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What documents are needed to apply for a pension. The procedure for obtaining an insurance pension

The retirement age is already very close, and you are already in anticipation of a well-deserved rest and material maintenance by the state. But not so simple. Ahead is still waiting for the procedure for obtaining a pension, which is far from always easy. It is worth preparing in advance for the transition to the retirement phase of your life. To do this, we will consider what the procedure for assigning a pension consists of, what difficulties you may encounter in the process of gaining pensioner status, and what documents are needed to apply for a pension in 2017.

Types of Pensions

State benefits are divided into 2 broad categories:

  1. On compulsory pension insurance (OPS).
  2. On state pension provision.

According to the OPS, payments begin to be made only after documentary confirmation of the occurrence of the insured event. These include reaching retirement age, assigning disability status or the death of a breadwinner.

An insurance pension is granted to citizens whose age has reached the statutory mark (60 for men, 55 for women). A prerequisite is the presence of a sufficient number of seniority and points of accrued individual pension coefficient (an indicator accrued by the Pension Fund for each insurance payment). This year, these indicators should correspond to the following values:

  • 8 years of insurance experience (in 2024 its value will be 15 years, but for now, requirements are increased annually by 1 year);
  • 11.4 points of the coefficient (by 2025 its amount should be 30 points).

These are general requirements, however, a number of citizens are entitled to preferential registration of a pension. These include:

  • working in dangerous and harmful conditions;
  • living in the Far North;
  • educators and medical professionals;
  • mothers having many children;
  • parents of disabled people of group 1.

The conditions for preferential appointment of pensions are detailed on the PFR website for each category of recipients.

The amount of the proposed insurance pension can be calculated independently using the formula:

SP \u003d amount of accrued points * cost of 1 point + fixed payment

In 2017, one pension point is estimated at 78.58 rubles. Fixed payments vary for each type of pension. For example, for old-age pension, this part is 4805, 11 rubles.

Another type of pension for OPS is funded. Its main difference in the sources of formation. In this case, this is not only contributions from the employer, but also income from accumulated funds, to which the citizen gave his written consent at the beginning of his career.

Varieties of state pensions

Under state security are understood such types of pensions:

  1. Pensions to employees of state institutions. The basis may be the length of service, the onset of a certain age, disability due to health or death of the breadwinner.
  2. Pensions are social.

For the length of service, maintenance is assigned to civil servants, military personnel, pilots and astronauts. Payments from the state due to old age are due to persons whose health was undermined by radiation and man-made disasters. And after the death of the above categories of citizens, their disability relatives are entitled to payments for the loss of the breadwinner.

The state disability insurance is intended for victims of radiation, WWII veterans who suffered the blockade of Leningrad and astronauts who lost their health in the process of professional activity.

The group of recipients of social pensions includes disabled citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners whose residence in Russia has been going on for more than 15 years. Such a pension is intended for those who do not have the right to accrue insurance pension, that is, insurance contributions were not paid to them in the Pension Fund.

Social pension is granted:

  • disabled people;
  • minors and students who have lost one or both parents;
  • small ethnic groups of the North (men from 55 years old and women from 50 years old);
  • men and women over the age of 65 and 60, respectively, and they are not entitled to an insurance pension.

To all groups of recipients, the state annually sets its own social pension. Maintenance in old age in 2017 is 5034.25 rubles. But this value can be adjusted by the district coefficient, and also can not be less than the cost of living of the recipient's region of residence. If it does not match him, an extra charge will be assigned.

After you have decided on the type of pension provision due to you, we will begin to consider the procedure for applying for a pension.

The procedure for applying for a pension in the Russian Federation

It is better to start applying for a pension in advance, 5-6 months before the retirement age. Although the FIU staff will not accept the application earlier than 30 days before the cherished date, it is worthwhile to prepare the accompanying documents in advance.

The procedure of registration can be carried out both by the future pensioner personally, and his legal representative, subject to the availability of a power of attorney.

