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Beauty calendar for November. Moon in Leo

Useful tips

The last month of autumn is already quite cool, so you can safely switch to winter care behind the face. The sun is no longer so hot, so the need for sunscreens now practically none.

However, frosts make the skin more dry, so even if you have enough oily skin in the summer, now it can become much drier, it will begin to peel, and it will be better to switch to more moisturizing creams.

Hairstyles under warm hats lose shape and volume, so you may need more styling products now. But there is no need to protect your hair from the sun with sunscreen shampoos.

In colder times of the year, you want to stay warm in sauna or bath. This is also a great way to clean yourself up, make various masks and scrubs. In the first half of the month the Moon will grow, so it is better to do this at this time nourishing masks (from 1 to 14 and 30 November 2016).

On the waning moon ( from 15 to 28 November 2016) can be done various scrubs, cleansing masks, as well as undergo operations and tattoos, but on days favorable for this.

Fitness enthusiasts can also check out our moon calendar beauty to design your workouts correctly. By the way, in the article can be found useful information on how to create a training plan according to the lunar calendar.

Sports calendar:

Days of rest from training and serious physical activity: November 7, 14, 21, 28 and 29, 2016.


NOVEMBER 1, Tuesday, 3rd lunar day.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 17:44

Moon without course until 17:43

With the beginning of the lunar month, you can do a lot for facial rejuvenation and nutrition. Today it will be especially good to start a course of anti-aging procedures, including at home. But remember that any undertakings are good when the Moon does not go “idle”, so schedule the beginning of any procedures after 18:00.

Fitness : coming soon 6 days your workouts should be quite intense. Along with gaining energy, you will spend calories correctly and will be able to maintain the required weight, lose weight if necessary and build muscle mass. Don't put too much stress on your body today thighs and buttocks. It's better to give your upper body a good workout.

NOVEMBER 2, Wednesday, 4th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS

Today is a good time to sign up for Anticellulite massage. In general, any anti-cellulite program should also be based on proper nutrition and good activity, otherwise even the most cutting-edge methods of hardware cosmetology will not help you maintain the result for a long time. Due to the defeat of the Moon by Saturn, complex procedures with deep penetration into tissues cannot be performed today: the result may disappoint you.

Fitness : cardio exercises, stretching for the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

NOVEMBER 3, Thursday, 5th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 13:35

Cryotherapy: cold treatment will be effective. You can also use ice to restore elasticity to facial skin and tone, give her a healthy glow in the morning. To do this, use infusions of treated herbs, which should be frozen in ice trays. In the morning, wipe your face with a piece of ice before washing your face. This will also help invigorate you and benefit your skin.

Fitness : Strength training for the entire body without particularly heavy loads on the hips. You can include squats and lunges in your workout, but without fanaticism.

NOVEMBER 4, Friday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:45.CAPRICORN

Good to do treatment of skin problems: Various types of masks are useful, but it is better to postpone facial scrubs for another time. Today is also a good day to visit the hairdresser. Can be painted eyebrows and eyelashes: the color will remain saturated for a long time, and the work will be done very carefully. Great time to go to the nail salon: Moon in Capricorn will help make your nails stronger. If you are used to doing your own manicure, do not skip this day, at least file your legs.

Fitness : Stretching, yoga, Pilates and other similar practices will allow your body to rest and regain some strength.

NOVEMBER 5, Saturday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:32.CAPRICORN

You can still visit hairdressers. The skin on this day is quite vulnerable, so operations and complex procedures may be dangerous. But it is very useful to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Now the skin will perfectly absorb all the beneficial substances. You can also treat your skin with cosmetics. So that you are not bothered by various kinds of skin problems, it is important to monitor your intestinal function and diet. Only proper nutrition can give you the results you want.

Fitness : A good time for a cardio workout, but no jumping or long distance running. You can ride an exercise bike. Take care of your knees! Today you should play sports very carefully and not overexert yourself, as sports injuries are likely.

NOVEMBER 6, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:12.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 16:56

Moon without course from 12:56 to 16:56

Surgeries are extremely undesirable today, since the Moon is affected by Mars and is in its waxing phase. Good to visit in the evening sauna or steam bath, any water treatments will be effective; you can simply take a warm shower or bath with your favorite aromas at home before bed.

Fitness : strength training for the whole body, but without heavy loads on the lower extremities.

Lunar beauty calendar 2016

NOVEMBER 7, Monday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:46.AQUARIUS

Second phase of the moon from 22:52

Changing the lunar phase is a busy and stressful day. Postpone any complex procedures, but surgery is especially dangerous. Today you can make lungs nourishing masks for the face at home. Water treatments will also be beneficial.

Fitness : It is better to postpone training.

NOVEMBER 8, Tuesday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 14:16.AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 16:54

Today the Moon and Venus will be in a favorable aspect, which will help you get excellent results from visits to beauty salons. It’s especially good today to get massages and visit spas. You will be able to have a great rest and get a charge of additional strength. You can try to remove freckles and age spots, although this is not a waning moon, the effect can be good. It is better to do any procedures until 17:00.

Fitness : Good aerobic exercise today will be effective, but in the coming week you should slow down the pace a little before a more difficult week. Moderate loads will help you rest a little after the previous difficult week and restore strength, although your energy will noticeably increase this week.

NOVEMBER 9, Wednesday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 14:42.FISH

Today will be especially effective aromatherapy: The body is quite sensitive and will respond well to medicinal aromas. But don’t plan a visit to the hairdresser on this day. As a last resort, you can delete unwanted hair: They will grow back quickly, but will be weaker and thinner. Getting a haircut can be very disappointing. It is better to postpone operations.

Fitness : good to work with middle part bodies. Don't forget to give a good workout today to your abdominal muscles, which are losing their vulnerability.

NOVEMBER 10, Thursday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 15:06.FISH

Today will be effective contrasting foot baths, and you can also massage the reflex zones of the foot. The day is also good for various nourishing masks for the face and body, but it’s better not to touch your hair today, you shouldn’t even wash your hair. Caring for problem skin will be especially effective.

Fitness : yoga, Pilates and other practices that help stretch worked muscles will be especially relevant today.

NOVEMBER 11, Friday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:30.ARIES

Will be very useful today various masks for the face and preventive procedures for teeth, but it is extremely undesirable to do operations, since now there is a very high risk of developing various side effects. It is also worth remembering that after very complex procedures and operations, wounds will take a very long time to heal. Today you can make masks that are nourishing and improve your complexion. After sunset you can go to nail salon.

