Health Pregnancy beauty

What does an 11 week old baby look like? Possible deviations from the norm

Fetal parameters

Length - 4.1 cm.

Every woman's pregnancy process is unique. Of course, there are well-known signs that are present in all pregnant women.

By focusing on them, you can avoid unnecessary worries. The 11th week of pregnancy is no exception; during this period, a woman’s interesting condition can remain a mystery only to strangers.

General signs of pregnancy

Those who still doubted pregnancy and did not trust the test results will understand that there is still life inside Small child. The changes and restructuring of the body will be more than eloquent. The following general signs of pregnancy are identified:

Being pregnant is not easy because a woman realizes that not only physical changes are coming, but also changes in her rhythm of life. Therefore, relatives should unobtrusively protect the expectant mother and take care of her.

Feelings of the expectant mother

For most women the eleventh obstetric week pregnancy begins with the realization (precisely the realization) that they are really pregnant, despite the fact that the tummy is still almost invisible.

The uterus is still in the pelvis, so the most that future parents will notice is a slight roundness of the belly. Many outfits become tight, although the parameters seem to have not changed. The desire to update your wardrobe is justified. But you shouldn’t go shopping alone, because now, more than ever, there may be impulsive purchases that, after considering them at home, you won’t want to wear them. Invite a friend, mother, husband or any other person who knows your taste and can protect you from unnecessary purchases.

Physical sensations in the 11th week of pregnancy

  • Toxicosis. For some it is already over, but for others it will last until the fourteenth week. The feeling of nausea can appear not only because of food and its smells, but also when the “pregnant woman” hears some kind of perfume, air freshener, or exhaust fumes.
  • Vaginal discharge increases during the 11th week of pregnancy. This is again the result of hormonal changes. We must come to terms with the fact that they will not disappear until the end of pregnancy. Hygiene products will help reduce discomfort. Just before purchasing, pay attention to the composition, try to avoid overly flavored products.
  • There is restlessness in the chest area. The situation when you feel chest pain when lying on your stomach is acceptable. This week you may notice an increase in your breasts by at least a size. There may be colostrum discharge. This is how the breasts prepare for childbirth. However, you should not forcefully “extract” milk. This can injure your nipples. If the discharge is quite heavy, purchase breast pads. Similar products are available at any pharmacy outlet.
  • The veins are clearly visible. This is due to an increase in the total volume of blood in the circulatory system. The pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases.
  • Constipation and heartburn are common companions of pregnancy. It's all due to hormones. They are also the cause of drowsiness, inertia in pregnant women and emotional swings.

General physical condition expectant mother good. If, in addition to toxicosis and the above-mentioned reasons, there are other signs that lead to discomfort, then it is better to consult a gynecologist. Self-medication during pregnancy is an unacceptable “luxury”, since not only the health of the pregnant woman, but also the child’s is at stake.

Tests and examinations in the 11th week of pregnancy

The 11th week of pregnancy from conception should be used to communicate with an obstetrician-gynecologist. You can visit a clinic specialist at your place of residence or find a private practicing doctor.

The first task that a doctor will task a pregnant woman with is taking tests. They are necessary to monitor how the pregnancy is progressing. As a rule, the medical specialist also indicates the place where the tests will be taken. If desired, a pregnant woman can take them to any laboratory that has all the permits to carry out this type of activity.

At the next appointment, the doctor is provided with test results for b-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), PAPP-a (hormonal levels). The original documents are located in the medical record of the clinic, and the data themselves are entered into the exchange card. From now on, the card should always be with the pregnant woman.

The information obtained will allow us to draw the first conclusions about possible congenital defects of the fetus. If necessary, additional examination of future parents and consultation with geneticists is possible.

Ultrasound at 11 weeks

The first date is always an exciting moment, especially if it is a date with your child. And ultrasound will help organize it. Some are quite critical of this type of research. Because they believe that it harms the child. However, science does not yet know methods that would be as gentle on the fetus as ultrasound.

