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New Year's composition with a Christmas tree. New Year's compositions on the table made of cones, fir branches and candles

compositions with candles

another attribute of the New Year holidays

Compositions with candles are the most win-win option for creating a special Christmas coziness in your home. Soft candle lights will put everyone in a romantic mood, and lovely compositions with winter berries, pine needles and glass candlesticks will make the atmosphere truly festive.

Remember the main thing - having bought just a few candles, rummaged through the box with New Year's toys and armed with a small fir branch, you can decorate your windowsill or table with a stunningly beautiful New Year's composition! How can you miss such a chance? Show your imagination! How about a composition in white? For it you will need a medium-sized spruce branch, which needs to be cut into small branches. However, artificial pine needles will also work, but nothing compares to a real, delicious-smelling spruce paw.

Perfect for the arrangement are pine and spruce branches, mossy branches, dry larch and linden branches, decorative branches of berry bushes with preserved fruits, dry roots, flowers and herbs, dried fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as fresh flowers - cut or in pots, moss.

What about natural decor? Place candles in straight-walled glass glasses and decorate their walls with thuja sprigs. The twigs can be glued or simply wrapped with red thread - the composition in any case will look very New Year's.

Another option is special candlesticks on a sawn tree knot. You can buy ready-made compositions with flowers and berries, or you can make them yourself using pine needles, rowan berries or any other winter fruits.

Cinnamon sticks tied around candles look impressive. In addition, cinnamon heated with a candle flame will begin to emit a pleasant aroma. You can tie the cinnamon either with a “Christmas” red ribbon or with a simple twine - it looks equally stylish.

The basis for the New Year's composition can be dry branches, bark, decorative pieces of roots, sections of tree trunks, knotty vine, metal trays and trays, ceramic and glass vases, wire or rod frames, pieces of foam plastic.

Use transparent glasses or vases, bright rowan berries and artificial snow! If poured into glass candle holder artificial snow, the composition will be incredibly New Year's! Install several candlesticks at once and surround them with lush spruce branches or rowan branches. Red has always been considered the main color of the Christmas holidays!

An interesting idea for New Year's decor is candles in glass containers (glasses, goblets or small jars). Wash and dry the dishes so that there are no streaks and dust on the walls, buy simple white candles and glue them to the bottom of improvised “candlesticks” using melted wax. Decorate the glass with regular confetti or cut out paper masks, musical notes, stars or snowflakes. Candles will beautifully illuminate the paper, and paper figures will cast a whimsical shadow on the walls.

Use colored candles for your arrangements! Of course, they cost more than white ones, but they also look much more impressive. The most New Year's colors are blue and red. If possible, complement the composition with accessories of the appropriate color - for example, pastel blue Christmas tree balls on a saucer look great with blue candles, and red candles are effectively complemented with red winter berries, ribbons and even leaves. Combine shades of the same color - for example, soft lilac and light blue, light blue and bright blue, red and dark pink.

If a tall candle is light and discreet, then there is a high probability that it will simply get lost against the background of the festive table and the snow-white tablecloth. But low white candles, buried in a luxurious spruce frame, will contrast very well with the green pine background.

Animal figurines - symbols of the coming year - are appropriate in New Year's compositions. eastern calendar. Doesn't go well with fluffy needles Stuffed Toys with long pile, but porcelain, plastic, glass, stone and clay figurines will be very useful. The central element of the New Year's composition can also be a beautiful Christmas tree toy - a bell, a bird, a fish, a golden cone...

Additional materials that may be useful are glue, nails, plasticine, sand, thin wire, needle holders, floral sponge, test tubes, small containers, Christmas tree decorations and candles, satin ribbons, serpentine, rain and other tinsel.

It wouldn’t hurt to stock up on spray cans with silver, gold and white paint for a chic New Year’s sparkle. You can gild and silver branches, cones, nuts, which, as if by magic magic wand, will instantly turn into something fabulous and magical.