Fitness : cardio exercises. Don't spend this day passively. It's better to go for a run or ride an exercise bike, but any aerobic program will do.

NOVEMBER 12, Saturday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 16:56.ARIES

Moon without course from 15:45

It will be effective fitness for face, especially if you would like to improve your face shape, get rid of nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, and also to improve the contour of the eyelids. It is known that such exercises can make the face look more youthful, but they should be performed regularly. Don't miss them on the days Moons in Aries when they will be very effective. It is not recommended to visit the dentist today.

Fitness : strength exercises for the whole body, general training will help you get ready, give all muscles good tone. Persistence in achieving your sports goal will help you achieve excellent results. It will be easy for you to practice today, but remember to take precautions. At the slightest ailment, it is better to refuse the load, as there is risk of injury. It is better to move the workout to the second half of the day, then the risks of injury will be much lower.

NOVEMBER 13, Sunday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:23.CALF

Not a bad day to visit beauty salons and hairdressers. Hair treatment will be effective. It is not recommended to perform operations in the face and neck area, or remove tumors (warts, moles, papillomas, etc.) in the neck and décolleté area. Today you can start activities aimed at weight loss. As the moon wanes (in the next two weeks), the weight will come off faster.

Fitness : yoga, Pilates. Stretching the body parts you worked on yesterday.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

NOVEMBER 14, Monday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 17:03.CALF

Moon without course from 16:53

FULL MOON at 16:52

The full moon is an unfavorable time for any complex procedures, but especially operations. Despite the favorable Taurus sign, today try not to do anything difficult with face, skin and hair. But you can make cleansing face masks, light scrubs for the body and scalp. You should also not visit the dentist on this day.

Fitness : It is better to postpone training.


NOVEMBER 15, Tuesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 17:35.TWINS

Today care is shown skin of hands, but it’s better not to do a manicure, as you can get unwanted cuts or infections. Also today, saunas and steam baths will be very effective; you can sign up for a relaxing and detoxifying massage. It is better not to plan complex procedures and operations for this day.

Fitness : coming soon 6 days your workouts can again be quite challenging: you will have enough energy to complete even the most difficult exercises. You shouldn’t spend this week passively and put off training. This is especially true for those whose goal is to lose extra pounds. It is easier to lose weight on the waning Moon. Today you can outline aerobic exercises, long-distance running, and working on an exercise bike.

NOVEMBER 16, Wednesday, 17th lunar day.TWINS

Moon without course from 13:57

Today is still a good time massages. You can get a massage to prevent stretch marks and cellulite. Various water procedures will be beneficial, you can visit a spa salon, it will be effective stone therapy(massage with warm stones). Fighting cellulite in the thighs and buttocks using aggressive methods can bring good results.

Fitness : Strength exercises for the lower body, especially good for the hips and buttocks.

NOVEMBER 17, Thursday, 18th lunar day.CANCER

The first half of the day is extremely unlucky for difficult cosmetic procedures and operations. Especially today should be avoided breast surgeries, which is now very vulnerable. You can make a body scrub, especially the décolleté area.

Fitness : aerobic exercise, plus stretching the muscles you worked on yesterday.

NOVEMBER 18, Friday, 19th lunar day.CANCER

It is extremely unfavorable to have your hair cut on this day: avoid going to hairdressers. But today is a good day for removal of unwanted hair. They will grow slowly. You can remove unwanted hair from the facial area using various methods. You can also remove hair at home. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, deal with all complex procedures after 15:00. Today it is also impossible to perform operations in the breast area. After sunset you can do your nails.

Fitness : Exercise more carefully today, but it’s better to move your workout to the evening. Today it is better to do yoga or Pilates.

NOVEMBER 19, Saturday, 20th lunar day.A LION

The next few days are coming lucky days for haircuts, but remember the haircut rules during the waning moon: Hair will grow slowly, although its structure will improve. It is better not to pluck your eyebrows, and also avoid dyeing your hair and eyebrows, as the dye will quickly wash off and the color will lose its saturation.

Fitness : Strength exercises for the leg muscles, work on the calf muscles, which also need training.

NOVEMBER 20, Sunday, 21st lunar day.A LION

Today it’s good to do different things cleansing hair masks, scalp scrubs. The scrub will help remove the top layer of dead cells and will also help stimulate blood circulation, which will encourage faster hair growth. Remember also that your hair may need extra vitamins. Today is a good day for hair and eyelash extensions.

Fitness : Don't overdo your cardio today. This is especially true for those who have heart problems. You can run a little or do aerobics at home.

Beauty: calendar of lunar days

NOVEMBER 21, Monday, 22nd lunar day.A LION , VIRGO from 12:35

Moon without course from 11:33 to 12:34

Fourth phase of the moon from 11:34

Unlucky day: change of lunar phase, it is better not to perform operations today and not to start new procedures. However after 12:00 You can go to a hair specialist - a trichologist or other specialists. You can undergo the necessary tests, however, it is too early to perform operations.

Fitness : It is better to postpone training.

NOVEMBER 22, Tuesday, 23rd lunar day. VIRGO

Moon without course from 20:21

In the morning hours, the Moon and Venus will be in a favorable aspect, so this is a good time for visits to beauty salons and hairdressers. You can make various cleansing masks, but it is better to postpone too complex procedures, beauty injections or operations on this day, as the Moon is approaching a negative aspect with Saturn.

Fitness : cardio exercises. It’s better not to exercise your abdominal muscles today. In the coming week, your workouts should be the most gentle of the entire month! It is worth doing lighter exercises so that you can gain strength and so that your muscles have time to rest and recover. If you exercise very intensely, at this time you can generally rest for the whole week, since muscles always need time to recover.

NOVEMBER 23, Wednesday, 24th lunar day. VIRGO

Moon without course until 22:42

The day is not suitable for starting important things, since the Moon will be without a course all day. On this day, you should continue what you started in the past. Effective hair care, especially weak and fragile. Postpone operations and complex cosmetic procedures if possible.

Fitness : Light strength exercises for the whole body. Be careful with the middle part of the body: it is quite vulnerable, especially the abdominal muscles.

NOVEMBER 24, Thursday, 25th lunar day.SCALES

A good day for going to the sauna, as well as for a massage. Massage is especially good for removing toxins and to get rid of cramps. Massage can also help prevent stretch marks. It is difficult to deal with them, since once stretch marks appear, they cannot be completely removed without surgical intervention, however, they can be made less noticeable using oils and other products. Any water procedures and water sports will be beneficial. You can go to dental, for example, for teeth whitening.

