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Original New Year gifts for your beloved man. What to give your boyfriend for New Year? What to give your loved one list

In this article we will figure out what you can give a guy for his birthday. New Year 2019 inexpensive and original. Many girls claim that for them the choice of New Year's gifts is a real holiday. According to them, in order for the process not to become a banal duty, it must be approached in an organized manner.

When choosing a gift for your loved one, take it into account psychological characteristics- age, work, hobbies.

A surprise for the man you are dating should be accompanied by a declaration of love. As a result, it will significantly strengthen the relationship. To ensure a stunning effect, package it beautifully.

  • Player. Suitable for music lovers. Consider the manufacturer's brand and price. The player is an ideal gift for the New Year 2019, since guys almost never part with music.
  • Car accessories . Many young people have a car. They sell extremely useful accessories - cases, organizers, portable chargers, mats.
  • Purse. More sophisticated, fashionable, stylish gift cannot be found, especially if the product is made of genuine leather. The main thing is that the wallet matches the guy’s clothing style.
  • Poker set . Many young people are addicted to this card game. If your boyfriend is no exception, buy him a poker set with a deck of cards, chips, and poker accessories.
  • Lighter with engraving . Better suited for the role interesting gift than deodorant or shampoo. If a guy is addicted to cigarettes, don’t try to forcefully wean him off the habit, because the key to friendly and love relationships- understanding.
  • A game. Despite the fact that men rarely show weaknesses, they remain children at heart. Therefore, give a board game as an inexpensive and original New Year's surprise. However, the guy will be happy even with a radio-controlled helicopter.
  • Shirt . Classic gift. Even if a young man rarely wears a business suit, fashion welcomes the combination stylish shirt With fashionable jeans. The shirt will remind him of your love.
  • Humorous gift . This option will not be able to find useful or serious application, however, it is guaranteed to bring a smile on your face. On the list: a funny mug with brass knuckles instead of a handle, a construction helmet with mounts for beer bottles, or an alcohol calendar.

I have brought to your attention several interesting lists of New Year's gifts for a guy. All that remains is to make a choice. Remember, what matters to your loved one is not the cost, but care and love. Even a small souvenir, given with love, compensates for its tiny size and low price.

List of inexpensive and original gifts

People try to celebrate the New Year with noisy groups with practical jokes, loud laughter, and riddles. They organize competitions, have fun, eat their favorite dishes, and drink various drinks.

However, there comes a time when friends go home, and the opportunity arises to please your loved one with a New Year's gift.

I present a list of original inexpensive gifts guy. After familiarizing yourself with the material, you will buy something in advance that will please the owner and bring a little happiness to life. Having solved this question, you will calmly think about where to celebrate the New Year.

  1. LighterZippo . Inexpensive, but practical gift, a real cowboy will like it. There may be an interesting design on the lid, when choosing which take into account the guy’s hobbies.
  2. New Year's ball with a surprise . Christmas tree decoration consists of two halves, inside of which beautiful photo or a secret message. You can put something else in an unusual ball that will delight the recipient.
  3. Mobile phone stand . A guy will like a fun device with a clock and a receiver in the form of a compact car. When there is an incoming call, the stand flashes its headlights cheerfully.
  4. Porcelain mug . A wonderful souvenir and a useful thing at the same time, especially if the guy is a tea drinker or loves coffee. We are talking about a mug made in the shape of a person. You can give a guy a secretary, a nurse or a teacher “with a pen.”
  5. Leather belt . To choose fashion accessory men approach responsibly. To ensure your belt makes a splash, gather advance information about the recipient's tastes. The choice is also influenced by the buckle.

This is an incomplete list of inexpensive original gifts. There are a lot of things on sale that are perfect as a surprise for the New Year 2019. However, the article is not over yet; there are many good ideas ahead.

Hobby ideas

Every girl wants to buy a guy a gift that he will like. To surprise your loved one, you need to analyze his hobbies.

  • Sport. Usually girls are not well versed in subtleties, so listen to the recommendations of the sales assistant in the sporting goods department, but do not rush to buy the item he recommends. Provoke a guy to talk and secretly find out his preferences and wishes. For example, if he uses sports supplements before going to the gym, replenish his supply of these products.
  • Cars. For a young man who loves his car, buy car cosmetics or a car wash certificate. For a man who drives for days, a massage cover on the seat is suitable. If a guy often goes outdoors, he will be delighted to have a car refrigerator. As a small addition to the main option, give a city map.
  • Computer equipment and games . Many guys spend most of their free time on the computer. If your man falls into this category, buy a removable storage device, a mug warmer, or a computer chair. True, the last option cannot be called cheap. Typically, guys who are into computer games are not very romantic people and are heavily immersed in the virtual world. If a man likes to drive laps in a racing car in the evenings, give him a certificate for a real go-kart.
  • Hunting and fishing . There are practically no restrictions on choice. Of course, you won’t be able to buy a new gun or a good spinning rod, but don’t forget about the little things that will make the life of a hunter or fisherman fulfilling. The list includes: a backpack, a set of fish hooks, a hunting knife, a thermos or overalls. A hunting enthusiast can buy a trained puppy, and if the guy tries to keep abreast of events and constantly reads topical news, subscribe to a hunting magazine.
  • Cooking. Oddly enough, not only women like to cook. This doesn't mean the guy needs a new frying pan or a collection of recipes. In my opinion, attending a master class from a famous chef will leave him in awe. If this is not possible, look in stores for a set of rare herbs or spices that will add flavor and uniqueness to the dishes.