A couple of decades ago, women with problematic pregnancies were generally prescribed an X-ray examination. Today, this method is recognized as unsafe for the health of mother and baby. It is used extremely rarely.

11th week of pregnancy

11th week of pregnancy what happens at this time to the woman and the fetus

11 Eleventh week of pregnancy How the fetus develops


11th week of PREGNANCY #P-ONLINE

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11th week of pregnancy


Ultrasound 11 WEEKS pregnant! The child JUMPS LIKE A GRASSHOPPER and TURNS OVER!!!

11th week of our pregnancy

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An ultrasound allows a pregnant woman to admire her baby in video mode, to look at his movements with his arms and legs. And if you're lucky, the child will greet her with a wave of her little hand.

For a doctor, this study is extremely informative. This is a way to make sure proper development fetus, to identify multiple pregnancies. In this way, the gestational age is clarified, the correct location of the internal organs is assessed, the placenta attachment site is studied, and the nuchal space of the fetus is measured.

If an ultrasound reveals a threat of miscarriage, the patient is hospitalized, taking all measures to save the child. Treatment is carried out only with the consent of the patient.

Fetal development at 11 weeks

The fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy still looks like a tadpole. More precisely, his head is much larger than the rest of his body. It has arms, legs, actively moves, pushes. But mom doesn’t feel his pushes yet due to his small size.

Using an ultrasound at the 11th week of pregnancy, the doctor can already determine that the height of the little man is within 6-8 cm, and the baby weighs 10-15 g. Unlike the previous week, as a result of rapid growth, the fetus is now almost the size of a peach. Pregnant women are also determined the exact date childbirth

Modern technologies make it possible to take a photo of the fetus at 11 weeks of pregnancy during an ultrasound. They are especially happy about this, except for parents and grandparents, who are really looking forward to the birth of a grandson or granddaughter.

Fetal achievements at the eleventh week

Seeing a child at screening is one thing, but living and knowing what happens to the baby at 11 weeks of pregnancy is another. Due to constant monitoring of fetal development, some pregnant women recognize fetal movements (kicks) earlier than others. So, let's look at how the baby has changed:

  • The spine straightened, the neck became visible. Thanks to this, the child raises his head.
  • The arms are even longer than the legs, but the fingers are already formed, each finger is separated from the rest.
  • The palm, or more precisely, the tactile receptors, develops. The child begins to distinguish the umbilical cord by touch, amniotic fluid. The grasping reflex appears.
  • The mortars are developing, the baby can already push them away from the walls of the uterus.
  • A reaction to stimuli appears. He begins to react to sudden changes in his mother’s posture and her cough.
  • This week the little gourmet in the baby awakens. He feels the taste of the food that the pregnant woman eats, and the amniotic fluid that gets into the nose helps to get acquainted with various smells.
  • The development of the gastrointestinal tract continues, the rectum is formed. The intestines are functioning, although part of it is still in the umbilical cord.
  • The liver, the weight of which is a tenth of the total weight of the fetus, is actively involved in the hematopoietic process.
  • The child learned to swallow amniotic fluid.
  • The ability to yawn appeared.
  • A four-chamber heart has been formed. However, the oval window remains between the right and left ventricles, causing arterial blood to mix with venous blood. 129-160 beats is the norm for the heart during this period.
  • There are only red blood cells in the blood so far. White blood cells will be added later.
  • The skin is still too thin; blood vessels can even be seen through it.
  • The iris is just beginning to form in the eyes.
  • The first signs of gender appear.
  • The development of the skeleton and muscles continues.
  • The diaphragm is almost formed. The little one may already be hiccupping.
  • The sucking reflex appears, you can see how the lips move, smacking their lips.
  • Vocal cords develop.
  • The division of the hemispheres occurred in the brain and the cerebellum was formed.

Pregnant women should not postpone going to an ultrasound scan, since already from the 12th week the information content of screenings is significantly reduced.

Walking and relaxing are still highly desirable for pregnant women. You need to pay close attention to your diet. It should be balanced, contain vegetables, fruits, and cereals.

