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Inexpensive good gel for extensions. Pros and cons of gel nail extensions

Nail extensions are the second most popular cosmetic service after haircuts. The main advantage over natural turf is that artificial turf is not so fragile and brittle. Extended nails look very beautiful due to the fact that the coating used allows you to maintain the same length. The beautiful design, which is applied to the gel coating, can last up to 3 weeks, this is another plus in favor of decorative nail art.

Services are provided in any salon. In addition, many girls who want to engage in nail design have mastered the extension technique. The quality of the extension depends not only on the professionalism of the artist, but also on the type of materials used. The modern nail industry market offers a huge number of gels for extensions, varying in consistency and composition. Finding a good gel experimentally will require too much money and time. In this article we will tell you what you should rely on when choosing a good gel for extensions. What is a good gel for nail extensions and where to buy it, we will consider below.

Types of gels for nail extensions

Gel coating has practically replaced acrylic coating. As you know, although acrylic is more durable, it is very toxic and can damage the nail plate. Gels also have a certain chemical composition. However, progress does not stand still, and today you can find on sale gels that are safe in composition, which allow the nail to breathe and grow freely. Let's take a closer look at what good gel for nail extensions is on the modern market.

There are 3 methods of extension:

Thus, we see that gels can differ in properties and purposes. Single-phase gels are considered the most popular because they are universal. Which gels are best to use for nail extensions is up to everyone, but beginners will find it easier to work with a single-phase product.

How not to make a mistake when choosing

In order for the work to meet your expectations, you need to use high-quality products and equipment. For beginners, entire kits are sold that will include everything needed for extensions. Which good nail extension gel will be suitable is a big question, since the same material may not be suitable for all types of work.

Any experienced professional will tell you that the gel should be used exclusively for its intended purpose. If you are doing a French extension, purchase gels designed for this type of extension. If you model with powder, you need gel powder. If you only need a durable color coating, use gel polish. In this case, the universal one is the standard clear gel, since any design can be applied on top of it.

Manufacturer selection

There is no clear answer to the question of which brand of nail extension gel is better. Various manufacturers are ready to offer a lot of options suitable in a particular case.

The leaders on the market are single-phase gels Creative, IBD and EzFlow. These manufacturers have a long-standing reputation and well-deserved positive reviews. The products of these manufacturers meet the price-quality criterion, so if you are results-oriented, then you need to be prepared to waste.

Global manufacturers are also producing various gels, while American and European companies prefer to produce less toxic acid-free preparations. Since the chemical composition of the gel can cause allergies, such products are considered safer.

Chinese manufacturers, in pursuit of cheapness, include methyl acrylic acids in the composition, but they are quite harmful.

The average position on the market is occupied by the products of the domestic manufacturer NOGTIKA. The company's products are recognized as high quality, non-toxic and relatively inexpensive. Which brand of nail extension gel is better - domestic, Chinese or American - only practice will show.

What qualities should you pay attention to?

What is a good gel for nail extensions in terms of properties and composition, you need to pay attention when purchasing.

You need to pay attention to the following qualities:

    Viscosity - the gel should not spread and be plastic.

    Color - must match the data on the label.

    Odor - the drug should not have an unpleasant or pungent odor.

Many manufacturers produce gels that harden when certain parameters are met. So, too much power of a UV lamp can dry out the coating, and too little power will not allow the nail to dry properly.

Where can I buy

You need to purchase goods from trusted sellers. Products must have quality certificates. The manufacturer who produces gels must have a license. By purchasing untested products, you risk encountering fraud.

As a rule, a responsible manufacturer has an official website where you can find all the information you need about the product, as well as points of sale and a network of partners in various cities. On the official resource, the buyer can also be consulted about which nail extension gel is the best and whether it is suitable for a certain type of work.

Every girl dreams of beautiful manicure. After all, it gives a well-groomed look to the hands and pleases its owner with a unique design. But unfortunately, not all girls can grow long and strong nails. Many people face the problem of fragility. Then, having broken one, you have to cut off all the others, which are so difficult to grow back. In this regard, innovative ways to create nails that you can only dream of come to light. Among them, gel extensions are actively gaining momentum. Using step by step instructions and by studying videos of manicure specialists, a novice master will be able to recreate the technique at home.