Fitness : cardio training, running, different kinds aerobics You can swim in the pool.

NOVEMBER 25, Friday, 26th lunar day.SCALES

Moon without course from 16:52

This day is not the best day for operations, as unexpected symptoms may appear. unwanted side effects . The day is quite suitable for a regular trip to a beauty salon. It is good to make cleansing and rejuvenating masks for the face, body or hair. Not a bad day for manicure and pedicure, better after sunset.

Fitness : the risk of injury increases; if you feel unwell, postpone training. It's better to reschedule your workout for the evening. Today it is better to do stretching, yoga, Pilates.

NOVEMBER 26, Saturday, 27th lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 11:03

Moon without course until 11:02

When the Moon is without a course, do not start anything new. You may become more sensitive today, be careful food choice. Various procedures are effective for cleansing hair and getting rid of dandruff. Do not use hormonal creams.

Fitness : Swimming is still very useful, you can do aqua aerobics.

NOVEMBER 27, Sunday, 28th lunar day. SCORPION

Unfavorable day for shopping in search of new clothes , at least in the first half of the day. After 14:30 It's good to go to beauty salons. Today it is good to do various cleansing procedures. In general, this day is suitable for completing a cycle of procedures, but not for starting new ones.

Fitness : Light strength exercises for the whole body. You can limit yourself to morning exercises.

NOVEMBER 28, Monday, 29th lunar day. SCORPION

Moon without course until 23:46

Unfavorable day: one of the most unfavorable days of the month. Today you cannot apply for complex procedures, but especially do operations or start something new. Your mood can also bring you down on this day, so find healthy ways to improve it! This is a day of summing up, and the next month depends on how you spend it and what you think about. Stay optimistic and don't overwork yourself: this will bring you benefit your health and beauty.

Fitness : It is better to postpone training.

NOVEMBER 29, Tuesday, 30th lunar day from 07:48, 1st lunar day from 15:19.SAGITTARIUS

NEW MOON at 15:19

The lunar month is coming to an end and a new one begins, thereby the day will be divided into two parts: in the first half of the day, think about the past, take stock, and in the second half, think about the future, plan things, dream. Complex procedures and operations can't do it today!

Fitness : It is better to postpone training.


NOVEMBER 30, Wednesday, 2nd lunar day from 8:56.SAGITTARIUS

Today you can get rid of cellulite, they are allowed different types massage. It’s also good to make decoctions medicinal herbs, with which you can steam your face, rinse your hair, or make ice cubes for wiping your face. Any rejuvenating and nourishing masks are effective.

Fitness : from the new lunar month, you can start training hard again and work hard on your muscles in the next 6 days. Today, working with the upper body will be effective: arms, shoulders, chest.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for November 2016

Nourishing and soothing face masks: 1-13, 30
Cleansing masks: 14-27
Facial scrub: 14, 17-20
Anti-aging procedures: 1-3, 30
Skin treatment: 4, 5, 9, 10
Removal age spots and freckles, even out complexion: 8
Dental care, dentist: 24
Manicure: 4, 11, 18, 25
Hand care: 15, 16
Pedicure: 4, 25
Tanning, solarium: 24-26
Facial piercing: 17 (after 14:00)
Facial plastic surgery: 17 (after 14:00)
Tummy tuck: 24
Breast surgery: 24
Massage: 1-3, 6-10, 15, 16, 24-26, 30
Stone therapy: 8, 15, 16
Lymphatic drainage massage: 9, 10
Aromatherapy: 1, 9, 10, 17, 18, 26-28
Cryotherapy: 1-3, 30
Depilation, hair removal: 9, 10, 17, 18
Removing unwanted hair from the face: 17, 18
Weight loss programs (start): 13
Anti-cellulite programs (beginning): 1-3, 15, 16, 30
Healing procedures (beginning): 13, 21-24
Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool: 6-8, 15, 16, 24-26
Eyelash and hair extensions: 19, 20
Eyelash and eyebrow tinting: 4, 5
Eyebrow plucking and shaping: 9, 10, 17, 18
Permanent makeup and tattoos: 17 (after 14:00)
Visit to the hairdresser: 4, 13, 19, 20, 22
Visiting a cosmetologist, trichologist: 21, 22
Visit to a makeup artist: 13, 22, 24, 25, 27
Fungus treatment: 21, 22
Purchases: 13, 19, 20, 25
Unfavorable days for complex procedures: 2, 7, 9, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30
The most successful days for cosmetic procedures: 13, 17, 24, 30

Detailed lunar calendar of haircuts, hair coloring and manicure for any day in November 2016. Suitable for both women and men. Will help you plan a visit to a beauty salon and carry out cosmetic procedures for nail and hair care at home.

You don't need to know astrology. Trust our calendar, choose the best day for the hairdresser and luck will enter your life, and your mood, material well-being and even your health will significantly improve.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and manicures for November 2016

