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Cowboy hat title. A cowboy hat is a bright accent in your look

A wide-brimmed “cowboy” hat has long become a symbol of courageous conquerors of American open spaces. There are several versions of how the cowboy hat was born.

One theory goes back to the early 1800s, and that the cowboy hat originated from a modified Sombrero. It is said that cattlemen who came from Mexico to work on the plains wore a sombrero, which gradually transformed into the cowboy hat that is worn to this day.

According to the second version, John Batterson Stetson is considered the inventor of the modern cowboy hat. According to legend, John decided to move west due to health problems, in search of a drier climate. Stetson made his first felt hat by hand just for fun when he and his companions traveled to the South. By mixing the furs and processing them by hand, soaking them in boiling water, flattening them, and then soaking them again, he created an unusually soft and flexible felt. Using techniques known since the beginning of modern civilization and the hair of various animals, Stetson obtained wonderful material– felt

He made an incredibly wide-brimmed hat from this material. Stetson put it on as a joke, but later it was appreciated by his friends, as it perfectly protected its owner from wind, rain and sun. The hat he invented also had many practical applications - its wide brim made it possible to fan a fire, the hat could be used to signal over a long distance, and even bring water in it.

You can buy a real cowboy hat by clicking on the link:

It is worth mentioning that Stetson, being the son of a hatmaker, did not at all dream of continuing his father’s work; rather, he was an experimenter, working in an artel in Colorado, and simultaneously producing new textile materials. But the first large wide-brimmed hat, made as a joke, dramatically changed his fate and subsequently gave the name to one of the loudest legends in America.

However, Stetson should not be credited with the invention of felt; he was known before that. The production of felt hats made from beaver fur was established in Holland and Spain and dates back to at least the 14th century. By the mid-17th century, European beaver supplies had dried up, leaving North America as the main source of beaver fur. The United States also became a major manufacturer of hats, although England passed the Hat Act in 1731 to prohibit the export of hats from the United States. In the 18th century, beaver fur was still the material of choice for hats, but felt, a mixture of beaver fur and wool, became increasingly popular as it allowed for cheaper production. At the end of the 19th century, with the advent of steam engines, the making of hats by hand in small workshops came to naught and was replaced by industrial production. However, even today there are still single artisans who produce exclusive samples of hats in best traditions old masters.

There are three types of felt for hats:

  • from the fur of beaver or other animals, such as rabbit, mink (this is the most expensive felt, 100% fur felt)
  • from a mixture of beaver (or other animals) fur and wool
  • made of wool (100% wool felt)

Depending on the material used, the cost of a hat can vary significantly. The best hats today are made from the same raw material as beaver back then, but nutria or bison fur is also used in some hat models.

Stetson soon produced several more examples of the hat (which he called “BossofthePlains”). There was no end to buyers even despite the fact that the cost of the hat started at ten dollars - quite a lot of money at that time. It was his invention - the cowboy hat - that became not only a headdress, but also a striking distinctive feature of the hero of the Wild West.

At first, cowboy hats were made with a round crown; later, while wearing it, cowboys made characteristic creases, which received their names and, sometimes, were even a distinctive feature of a particular area. The crown of the hat was decorated with various details made of horsehair and leather, conchos, claws and fangs of animals. Based on these signs, one could understand the occupation of the owner of the cowboy hat

The famous upturned brims of cowboy hats appeared due to the transportation of hats. To reduce the volume, the brims of the hats were bent so that the hats would fit into boxes with a smaller volume. This was liked by some cowboys who began to wear hats without straightening the brim...

IN this moment There are many varieties of hats on which the folds on the crown and the bending of the brim are already done in production and, depending on this, cowboy hats are made for certain types.

The number of orders grew, and in 1865 Stetson decided to create his own company. By 1906, the company was producing approximately 2 million cowboy hats per year.

Such a fertile field for business could not remain without due attention - in addition to Stetson, other manufacturers appeared. For example, in the 1880s, cowboys living in the southwestern regions of America preferred Plenzman hats. These were hats with a low crown and flexible brim. Resistol brand hats are the choice of many thousands of fans of the cowboy style of clothing; the Wrangler company, known throughout the world for its jeans, also presented a range of cowboy hats.

The use of additional accessories such as special hat ribbons and straps allows you to make the hat even more individual.

