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Calendar planning in the second junior group for April. Methodology for writing a calendar-thematic plan for the second junior group Calendar-thematic planning in the second junior group

MADOOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 66" Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.

Planning educational work in the second younger group No. 9 from February 27 to March 3.

Topic of the week: "Maslenitsa week"

Goal: to introduce children to national holiday- Maslenitsa.

Objectives: to introduce children to the national holiday and its customs; instill in children love and respect for folk traditions, desire to continue these traditions

Final event: Musical entertainment “Dear Maslenitsa!” . Goal: to introduce the rules and teach how to play Russian folk games. Date: March 3 (Street)

Date 02/27/2017 Day of week: Monday

Planning educational work in the second junior group No. 9 from February 6 to 10.

Topic of the week: "Big and Little Stars"

Goal: to form a conscious, caring attitude towards the Planet as the source of human life.

Objectives: to cultivate a positive attitude towards the surrounding world, living and non-living nature; give an idea of ​​earth and sky; to form a caring attitude towards our planet - Earth.

Complex of morning exercises. outdoor switchgear

Final event: Exhibition of drawings for parents "Heavenly Stars" . Goal: To develop creative imagination and fantasy in children; attracting families to educational process. Date: February 10.

Date 6.02. 2017 Day of week: Monday

Planning educational work in the second junior group No. 9 from February 13 to 17.

Topic of the week: "Decade of the native language"

Goal: to form primary ideas about the native language.

Objectives: to give children the idea that many nationalities live in Russia and each nation has its own native language; introduce the main nationalities living in Tatarstan (Russians, Tatars); cultivate interest and respect for the native language.

Complex of morning exercises. outdoor switchgear

Final event: Dramatization of the river. n. fairy tales "The Fox and the Hare" . Goal: to teach children to follow the development of the plot and the actions of the characters. Date: February 17th.

Date 02/13/2017 Day of week: Monday

Planning of educational work in the second junior group No. 9 from February 20 to 22.

Topic of the week: "My dad is the best"

Goal: to introduce children to the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Objectives: to form primary ideas about Russian Army, about men as protectors of all weak people; instill respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, instill a sense of pride.

Complex of morning exercises. outdoor switchgear

Final event: Exhibition of joint works with parents from the Lego constructor “Military Equipment”. Goal: to activate joint creativity children and parents, bring joy to children. Date: from 20 to 28 February.

Date 02/20/2017 Day of week: Monday

Planning of educational work in the second junior group No. 9 from February 30 to February 3.

Topic of the week: "Winter Transformations"

Goal: to give children an idea of ​​the life of animals and birds in winter.

Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how forest animals spend the winter; introduce children to the features of some animals that change their coats in different time of the year; to form in children an idea of ​​the life of birds in winter; cultivate a desire to help animals and birds.

Complex of morning exercises. outdoor switchgear

Final event: “Feed the birds in winter” campaign. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help animals and birds. Date: February 3.

Date 01/30/2017 Day of week: Monday

Calendar- thematic planning in the second junior group.

Prepared by: Svetlana Nikolaevna Sedova, teacher at MBDOU No. 3 “Kolobok”, Nizhny Novgorod.

Theme of the week: “Vegetables and fruits”





Group and subgroup






Conversation, situational conversation with demonstration "Vegetables and fruits"

Goal: learn to name familiar vegetables and fruits, highlighting external features (color, shape, taste); develop speech, enrich children's vocabulary with new words.

P/i: “We have a vegetable garden.”

Goal: to teach how to perform game actions according to the text of the game.

Work in a corner of nature. Ask the children to wipe the ficus leaves.

Goal: to cultivate hard work, a desire to participate in labor activity.

Fixing the names of vegetables and fruits with: Ivan, Stepan, Kirill.

Looking at illustrations of vegetables and fruits.

Goal: develop visual memory, speech.


World of music

Tasks: 1. Continue to teach children to listen to music and respond emotionally to it.

2.Teach children onomatopoeia. Learn to take breath.

Social world

Topic: “Miracle vegetables.”

Objectives: To introduce children to the fruits of vegetable crops. To consolidate knowledge about the place where they grow - the vegetable garden. Strengthen the ability to describe a vegetable by characteristic features, according to the diagram. Continue to cultivate grateful feelings for nature and people who, thanks to their work, receive harvests.

Material: pictures of vegetables.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, gaming.

Literature: V.N. Volchkova “Lesson notes in the second junior group of kindergarten”, p. 81.


Observation according to the weather conditions

Goal: to learn to determine the time of year by characteristic


Work : Watering sand for play.

Goals: to teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area,

encourage adults to help; to consolidate the knowledge that dry sand crumbles, and if you water it, it becomes wet and you can make pies for dolls from it.

P/game : “Sparrows and a car.”

Goal: to teach children to run quickly when given a signal, but not

bump into each other, start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, find their place.

Role-playing game "We're making soup."

Goals: Encourage children to participate in cooperative play.

Help children unite to play in groups of 2-3 peopleonbased on personal preferences.

Individual work on PHYS with a subgroup of boys.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to jump on two legs while moving around the sandbox.

Word game "Vitaminka"

Objectives: To consolidate ideas about vegetables and fruits that are beneficial to human health.

Develop the ability to pronounce words clearly and short phrases speak calmly, with natural intonations

Work before bed

Free activity for children in activity centers.

Target: teach children to play in groups of several people.

Reading r.n.s. "Teremok"

Goal: to introduce Russian folk art.


Outdoor game "By the Bear in the Forest"

Goal: learn the game, learn to act on a signal.Reading fairy tales "Masha and the Bear"

Goal: to instill interest in listening to fairy tales.

Individual design work with Nastya, Vanya, Marina.

Did./game "Let's build a house for a nesting doll" from small cubes

Goal: to develop coordination of movements.

Situational conversation according to K.G. N.: “How to dress correctly?”

Goal: to strengthen self-care skills.


Observation behind the sky and clouds.

Target: continue to consolidate knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena. Clarify the concept of “cloud”.

P/game: "Orange"

Goal: to teach children to run quickly when given a signal, not to bump into each other, and to develop speech.

Independent games at the request of children

Individual work on the development of movements: game exercise “Turn and spin”, “We are brave, skillful.” (Dasha, Denis, Varvara)

Goal: to consolidate the ability to act on a signal.

P/game :"Don't miss the ball."

Goals: learn to pass the ball without dropping or stopping; foster friendliness





Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group and subgroup




Educational activities V regime moments



Situation of communication with children : « Vegetables and fruits are the most vitamin-rich foods».

Target: to form children’s ideas about healthy vegetables and fruits;teach to describe appearance vegetables and fruits.

P/game : « Find your color"
Goal: to form orientation in space, to teach to act on a signal, to develop dexterity and attention.

Work : ask the children to wipe the dust on the shelves.

Goal: to cultivate hard work, a desire to participate in work activities and help adults.

Individual work with Yura, Oleg, Olya in mathematics

D/i “Big or small”

Purpose: to teach to distinguish objects by size.

Finger game “We chop and chop cabbage.”

Goal: To expand the range of use of finger shapes in communication with children: to develop fine motor skills .


Physical development

No. 7, p. 36

Speech development

Topic: “Dolls came to visit us.”

Tasks: - Coherent speech. Learn to look at and describe dolls. Develop the ability to answer the teacher’s questions, compose a short descriptive story with the help of an adult.

Dictionary and grammar. Learn to name the color of an object, use antonyms, and agree in gender and number of adjectives denoting color with nouns.

Sound culture of speech. Clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound o 9isolated, in sound combinations, in words); draw children's attention to the presence of this sound in words.

Material: blonde doll in a dress, shoes, socks, bow on her head. A brunette doll in trousers, a blouse, shoes of a different color, and socks. Toys: Doctor Aibolit, donkey.

Literature: O.S. Ushakova “Speech development of children 3-4 years old”

No. 4, p. 29.


Watching the wind.

Goal: to concretize and consolidate children’s knowledge about wind. Learn to determine the strength of the wind.

Work : We collect fallen leaves.

Goal: to make children want to work and help adults.


Target : teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving. Progress of the game. Children pretend to be airplanes and move around the playground.

Role-playing game : “To the store for apples.”



Individual work on PHYS with a subgroup of girls.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to jump on two legs in height in place.

Didactic game . “What wind?” - children talk about the wind, describe it.

Target: learn to select relative adjectives.

Work before bed

Learn to be careful while eating.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to behave correctly while eating. Strengthen the skill of careful eating. Continue to teach how to use a napkin after eating, say thanks, and push up a chair.


Board educational game : "Vegetables and fruits"

Target: learn to distinguish between the concepts: vegetables and fruits; develop children's cognitive interests, memory, thinking, and intelligence.

Theatricalization fairy tales "Turnip"

Goal: create a joyful mood; instill a love of fairy tales.

Individual work on speech development with Lena, Dima, Anya.

Goal: learn to describe today's weather outside, compose a small coherent text.

Work : “Every toy has its place”

Purpose: to teach children to put toys away


P/game : "Sun and Rain"
Goal: to develop the ability to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other; teach to act on a signal.

Goal: to develop independence in choosing a theme for the game

Individual work on PHYS with Karina, Semyon.

Throwing a small ball with the left and right hands.

Goal: develop eye, throwing power

Low mobility game

"Guess Who's Screaming"

Goal: development of attention, hearing.





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group and subgroup




Educational activities in special moments



Situation of communication with children : "Healthy fruits and vegetables."

Target: consolidate knowledge about where vegetables and fruits grow; learn to describe vegetables and fruits according to their characteristic features: color, shape; develop self-care skills and a desire to take care of your health

P/game : « Find your house"
Goal: to develop the ability to act on a signal, navigate in space; develop dexterity, attention, ability to move in different directions

Labor: watering flowers in a group.

Individual work with Stepa, Dasha, Olya on sculpting.

Target: continue to learn how to sculpt “cylindrical” shaped objects (columns) from plasticine.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the needroll up sleeves before washing hands.


Physical development

Objectives: Continue to teach children to stop at the teacher’s signal while walking and running, crawl under the cord, and practice balance when walking on a reduced plane.

Literature: L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical training with children 3-4 years old”

No. 8, p. 37

Mathematical development

Objectives: 1. Teach children to distinguish between a circle and a square, exercise them in examining figures using vision and touch.

2. Exercise children in laying out the specified number of objects on two strips located on the left and right.

3. Learn to explain your actions using complex sentences in speech. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between right and left hands.

Material: two strips of paper: red and green; one square and many circles for each child; objects in the shape of a circle.

No. 7, p. 17.


Observation behind the fog.

Goal: To introduce children to such a natural phenomenon as fog.

Work : Clearing paths from tree leaves.

Goal: learn to use a broom and dustpan; finish what you started

P/game : . “Our garden is fine”

Target: development of attention, memory, speed of movements

Role-playing game : "Let's build a house for Bunny"

Goals: Encourage children to participate in cooperative play. Develop interest in various types games.

Individual work on PHYS with Vlad and Leroy.

Target: learn to walk on a limited surface while maintaining balance.

Didactic game . "Find the most beautiful leaf"

Goal: to teach to notice the beauty of autumn leaves, their shape, color.

Work before bed

Game situation: “Let’s set the table for Katya’s doll”

Purpose: to teach how to observe the work of a nanny and how to properly set the table.


P/game: " Cucumber... cucumber..."
Goal: to develop the ability to jump on two legs in a straight direction; run without bumping into each other; perform game actions in accordance with the text

Reading a fairy tale in verse by K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr". Goal: to teach children to emotionally perceive a poetic work, to be aware of the theme and content, to evoke a desire to remember and expressively reproduce quatrains.

Individual work on speech development with Alisa and Nikita.

Goal: Learn to retell a short text.

Didactic game: “Find your place”

Goal: to teach children to classify vegetables and fruits.


P/game: "Run Quietly"
Goal: to cultivate endurance, patience, and the ability to move silently.

Independent games at the request of children with outdoor toys

Goal: to develop independence in choosing a theme for the game.

Individual work on PHYS with Sonya and Vanya.

Goal: learn to throw the ball down and catch it with both hands.

Attraction "Bubble"

Goal: promote development speech apparatus children, develop the power of exhalation; create a joyful mood.





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group and subgroup




Educational activities in special moments



Didactic game:"Clap Your Hands"

Target: consolidate the ability to hear the names of vegetables and fruits, find them in pictures, develop auditory perception.

Situation of communication with children: “Next to whom I live” Goal: be able to name family members.

Labor: tidy up the construction corner

Goals: to teach order, to bring the work started to the end.

Individual design work with Vlad, Oleg, Marina.

Goal: learn to build a tower of blue color from cubes following the example of the teacher.

Situational conversation on K.G.N.

Goals: consolidate skillssit correctly at the table, move a chair closer to the table, hold a spoon correctly, observe the order of dishes.


World of music

Tasks: 1. Continue teaching children to listen to music and respond emotionally to it.

2. Learn to perform movements while singing in accordance with the nature of the song

3. Learn to distinguish between loud and quiet sounds.

Topic: “Once a mistress came from the market...”

Objectives: To arouse children's interest in the activities of adults when buying vegetables at the market. Continue to introduce round and oval shapes, teach them to convey their features in a drawing.

Material: gouache, vegetables for examining the shape, stencils of vegetables (carrots, peas, cabbage, potatoes, beets, etc.), silhouette of a large basket.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual.

Literature: V.N. Volchkova “Lesson notes for the second junior group of kindergarten”, p. 85.


Observation for insects.

Target: consolidate children's ideas about insects. Learn to analyze and draw conclusions based on personal experience.

Work : collect twigs from the area.

Goal: to cultivate in children a desire to help adults.

P/game : "Wind and Leaves"

Target: learn to run without colliding with each other, develop motor activity.

Role-playing game : "Family"

Goals: to develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother-daughter); in individual games with substitute toys, play the role for yourself and for the toy.

Individual work on PHYS with Kirill, Artem.

Balance exercises. Walking on a board placed on the ground, on a gymnastic bench.

Target: develop basic movement skills.

Memorizing a poem about insects.

Goal: develop speech, activate vocabulary.

Wasps are yellower in autumn

Striped and angrier, -

Apparently, grandma's compote

It gives them no peace.

And jam and marmalade

We have it, and they

It's a shame.

(V. Stepanov)

Work before bed

Reading the Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Little Goats.”

Target: To develop the ability to listen to fairy tales, follow the development of action, and empathize with the characters

Canteen duty.

Purpose: Teach set the table for dinner, act carefully.


P/game: " Sunshine and rain"
Goal: to teach children to act on a signal, listen to words.

Reading the poem “The landlady once came from the market.”

Goal: develop speech, listen carefully, discuss.

P/n: “Multi-colored rings.”

Goals: to learn to establish connections between color tones and name them.

Individual work

according to K.G.N. with Egor, Denis.

Target: strengthen the ability to wash hands with soap and wipe dry with a towel.

Finger gymnastics: “My family”, “Collecting rings”.

Goal: to develop fine motor skills, attention, speech, visual perception and visual memory.


P/n: . "Get in the circle."

Goals: improve the ability to act with different objects; develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands; develop eye, coordination, dexterity.

Independent activities of children's choice.

Goal: To foster a desire in children to play together and help each other.

Individual work

in physical education with Yura and Lena.

Target: learn to quickly change direction of movement while running after the ball.

D/i: “In the yard”

Goal: development of speech hearing and onomatopoeia ability.





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group and subgroup




Educational activities in special moments



Entertainment “The game is a trip to the city of Zdoroveysk or once again about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s acquired knowledge about the meaning of vegetables and fruits.

P/n: “ Who has the ball?
Goal: develop mindfulness; consolidate the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the rules of the game.

Work in a corner of nature. To water flowers.

Target: instill respect for plants.

Individual work on ZKR with Egor, Stepa.

Goal: to practice clear prowear of sounds in words, phrasal speech.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Goal: learn to play nearby.

D/game "Mosaic".

Goal: develop fine motor skills.


Physical development

Objectives: to exercise children in running and walking in a circle, maintaining stable balance while walking and running in a limited area, jumping on two legs in place,

Literature: L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical training with children 3-4 years old”

No. 5, p. 33

World of art and artistic activity. Application.

Topic: “Apple with leaves”

Objectives: To teach children to create a complete appliqué image from 2-3 ready-made silhouettes (an apple and a leaf), to develop the ability to create a composition from dissimilar elements on the background, to move parts in search of the best placement and stick them one by one.

Material: Paintings depicting apples of different colors, silhouettes of apples and leaves - ready-made forms, sheets of paper, glue, napkins.

Methods: visual, showing, verbal, game

Literature: N.N. Leonova " Artistic creativity", second junior group, p. 137.


Watching birds while feeding

Goals: to instill a desire to take care of birds; develop knowledge about the habits of birds; cultivate a love for nature.

Labor: Feeding birds. Site cleaning

Goals: to encourage independent implementation

basic errands (feeding birds, cleaning the area); develop a desire to care for animals.

P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.”

Goals: learn to jump softly, bending your knees; run without touching each other, dodge the driver; quickly run away, find your place; Be careful when taking up space and do not push your friend.

Plot- role-playing game (children's choice)


Individual work on PHYS with Dasha, Varya.

Practice walking. Walking with an extra step forward.

Goal: Develop basic movement skills.

Poems and riddles about birds.

Goal: Develop speech, cultivate interest in the poetic word.

Learn to solve riddles.

A sharp wedge rushes through the sky.


The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can’t sing and have fun.

Who gathered in flocks?

(birds) Leaves are falling from aspen trees,

Work before bed

Formation of the KGN.

Goal: to reinforce the ability to behave correctly in the washroom - do not make noise, do not push, do not splash water, wipe your hands dry.


D/game: “Find the odd one out.”

Goal: to develop the skill of combining objects according to one characteristic and identifying what is unnecessary from them.

P/game: “Horses”

Goal: learn to walk with your legs raised high, imitating the movements of the animal.

Individual drawing work with Karina, Lena.

Goal: to strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

Reading the stories of V. Suteev “Chicken” and “Duckling”.

Goal: expanding vocabulary


P/n: “Heron, heron, crane.”

Goal: develop motor activity, learn to run without colliding with each other.

Develop attention and dexterity.

Independent activity by choosing children with take-out material.

Goal: to cultivate a desire in children to play together and help each other.

Individual work on PHYS with Semyon and Yura.

Game exercise

“Let’s jump over the ditch.”

Goal: jumping forward.

P/n with a ball at the request of the children.

Goal: learn to catch and throw a ball.

Theme of the week: “Golden Autumn”





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group and subgroup




Educational activities in special moments



Reading: E. Lavrentieva “Friendly Kitten”, looking at illustrations.

