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Cosmetic procedure RF lifting. RF lifting

IN Lately To eliminate aesthetic skin defects, leading cosmetologists often recommend a radio wave lifting procedure - painless, comfortable and effective. It can be used as an alternative surgical intervention into natural processes that take away the smoothness of the skin over the years, soft color faces.

Stopping the aging process is the dream of not only women, but also men, although they are more relaxed about age-related changes. Now there is an opportunity to get rid of facial wrinkles, improve appearance using an absolutely bloodless, non-traumatic RF lifting procedure, the consequences of which, after a few years, easily push back a woman’s biological age.

At what age can radio wave lifting be performed?

Depending on the indications for use, both young patients with problems with acne scars and scars, as well as older women who want to remove age wrinkles and restore elasticity to the skin, can resort to the procedure.

Today, such a skin rejuvenation procedure as RF lifting is popular. The consequences after a few years are the prevention of early skin aging and smoothing of facial wrinkles

To obtain the optimal rejuvenation effect, it is best to start RF lifting after 35-40 years at the first signs of skin aging.

Despite some consequences of Rf lifting after a few years, in general the procedure is considered one of the safest and most effective. It will help to practically “preserve” the renewed skin of the face, not allowing time for new wrinkles to appear. The strengthened collagen “corset” tightens the dermis and actively resists age-related changes.

Will RF lifting be effective in the age group after 50 years?

According to cosmetologists, this type of skin tightening will be effective for a group of patients 50+. But for most women, after 50 years of age, menopause occurs, which means that the body's restorative functions begin to fade. Estrogen production decreases, collagen and elastin content decreases.

In cases with correction of age-related changes “50+”, the patient should be aware that restoring skin elasticity will require a longer course of RF lifting procedures – from 6 to 10 sessions.

To improve the result of Rf-lifting, you can combine this procedure with mesotherapy, for example

To improve the result, you can combine lifting with mesotherapy or biorevitalization, which stimulates the restoration of skin turgor.

According to many years of experience in carrying out the procedure, it can be argued that RF lifting does not have any serious negative consequences after a few years. Therefore, a correctly performed procedure will allow any woman not to feel the destructive force of time on her face and feel younger than her peers.

The synthesis of collagen fibers is not a fast process, so over time the rejuvenating effect of RF lifting will even increase.

Anti-aging procedures are not recommended for summer: does this apply to RF lifting?

This statement does not apply to RF lifting. The method does not injure the surface layers of the skin, but penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis and works from the inside. Exposure to high temperature triggers a controlled process of collagen destruction and, as a result, a regeneration response.

The result is achieved by enhancing the internal reactions of the body, therefore, unlike peelings that injure the skin, this procedure can be carried out at any time of the year.

When carrying out RF lifting in the summer, protect your skin with creams with a UV filter

When carrying out lifting in the summer, it is enough to use a protective cream with a UV filter. The only restriction may be visiting the solarium during the cycle of procedures.


There are some contraindications for RF lifting:

  • high blood pressure;
  • acne;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • metal implants (dental crowns, “golden threads”).

Pregnancy is a contraindication to RF lifting

When choosing a salon for lifting, you need to pay attention to the type of device used to carry out the procedure. Preferred are bipolar current devices that heat tissue up to 45 degrees, are absolutely safe and have no negative consequences. Monopolar current devices are considered obsolete and can cause harm.

If the procedure is carried out correctly by a specialist, there are no contraindications and proper care after the procedure, the risks of complications and side effects are minimal.

The rehabilitation period is 3-4 days. At this time, you cannot sunbathe, visit the pool or sauna, and active training in the gym is undesirable. If the cosmetologist's requirements are met, KA-lifting will bring elasticity, freshness to the skin, and will also significantly improve complexion.

After the RF lifting procedure, cosmetologists do not recommend washing or using decorative cosmetics!

Consequences of RF lifting after a few years

The RF lifting procedure helps delay the skin aging process for several years. It will prevent age-related changes and correct small expression wrinkles.

Beauty industry experts advise repeating the lifting course no earlier than after 1 year, or even more. If after a lifting course you pay enough attention to supporting procedures, the rejuvenating effect can last up to 2 years.

The key to visually reducing nasolabial folds and changing the oval of the face is timely RF lifting. The absence of negative consequences for the skin allows clients to repeat the procedure with maximum effect after a few years.

The lifting effect appears quite quickly and lasts for a very long time:

  • the rejuvenating effect can be seen 1.5 days after the procedure;
  • the consequences of rf lifting after a few years draw a sharp line between ladies who have undergone a lifting course and women who have left their appearance to the natural flow of time.

