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Glen Doman's method of raising children. Doman's technique

Good day, all for those who are interested in techniques early development, of which there are a huge number. Each technique has its pros and cons. And each parent decides for himself how, when and what to teach his child.

Many of us have already heard about Glen Doman's early development method. In this article, you will learn how this technique originated, in which areas development takes place according to the Doman system, how to practice using this technique, as well as what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Doman technique.

Glen Doman (1920-2013) is an American physical therapist, author of a method of intensive intellectual and physical development of children from birth.

Glen Doman is the founder of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential (1955). Doman, along with his family, treated children who suffered from various brain disorders. Various unique techniques have been created and developed, with the help of which it became possible to restore damaged cells. While treating and rehabilitating children with lesions of the central nervous system, Glen Doman came to the conclusion that the human brain develops most actively before the age of 6-7 years. Glen Doman considers the period up to 3 years to be the most active period of brain development.

During classes with sick children, their healthy brothers and sisters were also present, who happily repeated all the exercises and quickly achieved good results. Then Glen Doman decided to develop a method for healthy children.

This is how Glen Doman’s early childhood development method arose, aimed at developing and stimulating brain activity in healthy children.

Glen Doman showed us how enormous human potential is. Doman believed that it was necessary to “give children unlimited opportunities in life.” Children who were taught using this method at the age of 2-4 years read fluently, mastered mathematics, knew many different facts, and had good physical fitness.

Glen Doman developed his own method for 3-4 year old children, based on the fact that at this time the human brain is most actively developing. Glen Doman proved that the brain actively develops when it works and the more intense the load in the first years of a child’s life, the better the child’s intelligence will develop.

In what areas does a child develop according to Glen Doman’s early development method?

  • Reading. Cards - red words are depicted on a white background, which are also shown to the child several times a day, gradually making them more difficult. You show the card and read what is written on it, that is, the child learns to read entire words at once. The child remembers words mechanically.
  • Mathematics. It is believed that the child represents quantity, not numbers and signs. Therefore, you need to teach your child by showing cards with a certain amount anything.

It is important to start classes when the child already understands the phrase “there are three oranges on the table, and next to them two pomegranates.”

White cards with red dots on them were chosen for display. To teach mathematics, you need to show these cards to the child regularly and one by one, devoting 1-2 seconds to one card, and the lesson should last about 10-15 seconds, there should be several such lessons a day. When showing a card, you need to say how many dots are shown on it.

  • Encyclopedic facts. On the cards we show various information in the form of pictures. Facts are the basis of any knowledge, skill or profession. Facts should be clear, distinct, interesting and consistent. Glen Doman also believed that facts must be systematized. Facts are systematized into sections (biology), categories (plants, animals), bits - units of information (photo of a zebra, cow).
  • Physical development. Glen Doman believes that it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to the physical development of a child in the first year of his life. To do this, he developed a system for the physical development of children.

You can make your child his own selection of cards on a specific topic or make a presentation on the computer. An example would be the presentation “wild animals”.

How to practice according to Glen Doman's early development method?

  • You need to work with your child from an early age;
  • show cards and say their name. 1-2 seconds are allotted for each card;
  • classes should be short so that the child does not get bored with them;
  • replenish cards with new ones daily, the same card does not need to be shown more than 3 times a day;
  • The baby should be in a good mood;
  • rejoice at your child’s success;
  • conduct classes systematically and regularly;
  • teach only if both you and your child like it;
  • Don't test your child's knowledge.

Like any technique, the Doman technique has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Doman technique

I would like to add that it is not at all necessary to scrupulously follow one single technique; you can take the best from each technique and implement it. Each child is an individual, with his own personal qualities, skills and desires.

If you have seriously decided to develop your child using this method, I can suggest you purchase Doman cards on DVD. This set includes 5 DVDs and contains first words, everyday words, animals and phrases (designed for children from 0 to 3 years old).

Let's make the lives of our children interesting and varied!

Have you used this technique for your child? What results have you achieved? Does your child enjoy looking at flashcards?