Goals: to teach children to listen carefully to the work and understand its content. Arouse interest in reading, develop aesthetic feelings.

Round dance game "Spider-Spider" (Russian folk game).

Goals: to train children to perform play actions (stand in a circle, move without breaking the circle, perform actions in accordance with the lyrics of the song). Develop a sense of rhythm.

Individual work with Stepa, Dasha, Olya on speech development.

Didactic game “Whose house?”

Goals: to train children to recognize wild animals and name their homes. Enrich your vocabulary, learn to pronounce words correctly and clearly.

Work in a corner of nature: observation “Watering flowers.”

Goals: continue to familiarize children with the labor operations involved in caring for indoor plants and tell them about their purpose. Remind children of the names of plants.


World of music

Topic: “Autumn, autumn, please visit us”

Material: musical rhythmic movements “March and Run” by Tilicheva, listening to “Autumn Little Dog” by Alexandrov, exercise for developing hearing and voice “Quiet and Loud Bells”, singing “Autumn” by Mikhailenko, dancing “Fingers and Hands”, game “Houses”.

Natural world

Topic: “Looking at birch”

Objectives: To clarify the idea that a tree is a plant, about its main parts (root, trunk, branches, leaves), using models. Cultivate an interest in looking at trees.

Material: model “Structural features of birch (root, trunk, branches, leaves).

Methods and techniques: Observation, conversation, play, visual.

Literature: O.A. Voronkevich “Welcome to ecology!” page 32.


Bird watching. Reading: E. Blaginina “Fly away, fly away”; E. Trutneva “Jackdaw”; I. Tokmakova “Pigeons”.

Objectives: invite children to name familiar birds, compare them by color and size. Develop interest in the surrounding nature, observation, curiosity, teach to understand the artistic word.

Independent activity.

Goals: to encourage you to find activities of interest, to play

together, to cultivate friendliness and tolerance.

Outdoor game "Birds and Chicks".

Goals: to train children to perform game actions, follow the rules of the game, and act on the teacher’s signal.

Didactic game “Find the same one.”

Goals: to train children to find and name the leaves of birch, maple, chestnut, rowan, compare them by shape, size, color.

(Marina, Varya.)

Didactic game “What is where?”

Goals: to develop the ability to determine the location of an object in relation to another object, to use the prepositions “in”, “on”, “under”, “behind”, “about”, “in front” in speech.

(Artyom, Dasha.)

Labor assignments: collecting sand in the sandbox, forming a slide.

Goals: to encourage children to perform appropriate work activities, use equipment, and observe personal hygiene and safety rules when working with sand. Support and encourage children's desire to work, cultivate diligence.

Work before bed

Goals: To develop cultural and hygienic skills, teach children to eat independently, hold a spoon correctly, bend over a plate, behave correctly at the table.


Didactic game “Name it correctly” on the topics “Clothing”, “Shoes”, “Dishes”, “Domestic and wild animals”.

Goals: to train children in classifying objects according to a certain criterion, to use generalizing words in speech.

P/n: “Mice and cat.”

Goals: To teach children to perform actions on a signal, to develop coordination of movements while running

Creative workshop: drawing with stamps.

Goals: to introduce children to new technology, learn to make patterns using various stamps. Develop creative abilities.

(Lena., Lera.)

Memorizing the nursery rhyme “Bunny, dance.”

Goals: to encourage children to tell nursery rhymes expressively. Develop memory, practice accompanying speech with appropriate movements.


Goals: To develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters (driver-passenger, mother-daughter, doctor-patient); in individual games with substitute toys, play the role for yourself and for the toy.

Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role; supplement the play environment with missing items and toys.

Independent games at the request of children with outdoor toys

Goal: develop independencein choosing a theme for the game.

Individual work on PHYS with Alisa, Nikita.

Goal: Practice balance. Walking along a straight, limited path (width 15-20 cm, length 2-2.5 m) with the heel of one foot touching the toe of the other.

Outdoor game "Sun and Rain".

Target: teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other, teach them to act on a signal






Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group and subgroup




Educational activities in special moments



Consideration of an album about the seasons on the theme “Golden Autumn”. Reading: E. Golovin “Autumn”.

Goals: to expand children’s ideas about autumn, about its period called “ Golden autumn", generalize knowledge about its characteristic features. To promote the development of interest in fiction.

Role-playing game “Family”: game situation “Mom puts the children to bed.”

Goals: To develop in children the ability to choose a role and perform several interrelated actions in the game. Practice naming bedding correctly and understanding their purpose.

Work assignments: caring for plants in a corner of nature.

Goals: to update children’s knowledge about indoor plants, to teach, with the help of a teacher, how to water plants and loosen the soil.

(Nastya, Sonya)

Work in the corner of the book: compiling a retelling based on illustrations for the fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Ryaba Hen”.

P/ and “Sun and Rain”.

Goals: to practice performing game actions correctly. Maintain interest in physical activity and a positive emotional attitude.


Physical development

Objectives: to strengthen children’s ability to stop at the teacher’s signal while walking and running, to land on bent legs when jumping, and to practice rolling balls.

Literature: L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical training with children 3-4 years old”

No. 6, p. 34

Familiarization with fiction

Topic: “Poems about animals”

Objectives: to teach to perceive poetry emotionally, to understand the content of poetic texts, to feel the rhythm of poetic speech; stimulate the expression of your impressions in independent statements.

Material: toys – cockerel, hedgehog, bunny; mirror, bright pictures with images of animals.

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, game.

Literature: O.S. Ushakova “Introducing literature to children 3-5 years old”, p. 15.


Observation: wind, clouds, clouds. Reading: A. Pushkin “Wind, wind, you are mighty...” (excerpt from the work “The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Knights”).

Goals: To expand children’s understanding of natural phenomena, to introduce them to the characteristics of the wind and ways to observe it. Enrich children's understanding of their immediate surroundings while familiarizing themselves with fiction.

Work assignments: collecting chestnuts for crafts. Goals: To train children to perform labor actions together with an adult, to encourage the desire to participate in joint work. Develop imagination and visual perception.

Role-playing game “Shop”: game situation “Seller weighs fruit.”

Goals: To introduce children to the techniques of object-game interaction, to encourage them to take on a role, to use various attributes and substitute objects.

Individual work on PHYS with Karina, Semyon, Yura.

Goals: Practice balance. Walking on a board placed on the ground, on a gymnastic bench.

Looking at the “autumn carpet” of fallen leaves.

Goals: expand children's understanding of the characteristic features of autumn, stimulate the use of adjectives in speech that denote different colors.

P/i: “Sunshine and rain.”

Goals: to teach how to perform game actions correctly. Maintain interest in physical activity and a positive emotional attitude.

Work before bed

Conversation “Table behavior.”

Objectives: to develop self-service and cultural-hygienic skills, to train children to eat independently, to pay attention to the fact that they need to hold a tablespoon correctly, lean over the plate, try to eat silently, chew food with their mouth closed.


P/n: “Find your place.”

Goal: To teach children to navigate in space, to develop activity in the process of motor activity.

D/i: “Name a similar item.”

Goals: To strengthen children’s ability to determine the shape of an object, to teach them to establish the identities and differences of objects by shape.

Job assignment: Cleaning up construction material.

Goals: Encourage children to independently carry out work assignments and be proud of their independence

Individual drawing work: drawing autumn. (subgroup of children)

Goal: to teach children to depict autumn, to complement the drawing with elements characteristic of this season (yellow, red leaves), to strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, and to carefully pick up paint.

Situational conversation on KGN. “We wash our hands properly.”

Goals: To develop basic cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach them how to wash their hands correctly and dry their fingers thoroughly


Independent motor activity.

Goals: to train children to select attributes for games, Sports Equipment, interact with peers.

P/n: « Shaggy dog »
Goal: to teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher.

Individual work on PHYS with Dima and Denis. Walking through objects.

Goal: Practice walking on a straight path while stepping over objects. Develop a sense of balance. Cultivate a desire to exercise while walking

Experimentation: studying the properties of raw sand.

Purpose: invite children to touch the sand, make a lump out of it, help them conclude that the sand is dense and moldable; improve constructive skills.





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group and subgroup




Educational activities in special moments



The situation of communicating with children about the rules of behavior in the forest.

Goal: to continue to form elementary ideas about ways of interacting with plants and animals, to clarify and generalize children’s ideas about autumn natural phenomena, to teach them how to correctly construct questions and answers grammatically.

Didactic game: “Vase-plate-basket.”

Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about plants and their fruits; consolidate the ability to classify them.

Labor in a corner of nature: wipe dust from large plant leaves

Goal: to instill respect for plants.

Individual work in mathematics with Vlad and Egor.

Goal: to learn to define aggregates with the words “one”, “many”, “not one”».

Looking at paintings about autumn.

Goal: to teach children to determine which periods the phenomena depicted in the paintings belong to, to compare two periods, to identify similarities and differences, to develop observation skills, speech, and to teach them to see the beauty of nature.


Physical development

Objectives: Continue to strengthen the ability to walk and run in a circle, teach energetic repulsion of the ball when rolling to each other, practice crawling on all fours

Literature: L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical training with children 3-4 years old”

No. 7, p. 36

Mathematical development

Objectives: 1. Show children that objects can be different in length.

2. Learn to compare objects of contrasting length using the method of application, reflecting the results of the comparison in words that are longer or shorter.

Material: two planks: long and short; models of trees, silhouettes of animals: squirrels, hares, frogs; circles, green, orange white.

Methods: visual, verbal, game.

Literature: L.N. Korotovskikh “Lesson plans for the development of mathematical concepts in preschool children.”

No. 8, p. 19.


Cat observation.

Goals: Expand children's understanding of domestic animals, practice describing their appearance, naming parts of a cat's body. Arouse a desire to care for animals.

Round dance game "Bubble" (Russian folk game).

Goals: To train children to accurately perform game actions (stand in a circle, make it wider, narrower), coordinate their movements with the spoken words. Enrich motor experience.

Labor assignments: cleaning leaves on the site.

Goals: to teach children to perform appropriate work actions and use equipment. Pay attention to the need to bring the work started to completion.

Role-playing game “Building a house for Katya’s doll”

Goals: To teach children to take on different roles, to develop children’s constructive abilities. Use appropriate building material to build the walls and roof of the house.

Individual work on PHYS with Nastya, Dasha, Vanya.

Jumping with advancement.

Purpose: to practice jumping with forward movement, to develop motor activity. develop a desire to exercise

Didactic game “Help Parsley collect toys.”

Objectives: To train children to identify the basic planar figure underlying various toys, to practice correlating these figures with the holes of the didactic box.

Work before bed

Conversation "Teaspoon".

Goals: To develop self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills, to introduce children to cutlery such as a teaspoon, and to practice using it. Enrich your vocabulary.


Entertainment: the play “Caprizka”.

Goals: To awaken children’s interest in theatrical activities, to develop the ability to follow the development of events in puppet show. Consolidate and generalize knowledge about the rules of behavior in a group, the rules of communication with adults.

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Goals: to teach children to throw a ball at a horizontal target with both hands, to follow safety rules. Develop gross motor skills of the hands.

Individual sculpting work with Kirill, Semyon.

Goal: To train children in the ability to roll out plasticine with straight movements of the palm. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Memorizing the nursery rhyme “Night has come.”

Goals: To develop memory, to train children to expressively reproduce a short text by heart.


Independent play activity. Playing with your favorite toys, playing your favorite games.

Purpose: To develop children's imagination, imagination, and creative abilities.

P/i "Train".

Goal: To teach children to stand one after another, move at a moderate pace in a certain direction, and distinguish between “right.” "left"

Game exercise “Collect chestnuts.”

Objectives: Invite children to collect chestnuts in buckets and baskets on the site for future crafts from natural material. Practice working together, together, helping each other. (Varya, Alisa.)

D/i “Find the same piece of paper.”

Goal: To teach children to distinguish tree leaves and relate them to certain trees. Develop coherent speech.





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group and subgroup




Educational activities in special moments



Reading E. Addienko “Autumn has come.”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of seasonal natural phenomena, teach them to understand the content of literary works.

Labor: Canteen duty. Help in laying out napkins.

Target: involve children in carrying out simple and feasible tasks, instill hard work.

Outdoor game "Round Dance".

Target: teach children how to dance in a round dance; practice squats.

Individual work on KGN with Anya, Dima.

Target: learn to roll up sleeves before washing hands.

Working with the nature calendar.

Goal: Continue to introduce children to characteristic features seasons, teach to name the seasons. Practice finding the nature calendar and marking the current time of year.


World of music

Theme: “Sorceress Autumn”

Objectives: teach children to move in accordance with the nature of the music; perceive the mood and content of a song, distinguish between quiet and loud sounds of music, teach various dance elements, learn to convey characteristic movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song. Form singing skills in the process of learning a song. Learn to walk rhythmically, keep your back straight and run easily. Encourage them to show kindness to each other, talk about how leaves fly. Enrich children's musical experiences and cultivate a love of autumn nature. Encourage active conversation about autumn and natural phenomena.

Material: musical rhythmic movements “March and Run” by Tilicheva, listening to “Autumn Little Dog” by Alexandrov, exercise for developing hearing and voice “Quiet and Loud Bells”, singing “Autumn” by Mikhailenko, dancing “Fingers and Hands”, game “Houses”.

The world of art and artistic activity. Drawing.

Topic: “Multi-colored carpet of leaves”

Objectives: Develop aesthetic perception, form imaginative ideas. Teach children to hold the brush correctly, dip the entire bristles into the paint, and remove excess drops on the edge of the jar. Learn to draw leaves by applying brush bristles to paper.

Material: autumn leaves trees, paper the size of ½ landscape sheet, gouache paints (red, yellow), jars of water, brushes (for each child).

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, game

Literature: T. S. Komarova No. 11 p. 52


Observation: leaves on trees. Singing the song “Autumn” (music by I. Kishko, music by T. Volgina).

Goals: To develop in children the ability to see beauty in natural phenomena, to update knowledge about colors. Learn to sing along with the endings of phrases after the teacher, memorize words, and sing drawn out.

Outdoor game "Monkeys".

Goals: To train children in crawling under a rope sideways, to increase motor activity. Maintain interest in physical education.

Labor assignments: collecting leaves for drying and crafts.

Goals: To activate children’s speech and clarify concepts related to the names of plants, the color of leaves, and to develop the ability to explain their choice.

Role-playing game (at the request of children)

Target: Show children ways to role-play.

Develop the ability to interact and get along with each otherVa short game together.

Individual work on PHYS with Lera and Vanya.

Develop the skill of stepping.

Purpose: To train children in stepping over obstacles.

Didactic game “Our clothes”.

Goals: to teach children to act in accordance with the rules of the game: correctly show items of clothing (jacket, coat, trousers, scarf), color, parts (collar, pocket,

sleeves, etc.); compare the size of clothes of an adult and a child.

Work before bed

Review of the book "Moidodyr".

Goals: Invite children to look at the book, listen to Moidodyr’s song, promote the formation of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills.


Outdoor game “Run to me.” Complication: two drivers are selected.

Goals: To improve children’s spatial orientation skills and to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal. Develop the ability to correctly perform basic movements when running.

Finger game “My Family”

Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Didactic game"One is many."

Goal: strengthening the ability to coordinate a numeral with a noun.

Individual work on cognitive development: logical-mathematical game by V.V. Voskobovich “Magic Square” (Dasha, Kirill)

Target: develop fine motor skills, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, ability to design, creativity.

Independent activities of children

Goal: To teach children to find activities of interest, develop independence and creativity.


Outdoor game "Train".

Goal: to teach children to act in accordance with the rules of the game, using a counting rhyme to choose a leader (guide), and perform movements rhythmically and consistently.

Independent play activities of children

Goal: Encourage independence in choosing a game, friendly play among children

Individual drawing work with Marina, Nastya.

Drawing with wax crayons.

Goal: to introduce children to wax crayons and show how to work with them.

Outdoor game “One, two, three – run!”

Target:to train children in the ability to act on a signal; develop running speed and coherence of collective actions.





Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Group and subgroup




Educational activities in special moments



The situation of communication with children on the topic “Joy and sadness.” Looking at the album with photographs “Emotions”.

Objectives: To introduce children to different emotional states of people, to discuss the reasons for their occurrence, to teach them to identify them by external manifestations.

Labor assignments: putting things in order in play areas.

Goals: to train children to fold and arrange toys in designated places, to coordinate actions with work partners, to enrich children’s understanding of work assignments.

Fun game “Musical top” or “Yula”.

Goals: Introduce children to new toys, enter their names into the active dictionary. Help prevent emotional stress and provide conditions for children to communicate.

Individual sculpting work with Karina and Stepa.


Objectives: To train children to roll out plasticine with straight movements, connect the ends of the resulting stick, and perform on its basis various crafts. Develop fine motor skills and imagination.

Review of the album "Autumn".

Objectives: Systematize, generalize and supplement children’s ideas about the signs of autumn. Intensify in speech and clarify concepts associated with autumn natural phenomena.


Physical development

Objectives: To strengthen children’s ability to stop at the teacher’s signal while walking and running, crawl under the cord, and practice balance when walking on a reduced plane

Literature: L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical training with children 3-4 years old”

No. 8, p. 37

The world of art and artistic activity. Modeling.

Topic: “Mushrooms on a stump.”

Objectives: Teach children to sculpt mushrooms in a constructive way from two or three parts (leg, cap, clearing or moss). Show techniques for modeling a mushroom cap: rolling out a ball and flattening it into a gingerbread or disk shape. Pay attention to the need for a strong and neat connection of the parts. Arouse interest in creating a collective composition “Mushrooms on a Stump”. Develop abilities for formation and composition. Cultivate curiosity and accuracy.

Material: plasticine in brown, white, yellow, orange, red and green; paper and cloth napkins, oilcloths.

Methods and techniques: demonstration, visual, verbal.

Literature: I. A. Lykova " Visual activities in kindergarten. Junior group", page 44


Observation of the sky and sun.

Goals: To develop children's interest in natural phenomena, to practice establishing simple cause-and-effect relationships, to convey their observations and conclusions in speech.

Outdoor game “Catch a mosquito”.

Goals: To teach children to jump in place, pushing off vigorously with both legs. Develop the ability to concentrate and develop attention.

Role-playing games “Hospital”: game situation “my daughter has a sore throat”

Goals: To promote the formation role-playing game based on impressions received while looking at paintings and reading fiction. Show children ways to role-play.

Labor assignments: collecting pebbles on the site.

Goals: to train children to act according to instructions, participate in group work, and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Individual work on PHYS with Varya and Oleg.

