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What benefits are provided for military pensioners? Benefits for military pensioners Subsidy for housing and communal services

Military pensioners differ from ordinary ones not only in their place of work and conditions of retirement. The law provides benefits for military pensioners, to which they are entitled subject to certain conditions.

To receive a pension, military personnel must not only serve a certain number of years, but also reach the legal age. To receive military pension You must have at least twenty years of experience. The pension itself will be formed differently from that of ordinary citizens, and different benefits will be assigned to military pensioners.

Housing benefit

By law, every military pensioner has the right to receive housing. It occurs to everyone who is on the waiting list. The peculiarity of this type of benefits is that they can be obtained in different ways:

  • Registration of an interest-free military mortgage.
  • Obtaining housing owned by government authorities.
  • One-time payment for the construction of railways.
  • Obtaining a land plot.

If a pensioner has three or more children, then he is given a housing benefit out of turn.

Preferential treatment

Benefits for military pensioners also include free treatment. Every former military man has the right to visit hospitals and specialized institutions and receive free medical care there. There are also benefits for the military for the manufacture of dental implants and dentures. This treatment is provided free of charge. Also, this category of the population should be provided with medicines free of charge.

Military pensioners have the right to receive a discount of more than 50 percent on the cost of a trip to a sanatorium. Benefits for military retirees are the same as for those who are in the service.

Tax benefits

Military retirees can count on tax exemption. According to the law, a pensioner has the right to be exempt from paying only one type of tax on real estate. Also, taxes are not levied on vouchers, material payments and other types of benefits. All this is spelled out in the Tax Code in Article 217.

It happens that after retirement, military retirees still continue to work. The benefits in this case include exemption from tax deductions when purchasing real estate. Article 220 specifies amounts that are not subject to personal income tax:

  • up to two million if real estate is purchased from one’s own funds;
  • up to three million if housing is purchased on credit;
  • up to a million if your own property is being sold.

Everything that does not fall within the specified framework is subject to personal income tax. For example, a military man buys an apartment for three million, paying for the purchase with his own funds. Personal income tax will be charged on one million. The military does not have benefits on land and transport taxes. Until 2004, there were such privileges, but after the adoption of the new Law No. 122 of 2004, the right to exemption from these taxes was abolished. Now military pensioners pay land and car taxes in the same way as ordinary citizens.

Benefits for utility payments

The legislation provides benefits for military pensioners to pay for housing and communal services. However, not all former military personnel can take advantage of this privilege. Utility payments are returned in the amount of up to half the cost of payment only to those who belong to a special category. These could be fathers of many children, disabled people, combatants and some other military personnel. In every specific case You need to find out about benefits for housing and communal services from the department that pays the pension.

Benefits for military families

According to the law, the benefits assigned to military pensioners apply to all members of his family. Wives are counted for periods when they stayed with their husbands in military camps and could not get a job in their profession. If this was before 1992, then all years are counted towards retirement. In the period from 1992 to 2014, only those periods during which wives could not work are taken into account. Since 2015, only those years when a woman could not work in her specialty are taken into account, but this time should not exceed five years.

Children of military pensioners also enjoy benefits. They are accepted without queues into kindergartens, schools, and military schools. Benefits apply to the families of the deceased pensioner. If death occurs due to a military injury, then the family receives all the benefits that should have been assigned to a military pensioner. Widows or children also receive a pension. All conditions for providing benefits to the families of military pensioners are specified in the Federal Law.

The state places military pensioners in a special category. They are assigned monthly benefits in a manner that differs from the algorithm for determining pensions for civilians. Understanding the complexity of the military profession, the Government of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation offer certain preferences to people who have dedicated their lives to military service and work in law enforcement agencies. Benefits for military pensioners in 2019 in Moscow and the region cover various areas, provide benefits, and are partially or completely exempt from some mandatory financial expenses.

Grounds for receiving preferences

After completing their service and receiving a documented pension status, persons listed by Law No. 4468-1 acquire privileged rights to social benefits. In addition, they retain some preferences that took place during the years of service.

Military pensioners are recognized as military personnel discharged into the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the former USSR, commonwealth countries, employees of law enforcement agencies - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Drug Control Service, the penal system and others.

Retirees are assigned a certain type of pension provision related to:

  • length of service;
  • disability.

If the criteria specified by Federal Law No. 5 are met, the citizen-soldier is awarded the title of veteran of military service. Additionally, during the performance of duty, a person can be awarded insignia and earn honorary titles - this expands the list of privileges and concessions.

What types of privileges are provided to the military?

There are concessions that are implemented as a result of the instructions of federal legislation. Article 3 of Federal Law No. 76 establishes the rights of active and retired military personnel, as well as members of their families, to social protection, state guarantees, and compensation. Responsibilities for the implementation of the law are assigned to federal government agencies, authorized bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation and local self-government.

The state allocates subventions to the regions to provide the military with:

  • housing;
  • medical, social services;
  • medications;
  • dental services;
  • sanatorium vouchers;
  • compensation for travel to the place of treatment or recreation;
  • EDV, one-time financial support.

Subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities are developing their own regulations regarding social support for pensioners receiving military pensions. This applies to the following areas:

  • transport passage;
  • financial assistance(regional payments, allowances, compensation, benefits);
  • taxation;
  • healthcare.

Benefits in Moscow are provided to military pensioners on the basis of city Law No. 70, Moscow Government Decree No. 850-PP.

Support measures provided:

  • preferential travel on intracity transport and commuter rail;
  • 50% discount for housing and communal services without taking into account the standard area and resource consumption;
  • compensation of subscription fees for residential telephone;
  • reimbursement of expenses for dental prosthetics.

Muscovites whose age has reached 55-60 years are additionally offered an exemption from payments for garbage removal - those who are alone or live with another pensioner.

For military veterans-residents of the Moscow region, military personnel, employees of law enforcement agencies who have become disabled, Law No. 36/2006-OZ has prepared concessions:

  • free dental prosthetics;
  • compensation for local telephone service;
  • 50% - major repairs, utilities, housing services according to standards;
  • reimbursement of 50% of the cost of fuel (solid stove, gas, electricity for heating);
  • free travel with the use of a social card on urban ground electric, motor transport, and suburban railway (50% discount on water transport).

