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How to choose a sewing machine that will meet all your requirements? What to consider when choosing a sewing machine? What you need to know when choosing a sewing machine.

Probably every person who buys his first modern sewing machine wonders how to understand how high-quality a machine he will now buy and what he should pay attention to first of all.
Here's what I would look for when buying a car:

  1. For starters, the appearance. Chips, scratches and cracks are extremely rare on new cars, however, anything can happen during transportation and such a check will not be superfluous. If the box with the car was previously opened, it makes sense to check the package contents.
  2. The next thing is the quality of the straight stitch.
    The machine comes from the factory with a fairly thick needle (usually No. 90) and the tension is usually set to thread No. 40-50. The machine must be tested on the appropriate fabric. Take a fabric that is not the thinnest, not loose and not elastic. I often use double folded calico.
    A straight stitch should be uniform and the thread tension should not change throughout the stitch. If necessary, at this moment you can adjust the tension of the lower thread.
    On the same fabric I perform a zigzag with a width of about 4 mm and a stitch length of about 3 mm. I make sure that the thread tension does not change throughout the stitch and check that the tension of the upper thread is adjusted smoothly. If the upper thread tension is loosened, loops from the upper thread will appear on the wrong side. It is very good if these loops are the same length on the right and left. If not, don’t worry, it may simply be related to the design of the shuttle.
  3. The same fabric in one layer. Straight stitch in the right and left needle positions. There should be no skipped stitches.
  4. It’s also worth checking to see if the stitching is moving when sewing. If you don’t hold a narrow strip of fabric with your hands and sew a straight line, there may be a slip, but not very much - something like 5 mm per 10 cm of stitching is within acceptable limits. The withdrawal, by the way, greatly depends on how the line goes. It can take you very far along an oblique path.
    At the same stage, you can check the reverse.
  5. Be sure to check how well the decorative stitches are balanced. It is better to check on thick fabric. The same calico will do. You need to choose some snowflake and sew 5 centimeters. Ideally, all the rays should converge at one point.
    The more “decorative” the line, the more noticeable the imbalance will be (if there is one, of course). Mechanical machines usually have greater imbalances than computer machines.
  6. Next are the loops. What you need to look for is that the sides of the loop are visually of the same density. Oddly enough, with the same number of stitches, the sides can look different. This is due to the fact that on simple machines one column is sewn when sewing forward, and the other when sewing backward. In general, you should like the loop and not be much worse than on factory items. For eye loops, you need to check the symmetry of the eye.
  7. You also need to check whether the bobbin is wound, whether all the buttons work, and that’s all, I guess.

When I was just starting to take my first steps in tailoring, my first sewing machine was my mother’s Soviet “Chaika”. If anyone was around this time, they probably remember these models. Their main difference from today's household sewing machines is that they operated using a foot pedal. It was at “Chaika” that I sewed my first dress, and from experience I can say that she sewed well, even now she is in working order.

Later I had to sew not only on household, but also on industrial equipment. I sat down the same way various models sewing machines from different manufacturers. And your opinion on working for different techniques It worked out for me.

Unlike those times, today there is an abundance of choice of sewing equipment in stores for “dummies”. How to choose a good one from everything sewing machine Today's article will be for beginners. In fact, this is the most popular question among my students, so get ready for the article to be very detailed)

Today's sewing assistants have long been electric. And they are divided into electromechanical and electronic (computer). Which sewing machine to buy depends on your financial capabilities. But both have similar signs that I first of all advise you to pay attention to:

The machine should not immediately jump out of place, but should do the stitching smoothly. Pedal sewing machine should be sensitive and respond to light touch. Or there should be a speed controller.

The sewing machine should not make a stitch that would pull the fabric. This applies to delicate fabrics. When purchasing, be sure to make a few test stitches on pieces of fabric. Also see how the machine makes stitches on different fabrics:

  • on the lungs - chiffon, silk, organza
  • for medium and heavy - coat fabric, denim, linen, cotton, leather
  • on elastic ones - knitwear, stretch.

If you have the opportunity to test it in action before purchasing a sewing machine, I advise you to conduct a small experiment. Give the machine the opportunity to sew on its own without your help or participation. Place a piece of fabric under the foot and watch it make a straight stitch at a distance of the width of the foot from the edge of the fabric. To see better, take threads that contrast rather than match the fabric.

Using this experiment as an example, you will immediately see what the line turned out to be. Namely, does it go to one side, does it go at the same distance from the edge of the flap. If the stitching “leads” a little, then there is a defect in the assembly of the sewing machine and when you continue to use it, you will have to contact a repairman to adjust the teeth on the needle plate. In some cases, this defect cannot be corrected and in the future, with such a sewing machine, you will have to make efforts to ensure that the stitching is even.

Look for a machine so that if it breaks down, you can repair it without problems. Spare parts and replacement parts should be sold in your city. Keep in mind that for expensive models all the components (foots, etc.) will also be expensive. Pay attention to the fastening of the foot. If it is unusual, check in advance where you can buy accessories for such a model.

If the model is unpopular or exclusive, then it may be a problem for you to replace the broken part. Otherwise, it will be taken out of production altogether, and the issue of repairs will never be resolved for you. Or the cost of repairs will cost the purchase of a new sewing machine.

Consult with sewing machine repair specialists in your city which machine will be easiest for them to repair. What models of sewing machines do they have experience with? For example, Janome, New Home - it’s much easier to hire them for repairs.

All machines have stitch length settings. Choose a product with a stitch length adjuster up to 5 mm. It would be best if the assistant is equipped with a function for adjusting the width of the zigzag stitch.