Advantages and disadvantages of RF lifting

Like any physical procedure, rf lifting has its advantages and disadvantages. Each woman makes her own decision about procedures aimed at preserving youth. Some choose plastic surgery, others choose beauty injections, others choose home care And folk remedies.

The “golden mean” between diametrically opposed means of combating age-related changes Authoritative experts in the field of cosmetology consider RF lifting. Refer to plastic surgery It's never too late, but you can always try to delay this moment with the help of more gentle achievements of the modern beauty industry.

Advantages and disadvantages of RF lifting compared to other methods of rejuvenation and tightening of facial skin

Advantages Flaws
1. Complete safety skin 1. High cost of the procedure.
2. Minimum rehabilitation period 2. The need for a course cycle of procedures.
3. Pronounced anti-aging effect after the 1st procedure 3. The course lasts for quite a long time.
4. Minimum contraindications
5. Possibility of combining with other procedures to enhance the effect
6. Increasing the rejuvenating effect withover time due to increased collagen synthesis.
7. It is enough to start on timerf- lifting. The consequences after several years allow repeated courses of procedures with a similar effect, unlike plastic surgery.

When choosing a beauty salon for lifting, you cannot focus on cheapness. RF lifting is an expensive procedure, and if the salon advertises a low price for one session, then the service may be provided with poor quality, using inappropriate or outdated equipment.

Prices for lifting start:

  • face - from 7,000 rubles;
  • eyes - from 4000 rubles;
  • neck – from 5000 rub.

Currently, there are many offers to purchase RF-lifting devices for home use and to carry out lifting “at home”, but real high-quality results can only be obtained in a beauty salon when the procedure is performed by a certified specialist.

A timely RF lifting course will help preserve the youth and beauty of a woman at any age for a long time, and supporting procedures and the use of creams recommended by a cosmetologist will prolong the lifting effect.

How does Russian lifting work, its consequences in a few years:

Video review about the RF lifting procedure and its results:

RF lifting(RF - radio frequency - radio frequencies) - a procedure for heating the skin and subcutaneous fat by passing a high-frequency electric current through them, or exposing them to high-frequency electric field in order to obtain the desired cosmetic effect.

Synonyms for RF lifting: RF lipolysis, thermolifting, radio frequency lifting, thermolift, radio lifting, radio frequency rejuvenation, radio wave lifting.

Terms Thermage, ultradermolifting, Aluma refer to specific modifications of the RF lifting procedure, but are not synonyms.

On the unacceptability of using terms radiofrequency liposuction, non-surgical radio wave liposuction etc., about their contradiction to common sense, see.

History of the method

The relative safety of high-frequency currents (even at high voltages) for the human body was experimentally proven by N. Tesla, who conducted such experiments on himself in the 1890s. He also suggested that the thermal effect of these currents could be used in medicine.

The method was introduced into practical medicine in 1908. In physiotherapy this is called diathermy(Greek dia - through, through + therme - heat, warmth). When used, tissues are deeply heated with high-frequency alternating current and relatively great strength(up to 3 Amperes). In medicine, diathermy is more often used to treat osteoarticular pathologies and internal organs. Heating the skin and subcutaneous fat is a “side” effect of this method.

In 1926, in Germany, ultra-high frequency electric fields began to be used as a therapeutic factor (ultrahigh-frequency therapy - UHF).

In 2001, the American company ThermoCool developed a method. In 2002, Thermage was approved by the FDA for use in aesthetic cosmetology for the non-invasive treatment of wrinkles, ptosis of the upper and lower eyelids, and temporary improvement of tissue tone in cellulite. and became the first procedure of RF lifting technology. Unlike diathermy and UHF, when performing Thermage, the main heat generation occurs in the skin and subcutaneous fat, and the temperature in the tissues increases not by 1-3°C, but by 3-23°C.

Mechanism of action

There are two types of devices used for RF lifting, based on different physical principles:

1. Heating tissues by passing through them electric current (i.e. working on the principle of diathermy). A distinctive feature of such devices are metal electrodes.

This principle is used in Thermage technology, in Revital RF devices, etc.

These different mechanisms of action lead to the same effect - heating tissues.

When the skin is heated, when the temperature of the beginning of protein destruction is reached (about 42°C), the collagen fibers that make up the “framework” of the skin become denser and compressed (i.e., the same thing happens to them as with the whites of a chicken egg during cooking) . Visually, this is expressed in the reduction and thickening of the skin, smoothing out wrinkles. Damage to collagen leads to activation of the process of synthesis of new collagen, which gradually (over several months) partially replaces the destroyed one.