Some benefits for military pensioners in the Moscow region in 2019 are valid from the moment the applicant reaches the age giving the right to insurance pension. Privileges extend to family members of veterans.

Citizens with special merits, combat veterans, and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are paid a monthly allowance, in addition to their pension.

The authorities provide financial support to family members of deceased law enforcement officers and military personnel.

Scope of taxation

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation says that working military pensioners receive a deduction when calculating personal income tax of 500 rubles, and disabled people - 3,000 rubles. Social benefits are not subject to income tax. You can return previously paid personal income tax through a tax deduction when purchasing real estate, paying for education, and treatment.

Tax benefits for military pensioners in the Moscow region in 2019 and the capital are offered taking into account the provisions of the Tax Code and regional local laws.

  1. Transport tax on the territory of Moscow and the region (Law No. 33) is not paid for cars up to 200 l/s if the taxpayer:
  • has the title of Hero (USSR, Russian Federation);
  • awarded the Order of Glory;
  • is disabled, a combat veteran;
  • exposed to radiation;
  • took part in nuclear tests;
  • suffered radiation sickness.
  • Cars up to 70 l/s are not subject to duty.
  1. 1 property of each type is exempt from the fee (Article 407 of the Tax Code).
  2. 1,000,000 rubles are deducted from the cadastral value of the plot when calculating the land duty for disabled people and Muscovite combat veterans. (Moscow Law No. 74). Heroes, holders of the Order of Glory, “For Service to the Motherland” are given a 100% discount. Reduces the area of ​​land for calculating the tax collection by 600 m 2 (Article 391).

Municipalities of the region have their own laws regulating relaxations in land duties. You can learn about the types of local benefits for military pensioners in 2019 in the Moscow region from employees of the Federal Tax Service, as well as by using the Federal Tax Service website.

Advantage to family members of military pension recipients

Families of law enforcement officers and military personnel have the right to count on state support.

Some federal and local benefits of military pensioners in Moscow in 2019 are enjoyed by children and spouses of the beneficiary; certain preferences are provided to parents, brothers, sisters and grandchildren. In most cases, these citizens are entitled to privileges in terms of:

  • expenses for housing and communal services;
  • rental of living space;
  • accounting when determining the issuance of a housing subsidy, a certificate for the purchase of housing;
  • issuing vouchers to sanatoriums, holiday homes (50% discount);
  • preferential transportation by urban and suburban transport;
  • the opportunity to be treated in departmental medical institutions.

In cases of death of a breadwinner-soldier, family members are paid a special allowance on a monthly basis; in case of special merits of the deceased - EDV. Financial support is provided for:

  • burial;
  • travel to the burial site annually;
  • renovation of living quarters.

The family retains the departmental apartment that was issued to the serviceman.

How to apply for benefits

In order to exercise preferential rights, the pensioner must declare his intention.

Tax concessions will help the territorial offices of the Federal Tax Service. You will need to fill out an application form, filling in the columns with the details of documents establishing title and giving preferences. The relaxations can be materialized through the website of the Federal Tax Service, “Gosuslugi”.

Compensation of expenses for rent, travel, and the implementation of many other concessions is managed by social protection authorities. Employees of the institutions will advise on current benefits for military pensioners in Moscow and the region, the list of necessary documentation, the procedure for payments and provision of assistance. MFC is an institution through which citizens receive many services, including the registration of benefits. The State Services website unites departments and offers an electronic form of interaction between citizens and authorities.

The Pension Fund pays the EDV and prepares documents for recipients of payments.

Personnel services of the Ministry of Defense, military units, departments will help with materialization federal benefits for military pensioners in the capital and Moscow region in 2019.

The legislation guarantees social assistance to Russian citizens. For military personnel whose activities involve great psychological stress, hardship, and hard work, such support is especially necessary. The Moscow region is distinguished by its special attention to the needs of pensioners, including military personnel. Increased benefits, increased amounts minimum pensions, city payments and compensation are the financial component of the social policy of the Moscow authorities.

The beginning of 2019 was marked by good news - the monetary support of the capital's recipients of state support increased significantly, and military benefits were indexed by 4%.

The state does not forget its defenders, even when they retire. However, benefits for reserve officers are quite limited by factors influencing the dismissal of the latter. In addition to the former military personnel themselves, some preferences are provided for members of their families. Let's figure out what both can count on in 2019.

The legislative framework

The main benefits for military pensioners are laid down in the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel.” They are divided into several large groups. Part is provided at the expense of the federal budget, the rest falls under the competence of the regions. Consequently, some preferences may vary in different subjects of the federation. In particular, this applies to such beneficiaries as military veterans. According to Art. 22 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2018) “On Veterans”, measures of social support for Armed Forces veterans are determined by laws and other regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

However, such differences are minimal. Rather, some regions provide beneficiaries with additional guarantees from the corresponding budget.

For example, in the capital, military pensioners and their widows have received increases to their basic pay. They depend on the category of the recipient. In addition, in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region They established their own rules for providing travel documents and other benefits for military beneficiaries.

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Military personnel must be dismissed on the following grounds:

  • due to reaching the age limit;
  • for health;
  • due to organizational and staffing events.
Attention: benefits are provided in full only to those military personnel in the reserve whose service exceeds 20 years.

Important: 25 years of service removes restrictions related to the reason for dismissal. Such retirees are subject to all the preferences laid down in the law under any circumstances. In addition, all social guarantees also affect the families of such pensioners.

