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How to decorate the Easter table. How to properly set a festive table for Easter


Even if you don’t usually set the table with anything, it’s better to use a fabric tablecloth for a holiday. Whether it will be plain, colored, made of expensive fabric or simple linen or cotton is not so important. The main thing is to wash and iron the tablecloth properly. Matching tablecloth cloth napkins also add festiveness to the serving. Place them on or next to plates, even if there are regular paper ones on the table.


It's time to take out an elegant service and a set of glasses and cutlery from the sideboard. Before setting the table, rinse the dishes and dry them thoroughly with a towel - shiny glass and cutlery are no less important than the variety of dishes.


: 33 ideas

Now you can start decorating. For your attention - 23 Easter ideas for decorating the festive table.

1. Name cards for guests


Cards are good for a large table with many guests, and for a family feast. Make them out of cardboard and write the guest's name on each one. You can write a congratulation on the reverse side.

2. Napkin rings with bouquets of fresh flowers


Buy spray roses and other small flowers, add green leaves. Make small bouquets and wrap them around napkin rings, attaching the flowers with wire or paper tape.

3. Napkins tied with a ribbon


Carefully fold the napkins and tie them with ribbon for flowers and gifts, satin ribbon or braid.

4. Napkin with one flower


Napkins tied with ribbon or string and decorated with one flower, such as a chamomile, will also look good.

5. Flower on a plate


You can simply put a napkin on a plate and a flower on top.

6. Vegetable decor


Radishes as decoration? Why not!

7. Decor with an Easter egg

Photo: paneamoreecreativita. it

An Easter egg can also serve as decoration.

: crafting with children

8. Napkin rings with “ears”


You can sew napkin rings especially for Easter by adding “ears” to them - they will symbolize the Easter bunny.

9. Paper bunnies as a decoration for a plate


Photo: cp.

Images of Easter bunnies cut out of paper or cardboard can also be used as table decorations. Use one of the templates or rely on your artistic abilities. By the way, on the back you can write a congratulation or an “Easter menu”, a list of dishes that will be served to the table.

10. “Rabbit” from a textile napkin


The napkin itself can also be folded to make a rabbit.

11. Bottles and jars as vases


Can be used as small flower vases beautiful bottles and jars.

12. Flower arrangements in closed vessels


Arrangements of flowers, grass and moss can be placed in large jugs or jars with lids.

13. Vase made of... cabbage


Even a head of young cabbage can serve as a vase! To do this, cut a hole in the head of cabbage and place a glass of water inside.

14. Flowers in pots as decoration


Flowering plants in small pots can now be bought in many supermarkets - use them as a bouquet.

15. Flower arrangement in an egg cup


An egg stand can also become a mini-vase.

16. Decoration from several bouquets



By collecting several small identical bouquets and placing them in identical vases, you can decorate the table with a “flower gallery”.

17. Large composition of candles


A composition of several candles can take center stage on a holiday table.

18. Shells as candlesticks


Multi-colored egg shells can be used as holiday candlesticks.

19. Egg-shaped candles


By the way, the candles themselves can be made in the shape of eggs. If you don't find these in the store, try making them yourself using egg shells as molds.

20. Twigs in a vase with “egg” decor


Place the branches with hatched leaves in a vase with painted eggs on the bottom - you will get an excellent replacement for a regular bouquet.

21. Vase with decor from branches


Another option for decorating a vase is to hide it behind a “fence” of branches.

22. Carrots in a bouquet


Such unusual option vase decor is suitable for a bouquet of simple flowers- daisies or chrysanthemums. It’s good if their color matches the orange carrots.

23. Vase decor made from napkins

Excellent decor will come from lace paper napkins- they will make even a simple jar acting as a vase festive and elegant.
Cover photo:

For many Easter table associated with colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter. But why limit yourself to only them. In this article you will find a selection of recipes for traditional dishes for this bright holiday.

Every housewife on the Bright Resurrection of Christ tries to decorate her table with a variety of dishes that will look organic on this holiday. Below are Easter dishes with photos that everyone can prepare. After all, there is nothing complicated about them.