Favorable days

Unfavorable days
Moscow time is indicated

Nov. 1 2016, Tue,
2-3 lunar days,
from 17:44 waxing moon in Sagittarius
Scorpio and Sagittarius are the most unstable signs for hair. The outcome is usually difficult to predict. A haircut will help you get financial assistance from an unexpected direction. Chemical dyes should not be used. Manicure today is favorable.
November 2 2016, Wed,
3-4 lunar days,
waxing moon in Sagittarius
It will be very difficult to maintain hair cutting, styling, curling and coloring for a long time. Although new hairstyle will give you the creative strength and inspiration that is so needed these days. Homemade healing and nourishing treatments for hair and nails will improve your health. A good day to embody the brave and original ideas in manicure.
the 3rd of November 2016, th,
4-5 lunar days,
waxing moon in Sagittarius
November 4 2016, Fri,
5-6 lunar days,
from 06:06 waxing moon in Capricorn
Friday is not the best day to visit the hairdresser, even though Capricorn recommends doing your hair and nails. A manicure done today will delight you for a long time.
November 5 2016, Sat,
6-7 lunar days,
waxing moon in Capricorn
The best day to visit a beauty salon is this month. Capricorn has an extremely positive effect on the condition of hair and nails after any procedure. A haircut will improve the general condition of the body and attract material wealth into your life.
November 6 2016, Sun,
7-8 lunar days,
from 16:56 waxing moon in Aquarius
On Sunday it is strictly forbidden to change your appearance, and even more so to cut your hair and nails - you can lose your connection with the cosmos, which will be difficult to restore in the future. This will even override the beneficial effect from Capricorn and Aquarius. Easy hairstyle stabilizes your emotional background.
November 7 2016, Mon,
8-9 lunar days,
waxing moon in Aquarius
Aquarius is a good time for experiments, although the 8th lunar day does not advise radical changes in appearance. Don't hurt yourself. Manicure will help solve life's problems.
November 8 2016, Tue,
9-10 lunar days,
waxing moon in Aquarius
It's a good day to visit the hairdresser, but don't go to the nail salon. You can safely experiment with your hair and implement the most original ideas in cutting, coloring and styling. This will add bright colors to your life and luck will definitely come into your life, your financial situation will improve significantly.
November 9 2016, Wed,
10-11 lunar days,
from 00:46 waxing moon in Pisces
In the salon or at home, you can only perform health-improving and nourishing hair treatments. Don't cut your hair or use any chemicals - all this will negatively affect the scalp and lead to dandruff and can seriously damage your hair. If you are Pisces, you should also be careful when doing a manicure, as the likelihood of catching a fungus increases and the skin becomes more vulnerable.
10th of November 2016, th,
11-12 lunar days,
waxing moon in Pisces,
II quarter
11th of November 2016, Fri,
12-13 lunar days,
from 04:46 waxing moon in Aries, II quarter
When you are an Aries, it is better to refrain from cutting your hair - you can damage your hair and it will begin to split. But don’t give up on coloring and styling, but go to a trusted professional - these procedures will help you achieve harmony and material well-being. Neutral days for manicure; nourishing nail baths are recommended.
November 12 2016, Sat,
13-14 lunar days,
waxing moon in Aries
the 13th of November 2016, Sun.
14-15 lunar days,
from 05:25 moon in Taurus
In Taurus days, any work with hair is favorable. A haircut, nourishing and strengthening treatments will significantly increase their health, and coloring, styling and curling will delight you long time. Full moon days are also the best for haircuts.
A manicure these days will help reveal your talents, but will also attract ill-wishers.
November 14, 2016, Mon,
15-16 lunar days,
moon in Taurus,
at 16:53 Full moon
15th of November 2016, Tue,
16-17 lunar days,
from 04:24 waning moon in Gemini
A trip to the hairdresser will not affect the health of your hair, but it may make it unruly. You can dye your hair with any dyes and perm it, but try to avoid an overly voluminous hairstyle. Neutral days for manicures, but massages and hand baths are welcome.
November 16 2016, Wed,
17-18 lunar days,
waning moon in Gemini
November 17 2016, th,
18-19 lunar days,
from 03:58 waning moon in Cancer
Cancer has a bad effect on the condition of your hair, it’s better not to cut your hair today. When painting, choose only natural dyes. Do not use hair and nail sprays, and generally refrain from using any “chemicals” even when cleaning the room. But therapeutic and nutritional procedures will benefit not only hair and nails, but the entire body.
November 18th 2016, Fri,
19-20 lunar days,
waning moon in Cancer
Postpone your visit to the beauty salon until another day. Today you shouldn’t do anything with your hair or nails. Almost all work will be unsuccessful, and all the “chemistry” in the days of Cancer easily enters the body.
November 19 2016, Sat,
20-21 lunar days,
from 06:16 waning moon in Leo
Days of the Lion's Mane. Hair after the procedures becomes significantly fuller, thicker and stronger. A haircut will improve your emotional background and relieve health problems. Painting in a light tone will help attract the right people into your life. Perms and styling will last a long time. When working with your nails, you can only trim them, and move everything else to other days.
20 November 2016, Sun,
21-22 lunar days,
waning moon in Leo
November 21 2016, Mon,
22 lunar day,
from 12:35 waning moon in Virgo
A great day to visit a beauty salon. Both Leo and Virgo will give your hair and nails unique charm and health. You can implement any bold decisions and ideas, this will help get rid of melancholy, depression and failures.
November 22 2016, Tue,
22-23 lunar days,
waning moon in Virgo
Good days for cutting, coloring, styling and curling. Any work with your hair will add health to your hair, you will gain energy, vitality and a great mood, as the result will be much higher than expected. A manicure will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of your nails, make you look charming and protect you from troubles.
November 23 2016, Wed,
23-24 lunar days,
from 22:43 waning moon in Libra
November 24 2016, th,
24-25 lunar days, from 15:47 waning moon in Libra
Neutral day for a haircut. But coloring is only possible natural dyes and in natural tones. Create a light and airy style. A great day for wellness treatments for hair and nails.
November 25 2016, Fri,
25-26 lunar days,
waning moon in Libra
Put off going to the salon. The day is extremely unstable emotionally, and today there is a high probability of an unsuccessful haircut, coloring and styling, you will lose not only money, but also your peace of mind, which will adversely affect your health.
November 26 2016, Sat,
26-27 lunar days,
from 11:03 waning moon in Scorpio
An unstable day for hair, the result of the hairdresser’s work can be unpredictable. But you definitely shouldn’t expose your hair and nails to chemicals today. Special and unusual styling will increase your attractiveness and popularity, which will attract interesting acquaintances into your life.
November 27 2016, Sun,
27-28 lunar days,
waning moon in Scorpio
Extremely unfavorable days for haircuts, perm and hair coloring. Due to the power of the water sign Scorpio, all chemicals will easily enter your body. Also, the 28th lunar day negatively affects hair manipulation, which can significantly reduce your physical activity and add various troubles, both morally and physically. For your hands, you can only do a massage and lightly trim your nails.
November 28 2016, Mon,
28-29 lunar days,
from 23:47 min the moon is in Sagittarius
29th of November 2016, Tue,
30 lunar day,
at 15:19 New moon, moon in Sagittarius
Avoid visiting the hairdresser. There is no need to change anything on the New Moon. Spend time with your family or close friends, forgive your enemies. It's good to do yoga or meditation.
November 30th 2016, Wed,
1-2 lunar days,
moon in Sagittarius
Sagittarius makes your hair unruly, but after cutting it you will feel a powerful influx of health energy. Since Sagittarius + waxing moon accelerate hair growth, nutritional treatments are recommended so that hair grows healthy and does not split. Natural color hair will bring you material well-being, and unusual experiments with the color and shape of your hair will add creative strength and inspiration to you. This also applies to nail color.

Lunar beauty calendar for November 2016 will help you determine the most favorable time for cutting, hair coloring and other cosmetic procedures.