For contract workers

Citizens serving under contract have their own legal status, which includes the following rights and social guarantees:

  1. Official housing must be provided to such persons no later than 3 months from the date of arrival at a new duty station (plus the right to additional living space for university teachers, candidates of sciences, colonels, military unit commanders - 15-25 sq. m. to the total housing area ). Legal basis: paragraphs. 1, 8 tbsp. 15 Federal Law-76 “On the status of military personnel.”
  2. For the first five years of military service under a contract (excluding the period of training in military educational organizations), the right to housing occupied before entering service is retained. Legal basis: paragraphs. 1 tbsp. 15 FZ-76.
  3. They cannot be excluded from the list for receiving housing at their place of residence before conscription (entry) into military service. Justification: pp. 1 tbsp. 15 FZ-76.
  4. They provide ownership of housing at their chosen permanent place of residence (they provide official housing for the entire period of service upon reaching 20 years of service or more, and upon dismissal from military service on preferential grounds - with a duration of service of 10 years or more). Justification: clause 1 of Art. 15 FZ-76.
  5. They provide priority rights to join a housing cooperative or to receive land plots for individual housing construction. Justification: clause 1 of Art. 15 FZ-76.
  6. Every month they pay monetary compensation for renting (subletting) housing according to the rules determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 3 of Art. 15 FZ-76.
  7. The right to take ownership of the occupied housing free of charge (with the exception of official housing and premises in closed military camps). Justification: clause 6 of Art. 15 FZ-76.
  8. When sent for military service outside the territorial borders of the Russian Federation, to areas Far North, equivalent areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental factors, the housing they occupy in the houses of the state or municipal housing stock are reserved (with the exception of official housing) for the entire period of their stay outside the Russian Federation or in the mentioned areas and localities. Justification: clause 9 of Art. 15 FZ-76.
  9. Military personnel with a total duration of service of 20 years or more, who are not provided with housing at the time of dismissal from military service, cannot be excluded without their consent from the waiting list for housing (improvement living conditions) at the last place of military service before dismissal and they are provided with housing in accordance with the current regulations of the Russian Federation. (These rules for providing housing also apply to military personnel who are discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with general military service, whose total duration of service is 10 years or more). Justification: clause 13 of Art. 15 FZ-76.
  10. Military personnel with a total duration of military service of 10 years or more, upon dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions, or in connection with a general medical condition when changing place of residence, are provided with housing by the federal executive authorities, which provide for military service ( this benefit is implemented at the expense of federal budget funds allocated for the construction and purchase of housing, including through the issuance of State housing certificates). Justification: clause 1 of Art. 23, paragraph 14 art. 15 FZ-76.

Participants in counter-terrorism operations,

Retained for military personnel of military units and agencies stationed on the territory of the Chechen Republic for the entire period of service there in the housing they occupy. And for those who do not have living quarters according to established standards, they are given priority to receive housing at their previous place of military service. Justification: clause 11 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 65 of February 9, 2004.

Preferences for those dismissed from military service

Citizens (who have served for 10/20 years in calendar terms and were dismissed on preferential terms) have the right to claim the following benefits:

  1. remaining on the lists of those in need of improved housing conditions at the last place of military service and receiving housing after exclusion from the lists personnel. Justification: clause 13 of Art. 15 FZ-76,
  2. Those registered in need of improved housing conditions before January 1, 2005 in municipalities at the expense of the federal budget are issued State Housing Certificates by regional executive authorities at the place of registration. Justification: clause 14 of Art. 15 FZ-76,
  3. free receipt of ownership of the housing they occupy in accordance with current legislation (with the exception of official housing and housing in closed military camps). Justification: clause 6 of Art. 15 FZ-76,
  4. reserve colonels are entitled to an additional total housing area of ​​15-25 square meters. m. Justification: clause 8 of Art. 15 FZ-76,
  5. Those who have served for at least 10 years and were dismissed on preferential terms by local government bodies are given priority rights to join a housing cooperative or are allocated land plots for individual housing construction. Justification: clause 12 of Art. 15 FZ-76,
  6. If it is impossible to provide housing for those registered in need of improved housing conditions before January 1, 2005, municipalities pay monetary compensation every month from the federal budget. Justification: clause 14 of Art. 15 FZ-76.

Persons with special status

Among the active and retired military there are citizens with special status.

Veterans of combat operations under clause 1 of Art. 16 Federal Law “On Veterans”:

  1. military personnel, including those transferred to the reserve (retirement), those liable for military service, called up for military training, members of the rank and file and commanding staff of the internal affairs department and state security agencies, employees of these bodies, employees of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and the Russian Federation, sent to other states by state authorities of the USSR, Russian Federation and those who took part in hostilities while on duty in these states;

2. military personnel, incl. transferred to the reserve (retired), private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs department and state security agencies, persons who participated in operations during government combat missions to clear territories and objects in the USSR, in other states in the period from 05/10/1945 to 12/31/1951 g., including combat trawling operations in the period from 05/10/1945 to 12/31/1957;

3. military personnel of motor vehicle battalions sent to Afghanistan to deliver goods during the period of hostilities there;

4. flight personnel who flew from the USSR on combat missions to Afghanistan during combat operations there.

These citizens are entitled to:

  • provision of housing at the expense of federal budget funds, subject to the need for improved housing conditions and registration before January 1, 2005, carried out in accordance with the provisions of Art. 23.2 Federal Law “On Veterans”. Those registered after January 1, 2005 are provided with housing in accordance with the norms of the housing legislation of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 3, clause 1, art. 16Federal Law “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995,
  • payment in the amount of 50% of the occupied total area of ​​housing (in communal apartments - the occupied living space), including family members of military veterans living with them. Social support measures for housing payments are provided to persons living in houses, regardless of the type of housing stock. Justification: clause 5 clause 1 art. 16 FZ-5,
  • priority installation of a home landline telephone. Justification: clause 6, clause 1, art. 16 FZ-5,
  • advantage when joining housing, housing construction, garage cooperatives, horticultural, gardening and country non-profit organizations. Justification: clause 7 clause 1 art. 16 FZ-5.

Veterans of combat operations under clause 2 of Art. 16 Federal Law “On Veterans”:

  1. persons (including members of flight crews of aircraft civil aviation, who flew to Afghanistan during the fighting there), served the military units of the USSR Armed Forces and the RF Armed Forces, were in other countries during the fighting there, were wounded, shell-shocked or maimed, or were awarded orders or medals of the USSR/RF for participation in ensuring the mentioned military operations.

Providing, at the expense of federal budget funds, housing for disabled combatants in the event of eviction from their occupied official housing, registered before January 1, 2005, which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Art. 23.2 Federal Law “On Veterans”. Justification: clause 8, clause 2, art. 16 FZ-5.

Disabled combatants

Military personnel who have become disabled due to a wound, concussion, injury or illness received while defending the Fatherland or performing military duties at the fronts, in areas of combat operations during the periods specified in the Federal Law “On Veterans”.

Disabled combatants registered after January 1, 2005 are provided with housing in accordance with the standards of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 8, clause 2, art. 16 FZ-5.

Disabled persons registered before January 1, 2005 are provided with housing at the expense of the federal budget in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 4, clause 1, clause 3, art. 14 Federal Law-5.