An application can be submitted in several ways:

  1. To the FIU branch at the place of residence.
  2. In a multifunctional center.
  3. To send by Russian Post. In this case, the date of appeal will coincide with the date of registration of the letter at the place of departure.
  4. Through a personal account on the website of the FIU.
  5. Through the portal of public services.

Persons without a residence permit or constantly arriving in the territory of a foreign state must apply to the main branch of the Pension Fund, located in Moscow. When submitting an electronic application, the originals of documents will still have to be brought to the PFR or MFC office.

Employees of the Pension Fund are required to consider the paper within 10 days from the date of their submission or from the day the last missing document was submitted. Upon their adoption, they must verify the correctness of completion and compliance with the established list. The pensioner has 90 days to provide the missing papers. If necessary, FIU staff can assist in sending a request to your employers or to the archive.

You can only get a pension quickly if you have all the necessary documents on hand. Therefore, the study of their list should be given special attention.

What documents are needed for applying for a pension 2017

The lists of required documents required by each category of applicants are established by the Administrative Regulation of the FIU, the full contents of which can be found on the organization’s website. We will consider the lists of documents required for the appointment of pensions of the most popular varieties.

Documents required for applying for an old-age pension

An old-age pension is granted after providing the following package of documents:

  1. Passport (for non-residents a residence permit).
  2. Pension certificate.
  3. Documents in evidence of seniority (for the period before the creation of the accounting system for OPS, that is, until 2002). Seniority is recorded in the work book, but if some records are missing, you can provide a certificate from a former job, turnovers for charges. pay or extract from the order of appointment.
  4. A document on the change of surname, if any.
  5. Information about the average monthly income for 60 consecutive months. This can be any period before the introduction of personified accounting, that is, until 2002.
  6. Information about dependents (minors, students, people with disabilities, elderly parents, etc.). In support of this information is provided about the income of the whole family, a certificate of its composition and documents proving kinship.

If you do not provide all the necessary documents for applying for an old-age pension, the employee of the FIU should give you recommendations on how to request missing papers.

Persons wishing to receive a social old-age pension will only need to provide a passport and an application.

List of documents required for assigning a pension to military personnel

A military pension is drawn up with significant differences. So, the application is submitted not to the Pension Fund, but to the personnel department at the place of service. After dismissal, the former soldier must register with the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence and provide the following list of documents:

  • passport;
  • monetary certificate;
  • military ID;
  • military unit prescription;
  • personal business with the calculation of the length of service;
  • pension Fund certificate of no accruals;
  • a photo.

The whole procedure for assigning a military pension takes 2-3 months, of which most of the time is spent on obtaining a monetary certificate. Direct consideration by the draft board of documents takes no more than 10 days.

When applying for any type of pension, the most mistakes are made when filling out an application. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with its sample in advance and study the rules for filling it.

Pension application

Consider the most popular type of application that is used to apply for an insurance pension. Its form can be downloaded on the PFR Internet resource, or on our website.

The following data shall be indicated in the application:

  1. The name of the territorial authority of the FIU to which the application is submitted.
  2. Pension ID number.
  3. Citizenship.
  4. Place of residence
  5. Contact number.
  6. Passport data.
  7. Information about the representative (in case of non-self-submission of the application).
  8. The kind of pension you are applying for.
  9. Employment at the moment.
  10. Data on dependents.
  11. Information about previously assigned pensions.
  12. List of attached documents.
  13. E-mail address for sending notification of receipt of documents.
  14. Date and signature.

All data are entered in the statement without abbreviations and only in the nominative case. The PFR website contains detailed instructions on how to complete each item.

What documents are needed to recalculate a pension

Recalculation is subject to the pension, the recipient of which continues to work, and insurance premiums are still paid for it. Recalculation is carried out in two ways - upon application and automatically.