Moon in Scorpio. Waxing Crescent

An unfavorable day for all endeavors. A suitable time to visit a bath or sauna, as well as for procedures aimed at strengthening bones and joints. Perfect day for oriental massage. You can dye your hair, so the color will last longer. A haircut at this time can affect relationships with the opposite sex - both for the better and for the worse. It is recommended to make masks for the face and body. Favorable time for hair coloring. Postpone facial cleansing to another day.

In general, the day is favorable, including in relation to beauty procedures. An ideal day to visit a pedicurist: this is the right time to get rid of calluses. Can be painted White hair. On this day, you can cut children's hair, as it will grow thicker and stronger. Unfavorable day for cutting hair and nails.

Moon in Sagittarius. Waxing Crescent

The right time for herbal medicine. A good day to get rid of cosmetic problems with the help home cosmetics, decoctions and tinctures. Postpone hair cutting to another day, as it may cause vision impairment. Cleaning your face won't do you any good.

All wellness treatments for the skin of the face and body, as well as aromatherapy, will benefit you. The day is ideal for anti-aging procedures and getting rid of wrinkles. A favorable day to visit a specialist for manicure and pedicure. You can also cut your hair. Great day for yoga and gymnastics. Refuse to remove unwanted hair - this will cause the opposite effect to the expected one.

Moon in Capricorn. Waxing Crescent

In general, the day is suitable for undertakings that can be completed on the same day. Devote a day to breathing exercises and aromatherapy. Getting a haircut on this day will benefit your emotional health and make you more insightful. It is useful to make masks and procedures for hair treatment and restoration. Avoid visiting the solarium.

A favorable time for cleansing the skin and any anti-cellulite procedures. You can also cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Helpful to start the course cosmetic procedures, especially for the face. It is advisable to get a haircut or trim the ends of your hair on this day - this will attract prosperity to your home. Feel free to color your hair and experiment with style. A massage will do you some good. Skip chemical peels for facial cleansing.

Moon in Aquarius. Waxing Crescent

Favorable time for procedures that were started a long time ago. Nice day for water procedures and aromatherapy: visit the swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse. It is recommended to have a massage. The most favorable day for anti-aging procedures. A good day to take care of the skin of your feet - any method of removing unwanted hair will have the best effect. Postpone your haircut and coloring to another time.

Moon in Aquarius. Waxing Crescent

The ideal time for any water treatments that are aimed at cleansing the skin and body - a hot bath and sauna will benefit both the skin and figure. A haircut and any change of image on this day will attract prosperity. The ideal time to tone gray hair or lighten hair. Deep chemical peeling won't do any good.

Moon in Pisces. Waxing Crescent

The best time for cosmetic procedures to cleanse the skin. It is useful to do massages, as well as treatments for hands and feet - paraffin therapy, baths, masks, manicure and pedicure will be beneficial. For brunettes, this is the ideal time to dye their hair. You can also safely add hair extensions. Avoid visiting the solarium.

Moon in Pisces. Waxing Crescent

A great day to start a course of juice therapy (in addition to treatment with apple juice) and aromatherapy. Herbal teas and healing decoctions will have a good effect in losing weight. Dedicate the day to a relaxing massage and any water treatments. On this day you can dye your hair, do cosmetic procedures for the skin of the face, neck and hands. However, today it is not recommended to get a haircut.

Moon in Aries. Waxing Crescent

This is an unfavorable time to start a course of cosmetic procedures for skin care, both face and body. But you can make masks to treat the scalp and hair, and get rid of dandruff. The ideal time for rejuvenation procedures. Getting a haircut on this day can change your life for the better. It is strictly forbidden to cleanse your face.

Moon in Aries. Waxing Crescent

A favorable time for facial cleansing, body scrubs and cleansing the body of toxins. You can do any massages - relaxing, hardware, vacuum, anti-cellulite. good time for facial skin care, it’s really better to choose homemade face masks. Avoid hair removal and other types of unwanted hair removal.

Moon in Taurus. Waxing Crescent

Great time for herbal medicine. You can do procedures aimed at treating hair, restoring and strengthening hair follicles. If you want long and Thick hair, cut them on this day. A favorable day for correcting the shape of eyebrows, eyelash extensions, hair, and nails. You can do tattooing and permanent tattooing. In everything else, exercise restraint - in skin care, nutrition.

Moon in Taurus. Full moon

A great day for new beginnings. Feel free to change your training regimen. On this day, it is recommended to eliminate cosmetic problems: remove moles, remove warts, even undergo plastic surgery and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Go to a cosmetologist - all facial and body care procedures will only benefit you.

A favorable day for ampelotherapy - treatment with grape juice and wine. Dedicate a day to beauty treatments using wine. You can start a training course in the gym or at home. According to superstitions, cutting your hair on this day can bring prosperity. A relaxing massage will help. The most suitable day for hair removal or removal of unwanted hair.

Moon in Gemini. Waning moon

A favorable day for skin cleansing - both at home and in the salon. It is useful to go to the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool. You can also make nourishing face and body masks and wraps. Great time to visit a beauty salon. Cutting your hair on such a day will bring good luck. However, you should refuse pedicures and all foot care procedures.

Moon in Cancer. Waning moon

A favorable day for meditation. You can make homemade masks for your face, neck and hands. Favorable time for manicure. You can dye your hair, cut it and even perm it - your hair will become even more shiny. Don't miss out on a relaxing massage. It is recommended to remove unwanted hair, except for the signs of Leo and Virgo.

Moon in Cancer. Waning moon

A great day for water treatments, anti-cellulite massages, body wraps. Perm, piercing, tattooing, hair coloring and perm will go as smoothly as possible on this day. Today it is recommended to visit a beauty salon. Any skin care procedure will be beneficial. Avoid hair removal.

Moon in Leo. Waning moon

A favorable time for herbal medicine, treating skin problems with herbs, herbs and tinctures. You can dye and lighten your hair - today you will cause the least harm to your hair. It's the right time to change your image. New look will change your life for the better. An ideal day for massages and hair removal.

Moon in Leo. Waning moon

On this day, you can safely pierce your ears and do piercings on other parts of the body. An ideal day to correct the shape of eyebrows, eyelash extensions, and nails. You can correct the haircut, but radically changing the image is not recommended. Today, refrain from perm and perm - the effect will be minimal.