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I heard a lot about Glen Doman’s method, I read this book in print and when I found it in the Labyrinth I was very happy. Indeed, a crazy amount of cards is required, but when you see how much the child likes it, you somehow get involved and it’s even interesting to draw them at night. In addition, you can buy ready-made ones. With devices for physical development - tracks, ladders... it is much more difficult, but we do exercises that do not require the manufacture of special equipment (and there are also a lot of them in the book) with pleasure.
The main difficulty in making cards is their size. For numbers 27x27cm, and for words 10x50cm. Doesn't fit into standard A4 format. So we are constantly looking for thicker and larger cardboard in the Labyrinth. And we make cards with words smaller in size and for now we write short words. For cards with flowers you also need colored cardboard. And which one you can’t open - almost everywhere there are only 8 colors, and almost nowhere is it indicated which colors (thanks to reviewers who sometimes write this in reviews). The best thing I have found so far is:
We study mathematics and reading from the very first days. Now the youngest is 5 months old. I didn’t expect it myself, but if my baby is in a bad mood, you often start showing him words or numbers, and he magically calms down. And if we play together with our older brother (he is 3 years old), the older one teaches the younger one. I lay out several cards with words and ask the elder to show the child where, for example, the word “mother” is. He is honestly looking the right word among several, if he makes a mistake, he corrects himself or his mother helps and shows it to the younger one with delight.
And with the study of animals and plants, a set of ready-made cards “Who Lives Around Me” helps us a lot although they are from Zaitsev’s method, it’s hard to collect so many pictures and make cards yourself, isn’t it? just start preparing in advance, putting aside good pictures, for example from old magazines, until the baby is born. The difficulty is that the image should not contain background or foreign objects. For example, if it is a crow, then there should only be one crow in the picture. Although, if you have a good color printer, you can find and print many suitable pictures on the Internet.
The classes themselves do not require much time. The duration of each lesson is measured in seconds.
There are also very simple recommendations that do not require absolutely any preparation: for example, from the first days of life, place the baby on his tummy as often as possible, which allows him to learn to crawl very quickly.
And the argument that teaching a child the earlier, the more productive it is, is extremely simple. During 9 months of pregnancy, the head (and therefore the brain) reaches 35 cm. Until the age of three, a child’s head grows up to 50 cm, and during the entire subsequent life it grows by only a few centimeters.
One of the basic principles is that for a child, classes and learning should be a holiday. It is constantly emphasized that it is always necessary to finish the lesson earlier than the child wants it, so that he can look forward to the next “lesson”.
Overall a very interesting publication.

The birth of a child is a great joy for parents! If you want your child to grow up smart, inquisitive and comprehensively developed, you need to take care of this from the first days of his life. The original method of Glen Doman will help you with this, the main principle of which is the harmonious development of the child - both intellectual and physical. The book describes step-by-step methods for developing motor skills and balance from the very birth of the baby, techniques for learning to read, count and memorize large amounts of information without effort and stress. Educational material you can make it from available materials and easily adapt it for your child. And the stories of experienced parents and followers of Glen Doman will help you choose what is best suited for your baby.

On our website you can download the book "Early Development Methodology by Glen Doman. From 0 to 4 years old" Author unknown for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Children quickly grasp countless objects.


So, let us not waste time in vain, especially since the beginning of all sciences requires one memory, with which children are gifted to the highest degree.

Quintilian (42–118 AD) On the Education of the Orator

You have a baby! Of course, like all parents, you dream that he will grow up smart and inquisitive, capable and comprehensively developed, so that he will not have problems in learning and acquiring knowledge, because his success in the future depends on this. And you intend to make every effort to provide him with everything he needs for this.

Today, parents can take their child's development seriously. The possibilities that books, manuals, games and toys open up for them are endless. Almost all mothers and fathers are familiar with the term “early development,” but not everyone has an accurate idea of ​​its meaning. We hope that our book will help you figure this out.

What is early development

The term “early development” means the intensive development of the baby’s abilities, starting from his birth. Modern psychologists and teachers believe that 7 years is very late to begin a child’s education, because his brain is ready to perceive new information from the first seconds after birth. Therefore, parents are strongly recommended to start working with their child from the very first days of his life.

In accordance with fashion trends There are a lot of developing children's centers, clubs and entire schools that are ready to accept a child and teach him the basics of reading, mathematics, drawing and other useful things from the age of 6 months. This is where the parents were divided into 2 camps: some argue that newfangled trends are depriving the child of childhood, that he should play enough with toys, and only then start studying - after all, this is exactly how they and their parents were raised, and everyone grew up successful and successful. fully developed people.