The pension is automatically recalculated annually from August 1. The FIU takes into account those retirement points that were accrued after the insurance pension was awarded or after the last recalculation. In the same period, the funded pension is recalculated in accordance with the investment results.

An undeclared allocation form is also used provided that:

  • achievements of 80 years, since this age corresponds to an increased fixed part;
  • disability group changes.

Recalculation in the application form is necessary in the following circumstances:

  • change in the number of dependents;
  • change of the region of residence, with which the district coefficient changes;
  • working hours in the Far North;
  • the death of the second breadwinner.

In such cases, recalculation is carried out at the beginning of the month that follows the month of registration of the application by the FIU employee. The application can be written in free form, or use the form from the PFR website. The passport and SNILS are attached to it. Additionally they may require:

  1. Personal account statement from the FIU.
  2. Inquiries from work on employment and the deduction of insurance premiums.
  3. Certificate of dependents.
  4. The conclusion of the death of the breadwinner.

What documents are needed to recalculate the pension in your case, you can find out only at a personal consultation in the FIU, or at the help numbers indicated on the organization’s website.

We examined what documents are needed to apply for a pension in 2017 , and what is the procedure for applying to pension authorities. So that paperwork does not overshadow the joy of going on a well-deserved rest, carefully study the list of required papers and take care of their receipt. A full package of documents and a correctly completed application are a guarantee of receiving the money due to you from the state on time.

A month before the onset, reflected in the law of retirement age, any citizen of Russia can do paperwork. If you want to receive a pension, you will have to collect a certain package of documentation. And then go with him to the authorized state bodies.

What documents are needed in 2017

As for the list of documents for applying for a pension, a person must have their full availability before contacting the authorities. So, you have to collect the following papers:

  • Certificate, which confirms that the person has dependent family members who are recognized as disabled.
  • Passport of a citizen.
  • Documents on the place of residence or stay and actual residence of the applicant.
  • Employment history. In addition to her, the pension authorities that are responsible for the appointment of a pension can accept other documents from the applicant. The document that is given instead of the work book must be issued by the employer to the employee, and also confirm the seniority of the candidate.
  • Certificate from the person’s place of work about his average monthly salary.
  • Papers that confirm the fact that the name is changed.
  • Disability Assignment Certificate.

As for the sample application, it can be found and downloaded on the Internet itself. Or contact the authorities and take a copy of the sample from them. The statement is allowed to be made at home. Perhaps this will be more convenient for some.

What does the statement contain?

As for the sample document, it contains such items as:

  • full name of the authority to which the application is addressed;
  • name of application;
  • Name of pensioner;
  • person insurance certificate number;
  • citizenship information;
  • address of the place of actual residence, or place of residence and stay in Russia and abroad;
  • person's phone number;
  • details of the document that certifies the identity;
  • employment information;
  • the number of people who are dependent on the candidate for a pension;
  • data of a representative who submits a document for a citizen entitled to a pension;
  • a person’s request for a pension;
  • information about previously assigned pension payments;
  • data on documents attached to the application;
  • date of paper filling;
  • the signature of the person or his representative and the transcript of the signature.

How to fill in paper correctly

In the rules for filling out a document that can be found on the website of the federal pension authority, you can see that the full name of the citizen who will be charged the old-age pension should be fully recorded in the nominative case. There should also be a correspondence between writing the name in the passport and on the form.

The columns that are associated with the place of residence, you must specify the full address and without any abbreviations. State bodies can not only verify their identity with a passport, but also by studying a residence permit or other papers. Details and names of these documents should also be reflected in the application for calculating the old-age pension.

Reception of documents

When a specialist of the pension authority accepts documents from the applicant, then there is an identification of the applicant, also checks the correctness of filling out the application and the validity of the information that is indicated in it. The study of the originals and copies provided is carried out by an official. It also compares them and fixes the existing discrepancies if they are found during comparison. If a Russian has not attached a complete package to the document, the official informs them of this and offers to convey the missing statements and papers.