Exercise “Catch the ball”

Goals: To develop in children the ability to throw a ball up and catch it. Develop gross motor skills and hand muscles, enrich motor experience.

Exercise "Snail". (Work based on T. Sobakin’s poem “Snail”).

Goals: To promote the formation of a sound culture of speech in children, the development of the correct tempo of speech, and intonation expressiveness.

Work before bed

Game situation “Filya caught a cold.”

Goals: Teach children how to avoid colds, about the rules of cultural behavior during the recovery period (use of a handkerchief, napkins, etc.), to form appropriate cultural and hygienic skills.


Reading: Y. Korinets “The Last Apple”

Goals: To expand children’s understanding of the characteristic signs of autumn and signs of the approach of winter. To form an interest in the artistic word.

Outdoor game "Falling Leaves".

Objectives: Invite children to consider how the wind swirls the leaves, develop the ability to listen to commands, and perform actions in accordance with oral instructions and demonstrations from the teacher.

Individual drawing work with Denis and Yura.

Drawing with gouache paints and cotton swabs “Autumn rain”.

Goals: To introduce children to new technology, to practice typing cotton swab gouache, observe the frequency of placement of color spots in the drawing. Practice choosing colors according to your design.

Game situation “Polite Bear”. Tasks: To train children to use polite words in their speech in accordance with the situation, to say hello, goodbye, and thank them for their help.


Observation, educational story “Spruce in autumn.”

Goals: Continue to acquaint children with the characteristic features of spruce, develop the ability to find parts of the tree named by the teacher. Develop observation skills.

Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog".

Objectives: to train children to navigate in space, to perform actions in accordance with the text. Increase physical activity.

Individual work on PHYS with Dima, Olya.

Game exercise with paper sheets.

Goals: To train children to jump up on two legs, to practice reaching for a “leaf” with their hand. Help prevent nervous tension and bring joy to children.

Games - fun with soap bubbles.

Objectives: To develop the ability to blow soap bubbles, to introduce safety rules. Help prevent fatigue and give children pleasure.

Tatyana Konovalova
Scheduling in the second junior group for April.


MONDAY 1 04 13

Reception and examination of children. Conversation "My favorite toy" develop the child's spoken language. V K G N - continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly. The work is to continue teaching children to prepare tables for meals and classes. P/I- "Blow up a bubble" "Who is this?" "The Bear has a Voboru"


Subject: "Bunny"

(Komarov Art. 75)

Target: Learn to divide plasticine into the required number of parts, when sculpting the body and head, use the technique of rolling plasticine in a circular motion between the palms. When sculpting ears, use the techniques of rolling out sticks and flattening. To strengthen children's interest in sculpting familiar objects consisting of several parts. Foster creativity and initiative.

Words slave. ears, body, head.


WALK: Drip, drip, I drip

I have in April

On the spring path

The droplets have ripened.

Watching the rain, what kind of rain? (strong warm, where do the drops fall? What does it leave on the path? Is it good when it rains or bad? Why? - learn to determine the strength of the rain and its consequences. P/N "Sun and Rain" "Grey Bunny" "Which?"-fix the colors with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Practice jumping on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. S\P I “Let’s give the bear some tea” continue to teach how to play together with friends and be able to agree on roles. Games if desired to develop the ability to find something to do on your own.

EVENING "Sun and Rain" bring joy to children. P/I "Who is faster" "A toy shop" "Swan geese"

TUESDAY 2 04 13

P/I "Fox in the Chicken Coop"- develop dexterity. P/I "Who is faster"-learn the relay element. DI “Name the item by description” “Touch to...”



Memorizing a poem "The grass is turning green" A. Pleshcheev. Didactic exercise "When it happens".

(Zatulina-111 Gerbova-70)

Target: Teach children to memorize a short poem and read it with natural intonation. Strengthen children's ability to answer questions in simple sentences. Develop observation, attention, memory. Cultivate an interest in nature.

Words slave. turns green


WALK: The kitten's fur is smooth

And she's probably sweet

Because Vaska is red

He licks the fur often.

Watching a cat walking around the site. What kind of fur does a kitten have? What kind of eyes does he have? What does the kitten have on its head? What's on a kitten's face? Do you know what to feed a kitten? What is his body covered with? Do you think the kitten's fur is really sweet? – formulate how to treat animals correctly. P/I "Cat and Mouse"- develop dexterity. P/I "By the Bear in the Forest"- learn to clearly pronounce words in the text. DI "Clothes and Vegetables" (green, brown, blue)


"The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" "Salon" groups and play for a long time. Games with a constructor teach how to build collective buildings and play with them. Fix the count to five with Sasha, Katya, Dima, Timur. Give plasticine for free use by Zhenya L, Vicki P, Dima S. Make sure that children talk WEDNESDAY 3 04 13

Reception and examination of children. Conversation “What are the names of your loved ones”-reinforce the names of mothers, fathers, grandfathers, sisters, B TO GN - teach without a reminder to use a napkin after eating, rinse your mouth. P/I "The Mother Hen and the Chicks" "Mice and Cat" "Choose by color" "Puff" and empathize with the characters.

COGNITION. (Pozina page 35)

Prog sod. Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model within three. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes. Cultivate perseverance.

Words slave. circle, square.

Ind. slave with inactive children.


WALK. Sunshine bell

Get up early

Wake us up early

P/I "The Birds Are Flying"-develop the child’s physical abilities. P/I "On a smooth path".DI “Touch to...” exercise children in recognizing objects made from various materials. Learn to ride on a swing patiently, wait your turn. Fix the time of year with Vika, Katya Z, Vitaly. Continue learning sounds with Dima S. and Dasha (Moo-moo, pee-pee)

Hardening procedures. Continue to teach children to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence . Reading the poem “The swallow has rushed) "Find Your Place" "Knock down the pin" "Sun and Rain" "SHOP" teach children the ability to write a short story about an object, consolidate knowledge about the properties of the materials from which toys are made. Talk to the parents of Anya and Katya Z about how to dress a child in group?

P.D.D. "Find your car".

Target: Consolidate knowledge different types transport, act on a signal.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "About the Time of Year", what was it like this morning? How are people dressed? What has changed in nature? Teach children to name the signs of spring and answer questions in complete sentences. P/I “Bird one, bird two!” exercise children in performing movements, teach counting. P/I "sun and rain" develop dexterity. DI "Which?" fix the colors with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. In K.G.N. continue to eat carefully and use a napkin. Feeding the fish fosters a caring attitude towards living beings.

COGNITION. (Dybina st. 34)

SUBJECT: Clay plates.

Prog. contents Introduce children to the properties of clay and the structure of its surface. Strengthen the properties of sand. Cultivate care in handling natural ingredients.

Words slave. clay, sand, loose.

Ind. slave with inactive children.


WALK: Dandelion, dandelion

Yellow sundress

Grow up to dress up

In a little white dress

Watching the dandelion, guys, the sun warmed the earth, woke up the green grass, and along with the green grass, yellow flowers - dandelions - appeared. They opened their eyes, raised their heads, looked at the sun and smiled. The sun is yellow and the dandelion is yellow, the sun has rays and the dandelion has rays. We pick the flower and examine the stem, head, and leaves left in the grass. DI "Find the largest dandelion", long stem... F/N "Sunny bunnies" develop dexterity. DI "WHICH?" "AND" with Nazar, Aida, Nikita. Work on the site - collect large garbage, cultivate hard work. At the end of the walk, allow the children to pick one dandelion and give it to the nanny. Strengthen the breathing exercise. Finger games. V. k. p, v group- talk in a low voice.

CIRCLE. "Why and Why"

Topic: Seeds of annual flowers and preparation for sowing them"

Goal To introduce the seeds of annual flowers. Teach children to plant them in the ground and determine their germination capacity. Strengthen the ability to observe plants. Cultivate a desire to get results.

EVENING. Hardening procedures. Continue to teach children to dress and undress independently before going to bed, and to take care of their appearance. P/I "WHO IS FASTER" "Visiting Mishke" continue to learn how to play with friends and develop a simple plot together. Talk to Dima P's parents about making sure he holds the spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of the children, continue to learn independently, find something to do to your liking. Read a fairy tale if desired, instill Friday 5 04


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "About Birds" What birds appeared on the site, Where were they in winter? What color are they? Remember the parts of the body that they eat. Cultivate love for our little brothers. P/I "Sparrows and the car" learn to follow the rules of the game. V K G N – continue to teach how to eat carefully, slowly, and use a napkin after eating. Continue to teach how to prepare tables for classes and arrange napkins. P/I "Find your color" "What's good and what's bad"


SUBJECT; NIGHTBOOK (Komarov page 76)

Prog sod. Teach children to depict in appliqué objects consisting of several parts. Fix to determine the shape of the parts and colors. Cultivate accuracy in work.

Word slave; circle, rectangle.


WALK. Sparrow from a birch

Jump on the road

No more frost

Chick - tweet. !

I draw your attention to the fact that the sun is warming the puddles on the ground ever warmer, I remind you that you can’t stand in puddles, and there are a lot of sparrows gathered on the bushes, they chirp loudly, fly from bush to bush, talk about something, rejoice in the spring sun, the children decide. Let's treat them. (pour bread crumbs into the feeder) We watch them bite. We remember which birds we know, and note the peculiarities of their behavior. P/I "Merry Sparrow"(Teplyuk page 115) teach children to perform actions as instructed by an adult. Work on the site is to collect large garbage, cultivate hard work. P/I "The Bear has a Voboru" pronounce words clearly. Practice jumping on two legs with Katya S, Aida, Timur, Nikita. With Vika, Katya Z, Dima P, secure the geometric shapes. Playing with sand to teach how to make Easter cakes. Independent games teach children to play independently.

Hardening procedures. P/I "The Mother Hen and the Chicks", "Day Night" "Compare" "Salon" learn to select analogue toys and negotiate roles. Reinforce the technique of coloring with Zhenya L. Timur, Vika, Aida, Dima S. In KP continue to teach how to communicate calmly with each other. Provide a construction set for free use to develop children’s imagination and achieve the final result.

MONDAY 8. 04 13

Reception and examination of children. Conversation develop the child's spoken language. In K GN - continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly. Continue teaching children to prepare tables for meals and classes. P/I- "On a smooth path"- develop coordination of movements. D/I - "Who is this?" learn to name birds and animals and their body structure. Finger games. P/I "The Bear has a Voboru"- learn to clearly pronounce the words of the text.


Subject: "Chicks Are Walking".

(Komarov p. 82)

Target: Learn to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, the advanced shape and size of the parts. Strengthen the technique of pinching with your fingertips (beak, tail, the ability to firmly fasten parts tightly pressing them to each other. Foster creativity and initiative.

Words slave. beak, body, head.

Ind. slave with inactive children.



"Sun and Rain"- respond quickly to a signal. P/I "Grey Bunny" perform movements according to the text. DI "Which?"-fix the colors with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Practice jumping on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. S\R I “Let’s give the bear some tea”

EVENING: Hardening procedures. Continue to study on your own, get dressed after sleep and get your head in order. P/I "Let's wake up the bear" "Who is faster" develop the ability to play relay race games. Give coloring books for free use - teach coloring techniques. S/R I "A toy shop"-learn to use polite words when dealing with friends. Reading p. n. With. "Swan geese" teach to listen carefully and empathize with the characters. Give the builder for free use to develop children's imagination. Secure the score to five with Katya Z, with Vitalik, with Vika. Independent activity of children is to teach them to find interesting activities for themselves.

TUESDAY 9. 04.

Reception and examination of children. Conversation based on pictures - learn to write short stories.

P/I "Fox in the Chicken Coop"- develop dexterity. DI “Name the item by description” develop children’s ability to guess an object based on a description of its features. DI “Touch to...” Exercise children in recognizing objects made from various materials. V K G N - continue to teach how to wash your hands before eating and roll up your sleeves. Finger games develop fine motor skills.



Sound culture of speech: sound "F"

Target: Teach children to respond and correctly pronounce an isolating sound (f) and Reinforce onomatopoeic words with this sound. Cultivate a desire to pronounce the words of the rules

Words slave. Phock, Phock, Phock!

Ind. slave encourage inactive children.


WALK: I'm on the grass in the meadow

I run in white slippers

Oh, the grass is tickling

I want to laugh.

Observing the grass in the meadow. The meadow became green Why? How does the sun warm? How are people dressed? Teach children to make simple inferences. P/I "Cat and Mouse"- develop dexterity. P/I "We are funny guys" (Teplyuk page 115). DI "Clothes and Vegetables"- teach children to identify and name the main characteristics of objects. Labor on the site to collect large pebbles - to cultivate hard work. Lock color (green, brown, blue) with Vika, Vitaly, Sasha Sh. Games at the request of the children.


Hardening procedures. Self-care work continues to teach how to dress independently after sleep, as well as undress before bed and hang things neatly. Reading "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" Marshak - to cultivate a love of fairy tales. S/R I "Salon"- teach children to select toys for play, to be able to unite in groups


Reception and examination of children. Conversation “Tell me where you live” "The Mother Hen and the Chicks" continue to develop the ability to coordinate your movements. "Mice and Cat" follow the rules of the game. Games with fingers and tongue. DI "Choose by color" consolidate the ability to select by color and size. Reading from "Puff"

COGNITION. (Pozina p. 36 Kolesnikova p. 40)

Pro. sod. Learn to guess riddles based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle; Strengthen the ability to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a sample within three, compare two objects by size. Cultivate perseverance.

Words slave. big small.

Ind. slave with inactive children.


WALK. And the sun is already clear

it's hot, it's hot

And there's gold everywhere

Spilled, spilled

Observing early spring, I pay attention to the sun, it is bright, the sun is warming stronger and stronger. Show your palms to the sun, how do you feel? Now touch it, the tree trunk is also warm, the sun is still working, calling for spring. Spring is coming and bringing warmth. Look at the color of the sky, it is blue, blue, and white clouds are floating, taking their time, admiring the children from above. Spring is coming.

P/I "On a smooth path" (Moo-moo, pee-pee). Games, if desired, continue to teach how to organize the game independently and agree on roles. Work assignments – continue to develop the ability to fulfill an adult’s request.

Hardening procedures. Continue to teach children how to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, (unfasten and fasten buttons, fold things neatly). Reading the poem Where is whose house? (p. 135 S N Teplyuk) cultivate a love of poetry. Making riddles about spring. P/I "Find Your Place" learn to navigate in space. Give pencils to Vicki, Zhenya, Vitalik, and Timur to teach the technique of coloring. P/I/ "Knock down the pin" develop dexterity in a child. P/I "Sun and Rain" learn to respond quickly to a signal. S/R I "A toy shop" group? Reading fairy tales to children "Fear has big eyes" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales

P.D.D. Subject: Observe the play of older children, take part in the game as pedestrians.

Target: Introduce children to the fact that they can cross the road on striped paths.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What are your parents' names" “Bird one, bird two!” "Vice versa?" consolidate the ability to select opposite words with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. In K.G.N. continue to eat carefully and use a napkin. Feeding the fish fosters a caring attitude towards living beings. V.K.G.N. continue to teach how to use soap correctly and wipe your hands dry. The hard work is to continue teaching how to prepare tables for meals.


Subject "Walk through the spring forest"

Prog sod. Teach children about the characteristic features of spring weather. Expand your understanding of forest plants and animals. To form elementary ideas about the simplest connections in nature. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Words slave. under a birch tree, squirrel needles.

Ind. slave with inactive children.


WALK: Chip-tweet jump on the track

Peck don't be shy

Who is this (sparrow)

Bird watching in the area to secure parts of the body, what is the body covered with? How do they move? What do they eat? How do they benefit people? Develop observation skills. P/I "Happy Sparrow" (Teplyuk page 115) "Sunny bunnies" (Teplyuk page 114) develop dexterity. DI "WHICH?" fix the colors with Vanya, Sasha, Dasha. P/N Bear and bees – fix sound "AND" group- talk in a low voice.

CIRCLE. "Why and Why"

Subject “Observation of pelargonium growing from cuttings”.

Target. Teach children to conduct experiments with the help of adults. Strengthen the ability to observe experiments and sketch in an observation diary what has changed in the growth of pelargonium. Cultivate a desire to get results.

Assignment home; conduct an experiment on melting sugar and its hardening.

"Find your color" teach the elements of the relay race. Reinforce familiar verses with children - develop intonation in voices. Reinforce painting techniques with Vika, Sasha Sh, Vitalik. Give the builder Dima S, Tima O, Nikita - to develop the ability to make buildings and beat them. S.R./I "The bear is sick" continue to learn to play, together with friends, develop a simple plot. Talk to Dima P's parents about making sure he holds the spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of the children, continue to learn independently, find something to do to your liking. Read a fairy tale at will, instill a love for works.

FRIDAY 12.04.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What has changed in nature" "When it happens" "Sparrows and the car" "Find your color" learn to find quickly desired color. DI "What's good and what's bad" learn to make the right conclusions. Finger games. Pin with Vika, Timur, Vitalik. left and right hand.

SUBJECT; “Colorful handkerchiefs are drying” (Komarov p. 76)

Prog sod. Teach children to draw familiar square-shaped objects. Strengthen the ability to carefully paint images in one direction from top to bottom without going beyond the lines. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start.

Word slave; square.

Indus slave; with inactive children.


P/I "On a smooth path"

Hardening procedures. P/I "The Mother Hen and the Chicks", "Day Night" learn how to organize games yourself. Reading familiar poems to children to develop voice intonation. DI "Compare" learn to compare and find differences. S/R I "Salon"

O.B.J. How to behave at home when alone at home.

Target. Teach children to behave calmly at home, not to touch dangerous objects.


MONDAY 15.04

Reception and examination of children. Conversation "My favorite toy" develop the child's spoken language. V K G N - continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly and eat slowly. Continue teaching children to prepare tables for meals and classes. P/I- "Sun and Rain"- respond quickly to a signal. D/I - "Who is this?" learn to name birds and animals and their body structure. Finger games. P/I "The Bear has a Voboru"- learn to clearly pronounce the words of the text.


Subject: «

Ind. slave with inactive children.


WALK. Gets up first in the morning

All paths will be swept.

Observing the work of a janitor, what tools does he use, why does he sweep all the paths? How can we help him? P/I "Sun and Rain"- respond quickly to a signal. P/I "Grey Bunny" perform movements according to the text. DI "Which?"-fix the properties of an item (wooden, glass, iron plastic) with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Practice jumping on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. S\R I “Let’s give the bear some tea” continue to teach how to play together with friends and be able to agree on roles. Games if desired to develop the ability to find something to do on your own.

Finger games - develop fine motor skills of the hand.

