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Beautiful Happy New Year greetings to parents. New Year's greetings to parents

Fabulous holiday New Year is knocking on our doors again. And with it comes a feeling of magic and joy, just like in childhood. Every person keeps in his soul memories of the celebration that our parents created for us year after year. That is why I really want Happy New Year greetings to parents to sound especially sincere and heartfelt. We have selected the most interesting ideas wishes from adult children, educators and teachers for parents.

  • Happy New Year greetings to parents from children
  • Happy New Year greetings to parents from adult children
  • Happy New Year greetings to parents from kindergarten teachers
  • Congratulations on the upcoming or New Year to the parents of students from the teacher

Cool Happy New Year of the Pig greetings to parents from children in their own words

A sparkling Christmas tree, the expectation of joy and magic, gifts and sweets - this is how a child remembers the most desired holiday. It’s as if adults also become children for a short while, creating this unique atmosphere. Cool congratulations Happy New Year, parents from their children will give a piece of warmth to mom and dad in their own words.

Options for funny congratulations for the New Year of the Pig (Boar) from daughter and son for parents in prose

Let... Santa Claus himself be under the tree this New Year's morning! Such a gift will allow you to receive presents every day, and not just on New Year’s Eve. Let grandfather bring with him happiness, good luck, a sumptuous table, and fun entertainment!

Happy New Year! May you have as much money as there will be fluffy white snow this winter, as many true friends as there are stars in the high shining sky, as many new experiences as there is tinsel and balls on all the holiday trees and pines!

I would like to congratulate you on more than just an ordinary holiday! Let this event, with its weightlessness and unusual lightness, bring many positive changes into your life, make your dreams come true and make you rejoice. Every happiness depends only on a person, and I wish you to believe in your strengths, capabilities, enjoy the little things and just be happy!

This year has been so good that it’s a pity to let it go! But the New One is already at the doorstep, and it’s time to let him in! Just like that, something sounds like poetry... Happy New Year 2019! By the way, I suggest you remember your favorite poems and read them out loud, with expression this night... And let your life turn out similar to them!

Happy New Year 2019! There is something mystical about this holiday... 12 strokes of the clock and life begins to change... Yes, everything will certainly be fine! I believe in it! Just let all the good things hurry to us, to you... After all, we’ve already been waiting so long, when will our dreams come true? So let everything work out in the new year so that you don’t have to wait long for what you want!

The best congratulations on the New Year of the Yellow Earth Pig to parents from adult children in verse

On New Year's Day, we all want to give each other a miracle. And not only adults become magicians for children. The most best congratulations Happy New Year of the Yellow Earthen Pig to parents from adult children in verses that will warm the soul of mom and dad

A selection of congratulations to parents, grandparents from adult children and grandchildren in verse for the New Year of the Boar

Everything is new today:

Garden bench,

New cat

New janitor at the gate.

White moss on the Christmas tree -

Brand new, brand new!

The bullfinch sat on a twig -

Well, quite a newbie!

Isn’t this something new?

Is there a path through the yard?

I'll run home along it,

I'll give the news to my parents. –

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

With new happiness! - I say.

New Year is knocking stubbornly

Through the windows, blinding with frost.

Happy New Year to you, mom,

Congratulations, my love!

Be as beautiful as flowers

Let no shadow of sadness fall.

And accept greetings from your daughter

The very first day of the year!

Happy New Year, I congratulate you,

Dear daddy, kind father.

I wish you health

I will say loudly that you are great!

May the New Year bring you, dad

Many happy and joyful days,

More goodness and less worries,

Smiles, fun and happiness in the family.

Sweeping everything past with white snow,

New Year is coming to us again,

Dear grandparents,

We wish you to live and prosper,

Let illnesses and failures recede,

So that you never know evil,

May the New Year bring good luck,

Lots of happiness, joy, warmth!

Bengal lights are burning,

A glass sparkles with wine,

Grandma and grandpa

New Year has arrived!

Stay healthy,

Love and kindness,

Family comfort,

May the midnight tale bring

You only have happiness, hope and affection,

Everything we saw in childhood is today

This New Year's hour will return to you!

