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Is it possible to eat fish during Lent: meals by day. Menu in fasting for the feast of the annunciation

Let's remind that on April 7 Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate the holiday. The history of the date suggests that on this day the Archangel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary the good news that she would become the mother of the son of God — Jesus Christ.

The holiday of April 7 is an event when adults and children try to spend the day without committing sins and adhering to traditions. Main question on this day for many - is it possible to work for. Read on about all the bans for the holiday.

Annunciation: what not to do

So, answering the question of whether it is possible to work for the Annunciation, we answer: as in any other big church holiday, one should not engage in hard work or perform homework... It is better to devote the day to self-education and spiritual development to the maximum.

From what cannot be done on the Annunciation, it is worth remembering that it is undesirable to leave home (it is better to postpone the trip), you cannot work on the ground or cut trees. It is believed that it is on this day that the Lord blesses everything that grows, and the plants grow and begin to turn green.

In no case should girls on April 7 braid their braids. It was believed that because of this, you can confuse your threads of fate and your whole life will go awry.

What not to do on the Annunciation: what everyone needs to know

What you can’t do for sure is don’t give anything away from home, and especially borrow money from someone. Otherwise, you can give up your health and well-being.

On what day of the week falls April 7, on that day throughout the year you cannot start new business.

The Annunciation is not worn new clothes- or tear and stain so that you do not wash. Earlier, girls who wanted to show off new clothes on this day wore them secretly for several days on themselves so that no one would see.

You cannot sew, weave or knit anything on. This ancient prohibition is due to the fact that human life is a thread, which can only be controlled by guardian angels and the Lord himself. On this day, the probability of confusing the threads of life is extremely high. This can lead to the destruction of the family or the occurrence of feuds with relatives and friends, shifting fate from one person to another, etc.

What can not be done on the Annunciation - prohibitions that have been passed from mouth to mouth for centuries, so you should listen to them. Recall that it still lasts with its dietary restrictions. Therefore, there are points that you need to know about what you can eat for the Annunciation.

What can you eat for the Annunciation

Since the Annunciation falls on, it is worth adhering to the prescriptions of Great Lent (we published earlier about the delicious ones for this period). But as an exception and in honor of the holiday, you can make indulgence and eat fish. Meat, eggs, milk are still excluded from the meal.

But there are important exceptions: if the Annunciation falls on Holy Week, fish cannot be.

Now you know what you cannot do for the Annunciation, and also what you can eat for the Annunciation. Happy holiday!

Photo: cover - Maysternya Third Pivni, open sources on the Web

The Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated 9 months before the birth of Christ. Read about the date of the celebration of the Annunciation in 2018, traditions and customs, as well as the history of the celebration.

Annunciation is one of the main holidays church calendar... It has been celebrated since the 3rd century. Every year Christians remember the day when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God and told her that she would give birth to Jesus Christ the Son of God. The meaning of the holiday consists in this good news for all mankind. The Russian word “Annunciation” is a translation of the Greek word “Gospel” (good news).

but Annunciation holiday combines divine will and human freedom. The Church teaches that the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel could not completely resolve the issue of the salvation of mankind; the consent of the person himself - the future Mother of God - was also required. All the events of the Gospel history could not have happened if the Mother of God had refused!

Annunciation: when to celebrate the holiday in 2018?

The Church took this holiday nine months before the birth of Christ. That is why it is customary to celebrate the Annunciation on April 7th. The date of this holiday is constant, unlike, say, the date of the celebration of Easter.

Annunciation - 2018: customs and traditions

In Russia, there were different traditions of celebrating the Annunciation.

Birds release... The most famous of these is the release of birds. People caught pigeons, tits, larks, carefully planted them in cages, and then, having gathered all together, released them. It was believed that birds released into the wild would intercede before the Lord for their liberators. In addition, the dove has always been a symbol of the good news from God. And doves flying into the sky personify the good news of the birth of the Savior.

Baking prosphora... Also in Russia on this day prosphora were baked according to the number of household members. The bread was carried to the temple, where the priest consecrated them. Then, already at home, they ate it on an empty stomach.

It was customary to add crumbs from consecrated prosphora to pet food and seeds. It was believed that thanks to this, the harvest would be rich, and the livestock - fertile and healthy.

