
Oatmeal- A tablespoon of oatmeal;
- four tablespoons of hot milk
15 minutes
Cucumber- One grated cucumber;
- a tablespoon of cream;
- four drops of lemon juice
20 minutes
Raspberry- Half a glass of raspberries (need to be rubbed through a sieve);
- egg yolk;
- three almonds crushed in a coffee grinder;
- a teaspoon of honey
Half an hour

Always do an allergy test before applying a mask. To identify sensitivity to a particular component, apply a small amount of the product to the crook of your elbow or wrist. After ten minutes, evaluate your skin reaction. If the mask does not cause redness or itching, you can safely use it.

The best herbal oils for dry skin

Among home remedies for dry skin care, not the least cosmetic oils. Here are the most effective ones.

Oils instead of cream: pros and cons

Not so easy to find suitable cream for dry skin. Even expensive cosmetics do not guarantee deep hydration and nutrition. That is why vegetable oils are increasingly being used instead of cream. And this approach is quite acceptable in a number of cases.

  • For night care. Oil will be an excellent alternative to rich cream. After it, the skin looks much fresher.
  • Makeup remover. The oily texture allows you to quickly and efficiently remove makeup. In addition, the skin is additionally moisturized.
  • For guard . The oil forms a thin film on the skin that protects the face from frost, sun and external pollution.

Despite all the advantages, there is an important limitation. No vegetable oils can be used on an ongoing basis, because they cannot completely replace high-quality cream. Especially after 50 years, when the skin needs intensive and deep care. In addition, over time, oil particles will begin to clog pores, making it difficult for oxygen and nutrients to reach.

Rules for choosing cosmetics

Care products for dry skin should be chosen especially carefully. The cosmetics industry uses a lot of harmful substances, and therefore you need to be vigilant when purchasing.

What should be included

In order not to get confused at the sight of bright jars and tubes, or to be deceived when reading the manufacturer’s promises, you need to be able to analyze the composition of cosmetics. Feedback from customers and experts allows us to highlight components that should not be feared.

  • Glycerin. Attracts moisture to the surface of the skin, soothes irritations.
  • Natural oils. They saturate the epidermis with vitamins, eliminate flaking, and fight rashes.
  • Dextran. Eliminates swelling. Widely used in medical practice.
  • Vitamin E. Removes toxins.
  • Plant extracts. Improves skin color and functionality.
  • Betaine. Deeply moisturizes and soothes the dermis.
  • Lipids. Maintains the integrity of the skin and enhances its protective functions.
  • Allantoin. A natural component with a mild exfoliating effect. Prevents pore clogging.
  • "Good" cetyl alcohol. Softens tissues and accelerates recovery processes.
  • Emollients. They make tissues more flexible and heal damage.

Glycerin attracts moisture to the surface of the skin. But if the air in the room is dry, resources will be drawn from the deep layers of the dermis. This can lead to even more serious problems than the initial dryness. Glycerin-based products should be used in the room where the humidifier is located, or in the bathroom.

What should not be included

It is difficult to find a cream for dry skin that contains only safe ingredients. Manufacturers add aggressive substances to cosmetics, which, although they provide a cosmetic effect, can lead to serious structural changes in tissues.

  • Mineral oil. Designed to retain moisture in the skin. But this is a petroleum product, and therefore it is not recommended to use it constantly.
  • Phthalates. Simply put, fragrances that simultaneously prevent the evaporation of moisture from the skin. These substances tend to accumulate in the body. The consequences are difficult to predict.
  • Silicone. Prevents the evaporation of moisture from fabrics and makes their texture more even. But this effect is achieved due to the formation of an impermeable film, which impedes cellular respiration and promotes the proliferation of bacteria.
  • Propylene glycol. Its action is similar to glycerin. Used in medicine and even Food Industry. But since 2001, the substance has been banned in many countries, since some studies have confirmed its toxicity and allergenic properties.
  • Formaldehyde. A dangerous preservative that can cause severe allergies and cancer.
  • Ethylene glycol. Retains moisture in fabrics. But given that this component is used in the manufacture of antifreeze, brake fluid, printing ink, detergents and developer for photographs, there are doubts that it will be beneficial for the skin.
  • Parabens. Preservatives, which, unfortunately, are present in almost all products. They have a detrimental effect on the endocrine system and can cause skin rashes. Make sure that these components are at the very end of the list.
  • Alcohol . Contraindicated not only for dry skin, but also for all other types. May cause disruption of the glands.

Without special knowledge, it is difficult to understand the puzzle of components. To make the selection process easier, use special online services for analyzing the composition of cosmetics. Before you buy a product, take a photo of the composition information or copy it from the manufacturer’s official page. And then check carefully for safety.