Modern hats are made mainly from felt or straw, less often from leather. Cowboys practically don’t wear leather hats at all; this is the prerogative of modern bikers. On the inside of the crown there is a lining in the form of a leather or textile tape (from English “sweatband”), colloquially called a “podtulka”. The outer side of the crown is decorated with decorative elements - ribbons or straps (“hatband”), and the brim of the hat is sometimes trimmed along the edges (“brim trimming”).

Hats can be made in almost any color, but most often they are white, black, shades of beige and brown. There is one more small detail that currently does not play a practical role - a small bow on the back side of the “under-neck”, symbolizing the crossed bones and left as a tribute to the old master hatters, whose work was associated, if not with death, then with illnesses, caused by mercury nitrate, previously used in the manufacture of felt for better adhesion of wool fibers.

Despite the fact that some hats continue to resemble the shape of their centuries-old predecessors, while others already have their own original design, all of them are a sign of belonging to a group of interested people for whom hats are a way to touch history.

How to properly care for a hat and the symbols on a cowboy hat

What's happenedXin the designation of cowboy hats.
In our case, the choice of material was determined initially - it is felt, but its type and quality will depend on your personal ambitions and the thickness of your wallet. The most common and inexpensive is felt made from rabbit wool, then indefinitely from pure or a mixture of wool from other animals, then in terms of cost comes felt with the addition of a certain proportion of beaver fur to those already mentioned, and the greater its content, denoted by the N-quantity “X” , the more expensive the product itself. When you see the 100X mark on a hat, you can be sure that it is made entirely of beaver felt.
But this was not always the case, until the mid-20th century, the X count started from 3 and was limited to 10, which served as a kind of calculator for determining the cost of a hat, everything is very simple: 3X - $30, 4X - $40, and so on, up to 10X100% pure beaver felt – $100. Nowadays, the countdown starts from 2X and costs from $150, 10X – from 350, 30X – from 750, and 100X – from $1000, in any case, there is never too much “X” and a certain error is allowed.
There is a conditional distribution of hats for certain purposes depending on the amount of X:
from 5X (standard) – the hat is intended for occasional wearing in conditions close to ideal;
from 10X – systematic wearing of a hat is expected during short-term exposure to adverse conditions (rain, snow, etc.), which is most acceptable for “urban cowboys”;
from 100X – constant wearing V extreme conditions“both in the tail and in the mane.” But this does not mean at all that on Airborne Forces Day you can swim in city fountains in it, use it to pour water into a boiling radiator, or give water to your beloved dog. Even such a hat requires careful care.
American manufacturers of hat products are not burdened by the strict requirements of the standard and sometimes, in their desire to give special significance to their products, “award” them 500 and even 1000X; in this case, the felt mixture probably contains chinchilla fur, and the “hatband” is decorated with a buckle made of precious metals or stones, the name in most cases will contain the word "president", "boss", "gold" or something similar.
When ordering a personalized “El Prezidente” 100X hat with a 14-karat gold buckle from Stetson, you will receive a certificate for free repairs as a preference, as well as a personal label “Made by Stetson especially for You” confirming that the hat is made exclusively for you, If you have the opportunity to become the President of the United States, then you will definitely receive such an honor in the form of a gift.
If you don’t find the coveted marking on your product, don’t panic about a “low-quality” product. It is worth recalling here that material without beaver fur content does not cease to be felt, while financial capabilities and a wide variety of personal preferences are taken into account, so that the presence of “X” in each specific case is subjective. To impart certain qualities to a product, felt can contain up to 8 types of wool from various animals, some of which are responsible for water resistance, others for better fiber adhesion, color or texture.
The price of a hat also depends on its accessories, lining, sweatband and hatband. In more expensive ones, the lining will be made of silk or satin, and the “sweatband” will be made of sheep leather. Hats are also made with lining made of cotton, various synthetic materials, or without it at all.
Caring for your CowHat
Proper care is key to extending the life of your hat. Your hat is the final, and perhaps most striking, touch to your look. Taking care will significantly extend its service life. Since the quantity and quality of your hats will steadily increase over time, there is a need to learn how to care for your hats. Here are the basic tips.
1. Try not to place your hat on a surface with the brim facing down. This can cause the brim to straighten out and lose its shape. For home storage use original packaging, or purchase a Hat Box. There is a special clip for storing the hat in the car.
As it says folk wisdom"The most the best place for a hat – the head of its owner.”
2. Do not pick up the hat by the crown, especially with dirty hands, as they will leave stains on the fabric. When putting on or taking off a hat, you must grasp it with both hands by the edges of the brim at the front and back. Try to avoid picking up the hat by the crown as much as possible.
3. Never leave your hat in a hot car, closet, or anywhere that is extremely hot. Heat causes the sweatband to shrink.
4. Remove dirt starting from the left side of your hat and gently wipe it counterclockwise, for one simple reason, the production technology involves directing the threads of the straw braid and felt fibers in a spiral in this direction.
5. Remove dirt from the surface felt hat using a soft hat brush, and from a straw hat with a clean damp cloth or sponge. Use a dark-bristled brush for dark hats and a light-bristled brush for light-colored hats.
6. Remove any debris remaining after cleaning with a special roller or tape, wrapping it around your fingers with the sticky side facing out.
7. To keep your sweatband dry from sweat and sebum, periodically clean and dry the sweatband to prevent waste from saturating the felt. This also applies to straw hats.
8. Light stains on light-colored hats can be removed with baby powder, talcum powder or cornstarch.
During the Old West, among true cowboys, it was considered bad manners to shake the dust off your hat. If you, too, are a passionate adherent of cowboy traditions, but somehow don’t have time to ride across the prairies and work on the ranch, then manufacturers will offer you a simple solution by making a hat with all the inherent attributes, right down to traces of revolver bullets and stains of dried blood, in a hat catalog it will be listed under the name Pre-Soiled “pre-contaminated” and will add a dozen or two dollars to the price, unlike a completely new one.