I have given an approximate list of activities that guys are interested in. Some of them collect various things, others make objects from wood, and still others like to travel. In any of the possible hobbies, you can find something worthwhile.

It can be difficult to choose something if a girl doesn’t understand a guy’s hobbies. Then talk to people who are interested in similar activities. They will clarify the intricacies of the hobby and advise good idea.

Ideas by profession

A person’s life is closely connected with work, which influences the formation of beliefs and habits. If a person does not like his current job or wants to build a career in another company, refuse to give a themed gift in favor of souvenirs - key chains, cups, figurines. Otherwise, a professional item will lift your spirits.

  1. geek . For a guy who works with computer equipment, buy something that will make his work easier. The list includes storage media, optical disks, flash drives and solid-state drives. You can also give a computer geek a good monitor, an ergonomic keyboard, Hi-Fi speakers or a USB vacuum cleaner.
  2. Manager. The profession is extremely popular. If your job involves management, purchase a leather briefcase, a branded fountain pen, an office organizer, or a notepad. There are a plethora of ideas for a manager if you use your imagination.
  3. Doctor. If a man works as a doctor, be sure to take into account a number of features when choosing. First of all, doctors are people who work long hours and sacrifice a lot for their patients. Prepare your surprise carefully. A good watch or a bottle of elite alcohol is a great option. Don’t give tickets to concerts, because if you don’t get the schedule right, the gift will be lost.
  4. Builder. A man working in the construction field cannot do without quality instrument. A guy will appreciate a hammer drill, laser level or drill. If you have modest financial resources, limit yourself to buying a good tape measure. It is more important that the gift is useful and chosen correctly, otherwise it will cause bad associations or not be liked.
  5. Driver. If a guy makes a living by driving a car, treat him for the New Year with an original item - a document cover, a navigator, a cooler bag or a gift certificate for extreme driving lessons. Any of the options will make life easier or help improve your driving skills.

There are many areas in which our dear men are busy. Every profession is important and necessary. If the guy likes his work, do something small but heartfelt. New Year's surprise. This will lift your spirits, bring joy, and give you strength for new achievements.

Gift ideas by age

A man is a practical and rational being, whose heart can be won with the help of a gift that can be used in life. Without a doubt, some trinket will please you, but it will bring a short-term effect and will continue to gather dust on the shelf.

The ideas that I will share will help achieve the goal and bring a man new year holidays a lot of joy and will express care.

  • 30 years. Almost all thirty-year-old men are successful people in terms of career and social status. By this age, they have managed to achieve success, define life goals, but the desire to relax and fool around a little remains. The optimal options would be universal options - tools, stationery, watch , alcoholic drinks.
  • 35 years. This is a turning point for any young person. He actively makes plans, is aware of his social position, and tries to comprehend successes and defeats. To please such a man is problematic, but possible. If the guy is a cheerful person, give him a playful gift - a set of socks or a moonshine still. Serious people will be pleased with expensive perfumes, an original ashtray or a gift certificate for attending their favorite event.
  • 45 years. Many men at this age are respectable people who increase their activity in work, leisure and family life. You can touch such a man's heartstrings with a practical, memorable and original gift. This could be a photo frame, an electronic organizer, a nice desk clock or a laptop computer.
  • 50 years. Without a doubt, this is a special age. The best choice- a round sum. If a man doesn’t want to accept her or doesn’t like beautiful envelopes with money, do something unconventional. More specifically, sew a nice bag and fill it with coins and bills. The list of practical ideas includes clothes, shoes, homemade souvenirs, animals, soft toys.
  • 55 years. Many men at this age are not yet going on vacation, but comic gifts are inappropriate. When choosing, focus on usefulness and symbolism. A 55-year-old man will like a digital camera, a souvenir flask, a personal portrait, a massage pad for his office chair, or a trip to a sanatorium.
  • 60 years. At this age, men try to distance themselves from ambitions and turn their attention to family. A good option would be the product self made, made by small family members. You can give a silver cup holder, a rocking chair, leather wallet or a warm blanket. It seems to me that he will be delighted with a good portable barbecue.

If a man has everything, it’s difficult to surprise him. Place your bet on original handmade items - a collage of family photos, a video or knitted hat.

DIY gifts for your loved one for 2019

The ideal gift for a loved one for the New Year holidays is a handmade item into which feelings and soul are invested. Depending on the guy’s aspirations and tastes, you can give him a useful item or a cute trinket.