Beautiful Happy New Year greetings to parents from kindergarten teachers in prose

New Year's party in kindergarten often ends with congratulations to the parents. We have selected the most beautiful congratulations Happy New Year to parents from kindergarten teachers in prose.

A collection of sincere congratulations for parents from kindergarten teachers for the New Year of the Yellow Earth Pig

In our beautiful hall there is an elegant Christmas tree, around the garland. It's winter outside, but it's warm here. Because we have a holiday, New Year! Our wishes to you, our mothers and fathers, are as follows: may there be as much health as snow, as many joyful minutes as there are snowflakes!

Our dear parents! Even though it’s winter outside, when you’re near, birds sing in my soul and roses bloom. May the New Year holidays be rich in joyful chores, intimate conversations and sonorous songs. And may everything you dream about come true in the coming year. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, dear parents our favorite pranksters. We wish you brave strength, good health, family happiness and bright imagination, like your children. Be successful and happy, and the joy of your heart will be given to you by our students - your wonderful children.

Happy New Year! Have a nice and happy holiday! Have a wonderful holiday, interesting communication, happy moments and delicious dishes!

The brightest, most fabulous holiday in the world has arrived, which resonates with special melodies in the hearts of children and adults, generously showering people all over the earth with goodness and joy, fun and laughter, and most importantly, faith in miracles. And therefore, I want to wish you with all my heart a special, magical mood in the New Year, so that you approach every endeavor with inspiration, strength and energy. May amazingly wonderful events await you at every turn of Fate, which will bring you and your family prosperity, well-being, and confidence in the future. Good health and simple human happiness! Happy New Year!

Heartfelt congratulations on the upcoming New Year of the Boar to the parents of students from the teacher


Happy New Year greetings to parents - mom, dad in verse

Happy New Year greetings to parents

Daddy! My wonderful man!
IN magical holiday New Year,
I wish you to be successful for a whole century,
Knowing the routes to happiness in advance!

Let the smile on your face shine
Bypassing all difficulties and adversity!
And every day it lifts our spirits!
Happy New Year, Dad!

Happy New Year to parents

Happy New Year, Mommy!
Happy New Year, honey!
The most beautiful,
My favorite!

Happiness to you, mommy!
New Year's joys,
Fireworks roar,
Orange sweets!

Will definitely come true
Let your wishes!
Without a long delay,
No reminder!

New Year is at your door
Quietly creeping up
For you, my love,
Mommy, she’s trying!

Happy New Year 2019 greetings to parents

Well, daddy, it's New Year again,
What will it be like, a very long-awaited one?
Let him bring hope to the family,
With the solemn melody of the chimes!

So that we can live warmer in it,
Let it be more carefree, more fun,
Let our wallet become thicker,
Success will come on a magical night!

New New Year greetings to parents

The dearest people!
May your coming year be
Full of light and warmth.
Let your dreams come true
God's light protects your home
And love only rules in him!

Happy New Year, year of happiness!
It's time for us to say goodbye to the past
And only the best with you
Take it from it to another!

New Year's poems for parents

I, mother, wish for the New Year,
So that you are happy,
Leaving worries in the past,
It's always great to live.

And if something happens,
Don't hesitate - I will help!
I wish any dream to come true,
And I’ll save you from worries!

Poems for parents Happy New Year

I congratulate you: mom and dad!
The new year has come!
I wish you love and harmony,
Less worries in everyday life!

Happiness to you, dear and dear,
Good plans, ideas,
And wonderful, unsurpassed
Faithful and good friends!

I wish you long life and good luck,
May the year be joyful
May he be healthy, smile, have fun
It will bring it to you in the future!

Happy New Year greetings to parents from children

Father, today is New Year!
Greet him cheerfully
And remember that luck awaits,
And don’t forget about success!

I want to wish you good health,
After all, without health you can’t go anywhere!
Love you, and you don’t know troubles,
And happiness for many years to come!

The best parents in the world
We hasten to congratulate you at this hour.
Our angels, our guardians,
What could we do in life without you?!
We wish you boundless happiness,
Let the past grievances go away!
And more health, of course,
Live long, dear ones!