Variety of gels and extension techniques

Among the many modern tools to give nails a perfect look, gel extensions are rapidly gaining popularity. The gel is a viscous substance that hardens when irradiated in a UV lamp or from exposure to a special activator. Material happens different types. There are several systems for creating an artificial nail. Transparent construction, camouflage color and stained glass gels are used, and techniques consisting of one, two and three stages are applied.

The three-stage technique involves the use of a base, a constructor and a top. Two-phase is distinguished by the absence of a separate substance for modeling and uses only base and top. Construction occurs with a foundation gel. In a single-phase system for everyone three phases one type of substance is consumed.

A clear gel is needed to build the nail. They create a shape and use it as a basis for design. During playback, a single-phase system is used. Camouflage has a translucent texture with a tint Pink colour. The colors may be different, but the same range is maintained. From it you can create nails that are closest to natural. They work with it using a three-stage method. The colored one is applied to the transparent one, depending on the design - it covers the extended tip or the entire plate. Stained glass gel is always a transparent substance with multi-colored shades. It is used in a single-phase system and is self-leveling. It is also used for design.

The listed materials have different purposes, so it is impossible to say for sure which one is better. After all, if any of these methods were inferior to others, then they would have abandoned it a long time ago. Therefore, the type and construction method should be selected based on the expected appearance.

Photo gallery: extension gels

Transparent gel is used to model the nail Camouflage gel gives the most natural look future nail Colored gel has a wide selection of colors for nail design Stained glass gel is often used in creating designs, as it creates a unique look

Gel reconstruction methods

There are two fundamentally different ones. The first involves the use of tips. Tips are an artificial imitation of a nail made of a special substance similar to plastic, which are attached to a natural plate, and the connecting and strengthening material is glue and a building gel. Tips vary in rigidity and the more elastic they are, the more natural it looks. The second technique is designing onto a form for extensions. They vary into upper and lower. They themselves resemble a kind of stencil filled with a gel coating.

Photo gallery: various tips and forms for extensions

Square tips are most often used for extensions. Almond-shaped tips for colored tips imply the presence of a certain design.
Forms for extension before use Reusable forms for top extension gel form for lower extensions in use

More details about the methods: advantages and disadvantages

Gel extensions on tips take much less time than working with forms - on average an hour and a half. Due to its simplicity, design using tips costs less - from about 1,500 rubles. However, plastic nails have some disadvantages. They can move away. If you glue them incorrectly, air will remain under the artificial fragment, and this is an environment for the development of fungus. The stress zone - the junction of real and artificial nails - is weakly strengthened with this extension. It's not very difficult to break it. And since the tip is attached with fairly strong glue, most likely, part of the living nail will come off with the tip. If this happens, significant damage will be caused to the plate, not to mention the pain experienced. In a word, this type of design is suitable for neat girls with a standard plate who save their time.

Extension to forms is a more protracted process and can last longer than three hours. This is due to the long drying time and creation of the architecture of each layer. Thanks to the design on the forms, it is possible to correct imperfections and give the nails a perfect look. They are strengthened from base to tip and become quite difficult to break. The modeling event eliminates the entry of air under the extended part, which will not allow harmful microbes to develop and prevent peeling. This is more expensive than tips - starting from 2300 rubles. Prices vary among different specialists, but they are always higher for forms. Such nails are more difficult to break than those extended with tips. The lack of versatility of plastic bases gave impetus to a new technique - arched extensions.