And finally:

Remember the saying “it’s all in the bag”? It is the hat that gives the cowboy that complete, integral image of the conqueror of the wild west. When asked “What do you associate with a cowboy?” 70% of the people surveyed answered – a cowboy hat.

And remember, you can wear cowboy boots without a hat, but you can’t wear a cowboy hat without boots.

The article uses materials from SergeyK. (Zorro)


Cut out the brim of the hat. To do this, draw a circle on a piece of cardboard that corresponds to the size of your head. Make the brim of the hat about 20 cm wide on the sides. Make small extensions in the front and back of the brim. Cut out the resulting hat brim and remove the center circle.

Cut a strip of cardboard about 20 cm high for the crown. Now you can start making a cowboy hat from leatherette. Fold the piece of leatherette in half with the right side facing inward. Lay the hat brim pattern onto the material. Trace it with tailor's chalk and cut it out taking into account the seam allowance.

Sew without separating the two pieces together along the outer circumference close to the edge. Turn it right side out and insert your pattern inside the workpiece. Sew along the inside diameter right along the front side. Along the outer and inner diameter of the brim of the hat, make decorative stitches using a thread of a contrasting color.

Next, take the crown pattern and place it on a piece of leatherette also folded in half. It is more rational to arrange the pattern along the length to the fold. In other words, leave a seam allowance on the sides and bottom.

Trace with chalk and cut out the desired section. Fold the sides and sew together on the wrong side. Then bend the workpiece with the wrong side inward. Glue the paper pattern of the crown on the sides.

After the glue has dried, insert the blank. Sew the loose ends together. Run decorative stitches along the top and bottom lines of the crown using thread in a contrasting color.

Using the cardboard piece you received when cutting out the brim of the hat, cut out a circle in one layer of leatherette slightly bigger size to further obtain the sagging effect.

Coat the edge of the leatherette circle on the front side and insert it into the crown. Press gently with your fingers. Align the parts of the crown and brim of the hat at the seams and sew along the inside. To prevent the resulting seam from getting in the way, use a piece of wide tape of the appropriate color and glue it, covering the seam.

Once completely dry, you can fold the brim of the hat at the sides and adjust the crown of the hat. Place a short belt around the crown or attach a sheriff's badge.

The cowboy hat has been the embodiment of the masculinity of warlike conquerors for many years. However, increasingly, this attribute is used by fashionistas and fashionistas all over the world to create an image in the style of the Wild West. The added beauty of this hat is that you can make it yourself.

You will need

  • - material for the top (felt, leather or felt);
  • - lining material;
  • - thick cardboard;
  • - glue;
  • - threads;
  • - needle;


Select material for making a hat. Traditionally, leather or felt is used to sew this headdress. The base of the hat will be made from cardboard, so purchase fabric for the lining. It can be silk, chintz or linen. Choose to your taste, but try not to violate the general color scheme.