They have advantages when joining housing, housing construction, garage cooperatives, horticultural, gardening and country non-profit organizations. Justification: clause 7, clause 1, clause 3, art. 14 Federal Law-5.

Payment in the amount of 50% of the occupied total area of ​​housing (in communal apartments - occupied living space), including family members living with them. Social support measures for housing payments are provided to persons living in houses, regardless of the type of housing stock. Justification: clause 8, clause 1, clause 3, art. 14 Federal Law-5.

Payment in the amount of 50% of housing and communal services, water supply, sewerage, disposal of household and other waste, gas, electric/heat energy - within the limits of consumption standards for such services established by local governments;

disabled people living in houses without central heating - fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public, and transport services for the delivery of this fuel. Provision of fuel is carried out on a priority basis. Social support measures for paying for the mentioned services are provided regardless of the type of housing stock. Justification: clause 9, clause 1, clause 3, art. 14 Federal Law-5.

Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory

Heroes, full holders of the Order of Glory and members of their families living with them are exempted from paying for housing (including paying for the maintenance and operation of housing) and paying for housing and communal services (water supply, sewerage, gas, electricity, hot water supply, central heating, and in houses that do not have central heating - the provision of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public, and other housing and communal services), fees for the use of a home telephone and private security alarm systems for residential premises, regardless of the type of housing stock. These benefits, regardless of the moment of death (death) of the Hero and full holder of the Order of Glory, are provided to the surviving spouses and parents of the Hero and full holder of the Order of Glory and are retained by these persons. Justification: clause 1 of Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the status of Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory" No. 4301-1 dated January 15, 1993.

Free receipt of ownership of occupied housing in houses of state and municipal, including departmental, housing funds. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Priority improvement of living conditions when providing housing in state/municipal, including departmental, housing funds with the provision of additional living space up to 20 square meters. m. Justification: clause 3 of Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Free receipt of ownership of land plots for individual housing construction, construction of dachas, for gardening and personal subsidiary plots in the amounts established by regional legislation, but not less than 0.20 hectares in cities and towns and 0.40 hectares in rural areas. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Free major repairs of housing, regardless of the type of housing stock. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Priority supply of local building materials for individual housing construction and major housing repairs. Justification: clause 6 of Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Extraordinary and free equipment of housing with private security alarms. Justification: clause 7 of Art. 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

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Medical benefits

Military personnel, depending on their status, may qualify for various health care benefits.

Serving under contract

Free medical care, including the manufacture and repair of dentures (with the exception of dentures made of precious metals and other expensive materials), free provision of medicines and medical products according to doctors’ prescriptions. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

In the absence of military medical institutions or units in them at the place of military service or residence, special medical equipment, as well as in emergency cases, medical care is provided in institutions of the state or municipal health care systems. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

Military personnel (with the exception of cadets of military educational organizations), during vacation, but not more than once a year, are provided with sanatorium and resort treatment in organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal executive body that provides for military service). Such military personnel pay 25%, and their family members pay 50% of the cost of the voucher, with the exception of cases when other payment conditions are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Every year such military personnel (regardless of whether a voucher is purchased or not) are paid monetary compensation in the amount of 600 rubles. for the serviceman himself and 300 rubles. per spouse and per each minor child. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

Military personnel who have been injured (wounded, traumatized, concussed) or sick during the performance of military duties, after hospital treatment, have the right to apply for priority vouchers to sanatorium-resort and health-improving institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (or other federal executive body that provides for military service ). Justification: clause 4 of Art. 16. FZ-76.

When referred to a sanatorium to continue hospital treatment based on the conclusion of the IHC, free vouchers are provided. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

Those undergoing conscription service

Rights are granted to free medical care, including the manufacture and repair of dentures (with the exception of dentures made of precious metals and other expensive materials), free provision of medicines and medical products according to doctors’ prescriptions. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

If there are no military medical institutions at the place of military service or the necessary units in them, special medical equipment, as well as in emergency cases, medical care is provided in institutions of the state or municipal health care systems. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

They provide free sanatorium-resort treatment upon conclusion of the IHC. Justification: clause 6 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

When going on sick leave, they pay 400 rubles as a subsidy for treatment. Justification: clause 6 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

Cadets of military educational organizations, students of secondary (full) educational institutions general education with an additional educational program aimed at military training of minor citizens, they pay no more than 30% of the cost of a trip to military tourist bases. Justification: clause 6 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

They use medical care, just like contract military personnel: officers discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions, or in connection with general medical conditions, the total duration of military service in preferential terms is from 20 years. And with the total duration of military service - from 25 years - regardless of the grounds for dismissal (this benefit applies to warrant officers and midshipmen dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or due to an injury, the total duration of military service which is from 20 years old). Justification: clause 5 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

They have the right to free medical care, including the manufacture and repair of dentures (with the exception of dentures made of precious metals and other expensive materials), free provision of medicines and medical products according to doctors’ prescriptions. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

No more than once a year, for a fee (25%), they provide sanatorium-resort treatment in sanatoriums, holiday homes, boarding houses, and at tourist bases of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (similar bodies). Justification: clause 5 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

Every year, regardless of whether the voucher is purchased or not, a monetary compensation of 600 rubles is paid. for the serviceman himself and 300 rubles. to the spouse. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

When referred to a sanatorium to continue hospital treatment based on the conclusion of the IHC, free vouchers are additionally provided. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

Rights to medical care in institutions of state or municipal health care systems and compulsory medical insurance. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

War veterans discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or due to serious injury have preferential rights to receive medical care and spa treatment. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

Those discharged from military service due to injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or illness received during the performance of military duties, as well as those discharged from military service due to certain diseases received during military service, may be accepted for examination and treatment in military medical organizations in the manner determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal body in which there is military service). Justification: clause 5 of Art. 16 FZ-76.

Preservation of services in clinics and other medical institutions to which such citizens were assigned during the period of work before retirement, as well as extraordinary provision of medical care under state guarantee programs for the provision of free medical care to Russians in federal health care institutions (including hospitals for war veterans) in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation , and in clinics and other medical institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - by regional legislation. Justification: clause 8 clause 1 art. 16 FZ-5.

Provision of prosthetics (except dentures) and prosthetic and orthopedic products in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 10 clause 1 art. 16 FZ-5.