Disadvantages of designing on tips as the reason for the occurrence of arched extensions

The problem with nail extensions is that it is impossible to adjust the shape of the nail. Although they are faster to model, they are only suitable for those with regularly shaped nails. In fact, the usual lengthening occurs, wide nails look even wider, those growing upwards are raised, and those that grow downwards are bent. In this regard, in Lately A fundamentally new method of constructing gel molds is gaining popularity. The so-called arched extension solves all the problems faced by owners of non-standard nails, namely trapezoidal or growing upward (springboard) or downward (eagle beak). Nails extended in this way are formed taking into account the relief of the nail plate, making them grow straight and similar to each other. They last for about 3 weeks, after which correction will be required. The interesting thing is that if you use this technique for about a year, the nail plate is leveled, it becomes narrower, the nail lengthens and becomes stronger. This type can only be done by a highly qualified specialist who has undergone expensive training. This is because it is very difficult to create a new perfectly rounded architecture with the correct geometric proportions. The main difference between an arched nail is the shape of the bend, which should be 25–50% of the circumference.

Necessary items for designing nails at home

Things from the list above will be needed by those who decide to model their nails themselves:

  • several files of different hardness, for example, abrasiveness 80/80, 100/100, 120/120;
  • polishing buff for the nail surface;
  • a set of brushes for manicure;
  • a primer that ensures adhesion of the artificial part of the nail to the real one;
  • orange stick as a pusher;
  • small scissors for manicure;
  • cutter for cutting excess length of tips;
  • dust brush;
  • tips or shapes (depending on what to build on);
  • glue for tips, if used;
  • ultraviolet lamp;
  • clips for arch extensions (if necessary);
  • antiseptic that disinfects hands;
  • napkins are smooth, without lint;
  • modeling substance;
  • liquid to remove sticky layer;

Photo gallery: extension items

Files of different abrasiveness
Buff is used for polishing
Primer for better adhesion to the nail Manicure scissors Orange sticks as a pusher Cutter for trimming excess length tips
It is recommended to use a 36 Watt lamp
Brushes are needed both for extensions and for subsequent design Standard tips for extensions Lint-free wipes for removing the sticky layer Arch manicure clip
An antiseptic is required before extensions
Dust brush
Top gel that completes extensions
Liquid for removing the sticky layer after modeling

Step-by-step instructions for beginners: extensions with tips

  1. First you need to process and file your nails, remove the cuticle and protect them with an antiseptic.
  2. You need to choose suitable tips that are slightly wider than your own nails.
  3. Degrease the surface of the nail. If it is not smooth, you should use gel before gluing the tips to level the plate.
  4. Apply glue to the tips from the reverse side, focusing on the marks. At an angle of 70 degrees, gradually apply the tips to the nail plate, squeezing out the air from under them.
  5. After holding each nail motionless for about 1 minute, release it and then begin the straightening process. Speaker artificial nail cut down to the present level and trim to the desired length.
  6. Next, apply the construction gel, dry for 3 minutes and then file to the required shape.
  7. Apply two more layers of gel corresponding to the selected extension system. Polish the surface if necessary, add design.

Video: instructions for gel extensions on tips

Step-by-step instructions for constructing molds

When building on forms, there are similarities in some stages with working on tips.

  1. Hands are disinfected and degreased.
  2. The primer is applied at a distance of 1 mm from the base of the nail. Great care is required; it should not get on the skin.
  3. Apply a layer of base with the same care and dry for 3 minutes.
  4. The most suitable stencils without gaps are used. The gel is placed on the mold and dried for 2 minutes.
  5. Camouflage gel is used to form the curve and edge.
  6. The area where the natural nail and the gel nail meet must be thickened more than the edges. After application, dry for 8 minutes.
  7. The sticky layer is removed with a nail file. The design determines further actions.
  8. If you want to get a French look, you need to apply several layers and dry each for 40 seconds. Remove the stencils and apply a special clamp for 5 minutes. After this, remove the clip, shape it with a file, cover it with finishing gel and dry the nails for 2 minutes.

Video: master class on arch extensions

Possible errors when building up

Basic set for a beginner nail extension artist:

Sometimes, seemingly newly grown nails begin to peel or crack in the stress area. In this case, most likely the technology was broken at some stage. Some of possible errors when building up:

  • perhaps, when polishing the native nail, it was over-cut, which made it too thin and all subsequent actions were in vain;
  • Inappropriate shapes may have been used and gaps may remain;
  • during work, air got under the tips;
  • poor degreasing before the procedure, primer getting on the skin;
  • improper formation of the center of gravity on the nails;
  • using old blunt objects;
  • applying design varnish before the top layer;
  • improper removal of the previous coating;
  • violation of other gel modeling techniques.