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  • Federal employees   submit an application to the personnel service addressed to the chairman of the PFR Management Board of the authority where the citizen worked until his dismissal.
  • Some civil servants, military and police officers departments and ministrieswhere they performed the service, not the FIU.

In old age, loss of breadwinner and disability are appointed, as well as ordinary payments, in the territorial bodies of the FIU at the place of registration, but in contrast they require a mandatory submission additional documentsclarifying the circumstances of belonging to a particular category of citizens for registration of the arising right to pension provision.

Documents confirming additional circumstances

Additional documents when establishing a pension specify a number of circumstances, namely:

  • change of name (marriage certificate, name change, divorce certificate);
  • certificate of actual residence on the territory of our country or at the place of stay (written application of a citizen, passport, document of registration at the place of residence or stay issued by the authorities maintaining such records);
  • justification for a permanent presence outside of Russia (documents issued by consular offices of the Russian Federation or by the relevant authorities of foreign countries);
  • confirmation of the full custody of another citizen (certificate from the housing department, certificate of income of family members);
  • certificate of continued studies by a dependent after his majority (certificate from an educational institution);
  • confirmation of family relations (marriage certificate, birth certificate, adoption);
  • proof of belonging to the small peoples of the North (passport, birth certificate, certificate of local government);
  • certificate attesting to participation in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident or confirmation of residence in special radioactive zones;
  • substantiation of the performance of certain types of work (preferential clarifying certificates from organizations, and in the case of their liquidation, from archival institutions).

In some cases, an identity card is required legal representative, then it is necessary to submit an appropriate document from the guardianship authorities.

Deadlines for submitting documents and assigning pensions to the Pension Fund

An application for the establishment of a pension payment is submitted by a citizen one day before the right arises, but no more than one month, to the FIU at the place of registration. PFR employees are considering such a statement. within 10 business days.

In the event that the pensioner has missing documents for the purpose of paying the payment, the citizen has three months from the date of written request to submit the required information or to wait for their receipt upon request.

An insurance pension is assigned from the day you apply for it, but not before the right arose   on installable. However, there are exceptions:

  • appeal within a month from the day of dismissal from the enterprise (in this case, the payment will be scheduled from the day after dismissal from work);
  • when applying within a year after the recognition of a citizen as incapable of work (then the appointment is carried out from the day the loss of capacity for work was established);
  • if a citizen wrote an application for a pension for the loss of a breadwinner within a year from the day of his death (in this case, payment will be made from the date of death; if more than a year has passed, then 12 months before applying).

State security pensions are established from the first day   of the month in which the citizen applied for the appointment, but in any case not earlier than the occurrence of the right.

Upon assignment of a certain type of pension, pensioners were issued with confirming status, which, since 2015, has been replaced by the usual paper certificate.


To assign a pension payment, certain conditions are necessary that give it the right and the required package of documents with additional certificates established separately for each particular case.

Without even finding a letter in the mailbox with an invitation to the territorial administration of the FIU and not having heard the corresponding announcement from his insurer, the citizen is obliged take care of yourself   on the establishment of retirement benefits, as missed compensation not provided.

Only with timely treatment can we guarantee that all disputes in the design of the submitted documents will be resolved, and a pension will be awarded as soon as possible.

03/04/2019, Sashka Bukashka

So, we are preparing to go on a well-deserved rest. Its main form is old-age insurance. It is not paid by the employer, but by the Pension Fund at the place of residence, and it is necessary to apply there - a month before the retirement age or at any time after.

Let's see what documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension in 2019 in the FIU, what is their list and where to get it.

Where to start

Every year the legislation changes, so it is wiser to consult in advance with the FIU, find out the list of necessary papers. But the main positions in this list remain unchanged. Let us consider in more detail each of the required documents and references.

We will talk separately about what insurance experience and salary can confirm.