Present to your attention . Thanks to this calendar you will be able to find the one suitable for cutting and coloring your hair. Here you can find the perfect day for a haircut at any time by scrolling the page. If you have the opportunity to choose the desired favorable day for a haircut, it is better to choose it. Otherwise, don't worry - think positive! We hope you find this lunar calendar coloring useful and you will be happy. with our November 2016 haircut calendar:

Always remember that any of your actions that relate to your appearance can at some point change your destiny quite significantly. Before visiting your favorite stylist or colorist, always consult your beauty calendar.

Date/Lunar dayMoon in Zodiac signMoon phaseFavorable and unfavorable days for haircuts and hair coloring
November 1, 2016, 3, TueMoon in SagittariusWaxing CrescentHaircut on the 3rd lunar day is also not recommended. This can cause health problems and improper energy distribution. (For example, it may provoke you to make thoughtless purchases)
November 2, 2016, 4, WedMoon in SagittariusWaxing CrescentDon't get your hair cut on the 4th lunar day. This can bring into your life the fear of losing something valuable (we are not talking about material things), as well as possible minor illnesses.
November 3, 2016, 5, ThuMoon in SagittariusWaxing CrescentThe 5th lunar day after long unfavorable days is good for both haircuts and coloring. It will bring wealth and prosperity into your life
November 4, 2016, 6, FriMoon in CapricornWaxing CrescentDo not cut or dye your hair on the 6th lunar day. You may get sick or simply become depressed. Haircuts are especially not recommended on this day.
November 5, 2016, 7, SatMoon in CapricornWaxing CrescentAgain, the 7th lunar day is not a good day for a haircut - you can attract quarrels into your life.
November 6, 2016, 8, SunMoon in AquariusWaxing CrescentThe 8th lunar day is a very favorable day for coloring - you can bring an abundance of colorful events into your life
November 7, 2016, 9, MonMoon in AquariusFirst quarter, 22:51On the 9th lunar day, haircuts are not recommended, but you can pamper yourself with coloring, but only without haircuts, so as not to attract diseases.
November 8, 2016, 10, TueMoon in AquariusWaxing Crescent10 lunar days are a good day for everything, both for cutting and coloring hair: increase strength and success, increase sensitivity.
November 9, 2016, 11, WedMoon in PiscesWaxing CrescentThe 11th lunar day is one of better days per month for coloring, combine with haircut. On this day, the subtlety of perception improves, the mind becomes more insightful and clear.
November 10, 2016, 12, ThuMoon in PiscesWaxing CrescentOn the 12th lunar day, coloring and haircuts are strictly not recommended - you can attract suffering and a threat to life.
November 11, 2016, 13, FriMoon in AriesWaxing CrescentHaircut and coloring on the 13th lunar day will increase your attractiveness and bring a lot of useful acquaintances.
November 12, 2016, 14, SatMoon in AriesWaxing CrescentHair coloring on the 14th lunar day will bring good luck to your life and improve the results of your endeavors
November 13, 2016, 15, SunMoon in TaurusWaxing CrescentAstrologers do not advise getting your hair cut and dyed on the 15th lunar day; it is not the most favorable day of the month - it is possible that your blood pressure may increase or your health may become unstable. May cause headaches and feelings of fear.
November 14, 2016, 16, MonMoon in TaurusFull moon, 16:52Along with the 15th lunar day, we strongly advise against cutting your hair and coloring your hair on the 16th lunar day; you may incur feelings of fear and anxiety, which will cause you to make many mistakes in the future.
November 15, 2016, 17, TueMoon in GeminiWaning moonThe 18th lunar day is a bad day for haircuts. Possibility of occurrence various diseases due to the influence of evil spirits.
16 November 2016, 18, WedMoon in GeminiWaning moonDo not get your hair cut on the 18th lunar day - there is a high probability of problems with property, including theft.
November 17, 2016, 19, ThuMoon in CancerWaning moonThe 19th lunar day is very suitable for coloring and haircuts. It prolongs life.
November 18, 2016, 20, FriMoon in CancerWaning moonThe 20th lunar day is especially bad for coloring.
November 19, 2016, 21, SatMoon in LeoWaning moon21 lunar days are a great day for transformation to increase beauty and prosperity. Astrodogs lament being in a harmonious state in the near future.
November 20, 2016, 22, SunMoon in LeoWaning moonThis is a good day for any transformation - reasonableness and expediency in your future purchases. Luck is on your side.
November 21, 2016, 23, MonMoon in VirgoLast quarter, 11:33The 22nd lunar day is a good day for a haircut to improve your well-being, as well as to get beautiful colour faces.
November 22, 2016, 23, TueMoon in VirgoWaning moonThe 23rd lunar day is an acceptable day for coloring and haircuts, improving your appearance portends well-being in the family.
November 23, 2016, 24, WedMoon in LibraWaning moonThe most unfavorable day of the month, do not cut your hair or dye your hair on this day - this may cause illness.
November 24, 2016, 25, ThuMoon in LibraWaning moonThe 25th lunar day is bad for haircuts; problems with hair growth are expected as a result.
November 25, 2016, 26, FriMoon in LibraWaning moonThe 26th lunar day, according to astrologers, is one of the best days for cutting and coloring hair. Brings good luck and happiness.
November 26, 2016, 27, SatMoon in ScorpioWaning moonThe 27th lunar day is a good day for cutting and coloring. After visiting the beauty salon you will get a pleasant and joyful feeling.
November 27, 2016, 28, SunMoon in ScorpioWaning moonThe 28th lunar day, like the 26th, is the most favorable day for going to a beauty salon for a haircut and coloring. A good mood and good luck will accompany you.
November 28, 2016, 29, MonMoon in SagittariusWaning moonThere is no need to get a haircut on this day - a haircut can lead to a division of the soul and poor hair growth.
November 29, 2016, 30/1, TueMoon in SagittariusNew Moon, 15:18Just like yesterday, this is not the best day for a haircut / 1 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut, since this procedure today shortens life.
November 30, 2016, 2, WedMoon in SagittariusNew Moon, 20:38Haircut on the 2nd lunar day is not recommended - it can lead to quarrels and unfavorable situations in your life.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for April 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for May 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for June 2016.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for July 2016.