Seasonal care

Don't think that the hardest part is figuring out what to do with oily skin faces. Dry epidermis does not cause less problems. Such skin is very picky about external conditions, and therefore different time appropriate care is required.

Caring for dry skin in summer is much easier than in cold weather. Heat air provokes the activity of the glands, and therefore they begin to produce more fat. You can maintain normal skin condition by following five rules.

Sun protection is the main rule of summer care. After 40 years, the skin reacts especially painfully to aggressive rays. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles and age spots, you need to use cosmetics with UV filters. Choose products marked SPF 15 or higher.

Caring for dry facial skin is a daily painstaking work. And the sooner you start paying attention to your face, the sooner you will achieve results. Within a few weeks you will notice that your skin has completely transformed. It will look fresh and pleasant to the touch.

In youth , skin prone to dryness is very beautiful and visually resembles normal skin type. It is just as delicate, has an even light pink or beige color, there is no irritation on it, and the pores are almost invisible.However, this type requires prevention and proper care, as over time these benefits disappear and signs such as dryness and flaking appear. It is also worth noting that dry facial skin is very sensitive to various procedures and is more prone to early aging.

Signs of dry skin type

Dry skin requires special care. Even when you touch young skin of this type, you feel dryness and roughness, and over time, the dryness of the skin increases, previously invisible wrinkles begin to appear more and more noticeably, and a tendency to irritation appears.

All these manifestations arise due to the fact that dry skin has a very thin layer of fat, and with age, sebum is secreted on such skin less and less.

Dry facial skin, causes

The main causes of dry skin include:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Lack of vitamins A, C, E in the body
  • Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Prolonged exposure to sun in summer and freezing temperatures in winter
  • Disease diabetes mellitus. Moreover, with this disease, not only dry skin of the face is observed, but also dryness of other parts of the body.
  • Lack of thyroid hormones
  • Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • Dry skin can be caused by age-related changes
  • Incorrect or insufficient skin care
  • Washing your face with hot, chlorinated water, using soap
  • Frequent use of peelings
  • Using heaters during the heating season, air conditioning in the summer
  • The use of decorative cosmetics can also lead to dry skin
  • Dehydration

In fact, there are quite a few reasons that cause dry facial skin, but it happens that this problem is accompanied by peeling, itching and other unpleasant symptoms. In this case, you need to consult a specialist (dermatologist, endocrinologist) who will tell you how to treat such skin and care for it.

Preventing dry skin

To maintain dry facial skin in good condition, you need to start caring for it at a young age. It is also necessary to strengthen the general condition of the body, follow simple recommendations, and then many problems associated with dry skin can be avoided.

  • To moisturize dry skin, drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water throughout the day.
  • Wash your face with water at room temperature.
  • Use mild products to wash your face that do not dry out your skin.
  • Do not use cosmetics containing alcohol.
  • Take a vitamin complex containing vitamins A, C, E, D, F, as well as fish oil.
  • Use humidifiers.
  • Use special moisturizing masks several times a week to moisturize your skin.
  • Avoid pools with chlorinated water.
  • In the summer, before going out into the sun, use special creams with protection from ultraviolet rays.

What not to do for dry skin

  • You should not wash your face immediately before going outside.
  • Can not use hot , as well as cold water as a wash, since cold water promotes constriction of blood vessels, and hot water, on the contrary, causes expansion, which provokes the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Do not use preparations containing petroleum products, such as petroleum jelly, ozokerite, ceresin. Such products form a dense film on the surface of the skin and prevent the renewal of the natural barrier.
  • Cannot be abused cosmetic procedures using products that contain substances that dry out the skin such as alcohol, powder, etc.
  • You should not use peelings, scrubs and various exfoliating masks containing clay very often.

Cleansing dry skin

Dry facial skin will look very beautiful if you take care of it correctly and regularly. The early appearance of wrinkles on dry skin occurs due to the fact that dry skin, unlike other types, has the least protection. The sebaceous glands do not produce enough sebum, so the protective fatty film on such skin is practically absent.

Dry skin should be cleansed in the evening using a mild cosmetic product. Products specially designed for this type of skin perfectly dissolve sebum, nourish, moisturize the skin and also preserve the natural fat layer. For cleansing, you can also use gels for sensitive skin that contain bisabolol, ecotera oil, evening primrose, azulene, and algae extracts.

You can also use various oils as cleansers for this skin type, such asolive, argan, flaxseed, wheat germ oil, peach kernel oil, apricot kernel oil, almond oil, little jojoba.

For dry skin, the use of oil compresses is very useful, for which a piece of gauze should be moistened in heated oil and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes before cleansing. Such oil compresses perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. After this procedure, the skin looks great.

When washing, it is best to use water at room temperature. Before washing, it is a good idea to lubricate your skin with some vegetable oil or sour cream. In this case, the skin will better tolerate the washing procedure. Also, 15 minutes before washing, you can apply a rich cream or cream to the skin.