In order to easily get to the most difficult places in clothes with a sewing machine, it must have a sleeve platform. How can I find out if it has such a device? To do this, you need to remove the compartment from the sewing machine, which is usually located under the needle plate. Now you can easily process the bottom of sleeves, trousers, as well as armholes and necklines.

When purchasing, make sure that there is a ruler on the needle plate of the sewing machine, which will allow you to sew exactly the amount of allowance that you set when cutting. Example in the photo - I sew a stitch 1 cm away from the edge. The edge of the fabric on the right is located at the 1.0 mark. This device greatly simplifies the sewing process and speeds it up significantly!

Tip 8. Which sewing operations are really needed for work?

You must decide for yourself which sewing functions your machine should have - which you cannot do without. If you plan to sew simple things at home and do minor clothing repairs, then a machine is quite suitable for you. with a basic set of functions:

  • Straight stitch. You need to choose a sewing machine that makes a perfectly straight stitch.
  • Zigzag stitch. It is needed for processing open sections of fabric to prevent it from fraying. Please note that the machine has the ability to adjust the width of the zigzag.

In addition to these two main stitches, you may also find useful sewing stitches such as:

Elastic zigzag for sewing elastic

Stretch stitch for knitwear

Reinforced straight stitch

Reinforced zigzag

Edge stitching, if you do not plan to pay for the machine - overlock

Invisible hem stitch

Stretch stitch for invisible hem

  • Buttonhole processing function. With automatic mode, or semi-automatic - depends on your financial capabilities. You can make a quality loop in both modes.
  • Reverse function (reverse). Necessary for making backtacks at the end of a stitch.

If you are not short of money, buy a sewing machine. This can be considered additional functions in the machine, which will also make your work easier:

  • Regulator of presser foot pressure on fabric. It will come in handy when you sew fabrics of different thicknesses: chiffon or drape. There is a manual regulator - this is a disk or a screw, and an electronic one on computer machines.
  • Spot tack. This will come in handy so you don't have to tie a knot every time you finish a stitch.
  • Decorative stitches. Needed when laying on various types of clothing finishing stitches.

When purchasing, please note that the sewing machine includes the following parts:

  • foot for sewing a regular zipper (single-arm)
  • concealed zipper foot
  • Teflon foot for working with leather
  • roller hem foot
  • assembly feet
  • foot for sewing bias tape
  • Lubricating oil

Don't be upset if some components are missing. You can always buy the missing paws and needles. In addition, you may not need some additional details in your work.

Tip 9. Which machine is better to choose: computer or electromechanical

If your sewing machine has a computer unit, but at the same time it makes ugly straight stitches, then of course this is a reason to think about it. In favor of electromechanical, but at the same time better quality in work. Therefore, before purchasing, be sure to check the product in operation: the stitching should not wiggle, all stitches should be the same length and not pull the fabric when sewing.

If you choose a computer sewing machine, you will need to handle it very carefully. Do not use it continuously for a long time. For example, for industrial purposes, for an atelier. The computer unit has the unpleasant property of overheating and subsequently failing.

Tip 10. How to choose a sewing machine with an overlock function

Overlock function sewing machines appeared recently. This is a two-in-one model: a classic sewing machine and an overcasting machine. But don’t rush to rejoice if you decide to save money on buying an overlocker for your home. Because the two-in-one model only imitates an overlock stitch.

Externally, the stitch will look like an overlock stitch, but in terms of quality it clearly does not match the original. The strength is not the same. Essentially, a sewing machine with an overlock function is just a type of zigzag stitch.

Of course, two-in-one models will cost double the price. Is it worth paying extra for a separate stitch? If you sew for yourself and do not work for clients who care about the inside of their clothes, then a classic machine with a zigzag function will be enough for you.

Well, if you are a perfectionist and love a beautiful backside, it’s better to save up for a separate overlocker and don’t waste money on a sewing machine with an overlocker function.

Advice>>> How to save money on buying an overlocker? Buy an overcasting foot for a sewing machine. Or look at the tool compartment from your sewing machine; perhaps you already have one in your kit. It will create a zigzag seam more neatly than with a regular foot, especially when sewing delicate fabrics and knitwear. The edge will not curl or pinch as it usually does when overcasting. It also helps to produce high-quality finishing stitches, such as double parallel stitches on jeans. It is especially useful for beginners in sewing, when you are just learning how to make even stitches on fabric. Where can I buy a foot like this? I saw it on Aliexpress, and it is also available in sewing equipment stores.

Tip 11. What type of bobbin thread should you choose?

Which shuttle is preferable to choose, with horizontal or vertical filling? By making it possible to choose, sewing machine manufacturers have made the purchasing task more difficult for a beginner. The seller can tell you that you can take any, but there is still a difference, and now I will share with you exactly what it is. Machines with a horizontal shuttle are more functional, they have more lines used in work. And the vertical shuttle is more reliable, it breaks down and fails less often. In addition, you should proceed from your needs; if you plan to sew thick, heavy coat fabrics, then a vertical shuttle is best suited for these purposes.

Tip 12. What is the difference between a household sewing machine and an industrial one?

These are two large groups on which all sewing equipment can be divided. The answer to the main difference between a household machine and an industrial one lies in the name itself. A household machine will not handle the amount of work and complexity that an industrial model can handle.

But an industrial machine performs only one operation. While the household one combines many functions: straight stitch, zigzag, loop processing mode. But at the same time, an industrial one will make hundreds of thousands of stitches per day and will not overheat. The durability and reliability of industrial machine parts is designed for decades of use.

A sewing machine for beginners should be chosen from the group of household machines. The reason for this is the high speed of industrial equipment. If you are just learning to sew, you may not be able to cope with a sewing machine that makes 5 thousand stitches per minute. The main danger for beginners when working with an industrial machine is injury. You can easily stitch your fingers.