So that you can include fresh flowers in your New Year's composition - hyacinths, freesias, carnations or rose buds, buy a "piaflor" florist sponge or green florist flasks in which you can pour water and insert live flower stems or branches at the flower shop so that your the composition remained fresh for as long as possible and delighted you with its original appearance.

You can buy candles different shapes, any color and scent, or you can make them yourself, with the scent you love.

New Year's and Christmas table compositions will bring a real atmosphere of magic into your home, and the warm flickering of candles will emphasize the mystery of waiting for a miracle. And may your dreams come true on New Year and Christmas, and may a miracle definitely happen!

There are many options for using candles in festive interior decor: they can be placed on the fireplace, placed in the fireplace, placed on windows, on the floor, on steps - it looks elegant, festive, romantic and magical.

New Year's compositions for your home

On New Year's Eve, we all want to decorate our home, because in a beautiful, bright environment we can better feel the magic of the holiday. Because such an environment will not only be cozy, but will also create a festive mood for us. Everyone can decorate their apartment in an original and unusual way, so if someone has not yet decided what kind of decoration to do, then I suggest a few simple, but beautiful compositions(so I think :)).

Most of you will have decorated Christmas trees, but I think that small compositions will be that spectacular addition that each of us thinks about. New Year's compositions will help to decorate not only apartment or separate room, but And festive table. You can use any material to decorate them. These can be spruce or pine branches, candles, cones, dry branches and bark, pebbles, Christmas balls, flowers (small), fruits or other material that you have. Compositions can be arranged in a basket, vase, stand or on a flat dish, or like this:

Composition of pine cones

For this you need a candle and small pine cones.

The cones can be coated with silver or gold paint. If you want the cones to open, hold them over steam. To make the cones have “frost,” dip them in a hot saturated salt solution, then take them out into the cold and leave them there for several hours. Then place a candle in the middle of the “circle” and arrange the pine cones in a circle around it. As you can see, this is very easy way for composition design.

Composition of candles and spruce branches

Material: candle, fir branches, flowers, fruits, Christmas balls, flat vase or plate

Such a composition should not be tall, but should look harmonious, so the tallest element should not exceed 30 cm. In the center of the vase you can place a small pot of flowers (violets, crocuses or other similar flowers) or a small bouquet of fresh cut flowers. And arrange fir branches, a candle, balls, and rain near the pot. Places where there is space to disguise with moss.

Composition of flowers and fir branches

We need spruce branches, fresh flowers - carnations, roses, chrysanthemums, gerberas, a vase.

For such a composition, place the flowers in a vase with water (or a jar, but after that you need to skillfully disguise it) and secure it. Add spruce branches, you can decorate them a little with small Christmas balls or toys. But don't overdo it. Add “snowball” - polystyrene foam - to the branches.

All the proposed compositions are simple; all you have to do is use your imagination and start decorating. And now I suggest you look at photos of compositions that you can make or take some elements for yourself.

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Decorate your home for New Year's holidays- a common activity for many. This activity probably brings no less pleasure than the holidays themselves. You can not only follow long-standing traditions by hanging a family collection of decorations on the Christmas tree, but also learn new ideas for decoration. You can look for materials for creativity during a country walk. For some types of decoration, you don’t need to cut down entire trees—branches left over after sanitizing the forest will do.

Branches of all sizes can be used to decorate your home for Christmas and New Year. Not only the usual spruce and pine will be used, but also other conifers. In some compositions, for example, juniper or thuja will look great. The main thing is that the plant belongs to the so-called evergreens. You can decorate every room in the house with crafts made from pine needles and cones. Some things, however, are more suitable for country house. But, if you like the idea too much, try implementing it on the balcony or decorating the front door.