How to confirm the experience

In 2002, the pension reform started, the employer has a new obligation - to submit detailed information about employees to the Pension Fund. Therefore, the PRF has all the data on the earnings and length of service of the employee after this moment. We are, of course, talking about the "white" salary, official income. But to confirm the experience until 2002, evidence will be required. This is, first and foremost, a work book. Her FIU will require anyway.

In general, people remember labor first of all when it comes to what kind of documents are needed for applying for an old-age pension. Significant difficulties of the employee are usually associated with these books. The fact is that they are filled in by hand according to strict rules established by special instructions. All seals and words must not be legible; entries must be made properly. In addition, over time, ink, and hence the recordings, lose their clarity. Therefore, PFR employees have questions for them, citizens are asked to provide additional evidence of experience.

If there is no work book and employment contracts, and the employing organization no longer exists, how can you prove your experience in obtaining a pension? Expert’s response specifically for the site of Sashka Bukashki:

  Igor Filippov
  Assistant Lawyer, AVT Consulting Law Firm

Upon liquidation, the enterprise is obliged to transfer the archived documents of the enterprise for storage to the archive. Information about the archive can be obtained from the tax inspectorate registered with the company, and you can also request certificates from the FIU and the Tax Inspectorate on the payment of mandatory taxes and insurance contributions by the employer.

In the archive, we ask for documents confirming the seniority: an employment contract, personnel and salary sheets, orders, characteristics, certificates of honor, etc., in addition, you can write a statement to the FIU and prove the experience by using witness testimonies.

Additional proof of experience

What can also be proof of experience:

  • an employment contract executed in accordance with all the rules in force at the time of its signing;
  • orders;
  • personal accounts;
  • employer certificates.

At the same time, the Pension Fund does not always accept these securities individually. For example, it is believed that the employment contract itself does not confirm the date of dismissal, an additional order is necessary. And who keeps the contracts? And if the organization is liquidated, how to get the necessary information? You have to sue and prove your rights. Therefore, it is better to check all records in advance, get advice from PFR specialists and the necessary certificates from work.

A citizen can take up an old-age pension 1 month before his birthday, as reflected in the law for the pension onset, or at any other time after his birthday. Today, for women and men, retirement is provided at different ages. Women receive the right to a retirement pension when they reach 55 years old, and men - when they reach 60 years old. The procedure for retirement is regulated by the Federal Law of 17.12.2001 No. 173-ФЗ “On Labor Pensions” and the Federal Law of 28. 12. 2013 of the year No. 400-ФЗ “On Insurance Pensions”. Law No. 173-FZ has not been effective since 01/01/2015, but its provisions still apply in terms of assignment and pensions and retirement age.

In addition to the old-age pension, there are several other types of pensions:

  • on disability;
  • by the loss of a breadwinner.
  This is stated in Art. 5 of Law No. 173-FZ.

The future pensioner is always interested in how to apply for a pension, and what documents are needed to apply for a pension.

Making a pension where to start

Pension must begin with a visit to the territorial department of the Pension Fund. When to start clearance? You can apply either 1 month before the right to a pension arises, or after this right arises.

There are no restrictions on the terms of circulation after the emergence of the right. Do not be afraid that the later you apply, the less pension you will receive. The state is obliged to pay a citizen who already has the right to receive a pension, in full, starting from the day when such a right arose. That is, according to general rules, from the day when a woman is 55 years old and a man is 60 years old. This is stated in Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ.

After the branch of the FIU of Russia is visited, the future pensioner begins to collect the necessary documents. The procedure for applying for a pension is specified in Laws No. 173-FZ and No. 400-FZ.

What documents are needed for retirement

A citizen who has a right to a pension must submit the following documents for pension to the territorial branch of the PFR of Russia:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming that the applicant is entitled to receive a pension. This can be a disability certificate, a medical and social examination, or a death certificate of a breadwinner. If we are talking about the appointment of a survivor's pension, the applicant must provide documents that confirm family ties with the deceased;
  • bank account agreement if a pensioner decides to receive a pension in this way.