In addition, an industrial machine will be too noisy for a home. Based on prices, household sewing machines are more budget-friendly and for beginners it is better to start learning to sew with them.

Tip 13. Which brand of sewing machines to choose for beginners

Sometimes it happens that different manufacturers produce machines that are identical in quality and feature set. But these products can vary greatly in price. Therefore, in order not to overpay for the brand, choose sewing machines based on the price-quality ratio.

Pfaff,Husqvarna- quite expensive models. If the car is exclusive, repairs will cost you a pretty penny.

Brother— according to reviews, it has an uncontrollable pedal, makes poor-quality stitches

Janome- the most optimal balance of “price - quality”. According to reviews from customers and my students, it has the highest ratings.

Astralux— according to reviews, it is impossible to achieve high-quality stitching on thin fabrics with this machine. It also does not have a very high operating speed.

Nowadays it is not a problem to buy a sewing machine. Now it is possible to compare products at prices in different stores. There are several ways to get yourself a home assistant.

Method 1. Internet. Many large hardware stores have websites; you can go to the website of such a company and view the offers of online stores. Don't worry that you won't be able to test the machine in action. Such stores have a warranty period during which you can return the sewing machine.

Method 2. Through specialized stores. In any large city there are shops selling sewing equipment. You can find them through the Double GIS application. In the field of activity column, type “sewing equipment” and organizations engaged in the sale of household (industrial) sewing machines will appear.

These stores employ specialists and craftsmen who help you make the right choice according to your experience. They also give advice on working and caring for the machine.

Method 3. If you have a limited budget, then you can buy an inexpensive sewing machine on Avito. There you can buy a used sewing machine for half the price than in stores. To reduce the risk of buying a pig in a poke, take a person with you to the transaction who has experience working with sewing equipment.

Very frequently asked question for those who choose sewing machines - Why are some models expensive, although machines from another brand with the same characteristics are half the price? Would it be better to make stitches with a machine that is more expensive? Here, first of all, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Internal contents. Different manufacturers have different requirements regarding the quality of parts. Cheap appliances may be equipped with plastic parts, while a more expensive brand may have special quality control at the factory.
  • Even if at first glance you have machines in front of you that have the same functions, they can do it in completely different ways. One manufacturer can seriously invest in developing models, speeding up the process, and using the latest developments in technology. And the other is to do everything the old fashioned way, which of course will affect the low cost.
  • Advertising. It is no secret that some manufacturers invest their advertising and product packaging costs into the price of sewing machines. After all, in order for people to talk about her, you need to talk about her, right)

And finally, I can say with the famous proverb that a miser pays twice. This also applies to sewing equipment. If you plan to use your assistant every day for a long time, then it is better to take a high-quality one with good filling. Otherwise, you risk spending twice as much on repairs and components. Also plan to purchase from an authorized dealer with support, this means that you will not be abandoned in the event of a breakdown or with spare parts.

What sewing machine do I use now?

I have a typewriter on my desktop Family. This is the most common inexpensive sewing machine with a minimal set of functions. From experience, I can say that I use only two lines on it - straight and buttonhole mode. No need for work anymore. Of course, if you don't embroider patchwork quilts or doing patchwork. I've been sewing on it for ten years now and proper care Such an assistant will serve you just as long.

I also have another sewing machine - . I use it for overcasting the edges of clothes and when sewing knitwear.

We all know the image of an old Singer or Podolsk sewing machine. How far sewing machines today have come, both in appearance and in capabilities, from the “grandmother” of the straight-stitch machine. This is both pleasing and frightening. And what a variety of models!
Therefore, when deciding to make a new purchase, we are pretty much racking our brains.
To make your choice easier, the magazine decided to introduce our readers to modern sewing machines.
The most important thing is that everything has already been invented: the needle was invented a long time ago, all machines without exception are based on the same operating principle, which no one has yet canceled, and as a result of many years of work, manufacturing companies have achieved the same improvements in their heights, only they each went their own way, which is what distinguishes sewing machines today.
We are used to comparisons: even if the old machine was heavy, it was so reliable, and how it performed straight stitching, modern ones cannot do that. This is the wrong approach. Yes, we lost as a single operation, but we gained immeasurably more!

What do all cars have in common?
Before distinguishing between machines, you need to know what unites them, what every machine can do today, regardless of the manufacturer.
With such knowledge, half of the questions to sellers will no longer be necessary.
Let's make a reservation right away: we are not talking about manual or foot-operated mechanical machines - only about machines with an electric drive. So, today all cars have a light plastic or lightweight metal body. This makes them no less reliable, because... Inside, as a rule, the frame and chassis parts are metal.
Modern machines are not seamstresses. They are much more powerful than their predecessors. Many people are sometimes surprised by how such a fragile-looking machine can easily stitch thick fabric in several folds or even leather. But this is true. Perhaps this is one of the main requirements for a car today. The sewing speed has also increased noticeably - it can be adjusted by the force of pressing the pedal or set by special modes. Without exception, all machines have a free arm platform for processing trousers, cuffs or other narrow parts. Threading the upper thread has been greatly simplified. Any machine can perform at least 5 seams, including special elastic seams for knitwear and seams that imitate overlock; in some models there are several types. Each machine comes with a basic set of feet, which further expands the machine's capabilities.
And it doesn’t matter what this machine is called - PFAFF, HUSKVARNA or BERNINA, BRAZER or JANOME, or maybe SINGER - it’s important that they all know how to do it!
But this is only the minimum, which is typical for any car; the rest of its capabilities are even breathtaking.