You are my dearest people,
You give me happiness every year!
And if you dream of a miracle -
Let a miracle happen this night!
And I wish you a Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness
Today I will not tire of congratulating you,
Let every day become more beautiful
And it will shine brighter than yesterday!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Happy holidays,
So that everyone sits over champagne,
To dance and sing songs.
So that this New Year's feast
Brought health, happiness, peace!

Let worries leave you,
And illness and adversity,
Hopelessness will go away.
And the desired hope
He will guide you through life.
Let business captivate you
And wealth increases.
And luck awaits too
On this good New Year!

I wish my parents on New Year's Eve,
Leave difficulties and heaviness from adversity in the past.
Forget about everything bad and remember love,
And squeeze your arms with warmth and joy!
May this year be filled with bright, bright days,
And it moves softly, softly, like a gentle stream.
May the sky be clear above our heads,
May the radiant sun give us peace!

The spruce tree waves its furry paw,
snow covered the paths
Congratulations, dad,
Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart!
May it bring you good luck
every day and every hour!
You have one task -
To see us more often,
So that work worries
leaving behind
Hurry up home from work
came in the evenings!

Melting the wrinkles on the forehead,
Let's forget any bad weather,

Golden hope and happiness!

Life will go on without sorrows
And without bitter regrets,
No losses and no losses.
It will be the best of all awards
You are in excellent health,
Feelings of wonderful flood.
You value your happiness
Take care and store -
Happiness is so fragile
Don't hope for anything else.
Live with him for a whole year -
And trouble will pass you by.

Mom, dad, congratulations
Happy New Year this!
I wish you happiness and joy,
Let's celebrate the holiday together!
Let pleasant worries
Surrounded all year round
Only my favorite job
Let him call for you!
I love you, I adore you,
I wish you only the best,
Just to get younger
And our hearts sang with happiness!!!

IN New Year's celebration noisy
We haven't forgotten about you.
Let the crazy world rage
He is not a pointer for us
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.
And as my husband told me -
I raise my glass.
For health, for warmth,
For the warmth in the house.
Let the frosty glass
Today on the balcony.
But in your soul you always have...
Roses are blooming
And from this warmth
The heart melts sweetly!!!

May this wonderful holiday
May this magical night
To the sound of crystal glasses
All adversity will go away.
You will laugh loudly
You will joke a lot
And surprise yourself
And make close friends laugh.
Cheerful as this evening
May the coming year be
Everything you once wanted
May this year bring you.
May good luck accompany you
And there will be good health,
Any problem can be solved
And life will be easy for you.

Happy New Year to all your loved ones - long life!
Let your reserves of vigor grow stronger!
Let us smile and shine
The kind shine of dear, beloved eyes.
May the year be filled with affection,
Joy, love and beauty,
Let, as if in a good children's fairy tale,
Your dreams come true!

Happy New Year
And we want Santa Claus
All the sorrows and troubles
He took me to the kingdom of snow.
Left you only joy,
Only happiness, only laughter,
And love, smile, tenderness,
All the good things there are!

Happy New Year, mom, dad!
You are more valuable than anyone in the world!
May your grandchildren make you happy,
We love you - your children!
May the New Year bring you
Light, youth, happiness.
Let the horizon wait for you
Inspiration, voluptuousness!
Happy New Year, with new life!
Don't worry about summer!
Purity in your relationships,
Like dewdrops at dawn.

Let the new year begin for you
A sparkling slide at the table,
In the circle of family, relatives and friends,
No regrets about the past.
May your wishes come true
And all your cherished dreams.
Happy New Year to you, with new happiness
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Happy New Year, dears!
There is no sadness at midnight.
All good things will happen
Only joy for you.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Let your dreams come true
And live in power
Beauty and kindness.

Melting the wrinkles on the forehead,
Let's make a wish for the holiday.
Let's forget any bad weather,
Maybe this is true, not in vain,
Comes to us at the end of December,
Golden hope and happiness!

Happy New Year, dear, dear ones!
Let happiness enter your every hour!
I exist as in the world for days,
The most beloved ones, without you?
Although I do not accept falsehood, flattery,
You are pure, beautiful, good -
Wishes to be together soon
Constantly torn from the soul!
There will be no scandal or quarrel
I’ll just expand the topic and deepen it:
We'll be together again very soon,
Because I love only you!

Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness and many years to come!
New Year in a cheerful threesome,
Let troubles rush past you,
Past grief and illness,
Troubles and tears.
Let the happy children's laughter
Santa Claus will give you a gift!

My beloved parents,
Happy New Year today!
How crazy fast the days are...
I always wished and I will wish again
Long life, health and more to you
Everything you want,
Please, parents, kiss me warmly,
Live happily for the joy of your children!

Beloved parents,
I congratulate you.
On New Year's Eve
I want to be with you
Warmth of loved ones' hearts
We are always warm
You will now accept
These congratulations.
May we be healthy
You keep happiness.
You are our support -
Take care of each other.

Dear dad, Mother
I love you - I can’t describe it.
And of course Happy New Year!
I want to shout to you!
Take you, hug you very tightly.
And although I'm far away
You are in my heart, believe me,
It’s so difficult for me without you.
And therefore I wish
Do you have patience with me?
After all, no matter what,
Well, we are still a family.
Happy New Year dears!
May the new year bring
Let's see more people, dear ones!
And it will take away the problems.
Let worries be like fogs
Disappearing without a trace.
Waiting for a bright holiday,
Never be sad!

How can you not be surprised on New Year's Day?
We are rushing to the holiday in a hurry,
But mom and dad can’t sit,
And mom and dad are still at work -
In the pre-holiday suffering shock
The apartment is being turned into a temple!..
We are immensely grateful to you
For the life given to us,
Because our house is full
Everyone deservedly has the reputation...
Health to you, our dear ones,
And a lot of happiness in the New Year!

Let the new year begin for you
A sparkling slide at the table,
In the circle of family, relatives and friends,
No regrets about the past.
May your wishes come true
And all your cherished dreams.
Happy New Year to you, with new happiness
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Happy New Year to all your loved ones - long life!
Let your reserves of vigor grow stronger!
Let us smile and shine
The kind shine of dear, beloved eyes.
May the year be filled with affection,
Joy, love and beauty,
Let, as if in a good children's fairy tale,
Your dreams come true!

Mom, dad, congratulations
Happy New Year this!
I wish you happiness and joy,
Let's celebrate the holiday together!
Let pleasant worries
Surrounded all year round
Only my favorite job
Let him call for you!
I love you, I adore you,
I wish you only the best,
Just to get younger
And their hearts sang with happiness.

Melting the wrinkles on the forehead,
Let's make a wish for the holiday.
Let's forget any bad weather,
Maybe this is true, not in vain,
Comes to us at the end of December,
Golden hope and happiness!

Let worries leave you,
And illness and adversity,
Hopelessness will go away.
And the desired hope
He will guide you through life.
Let business captivate you
And wealth increases.
And luck awaits too
On this good New Year!

Life will go on without sorrows
And without bitter regrets,
No losses and no losses.
It will be the best of all awards
You are in excellent health,
Feelings of wonderful flood.
You value your happiness
Take care and store -
Happiness is so fragile
Don't hope for anything else.
Live with him for a whole year -
And trouble will pass you by.

Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness and many years to come!
New Year in a cheerful threesome,
Let troubles rush past you,
Past grief and illness,
Troubles and tears.
Let the happy children's laughter
Santa Claus will give you a gift!

Happy New Year, dears!
There is no sadness at midnight.
All good things will happen
Only joy for you.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Let your dreams come true
And live in power
Beauty and kindness.

Parents, I see and appreciate your help,
With your sensitive support it is not difficult,
For the sake of our children, by working together
Achieve good success!

Let us be together in the future, parents.
And with your care and attention,
Helping each other, we will be friends,
Our children are in the garden, developing.

We wish you all the best, may it be a New Year for everyone
It will be peaceful, happy, calm!
It brings only joy and good luck to every home,
Take care of yourself and your health!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Live for many years without worries,
To have a lot of money
My heart didn't ache without Love,
So that, in defiance of fate,
You had both a stake and a yard!
So that your leisure time is not boring, -
Grandchildren and children galore,
Well, what is most important -
The house would be full of friends!
Will be your home
Warm up with their warmth!