  1. Knead the dough from 300 g of flour, 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder, 120 g of brown sugar, salt and cut into pieces butter(80 g). Mix the ingredients and add 3 yolks and 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Cool down ready dough In one hour
  2. Prepare the custard. To do this, grind 7 yolks with vanilla sugar (3 tablespoons) and flour (130 g). Boil 250 ml of milk and pour into the future cream. Stir, cool and mix with ricotta (600 g). Italian cheese can be replaced with cottage cheese
  3. Grate the zest from two oranges, cut out the insides and add them to the ricotta along with the candied fruits.
  4. Two-thirds of the dough is rolled out into a circle with a diameter of 34-37 cm. The dough is laid out in a 24-27 cm mold. The mold must first be coated with oil. A mass of ricotta is placed on top. The edges of the dough are folded over the filling
  5. From the remaining dough you need to make strips 1.5 cm wide. They need to be placed crosswise on the top of the pie. Grease with butter and bake at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Then cover with foil and bake for another 15-20 minutes.
  6. While the cake is cooling, you need to whip cold cream (300 ml) into a foam, gradually adding powdered sugar (1 tablespoon). This pie is served at room temperature. Cold cream is placed on top

Kalitsuniya Greek pies for Easter

  • Even those who do not consider themselves believers paint eggs for Easter. Multi-colored eggs are one of the main symbols of this holiday.
  • But you can paint them in different ways. You can use natural or artificial dyes. Apply plant leaves (dill, parsley, etc.) during coloring.
  • But, if you want to really surprise your guests, you can use tape when coloring Easter eggs. You can cut out various shapes from it, stick it on eggs and dip them in dye. After painting, the tape can be peeled off. Original Easter eggs ready

Meat dishes for Easter

The Easter table is rich in meat dishes. Long since this Holy holiday Baked pork, ham, stuffed pig, baked veal, and wild duck stewed in sour cream were served. Some of these dishes are still popular today.

Meat for Easter: egg roll

Easter cake

Below is the recipe for the cake and its original design in the form of Easter.
From the simplest ingredients you can prepare a cake that will not only delight you with its taste, but will also surprise your guests with its extraordinary design.

Video: Easter Cake

Homemade wine for Easter

Homemade wine has traditionally been considered the main drink on the Easter table. Stronger ones are in use today alcoholic drinks. But, drinking such drinks is fraught with health risks. A couple of glasses of homemade wine on Easter is not only not frowned upon, but, on the contrary, can help the body better process food after fasting.

An important factor for success in home winemaking is harvesting the grapes at a time when they have reached full ripeness. At this time, the berries contain the maximum amount of sugar. What is decisive during the fermentation process?

  1. After harvesting the grapes, the berries need to be separated from the bunch and placed in a container. If you have collected a lot of grapes, then 60-liter stainless steel tanks are suitable for this purpose. Before placing the grapes in containers, the berries must be crushed by hand. Containers with grapes should be placed in a room with a temperature of 10 -25 degrees
  2. While the grapes are fermenting, they need to be stirred periodically.
  3. When sediment appears, the wine needs to be strained. For this purpose, you can use gauze or nylon stocking. You need to add sugar to the purified liquid. For one liter of wine you need one cup of sugar. Stir the wine until the sugar dissolves
  4. We wait until the wine ferments and pour it into three-liter jars. Leave 2 cm from the neck to the level of the wine. Roll up the jars with lids and make a hole in the middle. We insert a medical hose into the hole. It should be above the wine. Coat the hole with the hose with plasticine to seal it. We insert the opposite end of the hose into a jar of water, making a water seal
  5. During fermentation, sediment forms in the wine. It needs to be removed periodically (pour the wine into other jars, leaving sediment) and repeat everything all over again.
  6. Fermentation times depend on various factors and can vary greatly. Taste the wine periodically, add sugar (if required) and as soon as you like the drink, close the jar with a nylon lid and leave for storage.

Decorating Easter dishes

Housewives use their own tricks to decorate their table and delicious dishes for Easter. Below in the video you can watch some of them and take note.

Video: Decorating Easter dishes

Setting the Easter table and decorating dishes

  • I can write for a very long time about setting and decorating the Easter table. Every housewife has many ideas in her head about how to beautifully serve dishes prepared for this holiday.
  • During the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, symbols of Easter should be placed on the table: Easter cakes, eggs and other dishes
  • And also what will indicate the awakening of nature from winter sleep: flowers, greenery, decorative bird's nests
  • A toy figurine of the Easter bunny will also be appropriate during the holiday feast
  • The main material of the Easter table is natural wood.
  • If your table is made of this material, then for Easter you can do without a tablecloth altogether.
  • Natural wood, flowers and greenery will make your table unforgettable
  • Place a vase of flowers in the center of the table, and a colored egg on a plate for each guest. And if you write the guest's name on the eggs, they can be used as seating cards
  • Traditional Easter cakes for this holiday can be decorated not only with icing, but also with cake mastic
  • You can choose the color of the mastic so that the cake fits organically into the overall design of the table. You can not only cover Easter cake with mastic, but also make flowers out of it to decorate this pastry.
  • You can make various figures from mastic and decorate Easter with them. The main thing here is to have imagination. And sculpting figures from this material is as easy as making it from plasticine

Happy holiday to you!