Distinctive features of modern sewing machines
Each manufacturing company has the right to be proud of its special achievements in this area. It would be wrong to call them advantages, but rather features, some zest that can surprise us and distinguish one from the other. By deliberately not naming which company offers this or that improvement, we give you the opportunity to choose based on your needs, which contributes to a more objective assessment. And the sales consultant will always tell you which company and which model has what you need.
For example, many of the companies have retained the traditional vertical shuttle design, while others use a horizontal shuttle - the bobbin is simply inserted on top, which makes threading the bobbin easier and prevents it from breaking or tangling. Some companies offer special devices for automatically threading the upper thread, and winding the bobbin can now be done through a needle; there are also those in which the needle operation is automatically turned off. To facilitate the advancement of fabric, a special device was invented - a double feed conveyor. Some build it into the machine, others produce it in the form of an additional foot used in certain cases. There are machines in which you do not need to pull the bottom thread up - the machine will do this itself at the very first stitch.
Some machines provide knee lift and even automatic presser foot lift. To support beginners, designers from one of the companies came up with a so-called “sewing advisor” located on the machine body: it determines the necessary settings for basic sewing operations when various types fabrics.
The manufacturing technology is so advanced that some machines not only do not require lubrication, but are even contraindicated.
Manufacturers pay special attention to the loop. Nowadays you won’t find a machine where you have to manually unroll the fabric when sewing a buttonhole. The buttonhole can be processed in several steps, switching the reverse stroke and the tack; in other machines you can set the size of the buttonhole, and there are also models where you just need to set the size of the button - the machine will automatically make a buttonhole for it. Now you have at your disposal several types of loops in one machine, including a loop with an eye, and in some models even more than one. The equipment of the machines is also different: with an additional table for enlargement work surface and without, in hard or soft case.
All these technological subtleties make sewing much easier, and the result is closer to professional, which, of course, we can’t help but like.
But in addition to the special achievements of a particular manufacturer, machines differ in classes of excellence. The higher the class of the machine, the more complex it is, the easier it is to work on it.

Difference between sewing machines by class
There are three main classes of sewing machines: machines with mechanical selection of seams (so-called electromechanical machines), computerized machines (with a built-in computer board) and computerized sewing and embroidery machines. They differ in the way they control the machine, the complexity of their design, their functionality and, as a result, their price.
Electromechanical machines are the most inexpensive and uncomplicated machines. Everything here is very simple: all the seams that the machine can perform are applied to the front panel. By turning the wheel you select a seam, set the necessary adjustments (stitch length and width, thread tension) and sew.
There are a lot of improvements even in such a simple machine. You will find all the tips on the body of the machine; threading the upper and lower threads has long been simplified; instructions are needed only in difficult cases.
Many companies have equipped machines of this class with built-in electronics that provide maximum needle piercing force at low speed.
Machines of this class have a large selection of both functional and decorative seams. If we take into account all the above characteristics that distinguish a modern car from its prototype, these cars are not as simple as they might seem at first. Let's add to what has been said that this particular class of cars is especially popular and widely represented in Russia.
Such a machine will be an indispensable assistant in any home - it can do all the most basic things, and its simplicity of execution will attract even a novice sewing enthusiast.
Computerized machines. Having absorbed all the best from electromechanical machines, machines of this class are more functional. The built-in computer board allows you to control the machine by simply pressing a button. In addition to the usual working stitches, such machines have a wide variety of decorative and finishing stitches with embroidery elements. You can combine them and create your own compositions that will greatly decorate your clothes. The memory cells of such machines are quite large: 30-60 characters each, the machine remembers your programs and reproduces them on demand. Cars of this class already have the alphabet and numbers. As a rule, several types of loops are performed automatically.
The machine itself monitors the adjustments and provides recommendations for settings on the information display.
Many women (especially the older generation) are scared by the word “computer”. You shouldn’t be afraid of new products; it’s the computer that makes it easier to control the car, which, it turns out, is no more difficult than working on a calculator. Thanks to the built-in computer board, the machine itself “thinks” for you: which needle is best to install for your fabric and the selected seam, what stitch length will be optimal. Machines of this class have been on our market for more than 5 years and the demand for them is growing every year - after all, these are machines for creativity and professional sewing.
Sewing and embroidery computer machines. These are high-quality sewing machines equipped with an embroidery unit. In addition to professional sewing, they offer automatic embroidery in a hoop.
There are only a few cars of this class in the world. And, naturally, every serious company strives to present its own model in this class of machines, and some already have more than one.
The sewing capabilities of such machines are practically unlimited: more than 500 working and decorative operations, about 10 types of buttonholes, automatic adjustment of the tension of the upper and lower threads, several types of alphabets and numbers, needle operation in more than 20 directions, many setup and preparation processes are automated . Working on such a machine is surprisingly simple and comfortable, everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail. When you get to know a machine of this level in more detail, you will be pleasantly surprised by many more subtleties that turn sewing into a real pleasure.
But the main advantage of these machines is that they can automatically embroider with satin stitch, cross stitch, hemstitch, cutwork, and quilting.
Thematically selected drawings make up a large album that you receive upon purchase. From there, you will be able to order the designs you like in the future and expand your home library of embroidery cards. Each company has its own designs of embroidery, but they are all very beautiful and can be made in various coverings. Designers are constantly working to increase the size of the embroidery area.
The embroidery capabilities of machines are not limited to this.
Using a personal computer, you can create compositions from existing designs, as well as come up with your own subjects for embroidery.
To do this, you will need to purchase additional software. In some designs, the computer can be directly connected to the machine, in other cases it is possible to connect through a special storage device. This is very convenient, as you can create a design on your work computer and do the embroidery at home in the evening. The machine will easily fulfill any of your fantasies.
Overlockers. For those who value high-quality seam processing, an overlocker is a very useful addition to a sewing machine. 2/3/4/5 - thread overlockers sew, overcast and trim the fabric at the same time.
In some cases, a serger can do a better job than a sewing machine.
This type of machine is very widely represented on the market. Models are constantly updated and improved. High-end overlockers are becoming more and more like sewing machines: they can have a free sleeve and can be computerized.
The introduction of electronics into the design has significantly expanded the capabilities of the overlocker: many adjustments are now automatic, and those that need to be done by yourself will be “prompted” by the machine on the information display.
The material supply differential will make it easier to work with knitwear. Wide choose extra legs will allow you to perform invisible hems, sew on braid, beads, folds and ruffles.
But all overlockers, regardless of the manufacturer, have one thing in common - they are all assembled in Asian countries.