Design ideas, new items for 2017

Painting all your nails the same is a universal solution, but not always interesting. Now girls are trying to make their manicure as unique and original as possible, to the point that the design of each nail may differ from the other. In 2017, the fashion is for holes, broken glass, various French, matte, various rubbings, foil effect, monograms, pixies, rhinestones, gradient. All kinds of designs are possible. Square and almond-shaped nail shapes are trending.

Photo gallery: fashion trends 2017

Delicate design in a combination of moat and white on almond shaped nails Unusual French on pink nail polish using gold beads Matte jacket with patterns is ideal for any occasion
Designs decorated with rhinestones are fashionable solution The gradient is represented by a smooth transition from white to pink on square nails White color looks perfect on these almond-shaped nails Triangular holes with pearl-colored beads look well-groomed and beautiful Black and white French on square nails with the addition of rhinestones Matte and rhinestones look great on almond-shaped nails
Lunar manicure made of black and gold will complement the daring look Rubbed gives the nails a pearlescent shine Pixies and delicate pink on almond-shaped nails will always be relevant Silver foil gives the nails an interesting mirror look Broken glass looks chic on any nails Holes on the nails in combination with glossy burgundy look daring and stylish at the same time Foil gives manicure a unique and original look

Gel extensions appeared in connection with the problem of fragility and the inability to grow long nails correct shape. And it successfully solves this problem. Two types of extensions are popular among girls around the world at approximately the same level. Despite the fact that arched nail extensions are much better due to their strength and the ability to adjust the shape, doing such nails at home is very problematic. And not everyone wants to mess around for 3-4 hours. Therefore, tips do not become obsolete. This is the simplest and quick way gel extension, it can easily be done at home using suitable tips and following the technology. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the risk of nail detachment is minimized and the disadvantages of this extension become not very significant. One way or another, both types are successfully used, the choice is only up to the fair sex.

Nail extensions are quite a difficult process. The master is required to have a sufficient level of skills and abilities. Most often, nail extensions are done with gel or acrylic. At the same time, the most popular option is still a gel. For extensions, every master tries to choose best gel.

There are various companies that produce such material. They have different reviews, prices and, of course, quality. Which gel to choose in the end is up to you. However, do not forget about the general criteria that will help you choose the ideal option.

Generally speaking, the extended plates, of course, injure the natural ones. This effect is easily explained by the fact that nails do not receive enough oxygen, so it is difficult for them to form. Often, extended nails can cause deformation, weakening or thinning of natural plates. Also, after extensions, you may encounter greater vulnerability of nails, which will lack any protective layer.

If extended nails are formed from low-quality material, then the harm from the procedure increases many times over. The fact is that companies that produce cheap extension gel most often add harmful substances to it. For example, formaldehyde. Most often you can find such options from Asian manufacturers.

Before you go to the store, you need to decide what technology you will use to apply the gel. There are three gel options:

  • single-phase;
  • two-phase;
  • three-phase.

A single-phase gel involves a combination of three functional agents at once. With its help, you can simultaneously model your nails and at the same time get durable extended plates. That is, a single-phase gel allows you to grow your nails inside and out.

A two-phase system means the use of a primer, which must be applied to natural plates. Using the modeling gel directly, the extension is carried out, and the fixation is done with a finishing coat. Thus, a two-phase operating system means the use of two additional means.

From the name it is clear that in three-phase technology three products will have to be applied. Each of them has its own specific function. Of course, such a procedure will take longer time, but it is believed that such extended nails are slightly less dangerous.

Criterias of choice

Of course, a single-phase gel is considered ideal option for home use. It is quite simple to use. It can be applied both to tips and to forms. If the technology is performed correctly, the single-phase gel will retain its shine and strength for a long time. Typically, polymerization in a lamp does not take more than three minutes.