You should avoid carbonated, synthetic drinks, and fast foods. Beer and stronger aperitifs are prohibited. If mommy smokes, it’s time to develop a plan on how to get rid of the addiction; it’s better to do this with a doctor. You can't quit smoking abruptly. This is severe stress for the body, which can lead to self-abortion.

Tips for those who are directly into the 11th obstetric week of pregnancy

  • Control of vaginal discharge is necessary. The norm is white (transparent) with a sour odor. Other manifestations are a reason to consult a gynecologist. If the red ones appeared, brown discharge, you need to take a horizontal position and call an ambulance, informing the dispatcher about your condition.
  • Avoid large gatherings of people, because any infection picked up by chance can negatively affect the development of the child.
  • An increase in blood volume leads to increased pressure on the walls of blood vessels and can provoke varicose veins. Prevention of the disease is rest and the use of special anti-varicose tights, which you can later take with you to childbirth. The use of cooling gels shows good results. But before buying, you need to make sure that they do not contain harmful components.
  • If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, consult a specialized doctor, he will help you find out the cause of your ailments and tell you how to restore a normal state.
  • Anesthesia and anesthesia are strictly prohibited, so a visit to the dentist should be postponed.

The most important recommendation for pregnant women is the presence of positive emotions. Walking with your loved one, meeting with friends, drinking tea with girlfriends will help you take your mind off and relax. Photos taken at 11 weeks of pregnancy will help preserve the memory of the happy moments of this period, because it is unique.

Appearance of pregnant women at the eleventh week

Not only the internal state of a pregnant woman changes, but also her appearance. People around her begin to notice that the woman has become prettier. Seductively rounded shapes. A riddle appears in her, the answer to which only she and a few people close to her know the answer to.

In general, each girl has her own reaction to pregnancy: for some, their hair, teeth, and nails deteriorate, while for others it’s the other way around. Now is the time to start taking care of your skin. As an incentive to fight laziness, you can use friends' stories about terrible stretch marks that appear after childbirth. By ensuring skin elasticity using special cosmetic or folk ways, the girl has the right to hope that stretch marks will remain in horror stories and will not appear on her body.

It is possible and even necessary to take care of your appearance. You just need to avoid some cosmetic procedures(peeling, lifting, massage) and decorative cosmetics with harmful substances.

Sex in the eleventh week

The eleventh week of pregnancy has arrived. After seeing their baby on an ultrasound, many married couples refuse sex for fear of harming the child. Studies have shown that moderate, full-fledged sexual relations will not harm the fetus.

And the spouses themselves will enjoy it more. After all, fears of a possible pregnancy go away, there is no need to use contraceptives. All this leads to relaxation of the spouses and full enjoyment of each other’s company.

Intimacy is prohibited if there is a risk of losing the child. But the doctor supervising the pregnancy will definitely inform the future parents about this circumstance. The reasons for a ban may be the following:

  • constant tone of the uterus;
  • low placenta previa;
  • brown spotting discharge, bleeding;
  • the current pregnancy was preceded by miscarriages;
  • previous pregnancies ended in premature birth;
  • venereal diseases;
  • twin pregnancy.

After eliminating the causes, sex should be practiced carefully; the pregnant woman should monitor her feelings. It is not advisable to use advice in such a situation. Everything is decided by the doctor and the pregnant woman. The choice of poses is of no small importance. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of deep penetration.

Mom at 11 weeks pregnant

The quality of amniotic fluid (amniotic, from the Greek amnion - fetal membrane) fluid is an important component of the successful development of the Baby. It contains many components: proteins, carbohydrates, sugar, fats and hormones that nourish the child until birth. What does "nourish" mean? Here are just a few facts:

  • A certain amount of amniotic fluid is absorbed through the baby's skin before 24 weeks of pregnancy (later the skin becomes impermeable to amniotic fluid, since its keratinization occurs).
  • Already from 9 weeks, taste buds appear on the Baby’s tongue, and he begins to swallow amniotic fluid. In the last months of pregnancy, the fetus swallows about 20 ml of amniotic fluid in 1 hour.