Proponents of the second point of view enthusiastically accepted A New Look and actively began to develop and educate infants, sometimes in the heat of the moment depriving them of that very “childhood.” Who is right? We invite you to find the “golden mean” yourself by understanding the essence of the proposed development methods and independently answering the questions of what they are intended for and how they work. In this case, you yourself will be able to develop your baby, without turning the process into boring lessons and duties, but, on the contrary, enjoying communication with each other.

Each child is individual and develops at an individual pace. You can't compare him with other children.

The goal of any early development method is not to “cram” as much knowledge and facts into a child as possible, but to teach him to obtain this knowledge - developing his mental and physical abilities.

Training should bring mutual pleasure to both the baby and the mother, only in this case it will be successful.

Chapter 1 Early development according to the Doman method

Who is Glen Doman

It would not be an exaggeration to say that no early development method has caused as much controversy and contradictory judgments as Glen Doman’s system.

Among the opinions about his development method, you can hear both enthusiastic reviews and severe criticism from teachers and parents.

Many people took on this work, received dubious results or did not receive them at all, saw the reluctance and resistance of children against this method of presenting information, and as a result, having become infected with the ideas of early development from Doman, they changed the method beyond recognition and received their own, such as the well-known to many Cecile Lupan.

So who is he, Glen Doman - the greatest Teacher who discovered a universal recipe for educating geniuses, or simply the author of a dubious methodology around which a stormy advertising campaign unfolded? Is it useful or harmful to work with a child using the Doman system?

It may seem strange to many that such a well-known technique for “raising geniuses” was originally rehabilitative. In the late forties of the 20th century, the American military neurosurgeon Glen Doman, working at the Philadelphia Institute, later called the Better Baby Institute (BBI), began treating children with brain injuries.

Using external stimuli, he tried to stimulate “reserve” brain cells that were not affected by the disease. In order for the children to begin to fixate their gaze, they were shown cards with red dots drawn on them, gradually increasing their number and intensity of activities. Then - words, pictures. The entire lesson took 5–10 seconds, but there were several dozen such lessons a day. The method worked.

The conclusions reached by Doman and his colleagues can be schematically described as follows: by stimulating one of the sense organs, you can achieve a sharp increase in brain activity as a whole.

As a neurophysiologist, Doman made a unique discovery: the brain develops only if it works. And the more intense the load on the baby’s brain in the first years of his life, the better his intelligence will develop. The more a baby is encouraged to move from birth, the faster the brain is formed, the more perfect and mature its cells will be, and the higher (in Doman’s terminology) its motor intelligence will be. This means that the baby will begin to crawl, sit, and walk independently much earlier than the generally accepted deadlines. And as soon as a child masters one or another motor skill, the next, higher, part of the brain begins to develop. Well, the faster the formation of the higher parts (and especially the cortex) of the brain occurs, the smarter and more savvy your baby will be.

The creative possibilities of children studying under the system of the Institute for Accelerated Child Development are so wide that Doman himself called them children of the Renaissance.

What does the Doman technique give to parents and children?

Subsequently, Doman tried to apply the system developed for patients in working with healthy children. With his works, he showed that human potential is enormous, which is still very early age Children can be taught a lot. At his institute, children two, three, four years old begin to read, master mathematics excellently, become real scholars, and at the same time are perfectly developed physically: they swim, run, and climb well.

No less important is another discovery of Doman: a child’s brain is programmed to learn from birth, and while its active growth continues (after three years it slows down significantly, and after six it practically stops), the child does not need any additional motivation for learning.

Human potential is enormous; There is a lot that can be taught to children at a very young age.

By stimulating one of the senses, you can achieve a sharp increase in brain activity as a whole.

The brain develops only if it works.

The more a baby is encouraged to move from birth, the faster the brain develops.

The main principle of the Doman method is the harmonious development of the child. This means that the development of intelligence occurs in unbreakable connection with physical development. Doman strives to “give children unlimited opportunities in life. And the achievement of this goal will be determined by what the child chooses for himself, who he decides to become, what he likes from a long list of possibilities.” But in order for him to choose, he needs to be provided with these opportunities. This is what the classes are designed to do: it is necessary to develop hearing, the ability to speak languages, plasticity and muscle strength - everything that can later become a favorite activity, a source of inspiration.