Getting to know manufacturing companies
Conventionally, all companies can be divided into two groups.
European ones that have retained their production in their homeland - PFAFF, HUSKVARNA and BERNINA - and companies whose factories are located in countries with cheap labor - BRAZER, JANOME, JAGUAR, etc.
To be completely objective, it should be noted that inexpensive electromechanical class machines PFAFF and BERNINA are also assembled in Taiwan, and only HUSKVARNA is represented on the Russian market with Swedish-assembled machines of any class.
SINGER stands apart, which we associate with the old German brand. But this has not been the case for a long time. Even initially it was an American company with a branch in Germany. And now it is a huge transnational concern, under whose brand it produces Appliances, furniture, sewing and knitting machines. SINGER brand cars are assembled in Taiwan, Brazil, China and even in Russia at the Podolsk plant. The production of machines under the SINGER brand accounts for almost half of all machines produced in the world. It must be noted that SINGER still produces hand- and foot-operated machines without an electric drive, which are included in this number.
The German company PFAFF has been producing its machines for more than 100 years, is one of the leaders in the global sewing machine market and is very popular in Russia. The company is famous for the production of industrial sewing and embroidery machines, which was successfully used in the development of household machines.
This brand is competitive with the Swedish HUSKVARNA, an ancient company with a 300-year history that has been producing sewing machines since 1879. Before the revolution, the Russian market was one of the largest, so HUSKVARNA, like SINGER, was successfully represented there. For the first time after the break, HUSKVARNA appeared a little later than PFAFF, but very quickly conquered the market, surprising with its comfort and elegance of models.
Another world leader in sewing machines is the Swiss BERNINA, a company with more than 100 years of history. Having hesitated for a long time to enter the Russian market, today BERNINA is actively asserting its position, filling it with high-quality cars.
The machines of these three companies can be said to be competitive on the same level: here there is German integrity and order, Swedish thoroughness and reliability, Swiss precision and loyalty to tradition. These cars are prestigious and expensive, but traditionally reliable and durable.
BROZER and JANOME are younger competitors of these reputable companies, but they very quickly gained strength and quickly conquered the sewing machine market.
JANOME is the largest manufacturer with 3 large factories in Taiwan, Japan and Thailand, producing cars under its original brand, and also assembling cars for European companies. He has more than 250 models to his credit.
The Japanese BRAZER is a serious competitor even for European manufacturers. Producing both industrial sewing and embroidery machines and household ones, BRAZER is very widely represented on the market today and is a sales leader.
When characterizing the machines of these companies, it should be noted their progressive approach to updating models, especially electromechanical machines. Manufacturers are dynamically expanding their range, focusing on consumer demand; the large flow of production is reflected in affordable prices. The machines of these companies are very popular in Russia and, perhaps, lead in sales of all sewing machines
In addition to geographical differences in product production, these two groups differ fundamentally in sales policies. In Russia, only PFAFF, HUSKVARNA and SINGER have official representative offices that control the machine service network, work to create the company’s image and support its reputation. Agree, this is a serious and responsible approach. Consumers of cars from such companies are more protected; in difficult cases, they can always contact the representative office.
Sales of cars from other companies are carried out through official distributors. In their work they already act on their own behalf.
The second fundamental difference relates directly to the production of machines. BRAZER, JANOME and SINGER focus on a wide the lineup, low prices, a large number of operations in each individual model with the comparative simplicity of the machines. The European approach is a narrower range of models with higher quality, perfected cars of any class.

Buying a car
Advising is a thankless task. With such a variety of cars that we see in stores today, it is doubly difficult. After reading this material, you have probably drawn the main conclusions for yourself. But you only need to obey your heart. Therefore, when choosing a car, focus primarily on your needs: for what purpose are you purchasing the car and, of course, on your financial capabilities.
When demonstrating the machine, familiarize yourself with the features of the model and the basic skills of operating the machine. Ask the seller to check the loop, the main seams - 2-3 are enough. You can grab pieces of your fabric or knitwear from home and test the machine on them.
When operating the machine, pay attention to the chassis: there should be no obvious extraneous noise or strong vibration.
Ask the seller about the rules for operating the machine - very often, violating them leads to poor-quality sewing or malfunction of the machine. Don't expect the impossible - you won't get good results with a stitch length of 6mm or more on thin fabric or an invisible hem on leather. First of all, follow the sewing technology - the machine will do everything flawlessly.
You should feel satisfied with your choice - then the machine will answer you in the same way.

Do you often have to go to the studio for little things or do you want to work as a seamstress at home? It's time to choose a sewing machine that will meet all your requirements. The article will tell you about the main types and parameters of household models.

An unmistakably selected machine will save the effort and nerves of a novice craftswoman. First you need to decide for what purpose the device is being purchased. For minor repairs and full-scale sewing of clothes, you will need different types of sewing machines.