Both in quantity and quality, amniotic fluid changes throughout pregnancy. So, if at 10 weeks the Baby needs 30 ml of amniotic fluid, which is similar in quality to plasma (the liquid part of the mother’s blood without cells), then by 18 weeks it already requires 400 ml, and two weeks before birth its volume is about 1500 ml . In addition to the components listed above, exfoliating epithelial cells of the baby’s skin are also found in the amniotic fluid, vellus hair- lanugo, which covers the Baby’s entire body until the last months before birth, the secretions of his sebaceous glands, etc. The concentration of one or another component of amniotic fluid depends on the duration of pregnancy.

In order for the Baby to be comfortable in this “nutrient medium”, it must not only be saturated with useful substances, but also “renewed”, including because during the day in the last months before birth the Baby secretes from 600 to 800 ml into the amniotic fluid urine. This means you should:

  • drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day;
  • It is better to completely exclude carbonated drinks from the diet - at least until the end of pregnancy and breastfeeding, since they are not beneficial for either the Baby or you;
  • Doctors readily recommend drinking vitamin teas during pregnancy - the simplest and most effective way extracting useful and palatable substances from plants. Plant helpers contain many valuable substances necessary for a growing person;
  • It is better to dilute fruit juices with water - this way they are better absorbed by the body, while reducing the load on the organs that secrete enzymes for digesting the juice, for example, on the pancreas.

11th week of pregnancy: Video "First trimester screening"

Pregnancy is a wonderful and unforgettable time. When the 10th, 11th week of pregnancy arrives, what happens in the body? What sensations does a woman have during this period, what does the unborn baby look like and what can await a woman on the way to childbirth? Every expectant mother would like to hear an answer to all these questions and many others.

Tenth obstetric week: sensations, fetal development

The tenth week is quite difficult for both the woman and the unborn child. At this stage of pregnancy, the mother does not yet feel the movements of the fetus, but you can already feel how the heart of the unborn baby beats. At this stage of development, the fetus has already formed organs and the brain is actively forming. It is very important in the 10th week of gestation to lead only the right lifestyle, maintain a healthy diet and daily routine. All this will help the baby develop a normal nervous system. The expectant mother’s feelings at the tenth week are as follows:

  1. Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the pelvic area. This happens because at this stage the uterus increases significantly and begins to put pressure on the areas adjacent to it.
  2. The ligaments of the uterus are stretched, and the woman feels corresponding pain in the groin area because of this.
  3. Body weight increases by approximately 1-1.5 kg.
  4. The urge to urinate becomes frequent.
  5. Fears may appear during sleep. Sleep may either disappear completely or become superficial.
  6. Discharge appears. If blood is found in the discharge, you should immediately call an ambulance, as this may be a sign of a miscarriage.

The mother's body undergoes a number of changes during this period. Among them the following can be noted:

  • emotional swings;
  • gums become loose;
  • the waist gradually disappears;
  • small dense nodules appear in the halo of the mammary glands;
  • weight increases slightly;
  • nausea in the morning (not everyone has toxicosis);
  • Hemorrhoids may develop; to avoid this problem, it is recommended to monitor bowel regularity.

The 10th week is the final stage from the transition of the embryo to the fetus. At this stage, the unborn baby officially becomes a fetus. If no developmental problems, pathologies or anomalies were identified during this period, then you can be sure that the baby will be born healthy. The unborn baby is about to begin to move and even suck his hand. At this stage:

  1. You can determine the sex and blood type of the unborn baby.
  2. The fetal brain is actively developing.
  3. The hemispheres become separated.
  4. The nervous system is completely separated.
  5. The size of the head becomes large compared to the body. The head has a round shape.
  6. Head size is approximately 1.74 cm.
  7. Body length 4.70 cm.
  8. The eyes are closed with eyelids.
  9. The kidneys that form urine are already working. Urine accumulates in bladder and is issued in a timely manner.
  10. The level of blood supply to the fetus changes. Hormones grow and are synthesized by the placenta.
  11. The thickness of the placenta is 1.34 cm.