Veterans have a database under clause 2 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law “On Veterans”, services are maintained in clinics and other medical institutions to which such people were assigned during the period of work before retirement, as well as extraordinary provision of medical care under state guarantee programs for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation in federal health care institutions in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and in clinics and other medical institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - by regional legislation. Justification: clause 1, clause 2, art. 16 FZ-5.

If there are medical indications, priority provision of vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions. Justification: clause 2, clause 2, art. 16 FZ-5.

Veterans of the DB according to clause 3 of Art. 16 Federal Law “On Veterans”

If there are medical indications, priority provision of vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions. Justification: clause 1, clause 3, art. 16 FZ-5.

Priority free personal and free for family members (spouses, parents, children under 18 years of age and children under 23 years of age studying full-time in educational institutions) service in outpatient clinics of all types, priority free personal and free hospitalization for family members and treatment in hospitals, hospitals, hospitals, as well as maintaining free services for these citizens in clinics and other medical institutions to which they were attached during the period of work until retirement. Such benefits, regardless of the moment of death (death) of the Hero and full holder of the Order of Glory, are provided to surviving spouses, parents, children under the age of 18 and children under the age of 23 (full-time students), and they are retained by these persons. Justification: clause 1 of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Priority free provision of medicines purchased according to doctor’s prescriptions, home delivery of medicines according to the doctor’s conclusion. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Free production and repair of dentures (except for those made of precious metals). Justification: clause 3 of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Priority collection at the clinic or locally last work free travel to a sanatorium, dispensary or holiday home once a year, and by members of their families - for 25 percent of the cost. Vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment in sanatoriums, dispensaries and rest homes are provided at preferential prices provided for employees of the departments in charge of these sanatorium-resort institutions. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

All types of medical care in sanatoriums, dispensaries and rest homes, as well as food, are provided free of charge. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Persons who have received vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment are given the right to free travel to the place of treatment and back by railway vehicles in 2-seater compartments of sleeping cars of fast and passenger trains, by air or water vehicles in 1st class cabins. Such benefits, regardless of the date of death (death) of the Hero and full holder of the Order of Glory, are provided to surviving spouses and parents and are retained by these persons. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Disabled persons DB

Preservation of services in clinics and other medical institutions to which such persons were assigned during the period of work until retirement, as well as extraordinary provision of medical care under state guarantee programs for the provision of free medical care to Russians (including annual clinical examination) in federal health care institutions (including including in hospitals for war veterans) in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and in clinics and other medical institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - by regional legislation. Justification: clause 11 clause 1, clause 3 art. 14 Federal Law-5.

Provision of prosthetics (except dentures) and prosthetic and orthopedic products in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 13 clause 1, clause 3 art. 14 Federal Law-5.

Preferences in the field of education

What benefits are provided in this area?

Serving under contract

Military personnel with a total duration of service of 5 years (excluding training in military educational organizations), in the year of dismissal from service upon reaching the maximum age for service, expiration of the period of service or for health reasons, have the right to undergo professional retraining in one of the civilian specialties free of charge and while maintaining provision of all types of allowances. Retraining period is up to 3 months. And if you are discharged from military service due to a serious injury - up to six months. If such military personnel are discharged from service during training, they have the right to complete their studies free of charge. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 19 FZ-76.

Those undergoing conscription service

Upon dismissal from military service, the right to continue education in the educational organization in which they studied before conscription is retained. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 19 FZ-76.

Preferential rights to admission to educational state institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and to training in educational institutions of higher vocational education. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 19 FZ-76.

Applicants to educational state institutions of higher and secondary vocational education on the recommendations of commanders have the right to non-competitive admission, provided they receive positive grades in the entrance exams. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 19 FZ-76.

Discharged from military service (retirees and veterans of the Armed Forces)

Those dismissed on preferential terms have the right to apply for free priority training, retraining and advanced training in the direction and at the expense of the federal employment service, and those entitled to a pension are entitled to receive vocational education in the direction and at the expense of the companies in which they are employed ( with payment of average earnings during training). Justification: clause 5 of Art. 19 FZ-76.

The right to non-competitive admission to educational state institutions of primary vocational education and to training courses in relevant professions. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 19 FZ-76.

The right to enter educational state institutions of vocational education without entrance exams:

- for the 1st year and subsequent courses of educational state institutions of secondary vocational education, - graduated from secondary military educational institutions;

- for the 1st year of educational state institutions of secondary vocational education - with an education of at least basic general education;

- for the 1st year and subsequent courses of educational state institutions of higher professional education, - having incomplete higher or higher military professional education;

- for training in educational state institutions of higher professional education, - graduates of general educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 19 FZ-76.

Veterans of the DB under clause 1 of Art. 16 Federal Law “On Veterans”

— on-the-job training in retraining and advanced training courses at the expense of the employer. Justification: clause 17 clause 1 art. 16 FZ-5,

— admission without competition to educational state institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, to training courses in relevant professions, payment of special scholarships established by the Government of the Russian Federation to students from among the BD veterans studying in these educational institutions. Justification: clause 18 clause 1 art. 16 FZ-5.

Veterans of the DB under clause 2 of Art. 16 Federal Law “On Veterans”

— on-the-job training in retraining and advanced training courses at the expense of the employer. Justification: clause 6, clause 2, art. 16 FZ-5.

Heroes of the USSR, the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory have the right to free training and retraining in new professions at the place of work in advanced training courses in the system of state training and retraining of personnel, as well as in paid educational institutions and on courses. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Children of Heroes and full holders of the Order of Glory enjoy the right of non-competitive enrollment in the Suvorov military and Nakhimov naval schools, cadet corps and classes, as well as the preferential right of admission to military educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, subject to successful passing of entrance exams and compliance with other requirements established for incoming requirements. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Children of deceased (deceased) Heroes and full holders of the Order of Glory have a preferential right to enter municipal, state educational institutions of secondary (higher) vocational education and free education in them, provided that they are receiving education at this level for the first time. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Disabled persons DB

Admission without competition to educational state institutions of higher/secondary vocational education, to training courses in relevant professions, payment of special scholarships established by the Government of the Russian Federation to students from among disabled people studying in such educational organizations. Justification: clause 15 clause 1, clause 3 art. 14 Federal Law-5.