EVENING: Hardening procedures. Continue to study on your own, get dressed after sleep and get your head in order. P/I "Sparrows and the car" learn to act on a signal and follow the rules of the game. P/I "Who is faster" develop the ability to play relay race games. P/I "Find your color" fix colors. Give coloring books for free use - teach coloring techniques. S/R I "A toy shop"-learn to use polite words when dealing with friends. Reading p. n. With. "Swan geese" teach to listen carefully and empathize with the characters. Give the builder for free use to develop children's imagination. Secure the score to five with Katya Z, with Vitalik, with Vika. Independent activity of children is to teach them to find interesting activities for themselves.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation “Call it in one word” learn to classify objects, vegetables and fruits. P/I "Fox in the Chicken Coop"- develop dexterity. DI “Name the item by description” develop children’s ability to guess objects based on descriptions of signs. DI “Touch to...” Exercise children in recognizing objects made from various materials. V K G N - continue to teach how to use a napkin after eating, and use cutlery correctly. Finger games develop fine motor skills.

Continue to teach how to carry out work assignments, prepare tables for classes.


Subject: “Reading and dramatization of the Russian folk song Chicken Ryabushechka”

Pro. sod Continue to teach children to look at the picture and talk about what is depicted on it. Introduce children to the Russian folk song Ryabushechka chicken. Cultivate interest in Russian folk songs.

Words slave. Ryabushka, various, chickens.

Ind. slave encourage inactive children.

WALK: Observation of transport that is located near the kindergarten/kindergarten, mark parts of the car, identify the type of transport and its purpose. What would happen if there was no transport? P/I "Cat and Mouse"- develop dexterity. P/I "We are funny guys" teach children to perform actions according to the instructions of an adult. (Teplyuk page 115). DI "Clothes and Vegetables"- teach children to identify and name the main characteristics of objects. Labor on the site to collect large pebbles - to cultivate hard work. Lock color (green, brown, blue) with Vika, Vitaly, Sasha Sh. Games at the request of the children.


Hardening procedures. Self-care work continues to teach how to dress independently after sleep, as well as undress before bed and hang things neatly. Reading "The Tale of a Smart Mouse" Marshak - to cultivate a love of fairy tales. S/R I "Salon"- teach children to select toys for play, to be able to unite in groups and play for a long time. Games with a constructor teach how to build collective buildings and play with them. Fix the count to five with Sasha, Katya, Dima, Timur. Give plasticine for the free use of Zhenya L, Vicki P, Dima S. Make sure that the children speak in a low voice.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation “Tell me where you live” Fix your home address and the city in which you live. V K G N - teach without a reminder to use a napkin after eating, rinse your mouth. P/I "The Mother Hen and the Chicks" continue to develop the ability to coordinate your movements. "Mice and Cat" follow the rules of the game. Games with fingers and tongue. DI "Choose by color" consolidate the ability to select by color and size. Reading from "Puff" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales and empathize with the characters. Learn to prepare tables for classes. Cultivate hard work.

COGNITION (Pozina p. 37 Kolesnikova p. 40)

Prog sod. Learn to distinguish a certain amount of movements and call them with words one many. Strengthen the ability to distinguish spatial directions from yourself, denote them with the words front - behind, above - below, left - right. Improve the ability to compose group items from individual items and select one item from groups. Cultivate perseverance.

Words slave. left – right. one, many.

Ind. slave with inactive children.


WALK. Cloud, cloud, shut up.

Don't growl at us!

We are not afraid of you!

Watching the rain. How joyfully the rain drums on the roof, drops jump along the path, how bubbles form on the water. Is it raining all around, even though it’s raining? and warm. The rain has passed and the sun has parted the clouds. D/I “Who got drunk? Who washed?- we approach the tree, flowers, grass, and ask.

P/I "Sun and Rain" quickly respond to a signal. D/I “What is this? Learn to name vegetables and fruits. Learn to ride on a swing patiently, wait your turn. Fix the time of year with Vika, Katya Z, Vitaly. Continue learning sounds with Dima S. and Dasha (Bam, BAM, knock-knock, drip-drip). Games, if desired, continue to teach how to organize the game independently and agree on roles. Work assignments - continue to develop the ability to fulfill an adult’s request.

Hardening procedures. Continue to teach children to comb their own hair and get themselves in order.. Reading the poem Where is whose house? (p. 135 S. N. Teplyuk) cultivate a love of poetry. Making riddles about spring. P/I "Find Your Place" learn to navigate in space. Give pencils to Vicki, Zhenya, Vitalik, and Timur to teach the technique of coloring. P/I/ "Knock down the pin" develop a child's eye. P/I "Sun and Rain" learn to respond quickly to a signal. S/R I "Visiting Katya" continue to teach children the names of tea utensils and reinforce the rules of behavior when visiting. Talk to the parents of Vitalik and Nikita. how to dress a child group? Reading fairy tales to children "Fear has big eyes" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales



Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What are your parents' names", confirm with the children the names of the parents and who lives with them in the same house. P/I “Bird one, bird two!” exercise children in performing movements, teach counting. D\I "Vice versa?" consolidate the ability to select opposite words with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. In K.G.N. continue to eat carefully and use a napkin. Feeding the fish fosters a caring attitude towards living beings. V.K.G.N. continue to teach correctly, use soap, wipe your hands dry. The hard work is to continue teaching how to prepare tables for meals.


SUBJECT. The nanny washes the dishes.

Prog. sod. Teach children of struggling workers preschool– teacher assistants, contact them at "You" show an adult’s attitude towards work. Strengthen the ability to call them by name and patronymic. Cultivate respect for the assistant teacher and for work.

Words slave. washes dishes, feeds, vacuums carpets.

Ind. slave with inactive children.



"Where is my mom?" -repeat, what are the names of mothers of different animal cubs, how do they call their children, learn to listen to sounds without relying on a visual image. (Teplyuk p. 86). P/I "Happy Sparrow" (Teplyuk p. 115) teach children to perform movements according to the text. P/I "Sunny bunnies" (Teplyuk p. 114) develop dexterity. DI "WHICH?" fix the colors with Vanya, Sasha, Dasha. P/N Bear and bees – fix sound "AND" with Nazar, Aida, Nikita. The difficult part of the area is to collect large garbage and cultivate hard work. Strengthen the breathing exercise. Finger games. V. k. p, v group- talk in a low voice.

CIRCLE. "Why and Why"

Topic: “Heating and cooling.

Purpose To form an understanding of heating, cooling, melting and solidification. Reinforce homework with children.

EVENING. Hardening procedures. Continue to teach children to independently monitor their appearance P/I "Find your color" teach the elements of the relay race. Reinforce familiar verses with children - develop intonation in voices. Will reinforce sculpting techniques with Vika, Sasha Sh, Vitalik. Give the builder Dima S, Tima O, Nikita - to develop the ability to make buildings and beat them. S.R./I "The bear is sick" continue to learn how to play, develop a simple plot together with friends. Talk to Dima P's parents about making sure he holds the spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of the children, continue to learn independently, find something to do to your liking. Read a fairy tale at will, instill a love for works.

FRIDAY 19.04.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What has changed in nature" How are people dressed? What birds appeared on the site, Where were they in winter? What color is spring? Remember the parts of the body that they eat. Cultivate love for our smaller brothers. D/I. "When it happens" strengthen the signs of spring. P/I "Sparrows and the car" learn to follow the rules of the game. V K G N – develop basic table behavior skills, do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed. The work is to feed the fish and cultivate a caring attitude towards a living object. Continue to teach how to prepare tables for classes and arrange napkins. P/I "Find your color" learn to quickly find the right color. DI "What's good and what's bad" learn to make the right conclusions. Finger games. Pin with Vika, Timur, Vitalik. left and right hand.


SUBJECT; "Birdhouse" (Komarov p. 78)

Prog. sod. Teach children to draw an object consisting of rectangular shape, circle, straight roof; correctly convey the relative size of the parts of an object. Reinforce painting techniques. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start.

Word slave; birdhouse.

Indus slave; with inactive children.


WALK. "Tell me, moth,

How do you live, my friend?

How can you not get tired

Day - day everything flutters?

Insect observation. What insects have appeared, look at the body parts, what do they do in the spring? Cultivate a friendly attitude towards them.

P/I "On a smooth path" follow the rules of the game. Work on the site is to collect large garbage, cultivate hard work. P, / I, Chickens” to teach children to perform imitation movements, to imitate the vocal reactions of birds. Practice jumping on two legs with Katya S, Aida, Timur, Nikita. With Vika, Katya Z, Dima P, secure the geometric shapes. Playing with sand to teach how to make Easter cakes. Independent games teach children to play independently.

Hardening procedures. P/I "The Mother Hen and the Chicks" teach children to follow the rules of the game. "Day Night" teach independently, organize games. Reading familiar poems to children to develop voice intonation. DI "Vice versa" learn to name opposite words. S/R "At the doctor" learn to select analogue toys and negotiate roles. Reinforce the technique of coloring with Zhenya L. Timur, Vika, Aida, Dima S. In KP continue to teach how to communicate calmly with each other. Provide a construction set for free use to develop children’s imagination and achieve the final result. Reading fairy tales to children if desired, cultivates a love for works. Ask Logvinenko's dad to make lockers.


MONDAY 22.04

Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What I saw on the way to kindergarten» develop the child's spoken language. In K GN - continue to teach children how to use cutlery correctly and chew food with their mouths closed. Continue teaching children to prepare tables for meals and classes. P/I- "On a smooth path"- develop coordination of movements. D/I - "Who is this?" learn to name birds and animals and their body structure. Finger games. P/I "The Bear has a Voboru"- learn to clearly pronounce the words of the text.


Subject: "Three Bears Bowls"

(Komarova p. 79)

Target: Learn to make bowls different sizes using the technique of rolling plasticine in a circular motion. Learn to flatten and pull the edges of the bowl up. Strengthen the pinching technique with your fingertips. Foster creativity, initiative and accuracy in work.

Words slave. big smaller and small.

Ind. slave with inactive children.



Observing flower beds and grass, examining the structure of flowers and grass. Learn to compare plants and find differences and similarities. P/I "The Bear and the Bees"- respond quickly to a signal. P/I "Grey Bunny" perform movements according to the text. DI "Which?"-fix the colors with Vika, Katya Z, Vitalik. Practice jumping on one leg with Katya S, with Nazar, with Aida, with Vanya. Games if desired to develop the ability to find something to do on your own. S/R I "Driver" teach children to play together with friends and share toys.

EVENING: Hardening procedures. Continue to study on your own, get dressed after sleep and get your head in order. P/I "Let's wake up the bear" learn to pronounce words clearly and follow the rules of the game. P/I "Who can jump on the ball faster" develop the ability to play relay race games. Give coloring books for free use - teach coloring techniques. S/R I "Vegetable shop"-learn to use polite words when dealing with friends. Reading p. n. With. "Swan geese" teach to listen carefully and empathize with the characters. Give the builder for free use to develop children's imagination. Secure the score to five with Katya Z, with Vitalik, with Vika. Independent activity of children is to teach them to find interesting activities for themselves.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation based on pictures - learn to write short stories.

P/I "Fox in the Chicken Coop"- develop dexterity. DI “Name the item by description” develop children’s ability to guess an object based on a description of its features. DI “Touch to...” Exercise children in recognizing objects made from various materials. In K GN - continue to teach how to wash your hands before eating and roll up your sleeves. Finger games develop fine motor skills.

Continue to teach how to carry out work assignments, prepare tables for classes.


Subject:Sound culture of speech; sound (With).

Prog. sod. Teach children to pronounce sounds clearly "WITH" Strengthen the ability to read poems expressively, with intonational expression. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Words slave. kind, please swallow.

Ind. slave encourage inactive children.


WALK Where are you, where are you swallow

Have you been flying all day?

She braided her golden braid for the sun.

Observation of birds that are on the site. What birds are new? How many are there on the site? How do they move? How do they shout? What is the body covered with? Develop observation skills and speaking skills.

P/I "Sparrows and the car"- develop dexterity. P/I "We are funny guys" teach children to perform actions according to the instructions of an adult. (Teplyuk page 115). DI "Clothes and Vegetables"- teach children to identify and name the main characteristics of objects. Labor on the site to collect large pebbles - to cultivate hard work. Lock color (green, brown, blue) with Vika, Vitaly, Sasha Sh. Games at the request of the children. Lock color "spring" with Vika, Sasha. Sh.


Hardening procedures. Self-care work continues to teach how to dress independently after sleep, as well as undress before bed and hang things neatly. Reading "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" Marshak - to cultivate a love of fairy tales. S/R I "Salon"- teach children to select toys for play, to be able to unite in groups and play for a long time. Games with a constructor teach how to build collective buildings and play with them. Fix the count to five with Sasha, Katya, Dima, Timur. Give plasticine for the free use of Zhenya L, Vicki P, Dima S. Make sure that the children speak in a low voice.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "About Spring" consolidate the signs of spring. V K G N - teach without a reminder to use a napkin after eating, rinse your mouth. R. n P/I "Zainka" continue to develop the ability to coordinate your movements with the text. "Mice and Cat" follow the rules of the game. Games with fingers and tongue. DI "Choose by color" consolidate the ability to select by color and size. Reading from "Puff" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales and empathize with the characters. Learning to prepare tables for classes is to cultivate hard work.

COGNITION. (Pozina p. 38 Kolesnikova p. 42)

Prog sod. Continue to teach to see patterns in the arrangement of objects and reproduce them. Practice the ability to reproduce a given number of movements and call them with the words many and one. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts days: morning, evening, develop thinking. Bring up

Words slave. a lot, morning, evening, day.

Ind. slave with inactive children.


WALK. Tell me moth

How are you doing, my friend?

How can you not get tired

Day after day everything flutters around?

Insect observation ant, ladybug- note the appearance, “Hello dear baby, we are glad to see you! Have you come to meet us?

You should not pick it up with your hands, let it crawl onto your hand on its own. “Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you! We are kind! One by one he crawls over to the children - So you met Katya.... We pronounce the words of nursery rhymes.

P/I "On a smooth path" teach children to follow the rules of the game. D/I “What is this? Learn to name vegetables and fruits. Learn to ride on a swing patiently, wait your turn. Fix the time of year with Vika, Katya Z, Vitaly. Continue learning sounds with Dima S. and Dasha (Moo-moo, pee-pee). Games, if desired, continue to teach how to organize the game independently and agree on roles. Work assignments – continue to develop the ability to fulfill an adult’s request.

Hardening procedures. Continue to teach children how to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence. Making riddles about spring. P/I "Find Your Place" learn to navigate in space. Give pencils to Vicki, Zhenya, Vitalik, and Timur to teach the technique of coloring. P/I/ "Knock down the pin" develop dexterity in a child. P/I "Sun and Rain" learn to respond quickly to a signal. S/R I "A toy shop" teach children the ability to write a short story about an object, consolidate knowledge about the properties of the materials from which toys are made. Talk to the parents of Vitalik and Nikita. how to dress a child group? Reading fairy tales to children "Fear has big eyes" develop the ability to listen to fairy tales

P.D.D. “Participation in games for older children as bus passengers”.

Target. Introduce children to the fact that the bus goes along the route; get off it only at the stop.


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What do your parents do for work", consolidate professions. P/I "By the Bear in the Forest" exercise children in performing movements, D\I "Vice versa?" consolidate the ability to select opposite words with Aida, Vika, Vitalik. V.K.G.N. continue to teach how to use soap correctly and wipe your hands dry. The hard work is to continue teaching how to prepare tables for meals. Games with fingers and tongue - to develop fine motor skills.


Subject "What better paper or fabric".

Prog. sod. Learn to establish relationships between the material from which an object is made and the way the object is used. To consolidate children's knowledge about paper and fabric, their properties and qualities. Cultivate interest in classes.

Words slave. smooth, does not consist of threads, does not make sound,

Ind. slave with inactive children.


WALK: He rides and holds on to the wire so as not to get lost. (trolleybus)

Monitoring the transport that is located near the kindergarten. Examine the parts, note the type of transport. What benefits does it bring to people? P/I "Sunny bunnies" (Teplyuk page 114) develop dexterity. DI "WHICH?" fix the colors with Vanya, Sasha, Dasha. P/N Bear and bees – fix sound "AND" with Nazar, Aida, Nikita. It is difficult in the area to collect large garbage, to cultivate hard work. Strengthen the breathing exercise. Finger games. V. k. p, v group- talk in a low voice. Games at the request of children.

CIRCLE. "Why and Why"

Topic: Evaporation. (Galimov p. 31)

Target: To form an idea of ​​evaporation of water - the transformation of water into steam when heated.

EVENING. Hardening procedures. Continue to teach children to dress and undress independently before going to bed, to monitor their appearance P/I "Find your color" teach the elements of the relay race. Reinforce familiar verses with children - develop intonation in voices. Reinforce painting techniques with Vika, Sasha Sh, Vitalik. Give the builder Dima S, Tima O, Nikita - to develop the ability to make buildings and beat them. S.R./I "The bear is sick" continue to learn how to play, develop a simple plot together with friends. Talk to Dima P's parents about making sure he holds the spoon correctly at home. Games at the request of the children, continue to learn, independently find something to do to your liking. Read a fairy tale at will, instill a love for works.

FRIDAY 26.04


Reception and examination of children. Conversation "What has changed in nature" How are people dressed? What birds appeared on the site, Where were they in winter? What color is spring? Remember the parts of the body that they eat. Cultivate love for our smaller brothers. D/I. "When it happens" strengthen the signs of spring. P/I "Sparrows and the car" learn to follow the rules of the game. V K G N – develop basic table behavior skills, do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed. The work is to feed the fish and cultivate a caring attitude towards a living object. Continue to teach how to prepare tables for classes and arrange napkins. P/I "Find your color" learn to quickly find the right color. DI "What's good and what's bad" learn to make the right conclusions. Finger games. Pin with Vika, Timur, Vitalik. left and right hand.


SUBJECT; "Beautiful Cart" (Komarov page 80)

Prog sod. Teach children to depict an object consisting of several parts of a rectangular and round shape. Strengthen the ability to carefully paint over images; Develop initiative and imagination. Cultivate the desire to finish what you start.

Word slave; trolley, wheel, rectangular.

Indus slave; with inactive children.


WALK. Observation of flower beds. What changed? What spring flowers do we know? What does a flower have? - fix the structure of the flower (leaf, stem, flower root) P/I "On a smooth path" follow the rules of the game. Work on the site is to collect large garbage, cultivate hard work. P, / I, Chickens” to teach children to perform imitation movements, to imitate the vocal reactions of birds. Practice jumping on two legs with Katya S, Aida, Timur, Nikita. With Vmka, Katya Z, Dima P, secure the geometric shapes. Playing with sand to teach how to make Easter cakes. Independent games teach children to play independently.