Despite its advanced age, this type is often used in home sewing. Mechanical machines are easy to operate; there is no need to read the instructions. Due to the simplicity of the device, they rarely need repairs. There are no problems with the setup. The manual drive is suitable for all types of fabrics, even jeans and leather.

Using Singer and Podolsk machines it is easy to learn the basic principles of sewing. They perform only a few operations, including decorative stitches. Stitch options are displayed on the panel. There are no difficulties in adjusting thread tension, stitch length and width. The only drawback is the lack of parts in workshops. You will have to place ads to buy a used spare part.

Modern modification with electric drive. The device is controlled manually using a switch. Unlike mechanical machines, they have a lightweight body. The kit includes additional accessories: presser feet, spare bobbins, spool pin and a set of needles.

Shuttles are divided into two types according to their purpose: vertical and horizontal. In inexpensive models, the first type is installed. When working, it vibrates, the stitch width is limited, and the needle moves slowly across the fabric. The horizontal shuttle does not tangle the threads, and the machine itself does not resonate. The model with a horizontal shuttle has a built-in wide window through which you can see how much thread is left on the bobbin.

Electric clippers are affordable, but not intended for daily use. They are indispensable for small jobs and mending clothes.

This type is suitable for professional sewing. They have a computer with a microprocessor installed, all commands are displayed on the screen. The machine can handle all fabrics, including corduroy and guipure. The stitch width and length are adjusted using the key. On average, such models perform up to 60 lines. You can see on the screen what the stitching on the canvas will look like.

In terms of control, electronic models differ little from others. They have a pedal, a lifting lever, and a device for winding thread onto a bobbin. The device independently controls all processes, so sewing on it is of high quality. Electronic models of sewing machines will save time and give impetus to creative ideas. They are indispensable if the housewife decides to sew to order for days on end.

A machine that processes the edges of fabrics with loose weaves. The seam is neat and reliable. Most models are equipped with knives that remove excess seam allowance. This feature saves the seamstress time.

There is no shuttle in this design. Its work is performed by special loopers. Threading can be challenging at first. There are recommendations on the machine panel on how to install the threads correctly.

The most sophisticated home appliance that creates masterpieces. By using computer program You can decorate the fabric using various embroidery techniques. First, the files are downloaded and the desired hoop size is selected. Threads are threaded into the machine the right colors. The embroidery process does not require human control.

For beginners who want to decorate clothes original design, a small household machine will do. The price-quality ratio is affected by the diagonal of the monitor. In the simplest models, the numbers of the embroidered color are displayed on a monochrome display. Expensive devices are equipped with a high-resolution color monitor.

Industrial equipment has acquired household modifications. An indispensable tool when processing elastic fabrics. A stitch made in a special way prevents additional stretching of the material. Ideal for knits, stretch and polyester. The machine performs several stitch options, but does it efficiently.

What criteria should you use to choose a sewing machine for your home?

Each device is good in its own way. There is no clear answer as to which equipment is better: both mechanical and modern sewing machines have proven themselves well. When purchasing, you need to rely on several factors.

Number of lines

It is difficult to imagine a model without a basic set of various stitches. Beginners will need:

  • straight stitch;
  • zigzag;
  • line for invisible hem;
  • overcasting stitch.

Computerized types of machines contain a wide range of operations. They are able to embroider festoons, ornaments and openwork patterns.

Presser foot pressure regulator

Pressure on thin fabric should be stronger. To work with thick material, you need a model with an adjustable foot to facilitate the passage of thickenings. In inexpensive sewing machines, the pressure is adjusted using a regulator. Expensive models are equipped with a pressure control system.

Thread tension

The tension of the upper thread is controlled by a special regulator, which is located on the front panel of the machine. The bobbin thread is controlled using the locating screw on the hook. If both devices function correctly, the threads will not intertwine either in the fabric or on its surface. Electronic machines are equipped with a device that adjusts the tension depending on the type of fabric.


If you need a machine for sewing clothes, then you shouldn’t save money. To make loops, it is better to choose a model with an automatic mode. It comes with a special foot. The machine will make a buttonhole and secure the buttonhole on its own. Budget models carry out the task in manual or semi-automatic mode. This is not to say that such functions are inconvenient: at any time you can stop sewing and adjust the fabric manually.

Additional criteria

To choose a sewing machine for home use, secondary factors should be taken into account:

  1. Company manufacturer. Preference should be given to well-known brands. In addition to a quality product, a person gets the opportunity to repair the machine in case of breakdown. Service centers of well-known companies are located in every city.
  2. Stitch length. Decorative stitches will be more expressive if the stitch length is 6 mm or higher. The longer the stitch length, the denser the fabric can be machined.
  3. Weight. An electromechanical machine is most often made of durable plastic. Parts wear out quickly. The weight of a high-quality device is achieved through metal parts.
  4. Appearance. Even in the budget segment it is easy to find a model with an original pattern on the panel. But you can’t give in to emotions. You can give preference to beauty after clarifying the technical parameters.

Rating of the best inexpensive sewing machines

The leaders in the production of machines are considered European manufacturers. Companies from the Asian region are not far behind them. New models come onto the market with enviable regularity; there is always plenty to choose from. How much do such household appliances cost? Prices range from five to fifteen thousand.

The electromechanical machine of the Japanese company has received many positive reviews among beginners. It is designed to work with fabrics of various densities. Detailed instructions will tell you which needle and thread thickness is best to choose. The horizontal shuttle runs smoothly and does not cause any vibration during operation.

The stitch length is 4 mm. The number of operations is 14, this number is enough to repair and sew clothes. There is a built-in function for semi-automatic buttonhole sewing and lighting. The standard package includes three types of presser feet and bobbins, a set of needles, a pedal and a screwdriver.