Lunar calendar for haircuts, hair coloring and cosmetic procedures for November 2016 November 1, 2016, 3rd lunar day (09:42), waxing Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius. Haircut - if you don't want problems, don't get a haircut. Coloring will attract attention and increase your sexuality. A radical change in hair color is allowed. Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today means illness, weakened immunity and colds. You also become vulnerable to your enemies and ill-wishers. Facial care is an effective treatment for acne. Body care - it is good to epilate hair on any part of the body. November 2, 2016, 4th lunar day (10:47), waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Haircut - dream of meeting true friend- get a haircut. Coloring - the use of natural dyes promotes career growth. You cannot bleach your hair. Manicure, pedicure - manicure and pedicure today will relieve you of headaches. Facial care - use a minimum of cosmetics today. Body care is a great day to visit a massage therapist. November 3, 2016, 5th lunar day (11:48), waxing Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut - long hair - long life. Coloring - it is better to refrain from coloring your hair. Manicure, pedicure - manicure and pedicure on this day will help you get ready to implement your plans and ideas, and will extend your life. Facial care - it is good to whiten your facial skin. Taking care of your body is a favorable time for physical activity; it will help you lose excess weight. November 4, 2016, 6th lunar day (12:41), waxing Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn. Haircut - to keep your body and soul young, change your hairstyle. Coloring - to avoid troubles, on this day it is recommended to paint with natural dyes in dark colors. Manicure, pedicure - manicure and pedicure today will relieve you of headaches. Facial care is a favorable day for removing warts and moles. Body care - relax today. November 5, 2016, 7th lunar day (13:27), waxing Moon in Capricorn. Get a haircut - at least trim your bangs - and life will be more fun. Coloring - try to remember what color your hair was when you had the most successful period in your life. This will be your “color of good luck”, dye your hair today. Manicure, pedicure - refuse nail extensions today. The body must rest and renew itself internally. Facial care - soothing masks and baths will be useful. Body care - visiting the pool will tone your body. November 6, 2016, 8th lunar day (14:04), waxing Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. Haircut - for your own well-being, go to a hairdresser. Coloring - on this day, coloring with henna and other natural dyes is ideal, strengthens the immune system and promotes the goodwill of your superiors. Manicure, pedicure - beneficial treatment of fungus. Facial is a good day to cleanse your pores. Body care - water procedures are beneficial. November 7, 2016, 9th lunar day (14:34), waxing Moon in Aquarius. Haircut - today will help you implement your plans and achieve your goals. Coloring - on this day you should refuse to paint, you can undermine your respectability. Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today, and they will grow faster, become smooth and strong. Facial care - today you can perform cosmetic surgery. Body care is a great day to start a diet. November 8, 2016, 10th lunar day (15:00), waxing Moon in Aquarius. Haircut is an extremely unfavorable day for haircuts and hair removal. Coloring - hair coloring is not contraindicated - changing the color will have a positive effect on your karma. Manicure, pedicure - trim your nails today, it will help protect you from enemies and protect you in extreme situations. Facial care - exfoliating masks, peeling. Body care is not the most favorable for complex procedures and surgeries, but it is great for aromatherapy and relaxing treatments. November 9, 2016, 11th lunar day (15:21), waxing Moon in Aquarius/Pisces (00:44). Haircut is a rather unfavorable period for haircuts, leading to a weakening of the body’s general immunity, which increases the likelihood of various types of diseases. Coloring - it is also better to choose a different time if you want to radically change the color of your hair. Manicure, pedicure - will help normalize relationships and can help you find a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. Facial care - masks from natural products will have a beneficial effect. Body care - today it is better to give preference to relaxing procedures. November 10, 2016, 12 lunar day (15:41), waxing Moon in Pisces. Haircut - be sure to cut your hair on this day to make your life brighter and more interesting. Coloring - if you dye your hair in gold or copper shades, you will soon make a profit. Manicure, pedicure - trim your nails today, it will help protect you from enemies and protect you in extreme situations. Facial care - the most effective today will be natural masks from fruits and berries. Body care - it is beneficial to visit a bathhouse or sauna. November 11, 2016, 13th lunar day (16:00), waxing Moon in Pisces/Aries. A haircut - new haircut will make you feel more confident. Coloring - the use of natural dyes promotes career growth. You cannot bleach your hair. Manicure, pedicure - get a manicure and pedicure, it will help you concentrate, tune in to study and work. Facial care - nourishing and rejuvenating masks will be useful. Body care is a favorable day for hair removal. November 12, 2016, 14th lunar day (16:20), waxing Moon in Aries. Haircut - after a haircut on such days, the hairstyle does not hold its shape at all, the hair becomes unruly and cannot be styled. Coloring - hair coloring can be done, but only with the help of natural dyes. Manicure, pedicure - if you cut your nails on such a day, you can quarrel with friends and family over trifles. You may also lose faith in your abilities. Facial care - cleanse your face. Body care is a good day to treat skin problems. November 13, 2016, 15th lunar day (16:42), waxing Moon in Aries/Taurus. Haircut - cutting your hair on this day is strictly prohibited, as it can affect your destiny in an unfavorable way. Coloring - if you dye your hair in gold or copper shades, you will soon make a profit. Manicure, pedicure - today it is better not to extend your nails, as they will not last long, but to cut your own and get a manicure - good idea. Nails will grow better, shine, and take on a healthy appearance. Facial care - today it is favorable to care for the skin around the eyes. Body care - playing sports today will not only maintain your figure, but will also help you get in the mood for work. November 14, 2016, 16th lunar day (17:10), Moon in Taurus, full moon at 16:53. Getting a haircut is an unfavorable day and can have a negative impact on your health. Coloring - the result will disappoint you. Manicure, pedicure - postpone until a more favorable day. Facial care - do not use cosmetics. Body care - only rest, any stress is contraindicated. November 15, 2016, 17th lunar day (17:45), waning Moon in Taurus/Gemini. Haircut is a negative day - today the hair, like the rest of the body, is weakened, so try to refrain from cutting it. Painting is not a good idea. Manicure, pedicure - after cutting your nails today, you will begin to gain weight and get fat. Facial care - beware of allergies when using cosmetics. Body care - this day is ideal to devote to massage and any water treatments. November 16, 2016, 18th lunar day (18:30), waning Moon in Gemini. Haircut - it is better to postpone a haircut to a more favorable period, since on this day you can attract misfortunes and the likelihood of injury increases. Coloring - any color will make you more beautiful and attractive. Manicure, pedicure - today you should not extend your nails, as they will not hold on and soon they will still have to be removed and extended again. Facial care - this day is very unfavorable for complex procedures, but especially for face and neck plastic surgery. Body care - you will have enough energy to play sports, but it is better not to