If you organize the process correctly, any child will enjoy learning everything you offer him.

This is the most the right way make your child happy and successful. He will learn to withstand heavy loads without serious losses, will be ready for the rhythm of modern life, and will realize that studying is a source of interesting discoveries and new opportunities.

Before you start classes

Working with a child using the Doman method is reminiscent of creating a complex computer program. Therefore, each piece of knowledge that the baby receives is called a “bit of information.”

A child's brain is programmed to learn from birth.

Studying is effective only during the period of brain growth. The human brain grows up to 7–7.5 years, but it grows most actively in the first three years.

All babies have incredible abilities for languages.

The faster the formation of the higher parts (and especially the cortex) of the brain occurs, the smarter and more savvy your baby will be.

Almost from birth, a child can be shown large cards with “bits of information.” Use word cards to teach reading. For teaching mathematics - cards on which the number is replaced by the corresponding number of dots. To obtain encyclopedic knowledge - cards with pictures. Such a card can depict an animal, an insect, or a work of art. The name of the item is written on the back, which is what the child must read. The more detailed (according to Doman - more informative) the explanation, the better. For example, the caption “large Galapagos tortoise” is preferable to “tortoise.”

Undoubtedly, Glen Doman's technique is also useful for proper organization classes is effective, although, like any technique, this system has its drawbacks. However, you should not immediately abandon the method proposed by Doman. Remember the rule of the “golden mean”? This is precisely what must be observed, skillfully combining the elements of this system with other early development methods, with common sense, the characteristics of your child, as well as your lifestyle.

Glen Doman states: “If you show a child not just 10 random cards, but 10 cards belonging to a certain category, for ten seconds, you will thereby give him the opportunity to make 3,628,800 combinations from the knowledge he has acquired. Now he will not just remember ten bits of information for the rest of his life, but will master an entire system of knowledge.”

The Doman system is good because the child learns a large amount of information with ease, in a pleasant way for him, without violence, threats and similar “educational” delights. Parents can always find other ways to develop creativity and exploration.

Before you start, be sure to pay attention to a few important points.

Classes using this method will require certain efforts and expenses from parents - after all, for a long time they will have to make thousands of cards with dots, words, images of animals, plants, and various objects.

In the Doman system, the child is a passive object of learning. He sits, and his mother shows him one or another series of cards, telling him a strictly defined set of information about each. There is no dialogue and joint creativity with baby.

There is no need to abandon traditional “grandmother’s” methods. Let your child listen to as many fairy tales, songs, and poems as possible, and they do not always have to be accompanied by pictures, so that the child’s brain learns to independently complete the visual sequence to the text. This will help develop the baby’s speech and form text interpretation functions in time. Don’t forget about such ancient “developmental games” as traditional nursery rhymes, pestles, and finger games.

Scientists believe that we should not forget about the emotional and cognitive development child, since it is impossible to develop only one (in this case visual) component. A “fact” must be touched, touched and licked, that is, examined with all the senses, and then, using its relationships with other “facts”, its place in the world must be determined.

If you use only pictures with captions when teaching, as Doman recommends, the child will not develop textual thinking: the ability to independently read (or listen) and analyze the text, and extract the necessary information from it.

Doman compares the human brain to a computer, a very advanced one, endowed with a huge amount of memory, but still a computer that, in order to work successfully, must be equipped with a good database. But a child is not a computer, and he needs more than a certain amount of information.

So, if you decide to start training your child using the Glen Doman method, listen to the advice of specialists and experienced parents.

Focus on the baby's reaction. Doman recommends showing the cards very quickly, holding each one for no more than 1-2 seconds. Brain small child It works differently than in an adult, and the baby seems to “photograph” the picture, and then, at rest, processes the information received. For children of the first – beginning of the second year of life, this is really true. But a one and a half to two year old baby will definitely let you know that this technique no longer suits him. Most likely, he will begin to take the album away from you, look at the pictures for a long time, and ask questions. Listen to your baby, and you will definitely understand exactly how to deal with him. Rely on your intuition, because any ready-made method is just a scheme from which you need to choose what seems useful and necessary specifically for your baby.

Never do something that you don’t like and that you think your child doesn’t like.