On-the-job training in retraining and advanced training courses at the expense of the employer. Justification: clause 16 clause 1, clause 3 art. 14 Federal Law-5.

Tax benefits

Former military personnel are provided with the following tax privileges:

1. Benefits for paying land tax on a dacha or land plot (in certain regions).

2. Reducing property tax rates.

3. Cancellation of payment of state duty when filing lawsuits of the relevant categories.

4. Transport tax benefits (in some regions).

5. Cancellation of income tax on:

  • pensions;
  • received gifts in the amount of up to 10 thousand rubles.
  • insurance and savings payments received;
  • due compensation.

You should find out specifically about the required tax privileges at your place of residence.

Benefits are not automatically provided. It is necessary for the citizen to contact the tax office personally or with the help of an authorized representative.


What benefits are there in this regard?

Serving under contract

- railway, air, water and road (except for taxi) transport on business trips, due to transfer to a new duty station, to places of use of the main (vacation) leave (once a year), additional leaves, for treatment and back , to the chosen place of residence upon dismissal from military service. Justification: clause 1 of Art. 20 FZ-76;

- on cargo vehicles and passenger buses of military units allocated to ensure the organized transportation of military personnel to and from their place of duty. Justification: clause 1 of Art. 20 FZ-76;

— upon transfer to a new place of duty and dismissal from service, they have the right to free transportation of up to 20 tons of personal property in containers from their previous place of residence to a new railway vehicle. And where there is no railway vehicle, use other modes of transport (with the exception of air). In the case of transportation of personal property in a separate carriage, luggage and small shipments, they are reimbursed for actual expenses, but not more than the cost of transportation in a container weighing 20 tons. Justification: clause 1, clause 2 of Art. 20 FZ-76;

- has the right to purchase travel documents for himself and his family members for all types of transport out of turn when traveling on a business trip, to a new duty station, as well as to and from the place of vacation use. Justification: clause 6 of Art. 20 FZ-76.

Those undergoing conscription service

Eligible for free travel:

- railway, air, water and auto (exception - taxi) vehicles on business trips, due to transfer to a new place of military service, to places of use of the main (vacation) leave (once a year), additional leaves, for treatment and back to your chosen place of residence upon discharge from military service. Justification: clause 1 of Art. 20 FZ-76;

- on trucks and passenger buses of military units allocated to ensure the organized transportation of military personnel to and from the place of military service. Justification: clause 1 of Art. 20 FZ-76.

— the right to purchase travel documents for all types of vehicles out of turn when traveling on a business trip, to a new place of military service, as well as to and from the place of vacation use. Justification: clause 6 of Art. 20 FZ-76;

  • the right to send simple letters and send parcels with personal clothing. The sending of simple letters from military personnel, as well as simple letters addressed to them, is carried out in stamped postal envelopes purchased at the expense of funds allocated for these purposes to the federal executive authorities in which military service is provided for by federal law. Justification: clause 8 of Art. 20 FZ-76;
  • the forwarding of parcels with personal clothing of military personnel, the forwarding and return of parcels addressed to them, are carried out at the expense of funds provided for these purposes by the federal executive authorities that provide for military service. Justification: clause 8 of Art. 20 FZ-76;
  • provision of funds for travel on all types of public vehicles of urban, suburban and local traffic (with the exception of taxis) due to the transfer of benefits in kind into cash is carried out in the amount and manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 10 of Art. 20 FZ-76.

Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory

Free personal travel 2 times a year (round trip) by railway vehicles in 2-berth compartments of sleeping cars of fast and passenger trains, by water transport in 1st class cabins (on 1st category seats) of express and passenger lines, by air or intercity transport. Justification: clause 1 of Art. 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Free use of intracity transport (tram, bus, trolleybus, metro, water crossings), commuter trains, and in rural areas - intraregional buses. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Free personal use for an accompanying person of the halls for officials and delegations of airports and air terminals, railway stations and stations, marine terminals (ports) and river terminals. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Extraordinary purchase of tickets for all types of railway, water, air and motor transport. Justification: clause 3 of Art. 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Disabled persons DB

Extraordinary purchase of tickets for all types of transport. Justification: clause 28 clause 1, clause 3 art. 14 Federal Law-5.

Benefits, payments, compensation

What financial support measures are available?

Serving under contract

In the event of death occurring during the performance of military duties, family members are paid in equal shares lump sum allowance in the amount of 120 monthly salaries established on the day of payment of benefits. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 18 FZ-76.

In the event of early dismissal of military personnel (or those called up for military training) from military service (military training) due to their being declared unfit for service due to injury (wounds, injuries, concussions) or diseases received during the performance of military duties, a one-time allowance in the amount of 60 is paid. salaries established on the day of payment of benefits. Justification: clause 3 of Art. 18 FZ-76.

In case of unjustified dismissal from military service, the losses caused by this are subject to compensation in full. The moral damage caused is subject to compensation by a court decision at the will of the serviceman. Such persons are reinstated in military service in their previous (and, with their consent, equal or no lower) position and are provided with all types of benefits not received after illegal dismissal. This period is included in the total duration of military service and the period determined for the assignment of the next military rank. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 23 FZ-76.

Upon dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or due to general medical conditions, a lump sum benefit is paid for the total duration of military service:

— less than 10 years — 5 salaries DD;

— from 10 to 15 years — 10 DD salaries;

— from 15 to 20 years — 15 DD salaries;

— 20 years or more — 20 DD salaries;

- those who were awarded state orders (orders) during their service or were awarded honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation, the size of the one-time benefit increases by 2 DD salaries. Justification: clause 3 of Art. 23 FZ-76.

Payments for the maintenance of children (dependents) attending preschool educational institutions by decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (the head of the body where there is military service). Justification: clause 6 of Art. 19 FZ-76.

For example, in the Internal Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation, according to orders of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2005 No. 42, there is a payment in the amount of the difference between the fee charged to parents for maintaining children in a preschool educational institution and 20% of the costs of maintaining a child in a preschool educational institution. And for military personnel with 3 or more minor children - in the amount of the difference between parental pay and 10% of expenses.

Those undergoing conscription service

Those undergoing military service in the regions of the Far North, equivalent areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental factors, including remote ones, or outside the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in military positions associated with an increased danger to life and health, Federal laws establish additional social guarantees and compensation (increasing the daily wage, increasing the duration of the main vacation to 15 days, etc.). Justification: clause 5 of Art. 1 FZ-76.