Which single-phase gel should you choose, what criteria should you pay attention to? First of all, determine how the gel hardens. There are options in which it is necessary to use a special catalyst; there are those that are polymerized in a UV lamp.

Of course, for home use it is better to shave the second option, especially if you practice shellac and you already have the corresponding lamp. Such extended nails will be easier to process after hardening, in addition, they do not have a strong odor.

It is also important to check the strength of the tie extension gel. In particular, working with a gel that is too thick can be difficult to sculpt the nail. In this case, the liquid will constantly flow down the sides and quickly crack.

Do not forget also that it is better not to be lazy and check whether the product being sold has the appropriate quality certificate. All self-respecting stores will provide you with information without any problems, no matter what document you require.

If you decide to use a whole gel system for extensions, then form it from products from the same manufacturer, since such products are aimed at perfect combination together.

Types of gels

To better understand what extended nails are made of, it is worth considering the main types of gels. One of the most important is the basic one. It is used as a basis for a three-phase modeling system. This gel is applied at the first stage. Thus, the base material will adhere much better to the surface of the plate. It most often has a liquid texture and has no odor. They need to cover the plate with a thin layer.

Construction or sculpting gel is the basis for extensions. It is used at the second stage, when it is necessary to form an artificial nail. It is best to give preference to a transparent “constructor”. This will give more possibilities in terms of further design. Sculpting gel is self-leveling.

Often, after modeling, extended nails are covered with camouflage gels. This allows you to give your nails a natural shade. French style nail extensions without using camouflage are impossible. With its help, you can both create nail architecture and apply it before finishing.

There are also stained glass gels, which are necessary for specialists who love to create bright, creative manicures. Stained glass gels will allow you to make aquarium design, abstractions and three-dimensional drawings. Most often it is a colored gel, but with a translucent structure. It levels out on its own and is easy to apply correctly. Such modeling will allow you to do without subsequent correction.

Most often, specialists choose a transparent gel when doing extensions. It is suitable for simple nail polish application. In addition, this is a mandatory element of aquadesign. Polymerization makes it shiny.

Gel chewing gum appeared not so long ago. This is a kind of innovation in the nail industry. Reviews of this material are still limited, but experts note that it looks like pink plasticine. Working with him is comparable to acrylic extensions. In this case, drying is possible without a lamp.

Variety of brands

Recently, more and more companies have been producing extension materials. However, two companies remain as trendsetters in this industry: CNI and Irisk. Most experts believe that these brands offer best combination prices and quality.

CNI is an international corporation. Development and testing are carried out in a special laboratory, which indicates high safety and efficiency in terms of work. All CNI products have an appropriate Russian quality certificate.

For the most part, the company offers gels for working in a three-phase system, but there are also excellent single-phase options, although the manufacturer himself recommends the first method of operation. In addition, CNI has a wide collection of color gels that can be used to create a wide variety of designs.

Ten years ago, CNI Corporation first introduced a collection of colored gels with a solid texture. This product was a kind of know-how in the nail industry. This product from CNI is ideal for lovers of three-dimensional designs, however, it requires good artistic skills.

In addition, CNI Corporation has a whole series of varnishes and products that can be used on natural nails. At the same time, varnishes are created taking into account the basic requirements of the masters. They can be evenly distributed over the plate, exhibit high durability and ideal density. Additionally, CNI emphasizes that such coatings help protect the nail from the negative influences of the external environment.

One of the competitors of the products described above is the company Irisk. It produces various types of gels, but most experts agree that self-leveling deserves special attention. The Irisk company recommends it for use as both the main modeling and finishing coating, since it demonstrates high gloss levels.

It is worth emphasizing that this product from Irisk has good self-leveling properties. In addition, it is very durable and allows you to easily build nail architecture. The company's specialists advise not to heat it until high temperatures during the polymerization process.