overdo it, choose not the most difficult training programs. November 17, 2016, 19th lunar day (19:28), waning Moon in Gemini/Cancer. Haircut - you will not only become more attractive with gorgeous hair, but also a little richer. Dyeing - hair can be dyed, but only natural paints. However, under no circumstances should they be bleached. Manicure, pedicure - the most unfavorable day for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions. So it’s not worth it today, not only to do your nails, but it’s better to postpone the massage to another day. Facial care - rejuvenating and anti-aging masks will be the most effective today. Body care - when to epilate hair? Of course today! November 18, 2016, 20 lunar day (20:36), waning Moon in Cancer. Haircut - it is not recommended to use synthetic dyes; coloring with natural dyes will attract money. Tinted foams and mousses should be used. Coloring - you cannot dye your hair with anything, not even tonic. Manicure, pedicure - manicure and pedicure today serve as an excellent prevention of head and blood diseases. Facial care - give your face a rest today. Body care - if you visit the solarium today, you will attract wealth to your home. November 19, 2016, 21 lunar day (21:50), waning Moon in Cancer/Leo. Haircut - on this day it is safer to refrain from haircuts, as this may lead to problems with relationships with superiors. Coloring - you can dye your hair only in dark color and only natural paints. Manicure, pedicure - a good day for manicure and pedicure. It will help you get rid of loneliness. Just don’t extend your nails, but get a trim manicure. Facial care - dedicate your time today to caring for your eyebrows and eyelashes. Body care - visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool will attract bad luck and health problems. November 20, 2016, 22 lunar day (23:07), waning Moon in Leo. Haircut - It is not recommended to cut your hair today. Give preference to voluminous styling - this can bring prosperity. Coloring - today you can only dye your hair with gentle dyes. Manicure, pedicure - getting a manicure today is not recommended, as later they will grow worse, cost less and break. Facial care - this day is very favorable for various anti-aging procedures, but it is better to hold off on plastic surgery in the neck and décolleté area. Body care - depilation is not recommended. November 21, 2016, continuation of the 22nd lunar day, waning Moon in Leo/Virgo. Haircut - a haircut today will help speed up hair growth, but will worsen its quality. Coloring - today, coloring your hair in bright colors will bring you acuity of feelings, insight of the mind, and enhance the power of foresight. Manicure, pedicure - if you have been tormented by some question or problem, the solution of which does not depend on you, cut your nails today. This will help in solving the problem pleasantly for you, or you will get an answer to your question. Facial care - masks based on fresh fruits and vegetables rich in starch will be very effective. Body care - body hair removed today will grow back slowly. November 22, 2016, 23 lunar day (00:23), waning Moon in Virgo. Haircut - if you get a haircut, your hair will take a long time to grow back. Think about whether you need it. Coloring - If you dye your hair dark, this will help you make the right decision. Manicure, pedicure - get a manicure or pedicure today. It will help you establish yourself in society, give you confidence that you will not go unnoticed by management, career growth is possible, and you will receive cash in the near future. Facial care - today you can do chin correction. Body care - When playing sports, you can put particularly heavy strain on your legs, hips and buttocks. November 23, 2016, 24th lunar day (01:38), waning Moon in Virgo/Libra. Haircut - today is a neutral day. Coloring - coloring in dark colors can bring profit and improve your financial situation. Manicure, pedicure - trim your nails today after sunset and you will be more attractive to men. Facial care - acne treatment will be most effective today. Body care - today is a great day to give up bad habits. November 24, 2016, 25th lunar day (02:50), waning Moon in Libra. Haircut - on this day it is better to avoid cutting your hair, otherwise you may catch a cold. Coloring - copper or gold hair color will bring you quick profits. Manicure, pedicure - after today's manicure and pedicure, you will feel peace and tranquility, put your thoughts in order and relieve nervous tension. Also, a manicure will help you concentrate in work and school in the future. Facial care - let your facial skin rest today. Body care - this day is suitable for tattooing and piercing. November 25, 2016, 26th lunar day (04:02), waning Moon in Libra. Haircut - a haircut today will help you implement your plans and achieve your goals. Coloring - it is recommended to dye your hair in blond and red shades in order to maintain normal relationships with others. Manicure, pedicure - neutral day. The moon has no effect on you today, so you can do whatever you want with your nails. Facial care - anti-aging procedures will give good results. Body care - it is especially useful to eat plant foods and not burden the digestive system. November 26, 2016, 27th lunar day (05:13), waning Moon in Libra/Scorpio. Haircut - cutting your hair on this day can bring with it minor injuries and troubles. Coloring - if you have long wanted to change your hair color, then today is the time to do it. Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today means quarrels and failures. It’s better to start a course of foot, hand and whole body massage today. This will help you strengthen your immunity. Facial care - it is very useful to use cosmetics based on dairy products. Body care - if you were planning to visit a tanning salon, do it today. November 27, 2016, 28 lunar day (06:23), waning Moon in Scorpio. Haircut - today you should not cut your hair, otherwise you may lose something valuable to yourself. Coloring - coloring today will slow down hair growth and also degrade its quality. Manicure, pedicure - give yourself a manicure, pedicure, extend your nails, paint your nails in your favorite color. All this will be your amulet against bad mood and depression. Facial is a good day to cleanse your pores. Body care - body care day. The day is ideal for starting a course of massage, spa treatments, and full body wraps. November 28, 2016, 29th lunar day (07:32), waning Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius. Haircut - if you cut your hair today, you will not only change your image, but also make your complexion more even. Coloring - you can dye your hair any color. Manicure, pedicure - today it is better not to cut or extend your nails, as all biological processes in the body slow down, and excess stress on such days will have a bad effect on your health, but if you want to increase your attractiveness to men, get a manicure after sunset. Facial care - cosmetics with herbal extracts of lavender, chamomile, and thyme will be especially useful for the skin. Body care - on this day it is very important to follow a diet. November 29, 2016, 30 and 1 lunar days (08:39/15:19), Moon in Sagittarius, new moon at 15:19. Haircut - it’s better not to cut your hair on this day if you don’t want your loved one to leave. Coloring - the lunar beauty calendar today does not recommend dyeing your hair. Manicure, pedicure - today, not only cutting your nails, but also filing them is not recommended. Facial care - soothing masks and baths will be useful. Body care - relaxation. November 30, 2016, 2 lunar day (09:42), waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Haircut - if you are going to the hairdresser today, then keep in mind that after a haircut on this lunar day, the hair becomes unruly. Coloring - you can dye your hair any color. Manicure, pedicure - a manicure today will attract money and prosperity into your life; it is also good to have a relaxing foot massage. Facial care - you can do tattooing, ear piercing, deep facial cleansing. Body care - relaxing bath.