Video: DIY Easter decoration. Egg made from thread and glue

Easter or the Resurrection of Christ is the most ancient and important holiday in Christianity. This year Orthodox Easter in Russia it falls on April 8. According to tradition, the holiday is celebrated in the morning: Easter breakfast consists of eggs, Easter cake and a traditional dessert - Easter cottage cheese. ELLE offers the best holiday table decor ideas that will add a spring atmosphere to your feast.

1. Dyed eggs

The main symbol of Easter is multi-colored eggs, which are not only the most important attribute of the holiday and the decor of the Easter table. There are several options for coloring eggs, among which three types are in the lead: coloring with natural and food dyes and the use of decorative stickers with patterns.

2. Beautiful tablecloths

The ideal shades of a tablecloth for Easter are all pastels and light colors, which remind us of the beginning of spring. Ideally, the color of the eggs will contrast with the tone of the tablecloth: this will add brightness and solemnity to your Easter breakfast. A win-win option is a green tablecloth.

3. Themed dishes

In addition to traditional dishes, the main symbols of the holiday on the table will be hares, bunnies, geese and chickens made of ceramics. Stylists suggest paying attention to dishes with Easter illustrations, as well as themed decorative items.

4. Willow branches and straw

Accents of willow and straw will add spring freshness to your table. Decorate plates with them or place them in glass vases along with Easter eggs.

5. Candles

What holiday is complete without candles? Choose candles or candlesticks that match the colors of the painted eggs or tableware. This will give your table a single, harmonious style.

6. Napkins

Textile napkins at the guests' plates will add solemnity to the feast. They can be tied with a string of twine, a special ring, or simply colored eggs.

7. Flower arrangements

Bouquets of spring flowers will be the best addition to Easter decor. Opt for spring flowers. Compositions of tulips, mimosas, hyacinths, crocuses and daffodils will add lightness and elegance to your holiday.

8. Easter tree

You can make this craft yourself. Freshly cut tree branches, plastic eggs and ribbons are useful for this. Stylists suggest painting eggs in pastel or gold shades and using ribbons to tie them to branches. Such a tree must be placed in a vase filled with water. In a few days, when the first leaves appear, your composition will be ready.

The bright holiday of Resurrection, Easter is a symbol of the rebirth of all living things. A life-affirming factor in the revival of faith in the incorruptibility of the soul, spirit, and eternal existence, celebrated at the very beginning of spring.

Traditionally, preparations for the Easter holidays begin well in advance. They carefully select treats, and also carry out the indispensable decoration of the house for Easter. The interior of the house is filled holiday decor and a rich meal, symbolizing the sacrifice of the Son, crucified for the sins of men and resurrected for the glory of the Lord.


It is believed that painting eggs and using them to decorate the interior, as well as the outside of the house, is characteristic not only of Orthodox Christians, but also of Catholics. In German culture, the symbol of Easter is the rabbit bringing an Easter basket with Easter eggs.

In honor of Sunday, Americans decorate their homes with wreaths, arranging the blossoming hazel branches collected in a circle with chocolate ones. For all Christian countries, the Easter egg is considered the main symbol of the great holiday.

The current year is marked big event in the world of believers. Catholics and Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on the same day.

Easter colors

Traditionally, the Easter color is considered to be red and the entire tint palette of warm colors. The symbols of the holiday include an Easter wreath and a basket. Their main colors are green and red, and white is added for the basket. When creating a festive interior, much attention is paid to decorative details and accessories, introducing them with bright spots into the design of the surrounding space.

In addition to red accents, the festive interior design consists of a variety of decorative elements that combine with the red tone and create a spring mood. All shades of soft pink, light blue, pale green and yellowish unobtrusive tones of decorations are acceptable.

Very important sunlight, regardless of the weather conditions outside the window. To increase the spatial perspective and fill the rooms with a light atmosphere, it is advisable to remove heavy curtains from window openings, replacing them with light curtains with floral patterns. This will create a spring mood.

Windows are decorated, since beautifully decorating window sills is also considered an integral part of tradition. Bulbs of daffodils and hyacinths are planted in small pots. Flowering occurs 6-7 weeks from planting.

Nothing brightens up a room like fresh flowers. Blooming on the windowsills of the kitchen or living room, primroses symbolize the power of life and victory over the cold. And if you use transparent containers instead of clay pots, filled with multi-colored gravel or colored silicone balls, the visual effect will be enhanced.

Homemade Easter-themed decor is placed between the pots - imitation bird's nests with dyes made from quail eggs, and they are hung on colorful ribbons to the curtains. You can make candles from shell halves and decorate your windowsill with them.