Before accepting any water procedures, whether swimming in the sea or in a pool, taking a shower or bath, it is worth providing the skin with protection, for which you should apply a special cream or lubricate your face with some oil.


Skin toning is necessary to prepare the skin for further cosmetic procedures.

Toning helps improve blood microcirculation, which allows care products to be better absorbed. Toners for dry skin should not contain alcohol, but they should be enriched with moisturizing and softening ingredients. It would be good if the composition of such a tonic included silk or wheat proteins, marine collagen, extracts of wheat germ, algae, and vitamins.

You can use rose water or glycerin lotion as a toner for dry skin. You can also use nettle juice to tone dry, aging skin.

Toner recipes for dry skin

  • Milk and cucumber tonic.Place a few slices of cucumber in a tea cup of fresh, unboiled milk for half an hour. Then strain the milk and wipe your skin with it.
  • Natural wine tonic. One tbsp. pour a spoonful of rosemary into a glass of dry red wine. Shake the container with the tincture well every other day. After six weeks, strain the tincture and can be used. Apply to the skin with light tapping movements twice a day. This tincture gives elasticity to the skin and eliminates wrinkles.
  • Tonic with milk and cabbage leaf. Throw two finely chopped cabbage leaves into hot milk and leave for half an hour. After this, strain and wipe your face with milk as needed.
  • Frozen lemon juice tonic. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, dilute it with water by half and pour it into ice cube trays. Rub your face with an ice cube before applying moisturizer.

Moisturizing and nourishing dry skin

In the morning after cleansing, dry skin needs toning and moisturizing. When choosing moisturizers, you should give preference to intensive moisturizing creams with a light but rich texture, with oils and nutrients. Day creams for dry skin should include such caring substances as vitamins, milk proteins, hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, as well as extracts of wheat, oats, honey, antioxidants, collagen and elastin. To protect the skin from premature aging, it is desirable that these products include: sun protection factors, SPF of at least 15. Also in creams for dry skin, biologically active additives are used, such as gammalinoleic acid, which helps the skin retain moisture and sebum, as well as urea, which has the ability to smooth out flaky and rough areas.

The evening care procedure, after cleansing, should be completed by applying a nourishing night cream. The composition of creams for this should includevegetable oils, essential fatty acids, ceramides. Night creams for dry skin often contain extracts of aloe, algae, substances that enhance immune processes, whey proteins, vitamins A and E. Night cream should be applied to the skin of the face and neck two hours before bedtime, and ten minutes after its application , excess cream can be blotted with a soft cloth.

Excellent care products for dry skin types are homemade masks that have moisturizing and nourishing properties.

  • Berry mask with oatmeal. In one art. spoon oatmeal add one teaspoon of lanolin, previously melted in a water bath and 3-4 tbsp. spoons of fresh berry juice from strawberries or cherries. Stir the resulting mass well and apply to the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Melon and plum mask. Mix plum pulp (without skin), melon pulp and any vegetable oil in equal proportions. Apply the composition to your face for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse off.
  • Mask with egg yolk and chamomile extract. Grind the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Add 1 teaspoon of chamomile extract drop by drop into the resulting mixture. Apply a thin layer of the mask to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse with weakly brewed tea at room temperature.
  • Apple mask with sour cream. Mix the pulp of a small apple with 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.
  • Mask with honey and cottage cheese. One tbsp. Mix a spoonful of cottage cheese until smooth with two tbsp. spoons of honey, melted in a water bath. Apply the resulting mask to your face for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  • Yolk mask with lemon juice. Grind the yolk with half a teaspoon of olive oil. Add 5 drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Rinse with water.
  • Cucumber mask. Mix cucumber pulp with warm milk. Apply to face, rinse with warm water.
  • Aloe mask. Two tbsp. Mix spoons of heated honey with one tbsp. spoon of aloe juice. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Fruit mask with egg yolk. Grind one egg yolk, add one tbsp. a spoonful of juice squeezed from any sweet fruit (sweet apples, pears, grapes, bananas, melon, etc.) or cucumber juice, add half a tbsp to the mixture. spoons of sour cream and one teaspoon of vegetable oil. To make the mass thicker, you can add bread crumb or barley flour. Apply the composition to the face for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with lukewarm water.

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Dry facial skin is a problematic type, as it is prone to frequent inflammation and premature aging. The sebaceous glands do not produce enough lipids, which causes frequent drying and flaking. Dry skin is vulnerable to external irritants and therefore requires special care.

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How to make sure that your skin is dry?

In order for home care to be effective and useful, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of skin.