When subcutaneous fat is heated, the connective tissue membranes of the fat lobules and the fat cells themselves are damaged.

Also under the influence of electricity. current, electromagnetic field and elevated temperature in the tissues, dilation of blood vessels, increased lymph circulation, increased synthesis of antibodies and other processes occur. But these effects are quite short-lived and are not the main ones when carrying out RF lifting.

Systems influenced by an electric field (capacitive, resistive)

The first manufacturer of RF lifting devices was the American company Thermage, Inc. She also patented the term Thermage(termo - heat + age - age) implemented in ThermaCool devices. (Therefore, it is incorrect to use the name Thermage to refer to procedures performed using RF cosmetology equipment from other manufacturers.)

Thermage technology continues to develop to this day, with new generations of devices being regularly released. Today, the Thermage procedure is the most intense of all RF treatments. With it, the skin warms up to 50-60°C, short-term heating to this temperature allows you to achieve partial coagulation of skin collagen (it loses elasticity, “shrinks”) and provides the desired result after a single procedure. Repeated procedures are recommended no earlier than after 1 year.

There are other manufacturers that use electromagnetic fields in their RF devices. But they do not offer such intense impact. The tissues are heated to lower temperatures. To obtain the effect, a course of procedures is required.

Electric current systems

Unipolar systems

During the unipolar RF lifting procedure, two electrodes are used: one moves across the treatment area, and the second is stationary on another part of the body. When the circuit is closed, current flows between them.

Since the contact area of ​​the active electrode with the skin is much smaller than the size of the passive electrode, the main thermal effects occur in the immediate vicinity of the active electrode.

The depth of influence of monopolar handpieces can reach 2-3 cm.

Assumptions that electric current with this type of exposure can negatively affect the human body are not without theoretical justification, since the current flows through the patient’s body from one electrode to another. But a hundred years of experience in using the diathermy method in medicine, with current parameters comparable to RF lifting, allows us to conclude that the method is sufficiently safe.

Bipolar systems

Bipolar devices for RF lifting also use two electrodes, only they are located not far from each other, but in one handpiece. This makes it possible to use a current tens of times less than that used in monopolar systems.

The relatively low current strength, as well as the fact that only limited areas of the skin and subcutaneous fat are exposed, allow us to consider the use of bipolar devices safer than multipolar ones.

But the depth of influence in bipolar systems is less than in monopolar systems (it is equal to approximately half the distance between the electrodes).

Multipolar systems

Multipolar devices for RF lifting use from 3 to 20 electrodes, located at a close distance from each other in one handpiece, but only 2 electrodes are switched on at the same time; during the procedure, they are alternately switched according to a scheme programmed by the manufacturer.

The multipolar mode of operation should provide improved energy distribution in tissues, a more uniform and safe effect.

The depth of influence of multipolar handpieces can reach 1.5 cm.

Combined systems

RF devices can be equipped with a vacuum gripper to suction the skin fold, which allows energy to be concentrated in the area of ​​the fold. This technology is patented under the name Aluma FACES (Functional Aspiration Controlled Electrothermal) by the American company Lumenis.

There are devices that allow exposure in both monopolar and multipolar modes, that is, having several manipulators, which expands the doctor’s capabilities when performing the procedure.

There are also options for combining RF current and infrared (for example, ELOS technology) or laser radiation in one device. The combination of these types of effects should theoretically make it possible to achieve optimal tissue heating.

Some devices allow for impact using different frequencies of electric current, which allows you to change the depth of impact.

In order to prevent overheating of the surface layers of the skin, RF devices can be equipped with cooling systems for the contact surface of the handpiece. Cooling allows you to increase the power of exposure without increasing the likelihood of superficial burns.

Many modern devices have a built-in tissue temperature control system (including automatic). This function allows the doctor to better control both its effectiveness and safety during the procedure.

The main thing is temperature!

There are many devices for RF lifting; manufacturers sell them various options RF technologies: different frequencies and current strengths can be used, programs for automatically changing parameters during the procedure can be implemented, and various methods can be used to reduce the pain that occurs during heating.

But the real effect of RF lifting is achieved only by increasing the temperature in the tissues, and this procedure involves causing controlled temperature damage to the tissues, which triggers reparative processes in them. Therefore, the procedure that will be effective will be one that provides a sufficient increase in temperature at the desired depth for the required time.