Hardening procedures. P/I "The Mother Hen and the Chicks", "Day Night" learn how to organize games yourself. Reading familiar poems to children to develop voice intonation. DI "Compare" learn to compare and find differences. S/R I "Salon" learn to select analogue toys and negotiate roles. Reinforce the technique of coloring with Zhenya L. Timur, Vika, Aida, Dima S. In KP continue to teach how to communicate calmly with each other. Giving a construction set for free use will develop children’s imagination and achieve the final result. Reading fairy tales to children if desired, cultivates a love for works. Ask Logvinenko's dad to make lockers.

O. B. J. Describe the subject.

Target: Teach children how to handle objects: matches, needles, boiling water.

Monday 29.04.

Reception of children. Conversation "About Water" repeat signs of water and draw simple conclusions. What is water for? DI “Where is what?” secure the location of a friend. P/I "Blow up the bubble" bring joy to children. V.K.G.N. continue to teach correctly, use cutlery, chew food with your mouth closed. Labor – continue to give labor assignments. Finger games.

Productive activity. (modeling)

Subject "By design"

Prog. sod. Teach children to come up with their own ideas. Continue to develop the ability to sculpt objects consisting of two parts of a familiar shape, the advanced shape and size of the parts. Cultivate the desire to bring the story started to completion.

Words slave. friends - chickens, round.

Ind. slave. with difficult children.



Soft fluffy

There are scratches in the paws.

Pet monitoring Hello cute kitty, cow. Consider the appearance, parts of the body, learn to compare by size. What benefits do they bring to people? How does a person care? P/I "Shaggy Dog"- teach children to move around the playground, following the instructions given in game form. P/I “Run to what I call”- teach children to run in a flock, remind children the names of objects. D/I “what” fix the colors with Sasha, Aida, Katya. S, R, / I "Pilots"- bring joy to children. Work on the site to collect large sticks and stones - learn to work collectively.

Hardening procedures. Giving children riddles - teaching them to guess them

Reading fairy tales to children if desired, continue to teach them to listen carefully and answer questions. S/R I "For a walk with Katya" learn to play in a team, be able to agree on roles, develop an interesting plot. Games with a constructor - to develop the imagination of children. Fix the words of the song with Daniil, Vika, Timur.

Provide pencils for free use. V.K.P. -continue to teach children to speak in a low voice when going home to say goodbye.

TUESDAY 30. 04

Reception and care of children. Conversation "My favorite toy"-develop the ability to talk about your favorite toy. V.K.G.N. - continue to teach children to eat carefully, not to crumble bread, and to chew with their mouths closed. Finger games. P/I "Locomotive"- teach children to move at different paces, change direction. Reinforce parts of the day with children. Reading “What is good and what is bad” cultivate a love for the work.

Reading fiction.

Subject. “Goby – black flank, white hooves” Literary quiz.

Prog. sod. Introduce Russian folk tales. Reinforce the name and content of the fairy tales that were read to them in class. Foster a love and interest in fairy tales.

Words slave. hooves

Ind. slave. with inactive children.

Physical training.


We have no reason to call him

He will come anyway

It will bloom trustingly,

Right at the gate

Filled with sunshine

Golden buttercup.

Observation of spring flowers. Consider the structure of a flower (stem, leaf, flower). What is necessary for its growth? – develop observation skills. P/I "Carousel"- teach children to clearly pronounce words in the text. DI "Who Got Away"-develop visual memory. P/I "Catch up with the bear" bring joy to children. Playing with sand teaches you how to make Easter cakes, play nearby and not destroy your friend’s buildings.

S/R I "mother's daughters" teach children to negotiate roles. Optional games – teach yourself how to independently find something to do to your heart’s content.

Hardening procedures. P\I "Who is faster" teach children to jump on a ball moving forward. Self-care work - learning to put on tights, sweaters, and use a comb independently. Reading familiar poems to children is to develop voice intonation. Provide plasticine for free use to consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar shapes. S/RI "Katya got sick" cultivate feelings of empathy for the patient. Give building material for buildings, teach how to make buildings and play with them.

Gureeva Nadezhda Viktorovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten "Ivushka"
Locality: Nizhny Novgorod region, Bor city, Oktyabrsky village
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject:"Scheduling in the second junior group"
Publication date: 19.05.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Cooperative activity.

With the children who came, repetition of familiar songs and nursery rhymes “Far away,

far away in the meadow they are grazing...", "The chicken went out for a walk", "Teddy Bear"

Speech game: “Where is... Masha, etc.” - teach children to respond to their name:

Didactic game: “Find (show) ... (Lisa, etc.)” - continue to teach

remember the names of children in the group.

Game-situation “Leaves in the garden”- introduce children to a new fairy tale.

Morning exercises (complex No. 1 “Cockerel”)

Independent activity.

Musical and rhythmic exercises: “How rattles rattle” (Russian

folk melody), dancing to music.


Observation. Draw the attention of children that one leaf lies on the ground

quickly, while the other one spins and slowly falls to the ground.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain...

Continue talking with children about how the sand is cold, dirty,

You can’t put it in your mouth, you might get sick.

Game with leaves. The wind plays with the leaves,

Leaves are torn off from branches.

Yellow leaves are flying

Straight into the hands of the guys.

Work: Collect toys in a certain place.

Outdoor game: Goats on the Bridge" development of the ability to preserve


1 GCD. Informative- research activities. "Cockerel-


Goal: to introduce children to temporary concepts: morning, to develop figurative

thinking. Develop cultural and hygienic skills.

Met. and techniques: surprise moment - appearance of a cockerel, dialogue with a cockerel,

read nursery rhymes “Cockerel, cockerel”, games. Ex. "Dress the doll" reminder,

farewell to the cockerel, analysis.

2 GCD. Physical Culture.

Goal: to teach standing long jump, to consolidate throwing an object on

range from behind the head; promote the development of a sense of balance and

coordination of movements.

1 part. Walking and running after the teacher.

Part 2. General developmental exercises with objects.

Main types of movements: throwing the ball with both hands at a distance from behind

heads, standing long jumps over a rope, p.i. "Catch the ball."

Part 3. Walk calmly, stopping at a signal.


Cooperative activity.

Didactic game: “Move the peas, beans” (move the peas

fingers from one container to another) - develop fine motor skills


Learn a poem about autumn leaves with Vasilisa

Leaf fall, leaf fall, Yellow leaves are flying.

They rustle and rustle underfoot, Soon the garden will become bare.

Outdoor game "Ride and catch the ball." Goal: to develop skills

push the ball vigorously.

Work: Remove chairs after games.

Independent activity of children in play centers. Games with different

types of construction kit - to attract children's attention to the building material.

Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Reception of children in a group. Didactic game “Who Shouts How” Purpose: to teach

The final event is watching the cartoon cheerful vegetable garden.

KGN. Game “We came to wash” Purpose: To teach children to wash themselves correctly;

cultivate cultural and hygienic skills.

Morning exercises (complex No. 1 “Cockerel”)

Independent activity.

"Catch the Ball"

Goal: learn to throw balls from bottom to top with two hands to each other and catch them,

develop coordination of movements.

Observation of autumn leaves. Goal: to introduce children to

characteristic signs of autumn.

A yellow leaf, a red leaf, will fall on the path.

This means, this means - Autumn is coming to visit us.

Outdoor game“Birds are flying” Purpose: to teach how to perform movements in

correspondence with the text.

Labor activity“Let’s collect a bouquet” Goal: to attract children to

performing simple labor actions, forming an aesthetic

Play activity“We are builders” Goal: continue to teach children

build elementary buildings according to the model, maintain interest

build yourself. Games with external material.

2NOD.Iso.activities. Application.“These are the leaves we have.”

panel of autumn leaves; learn to lay out beautiful leaves on blue

background and glue them; introduce children to the application technique: apply

glue to the side of the form, carefully apply to the background and press lightly

napkin; develop a sense of color and shape; cultivate interest in bright

natural phenomena.

Met. and techniques: surprise.moment - the doll brought beautiful bouquet from autumn

leaves, looking at leaves, reading. poem. V. Shipunova “Autumn

bouquet", conversation about leaf fall, demonstration of methods of action, ind. Job,

dynamic pause “Hands up, analysis-encouragement.

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Gymnastics after sleep: “We play the harmonica”

Articulation gymnastics “Horse”

Individual work: Teach Polina and Zakhar to assemble a pyramid of 4-5

rings of the same color. Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Finger game “We clap our hands.” Develop fine motor skills,

learn to repeat movements after the teacher.

Work: We are bringing order to the group.

Independent activity.

Goal: To form positive relationships while playing.

Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Finger games with the children who came: “Tough little lambs”,

“We eat and eat on a horse” Goal: to develop children’s memory, imagination,

fine motor skills

Didactic game “Horses” - teach children to imitate movements and

the sounds they make.

Learn the poem with the children.

The wind plays with the leaves, tears leaves from the branches.

Yellow leaves are flying straight into the children’s hands.

Morning exercises (complex No. 2 “Horses”)

Independent activity.

Role-playing exercises: “Let’s rock the doll”, “Let’s roll the doll Alena”

in a wheelchair"

Looking at the painting: “Pig with piglets”

Walk. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cat observation.

Goals: - expand the idea of ​​a domestic animal - a cat;

cultivate a desire to care for animals.

Labor activity“Let’s collect pebbles” Goal: to cultivate desire

help the teacher

Remember with your children the nursery rhyme “pussy, pussy, scat…”

Outdoor games: “Run away from the pussy” - teach to run in one direction.

Swing ride. Independent activity on site.

1 GCD. Speech development. "The bunny is jumping."

Goal: to encourage children to recognize a familiar toy, understand the actions (hare

looks for a carrot, finds it and eats it). Cultivate friendly relationships

during the game. Form an active vocabulary: jump-jump, bunny, on.

Met. and techniques: surprise. The moment is the appearance of zape. tsa, examination

toys, questions, and “The little gray bunny is sitting,” games. ex. with a toy

encouragement, analysis.

2 GCD. Physical Culture.

Goal: learn to walk in pairs in a certain direction, throw a ball at

distance from the chest; practice rolling a ball; teach carefully

listen to the teacher and wait for the signal to start moving.

1 part. Walking and running with a rattle.

Part 2. General developmental exercises with a rattle.

Main types of movements: throwing the ball at a distance from the chest,

rolling the ball, p.i. "Through the stream."

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Gymnastics awakening. A minute of health.

Teach children how to unfasten Velcro fasteners and practice using

other types of fasteners. Imitation game: “Cat

wags its tail,” “Kittens wash themselves with their paws,” “Kittens lap up milk.”

Repetition of familiar songs and nursery rhymes “Rain, rain drip-drip-drip”

“Big feet walked down the road,” “Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat.”

Work:“Let’s restore order in the group”

Get used to cleaning up toys .

Independent activity.

Finger gymnastics with sedentary children

“Magpie-magpie”, “The horned goat is coming”, “Okay-okay”, “This finger

- grandfather".

Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Didactic exercise: “Show and name” - learn to show parts

animal body (ears, nose, eyes, paws, tail) Finger game “Goat”


Sensory game: “Push the ball into the round hole”, “Collect the balls,

cubes” - learn to distinguish between a ball and a cube.

Reading E. Charushin “Chicken”

nurturing a food culture (Yana, Jasmine)

Independent activity.

Role-playing exercise: “Feed the pussy”, “Put the pussy to sleep”

Involve children in making small sand buildings,

to form children's understanding of the properties of sand.

Walk. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Speech.r.

Watch the rain, consolidate the ability to name the state of the weather: warm,

it's raining.

Didactic task “Find a big (small) leaf

Job training:

Outdoor game“Shaggy Dog” - follow the rules of the game.

Independent activity on site.

1 GCD. Musical activity.

2NOD.Iso.activities. Construction

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Looking at a dog toy, comparing two dogs in size,

sound pronunciation - develop onomatopoeia.

KGN. Form primary self-service skills: teach with

Get dressed with the help of an adult.

Speech game “Who says what?”:

I love pussy very much, I will sing a song with her:

“Meow, meow, meow, Meow, meow, meow!”

And I love the dog, I’ll sing a song with her:

"Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof"

Story game “Treat” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the features

pet food.

Work: Washing toys. Involve children in work.

Independent activity.

Musical and rhythmic exercises: E. Zheleznova “Let’s clap our hands”,

"Legs and palms."

Games with kinetic sand.

Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Speech.r.

Cooperative activity.

With the children who came, d/i “What will we wear for a walk”

Goal: to teach children to correctly name items of clothing

Sensory game: “Who lives in the house?” - teach children to navigate

two sizes.

D/u “Who has what kind of fur coat” (in terms of sensory - for the development of tactile


Observation of children during the period of adaptation to group conditions.

KGN. Strengthen the ability to dry your hands with your towel and hang it on

your picture.

Morning exercises (complex No. 2 “Horses”)

Independent activity.

Games with sand: “Hide the dog” Introducing the diaper doll,

independent games with dolls.

Walk. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Watch the wind pay attention to how the trees sway.

Round dance game“Far, far away, they are grazing in a meadow...” Ability to act

according to a verbal signal, combine words with actions.

Job training: Learn to collect toys before leaving

walks, collect leaves in buckets, take them to a certain place.

Low mobility game“Go to the dog” - practice walking

Independent activity with external material.

1NOD.Iso.activity. Drawing. "Breeze".

Program content: show ways to create the image of a “dancing”

wind; continue to learn how to paint with a brush - spend free

chaotic lines: give an idea of ​​the “wet” drawing technique;

create conditions for experimentation with line as a medium

artistic expression; introduce children to the color blue;

develop an eye, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, not go beyond

its limits when drawing; cultivate interest in productive


Methods and techniques:

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Gymnastics awakening. Minutes of health.

Staging “Rabushechka Hen”, “Murysenka Little Hen” (folk

Didactic game: “Bring a toy” (orders)

Rhythmic movements to music.

To the sounds of the song “Autumn” (music by Yu. Chichkov, lyrics by I. Maznin), children perform

movements with autumn leaves in hands: spinning, squatting,

raise the leaves up and wave them.

Work: cleaning play areas. Provide all possible assistance to the teacher.

Independent activity.

Musical and rhythmic exercise: the song “A dog came to us”

dancing with a dog.

Introducing the printed board game “Collect the picture” - homemade


Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Reading the poem "Masha the Confused"

Goal: development of active speech and memory.

Masha lost her dolls, Masha lost her books.

And everyone told her: “You, Masha, are confused.”

And the poor little girl tried to improve...

And so, poor thing, I got lost and got lost.

Finger game "Horned Goat"

audio recording, consolidate knowledge of how pets “speak”.

KGN. Attracting children's attention to food; individual work on

fostering a food culture (Sonya T, Dima P.)

Independent activity.

Looking at illustrations.

Purpose: to give an idea about domestic animals (cat, dog, goat,

horse), develop attention, speech.

Soft paws, and there are scratches in the paws.

Fidget goat,

He kicks with his legs and butts with his horns.

1 GCD. Cognitive and research activity. "Wonderful


Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge in naming fruits: pear, apple, banana;

recognize them in the picture; cultivate a love for nature.

Met. and techniques: looking at the weather outside the window, surprise.moment-

the appearance of the Tanya doll with a wonderful bag, the game “Guess what it is”, ind.

help, d.i. “Collect a picture”, analysis – encouragement.

2 GCD. Physical Culture.

Purpose: to teach walking on an inclined board, to practice throwing an object on

distance from the chest, teach to coordinate your movements with the movements

other children, act on a signal.

1 part. Walking and running with a ribbon.

Part 2. General developmental exercises with tape.

Main types of movements: throwing a ball at a distance from the chest, walking

inclined board up and down, p.i. "Sun and Rain."

Part 3. Walking, walking on toes.

Walk. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Speech.r.

Observing the work of a janitor. Goal: to cultivate respect for work

adults. Create a desire to help others.

Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog” Purpose: to develop abilities to

imitation, attention. Make movements in accordance with the text.

Play activities at the request of children (with outdoor toys) Purpose:

develop independence and creativity.

Individual work Sasha, Dima “Jump - jump - jump” Goal: to develop

agility, speed of reaction and movement.

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Exercise with massage balls “Affectionate hedgehog” Goal: development

fine motor skills.

Didactic game “Pets” Purpose: to teach to distinguish and name

body parts.

Reading E. Charushin “Cow” - conversation on content.

Labor: Continue teaching children to put away toys. Learn to work together

with an adult and a friend

Independent activity.

Examination of the painting: “Cow with calves.”

Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

With the children who came, a didactic game “What grows in the garden.” Target:

teach children to name and distinguish vegetables, activate their vocabulary.

Offer the children a game situation: the doll is sleeping in the crib, and so is the bunny.

wants to sleep. Let's put them to bed, and when they wake up, we'll feed them.

Did. game “Who is screaming?” - learn to distinguish a house. animals by appearance

sight and sounds made.

KGN. Strengthen self-care skills with each child (washing hands,

drying hands with a towel, going to the potty on your own).

Independent activity.

Reading the fairy tale “Chicken” by K. Chukovsky

Purpose: familiarization with fiction, teaching children carefully

listen to the teacher's story.

1 GCD. Musical activity.

2NOD.Iso.activities. Modeling."Let's build a house for a hedgehog." (plot).

a lump of clay between the palms with straight movements; develop skills

distinguish objects by size ( thick - thin, high Low);

evoke in children sympathy for the character and a desire to help him.

Met. and techniques: looking at pictures, motivation - the bear broke the house

hedgehog, appearance of a hedgehog, looking at twigs, questions, showing

teacher of modeling methods, reader. poem. “Clay Sticks”, ind. help,

analysis - encouragement.

Walk. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Speech.r.

Observation - looking at sand Purpose: to develop observation skills.

Outdoor game “Train” Purpose: to teach children to walk, holding on to each other,

without pushing.

Labor activity “Let’s collect twigs” Purpose: to teach how to perform

simple orders.

Game activity “Chicken - Corydalis” Purpose: to teach to play together with

peers. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Individual work with Dima D, Ksyusha “Pronouncing sounds correctly”

Goal: to practice clearly pronouncing isolated vowel sounds.

Independent activity.

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Get dressed with the help of an adult.

Outdoor game. “Carousel” Goal: continue to teach how to stand in a circle,

move in a circle in accordance with the text.

Cut-out pictures “Tails” - develop attention.

Reading the nursery rhyme “Give milk to Burenushka.”

Game situation “Who is screaming?”

Independent activity.

Didactic game.

"Assemble a pyramid"

Goal: learn to assemble a pyramid of 6 rings, distinguish between large, smaller and

small objects.

Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Speech.r.

Cooperative activity.

With the children who came, remember famous pets, as well as

Game assignment: “Every thing has its place” - consolidate the skill

put toys back in their places after playing, cultivate desire

help adults.

A conversation about why you need to wear a hat and mittens is to develop your vocabulary.

Game with clothespins “Dress” - to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

KGN. Continue to instill cultural hygiene skills - washing hands and

face before and after meals.

Independent activity.

Offer a large mosaic for the game. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Suggest “inset games” for games - studying shape and size.

Games with rattles.

1 GCD. Speech development. "A boy plays with a dog."

Goal: to encourage children to understand the vital plot depicted in

picture, develop the ability to listen to explanations, expand vocabulary:

dog, flowers, sitting, looking, giving, playing.

Met. and techniques: looking at the picture, the teacher’s story, questions about

2 GCD. Physical Culture.

Goal: learn to throw and catch the ball; practice walking on an inclined board;

develop a sense of balance, eye; cultivate endurance.

1 part. Walking and running with a change of pace.

Part 2. General developmental exercises with a hoop.

Main types of movements: throwing and catching a ball, walking on an incline

board up and down, p. and “Sun and rain.”

Part 3. Calm walking in pairs behind the teacher.

Walk. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Speech.r.

Watching the rain. Goal: to form ideas about changes in

inanimate nature; cultivate a culture of behavior

D/i: “What outfit is Katya wearing?” practice naming objects warm

Outdoor game: “My funny ringing ball” - practice jumping on two

Work assignment: collect toys after a walk.

Independent activity: games with external material.

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Finger gymnastics “Confused”

D/ game: “Matryoshka” Purpose: to practice matching by shape.

Russian folk game: “Ball up”

KGN. Form primary self-service skills: teach with

Get dressed with the help of an adult.

Musical game “We clap our hands” Purpose: to develop a sense of rhythm, to teach

perform movements simultaneously with music.

Independent activity.

Draw children's attention to the mummers corner. Looking at new masks

and hats, try on skirts.

Offer inserts for the game. Learn to correlate objects by shape,

insert them into the appropriate holes.

Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

With the children who came, do the “Say hello” exercise. Purpose: to remind

the need to say hello when entering a group.

Didactic game “Who came to us?” Purpose: to teach to recognize animals by


Games with gurneys. Continue to teach Sasha, to roll cars without pushing

other children.

Game exercise. “We are stomping and stomping.” Goal: develop coordination


Game situation “let’s teach Katya to hold a spoon correctly” - formation

KGN and self-service skills.

Teach yourself to take off your shoes and tights before going to bed.

Independent activity.

Create conditions for playing with your favorite toys.

Build a tower from 3 cubes of different colors.

Reviewing music books.

Walk. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Speech.r.

Observation of passersby. Draw children's attention to how people are dressed

cold season.

Continue to teach children to walk in their area.

Work. Teach children to put away toys after a walk.

P/game “Catch-up”. Learn to run in a certain direction.

Independent activity of children with external materials.

1 GCD. Musical activity.

2NOD.Iso.activities. Construction "Tower of four bricks


Goal: to consolidate the skill of building a tower from bricks without counting. sample

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Finger gymnastics “Washing” - development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Game exercise: “Shoes quarreled - became friends”

Didactic game “Who came to us?” Purpose: to teach to recognize animals by


Sedentary game “Catch the ball”.

Filling out adaptation cards for children.

Independent activity.

"Game with rattles."

Games with building material. Ball games. Rolling the ball to each other

from a sitting position.

Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

“Reading to children the story “Chicken” by E. Charushin. Consideration

illustrations for the text."

Goal: learn to listen to a short work, learn to look at a drawing.

Where-where? Where-Where? Come on, come on, everyone here!

Come on, come under mom's wing. Where have you gone!

D/u “Choose shoes for dolls” - teach how to navigate in two quantities.

KGN. Game situation “Who has the cleanest hands?”

Finger game “My Family”

Independent activity.

Independent play activity.

Goal: learn to play calmly, without conflicts.

Didactic game “Collect beads” Purpose: to teach colors: yellow, blue and

1NOD.Iso.activity. Drawing."Autumn rain".

Program content: expand children's understanding of signs

autumn; learn to draw autumn rain with colored pencils; consolidate

ability to hold a pencil in your hand and regulate pressure; educate

children's interest in productive activities.

Met. and techniques: read. poem. “Crack-crash”, conversation about autumn, show,

reminder, ind. help, finger. Game “Rain, more,” read. poem. "How

from the thundercloud", encouragement, exhibition design.

2 GCD. Reading fiction.

Walk. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Watching the rain

Goal: to reinforce with children the characteristic signs of autumn: it’s cold, it’s raining.

To us on a long leg

The rain is bouncing along the path...

Outdoor game “Rain and Sun” Purpose: to accustom children to joint

games in small groups.

Labor activity “Let’s collect toys”

Goal: to teach you to maintain order in the playroom after games are over.

arrange game material in places.

Game activity “Mom feeds the children”

Goal: to promote children’s desire to independently select toys and

attributes for the game, and use them as substitute items.

Individual work “Collecting yellow leaves.” Goal: continue to learn

children name the properties of objects.

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

KGN. Form primary self-service skills: teach with

Get dressed with the help of an adult.

Sedentary game "Pancakes"

Goal: develop a sense of rhythm, teach how to perform movements according to a pattern


Okay, okay,

Where were you? by Grandma.

What did you eat? porridge.

What did you drink? - yogurt...

Independent activity.

S/r game “Name Day” Purpose: to teach to develop the plot of the game, to play in small

groups, develop dialogical speech.

How we baked a loaf of bread for your name day,

This is the width, these are the dinners...

Morning. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

With the children who came, didactic exercise “Name the clothes and put them on”

her on the doll” - find, distinguish clothes.

Presentation on the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Goal:Teach children to listen

a fairy tale in a dramatized version; help you understand the story. Arouse desire

children repeat individual words and phrases after adults

Game situations with a didactic doll to teach how to dress and


Sensory development “Assemble a pyramid”

Goal: to teach children to assemble a pyramid from large to small rings.

KGN. Continue to instill cultural hygiene skills - washing hands and

face before and after meals.

Independent activity.

Independent activity for children “Collect beads”, “Long, short”

Goal: Encourage children to play a variety of games.

1 GCD. Cognitive and research activities. "Grey


highlight individual parts: tail, ears, eyes, comb; develop

visual perception. Cultivate good feelings towards

animals, the desire to take care of them.

Met. and techniques: surprise. Moment - from behind the screen there is barking, questions,

looking at the dog, highlighting the main parts, getting to know the cat and

a rooster by analogy, the game “Find the animal”, p.i. "Grey cat"

analysis - encouragement.

2 GCD. Physical Culture.

Purpose: to practice standing long jumps, throwing bags at

range with the right and left hand, in stepping over obstacles;

strengthen the ability to respond to a signal.

1 part. walking and running with the teacher.

Part 2. General developmental exercises with a bag.

Main types of movements: throwing at a distance with the right and left hand,

standing long jump on two legs over a rope, stepping over

obstacle, p.i. "Catch me".

Part 3. Walking with stops at a signal.

Walk. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Speech.r.

Bird watching. Goal: continue bird watching on

plot; learn to distinguish the main parts of the body.

Outdoor game: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goals: - teach, softly jump;

run without touching each other, teach to be careful when taking up space, not

push a friend.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”

I/u “Step over.” Purpose: to train children in stepping over an object.

Healthy walking around the kindergarten.

Evening. S.K.r.Phys.r.Pos.r.Rech.r.H.E.R.

Cooperative activity.

Formation of CGN and self-service skills

Game situation “Let’s get dressed faster than the Bunny.”

Didactic exercise “Find half of the clothes” - for development


Game with clothespins “Dress” - use clothespins to make a dress

long sleeves and frills at the bottom.

Practice rhythmic clapping for the nursery rhyme “Okay, okay” - Sonya,

Independent activity.

Listening to fairy tales “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”.

Construction from wooden construction kit parts. Goal: develop

children's constructive abilities.

SUBJECT: "Golden Autumn"

DEADLINES: 28.09 – 23.10 2014

FINAL EVENT: Holiday "Autumn". Exhibition of crafts “Harvest Autumn”

TARGET: Expand children's understanding of the autumn season, autumn phenomena, vegetables, fruits. Introduce the rules of safe behavior in nature. Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Develop the ability to notice the beauty of autumn nature and observe the weather. Develop children's creative and constructive abilities. Form elementary mathematical concepts.




Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Monday, 28.09



Morning exercises. Greet every child warmly. Review of the group. What does our group have? Conversation about toys. Where are they located? (instill the skill and desire to take and put toys away in a certain place) Organize a playdate. “Call me” - to train children in the ability to communicate and remember each other’s names.

Learn to build a pyramid according to size (from a large ring to a small one and vice versa). Offer to build a pyramid

Situational conversation “This is us.” Conversation with children about who they came to kindergarten with. What mood are they in? Learn to answer questions.

Independent activity of children in activity centers. Work at the creativity center: designing homemade books. Experimenting with cotton materials (When making illustrations for homemade books).Ecologist/game: “Guess what’s in your hand” Goal : recognize an object using one of the analyzers.

Conversation “On the need to develop fine motor skills.”


Cognitive development(introduction to social prices) Topic: Memorizing A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn has come.”

Etc. soda: help children remember A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn has come.” Develop memory, attention, aesthetic perception of poetry and music. Zatulina G.Ya.

Second junior group", p. 41


Physical training


Equipment: tambourine, rudder according to the number of children.


Observation of flowering plants in the autumn flower bed (marigolds, asters, petunias, etc.)

P/n. “The Fox and the Hares” - develop running speed and orientation.

Run fast - the game “Run to Me”

Situational conversation “What are flowers for?”

Reinforce the sequence of dressing and undressing

Independent activity during a walk. Collecting dry leaves from the site. Plot - role-playing game with dolls at the request of the children.

Work before bed

Reading the nursery rhyme “Okay, okay...”, looking at illustrations of the work, repeating the nursery rhyme with the teacher.


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Game on onomatopoeia “Okay, okay...” - develop the ability to listen to the artist. text, create a sense of rhythm.Finger game: “Monkeys” Purpose:

Game "Faspels" - develop fine motor skills

Situational conversation about the rules of behavior in the group. Teach children to behave beautifully, help each other, treat each other with care.

Work in the book center, selection of books by genre: fairy tales, poems, short stories - teach how to handle books carefully.

Organize a sensory game “Games with colored balls and cubes” (red and blue) - teach children to distinguish the color and shape of a ball and cube and understand their names.


Organize the program “Birds in Nests” - teach children to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other. Independent children's games with sand.

Tuesday, 29.09



Morning exercises. Conversation with children about who they came to kindergarten with. Together with the children, look at the illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok” - to teach children to express their emotions from what they hear. Organize a speech development game “What happens in autumn?” - consolidate the concept of autumn phenomena, activate vocabulary on the topic.

Improve skills in fastening large buttons, develop hand motor skills

Situational conversation while washing - teaching children to find their towel, the teacher explaining why everyone should dry themselves with their own towel.

Joint work - with the boys, put the cars in the garage, consolidate the concepts of big and small; Cultivate neatness and the ability to put away toys.Math/game: “Raspberries for bear cubs” Goal: To form in children the idea of ​​equality based on the comparison of two groups of objects, to activate the words “as much, as much, equally” in speech.

Consultation “How a preschooler can make friends with mathematics.”

H.-e. R.


Physical training. Tasks: 1. Strengthen the ability to move your arms correctly while walking.

2. In general developmental exercises, teach children to raise their arms straight forward and keep them tense.

3. Practice crawling on your hands and knees using cross coordination.

4. Learn to run on your toes, easily, springing your legs at the knees.

5. Introduce the contents and rules of the game “Cars”. Develop the ability to act on a signal during movement.

Equipment: tambourine, rudder according to the number of children.


Observing birds while feeding. Instill a desire to take care of birds, develop knowledge about the habits of birds, and cultivate a love of nature. Organize a training program “Sparrows and the Cat” - teach them to run without touching each other.

Play games with dolls “The doll wants to eat” - introduce children to kitchen and dining utensils, teach them to find the necessary items.

Learn to run away quickly, find your place

Conversation with children about birds. Before the walk, prepare food for the children. Observe which birds fly to the feeder. Riddle “Chick - tweet, jump to the grains. Peck - don't be shy! Who is this? (sparrow)

Labor - feeding birds. Encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks and cultivate a desire to care for birds. Independent active activity of children on the site.

Work before bed

Consideration soft toy– cockerel, definition and name of body parts. Reading Russian folk nursery rhyme about the cockerel.


Health-improving gymnastics after sleep. In a group, play the d/i ​​“What’s gone?” - clarify children’s ideas about objects, teach them to remember familiar objects. Teach children to put toys away after games.

Psycho-gymnastics: “What vegetables and fruits do children eat” Purpose : depict with facial expressions emotional condition according to the instructions of an adult (sour lemon, sweet apple).

Practice fastening and unfastening, developing fine motor skills with

Situational conversation about the rules of behavior at home, in a group, or away. Organize a s/r game “Visiting Grandma” - to teach children to behave correctly in public places.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.Theatrical Corner:table theater "Wild Animals".

Music corner:pipes, drum, tambourine.


Weather observation. What's the weather outside? Is there sunshine? Are clouds floating across the sky? Isn't it raining? Independent children's games with sand. P/i “Hit the target” - improve the ability to operate with different objects.

Wednesday, 30.09


Morning exercises. Invite children to ride toys in the car: a bunny, a dog. Feeding them delicious fruits will foster a caring attitude towards toys. At the end of the game, teach children to put their toys back in their place. A game for the development of the vocal apparatus and onomatopoeia: “Steam Locomotive” - learn to clearly pronounce the sound “u”.

Improve skills in fastening small buttons, develop hand motor skills

Music/game: “Autumn Leaves” music N Veresokina - Teach children to convey characteristic movements in accordance with the text of the song (walk one after another; stomp their feet; rotate their hands, showing the leaves first on one side or the other; calmly spin around; bow; crouching, hiding behind the leaves).

Independent games for children in the art center. Ask children to draw the wind, develop the ability to determine the ability to determine the state of the weather. Math game“Stringing rings onto a rod (5 rings of the same size) - strengthen the ability to take the ring with your fingertips, grasping it from above.

Consultation “Crisis of a 3-year-old child.”


Cognitive development of FEMP Lesson No. 3

H. – e. R.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Music

According to the music director's plan


Looking at the flower bed. Continue to teach to distinguish and name two flowering plants by color, size, pay attention to their color, cultivate a love of nature. Organize a training program “Birds in Nests” - teach them to run in all directions and walk without bumping into each other.

P/i “Birds in nests” - teach to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, help each other

During a walk, take the children to a flower bed where daisies and marigolds grow. Introduce children to plants and talk about them.

Labor - digging up marigolds and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in a corner of nature. Foster a desire to participate in plant care.

Children's independent games in the area.

Work before bed

Reading the Russian folk nursery rhyme “Bunny, bunny, dance!” without visual accompaniment, Conversation based on content: who is the nursery rhyme about, what is the bunny doing; for whom the bunny dances; how the bunny dances; what a bunny.


Gymnastics after sleep, Walking on massage mats. Repeat the nursery rhyme “Water, water...” with the children - encourage the children to actively help the teacher while listening to a familiar nursery rhyme. D/i “Who came, who left?” - teach to distinguish and name birds, encourage them to imitate the voices of birds. Finger game “Magpie – Belobok” - develop fine motor skills of the hands: alternately bend your fingers, bend and straighten the fists of your right and left hands.

Watering indoor plants - developing basic hard work skills

Situational conversation with children about clothes - teaching how to fasten buttons correctly.

S/r game “Family” - teach children to play together and help each other. Free activity for children in the art center, give paper, pencils and offer to draw paths for the children.Logic game: “Laying out pictures” Purpose: development of children's logical thinking, consolidation of knowledge geometric shapes.


In rainy weather, observe from the veranda. Read Z. Alexandrova’s poem “Rain.” Invite the children to listen to the rain pattering on the roof of the veranda. Organize the “Walk the Bridge” p/i - exercise children in walking across a limited area - to develop balance.

Thursday, 1.10



Morning exercises. Offer children a tabletop builder. Give the opportunity to experiment with in different forms. Make sure there is an end result (house, table, chair). Play the word game “Fly” - train children in clear pronunciation and walk around a limited area. sounds w-w-w, s-s-s, s-z-z. Organize a training program “Along the Path” - teach children to jump on the spot.

Improve constructive skills - build a table and chair for a nesting doll

Tatar/uyen : Didactic“Tosle yafraklar” - Balalarnyn igtibaryn, ziһengә alularyn үsterү; tabigatneңmaturlygyn anlarga өyrәtү; unay mөnәsәbәt tәrbiyalәү.

Labor – with children, watering indoor plants, removing dried leaves. Independent activity of children in activity centers. Ecological game “Autumn” - learn to identify objects in a picture, name them, develop attention, memory, and listening skills.

Ask your parents to prepare soil for planting a vegetable garden on the window in winter

Conversation with parents “Hygienic requirements for children's clothing and shoes.”

H.-e. R.

Topic 11. "Multi-colored carpet of leaves."

Etc. sod: Develop aesthetic perception, form imaginative ideas. Teach children to hold the brush correctly, dip the entire bristles into the paint, and remove excess drops on the edge of the jar. Learn to draw leaves by applying brush bristles to paper.

Materials: autumn tree leaves, paper, yellow and red gouache, jars of water, brushes.Second junior group", p. 52


Physical training.


Cloud watching. Introduce various natural phenomena, show the diversity of the state of water in nature. Organize the “Sunshine and Rain” program. “From bump to bump” - to teach children to act quickly on the teacher’s signal.

Improve jumping skills, learn to jump on two legs - p/i “From hummock to hummock”

Talk to the children about clouds. Explain that clouds are made of water droplets. Invite each child to choose a cloud they like and observe where it floats, whether it moves quickly or slowly.

Labor: collecting fallen leaves on the site - teaching how to maintain order on the site. Independent children's games with sand.Experimentswith leaves and grass: what happens to them in the absence of heat.

Remote material: buckets(for collecting leaves).

Sport equipment:ball.

Work before bed

Looking at the illustration for the nursery rhyme “Like our cat”, talking about it: who do you recognize; how the cat talks; what kind of fur coat does the cat have? what kind of mustache does the cat have? what kind of eyes does the cat have? what kind of teeth does the cat have? Reading a nursery rhyme.


Gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats. Psycho-gymnastics “Remember your pose” - development of motor memory.