You can find out this yourself using a few simple tests:

  • with strong finger pressure on the skin surface, with a dry type of face still for a long time a reddened imprint remains. To make sure, repeat the pressure on several areas of the face. Dry skin will show marks all over;
  • touch the clean mirror to your face. If there is no greasy mark left on the mirror surface, then your skin type is dry;
  • take an ear stick and draw a line from the center of your face to your chin. A perpendicular mark will remain on dry skin.

Main causes of dryness

  1. genetic factor - if your mother or grandmother suffers from dry facial skin, then it is likely that this feature will be hereditary;
  2. dermatological diseases, as a result of which the secretory function of the sebaceous glands is disrupted;
  3. poor nutrition, which causes a deficiency of vitamins A and C;
  4. polluted environment;
  5. excessive love of tanning and solariums;
  6. use of chemical-based decorative cosmetics;
  7. serious skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  8. age factor;
  9. pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  10. nervous system disorders;
  11. abuse of deep cleansing and peeling products;
  12. frequent washing under hot water.

General rules of care

Taking care of dry epidermis involves avoiding cosmetics that contain surfactants. Their use entails aggravation of the disruption of fat production in the sebaceous glands. These products dry out the skin surface even more. It is recommended to give preference to specialized cosmetics: soft creams for removing makeup, facial milk with a concentration of saturated fats, hydrophilic cleansers.

Petroleum products have been found in most types of decorative cosmetics. These components are harmful to any skin, especially dry and sensitive, as they form a film on the face that does not allow the tissues to “breathe.”

To care for dry skin, cosmetologists advise choosing delicate cosmetics that do not cause irritation. It is allowed to use scrubs with jojoba granules. It is necessary to exclude film masks containing fruit acids. They stretch the skin surface and reduce its protective barrier.

Effective protection of the epidermis and restoration of lipid metabolism is carried out using cosmetics containing ceramides and free fatty acids.

You can treat dry facial skin without any cosmetics. Foggy weather comes to the rescue here. Air saturated with tiny particles of water is a fairly effective means of additional humidification. True, in our latitudes, foggy weather is quite rare, so use thermal water more often, especially in the hot summer.

Diet has a direct effect on the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a balanced diet rich in vitamins A, D, F, E.

Dry skin types do not like saunas and steam rooms. In such an environment, the epidermis is depleted, as it is not protected by a sufficient amount of lipids. Swimming in pools where the water is overly chlorinated will also not be beneficial.

Caring for dry skin in winter requires special attention. After a long stay in strong wind or frost, you must do nourishing mask or apply lipid cream.

Basic cosmetics that will be required for daily care:

  1. makeup remover milk;
  2. gels for sensitive skin;
  3. tonics that do not contain alcohol;
  4. collagen creams;
  5. day cream - is a necessary base for makeup;
  6. night cream;
  7. nourishing and toning masks.

Step 1 – cleansing

Dry skin types need deep cleansing. At the same time, you should avoid using regular soap, which further dries out the skin surface.

Yogurt and kefir are used as light peeling. These products also restore the lipid barrier.

Facial cleansing should be done several times a day. The best option is to carry out procedures in the morning and evening. Clean skin more effectively absorbs beneficial substances from creams and masks.

Micellar water and tonics are also used for cleansing. You can use both professional and self-prepared cosmetics. A decoction of the following herbs is used as a home tonic: sage, mint, St. John's wort.

Step 2 - nutrition

Taking care of your facial skin at home involves the use of nourishing and moisturizing products. However, their use must be dosed, otherwise you risk causing moisture retention in the tissues, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

If, after applying the cream, after an hour, the skin dries out and requires “additives,” then most likely you are using low-quality cosmetics that do not contain a sufficient amount of useful substances.

When choosing a cream, pay attention to its composition. The main components of quality products: amino acids, ceramides, fatty acids, lactic acid, triglycerides.

In order to bring the sebaceous glands back to normal, vitaminized and biologically active creams are used. If the skin begins to turn red and peeling appears, you should pay attention to decorative cosmetics, which contains vitamin A.

Step 3 - protection

Dry skin types do not tolerate low temperatures well, so before leaving home, you need to protect it with creams. By ignoring these recommendations, you risk causing inflammation. skin, resulting in peeling.

Great option winter care is the preparation of moisturizing masks:

Egg mask: mix 2 eggs and a spoonful of honey, melt the ingredients in a water bath, apply the mask in three layers with a cotton swab. After complete drying, wash off.

Curd mask: Mix three tablespoons of cottage cheese with a spoon of honey, add heavy cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the face and neck in a minimal layer. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a napkin and wash with warm water.

Apple mask: Mix the grated apple with two tablespoons of sour cream. Keep for about 20 minutes.

Treatment methods for dry skin

Too dry epidermis, according to cosmetologists, is a skin disease. To treat it you will need professional nutrition. Home care is only an addition to the main treatment. Effective procedures.