1. Decor for the front door.

A wreath on the front door is traditionally considered a sign of trust and inviting passers-by into your home. Nowadays there are many factory-made wreaths made from artificial branches on sale. But you can create a similar decoration yourself to create a festive atmosphere for passers-by. You can write absolutely any message on the door! Maybe you, on the contrary, would like to ask strangers to avoid your home?


1. Select branches that will become the basis of the decoration. Fluffy spruce branches with long cones will look very impressive in such a “bouquet”.

2.For a sign with an inscription you need to choose a tablet suitable size. Pine is the best wood to process.

3. Saw off the corners with a hacksaw so that they have a more interesting shape.

4. Drill holes through which the sign will be attached to the pine wreath.

5. Print out the inscription with the selected message. Then take ballpoint pen, pencil or other pointed object and trace the inscription, pressing on the wood. The sign will leave a trace necessary for the work.

6. Circle the inscription with paint. Dyes are best suited for water based, for example acrylic.

7. After the paint has dried, cover the sign with stain or varnish.

8. If you used stain, coat the sign. acrylic varnish from a can.

9. Pull string through the holes.

10. Attach the sign to a bouquet of fir branches. You can complement the composition with burlap or other natural fabric.

The decoration is ready!

2. Composition with candles.

Candles are traditionally used in New Year's decor. If you use pine needles and cones as a stand for them, you will get a full-fledged decorative item. The structure can be fastened using wire and foam. You can add bright ribbons and shiny balls. The decoration will look even more interesting if you combine branches of various coniferous trees.

Prepare everything necessary materials- candles white or red, bright satin ribbons, wire, or a special mesh for crafts, foam for floristry (you can use polyurethane foam), cones, balls, skewers or sticks for attaching candles.

2. Select coniferous branches. Pine and juniper look great together.

3. If you have special tools for floristry, use them. Build a structure from foam and mesh, which can be purchased at specialized stores. But these materials can be replaced with polyurethane foam and ordinary wire. In addition, you can use ordinary clay as a base.

4. Attach branches to the base, starting with the largest ones.

5. The result should be a rather lush bouquet.

6. Attach the candles with wire or colored ribbon to painted wooden sticks or skewers. Place the candles on the base.

7. Attach pine cones to the composition. Ideal if you have wire at your disposal Green colour. Attach other decor in the same way.

8. Choose a place to place your composition. If you place the decoration on the windowsill, not only your household, but also random passers-by will be able to admire it.

3. And one more option for a wreath on the door...

You don't have to stick to standard Christmas shades. Instead of red and gold, complement the pine branches with silver balls and ribbons the color of spring grass. This decoration will look great on a light door without unnecessary decor.

4. Balloons with natural decorations.

We are used to hanging balls on the Christmas tree. Or you can do something original and place the Christmas tree inside the ball. You can replace spruce branches with any other needles. As a last resort, you can even make a similar decoration using artificial needles. Simply select a transparent ball of the desired size, remove the mount and fill it with the selected branches.

5. Mistletoe for kissing.

According to tradition, if a single guy and girl accidentally end up under mistletoe branches, they must kiss. Sometimes lovers can wait for hours for their other half under the Christmas decoration... You can make your own Kissing Ball instead of relying on luck!


1.Choose a base for your ball. It is more convenient to work with special balls from a florist store, but you can simply make a wire frame.

2. Attach the pine needle branches to the base.

3. Complete the composition with mistletoe leaves and other greenery of your choice.

4. You can decorate the kissing ball with pine cones and dried flowers.

5. You can complement the ball with a gold or scarlet flyer, which, among other things, can be used to secure the composition in the right place.

6. Laconic decoration for the kitchen.

Thuja or juniper will perfectly refresh any interior. You don’t have to be clever and just place branches throughout the house in beautiful festive dishes.

7. Another variation on the theme of wreaths...

If you love Christmas wreaths very much, you don't have to limit yourself to just one for your front door. You can hang homemade decorations anywhere, we will decorate them accordingly. For example, a composition of wreaths made from different coniferous branches looks very harmonious.