Along the snow-white winter road,
The old year is gone,
The New Year is already on the threshold,
All wishes will be fulfilled on a magical night.
Dear parents, please accept my congratulations,
We wish you good luck, inspiration,
Forget about boredom, anger and misfortune,
We wish you only happiness in the New Year.

What is supposedly on the sled
Brought by a magical bearded grandfather
Mommy! Daddy! Happy New Year!
May your grandchildren bring back the spring of those years to you!

And the enthusiasm of youth, the sweetness of dreams,
And the sparkle in the eyes, and the warmth in the souls,
Health in your bodies, joy in your home -
May they be present for many years!

Mommy and Daddy! Beloved!
Having looked at the shortest route,
Let joy run uncontrollably
To your home, where peace and comfort reigns,

To a house that has become akin to a safe haven,
Where I can always hide from storms.
And now my main desires are -
So that each of you is healthy,

Life so that winter doesn’t wrap itself in snow
And I didn’t dare to sweep away the whiskey,
For a long, long time so that under the sky there is a dome
You could love, create, dream!

Happy New Year, Mommy and Daddy!
So let it always, in the night and day,
Happiness fireproof light bulb
Lights up both hearts and homes!

I wish you, parents,
May the whole coming year
Happy days will come
And it will pass in joy.

Let Santa Claus under the Christmas tree
Will give you success.
Luck falls like snow
Cheerful laughter sounds.

Beloved parents, I congratulate you,
Let every hour be cheerful, bright, joyful,
The year will be rich in good events,
May it bring success, smiles, and holidays to your home.

I wish you two health, strength and vigor,
May the year come with gifts, may luck go with it,
Let them live with the hopes and feelings of their hearts,
And let there be no end to happiness and desires.

Happy New Year, my dears,
I wish you great happiness!
Mood, good luck, love,
The sky is clear and blue!

I wish you patience and tenderness,
Lots of kind and affectionate phrases!
May your wishes come true
Well, let everything be with you!

And I wish you good health,
And, of course, great friends,
So that you can walk through life confidently,
To make your journey more fun!

May the lace shawl have good luck
Gently warms you this year,
Become richer in health
And let the pain go by.

Let the golden drops of happiness
Will spill from the peaceful blue,
I pray for you, my dear ones,
You deserve all the blessings of earth!

May it be lined with luck
For you, dear ones, this year is
Meet him with the mood -
And you will be absolutely lucky!

Let luck flow
Let your dreams come true
Fortune itself, no less,
Let him send greetings from above.

Don't know boring bad weather,
Don't know any problems
After all, you two are together, which means happiness
Let it be for two too!

Let pleasant worries
Surrounded all year round
And beloved children
They value you and take care of you!

We love you, we adore you,
We wish you all only the best,
Just to get younger
And their hearts sang with happiness.

Your answers are all correct,
We are celebrating the Year of the Horse!
Come on, let's start our holiday,
We're calling on New Year's party all of you!

We tried for a whole year
To bring the New Year closer!
We listened to our teachers,
We did everything diligently!

It's a joy to look at this tree,
Her toys and needles make her happy!
We are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus,
With gifts according to our request!

Bring it to us, Horse
Mountain of happiness and love,
Wise thoughts, for order,
And share it fairly with everyone!

Soon it will be New Year,
Round dance around the Christmas tree,
Santa Claus will come to us,
He will bring a cartload of gifts!

He will fulfill all dreams
If you believe in him,
To everyone who behaved well -
He will hand over the gifts personally!

May the New Year bring you more,
Happy and peaceful evenings.
Parents! Live joyfully, longer,
Among friendly people and kind words.
Let beauty gently surround you in everything,
And let the common dream come true.

New year, gaining momentum,
Let the parents bring gifts:
A bag of smiles, a suitcase of happiness,
Good luck, pocket full to the top,

An armful of love, a round dance of jokes
There are countless joyful days throughout the year.
To be at home even in the cold,
Warm, cozy, always happy.

Dear Parents! Let the sparkle of the lights of this magical New Year's Eve crumble into three hundred and sixty-five sparkles, which will fill each new day of the coming year with uncontrollable joy, ringing joy, inexhaustible happiness, abundant prosperity and good health.

At our festive table,
I congratulate you, parents:
Let the sadness remain in the past,
Success and happiness will come true.
I wish you a world without adversity,
Happy New Year.