Do not take seriously Doman’s assertion that a child’s only need is to learn, and useless play is just a parent’s way of “getting rid” of the baby. Psychologists have long proven that play for a child is a simulation of the world and an opportunity for self-expression.

Work with your child for as long as you can. Don’t worry that you can’t fit showing several blocks of cards three times a day into your daily routine, most physical exercise etc. It is worth recalling that the technique was initially developed for children suffering from various diseases, and the parents were ready to “live for the child.” Their purpose in life was to get them back on their feet. Is such sacrifice necessary for a healthy baby? Will parents be happy who have completely subordinated their lives to his education? And will this bring happiness to the child himself?

When practicing according to the Doman method, use only what you can do. In any case, it will be better than nothing.

Don’t ask your child to give you answers, play with you, or read to you when he’s not in the mood, just because it’s time for the next “portion” of knowledge.

The main thing is to try to talk with your child as much as possible on any topic. This is the key to your success.

Provide your child with as many ways as possible to obtain information, don't just limit yourself to cards. Let the baby have maps, books, a microscope, musical instruments and much more that you can afford. The environment in which a child lives must be nurturing.

Information you give small child, should be built on the basis of the principle “The child and his environment”, and its boundaries must be expanded depending on the age of the child. For example, you can show your child cards with household items, fruits and vegetables, plants of the area in which you live, domestic and wild animals that he can see or which are described in his books. Cards depicting what children are doing (walking, sitting, swimming, drinking from a bottle, smiling, sleeping) are very useful. You can make a series of cards depicting representatives various professions: painter, driver, fisherman, doctor, salesman, clown, etc. All this not only broadens the baby’s horizons, but also develops his speech. For ease of use, insert the cards into photo albums or folders with transparent pockets - files, and sign the pictures in large, clear letters. Then the baby will not only remember the pictures, but also gradually learn to read.

Rejoice at every success of your child, even the slightest attempt to prove himself, especially if this desire is noticed by you for the first time.

Improve yourself, never stop there, look for answers to children's questions together with your baby, reason.

Do not burden your child with useless information. To prevent obscure abstract facts from hanging in the air, it is good to combine such activities with reading your favorite books. For example, when reading Russian folk tales, prepare a series of cards with animals and plants that are mentioned in them, images of ancient household items (spinning wheels, spindles, rockers, bast shoes, etc.). If your child endlessly demands to reread “Aibolit”, it’s time to tell him what Africa is and show it on a geographical map, make and review the album “Beasts of Hot Countries”, in which there will be images of animals cured by Aibolit.

Try to give your child not individual facts, but systematically organized information; present it from different sides, from different points of view, cover the same topic not only on cards, but also in games, posters, books, and other aids.

Young children are much more capable of learning than anyone else.

Young children are confident that the most a wonderful gift What they care about is the attention that adults, especially mom and dad, give them completely.

The most the best teachers are the parents.

They can teach their child absolutely everything that they themselves know, as long as this knowledge is true and based on facts.

Do not give “knowledge tests”: testing reveals only what has not been learned.

Learning is a game that ends before the child gets tired.


Marina F.: “My daughter and I started doing Doman training from the age of 3 months. We started with the development of physical abilities. Thanks to these exercises, the child was able to walk with support and crawl at 3 months; the child began to sit up at 4 months, and to walk on his own at 6.5 months. Moreover, opponents of such development only say that such activities are allegedly harmful to the child’s spine. I will say right away that all Doman’s exercises for this period of development are based on movement without stress on the spine. Thanks to these exercises, the muscles and ligaments of the spine are strengthened. But the question: “Why should a child crawl at 3 months or walk at 6 months?” – I don’t understand. Maybe it would be more logical to assume that it is harmful to swaddle a child and not allow him to move? And if a child can walk or crawl, he gets the opportunity to open new horizons for understanding the world around him. At least my child was delighted.

Then from 7 months we began to learn to read. It was an exciting game for a child. Again, I don’t understand those who ask: “Where is childhood?” Where are the necessary children's games? “Our training did not take more than half an hour a day, here is your answer - a whole day for other games. The result of the classes was that a child of 1 year 8 months read children's books on his own. Moreover, to avoid problems with long and unknown words, we, in addition to whole words, also learned all known syllables. From the age of 10 months they learned to count. Now my daughter is 2 years and 3 months old, we count to 100, do all the simple mathematical operations, and begin to study the multiplication table.