  1. Select branches from different coniferous trees that are approximately the same size.
  2. Make a ring out of thick wire and paint it white.
  3. Secure the branches to the base with wire or a glue gun.
  4. Hang the wreaths on a wide red ribbon at different heights.
  5. If desired, you can add decor from ribbons and balls to the wreaths.

8. Mini Christmas tree

For those for whom one Christmas tree in the house is not enough. A mini tree will decorate your desk, kitchen or hallway. Simply tie a few small branches together around a base and decorate with the smallest decorations you have. A great alternative to branches in a vase!

9. Garland of branches.

If you really have a lot of small pine or spruce branches at your disposal, just tie them into a huge garland. It can be supplemented with glowing lanterns or any other decor.

10. Another option for decorating a Christmas wreath

Can't choose between silver and gold decor? Use both at the same time! Just paint the pine cones collected in the forest, acrylic paints from a can. Pine cones will add volume to the decoration.

11. Tags for gifts.

To prevent your guests from confusing the gifts placed under the Christmas tree when the chimes strike, you can write the names of the recipients on such original tags. Unlike torn packaging, few people will raise their hand to throw them away!

12. The aroma of pine needles in the house.

A simple and incredibly successful solution for anyone who will only have an artificial Christmas tree in their home. You can create the scent of a real Christmas tree yourself!

You will need cinnamon (sticks are best, but powder will work) and other Christmas spices, e.g. nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, and pine or spruce needles. Boil the spices along with the needles and store in a warm place. If necessary, the mixture can be heated. If the house has a fireplace or stove, place the mixture in them. If you can’t get pine needles, just add a few drops of fir oil, which you can buy at the pharmacy, to the broth.

13. Candlesticks decorated with greenery.

Very simple idea, for which you only need glue and medium-sized pine branches. It is better to choose water-based glue, then after the holidays it will be easy to give the candlesticks their previous look.

14. Bowls with herbs.

Any copper or earthenware is associated with holiday bells. Therefore, a simple combination of beautiful glasses or glasses with small branches looks very festive!

15. And again the garland...

The usual garland of pine needles is perfectly complemented by juniper berries. If there are no natural ones, you can use artificial ones! Rowan berries also go well with needles.

16. Star made of branches.

For those who are tired of the usual forms... These stars can be hung throughout the garden or used as a wreath at the entrance.

17.Basket with lanterns.

An elegant composition for decorating a garden or balcony. Flashlights can be powered by a battery hidden in a basket.

18. And again a composition with a message...

This time they were used volumetric letters Red.

19. Mistletoe frame.

Strictly speaking, evergreens for Christmas and New Year will look appropriate when decorating absolutely any item. Create a festive mood and make your loved ones happy!

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Beautiful winter compositions for decorating tables and interiors.

Ekibana is the art of arranging bouquets using various natural materials.
Beautiful compositions help to diversify the interior, decorate a holiday table or give an originally designed gift.

Ekibana from fir branches for the New Year: ideas, compositions, photos

Real spruce branches will be a wonderful addition to the New Year's ekibana. The forest aroma will add a festive mood, creating the association of a winter fairy tale.

  • New Year's spruce branches go well with golden and red tones. A composition decorated with balls, candies, beads and pine cones will become bright accent festive interior.
Golden-red tones on a green background
  • The festive table can be decorated with a composition located on a multi-tiered vase

Natural materials together with white balls
  • The combination of the smell of spruce and citrus will add a New Year's mood. Building such a beautiful fruit ekibana will not be difficult.

Lemon, orange and fir greens
  • The ceiling decoration will not take up additional space, but will add a special New Year's atmosphere, especially if it is supplemented with a garland

Original sconce made from natural decorative elements
  • For those who like a non-standard form of composition, an eco-style in the form of a felt boot is suitable. Decorate it with fir branches, dried lemons, bright ranetki and forest cones

Unusual Ekibana

Video: Making New Year's compositions

DIY New Year's Ekibana for the festive table

The founders of the art of Ekibana are Japanese. They believe that pine is a very good-natured tree that cherishes all the flowers around it and goes well with any of them.