Lifestyle game: “Etiquette-school of graceful manners”

Target: teach children table manners; tell what dishes and products are eaten using cutlery; learn how to use cutlery.

Play the game “Fly”, practice clear pronunciation of the sounds z-z-z, z-z-z, s-s-s

Situational conversation about the benefits of indoor plants, What flowers do we have? What are they? What colour? Are there many flowers? – consolidate the names of indoor plants, teach them to treat them with care.

Bring to the attention of children the book “Big and Small” - to consolidate children’s knowledge about animals, teach them to name animals and their cubs.

Organize board games. Give children construction toys to develop fine motor skills. Independent games for children.


In rainy weather, observe from the veranda. Read Z. Alexandrova’s poem “Rain.” Offer to listen to the rain pattering on the roof. Organize the “Walk the Bridge” program - train children in walking on a limited surface, develop a sense of balance.

Friday, 2.10



Morning exercises. Bring a box with rattles into the group, invite the children to open the box with the words “Box, box, open, we want to play.” Give everyone rattles, give them the opportunity to play with rattles. Organize a training program “Train” - teach children to act on a signal, repeat words after the teacher.

Develop basic work skills - offer to water indoor plants

Situational conversation about water - teach how to properly wash your hands, wash your face.

Sensory game: “Fruit picking” Purpose: develop children's eye for choosing objects of a certain size based on a model.

In a natural corner with children, determine what kind of land it is and let them touch it with your finger. Watering flowers - introduce children to the rules of caring for plants. Organize a game to familiarize yourself with the surroundings “What grows on the site” - stimulate children’s interest in natural objects: introduce trees, grass, flowers.

Consultation “Parenting of Children” younger age independence in self-care."


Speech development. Speech development. Subject: Reading poems about autumn. Didactic exercise “What comes out of it.”

Etc. sod: To introduce children to poetry, to develop a poetic ear. Practice forming words by analogy. V.V. Gerbova “Speech development in kindergarten. Second junior group", p. 41

H. – e. R.

Artistic and aesthetic development Application

Topic 13 " Large and small apples on a plate"

Etc. sod: Teach children to stick round objects. Strengthen ideas about the differences in size of objects. Fix the correct gluing techniques (take a little glue on a brush and apply it to the entire surface of the form).

Material. Apples big and small. Circles - plates cut out of white paper (diameter 15 -18 cm), paper circles of the same color (diameter 3 cm and 2 cm), glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, napkins. Komarova T. S. “Art activities in kindergarten.Second junior group", p. 54


Observing the state of the weather - learn to determine the time of year by characteristic signs. Invite the children to see if there is sun or clouds in the sky. Organize the program “Sparrows and the car”, “Take care of the object” - teach children to act and navigate by a signal.

Learn to act and navigate in space based on a signal, develop dexterity: p/i “Sparrows and a car”

Situational conversation with children about sand. Explain to the children that dry sand crumbles, but if you water it, it becomes wet and you can make pies out of it. Invite children to make pies for dolls.

Labor: pour water on the sand to play. Independent children's games with sand. Involve children in sweeping paths with a broom - teach them how to use a broom correctly, and finish what they start.

Work before bed

Reading of the Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen” by K. Ushinsky, accompanied by reading with a tabletop theater show.


Gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats. Exercises for the development of auditory attention “Guess what sounds” - reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sounds a, y; learn to pronounce loudly. D/i “What’s missing?” - clarify children’s ideas about objects.Speech development game: “My Little Motherland” Purpose: coordination of speech with movement, development of general motor skills and motor imitation, enrichment of vocabulary.

Development of agility - jumping on two legs

A situational conversation about the rules of behavior in a group - to teach how to behave correctly in public places.

Children's independent games with building materials. S/r game “Visiting Grandma” to teach children to treat elders with care. Labor: cleaning up toys after games - cultivate hard work.


Weather observation. What changes took place on the street in the evening? P/i “Sparrows and a car” - teach to act on a signal. Children's independent games in the area.

Monday, 5.10



Admission of children to the group. Conversation with parents about the child’s health at home. Morning exercises. Water the flowers and wipe the leaves to instill a caring attitude towards plants. Offer didactic games for the development of fine motor skills

Improve your buttoning skills

A situational conversation about the benefits of water, how it should be used and conserved. Explain to children how water benefits us.

Asking the girls to put things in order in the dressing room is to instill hard work. Free play for children in activity corners.Ecologist/game: “Find what I’ll show you” Goal: find an item by similarity.

Conversation “On observing autumn nature and weather together with children.”


Cognitive development (introduction to social values) Subject: " Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying..."

Etc. soda: Give children a basic understanding of autumn changes in nature. Develop the ability to determine the weather by external signs and consistently, according to the season, dress for a walk. Learn to identify the trunk, branches and leaves of trees.O.A. Solomennikova “Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas» p.8


Physical training.

Objectives: Exercise in maintaining balance when walking on a limited area of ​​support: develop the ability to land on bent legs when jumping.

Equipment: 2 boards, tambourine, balls for all children.


Bird watching. Continue to teach children to distinguish the main parts of a bird’s body and name them (beak, tail, head, legs), continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. Organize a training program “Sparrows and a car” - teach how to jump softly, bending your knees.

Learn to run without touching each other, dodge the driver, run away quickly, find your place

Situational conversation about birds. In autumn, birds gather in flocks, sit on wires and bushes and chirp loudly. They sense the onset of cold weather. Invite the children to feed the birds crumbs.

Labor: feeding birds - encourage them to independently carry out basic work tasks, cultivate a desire to care for birds.

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale “Turnip”, conversation on the content.

Before going to bed, strengthen the ability to neatly fold clothes on a high chair.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Continue to teach children how to put on tights and slippers correctly. Continue to teach how to roll up your sleeves before washing your hands and wipe them dry after washing. P\i "Cat and Mice" Games in the doll's corner: wake up the doll, wash, dress, feed.Finger game: “Squirrel” Purpose: teach children to listen to a poem, repeat words after adults and perform movements.

Practice jumping on two legs - develop agility

Games in the dressing up corner - invite the girls to dress up as they wish. Give the boys building materials and offer to build a garage for the car - to improve their constructive skills. Clean up after games.

Exercise a subgroup of children in drawing up a picture from two parts - to develop intelligence and resourcefulness.

Sensory game “Getting to know big and small toys” - teach children to distinguish the size of objects.


Bird watching. See if they have any food left in their feeders. Play the game “Hit the Target” - develop your eye. Children's independent games in the area.

Tuesday, 6.10


Admission of children to the group. Continue to teach how to greet adults and peers when entering a group. Morning exercises In the construction corner, invite the children to build a “fence” and play with the structure. Lotto “Pets” Remind children of the need to give thanks after eating.Math/game: “Treat the Bunnies” Goal: to form in children the idea of ​​equality based on the comparison of two groups of objects, to activate in speech the words “as much, equally, equally”

Development of fine motor skills - the game “Laces”

Invite children to sort small toys - blocks, construction sets - into separate boxes - to instill neatness. Children's independent games in activity centers. Speech development game “Autumn Leaves” - expand your vocabulary on the topic “Autumn”

Consultation “Toughening up children 3-4 years old.”


Artistic and aesthetic development Music


Physical training


Monitoring the roadway. Give children an idea of ​​the roadway - the highway, and the rules of behavior on the road. Organize a training program “Birds and a Car” - provide basic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road.

Teach children to jump on two legs - the game “From bump to bump” -

Walk to the roadway and watch the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to the road.

Labor: raking dry leaves in a certain place - learn how to properly use a child’s rake, collect leaves in bags. Independent games for children in the area with outdoor toys.

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale The Wolf and the Little Goats. Talk to children about the benefits nap whether children like to sleep during the day, whether they sleep during the day at home on weekends.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P\i "Carousels" - to develop the ability of children to run in circles quickly, then slowly. Games in the construction corner. Build a room with furniture for the doll.

Psycho-gymnastics: “Humpty Dumpty” Purpose: learn to relax the muscles of the arms, back and chest.

Development of fine motor skills - fastening and unfastening -

Give children board games (dominoes, lotto, etc.) - teach them to play together, helping each other.

After games, involve children in cleaning up Lego - to develop the ability to work in a large team. Game with dolls “Masha woke up” - fix the name of the furniture - bed.


Cloud watching. How do they swim (slow or fast)? Organize a training program “From hummock to hummock” - teach children to jump from place to place on two legs. Children's independent games in the area.

Wednesday, 7.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. D\i Lotto “Vegetables” - repeat the name of the vegetables. Review the illustrations “Bunnies on the Grass” with your children.

Finger game “Flag” - teach children to press their index, middle, ring and little fingers together.

D/i “Dress the doll” - teach to distinguish and name items of clothing

Conversation with children about the culture of behavior during meals - to educate children in the correct manner of behavior during meals.Music/game:

"Silent and loud bells"

music E. Tilicheevo Develop dynamic hearing, the ability to distinguish between quiet and loud sounds.

Collect dishes in the play corner. Involve children in washing dishes, show and explain, consolidate the general concept of “dishes,” cultivate neatness and hard work. Independent active activity of children in activity centers.

Consultation “Good habits”.


Cognitive development of FEMP

Lesson No. 4

big small.

R/M: vegetables (according to the number of children), plasticine, modeling boards, napkins I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozin “FEMP. Second junior group", p. 15

H.- e.r.

According to the music director's plan.


Observation of the autumn forest, Expand your understanding of the forest, teach to admire the beauty of your native nature. P/I “Birds in Nests” - teach to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other.

To teach to act quickly on a signal from the teacher, to help each other - p/i “Find your house” -

A walk with children in the forest. Admire the colorful forest and draw children’s attention to the beauty of the landscape. Find out what color is characteristic of autumn trees.

Labor: cleaning up garbage and dry leaves on the site - teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the site. Children's independent games with outdoor toys.

Work before bed

Reading the nursery rhyme “The horned goat is coming.”

Strengthen the skill of neatly folding clothes.


Gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats. Organize a d/i “Who came and who left” - teach children to distinguish and name birds, encourage them to imitate the voices of birds and memorize onomatopoeia. Mathematical game “Stringing rings on a rod” (rings of the same size) - learn to take the ring large and index fingers, grasping from the side.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands - practice the ability to roll a lump of plasticine between your palms

Talk with children about fruits. What fruits do they know? (sour and sweet, large and small) - develop memory and thinking.

Independent games for children in play corners. S/r game “Let’s give the doll some tea” - to cultivate friendliness, teach to play together.Logic game: “Construction according to the scheme” Purpose: development of logical thinking in children of primary preschool age.


Observation of leaf fall. Explain to children what leaf fall is. Independent children's games with sand.

Thursday, 8.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. D/i “Roll the ball down the slide” (fix the colors). D/i “Soft inserts” - teach children to select “windows” that correspond to the shape of the figure. Teach children to be polite.

Play the game “Help the mouse hide” - learn to name colors, consolidate knowledge of red, blue, yellow, green colors

Situational conversation about leaf fall, about autumn. Learn to answer simple questions: what is autumn like in our country?Tatar/uen: Yyrly-biyule uyen“Gөmbәlәr biyue” - Tүgәrәkkә basarga,kүmәk uynarga,хәрәкәтләrne dores itep bashkaryrga өyrәtү.

Involve inactive girls in playing with dolls - offer to take care of the dolls - cultivate a caring attitude. Children's independent games in activity centers. Ecological game “Find what I will name” - learn to find an object by word - name.

Consultation “How to educate a child to love books.”


Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing Topic 12. "Colored Balls"

Etc. sod: Teach children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion without lifting the felt-tip pen from the paper; hold the marker correctly; Use felt-tip pens when drawing different colors. Draw children's attention to the beauty of colorful images.

Materials: ball of thread, colored markers, album sheets.Komarova T. S. “Art activities in kindergarten.Second junior group", p. 53


Physical training.

Tasks: Practice jumping with landing on bent legs; in vigorously pushing the ball away while rolling to each other.

Equipment: Tambourine, 4 hoops, large ball, steering wheels for all children.


Observation of leaf fall. Learn to identify the signs of autumn, develop observation skills - cultivate the ability to enjoy the beautiful, treat nature with care. Organize a training program “Sparrows and the Cat” - learn to act quickly on a signal from the teacher.

Play the game “Walk Silently” - learn to walk clearly, rhythmically, with good posture and coordination of movement -

Situational conversation about leaf fall. Draw children's attention to fallen leaves. Ask if all trees have the same leaves. Compare by color, shape.

Labor: collecting beautiful multi-colored leaves for classes - encourage them to independently carry out basic tasks. Independent children's games with sand.

Work before bed

Reading D. Bisset’s fairy tale “Ga-ha-ha!” How does a gosling talk? Etc.

Strengthen the skill of neatly putting away clothes on a high chair.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Psycho-gymnastics “Owl” - development of self-control.

Traffic rules game: “Red, yellow, green” Purpose: strengthen the ability to distinguish between red and green colors, develop observation and color perception.

Reading a fairy tale; "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Instruct the girls to “feed their daughter” - to cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Organize a s/r game “Hospital” - teach children to play together, together. Children's independent games with building materials.

Look at the illustrations for the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” with your children. P/i “Planes Landing”, games in the sensory corner

Exercise a subgroup of children in drawing up a picture from two parts - to develop intelligence and resourcefulness. After playing, put toys away.


Continue observing the fall of leaves - teach to enjoy the beauty of nature. Organize a p/i “Find your home” - teach how to navigate by signal.

Friday, 9.10


Admission of children to the group. Conversation with parents about the child’s health at home. Morning exercises: Looking at paintings from the “Pets” series with children, the ecological game “Who is Missing.” Remind people to wash their hands before eating and whenever they become dirty; remember the hand washing sequence

Game “Assemble a picture” (from 4 cubes) – teach to see details and connect them into parts -

Situational conversation about whether children know their home address.

Clear the dishes in the buffet, develop the ability to put away toys, teach them to work in a team. Independent activity of children in activity centers.Sensory game: “Let’s assemble a turret” Goal: teach children to assemble a tower, focusing on the model and arrange the rings in descending order.

Conversation “About events held in kindergarten.”


Subject: "Chicken Ryaba." Retelling of a Russian folk tale

Etc. sod: Lead children to independently retell a familiar fairy tale; learn to reproduce text, develop expressive intonations; cultivate interest in Russian folk tales. Zatulina G.Ya.

"Notes complex classes on speech development.Second junior group", p. 15

H.- e.r.

Artistic and aesthetic development MODELING

Subject: « Bread straw"

Etc. sod: Practice making sticks by rolling out plasticine with straight movements of your palms. Teach carefully, work with plasticine; place the molded products on the board. To develop in children a desire to sculpt and to enjoy what they have created.

Material: plasticine, modeling boards. Komarova T. S. “Art activities in kindergarten.Second junior group", p. 48


Watching the rain. Introduce the natural phenomenon of rain. P\i "Sun and Rain". D\i “Where did the leaves hide”: learn to navigate in space, run in all directions without bumping into each other.

Practice running in different directions - learn to act on a signal -

In rainy weather, invite children to watch from the window how raindrops fall to the ground and how they knock on the glass. Listen to the sound of rain together.

Labor: the teacher takes out a container in advance to accumulate rainwater - watering the plants in the group with rainwater. The goal is to foster a desire to participate in caring for indoor plants.

Work before bed

Teach children to wear and fasten sandals correctly.

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale Cinderella"


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. D/i " Wonderful pouch» - contribute to the development of the ability to examine objects. A game to familiarize yourself with the environment “Acquaintance and examination of indoor plants” - teach children to care for plants and water them correctly.Game for speech development: “Paired pictures” Purpose: exercise children in comparing objects depicted in the picture, in finding similarities and in selecting identical images; cultivate attention, concentration, form speech, develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Development of fine motor skills - practice with fasteners -

A situational conversation about our village, why it is called that. What interesting things are there in the village? Where do you like to go for walks with your parents?

P/i “Roll the ball” - arouse interest in actions with the ball, teach how to push the ball with both hands, and give it the desired direction. Looking at illustrations of a rooster, hen, chicks. P/i “The chicken went out for a walk” - teach how to perform actions in accordance with the text. Games in the sensory corner.


Weather observation. Has the weather changed? Organize the training program “Sunshine and Rain”, “Fox in the Chicken Coop” - teach jumping on two legs, moving forward 2-3 meters.

Monday, 12.10



Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. D/i “Arrange objects into groups”: consolidate the ability to group objects by color. During meals, remind them of the need to eat carefully, chew food well, hold the mug by the handle, and teach them to use a napkin. Sensory game “Getting to know big and small toys” - learn to distinguish between sizes.

Practice assembling a pyramid, fixing the names of colors

A situational conversation about the name of our kindergarten and where it is located.

Ecologist/game: “Autumn” Goal: teach children to identify objects in the picture and name them.

P/i “What’s around” - teach to name familiar objects, develop children’s spoken language. S/r game “Toy Store” - teach game actions, polite address to each other.

Vegetable crafts competition: “Miracles from the garden.”


Cognitive development (introduction to social life)

Lesson “Wonderful basket”

Program content. Continue teach children to distinguish by appearance and taste and name vegetables (cucumber, tomato, carrot, turnip). Expand your understanding of growing vegetables. Arouse the desire to participate in the dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Turnip”. Zatulina G.Ya.

“Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development.Second junior group", p. 13


Physical training.



Cat observation. P\i “Cat and Mice” - development of coordination of movements, dexterity. Work assignments: let's collect twigs. Games with ball, sand, outdoor material

Practice walking in pairs

Watch the cats being walked by their owners. Describe the animal's appearance and behavior. During a walk, ask the children who has a cat at home and how they care for it.

Independent activity of children with external materials. P/i “Dance and spin, be the most dexterous” - develop balance and dexterity.

Work before bed

Reading K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Chicken”, conversation on the content: what kind of chicken was it, big or small?, who was sitting in the puddle? Etc.

Strengthen the ability to use a handkerchief.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Consider the painting “Tanya feeding the pigeons.” Teach children to perceive the image in the picture, answer the teacher’s questions about its content, and repeat individual words and phrases.Finger game: “Hedgehog” Purpose: teach children to listen to a poem, repeat words after adults and perform movements.

Placing mushrooms in the holes of the table in two colors - develop fine motor skills of the fingers -

Conversation about grandmother: who has a grandmother? Do children love their grandmothers? Why do they love them?

S/r game “It’s time for the toys to go to bed” - maintain order in the playroom. Improve children's independence in subject matter play activity. P\i "Cat and Mice"Games in the mumming corner


Continue monitoring the cat. P/i “From hummock to hummock” - jumps with forward movement.