I don’t know people closer than you,
My dear mom and dad.
I'm so glad when I see you together,
There is no better balm for the soul.

Let's have a quick New Year,
Oceans of happiness will come to you.
To make the house a little brighter,
And everything shone like an emerald.

Happy new good and generous year, my beloved parents! May he bring you peace and love, give you good health and vitality, fulfill your innermost desires, and may all your unrealizable dreams come true.

New Year with a spruce paw
Waving to mom and dad through the windows,
Left a pattern on the glass -
Brought greetings from me.
Beloved, dear people,
May the whole year be happy!

The house was filled with lights,
That on the Christmas tree they shine like stars,
Mom, dad, my dear ones,
Happy New Year, I congratulate you!

May the angel protect you from troubles,
And your health will always be strong,
Let love illuminate life with light,
And fate gives blessings on a platter!

Dear parents, New Year's Eve accept my wishes coming from the heart! Always be healthy, live joyfully, and I will try to act in such a way that you are proud of me!

Let, parents, accompany you all year long
Love you, and laughter will be heard in the house.
Without stinting, the goodness of the new year multiplies
And it brings with it prosperity and success.

New Year comes quietly into the house,
And I congratulate you, mom and dad,
Let the cold and snowstorms outside the window,
Warm again, like in childhood, hugs!

I wish you a lot of earthly joy,
Love that helps you appreciate life,
So that you can with your kindness
Warm us and give us tenderness!

Happy New Year, my dear parents! I wish you fabulous, mysterious adventures and incredible, joyful memories. May the year be unforgettable and full of all kinds of positive emotions.

My beloved, dear family.
Wonderful dad, dear mother.
I congratulate you with all my heart today,
And I want to wish you a few words.
May the New Year, who has come to visit,
It will bring you handfuls of love and happiness.

Let this night, to the clink of glasses,
Under bright, blazing fireworks.
Suddenly happiness is loud, unprecedented,
With luck they will fall on your head.

Beloved parents, dear ones,
May this year be the best.
All earthly blessings will be available,
And a radiantly bright sky.

Dear parents! This year I wish you mutual love, understanding, patience, respect. Live happily, enjoy the favor of fate, enjoy life and the world around you.

Looking at the fruits of your efforts,
You should be proud of yourself!
Spending years of life on children -
There is no more honorable and brighter fate!

A teacher is like a second mother,
Cheerful, strict and good,
For children to become the very best,
Maybe your kind soul!

Happy New Year, wise Educator!
May your dreams always come true!
A friend to children and parents,
You can do everything in the world!

You are the dearest people
You make us happy every year!
Do you dream of a miracle -
Let it happen!

Happy New Year
We will not tire of congratulating you,
Let every day become more beautiful
And it will shine brighter than yesterday!

New Year for everyone in the world!
But the children are especially happy,
They are waiting for gifts, waiting for fun,
There will be laughter and treats,
There will be a friendly round dance,
Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day!

Happy holiday to all of you, little ones,
Squirrels and bears congratulate
Congratulations to you and I,
Be happy, friends!

Happy New Year, you are my dears
let me hug you tighter
On this glorious and wonderful evening
I want to wish you well

Let love protect you first
Joy and success do not leave
So that luck remembers your home
Well, let your loved ones not forget!

Sometimes life bends to the ground
And he doesn’t allow me to raise my head.
We rush to our parents to help,
Their love protects and inspires us.

I want to wish my parents
So that happiness does not leave you in the New Year,
Not knowing illness, not knowing bitter troubles.
Only joy - without end and without beginning.

What do parents need to be happy?
Money, luxury and a full house of servants?
No, just be around more often
With us, help and be a shield.
And on such a cheerful winter holiday,
We all congratulate you, dear ones.
And warmth, kindness, parental happiness
We wish you a New Year with all our hearts.

Happy New Year to you
I want today
And come up with just for you
New Year's gift.

The best thing for him to be
Necessary and good.
We've grown up now
We can give you gifts.

For all the gifts that are under the tree
You left for a year,
Let's say thank you very much
We will always remember them.