Prepare your patterns. Measure your head circumference. On thick cardboard, draw the bottom of the hat with a diameter equal to the result obtained. Make the base for the crown (the sides of the hat). Draw 2 rectangles 13 cm wide and 27 cm long. Now prepare the pattern for the brim. Draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm, inside draw another circle the size of the bottom of the hat. The inside of the picture needs to be cut out. When preparing the stencils, draw 1 cm high rectangles along the edges. They are needed for more convenient connection of parts. Sew a wire to the edge of the bottom and brim, which will help give the hat the desired shape.

Most often, a film about the Wild West describes the life of a cowboy, whose image is easily imagined by each of us. These are boots with spurs, a scarf around the neck, and, of course, a cowboy hat, without which an adventurer from the Wild West cannot be imagined. It became precisely business card» cowboy; this headdress makes the hero courageous and mysterious. However, not only cowboys liked this hat - fans and performers of country music wear this accessory to this day. Moreover, fashion recent years allows you to wear a cowboy hat even if you don't like country or western movies and don't plan to conquer the desert prairie!

So what does a real cowboy's hat look like?

Cowboy- a hat with a high rounded crown and wide brim, curved upward at the sides. The crown is entwined with a thin cord. The material for making this accessory is felt or leather. A cowboy hat provides excellent protection from the sun, wind and sand, making it practical. Perhaps that is why it was so popular in the 19th century. The hat owes its appearance to John Stetson. Stetson, the son of a master hatter, came up with an unusual headdress that could be used not only as a hat - if necessary, a cowboy hat could be used to fan a fire and bring water in it. Despite all this, she had an excellent appearance.

Having sold his first cowboy hat, John's headdress production took off - in 1865, Stetson opened his own company. Stetson's cowboy hats were slightly more expensive than other hats, but sold out quickly.

Stetson later diversified the line of hats he produced—some had wider brims, some had higher crowns than the original model. For each new hat there was a new buyer. Trademark Stetson still produces a variety of hats to this day, but the most popular product, as before, remains the cowboy hat.
If you decide to add a cowboy hat to your wardrobe, then remember that you should not completely repeat the image of the cowgirl from the film. This would be a clear overkill.

What to wear with a cowboy hat?

Besides the “classic” cowboy look (which is best left to movie characters), a cowboy hat also looks great with other clothes. For example, jeans, a plaid shirt and a cowboy hat - perfect combination, allowing you to safely wear a Wild West hat in the city. This hat can also be worn with summer sundress and cowboy boots.
If meeting a courageous cowboy is your dream, if you love adventure no less than the heroes of films about the Wild West ( "The Quick and the Dead", "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", "Train to Yuma"), then a cowboy hat is your choice!

A stylish cowboy hat is incredible bright accessory, which is equally suitable for both men and women who like to be the center of attention and attract the gaze of others. Surely, while watching various films about the Wild West, you have often admired girls in cowboy hats. They look not only stylish, but also a little daring, and a little flirty, very bold and at the same time quite feminine and elegant. Therefore, we can conclude that in general, a women's cowboy hat is something that must be present in the wardrobe of every representative of the fair sex who wants to create truly interesting and original images.

What is a cowboy hat called?

In general, a cowboy hat is usually called a “cowboy hat” and not everyone knows that it has another name. Namely, a Stetson. The hat received this name in honor of its creator John Stetson. It was this man who “invented” the now popular hat with a rounded high crown, which is slightly concave at the top, and with wide brims that are folded up at the sides.

Appearing in the 1860s, this hat never lost its popularity; on the contrary, over time it became more and more popular. The cowboy hat was originally worn by American cowboys and ranchers, as well as country music performers. In principle, even now the Stetson is associated precisely with representatives of these, so to speak, professions. But nowadays, even those who have absolutely nothing to do with American cowboys wear a cowboy hat with great pleasure.

It is worth noting the huge variety of cowboy hats. They come in leather, felt or straw. Initially classic version It is still considered to be leather, although they are all approximately equally popular.

What to wear with a cowboy hat?

In fact, the cowboy hat is a surprisingly versatile accessory. It can be worn with almost anything. True, a lot depends on the hat itself, since the material from which it is made still sets it a certain mood.