Tuesday, 13.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Finger game “Goat” - develop hand coordination and fine motor skills. Games in the doll corner: guests have arrived, we need to give everyone tea. P/i “Hit the target” - develop accuracy. When dressing for a walk, remind you of the dressing sequence and the need to put your slippers in the closet

Practice composing a picture from two parts - develop intelligence and resourcefulness -

Situational conversation about family. Who lives with them? What is the name of mom, dad, older brothers or sisters.Math/game: “Bugs on leaves” Goal: to develop children’s ability to compare two groups of objects based on comparison, to establish equality and inequality of two sets.

Together with the children, wipe off the dust, water the flowers - cultivate a caring attitude towards indoor plants. Game for developing speech “Let's pick fruits in the garden” - consolidate the names of fruits, teach them to select fruits in a certain order.

Consultation “Let's talk about puzzles for kids.”


Artistic and aesthetic development Music

According to the music director's plan.


Physical training

Tasks. Exercise children in walking and running, stopping at a signal; in crawling. Develop dexterity in game task with a ball.

Equipment: Small balls for all children, tambourine, cord, 8 pins.


Watching the sky and clouds. To introduce various natural phenomena, to give an idea of ​​the various states of water. See what the clouds look like. P/i “Across the stream” - teach how to jump over an obstacle.

Game “Catch the Ball” - learn to catch the ball with two hands

Situational conversation about clouds. Invite the children to watch the clouds and tell them that clouds are made of water droplets.

Work assignments: collect pebbles on the site. Games with external material

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale “The Three Bears” by L. Tolstoy. Conversation: did you like the fairy tale? Who left home for the forest? What happened to the girl in the forest? Who lived in forest house? What were the bears' names? Looking at illustrations for a fairy tale.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P/i “Train” - train children to walk forward in small groups, start and end the movement at the teacher’s signal. Finger gymnastics “Ladushki” - develop small movements of the hand. Games with board games: mosaic, cubes.Psycho-gymnastics: “Old mushroom” Purpose: performing movements: stand, legs apart, knees slightly bent.

Game “Name the object” - develop speech, learn to pronounce words

Situational conversation about family - how many people are in the family, what are the names of family members.

S/r game “Masha’s Recovery” - evoke sympathy for the sick doll, include children in discussing the problem and searching for specific ways to provide help.


Continue watching the sky. Did it change by evening? Independent games for children with external materials. P/I “Sunshine and Rain” - teach to act quickly on a signal.

Wednesday, 14.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. D/i “Recognize by sound” - develop auditory attention and phrasal speech. D/i “Assignment” - continue to teach to understand the meaning of the words “up”, “down”. P/i "Birds". Remind people to roll up their sleeves when washing their hands

Work with fasteners, practice unfastening, develop fine motor skills

A situational conversation about who cooks at home, what they cook and how delicious it is.Music/game:

Gөmbәlәr biyue” Tatar halyk kөe

Perform simple dance movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

Together with the children, look at books and magazines - teach them to handle books carefully, not to tear or wrinkle the leaves. Independent activity of children in activity centers. Finger game “Shoemaker” - teach children to imitate movements.

Invite parents to participate in the joint work competition “My Favorite Village”

Individual conversations with parents about the need to vaccinate against influenza and ARVI.


Cognitive development of FEMP

Lesson No. 3

Etc. sod: continue to develop the ability to compose a group of objects from individual objects and isolate one object from it, learn to answer the question “how much?”

And define aggregates with the words one, many, none. Introduce the circle; learn to examine its shape tactile-motor way.

D/M: doll, basket, circle, cardboard train without wheels, tray, napkin, basin with water.

R/M:: circles of the same size and color, ducks. I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozin “FEMP. Second junior group", p. 14


Artistic and aesthetic development Music

According to the music director's plan.


Consideration autumn tree– give an idea of ​​the main parts of the tree, their height and thickness. P/i “Hen and Chicks” - develop attention, dexterity, speed. D/i “Find such a piece of paper” - for attentiveness. Practice throwing at a horizontal target and crawling under the cord.

Practice jumping on two legs while moving forward, develop dexterity

Bring the children to the tree, remember its main parts. Give children a visual representation that trees come in different thicknesses and heights. Draw children's attention to the color of the leaves on the tree.

Work assignments: sweep sand from the side of the sandbox. Loosen the soil between the peonies, explain why this is being done - to cultivate a desire to participate in caring for the plants. Independent children's games on the sand.

Work before bed

Teach children to fold things beautifully on a high chair.

Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P/n “The chicken went out for a walk.” Mathematical game “Place in boxes” - teach children to distinguish geometric shapes, name them, group them by color, size. Games in the doll corner: wake up the doll, wash it, dress it and feed it.Logical thinking game: “Find a place for the fungus” Goal: consolidate the ability to group homogeneous objects by color.

Practice folding a picture from two parts - develop intelligence and resourcefulness

Organize a s/r game “Cooking to Eat” - to cultivate hard work, interest in the work of a cook, and teach to use utensils for their intended purpose.

Together with the children, carefully place the toys in their places, arrange the construction sets and cubes in their own boxes. Mathematical game “Assembling a tower from rings of different sizes” - teach children to distinguish between the sizes of rings and arrange them in a certain, gradually decreasing order.


Conversation with children about the trees that grow on the territory of the kindergarten. What changes occur in plant life? P/i “Birds in Nests” - teach to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other.

Thursday, 15.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Finger gymnastics “Magpie-Crow” - develop motor skills. The game “Where are our hands” - learn to act in accordance with the text. Ecological game “Find and name the vegetables in the picture” - develop visual perception.

Practice the relationship between objects by size - develop visual perception

A situational conversation about who cooks our meals in kindergarten. Is the porridge cooked or baked pies tasty?Tatar/uen:: Үstereshle uyen“Serle yanchyk” - Yashelchәlәr belen tanyshtyruny dәvam itү. Isemnәren dores әytergә өyrәtү.

Reading books at the request of children from the book corner. Games in the sensory corner: lacing, inserts. Ecological game “Guess what’s in your hand” - learn to recognize the named object using one of the analyzers.

Ask parents to help clear the area of ​​leaves.

Consultation “Should I vaccinate my child (Pros and cons).”

H.-e. R.

Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing

Topic 8. "Beautiful stairs."

Etc. sod: Teach children to draw lines from top to bottom; carry them straight without stopping. Learn to put paint on a brush, dip the entire bristles into the paint; remove the excess drop by touching the edge of the jar with the lint; rinse the brush in water, dry it with a light touch of a cloth to choose a paint of a different color. Continue introducing flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

Materials: gouache paints of 2 colors, jars of water, brushes, napkins.Komarova T. S. “Art activities in kindergarten.Second junior group", p.49


Physical training.




Bird watching (appearance, habits). P/i “Throw the ball” - promote the acquisition of the skill of throwing a ball, develop dexterity. D/i “Collect all the red scoops” - consolidating knowledge about color..

Practice jumping - develop strength and agility

Take out crumbs and seeds for the birds for a walk, invite the children to take care of the birds themselves, pour food into the feeder.

Labor assignments: building a sand house. Collecting pebbles on the site means continuing to cultivate the desire to take part in work assignments. Independent games for children in the area with outdoor toys.

Work before bed

Strengthen the skills of properly putting on sandals and fastening them.

Reading the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Psycho-gymnastics “Quiet” - the development of volitional self-regulation.

Traffic rules game: “I am a competent pedestrian” Goal: teach children to analyze situations on the road, strengthen children’s skills of safe behavior on the streets of the village.

Learn to group objects by shape, distinguish shapes -

Continue the situational conversation about who prepares food for us in the kindergarten. Ask children about their favorite foods.

Finger game "Finger, finger, where have you been." D/i “Let’s dress the doll for a walk” - remember the names of the parts of the clothes. P/i “The cat is sneaking” - teach to act on a signal from the teacher.


Talking with children about the weather. What's the weather like? (cold or warm, sunny or cloudy) - teach children to answer questions. P/i “Mice in the Pantry” - teach to move in accordance with the text.

Friday, 16.10


Admission of children to the group. Conversation with parents about the child’s health status on weekends. Morning exercises. Consider the painting “Mom Washing Her Daughter” and answer the teacher’s questions about the content of the painting. A game to familiarize yourself with the environment “Looking at a fruit tree - an apple tree” - to consolidate the knowledge that fruits grow “high” above the ground - on trees or bushes; consolidate the concept of “fruit”.

Practice folding a three-seater matryoshka doll

Situational conversation about how mom bakes cookies.Sensory game: “Light - hard” Goal: give children the opportunity to experience measure the severity of familiar objects, thereby enriching the sensory experience of children.

S/r game “Mothers and Daughters” - watch how they communicate, how they play with dolls; explain that you need to treat dolls the same way a mother treats her child. When dressing for a walk, remember the dressing sequence

Individual consultations: “Clothing of children in a group.”


Speech development (speech development)

Subject: "Cockerel, cockerel.."

“Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development.Second junior group", p. 12


Artistic and aesthetic development Modeling

Topic 18 " Berries and apples on a plate"

Etc. sod: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the shape of objects. Learn to distinguish objects by size. Practice using glue carefully and using a napkin for careful gluing. Learn freely, place images on paper.

Material. Apples big and small. Circles - plates cut out of white paper (diameter 20 cm), red paper circles (diameter 2 cm). and yellowish - Green colour(4-6 cm), glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, napkins. Komarova T. S. “Art activities in kindergarten.Second junior group", p. 57


Sky observation: gray, gloomy, no clouds. Ask the children where the sun is hidden, whether it is warm outside if there is no sun. P/i “Catch the ball” - develop dexterity and speed of movement.

Practice catching the ball with both hands

Situational conversation about the sun. Ask children whether they like cloudy weather.

Labor assignments: collecting toys at the end of the walk. Games with sand and external materials. Children's independent games in the area.

Work before bed

Reading the book “Seasons” by V. Stepanov - teach to understand short poems that are accessible in content, accompany the reading by showing pictures, toys, and actions.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. P/n “Run to me” - teach how to run without bumping into each other.” Reading Barto’s poem “Horse” - help you understand the meaning of the poem, play with it using a toy. Speech development game: “What vegetable” Purpose : development of tactile, visual and olfactory analyzers.

Develop imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, perseverance - d/i "Houses for Figures" -

Exercise “We do everything in order” - teach children to take off and put on clothes in a certain order, to cultivate neatness.

Children's games in the sensory corner. S/r game “It’s time for the toys to go to bed” - to improve children’s independence in object-based play activities and self-care.


Transport surveillance. P/i “From hummock to hummock” - jumps with forward movement.

Monday, 19.10


Admission of children to the group. Remind people to say hello when entering the group. Morning exercises. Mathematical game “Place objects into groups” - consolidate the ability to group objects by color. P/i “Birds and the Cat” - teach to start acting on a signal.Ecologist/game: “Find the leaf I’ll show you” Goal: learn to find objects by similarity; their difference is in size.

Develop children's speech, teach them to pronounce words - “Name the object” -

Situational conversation about mom. What does she do at home? What kind of work does it do? Who is helping her?

Organize a musical game"Yes-yes-yes" music. E. Tilicheeva- V perform movements according to the text (clap your hands, stomp your feet, wave your arms, tap your feet).

Games in the construction corner - build gates for cars.

Participation of parents in creating a developmental environment.

Consultation “What a delight these fairy tales are!”


Cognitive development (introduction to social values) Subject: " Loaf". Examination of bread products

Etc. soda: Introduce children to bakery products, teach them to distinguish and name the essential features and qualities of the product; introduce the words into the children's dictionary: loaf, loaf, roll, lush, golden, rye and words denoting other qualities of objects; teach children to understand asked question and answer it. Zatulina G.Ya.

“Notes of comprehensive classes on speech development.Second junior group", p. 26


Physical training.

Tasks. Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, turning in the other direction at the teacher’s signal; develop coordination of movements when crawling on all fours and balance exercises.

Equipment: Chairs for all children, tambourine, cord, 6 skittles, cat mask.


Watching the wind. The wind blows, tears leaves from the trees, puddles remain after the rain. Ecological path “On a visit to the birch tree”. P/i “Catch up” - learn to run around the entire area. Drawing with a stick on the ground.

Practice walking along the path - develop balance -

Work assignments: collect leaves. - develop interest in work. Children's independent games with outdoor toys.

Work before bed

Reading familiar fairy tales - provide children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when read by the teacher.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. Continue teaching children to put on tights on their own after bedtime. P/i “Throwing balls” - develop dexterity, develop the skill of throwing a ball. Sensory game “Rolling colored balls from a tray” - teach children to play with concentration with one toy.

Offer to build a garage for cars

D/i “Look at yourself in the mirror, how beautiful and neat we are” - to cultivate neatness and caring attitude towards things.

Children's games in the doll's corner: prepare lunch, repeat the name of the dishes. Examination of books, magazines - to teach how to handle books correctly.Finger game: "Who Lives Here" Purpose : teach children to listen to a poem, repeat words after adults and perform movements.


Bird watching – instills a desire to care for birds. Organize a training program “Sparrows and a car” - teach how to jump softly, bending your knees.

Tuesday, 20.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Finger game “Goat” - develop hand coordination and fine motor skills. P\i “Where it rings” - develop auditory attention. Play with balloons with children: create a joyful mood, reinforce the name of the color, develop dexterity and attention

Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly - “Draw colored balls” -

A situational conversation about your native village: what is it called, what is the name of the street, where the house is located.Math/game: “Let’s treat the squirrels with mushrooms” Goal: to form in children the idea of ​​equality based on comparison of two groups of objects.

Together with the children, put the construction sets away - cultivate a caring attitude towards toys, teach children to help each other. A game to develop speech “What’s in the basket” - continue to introduce fruits, clarify their name, color, shape, taste.

Consultation “Children and Nature”.

H.-e. R.

Artistic and aesthetic development Music

According to the music director's plan.


Physical training

Tasks: 1. Strengthen the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing a large ball into the distance from below with both hands. To develop in children the ability to energetically push the ball away with their hands.

2. Exercise children in the ability to move on their hands and knees on a board placed on the floor.

3. Introduce children to the rules of the outdoor game “Hares and the Wolf.” When jumping in place on two legs, learn to land on half-bent legs by rolling from the toe to the entire foot.

4.Teach children to walk along the edges of the playground.

Equipment: Handkerchiefs for all children, tambourine, board, gymnastic bench, large ball.


Bird watching, feeding with pieces of bread. Games with external material. P/i “Sun and Rain” - teaches you to act on a signal. D/i “Find the same piece of paper

Practice stepping over an obstacle -

Invite the children to feed the birds by pouring bread crumbs on them and watch the birds peck at the food.

Work assignments - collect sticks on the site - teach to carry out simple work assignments. Independent active activity of children on the site. Games at the request of children.

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale “The Mitten” - accompany the reading by showing pictures. Teach to follow basic rules of behavior in a group or bedroom.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health. D/i “Where did the dog hide” - develop orientation in space, teach the use of prepositions in speech. Playing with dolls “Olya’s doll got her dress dirty” - to give children an idea of ​​some work tasks and items needed for washing (water, soap, basin), to cultivate interest in work tasks.

The game “Let's build a red carpet for the cockerel” - consolidate knowledge of the color red, develop the desire to build -

Situational conversation about older brothers and sisters. What do they play with them? How and with what toys do they play?

P/i “Shaggy Dog”, teach to start moving on a signal. Children's games with board games: “Halves Pictures”, “Inserts”, “Make Pieces”Psycho-gymnastics: “Surprise” Purpose: develop observation skills.


Watching the wind. P/i “Traps” - exercise running, navigate in space, agility.

Wednesday, 21.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Children's games with soap bubbles - create a joyful mood, develop children's deep exhalation. Mathematical game “Assembling a pyramid from rings of different sizes” - provides an opportunity to become familiar with the physical properties of an object.

D/i “Find mistakes” - develop attention –

Situational conversation about toys. What toys do you have at home? Are there many toys or not?

Music/game: “Clock, clop, horse” music. E. Tilicheeva Master figurative-game movements. Teach children to move one after another.

Games in the doll corner. D/i “Put the doll to sleep.” D/i “Recognize by sound” - development of auditory attention


Cognitive development of FEMP

Lesson No. 4

Etc. sod: to improve the ability to compose a group of objects from individual objects and to isolate one object from the group, to denote aggregates with the words one, many, none. Continue to teach to distinguish and name a circle, examine it tactile-motor way and compare circles by size:

big small.

D/M: car, bag, large and small circles of the same color.

R/M: fruits (according to the number of children), plasticine, modeling boards, napkins. I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozin “FEMP. Second junior group", p. 15


Artistic and aesthetic development Music

According to the music director's plan.


Examination of the machine that brings food to the village, remember the parts of the machine. P/i "Cars" - teach how to follow the rules of the game. Draw a road for cars on the ground with a stick, build a garage for cars out of sand.

Play the game “Step over the cube” - learn to bend your knees, maintain balance -

Situational conversation about who comes to kindergarten by car.

Independent active activity of children on the site. Children's games with outdoor toys.

Work assignments: take toys to the group

Work before bed

Reading the fairy tale “Turnip”, accompanying the reading with a tabletop theater show.


Gradual rise of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking along the path of health.Logical thinking game “Construction from sticks” Purpose: consolidation of knowledge of geometric figures, development of logical thinking.

Game “Say the Word” - develop children’s speech, teach them to pronounce words -

Looking at pictures about the family - to teach children to look at pictures and highlight fragments.

P/i "Sun and Rain". When going for a walk, continue to teach how to put on your own trousers, boots, and put your slippers in the closet.


Watch the rain through the window. Listen to the raindrops hitting the glass. P/i “Sunshine and Rain” - teach to act quickly on a signal.

Thursday, 22.10


Admission of children to the group. Morning exercises. Talk about the weather outside the window - develop observation, speech, attention. Mathematical game “Fetch and Show” - develop the ability to navigate in a group. The game is fun with balloons- create a joyful mood. Ecological game “Guess what’s in your hand” - learn to recognize the named object using one of the analyzers.

Encourage the teacher to repeat the nursery rhyme “Cockerel” - correct pronunciation -

Teacher's story about sad wet shirt sleeves - teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing; cultivate neatness. “Hands must be washed clean, sleeves must not be wet”Tat/uyen: Didactician“Bakchada nilar үsә?” - The theme is buencha suzlekne baetu: agachta, chiya, әche, tүgәrәk. Phonematics ischet sәlәten үsterү.

Igtibarlylyk tәrbiyalәү.

Examine the items that are in the “Hairdresser” corner (scissors, bottles, hair dryer, comb), introduce the purpose of each item. Organization of the game “Do my hair” - teach to follow the rules of the game.

Recommendation for parents