When the skin is heated to less than 42°C, the procedure will be completely safe, but the result will be comparable to the effect of applying a heating pad.

When exposed to a temperature of 43-44°C, denaturation changes begin to occur in proteins, ensuring the achievement of results. The safe time during which this temperature can be maintained in the tissue without the risk of burns is measured in minutes.

Warming up to 45-50°C provides a pronounced effect, but the time of exposure to such temperatures should already be measured in seconds. For example, heating a tissue area to 50 should not last longer than 20 seconds during one procedure.

The maximum effect is achieved when the tissue temperature exceeds 50°C. Such temperatures require even shorter exposure. Impact with such parameters is implemented in thermage technology.

Heating tissues above 60°C is not used during RF lifting, as it leads to severe thermal damage.

Thus, the effectiveness of the procedure depends both on the qualifications of the doctor, who must, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, maintain a fine line between effectiveness and safety, and on the equipment used, which must allow him to accurately dose the effect.

Expected effects from RF lifting

  • skin contraction, reduction of skin folds, the effect of “sagging”, atonic skin
  • reduction of wrinkles
  • improvement of blood supply to tissues and turgor and skin color
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite

Before the procedure

  • remove all metal objects from the body
  • remove contact lenses (if any) if the procedure is performed on the face
  • men need to shave if the procedure is performed on the face

Radiofrequency lifting procedure

During the first consultation, the doctor must find out whether the patient has any contraindications to RF lifting, discuss the patient’s expectations, familiarize him with the advantages and disadvantages of the technology and a specific device, and the possibilities of achieving results using alternative methods.

The video shows fragments of RF face and body lifting procedures

Depending on the equipment used, the procedure may differ.

When performing Thermage:

A washable marking in the form of a grid is applied to the cleansed skin, the effect is carried out “in squares”. If necessary, the procedure can be performed using anesthesia.

With other RF lifting technologies:

A conductive gel is applied to cleansed skin.

When working in a monopolar mode, a passive electrode is fixed on the body (outside the zone of planned exposure); when working in a multipolar mode, a passive electrode is not used.

Smooth movements of the handpiece are made along the conductive gel. During the procedure, sensations of intense heat may occur, which the patient should report to the doctor performing the procedure. Usually,

The duration of the procedure can vary - from 20 minutes to 2 hours - depending on the area of ​​the treated area and the impact parameters.

An RF lifting course usually involves 5-15 procedures, once every 5-15 days.

It is possible to carry out maintenance procedures - once a month.

Within six months after the course of radio wave lifting, increased formation of new collagen should occur; therefore, an increase in the effect can be expected after the course of procedures is completed.

After the procedure

You should not carry out other aggressive procedures in the RF exposure area on the same day.

Treated skin areas should be protected from exposure to UV rays ( Sun rays, solarium) for 2-3 weeks after the procedure to minimize the likelihood of developing hyperpigmentation.

Possible side effects and complications:

  • discomfort
  • erythema and edema
  • bleeding into the skin
  • allergic dermatitis to conductive gel
  • skin burns
  • fibrosis of subcutaneous adipose tissue (formation of subcutaneous scars)
  • skin sensitivity disorders
  • pigmentation disorders
  • activation of chronic herpes


Absolute contraindications to the use of RF lifting:

  • Are common
    • pregnancy (all stages) and breastfeeding
    • malignant neoplasms
    • systemic connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.)
    • acute diseases (including ARVI), elevated temperature body
    • cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation, hypertension
    • chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation
    • severe atherosclerosis and thyrotoxicosis
    • diabetes
    • syringomyelia
    • immunosuppressive diseases
    • taking immunosuppressive drugs and isotretinoin
    • severe neurological diseases (epilepsy)
    • blood clotting disorder, bleeding tendency, taking anticoagulants
    • presence of implanted electrical devices (artificial pacemakers)
  • local (in the affected area)
    • the presence of implants in the treatment area (“golden” threads, silicone and other non-absorbable fillers), an intrauterine device with metal components when treating the abdominal area
    • skin sensitivity disorders
    • scarring skin changes
    • skin atrophy
    • wounds, abrasions, violation of skin integrity
    • any skin rashes (infectious and non-infectious nature)
    • benign neoplasms (including nevi)
    • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins
    • inflammatory phenomena in the abdominal cavity (when treating the skin of the abdomen)
    • acne in the acute stage
    • rosacea in the acute stage
    • telangiectasia (rosacea)
    • swelling of superficial tissues
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"Your dermatologist"

In the field of aesthetic cosmetology, procedures based on radio frequency radiation are now actively used. High frequency electromagnetic pulses have a beneficial effect on the processes occurring in the skin and form the basis of radio wave (radio frequency) lifting. A highly effective and completely safe RF lifting procedure has been approved by cosmetologists and is very popular among the fair sex, who have already been lucky enough to experience the wonderful effects of radio frequency radiation. How does this all happen?