In the event of death occurring during the performance of military duties, family members are paid in equal shares a one-time benefit - 120 minimum monthly salaries for a military position in the 1st tariff category provided for military personnel serving under a contract in positions subject to recruitment by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen established on the day of payment of benefits. Justification: clause 2 of Art. 18 FZ-76.

In case of early dismissal of military personnel (called up for military training) from military service (military training) due to their recognition as unfit for service due to injury (wound, trauma, concussion) or illnesses received during the performance of military duties, a one-time allowance is paid - 60 minimum monthly salaries for a military position according to the 1st tariff category provided for military personnel performing military service under a contract in positions subject to recruitment by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, established on the day of payment of benefits. Justification: clause 3 of Art. 18 FZ-76.

Upon dismissal from military service, a one-time benefit is paid - 100 rubles, and to persons from among orphans and children left without parental care - 500 rubles. Justification: clause 3 of Art. 23 FZ-76.

Discharged from military service (retirees and veterans of the Armed Forces)

Those who served in military service in the Far North, equivalent areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental factors, incl. remote, where a regional coefficient and percentage increases in wages are established, when entering work in these regions and localities after dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health status, due to general medical conditions or the end of military service, regardless of duration of the break, the period of military service in calendar terms in the specified areas and localities is counted towards the length of service to receive percentage bonuses in wages in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 23 FZ-76.

Those dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for service, health reasons or due to serious injury, having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more, are paid monetary compensation in the amount of land tax and property tax actually paid by them individuals in the manner and amounts established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 7 of Art. 23 FZ-76.

Discharged from military service (retirees and veterans of the Armed Forces)

Those who have a total duration of military service of 15-20 years and are discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or due to general medical conditions without the right to a pension, are paid a monthly social benefit within 5 years in the amount of:

- with a total duration of military service of 15 years - 40% of the DD salary;

- for each year over 15 years - 3% of the salary amount DD.

Those dismissed for identical reasons and having a total duration of military service of less than 15 years within the 1st year after dismissal continue to receive salary according to their military rank. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 23 FZ-76.


  • salaries for regular positions (military positions) and for special (military) ranks with an increase of 50%. Justification: clause “a” clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 65 of February 9, 2004.
  • a monthly percentage increase for length of service, based on increased salaries. Justification: clause “a” clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 65 of February 9, 2004.
  • monthly bonus for special conditions of service in the amount of 100% of the salary for a regular position (military position). Justification: clause “a” clause 2 of the Russian Federation Government Resolution No. 65.
  • field (daily allowance) in 2 times the established norm. Justification: clause “a” clause 2 of the Russian Federation Government Resolution No. 65.
  • monetary reward for actual participation in operations at the rate of 20,000 rubles. per month in proportion to the number of days of participation in counter-terrorism operations. Justification: clause 3 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 65.
  • monetary allowance for business travelers from the Far North, equivalent areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental factors, incl. remote, taking into account coefficients (regional, for military service) in high mountainous areas, in desert and waterless areas) and percentage allowances for military service) in relevant areas and localities. Justification: clause 5 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 65.
  • reimbursement to military personnel of military units and bodies stationed on the territory of the Chechen Republic for travel expenses or payment of field (daily) allowances for the period of their being on business trips (performing tasks as part of these military units and bodies) outside the points of permanent deployment. Justification: clause 7 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 65.

They are also provided with free food while maintaining for this time the procedure for providing them with food rations (payment of monthly monetary food compensation) at the place of permanent military service. Justification: clause 6 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 65.

Participants in counter-terrorism operations serving under conscription


  • salaries for military positions according to tariff categories 1-4, as well as monthly bonuses and cash payments according to the standards provided for military personnel serving under contract in positions to be filled by soldiers and sergeants. Justification: clause “b” clause 2 of the RF Government Resolution No. 65,
  • upon dismissal from military service - a one-time benefit in the amount of 2 salaries for a military position. Justification: clause “b” clause 2 of the RF Government Resolution No. 65,
  • monthly bonus for special conditions of service in the amount of 100% of the salary for a military position. Justification: clause “b” clause 2 of the RF Government Resolution No. 65,
  • field (daily allowance) in the amount of 55% of the established norm. Justification: clause “b” clause 2 of the RF Government Resolution No. 65,
  • monetary reward for actual participation in operations at the rate of 20,000 rubles. per month in proportion to the number of days of participation in specific counter-terrorism operations. Justification: clause 3 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 65.

Those undergoing conscription service

Providing citizens who were discharged after completing military service and accepted to their previous place of work with financial assistance for the initial establishment of a household in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 23 FZ-76.

Veterans of the DB under clause 1 of Art. 16 Federal Law “On Veterans”:

EDV is set in the amount:

— from January 1, 2005 — 650 rub. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 154 Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ “On amendments to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation as invalid in connection with the adoption of federal laws “On amendments and additions to the Federal Law “On general principles of organization” legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and "General principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation",

- from January 1, 2006 - 1100 rub. Justification: clause 4 of Art. 23.1 Federal Law “On Veterans”.

Veterans of the DB, according to clause 2 of Art. 16 Federal Law “On Veterans”:

Payment of special scholarships established by the Government of the Russian Federation to students from among the BD veterans studying in educational state institutions of vocational education. Justification: clause 7, clause 2, art. 16 FZ-5.

Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory

Upon the death (death) of a Hero or a full holder of the Order of Glory, his wife (husband), parents, children under the age of 18 and full-time children under the age of 23 are paid each a one-time benefit of 20 thousand rubles. Justification: clause 3 of Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4301-1.

Participants in counter-terrorism operations serving under a contract are given monetary compensation for renting (subletting) housing in the places where their family members live. Justification: clause 11 of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 65.

Disabled persons DB

Payments to working disabled people of BD temporary disability benefits in the amount of 100% of earnings, regardless of length of service and temporary disability benefits for general illness for up to 4 months in a row or up to 5 months in a row calendar year. Justification: clause 14 clause 1, clause 3 art. 14 Federal Law-5.