Festive table decoration

In the Easter meal, every dish has a meaning, and illuminated colors are also considered strong amulets. Availability colored eggs on the holiday table - a must. It is also mandatory to have an Easter tree on the table, assembled from willow or willow branches, and decorated with painted eggs, decorative ribbons, and artificial flowers. You can use animal figures that symbolize the current year.

The Easter meal is set out at night, but people sit down to the table only after visiting church - a kind of sacrifice on the part of a person in honor of the Great Day of Resurrection. According to legends, there should be at least 12 dishes on the table - Easter cakes, Easter cakes, meat dishes, first radishes, fresh herbs, pickles and marinades, sweets.

The dining table is decorated according to tradition. The main theme of the decor remains an egg, chicken or quail, or maybe a goose - it is much larger. There are a great many fantasies on the topic of creating decor, as well as decorating the interior of rooms.

Festive interior decoration

After finishing decorating the windows, start decorating the mirrors. They are decorated with garlands made from blown and painted eggshells.

The interior of the rooms is also decorated with themed decor, for the production of which natural and organic materials are used. The main purpose of decoration is to recreate in the rooms an atmosphere that personifies spring awakening.

Decorating ideas for Easter in a short video:


Nothing emphasizes the atmosphere better big holiday, as accessories – original jewelry for Easter, created with your own hands, or purchased at the holiday market. The main theme of the celebration of the Great Day and the main leitmotif necessarily present in Easter decor– presence of decorative eggs. Other accessories - baskets, bowls, nests, stands - are designed for storing Easter decorative eggs.

For Catholics, the symbol of the offensive Easter week considered to be a rabbit, and the Easter basket he brings causes genuine delight among children.

Souvenirs, baked goods, and candies in the shape of rabbits and hares have long become popular in the world among all segments of the population.

Easter basket

An integral attribute of the celebration of Easter Sunday, a basket filled with provisions, came into the culture of celebrating Easter Day from pagan times. A basket overflowing with food symbolizes the prosperity that a person wants to see in his home throughout the year.

Today, the main symbols of the holiday must be placed in the basket - eggs, Easter cakes, and not a gram of alcohol. Let the church Cahors remain on the table waiting for the owner and guests to arrive at the table after church to break their fast.

Gifts are prepared for guests in the form of small Easter baskets, like the one that brings easter bunny. So it is filled with all kinds of dishes and sweets to please both adults and children:

Lots of ideas for a festive mood

Giving gifts for Easter has become a good tradition. Friends are given hand-made themed crafts, and acquaintances are given Easter-themed souvenirs. Original ideas The organization of a festive feast is presented in numerous photos, which show how easily you can transform traditional dishes if you use a little ingenuity and imagination:

Table decoration is an important element of any festive feast, regardless of whether it takes place in a close family circle or in a large friendly company of friends and relatives. It’s worth thinking about how to decorate the Easter table with your own hands in advance, since it is impossible to bring some decorative ideas to life without prior preparation. And the main thing is to choose in advance the design style, its theme, find out what decorative elements will be needed, which ones you need to purchase, and which ones you can make yourself. To help our readers, we have selected different ideas DIY Easter table decorations.

In the same style

It is clear that the main theme of the Easter holiday decor will be Easter, but it can be presented using different “sub-themes”. One of these thematic areas is spring, the awakening of nature, symbolizing the triumph of life.

Another option is to decorate the Easter table in a European style. In this case, the attributes of the holiday can be easter tree, rabbit's nest, Easter wreath (we'll tell you how to bake it a little later).

Warmth and comfort will be created by decorating the Easter table in a rustic style. A wicker basket, figurines of a hen, chicks and the same bunny will help emphasize the Easter theme in this case.

If you focus on children's crafts with an Easter theme, then this is also a different style, which also has a right to exist. Just keep in mind that flowers for guests, and other decorative elements should also be homemade. This option for decorating the Easter table with your own hands will appeal primarily to children.

Whatever style is chosen, Easter, Easter cake and eggs must be in the center of the table. Their presentation is a separate matter. Eggs can be placed in a basket filled with artificial or live grass, in a homemade chicken “nest”, along with them you can place figurines of a hen, chickens, and rabbits. Can be decomposed into suitable style eggs around Easter cake. Both eggs and Easter cake can be tied with ribbons. Much in this case also depends on the chosen style.

Spring is the way

If you decide to decorate the Easter table in a spring style, then you need to choose the appropriate colors for decorating the Easter table. Ideally, the colors should be pastel: soft green, pink, light yellow, lilac. It is better to make green the dominant color. For example, a tablecloth could be of this tone. In this case, decorative elements must be of any other suitable tone.