Features of the procedure

It’s always scary to decide on any cosmetic procedures, no matter how much safety beauty salons guarantee. To avoid being scared, you just need to know what RF lifting is and its stages:

  • consultation with a dermatologist;
  • identification of contraindications;
  • skin cleansing;
  • application of contact agent;
  • warming up the problem area with a handpiece emitting radio wave pulses (the temperature is regulated by the device).

RF lifting is a completely safe and painless procedure that you should not be afraid of.

What effect to expect

The entire procedure is based on unique RF frequencies covering the range of 300 MHz–4 kHz, which are precisely used for tightening and rejuvenating the skin. They stimulate cells to actively produce two magical substances - elastin and collagen. After this, rejuvenation processes begin in the most natural way, which continue for several months after the RF procedure. What effect should you expect from RF lifting?

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the skin becomes firm and elastic;
  • the contour is tightened;
  • the surface is smoothed;
  • color improves: yellowness and grayness disappear.

The main visual effect will be the healthy and pleasant appearance of your skin, which will gain a second wind.

RF lifting techniques

RF lifting is a hardware cosmetic procedure. Depending on the device and the nature of the radio frequency radiation, there are several methods:

  • 1. Monopolar

Monopolar RF lifting is considered very powerful, which gives amazing results after the first procedure. However, repeating it is prohibited.

  • 2. Bipolar

Bipolar RF lifting has a softer and more gentle effect on the skin, without irritating it, the effect of which will be more noticeable after a series of similar procedures.

  • 3. Tripolar

A completely new, innovative generation is tripolar RF lifting, which involves the use of several electrodes in the procedure, ensuring constant switching of poles. In this case, RF energy affects the skin at different depths. This technique incorporates all the advantages and advantages of the previous two.

Depending on the problems with which you come to the cosmetology office, the specialist will determine which device and which RF lifting technique will be used for the procedure.

Frequency of use, age range

Research shows that RF lifting is best done at a young age, when skin cells are more mobile and respond faster to the action of radio frequency radiation. However, this does not mean that people cannot use it more mature age. On the contrary: it is flabby skin that is beginning to fade that can be refreshed using this technique. Some cosmetologists believe that age has nothing to do with it: the effect of lifting depends only on individual characteristics each organism separately.

As for the number of procedures to achieve maximum effect, the visual result is visible after the first one. To consolidate and improve it, it is recommended to carry out a cycle consisting of 6 sessions.

There is nothing scary about RF lifting, and the results are stunning. It is unlikely that, having decided on the first procedure, you will refuse subsequent ones to consolidate the rejuvenating effect.

Photos before and after:


How to choose an RF lifting device?

Today in aesthetic medicine, RF lifting devices (or radio frequency lifting devices, radio wave lifting devices, thermolifting devices, etc.) are becoming increasingly popular.
Therefore, RF devices are in quite high demand among beauty salons and medical centers. This fact is well known to manufacturers of cosmetology equipment and they offer us more and more new models of equipment for radio frequency lifting.
The abundance of offers creates certain difficulties in choosing a device for the owner, director or cosmetologist of the salon.
We hope that this article will help you choose your device for Rf lifting.

Harmful or not?

Let's start with this question.
How harmful can RF lifting be for the operator and the client? Many specialists do not want to work with such devices precisely because they consider them unsafe.
Where does this belief come from?
Most likely, because of the name itself - “radio frequency” or, as many incorrectly say, “radio wave”. It seems that the very word “radio wave” cannot be harmless. Many cosmetologists imagine how harmful radio waves hover in their office and have their destructive effect.
In fact, this is not true at all.
Let's forget about the word “radio wave lifting”, because it’s simply not correct to pronounce it. Translated from English, RF is radio frequency, not radio wave.
What is the difference? First of all, the radio wave travels through the air.
The most common examples of radio waves are what we encounter in our lives every day, without thinking about the harm to our health - television, radio, mobile communications, home wireless phones.
RF lifting has nothing to do with them.