For disabled people BD 1-2 gr. if there is insufficient annual and annual additional leave for treatment and travel to and from sanatorium-resort institutions, it is allowed to issue temporary disability certificates for the required number of days and make payments of state social insurance benefits, regardless of who and at whose expense the voucher was provided. Justification: clause 17 clause 1, clause 3 art. 14 Federal Law-5.

EDV is set in the amount of:

1. From January 1, 2005 - 1550 rub.

Justification: clause 5 of Art. 154 Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ “On amendments to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation as invalid in connection with the adoption of federal laws “On amendments and additions to the Federal Law “On general principles of organization” legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and "General principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation".

From January 1, 2006 - 2000 rub. Justification: clause 5 of Art. 154 FZ-122.

Preferences for widows of military personnel

The legislation defines a group of persons belonging to family members of deceased military personnel who are covered by state support. These include:

  • widows;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • disabled children;
  • dependents regardless of degree of relationship.
Attention: if young people from among the children of a deceased military man are studying in educational institution in person, then the benefits remain for them until the age of 23.


  1. Family members receive tickets from the state for the funeral of the breadwinner. However, no more than three people can travel. The rest will have to pay their own fare.
  2. In addition, one person will be compensated annually for the cost of tickets to the grave of a deceased serviceman and back from budget funds.
Attention: a widow or other dependent is granted a survivor's pension. The procedure for receiving it is described in pension legislation.

Right to housing

  1. It is prohibited to evict widows and other dependents from the list above from the apartment. They must be provided with other convenient accommodation free of charge.
  2. In addition, these individuals retain military preferences related to improving their living conditions.
  3. Widows have the right to claim repairs to the house in which they lived together with their deceased husband.
  4. These citizens are provided with housing on a priority basis if the breadwinner did not manage to receive it in accordance with current regulations.
Important: widows can receive the described types of state support only before remarriage.

Compensation payments to widows

After the loss of a breadwinner, the families of the deceased retain all the benefits that they enjoyed during his lifetime. This means:

  • treatment in medical institutions;
  • sanatorium-resort vouchers and travel to a place of recovery once a year.

In addition, they are compensated for the cost of utility bills. Namely accounts for:

  • rent;
  • water supply and sanitation;
  • gas supply;
  • supplied electricity;
  • telephone subscription fee;
  • payment for radio points and collective antennas;
  • solid fuel if the house is not provided with central heating.
Attention: specific preferences for the listed services are determined by the government of the Russian Federation. Usually they are 50%.

Young children of the deceased are admitted to kindergarten without waiting lists.

Important: in addition to pensions, widows of military personnel who lost their lives while on duty are paid one-time financial assistance.

Preferences for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

State support for this group of people directly depends on the reasons for dismissal. It is not applicable if a serviceman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has tarnished his reputation with illegal actions. For example, when this person was fired for breaking the law or convicted.

The rest are paid financial assistance upon dismissal. Its size is equal to five salaries.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with more than 20 years of service retain the right to:

  • use the services of medical institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • relax in systemic sanatoriums, and the cost of the trip will be:
    • 25% to the beneficiary himself;
    • 50% for a loved one;
  • travel to the place of recovery at state expense (preference applies to one more family member).

They are given a transport tax benefit on an equal basis with other pensioners, that is, 50%.

Important: persons who served in:

  • courier units;
  • criminal executive system;
  • tax police.

Support for the families of deceased employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Widows and dependents of military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive guarantees from the state. In particular, they retain the amount of compensation for utility bills in the same amounts that they were provided previously. That is, they pay 50% of the bills:

  • for the apartment;
  • water supply and sewerage;
  • use of gas;
  • electricity is within normal limits;
  • solid fuel if the house is not provided with central heating.

In addition to the above, at the expense of the budget, the widow is given the opportunity to:

  • go to a sanatorium or dispensary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for free (once a year);
  • visit your husband’s grave also once a year (the preference even applies to traveling abroad);
  • receiving a free voucher for children's health (up to the child's 15th birthday);
  • one-time payment for moving, including:
    • fare;
    • transportation of property (up to 20 tons).
Attention: widows are paid for the maintenance of minor children monthly allowance.

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

The state allocates to all Russian pensioners social assistance. Military pensioners should be included in a separate category. After all, they have a special status. This category includes older people who served in: internal affairs bodies, armed forces, fire defense ranks or criminal enforcement agencies.

If we analyze today's Russian legislation, it is worth noting that the concept retirement age does not exist. However, in the law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision persons who served in the relevant bodies”, such a concept as a long-service pension is enshrined.

What benefits will military pensioners receive in 2017?

All discounts, according to Russian law, can be divided into three large categories:

  • benefits for family members of military pensioners;
  • tax benefits, in particular land and transport;
  • social benefits.

Separately, we can also note the right to employment of citizens who served in the above structures. They have the right to get a job first if they are registered with the employment service. Also, this category of citizens is allowed to get a job in the institution where they served within three months after dismissal. The length of service must also be included in the continuous work experience.

Tax benefits: transport and land

Persons who served in the authorities may have benefits related to taxes. If you believe the law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” then those citizens whose service experience is at least 20 years, in other words, those who receive a pension for long service, can apply for compensation. It will depend directly on the amount of tax paid on property of individuals and on land.

Pensioners must submit this application to the head of the structure where the person served. If we talk about transport tax, then each region has its own established circle of entities that are entitled to the benefit. For example, in the Leningrad region, according to regional law, people of retirement age pay 80 percent of the tax rate for a passenger car with a power of less than 100 horsepower, as well as for a motorcycle with an engine power of up to 40 horsepower. Such rules apply to both all pensioners and military personnel.

What benefits do family members of pensioners receive?

Family members of military retirees may also have some benefits. If you look at the Russian law “On the status of military personnel,” the children of these persons may be provided with places in preschool and general education institutions. This also includes health camps, regardless of their form of ownership. By the way, the period for providing these places is one calendar month. If a military person served under conscription, then the single mother of such a person is given the priority right to remain at work if a layoff occurs.

It is also worth mentioning benefits for family members if they have lost their breadwinner. In this case, family members may have full rights to an appropriate pension, which is in accordance with the pension legislation of the country. If the death occurred during the performance of official duties, then family members can receive one-time monetary compensation.

What other benefits do military pensioners receive?

Military retirees also have the right to take advantage of the following features:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • free medical care;
  • sanatorium-resort treatment in special institutions.