  • You can create a festive atmosphere on the table with one pine sprig placed in a beautiful vase
  • If desired, add any favorite flower: rose, gerbera, chrysanthemum, tulip, cyclamen, camellia, etc.
  • The New Year's table can be decorated with compositions of any shape and size, decorating not only with flowers, but with fruits, sweets, Christmas balls, tinsel, and ribbons
  • To create a unified composition, place pine branches in a vase with water
  • Remove long shavings from the peel of the orange
  • We put it in a rosette
  • Take a toothpick and secure the flower

Removing chips
  • Drying the rose

Drying the workpiece
  • Add ready-made decorative elements to prepared pine branches

Collecting Ekibana

Video: New Year's composition of fir branches on the festive table

New Year's Ekibana in a basket

Prepare in advance:

  1. A beautiful basket
  2. Floral sponge
  3. Wire
  4. Bright roses
  5. Fresh leaves
  6. Spruce branches
  7. Dried fruits from orange and apples
  8. Christmas decorations
  • Place a sponge soaked in water in the basket.
  • Beautifully arrange fir branches on a sponge base

Fill out the form
  • Decorate with leaves and decorative branches
  • We stick roses

Let's fantasize using any elements
  • We fix dried fruits on a wire

Additional items
  • Add to Ekibana

Ready-made New Year's Ekibana

Festive composition in a basket

Do-it-yourself winter ekibana for kindergarten, school

Even kids can build a forest beauty together with their parents.

  • From a sheet of whatman paper we cut out a circle with the radius of the desired height of the tree
  • Fold into a cone
  • Secure with stapler or glue
  • We wet pieces of plaster bandage in water and glue them onto the base.
  • Dry well

Crafts for children
  • We place large cones on the lower part of the base, fix them with glue

Decorating the template step by step
  • Next, reducing the size of the cones, we lay out the entire tree up to the top
  • Then apply glue in places, sprinkle it with salt
  • The Christmas tree looks like it's covered in snow

We can stop here
  • We decorate the resulting space between the cones with tinsel and toys.

If desired, make the composition brighter

Video: DIY winter craft for kindergarten or school for a competition

DIY ekibana made from fir cones

The pure natural energy of natural pine cones creates an unusually cozy atmosphere in the house.
Eco style welcomes dry branches. They make the interior dynamic and light.

  • Glue cones onto ordinary branches
  • Decorate with garland
  • Place in a vase covered with birch bark
  • Fill the vase completely with cones, insert dry branches with a garland - another composition option
Eco style in the interior
  • Make a blank from balloons, cover with natural cones

Ceiling Ekibana

DIY New Year's Ekibana made from candies

The composition of sweets and champagne in the form of a pineapple looks original.

  • Wrap the bottle in bamboo cloth and secure with threads
  • Secure the tails on the candies with glue so they don’t stick out.
  • After drying, attach the candies with glue to the bottle
  • Start from the bottom
  • Then stagger it to the beginning of the neck
  • Cut out leaves from green ribbon and glue to the bottle
  • Fix some sweets on the cut out leaves
  • Tropical fruit ekibana is ready

Just fill your glass halfway beautiful sweets. Decorate with decorative ribbon and flowers.

Simple decor

DIY New Year's Ekibana made from fruits

Fruit arrangements are most often made for gifts. This kind of ekibana tends to quickly lose its beauty appearance, therefore it cannot serve as a long-term interior decoration. You need to eat it as quickly as possible.