Call of Spring... The Annunciation in Russia was "called out to spring." People gathered together, with songs "vesnyanka", or, as they were also called, "calls" kindled big fires. Girls and boys led round dances around the fire, calling for warmth and bloom - "red spring". The songs sounded the name of the Mother of God and requests for a good harvest. In addition to the Lord and the Mother of God, people turned directly to spring, and also to birds, for example, larks.

A new cycle of agricultural work began with the Annunciation.

Annunciation in 2018: what can you eat?

In 2018, the holiday is celebrated during the period of Great Lent. This means meat, eggs, milk are excluded from the festive menu.

What then is there? In honor of the feast of the Annunciation, an indulgence is made in the rules of Great Lent - you can eat fish.

Can you work for the Annunciation?

In Russia, there was a tradition not to work on this day. The peasants did not go into the fields, but devoted their time entirely to the Orthodox celebration. In fact, there is no ban on work and there cannot be. This is not about messing around, but about going to the temple with the whole family.

Some say that you can't even wash yourself on the Annunciation. The priests say that this is also superstition.

Based on materials from the Orthodox magazine "Thomas"

Let's remind that on April 7 Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate the holiday. The history of the date suggests that on this day the Archangel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary the good news that she would become the mother of the son of God — Jesus Christ.

The holiday of April 7 is an event when adults and children try to spend the day without committing sins and adhering to traditions. The main question on this day for many is whether it is possible to work for. Read on about all the bans for the holiday.

Annunciation: what not to do

So, answering the question of whether it is possible to work for the Annunciation, we answer: as in any other big church holiday, you should not do hard work or do housework. It is better to devote the day to self-education and spiritual development to the maximum.

From what cannot be done on the Annunciation, it is worth remembering that it is undesirable to leave home (it is better to postpone the trip), you cannot work on the ground or cut trees. It is believed that it is on this day that the Lord blesses everything that grows, and the plants grow and begin to turn green.

In no case should girls on April 7 braid their braids. It was believed that because of this, you can confuse your threads of fate and your whole life will go awry.

What not to do on the Annunciation: what everyone needs to know

What you can’t do for sure is don’t give anything away from home, and especially borrow money from someone. Otherwise, you can give up your health and well-being.

On what day of the week falls April 7, on that day throughout the year you cannot start new business.

No new clothes are put on at the Annunciation - or they will tear and stain them so that you don't wash them off. Earlier, girls who wanted to show off new clothes on this day wore them secretly for several days on themselves so that no one would see.

You cannot sew, weave or knit anything on. This ancient prohibition is due to the fact that human life is a thread, which can only be controlled by guardian angels and the Lord himself. On this day, the probability of confusing the threads of life is extremely high. This can lead to the destruction of the family or the occurrence of feuds with relatives and friends, shifting fate from one person to another, etc.

What can not be done on the Annunciation - prohibitions that have been passed from mouth to mouth for centuries, so you should listen to them. Recall that it still lasts with its dietary restrictions. Therefore, there are points that you need to know about what you can eat for the Annunciation.

What can you eat for the Annunciation

Since the Annunciation falls on, it is worth adhering to the prescriptions of Great Lent (we published earlier about the delicious ones for this period). But as an exception and in honor of the holiday, you can make indulgence and eat fish. Meat, eggs, milk are still excluded from the meal.

But there are important exceptions: if the Annunciation falls on Holy Week, fish cannot be.

Now you know what you cannot do for the Annunciation, and also what you can eat for the Annunciation. Happy holiday!

Photo: cover - Maysternya Third Pivni, open sources on the Web

During the fast before Easter, there are only a few days when fish can be introduced into the strict diet. And this is no coincidence, just big holidays fall on these days, which must be given respect. The Annunciation, of course, applies to such days.

Believers know that during Great Lent you need to lead a humble life, give up entertainment, pray a lot and try to shorten your menu as much as possible according to the church charter. The date of Easter changes every year and it often happens that the Feast of the Annunciation falls precisely on the Easter fast.

Every year the Annunciation is celebrated on April 7, 2017 is no exception. That is, for the holiday in question, the date is not rolling and only on the specific date of Easter in the current year depends on which period of Great Lent the date falls. It is allowed to eat fish on this day, you can cook a variety of dishes with this product and forget a little about the severity of fasting, because the Annunciation is a great holiday.

Who brought the good news and what

The holiday, which Orthodox believers celebrate on April 7th every year, has nothing to do with Easter. It is related to the future birth of Jesus Christ on earth, where he will live among people for 33 years, and then he will be crucified and resurrected by people on the third day (the second part of the story, this, of course, is already Easter). However, the Annunciation is the very beginning of this life path of Jesus Christ and it is associated with a woman - with the Virgin Mary.