At week 10, a woman is recommended to rest more. You should definitely take vitamin complexes. It is better to give preference to B vitamins and magnesium. Naturally, any vitamins should only be prescribed by a doctor. Also, the expectant mother needs to fight toxicosis and be sure to undergo a timely hCG test. This analysis will not harm, it will only show how the fetus develops over time.

You need to watch your diet and walk more. In addition, you need to weigh yourself periodically, so that if you suddenly notice weight loss, immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnancy, 11th week: sensations and features

Most expectant mothers will no longer suffer from toxicosis after 11 weeks of pregnancy. However, if these changes do not occur, then toxicosis will stop at the 14th week of gestation, but it will manifest itself without causing such torment as at the beginning of pregnancy. Often toxicosis gives way to heartburn, which is accompanied by constipation. This happens due to the work of the hormonal system.

For many, pregnancy goes through without any unpleasant sensations, so you still shouldn’t think about bad consequences.

This week, the expectant mother can already observe a slight increase in the tummy above the pubic area. Don't be surprised if your favorite jeans are too small. Although the uterus is not yet located outside the pelvis, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and aching in the lumbar region may be felt.

If the pain is frequent and unbearable, then you need to consult a doctor who is monitoring the pregnancy. Also at week 11, discharge appears, but there is no need to worry about this, since the discharge can continue until last day pregnancy. Discharges that have White color and a slightly sour smell. Discharge may also appear from the nipples - this is colostrum. Colostrum should not be squeezed out. The unborn baby at this stage is about 6 cm tall and weighs about 10 grams. Development during this period occurs very quickly:

  1. The future baby is already able to raise his head.
  2. The fetus develops a grasping reaction.
  3. The digestive tract is fully developed.
  4. The child is already reacting to an external stimulus.
  5. Movements become clear.

Features of this week of gestation include mood swings, which can still be observed from time to time. A hormonal “revolution” occurs in the body, so emotional condition is not considered something supernatural. But it’s easiest to attribute everything to hormones. You still need to learn to control your emotions and try to be more tolerant of certain situations. Prudence must prevail. In order to curb your emotions, you need to rest more, not overwork, and avoid stress. You should learn to relax, as this practice will be useful during childbirth.

Menu, screening and changes in appearance

As throughout the entire period of bearing a child, nutrition at the 11th week should be complete and balanced. It is recommended to include in the diet:

  • porridge;
  • curd products;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • vegetable oils;
  • nuts;
  • greenery.

It is necessary to monitor the amount of food you eat, as overeating will lead to constipation or heartburn. Portions should be small, and it is better to eat 6-7 times a day. It is not recommended to eat fatty, fried, salty, smoked and spicy foods while pregnant. For drinks, plain water, fruit juice or natural juices are good.

At 11 weeks, the expectant mother may be referred for screening. Screening is a 3-fold ultrasonography and taking a biochemical blood test. Every expectant mother must undergo screening, since thanks to this detailed analysis the doctor will be able to determine whether there are abnormalities in the development of the fetus and whether there are any risks of abnormalities. The screening itself is not dangerous for either the mother or the baby. If any deviations are noticed during the procedure, the expectant mother will be sent for a more thorough examination. Screening is carried out at 10-11 weeks of gestation, as this is the most favorable time for this study. And finally, one cannot help but mention the changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. A woman may notice that her nails become brittle and her hair is falling out. There is no point in fighting these signs, and after the birth of the baby everything will return to normal.

Doctors recommend avoiding hair coloring during pregnancy. Doctors also remind every expectant mother that it’s time to think about possible stretch marks. Therefore, it is better to start using creams and oils already at 10-11 weeks of pregnancy.

The eleventh week is the beginning of a new stage of pregnancy and almost the end of its 1st trimester. During this period, the expectant mother may encounter new symptoms.