The name RF comes from the fact that the frequencies used in these procedures are the same frequencies at which radio waves operate. But we are talking specifically about coincidence in frequency, i.e. about how many times per second the pulse occurs. Almost any process has a frequency. We use the word frequency for a course of procedures (how often should I do it?), for taking medications (how often should I take it?), to designate the parameters of current, light, motor operation, and much more.
The very nature of the process in RF is much closer to ordinary current than to a radio wave.
As with the iontophoresis procedure, when performing the RF lifting procedure, current flows between two electrodes and is not emitted into space. If one of the electrodes is removed, the procedure will simply stop.
There is another important proof of the harmlessness of RF lifting. The fact is that RF lifting is a diathermy method adapted for cosmetology purposes. Diathermy has been widely used in medicine for decades (mobile communications, for example, have only been widely used in the last 10 years), primarily in operating rooms and physical therapy rooms. Hundreds of thousands of patients have experienced its effects on themselves. Thousands medical workers We've been working with these devices for years. If there really was any harm from these procedures, we would have known about it a long time ago.
There were also no noticeable effects of RF on technical devices - laptops, monitors, etc.
If we consider the impact of RF lifting on the operator, then even theoretically it is difficult to imagine any harm. As stated, in the RF procedure, energy flows between two electrodes. The operator holds only a completely isolated handpiece in his hand and uses it to perform the procedure.
Therefore, do not be afraid of anything and work calmly.
But it’s better to put your mobile phone away.

Monopolar or bipolar (tripolar, hexapolar)?

There are two main types of RF lifting devices - monopolar and bipolar.
If you ask the seller of a monopolar system which one is better, you will of course hear in response that, of course, monopolar. Most likely, the seller of a bipolar device will convince you otherwise. The one who offers Tripolar will say that only his device can give a good effect.
The most famous device operating on the monopolar principle is Termacool, which performs the THERMAGE procedure. THERMAGE is also a radiofrequency procedure, so everything we talk about in this article applies to it.

The figure clearly shows the principle of RF current distribution in the dermis.
Radio frequencies exert their effects between the active and passive electrodes.
Typically, a passive electrode is placed near the area where the procedure is performed.
So, if we perform a procedure on the face and décolleté, the passive electrode is located in the collar area. If the procedure is performed on the stomach, the passive electrode is placed under the buttock. For non-hip procedures, the passive electrode will be located under the same thigh. Thus, it can be seen that the passive electrode is always close to the area where the procedure is performed.
In the case of bipolar (tripolar, hexapolar) RF lifting, the second electrode is built into the handpiece itself, which is used for treatment.
Therefore, there is no need to put it under the body.
Thus, RF energy will act only under the projection area of ​​the handpiece.

Looking at these figures, you can see that with the monopolar technique the impact will be deeper, and with the bipolar technique it will be more superficial. Tripolar is a type of bipolar device, therefore it has the same penetration depth.

Radio frequency (RF) lifting

It is now well known that the monopolar method has a deeper effect. This is especially noticeable in areas where exposure to large volumes of tissue is required. First of all, such a need exists when performing procedures on the body. This is due to the fact that the dermal layer in the abdomen, thighs or buttocks can reach several cm. Therefore, if a salon or medical center plans to do body work, then we would recommend taking a closer look at monopolar devices.

On the face, the dermal layer is much thinner and the same depth of penetration and area of ​​influence is no longer required as on the body.

Therefore, bipolar RF devices are more suitable for working on the face and décolleté.

Bipolar maniples usually have work surface 2, 3 or 6 built-in electrodes.

Accordingly, they are called bipolar (2), tripolar (3) or sixpolar (6).

Bipolar handpieces, as a rule, have a small area and can be inconvenient to handle large surfaces.

To increase the area of ​​influence, manufacturers “multiply” the active electrodes in the handpiece and they become tripolar or hexapolar.

In Fig. below, you can see what the tripolar (left) and hexapolar (right) maniples look like.

In addition to the above, you need to pay attention to the area of ​​the manipule. So, for example, if the task is to treat the area around the eyes, then it will be difficult to do this with a handpiece with a diameter of 4-6 cm.

The area of ​​the handpiece will be significantly larger than the area being treated, and it will be impossible to effectively influence this area. Touching the skin with only one of the three electrodes and performing the procedure will not work because energy flows only between the electrodes when they come into contact with the skin.

As you can see, such a handpiece will be inconvenient to work on areas with non-uniform surface relief of the skin. It is not possible to treat the paraorbital zones, lower and upper eyelids with such maniples.

So, the main difference between bipolar and monopolar devices is the depth of penetration of radio frequencies.