For example, a straw cowboy hat is a more summer option. It will look great on you with shorts and a T-shirt or a simple sundress in a boho or hippie style. As shoes for this look, they are perfect for flat sole or sneakers. By the way, this hat is very convenient to take with you to the sea, as it looks very stylish in combination with a swimsuit, and also protects well from the hot rays of the sun.

A leather cowboy hat is a bold option for bright and expressive girls. It is best to combine such a hat with jeans or shorts, T-shirts or shirts. A sundress or a dress, in principle, is also suitable, but it is advisable to add to the sundress, for example, leather belt, which will make the image unified. Most the best choice shoes - these are undoubtedly Cossack boots. Although you can also wear sneakers with this look, which will become a kind of modern-urban analogue of boots.

Without a doubt, the most versatile option is a felt cowboy hat. You can match any clothes with it, changing the mood of the image with the help of some small details and accessories. Are you going for a walk? Wear a plaid shirt and skinny jeans with a black felt cowboy hat. Want to create a more sophisticated look for a special occasion? Choose a stylish and feminine dress and add a white dress to it, which will add a kind of wild romance to the image of the Wild West.

In general, when choosing a hat for yourself cowboy style, be guided by your own taste preferences. The good news is that this hat has already become something of a classic, so even if models did not wear Stetsons on designer catwalks, this does not mean that such a stylish and bright hat cannot be included in your fashionable image. So don’t be afraid to experiment and feel free to bring the dry and fresh breath of the Wild West into your wardrobe, the atmosphere of which will make your images unique role models.

What boy wouldn't dream of becoming a cool cowboy? In addition, almost everything you need to create an image can be found in a child’s wardrobe: old worn jeans, a checkered shirt, a bright scarf, boots and a pair of children’s pistols. However, the most important thing for a cowboy costume is a beautiful wide-brimmed hat, which will finally complete the image of a real hero. That is why we suggest you try to make a cowboy hat with your own hands, which, thanks to precise patterns And detailed description, even the most inexperienced craftswoman can do it.

How to sew a cowboy hat?

To work you will need:

  • 2 pieces of material different color: primary color - it can be black or brown, additional - material of any contrasting color to create an accent;
  • woolen threads of the appropriate color;
  • needle;
  • a piece of thick wire.

Let's get started:

First you need to make a pattern of a cowboy hat according to the proposed diagram and cut out each element separately. Please note that the brim of the hat is presented on the pattern as a ¼ piece and when cutting out this element, do not touch the inner corner.

Now you need to transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut it out again. To begin with, we transfer the central element of the hat, as well as the front and back, onto the base color fabric. When cutting out the central part of the fabric, add a few centimeters on all sides; the excess can then be trimmed off. Then, in order to cut out the brim of the cowboy hat, fold a square piece of fabric in the main color in four, carefully transfer the pattern onto it and cut it out along with the inner corner. The same brim for our hat must be cut out and additional colors from the material.

Along the long sides of the central part using sewing machine sew on the front and back of the hat. You should now have the top of a cowboy hat. You can turn it right side out, or you can leave it on the wrong side. To the front of the hat we sew a star cut from fabric of an additional color.

Using a machine, sew the brim of the hat along the outer edge. We insert a wire inside, with which the fields can be given the required shape, and we lay another machine stitch to secure the wire. Then we sew the fields along the inner edge.

We apply the finished top part of the hat to the brim and sew it together with woolen threads. With the same threads we make a decorative seam along the edges of the fields. Also from wool threads We braid the braid and insert it through the front of the hat between the stitches on both sides.

And now, your handmade cowboy hat is ready!

How to make a cowboy hat out of paper?

To work you will need:

  • whatman;
  • roll of toilet paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • brown gouache;
  • 2 laces with a noose.

In order to model a cowboy hat from paper, as always, you need to make a pattern. To do this, we take the appropriate measurements, draw and cut out the elements of the hat from paper.

Now we glue the crown with the brim, and then the crown and the bottom. Inside the hat along the edges on both sides we glue the laces.

Small area finished hat cover with PVA glue and “drape” toilet paper. In this way, we gradually process the entire outer surface of the cowboy hat. After the glue has completely dried, paint the hat with brown gouache and let it dry.

All! The paper cowboy hat is ready!

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to make a cowboy hat with your own hands. Well, which method you like is purely your business!