I will give the main argument why I am “for” Doman. Most children who are not prepared for school do not have time to master simple counting and mathematical operations by the end of the first grade, and then in the second grade - the multiplication table. The material is becoming more complex. Children are trying to understand the multiplication table without really knowing how to count. And the snowball begins: the child has not learned one thing, but he needs to learn something else. And so on until graduation. And initial knowledge polished to the ideal helps, and does not hinder, the assimilation of the school curriculum. In life, it will be easier for a child to understand other simple and complex things.”

Chapter 2 How to teach a child correctly

No need to be a professional

Most parents, having become familiar with Glen Doman's method in theory, are afraid to move on to the practical part and start classes with their child. There are several explanations for this.

Many are frightened by the statement that all instructions must be followed as precisely as possible - only in this case can the desired result be achieved.

Other parents, having become familiar with the Doman method, decide that it is too difficult to practice with their child: preparing for lessons takes too much effort and time, the lessons themselves require systematicity and a high pace, and this is quite difficult to achieve with a small child and many other responsibilities , which also need to be fulfilled.

At the age of 5, a child easily absorbs a huge amount of information. And the younger he is, the better he does it. If he is not even 2 years old, the learning process will proceed in the easiest and most effective way.

A child under 5 years old is able to perceive information surprisingly quickly.

All children are linguistic geniuses.

Children under 5 years old are literally overflowing with vital energy.

In addition, many parents who do not have a pedagogical education are afraid of making a mistake, doing something wrong, thereby harming the child. They prefer to send the baby to development centers, where the children will be in the reliable hands of specialists.

Of course, such reasoning is not without common sense, but still there is no need to rush to abandon Doman’s technique. Please note the following facts.

From the first days of birth, a child needs the attention of his mother. Classes give your child not only knowledge, but also the much-needed communication between him and you. Besides, who better than a mother knows the needs and capabilities of her baby?

Majority modern parents They believe that from the very first days of a child’s life it is necessary to develop comprehensively. Today there are many pedagogical systems, developed by both foreign and domestic experts, aimed at the early development of the child.

In this article we will talk about one of them, popular for several decades, the author of which is a neurosurgeon from the USA, Glen Doman. This author’s technique, which promotes earlier development of children, is now widely used throughout the world. It is used both with healthy children and with those with any developmental problems.

Who is Doman?

Before we begin to consider the technique, let's say a few words about its author, Glen Doman. In 1940, he successfully graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, after which he worked for a short time at the hospital as a physical therapist. He served throughout World War II in the infantry, rising from private to company commander.

Returning to civilian life, he resumed his medical practice, and subsequently began rehabilitating children with serious pathologies and diseases of the nervous system, as well as various brain dysfunctions. In 1955 he created and then long time and directed the Philadelphia Institute for Human Development. As a result of many years of research and practical work both with sick and healthy children, many discoveries were made and Glen Doman's development method was created.

Basic provisions

When developing the early development system, Doman and the team of the institute he headed relied on the following principles:

  1. Only with constant work can it grow and develop.
  2. A child’s intelligence develops best with intensive brain activity from the first days of life until the age of three.
  3. good physical development a small person contributes to more intensive formation of the brain and motor intelligence.
  4. During the active growth phase, which lasts from birth to 3-5 years, the child’s brain is programmed for learning and does not require additional motivation.

When to start?

Based on the basic principles developed by Glen Doman, the early development method can be used starting from 3 months, when the child is already responding to objects. Classes begin with the demonstration of cards that depict a variety of real objects - fruits, animals, toys, birds, transport and others. Thanks to such activities, speech, attention, photographic and auditory memory develop. Parents who used Glen Doman's method leave positive reviews, since for the child it is an exciting game, and not a boring learning experience. This technique is designed for children under the age of three, since later, Doman noted, the ability to assimilate new information is significantly reduced.

Motor intelligence

The more intensively a child’s brain is loaded, the faster it develops, Glen Doman found out as a result of research. The technique he developed proposes to develop a child’s mental activity through the formation of “motor” intelligence, that is, by mastering a variety of motor skills. To “boost” the development of movements, Doman developed a special simulator - a crawling track. This is a narrow space, limited on both sides by sides. The width of the track should be such that the baby’s hips and forearms touch the sides. All this is aimed at creating an imitation of the intrauterine space and awakening in the child’s memory the “first reflex”, thanks to which he was able to be born. Such a simulator allows a baby to actively crawl and “conquer” quite long distances by the age of 4 months, thereby developing his motor intelligence, brain and ability to perceive new information.