On the night of this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, he told the news that she was destined to become the mother of God, that in forty weeks Mary would give birth to Jesus Christ. So it happened on January 7 according to the Orthodox calendar, it is for this reason that the Annunciation is celebrated exactly on April 7 every year - not a day later or earlier.

Menu for the Annunciation

It is clear that believers should celebrate such a festive day, and so it is customary in the church charter, even in spite of Great Lent. Fish and seafood are added to the list of what you can eat for the Feast of the Annunciation in Lent, you can drink a little wine and treat yourself to a sweet treat.

Of course, on the one hand, April 7 is a very festive day, but on the other hand, Great Lent is still going on. This year the holiday falls on the week before Holy Week - the most severe and mournful one, so do not forget about modesty, including in food.

Traditions and signs

This wonderful holiday in Russia was associated with spring, with the revival of nature. Starting from the Annunciation, the villages were already actively engaged in agricultural work, although Easter and the holidays associated with it, make their own adjustments to such a calendar of work in the ground.

In the Annunciation, there was a tradition to release birds from their cages. For a while this tradition was forgotten, but last years show that it is actively developing and recovering. Especially, of course, it is symbolic to release pigeons, which in Christianity are a symbol of good news. It is believed that a bird released into the wild will fly high into the sky straight to God and ask the Lord for its savior.

It is kind and Holy holiday On April 7, and this year, the calendar was formed in such a way that the Annunciation does not fall on Holy Week and it is possible without a twinge of conscience, with the permission of the church charter, to include fish, sweet lean pastries in your menu. Meat, dairy products and eggs, even in the Annunciation, remain strictly prohibited.


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Many believers who fast are worried about the information about the Annunciation in 2018: what you can eat. Indeed, this is a great church holiday, which is included in the list of 12 most important events during the Christian year. Even during the period of fasting, the church charter has its indulgences in order to properly celebrate the Annunciation. Holy Mother of God.

Holiday and fasting: how to combine

During the long Great Lent before Easter, there are restrictions on the use of food. This is the strictest fast of the year when you cannot eat any animal products. Including fish or dairy products. But in the long period of fasting there are holidays and, in order to give believers the opportunity to celebrate these holidays in a special way, the church charter weakens the fast.

Annunciation, as well as (you can eat fish caviar) and Palm Sunday is one of these holidays. If Lazarev Saturday and Palm Sunday have rolling dates that depend on Easter, but always fall on the fasting period, then the Annunciation may not fall on the time of fasting. The date of this holiday does not change every year and for the Orthodox the date of the Annunciation in 2018, as in other years, falls on April 7.

In 2018, it falls on the period of fasting. Moreover, it falls on Holy Week. What is Holy Week? The most mournful and severe period of Lent is just before Easter. Already from Monday, the diet must be limited to a minimum, and on Friday and Saturday, it is generally only allowed to drink water and eat bread. And so it happened that the Annunciation of 2018 fell on this very week. It turns out that on this holiday, the church charter allows you to eat fish during fasting, but what to do on Great Tuesday, when food restrictions are as severe as possible?

The priests advise against eating fish in order to pay tribute to the mournful week of fasting. Can be covered festive table, it is even necessary to do this, but prepare only lean dishes. The only indulgence may be that you can add vegetable oil... Very little remains until Easter, especially since literally on April 1, the Orthodox celebrated Palm Sunday, when fish could be eaten. So, it will be possible to hold out in the Annunciation.

What dishes to cook

We now know what date the Annunciation is in 2018, it remains only to understand how exactly this event should be celebrated. Everything is simple, as in others church holidays: go to church, remember the events associated with the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. At home, you can set a festive table, but if you are fasting, then you will have to give up fish.

During the fasting period, many people discover new foods and dishes that previously seemed like only a snack for meat. Since Lent for the Orthodox in 2018 began on February 19 and is almost over (Easter will begin on April 8), it will not be difficult to compose a delicious, beautiful and festive menu, taking into account all the restrictions that Lent imposes on the meal. You can afford to have a glass of Cahors and relax.

On the day that is remembered during the described holiday, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary with the good news. He told that in exactly 9 months she will give birth to the Son of God. And so it happened, according to the Orthodox calendar, the date of Christmas falls on January 7th. Catholics and Protestants celebrate the Annunciation on March 25, because they have Christmas on December 25.