An excellent choice for beginner craftswomen mastering stitches, bartacks and zigzags. The body is made of white plastic, there is a blue insert. There is a compartment for accessories. The internal parts are made of plastic, which lightens the weight of the structure.

The machine is distinguished from others by its simple appearance. It is equipped with a minimum set of stitches. Low operating speed is what beginners need. It is based on an electromechanical device. Internal parts are made of metal. The machine is equipped with a vertical shuttle.

The kit includes five types of presser feet, needles, bobbins and a seam ripper. The right combination of needle and foot can sew through any fabric. You can sew blind and elastic stitches. The loop is made automatically. The maximum stitch length is 4 mm. Zigzag processes the edges precisely, as in working with an overlocker. The basic configuration includes a secret compartment for storing small sewing accessories.

The Swedish-made electromechanical machine is easy to operate. It can perform 14 different operations. On the front panel there are regulators and wheels with which you can adjust the thread tension and stitch length. Strict design, reliability and minimum operations are perfect for household sewing.

For convenience, there is a marking of the working surface. The motor performs 860 stitches per minute. The machine sews buttonholes in semi-automatic mode. The stitch width is 5 mm. Changing the presser foot requires just the press of a button. You can forget about scissors because there is a built-in thread cutter. The kit includes a thread threader. The pedal regulates speed well. The engine runs almost silently.

The best sewing machine in the budget segment. The company has been famous for its products for several centuries. The body of the new model is made in gray color. Metal parts suppress vibration from operation. Electromechanical control is highly powerful. For an economy-class device, the machine has many operations, 32 in total. The maximum stitch length is 4 mm.

The loop is sewn automatically. The design of the foot will prevent the fabric from moving. The thread threader will take care of your eye health. The metal construction and durable needles can handle even thick materials. The horizontal shuttle ensures silent operation. A transparent window allows you to control the amount of thread on the bobbin. The machine sews 1100 stitches per minute, which is much more than other models. A screwdriver for the foot is no longer needed: replacement is done using a button. A soft protective case is included.

Inexpensive electromechanical machine with a vertical shuttle. Consists entirely of metal parts. In addition to a large set of operations, there are a lot of useful devices: a thread tension regulator, paws for sewing in zippers and buttons, and a thread threader. You can sew 23 different stitches, including overlock and blind stitches. There is a convenient reverse key.

Power allows flashing denim. With a maximum stitch length of 4 mm, the stitches are very neat. The machine sews loops automatically. There is a convenient handle for carrying. The set includes a case.

The body is made in bright color scheme. The machine performs 10 most necessary operations. Suitable for simple tasks. Electromechanical control produces almost no noise. The maximum stitch length is 4.5 mm. The motor provides good sewing speed. The shuttle is vertical. The high presser foot lift copes with dense fabrics. You can sew on zippers and buttons. The rubberized handle facilitates the work process. The machine is indispensable for repairing clothes and making buttonholes.

An electromechanical machine with a bright design will fit into any interior. An excellent choice for young craftswomen. 14 sewing operations will cope with the processing of capricious fabrics. It is based on a vertical shuttle. Elna performs the work of an overlocker and is suitable for processing elastic fabrics. The machine has a built-in thread tension regulator. You can adjust the stitch length and width. The machine performs 600 stitches per minute. The loop is sewn in semi-automatic mode. The kit includes a foot for sewing in a zipper.

Electromechanical model with huge potential. Its technical data can compete with industrial machines. TOYOTA carries out 34 types of stitches, including decorative ones. The loops are made in semi-automatic mode. Presser foot pressure regulator allows you to work with rough fabrics. The machine does not heat up and does not make noise. loud sounds. The set includes a thread threader.

A good sewing machine for the home. A simple electromechanical model with a minimum of sewing operations. Suitable for processing and repairing clothing. Takes up little space. The linen loop is dialed in semi-automatic mode. Rocking shuttle. The speed of the mode is controlled by the pedal. A quilting foot will help you create multi-layered items. The built-in light illuminates the entire sewing area. Convenient keys quickly adjust stitches.

The overlock function sews the edges of frayed fabrics. A special platform will help you sew cuffs, sleeves and trouser legs. It is possible to sew with a double needle. The body and parts are made of metal. The machine is moved using a handle. The set includes a case.


Modern sewing machines are tools for creativity. They allow you to sew and decorate clothes, decorate your home with paintings made from fabric and ribbons. Even beginners will get smooth seams. The machine is indispensable for mothers: children quickly wear out things.

What should you pay attention to when buying a household sewing machine? The range of equipment is not small; you need to decide for what needs it will be needed. At first, you should not purchase an expensive model. This does not mean that you need to buy the cheapest machine. She is not able to perform some operations efficiently. In the store you need to take a closer look at the power of the motor, the minimum set of stitches and the quality of the case.

shuttlehorizontalrockingrotary horizontalrockingrockingrocking
number of operations17 8 32 23 10 10
Stitcheshidden, elasticovercasting,hidden, elastic, elastic hiddenhidden, elastic, elastic hiddenovercast, blind, elastic, elastic blind
Pricefrom 4950 rub.from 7400 rub.from 10850 rub.from 5900 rub.from 5400 rub.from 6050 rub.
Where can I buy

How to choose a sewing machine for your home? Such a machine is a great help in everyday life for any woman.

You can do a lot with this home appliance: carefully mend a hole in your first-grader son’s jeans, sew beautiful kitchen towels for your beloved mother-in-law or create a real masterpiece - beautiful winter coat.

Fortunately, sewing machines are not in short supply now and, knowing some simple rules, you can easily choose one for yourself. perfect option for home use.