You can make a similar structure from two ready-made bookshelves, covering the walls and the space between them with a soft blanket or blanket. To interest the baby, you can install a bright toy at the end of the “path”.

Main tool

In parallel with the track simulator, special cards are used for the early development of children.

They are made of a certain size and contain realistic images and inscriptions, which helps the child perceive information and receive the brain load necessary for development. It is enough for the child to show cards with images of the concepts being studied, and the child will find the rules to which they obey. As Glen Doman himself argued, this technique, if applied correctly, can raise a child prodigy and a genius.

Where can I get them?

If you are interested and want to work with your child, you can:

  • buy;
  • find kits online and print them;
  • pick up pictures and make cards yourself.

It’s just important to remember that if Glen Doman’s technique is used, the cards must have a white background on which a large, and most importantly, as realistic image of the object as possible is placed.

At the bottom, in large red font, is written a word that denotes the object, object or phenomenon depicted in the picture.

Creation Rules

For those who decided to make Doman cards with their own hands, here are their main parameters and characteristics:

  1. Dimensions: 28 x 28 cm. As many parents note, a decrease of a couple of centimeters did not affect classes.
  2. Each card contains one image.
  3. The background is only white.
  4. The image must be clear and as realistic as possible.
  5. The name of the item shown on the card is written under it in large red letters. in block letters. On the reverse side we duplicate the inscription in pencil. In the future, it will be possible to write there Interesting Facts and information.
  6. The information offered must be new and unfamiliar to the child, otherwise he will quickly lose interest.

How to conduct classes?

How often and for how long the classes will last, parents decide for themselves, focusing on the physical condition of the child and his regime. It is worth practicing only when the child is calm and cheerful, has had enough sleep and is well-fed.

For classes, you need to select 5 cards related to one topic and show each one to your child for a few seconds, while pronouncing the name of the item, recommends Glen Doman. The technique involves replacing one card from the set with a new one after three lessons. Thus, all pictures will be replaced. In about a week, you can slowly get acquainted with both the method itself and the cards.

  • prepare 5 sets of words of the same or different topics in advance;
  • During each lesson, one set is demonstrated once;
  • lesson time is about 10-15 seconds;
  • up to 15 demonstrations are held per day;
  • Each set and card is shown to the child three times a day.

Learning to read

Glen Doman's reading method is based on the child's mechanical memorization of the entire word at once, rather than putting it together from individual letters and syllables.

First, the child is shown and voiced individual words, then phrases, and then simple sentences. Reading books follows the same principle as working with cards. For several days, an adult reads a book two or three times a day. At some point, the child will have a desire to read the book on his own. Since the baby remembers the whole word and does not put syllables together from letters, seeing it in the text, he recognizes and reproduces its sound.

Foreign languages

If your child masters his native language without any difficulties, then Glen Doman’s method will also help him master English and another foreign language. You can start practicing from the age of two.

Before starting to learn any foreign language with their child, parents must adequately assess their level of proficiency in it. Good pronunciation and knowledge grammar basics will be enough to help your child learn a new language. If you doubt your own pronunciation or knowledge, it is better to find a teacher.

Regardless of whether there is a teacher or not, you can organize the following flows of information for your child, which will facilitate learning the chosen language:

  • Songs and audio fairy tales, television programs in this language, which can be turned on as a background when playing or putting children to bed from birth to two years old. The child most likely will not look at the screen, but his brain will “record” words and sounds.
  • Starting from the age of two, when a child can already focus attention on a moving image for quite a long time, you can start watching animated films, fairy tales, and theatrical productions for children in a foreign language. This will help the baby correlate situations, movements and objects with sounds and understand their meaning.
  • From the age of three you can teach your child to use learning language tools. interactive programs on a computer or other device.

Thanks to the enormous work done by Glen Doman, it has become very popular. Many parents take it as a basis and optimize it for the development and health status of their baby, often combining it with elements of other systems. Remember that for a child this is a game, and it should be fun, interesting and exciting.