A pensioner can receive a pension by mail. To do this, he must indicate in a statement how he wants to receive a pension. There is still a home pension delivery service. To do this, you need to find out which site the address of the future pensioner's residence belongs to. At the local PFR office, you can find out the number of the plot and the schedule for distributing pensions home.

A full list of documents for retirement can be seen at the information desk in the PFR department or from a specialist who is in charge of pensions.

An application for a pension will be issued by an employee of the pension department. It will already contain some necessary information. For example, the full name of the territorial branch of the FIU. But, everyone can download the application form on the official website of the FIU, fill it out on their own, and hand over all the documents to a specialist in the pension department.

The sample application posted on the PFR website contains items such as:

  • full name of the territorial branch of the FIU;
  • full name of the applicant;
  • applicant insurance certificate number;
  • information about his citizenship;
  • address of permanent registration or place of residence;
  • contact details of the applicant;
  • details of an identity document. Since this is a passport in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to indicate its series, number, date and place of issue;
  • employment information;
  • the number of persons dependent on the applicant;
  • if a citizen who has the right to a pension cannot personally submit all the documents, then a representative by notarized power of attorney can do this for him. In this case, the application will need to indicate the details of the power of attorney, as well as the data of the representative;
  • applicant's request for a pension;
  • if the applicant has previously been assigned any pension payments, you must provide information about this;
  • date of application;
  • applicant's signature and transcript.

Making an old-age pension

Men and women retire at different ages. Women are entitled to retirement upon reaching 55 years of age, and men 60 years of age, provided that they have 15 years of compulsory insurance experience. This is stated in Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ.

But there are conditions under which a citizen has the right to retire at a different age:

  • 5 years earlier for both sexes, if a woman has 20 years of experience in heavy production, and a man is 25 years old;
  • a woman is 45 years old, and a man is 50 years old, when working in hazardous industries and underground work, with a working experience of 15 and 20 years, respectively;
  • a woman has the right to retire at the age of 50 if she has worked in the textile industry for at least 20 years;
  • eMERCOM employees, police, military and other law enforcement agencies retire earlier, depending on the length of service in the departments.

Documents for retirement age

A future pensioner should know how an old-age pension is arranged. The procedure for registration is exactly the same as any other pension. First of all, you must contact the PFR office at the place of residence or at the place of permanent registration.
  The following documents must be brought to the FIU:

  • application for a pension;
  • passport;
  • employment history. It happens that there are “gaps” in the workbook, that is, a particular place of work is reflected in the workbook. Then the staff of the FIU of the fund can take into consideration a document that confirms the applicant's seniority. This document must be certified by the signature of the employer and its seal;
  • if there is an insert in the workbook, then it must fully correspond to the workbook, have the signature of the person in charge and the employer's seal;
  • if dependent on the future pensioner there are family members who are recognized as incapable of work, then it is necessary to provide a certificate of this;
  • certificate of the average monthly earnings of the applicant for 60 months of continuous experience with any employer until 01.01.2002;
  • a document confirming that the applicant has permanent or temporary registration in the service region of this branch of the pension fund;
  • documents that confirm the change of surname, if such a fact has occurred;
  • an agreement with a bank to open a bank account if a pensioner decides to receive a pension in this way.

It is recommended that approximately six months before the age when the employee can retire, check whether the work book is filled out correctly, whether there are corrections or incorrect entries in it. To do this, you must contact the personnel service of the employer. If inaccuracies and corrections are identified after submitting all documents for the appointment of a pension, the applicant is given 3 months to clarify and correct them.

Documents for applying for an old-age pension

Every citizen of our country has the right to receive an old-age pension when the able-bodied age ends. Men retire at age 60 and women at age 55. If you have an insurance experience of 15 years, these categories of citizens are entitled to an insurance pension, which is assigned and calculated in accordance with Law No. 400-FZ.