With monopolar exposure, radio frequencies penetrate 2-3 cm deep, and the impact zone includes the entire area between the electrodes.

With bipolar exposure, both depth and area are limited.

The depth of influence for the bipolar apparatus is easy to calculate.

It will be equal to half the distance between the electrodes of the bipolar manipulator.

So if the distance between the electrodes is 7 mm, then the penetration depth of RF energy will be about 3.5 mm. The area of ​​influence will coincide with the area of ​​the working surface of the handpiece.

It is worth noting that devices that make it possible to work using monopolar and bipolar techniques are more universal.

Frequency, power

All RF devices operate in a fairly wide range of frequencies.

It ranges from 470 kilohertz (thousands of hertz) to 6 megahertz (millions of hertz).

The main thing that frequency affects is the depth of penetration and absorption of RF energy.

The higher the frequency, the more superficial the effect the device has and the less energy is absorbed by the tissues and, conversely, the lower the frequency, the more profound the effect it will have on the dermis and the more energy is absorbed.

If you choose a device that operates at a higher frequency, you must be prepared for the fact that the absorption of RF energy will occur to a greater extent in the epidermis than in the dermis. It is known that all thermal receptors are located in the epidermis and the sensitivity of the epidermis to heat is very high.

It will be much more difficult to use high powers on such a device because the client will experience severe pain. This, in turn, will lead to insufficient effectiveness of the procedure.

The power of RF lifting devices also varies widely.

From 30 W to 300 W. Which one to choose?

Always choose a device with more power because... You can always reduce it, but you will not be able to increase the power if necessary, working on a weak device.

Procedures on the face are usually performed at a power of 80 to 120 W; on the body, a power of 180-250 W will be required.

A parameter such as energy density is of great importance.

Energy density = device power/electrode area.

The higher the density, the more efficient you can work.

In monopolar devices, this value will depend on the selected power and which electrode is used to perform the procedure. The smaller the electrode area, the greater the density at the same power and the more pronounced the effect you will have.

In bipolar devices, the handpieces usually always have the same area, therefore the density will always depend only on the set power.

What power should you run at?
Let's think about what, first of all, is affected by power?

The answer is simple. On the heating temperature of tissues.

Ultimately, we are not concerned about the power that we have set on the device, but about the temperature in the dermis that we must achieve.

Therefore, nowadays an RF lifting device is simply required to have an accurate temperature control sensor.

You may ask - what should the temperature be during a radiofrequency procedure?

The answer is well known from physiology.

Even short-term heating of protein molecules above 60 degrees leads to their irreversible denaturation.
Protein molecules can withstand temperatures from 55 to 60 degrees for several seconds, but dosing such an effect is quite difficult.

At temperatures from 45 to 50 degrees, denaturation does not occur if the total exposure time is limited and is no more than 20 to 80 seconds.

So at 50 degrees you can safely work for no more than 20 seconds, and at 45 degrees the operating time can be increased to 80 seconds without fear of causing any harm to the client. More low temperatures They are also not completely safe. For example, prolonged heating to 43-44 degrees can also lead to irreversible consequences if the exposure time exceeds the procedure time of 20 minutes.

At temperatures from 45 to 50 degrees, denaturation does not occur if the exposure time is limited and is no more than 15 seconds.

Prolonged heating to 43-44 degrees can also lead to irreversible consequences. But only when the procedure time is more than 15-20 minutes.

It is known that a specialist achieves maximum results with maximum heating. This is due to the mechanism of action of the radiofrequency procedure.

High temperatures lead to its stoichiometric rearrangement in the collagen molecule due to the rupture of intermolecular bonds. This leads to an increase in the density of the dermis and a pronounced tightening effect, visible during an objective examination - visually and to the touch.

The effect of the procedure at higher powers (temperatures) will be higher because low power is not enough to cause changes in collagen molecules.

It turns out that a weak impact does not satisfy the client, but too strong can harm him!

How do device manufacturers solve this dilemma?

Today, many RF devices have temperature sensors. The presence of such a sensor allows you to set the temperature above which heating will not occur at any power. But don't forget about the exposure time! Most manufacturers do not think about limiting it, so a specialist should keep this in mind.

In addition, many devices are equipped with temperature sensors that measure it with an accuracy of a degree. This is not enough, the error is too great.

The device must measure the temperature in the dermis to tenths of a degree.

Only in this case can the result of the procedure be predicted.