By this time, most women usually feel better and toxicosis goes away. Although it’s impossible to say for sure. Each mother’s body is individual and can react to changes occurring in it differently.

What happens in the eleventh week of pregnancy

At the 11th week of pregnancy, changes continue to occur, primarily with the fetus. It begins to grow actively, and by the end of this period reaches an average of 45-60 mm and weighs no more than 8 g. The rapidly growing fetus leads to an increase in the size of the uterus, as a result the organ becomes cramped in the pelvic area, it begins to move slightly upward, into abdominal cavity. This process may be accompanied by some characteristic symptoms.

Also, at the 11th week of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the woman’s body continue, which may be accompanied by mood swings and emotional instability. It is known that hormones have the strongest effect on women prone to depression, melancholic, and hysteria. For such representatives of the fairer sex, by the way, the pregnancy itself is somewhat more difficult than for calm women.

Signs of pregnancy at 11 weeks

Pregnancy in general is accompanied by a huge number of specific symptoms. These signs are primarily due to hormonal changes, development and growth of the fetus. It is at the 11th week that some symptoms disappear, others appear. For example, for most women, toxicosis almost completely disappears at this time, and nausea and vomiting bother them less and less in the morning. Signs of toxicosis in some cases persist until the end of the 1st trimester, that is, until the end of the 12th week.

Basic characteristic feature pregnancy at 11 weeks - this is the belly that has already begun to round. Almost all women during this period of time are already aware of their situation. However, in gynecological practice there are cases when the expectant mother finds out about pregnancy much later. However, this is rather an exception to the rule.

The eleventh week of pregnancy is accompanied by:

  • increased sweating. This occurs due to an increase in blood volume in the body. The composition, and therefore the smell, of sweat may also change;
  • stool disorders. During this period, the expectant mother may experience frequent constipation. This symptom occurs rarely; it is caused by an increase in the size of the uterus and compression of the intestines;
  • heartburn (most often in the morning or due to poor nutrition);
  • changes in vaginal discharge;
  • hair loss, deterioration of skin condition;
  • the appearance of stretch marks on the skin (not all women);
  • increased feeling of hunger. This symptom is associated with the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.

Many women, when the 1st trimester of pregnancy is almost coming to an end, experience sudden mood swings, increased fatigue, and drowsiness. These symptoms are not a deviation from the norm.

Fetal development in the eleventh week of pregnancy

The fetus at this stage of development already has many systems characteristic of the human body, in particular the circulatory and endocrine systems. His heart is functioning, supplying blood to all existing organs, his kidneys and liver are actively developing, his intestines are not yet fully formed. During this period of time, the rudiments of the immune system appear in the fetus, the first lymphocytes circulate in the blood, designed to protect its body from various infections in the future.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the baby's eye color is determined. In general, the embryo still bears little resemblance to a human being; it has long upper and short lower limbs and a disproportionately large head. It is known that during this period of time the child begins to actively move, but the expectant mother does not yet feel these movements or feels them very weakly.

11 weeks
Your baby is the size of a fig

Feelings of the expectant mother at 11 weeks of pregnancy

During this period of time, a woman, as a rule, still does not have any sensations of the presence of a living organism inside. Although many especially suspicious and impressionable mothers are willing to bet that already at 11 weeks they feel the movements of their unborn child.

In general, at this stage of pregnancy the woman feels well, on average much better than in the first few weeks. She rarely experiences residual effects of toxicosis - morning sickness, increased salivation, and aversion to certain odors.

No pain is observed during this period either. You should know that any, even minor, pain in the abdominal area at 11 weeks of pregnancy is a reason to consult a specialist. This symptom may indicate various pathologies that pose a danger to both the fetus and the woman herself.

Toxicosis in the eleventh week is quite rare. Even if it is present, it does not manifest itself in the same way as before and should not be particularly disturbing. Severe toxicosis during this period of time is not the norm and therefore requires specialist supervision.