When choosing dishes, it is better to give preference to plates and cups white. Crystal vases and clear glass goblets would also be very appropriate.

When choosing spring theme You should try to get fresh flowers, for example, yellow or pink tulips, to decorate the Easter table. If this fails, then let the flowers be depicted at least on napkins and, possibly, on Easter eggs.

Places for guests can be marked using half a shell (you can use half a plastic egg) filled with soil, in which you need to “plant” a flower, on the petal of which write the name of the person for whom the place is intended, or good wishes. These potted eggs are placed in special egg supplies. If they are not available, then it is better to use transparent glasses filled with water, into which fresh flowers are placed - one in each.

Easter figurines will be appropriate if they are made of glass, porcelain or metal in a suitable color scheme.

Easter table in country style

To decorate your Easter table in a rustic style, you need to choose bright, rich colors. It is desirable that yellow (or orange-yellow) and green colors were present in the table decoration. Doesn't hurt to use purple. The combination of yellow and blue is good for country style.

You can take both white and colored dishes, preferably plain ones. Wooden and wicker coasters, napkins, vases, and baskets would be appropriate. If you want there to be flowers on the table, you can put a clay pot with a flowering plant.

There should be Easter figurines on the table, preferably ceramic, wooden or made of textiles, preferably bright, even a little colorful. You can turn Easter eggs into such figures.

Eggs, painted with onion skins or other paint, can be placed around the Easter cake or placed in a wicker basket. The basket itself can be decorated with bright ribbon. Another option is to place a figurine of a rabbit, hen or chick in it along with the eggs.

Invitations for guests can be wooden signs or Easter eggs with their name or good wishes.

To the delight of children

Yellow, green, orange, blue, turquoise - all these colors are suitable for decorating an Easter table in a “children’s style”.

Decorate the Easter table with handmade figurines - good idea. Decorative elements can include a rabbit, chickens, a paper hen, an Easter tree, homemade paper flowers, and hand-embroidered napkins. You can serve cookies in the shape of rabbits.

Place a homemade Easter card in front of each seat.

Recipes for decorating the Easter table

And here are the promised recipes for Easter figured cookies and Easter wreath, in which you can put eggs. It will come in handy if you decide to decorate your Easter table in a European style.

Easter cookies

Ingredients required:

  • flour - one and a half cups,
  • chicken egg - two,
  • butter - half a pack,
  • powdered sugar - how much will be needed (at least 200 g),
  • food coloring - one drop of 2-4 colors.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix 100 g of powdered sugar, softened butter and two yolks until smooth.
  2. Stir in flour.
  3. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in film and place in the refrigerator for an hour.
  4. After the required time has passed, roll out the dough (up to 2-3 mm thick), cut out figures with molds (if there are no molds, you can make figures from cardboard and cut along their outline). Mold the scraps, roll them out again, and cut out figures from it too.
  5. Place the figures on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in the oven for a quarter of an hour. The temperature in the oven should be about 180-200 degrees.
  6. While the cookies are baking and cooling, prepare the frosting. To do this, beat the egg white and rub powdered sugar into it, adding it gradually, literally a spoonful at a time. When you get a fairly thick, viscous mass, the glaze needs to be divided into several parts. Leave one part white and color the rest with food coloring, such as red, yellow and green. Spread the mixture over plastic bags or add to a pastry bag.
  7. When the cookies have cooled, start decorating. To do this, first trace, squeezing out the icing in a thin stream, each cookie along the contour. When the outline has hardened, “paint over” the inside of the outline with icing. desired color(It is better to make eggs white, chickens – yellow, rabbits – also white). While the icing is still wet, use red icing to draw beaks and crests on chickens, cheeks on rabbits, and patterns on egg-shaped cookies. Complete the decoration by painting yellow and green patterns on the eggs. If you have cookies in the shape of a rooster, you can also make its tail green.

Easter wreath

Ingredients required:

  • flour - three glasses,
  • yeast – 40 g,
  • milk - glass,
  • butter – 100 g,
  • chicken egg - one,
  • sugar - two tablespoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix yeast with sugar.
  2. Combine with the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough.
  3. Leave the dough for half an hour to rise.
  4. Divide the dough into 8 parts, roll out a tube about 20 cm long from each part. Roll the tubes into “snails” and place on a baking sheet lined with special paper, in the form of a wreath. The “snails” should fit tightly to each other.
  5. Bake in the oven for half an hour (at 180 degrees).
  6. Once cool, decorate with Easter colored eggs.

Elena Pronina