My good and dearest ones,
Beloved, so dear,
Even if your hair is already gray,
But the eyes are as young as before.
And this winter night, New Year's,
Please accept my wishes -
Kindness, smiles, happiness and health
And may your days be long.

My parents, Happy New Year!
I love you sincerely and wish you wisdom,
And also, so that everyone is always healthy,
And they didn’t scold me much for being naughty.

And so that they are always hardy, kind,
Respected by all, strong and modest,
And I also wish you happiness and great luck,
So that you can successfully solve all problems in life.

Dad, mom dear,
I hasten to congratulate you
Happy New Year, dear ones
I love you most of all
I still want to wish
May all your dreams come true!
For me, you are no more precious,
be strong people :)
So that your heart does not grow old
And let the years fly by
I am health and prosperity
I wish you lovingly!

Happy New Year
My bow to you to the ground.
Horse health,
Babysit grandchildren so they can.

For me you are mom and dad,
You are their grandmother and grandfather.
Today I wish
So that you don't know troubles,

So that you are rich,
So that there is success in everything.
We are in a hurry to visit you and we know
Enough pies for everyone.

Happy New Year, my dear parents,
I wish you many years to live in your dear abode,
So that your eyes glow with happiness, joy, goodness,
So that life does not rush to dye your hair silver.

You live together in love until old age.
Wisdom, purity and loyalty - you always value,
And, celebrate the holiday with joy and laughter,
And let the celebrations be a huge success.

All roads, all life paths
They bring us back to our father's house.
And wherever we have to go,
We return to it again.

Our parents are always waiting for us there.
Happy New Year we send them congratulations!
May the years not be a burden to them,
Joy and fun reign in the house!

On New Year's Eve, traditionally, matinees are held in kindergartens and schools. To make them interesting, we first need an exciting scenario that takes into account the age of the children.

A variety of fairy tale and cartoon characters and, of course, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come to visit the children. Good congratulations on the New Year sound.

What should these congratulations be like? Bright, cheerful, so that they are well perceived by ear. As a rule, children perceive poetry better than prose, and these verses should have short lines.

For example:

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
The bells are ringing,
Happy New Year,
“Happy holiday to you!” - They say.
May the year bring you joy,
More naughty games
Slides, sleds, two weeks
Happy New Year's weekend!
Everything is spinning and spinning
In the rigors of idle days,
I wish everyone in the world
Lots of happiness and friends!

There is a good poem by Sergei Mikhalkov - “They say on New Year’s Eve...”. Most people know and use only the first quatrain, while the entire poem is great for congratulating schoolchildren on the New Year:

They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
Even guys can
All wishes come true
It is only necessary, they say,
Make an effort.
Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And don’t count your studies
For your torment.
They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
How can we not make a wish?
A modest wish -
Execute "excellently"
School assignments.

Let Happy New Year greetings in kindergartens be even more accessible and understandable, because often the children themselves pronounce them according to the script. For example:

Red-cheeked and broad-shouldered
Good Grandfather Frost!
Everything was decorated in fluffy snow
And he brought gifts!
Let the lights burn on the branches,
There are round dances!
Let about all obedient children
Happiness will be taken care of!

Children perceive any interactive moments well. For example, the Snow Maiden can start poems about the New Year, and they will continue them. The main thing here is that the lines are recognizable or the word is easily guessed by the rhyme.

While preparing the script, do not forget to also choose Happy New Year greetings for your parents - warm and sincere. For example, these:

Dear mom and dad!
Happy New Year - from the bottom of my heart,
Happy holiday to the best
We hasten to congratulate you.

And we wish you good health
It was strong for a hundred years,
Happiness, peace and love
To keep your home warm.

To fulfill all your wishes
Dear Grandfather Frost,
And problems in the early morning
He took him away on his sleigh!

And, of course, we need to prepare New Year’s greetings for educators and teachers: health, success, good students:

New Year's greetings
Today we want to tell you:
Be young, successful,
And lucky, of course.

From now on let them be alright
Your students' notebooks,
Let the children know a lot
And get straight A's!

Scenarios with New Year wishes you can find on the websites of schools, extracurricular educational institutions, as well as on various portals dedicated to the development of children. In addition, create your own - surely each of us has something to wish on the eve of such a lovely holiday! Do it!

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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