Determine the purpose of the purchase

Firstly, it would be good to decide in what intensity mode you are going to use the sewing machine. Since the price range here is very wide and practically unlimited. You can spend from 3000 to 300000 rubles, so it is important to understand that the postulate “the more expensive, the better quality” does not necessarily work here, and it is important for the right choice look at the functionality and manufacturer.

Conventionally, the following purposes for purchasing a sewing machine can be distinguished:

  • the purchase is necessary for the simplest operations: clothing repair, sewing curtains, towels;
  • the purchase is necessary for simple operations and for sewing clothes for the family;
  • I plan to sew not only for myself, but also to fulfill orders;
  • We plan to carry out complex creative orders, so we need a device with an embroidery function.

Choosing the type of sewing machine

Secondly, after you have decided why you decided to buy a sewing machine, you need to study what they are. By type of control sewing machines are divided into the simplest:

  • electromechanical;
  • more complex - electronic;
  • the most multifunctional are models equipped with computer control.

Electromechanical sewing machines

They come with a vertical shuttle and a horizontal one. The vertical shuttle limits the functionality of the device by the width of the stitch: the maximum can be done stitches measuring 5 mm.

A machine with such a shuttle is quite suitable for sewing simple things like sheets and curtains. And it’s quite possible to sew clothes on it. This limitation in stitch size will be of great importance if you want to sew, for example, outerwear made of thick fabric - a winter coat or leather coat. However for sewing simpler items such a machine is quite enough.

The advantages of a vertical shuttle are great reliability, durability, inexpensive repairs and ease of maintenance.

Machines with a horizontal shuttle make it possible to carry out a wider stitch - up to 7 mm, the sewing speed is slightly higher, and the motor noise is lower. Wherein no setup required lower thread tension, and the machine copes well with sewing items from thin fabrics. True, repairing such a machine will cost more.

Typically, electromechanical sewing machines have up to 27 different types lines, many of which also have a decorative function. This is quite enough for home use.

Electronic sewing machines

They have much more wide functionality. Not all models even have a pedal; some cars start working after pressing the “start” button. The power of the electronic machine is very high. She easily sews capricious fabrics.

As you already understood, this great choice for a home studio if you are planning a full-time job with a large client base.

Computer machines

The most expensive of all that exist. With the help of such a machine you can make beautiful embroideries, turning your work into a real exclusive. In fact, such a machine will do all the work for you. The type of control here is similar to electronic models, but the electronic system is much more complex, and the choice of stitches is more extensive.

Down with stereotypes!

When choosing a sewing machine, we also advise you to discard some stereotypes. Many believe that a high-quality device cannot be produced in Asia - China or Thailand, and, upon seeing the corresponding manufacturing country, they immediately reject the proposed option.

It's important to understand, that the years when the inscription “Made in China” meant poor quality are irrevocably over. And now most reputable companies assemble sewing machines in Asia, which does not in any way affect the quality of the final product. Even Singer assembles its sewing machines in Asia.

At the same time, laudatory reviews are often written by the stores themselves in order to provoke a potential client to make a purchase.

The following misconception is incorrect understanding of price-quality ratio. Since you already know that devices come in different “fillings,” it is important to compare the price with the functionality of the machine.

A good electronic sewing machine cannot cost 3,000 rubles! And at the same time, a device that can make only three lines should not cost more.

Cost of the machine does not in any way affect how even the stitching will be. It depends on the fabric, the correct choice of needle type, the quality of the threads and the correct settings of the device.

What other parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a suitable sewing machine?

Even if you decide to choose the most simple model sewing machine for the home, do not regret paying 300-800 rubles on top for the presence of such a function as a needle threader. This mechanism greatly saves the hostess’s nerves.

Thread cutter also should not be neglected. These little things, which seem to be not particularly necessary, ultimately create a more favorable environment for creativity.

The best sewing machine for the home is one where everything is thought out for your convenience; you will want to use it again and again. note on how the drawer with accessories is located in the machine. It is convenient when it is completely removed without using a screwdriver, creating a so-called “free sleeve”. This makes it easier to work with clothing items such as trouser legs.

Check which stitches you need are present in the machine. Useful in the machine's arsenal of capabilities are an elastic stitch for knitwear, a stitch for making invisible hems, and an overlock stitch. Extremely useful feature– this is a loop in a convenient semi-automatic mode.

The most important stitches are the zigzag and straight stitch.

If you plan to sew to order, it is desirable that the pressure on the fabric of a part such as a foot can be adjusted depending on the type of material: for knitwear, for example, less pressure is required. It’s good if, in addition to automatically adjusting the thread tension, this operation can be done manually.

Which manufacturer should you trust?

Now that you have decided on the required set of functions and type of sewing machine control, it’s time to find out more information about the manufacturers. Now there are two main groups of companies on the Russian market: European companies and Japanese, both of which have inexpensive sewing machines for the home.

European ones include: proven brands like Pfaff, Bernina and Singer. They produce models of very high quality and are somewhat more expensive than Japanese ones.

To reduce production costs, the workshops of these companies are mainly located in Asia. These companies have both expensive devices and quite affordable models in their arsenal.

Among European companies I would like to highlight the company Singer, one of the most popular in our country. This trust is probably due to the fact that many old models produced in the first half of the 20th century still work properly.

Modern Singer products include both machines for beginners and more complex ones.

Japanese companies produce affordable models and with very great functionality. The Japanese company Janome is the undisputed leader in the sewing machine market. They have a very wide range from household machines for home use to complex and expensive embroidery machines. The company appeared on the Russian market quite a long time ago, if necessary, repairs no problems with service and purchase of parts. Also very popular in Russia are brands such as Brother, Juki, and Astralux.