If a citizen has not gained this experience, then the pension will be assigned and calculated according to other rules. If a person does not have insurance experience, then he will receive a social pension. It is prescribed when women reach the age of 60 years, and men - 65 years. Until 01/01/2016, the size of the social pension is 4,769.09 rubles per month. In addition to the absence of insurance experience, a citizen must be declared incapable of work. As a rule, these are citizens who have lost their ability to work due to illness or disability.

To apply for an old-age pension, it is necessary to apply to the territorial department of the FIU at the place of residence or at the place of registration of the applicant. This must be done no earlier than 1 month before the age at which the pension is assigned. The following documents must be submitted to the FIU department:

  • application for a pension;
  • passport;
  • a document confirming that the applicant is entitled to receive a pension. Such a document is a passport, as well as a document confirming the applicant's incapacity for work. As a rule, these are extracts from medical documents or a court decision recognizing the applicant as legally incompetent or of limited legal capacity;
  • if there are family members who are recognized as incapable of work or minor children, depending on the future pensioner, a certificate of this must be submitted;
  • a document confirming that the applicant has permanent or temporary registration in the service region of this branch of the pension fund;
  • if the applicant has a disability, then a certificate must be submitted;
  • documents that confirm the change of surname, name or patronymic, if such a fact has occurred;
  • an agreement with a bank to open a bank account, to which a pensioner will receive a pension, if he makes such a decision.

If the applicant cannot personally submit the necessary documents to the FIU, then he can send his representative in his place. The representative must have a notarized power of attorney from the future pensioner. A copy of the power of attorney is attached to the documents and handed over to the FIU specialist. The details of the power of attorney must be indicated in the application for retirement.

When to start applying for retirement documents

Future pensioners are interested in the question, and when to apply for a pension? Preparation of documents for applying for a pension can begin in advance. It is necessary to make a copy from the passport - from the pages with the photo and the registration. It is also necessary to prepare a certificate of disability, if any, and dependents.

An application for a pension can be written no earlier than 1 month before the date when a citizen can receive a labor or social pension. All documents are attached to the application. If any documents are missing, then they must be delivered no later than 3 months after the application is submitted.

Documents for retirement can also be submitted after the date when a citizen has the right to a labor or social pension. The term of circulation is not limited.
  You should not think that if a pensioner is “late” with the submission of documents, but he “loses” his earned pension. This is not true!

All citizens of our country are entitled to retirement upon reaching a certain age or certain circumstances. Therefore, the pension will be paid precisely from the moment the grounds for it arise.
  If a citizen applied for a pension a little later than the date of the occurrence of the grounds, then all funds from the moment of occurrence to the moment of acceptance of the documents will be paid at a time.

The difference in design for women and men

There is no difference in the design of a pension for men and for women. Documents all citizens of our country provide the same. The only difference is that women retiring somewhat earlier than men.

According to Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ, a woman has the right to receive an insurance pension when she reaches the age of 55 years, and to receive a social pension - age 60 years. Men, under the same circumstances, can retire at 60 and 65, respectively.

Law No. 173-FZ contains a list of grounds for retirement before the due age. For example, a teacher may retire earlier if he has 25 years of teaching experience, regardless of the age of the children being trained.

Preferential retirement depends on the applicant's length of service. The following periods are included in the insurance period, according to Art. 12 of the Law No. 400-ФЗ:

  • periods of military service in the ranks of the Russian Army;
  • periods of illness when the applicant received disability benefits;
  • periods of child care until they reach the age of 1.5 years. Since 2015, mothers with 4 or more children are counted for 6 years of insurance experience;
  • periods when the applicant was registered with the Employment Center and received unemployment benefits;
  • the detention of persons unjustifiably prosecuted;
  • other periods listed in Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ.

For a pension of 55 years, a woman and a man in 60 years, you must have 15 years of insurance experience.