RF lifting is a treatment of the skin with a special device, during which the epidermis is exposed to radio frequency pulses and heated to 45 - 60 degrees. Radiation, acting on skin cells, restarts the processes of collagen and elastin production. The result of the RF lifting procedure is:

  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • reduction in the number of fine and deep wrinkles;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • alignment of the facial contour.


The procedure will help you quickly and painlessly get rid of all the most common aesthetic problems on the face and body:

  • bags under the eyes;
  • crow's feet around the eyes;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • "shaved";
  • photoaging;
  • sagging skin, facial wrinkles;
  • scars, cicatrices, post-acne;
  • wrinkles on the neck and décolleté;
  • stretch marks after childbirth and weight loss;
  • cellulite;
  • scars and cicatrices.


After you tell the doctor what specific problem you want to solve, he will select the appropriate type of rf lifting for you. There are several of them:

1. Bipolar(Device “Accent” with 2 electrodes in the nozzle) - designed to eliminate imperfections on the face. Radio waves act gently, the skin does not heat up above 45 degrees. A series of procedures is necessary.

2. Monopolar(Generation of RF devices “Thermage” with 1 electrode in the nozzle) - more rigid in comparison with bipolar. The skin is strongly heated up to 60 degrees, and the effect of a magnetic field is added. Good in the fight against cellulite, excess weight and stretch marks. Only one session is allowed.

3. Tripolar (multipolar)(Device "Tripollar" (Tripollar) with 1-3 electrodes in the nozzle) - combines the advantages of biopolar and monopolar RF lifting. Based on the operation of several electrodes with constant change of poles. This technique makes it possible to influence the skin at different depths.

4. Matrix - It is based on the principle of using a significant number of microneedle electrodes.

5. Combined - can combine several types of RF lifting or influences (for example, radio frequency and laser, or radio frequency and infrared). Combined devices include:

  • "Syneron" and "The Aurora" (+pulsed light)
  • "Polaris", "Comet" (+ diode laser)
  • "VelaSmooth" and "VelaShape" (+ infrared light)
  • "Aluma" (+ vacuum booster)

Which device is better?

Lifting stages

  1. The doctor cleanses the skin. For this purpose they are used special means, because washing alone is not enough.
  2. In order for radio waves to penetrate the surface of the epidermis, it must first be treated with a special gel, which will act as a conductor for current.
  3. RF is somewhat painful, so an anesthetic is applied to the skin before the procedure begins.
  4. After this, the doctor performs preliminary markings on the face to ensure uniform coverage of radio waves.
  5. Next, the specialist applies radio waves to the marked areas using a special device.
  6. Upon completion of the procedure, the patient’s skin is cleansed of gels that were necessary for the work and is intensively moisturized with cream.

  1. It is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed (at least one and a half liters per day).
  2. You should refrain from visiting the solarium and sunbathing on the beach.
  3. Throughout the course of rejuvenating therapy, you should not expose your facial skin to steaming or peeling.
  4. You should also avoid visiting the pool.


The visible effect will be noticeable after the first session. For a lasting effect it is necessary course of 5 – 10 sessions. Maximum results will manifest themselves in about 6 months and will remain for a period up to 2-3 years.

Side effects

  • swelling;
  • skin redness;
  • blisters, swelling;
  • tissue oppression - occurs as a result of unskilled work by a doctor, or the use of low-quality equipment.

As a rule, redness and swelling disappear within a few days.


No special preparation is required. It is enough to consult a doctor to determine possible contraindications. In this case, they are the same as for most cosmetic procedures.

  • The presence of infectious diseases (influenza or ARVI).
  • Hypertension.
  • The presence of skin diseases (acute acne, rosacea, dermatosis).
  • Oncology.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Diabetes.
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Blood diseases associated with blood clotting.
  • High skin sensitivity.
  • Presence of a pacemaker and defibrillator.
  • Gold threads in the processing area.
  • Intolerance to electrical procedures.


The final price will depend on the city, clinic, selected device, problem being solved and the number of sessions.

Zone Prices in rubles* in Moscow Prices in rubles* in St. Petersburg
Face 900 — 197 000 1 000 — 145 000
Eyelids 800 — 137 500 500 — 60 000
Neck 800 — 96 000 800 — 145 000
Face and neck 1 200 — 255 500 1 200 — 103 000
Cleavage 900 — 197 000 800 — 145 000
Stomach 1 000 — 255 000 1 300 — 180 000
Hips 1 500 — 204 000 1 100 — 270 000
Buttocks 1 400 — 204 000 1 000 — 270 000

*Prices are valid at the time of publication of the article.









04.10.16 Moscow

20.03.15 Moscow

Before and After Photos