  • Cut selected fruits beautiful shape. These can be hearts, circles, stars, any intricate shapes
  • Sprinkle the apples citric acid so they don't turn black
  • Place one or more cut pieces on a skewer
  • Place a special moistened sponge in the vase
  • Stick the fruit
  • Decorate at your discretion with tinsel and pine cones. Although bright fruits do not require additional decoration. Cut like this they look very impressive.

Fruit Ekibana
  • The original composition is made from decoratively decorated orange peel.
    You will need several forest cones, spruce branches, and cinnamon stars. The rest is up to your imagination.

Bright oranges in a New Year's composition
  • Orange tangerines with candles are simple to make, but look very impressive

Simple Ekibana

New Year's Ekibana in blue and white

Cool blue and white tones are more suitable for a formal setting.
Create a composition of blue Christmas decorations, pine cones, blue spruce branches, dried oranges, white candles and walnuts.

Ekibana in a simple style

Delicate composition in blue and white colors

Festive Ekibana

Ekibana New Year's wreath

Options for New Year's wreaths

Take flexible willow branches as a basis.

The imitation of snow is achieved by strong saline solution

Step by step example

Scheme for making a natural wreath

New Year's Ekibana made of beads

Such a work of art requires a certain skill and patience. If you have experience, you can use the proposed photos. But a home-made ikebana cannot compare with any ready-made purchased composition.
After all, the energy and love invested in the decoration is unique to you, so no one will have such a copy, even if someone tries to copy your composition.
The main thing is to do everything with taste and grace.
The necessary materials can always be found at hand, and if necessary, you can purchase missing natural preparations in stores.

Video: New Year's composition with candles

I love holidays very much, but New Year and especially Christmas is what I value most. Every year all my friends and acquaintances are surprised how I manage to create Christmas mood , even in slush and in the absence of snow outside the window.

The secret lies in the fact that since November I have already begun to gradually transform and decorate your home so that the two most important holidays of the year are brighter and more fun. From my personal experience, I am convinced that a festive atmosphere influences a person and helps him create a festive mood.

Winter compositions

Not only the queen Christmas tree will help you decorate your home in an original way for the New Year, but also a variety of New Year's decor, bouquets and compositions made from natural materials.

Waiting for New Year and Christmas miracles editorial team "So simple!" prepared 19 ideas winter compositions for the home that you definitely want to bring to life.

  1. Tabletop compositions are the most popular. Collect new Year decoration for the table in round or oblong flat vases, reminiscent of ordinary plates.

    The composition may consist of fir branches, cones, Christmas tree decorations, silver rain and “frost” on the branches (crushed foam placed on glue). Well, beautiful decorative candles will help add warmth and soulfulness to the New Year’s composition.

  2. The Christmas wreath is one of the traditional and favorite attributes winter holidays. And the needlewomen in Lately We really loved making a topiary tree for the New Year.

    By the way, for those who cannot place a Christmas tree indoors, topiary can be an ideal replacement.

  3. Oh, what a magnificent composition! How I dream that someone would give me just such a thing.

  4. Pine and spruce branches in New Year's compositions goes well with fresh flowers. The best options for a winter bouquet are roses, chrysanthemums and carnations.

    Notice how charming these arrangements look in hat boxes!

  5. Another stylish variation of topiary tree.

  6. Who said that Christmas compositions should only be in tabletop vases or in the form of an Advent wreath? What do you think about this decorative moss pillow tied with a velvet bow?

    In my opinion, this is an excellent solution not only for home decoration for the holiday, but also for a gift.

  7. I think this is one of the best ideas Merry Christmas!

  8. It’s very easy to bring an idea to life, and the result is a sight to behold.

  9. New Year's compositions made from branches are simple to make, but very effective decor. To create such a composition you will need dry branches.

    You can go to the forest for them. Spray paint the branches in gold or silver or leave them in their original form.

  10. And this is one of those compositions that I did last year to create festive atmosphere in the house. Beautiful, isn't it?

I suggest you familiarize yourself with creative New Year and Christmas

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.