This gel from Irisk comes in transparent, pinkish and natural shades. The transparent version is recommended for aquarium design. Pinkish perfectly imitates a natural plate and is indispensable for a French jacket, as is a gel of a natural shade.

Modern manicure innovations never cease to amaze fashionistas with their universal products. More recently, gel extensions have become known to the general public, but the popularity of this method has already exceeded our wildest expectations. The downside of such popularity is a lot of fakes and fakes that have flooded the market along with bona fide manufacturers. A review of the best gels for nail extensions, which one and how to choose, as well as many interesting things awaits you in our article.

What is the gel for?

The technology of nail plate extension is already known even to non-professionals. Using this method, the nail plate is strengthened and leveled, and decoration is also performed.

Find out what you need to cover your nails with gel polish.

According to the method of application, there are three main methods, which involve the use various materials.

The single-phase gel extension system offers the use of one gel as a base and top coat. As a rule, such materials are much more expensive than two- and three-phase gels, but the quality of such coatings is in no way inferior to their analogues.

Single-phase extension is becoming increasingly popular, because there is no need to purchase other auxiliary products, and the speed of extension increases significantly.

The two-phase gel extension system involves the use of two products. The first gel provides the most reliable adhesion to nail plate, and the second product is a decorative role and a finishing fixing material.

Two-phase gels are also popular, because the durability of such a coating increases in direct proportion.

Three-phase nail extension is performed in three stages and involves the use of various materials for adhesion, decoration and fixation of the selected coating.

The method requires quite a lot of time to complete, and the cost of materials increases due to the amount of funds required.
It is practically not used at home; this is the prerogative of professional salons.

All of the above methods are quite in demand. Usually any master gives preference to one method, but the ever-expanding range of products allows you to make the best choice.

Watch a video about the rules for choosing a gel

Which company should you choose?

Professional and home use require a different approach to the selection of materials. Using high-quality and proven products significantly increases the guarantee of a good result, but this can negatively affect the overall cost of the transformation.
To comprehensively consider the issue of purchasing a suitable gel, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of using various materials.

Key points when choosing a gel for extensions:

  • The consistency of the product should be sufficiently viscous, but not too thick, so that application is problem-free.
  • When purchasing several products, it is advisable to choose products from only one manufacturer so that the materials are harmoniously combined with each other in composition.
  • To polymerize the coating, you must also use a special one. There are gels that do not require such equipment, but the durability of this option is slightly worse.
  • For a particular type of work, it is advisable to purchase appropriate materials. There are special categories for creating a French jacket, french manicure and shellac. Using materials as intended will allow you to achieve better results.
  • Even the smell of the product matters. Too strong a chemical trace is left by harmful compounds that are prohibited in most countries. Modern formulations use more gentle substances, so it is better to leave the right of choice to them.

Before purchasing, you can consult with an experienced specialist about well-known companies and truly proven brands. You also need to pay attention to. The market for such goods is constantly updated, so many offers will become irrelevant over time.

Keeping an eye on new products and replenishing supplies in a timely manner similar means, you will be confident in the quality of the coating performed.

What you need for gel nail extensions: you will find a list of materials.

Watch a video review of gels

Top – 7 best products for gel nail extensions

Balance Basic Clear Gel (single-phase)

Balance Basic Clear Gel is a single-phase product in two possible color variations.

Nubar is considered one of the safest gels. Suitable for a three-phase system, does not have a distinct odor.

NOGTIKA products occupy a niche of mid-price products. The quality of the gel is quite high, and the products are available for home use.

The approximate cost of the NOGTIKA gel is 420 rubles.

Read more about how to apply Vinylux nail polish at home.

Irisk Professional ensures comfortable and long-lasting application. A big advantage is the absence of peeling of the top layer.

IBD Builder Gel Natural (three-phase)

Undoubtedly one of the most quality products presented on the domestic market. In addition to the construction gel, you can find many shades of color.

The cost of gels from IBD Builder Gel Natural is about 1000 rubles.

Lady Victory has released a good collection of sculpting and self-leveling nail gels. And you can complement the manicure.

All about effect varnishes gel coating for nails you will find.