New Year is considered family holiday, you can't argue with that. But almost every girl (with rare exceptions) dreams of creating her own family. There is already a quite suitable candidate for the role of husband. I would like to give him something for the New Year... that will take his breath away! Well, or show yourself as a good housewife, in love to the core, and in general, a gift for a guy should be romantic, unusual and practical at the same time. Not everyone has the skills of Cinderella, so we will select a New Year's surprise according to at least one of the criteria.

Romantic New Year's gifts

Romantic gifts are especially good for starting a relationship. A stable family life with socks, shirts and blankets is only looming on the horizon, everything is still ahead. And the period of falling in love is a novelty of sensations, a gradual immersion in each other’s interests, lightness and ease. So let the New Year's gift be slightly flirty and unpredictable. For example:

  • your own person in beautiful, exciting lingerie,
  • costumes for role-playing games,
  • calendar for lovers with joint photos,
  • an unusual set of bed linen that you want to try right away,
  • massage or spa treatments for two,
  • dinner in complete darkness.

A secluded, cozy house rented for the New Year somewhere “at the end of the world” can also become an original gift. Just don’t go too far, so as not to end up in an extreme situation. Although, if everything is in moderation, then there will be enough memories for a whole year.

Intangible, but such cool surprises

Not only your angelic character and stunning appearance, but also an unusual New Year's gift can give a guy a fireworks display of unforgettable emotions. This is not suitable for desperate pragmatists, but for those who are passionate and enthusiastic, it is just right. Eccentric gift certificates to choose from:

  • flying in a flight simulator, in a wind tunnel or in a hot air balloon,
  • extreme driving lesson,
  • ATV racing,
  • riding lesson or horseback riding,
  • cooking or acting lessons,
  • master class in archery or any type of weapon,
  • playing paintball or airsoft,
  • fencing lesson,
  • ostrich riding,
  • diving,
  • a course of painting or vocal lessons.

Not all options are listed, but the direction is given. Think, dare, surprise your boyfriend and rejoice yourself. When purchasing, ask about the period during which the certificate can be activated. Maybe, young man It will take time to decide on an extraordinary act, or the New Year's weather will turn out to be unsuitable for the chosen adventure.

Practical gifts as a sign of care and attention

A practical and useful gift will serve as a good confirmation of proven feelings and desire to take care of a loved one, when the candy-bouquet period smoothly flows into a calmer phase of the relationship. The gift could relate to his car, hobby or just everyday life:

  • computer gadget,
  • universal external battery,
  • certificate for tuning, washing or cleaning a car,
  • board game for evenings together,
  • lunch box for homemade lunches and sandwiches,
  • stylish leather belt or wallet,
  • thermal underwear,
  • favorite perfume.

How about giving your loved one an original stand for glasses in the form of a rolling pin? Very good, with a bit of humor, New Year's hint for a happy family life. If you don’t really understand his hobbies, a gift certificate can serve as a compromise.

Let your beloved guy appreciate your talents

Making a gift for a guy with your own hands is aerobatics. Well, let the thing not be completely perfect and ideal. But it will be created by you specifically for him. It is simply impossible not to appreciate such a gift. Just don’t give embroidery in a frame; let the item have some practical use.

On the eve of the New Year, most of us begin looking for gifts for friends, family and friends. I would like to please everyone with something original, but this can be difficult to do, especially if there is not enough money to buy expensive gifts. Choosing a gift for your beloved guy causes a lot of difficulties if you want to please and surprise him, but your financial situation limits your imagination. But don’t be upset, we’ll tell you what to give a guy for New Year’s that is inexpensive and original.

Traditional New Year's gifts for boyfriend

If you want to please a loved one and create for him Christmas mood, choose something from traditional gifts, for example:

  • Sock with treats. In many countries, it is customary to hang stylized boots or socks near the fireplace or other place so that later good wizard put gifts in them. If you give a guy such a sock with his favorite treat, he will definitely be happy.
  • Mittens with a New Year's pattern or traditional Norwegian ornament. If your boyfriend loves mittens, such a gift will be very useful.
  • Original hat, for example, with a beard or in the form of a Viking helmet. Of course, branded hats will not be cheap, but you can look for an inexpensive product of Chinese light industry or purchase a handmade hat from a novice craftsman.
  • Champagne. They traditionally bring it with them when they go on a visit to celebrate the new year. If your finances are really bad, but you need to congratulate your boyfriend, you can take a bottle of champagne, make a postcard with your own hands, or cook something delicious.

Traditionally, on New Year's Day people are visited by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. If you come to congratulate your loved one in an erotic Snow Maiden costume, this will certainly be the best gift.

TOP 10 inexpensive and original gifts for a guy for the New Year

  1. Romantic dinner
  2. Striptease “From the Snow Maiden”
  3. Sock with treats
  4. Original hat or mittens
  5. Computer accessory
  6. Hobby item
  7. Romantic photo collage
  8. Car accessories
  9. Original bottle opener or glass
  10. Handmade gift

Interesting and original inexpensive gifts for a guy

Inexpensive is not necessarily boring, useless and generally bad. There are a lot of useful and interesting, but not expensive things. Decide in advance how much you can allocate for a gift for your boyfriend, and go shopping, real or online. You'll probably find plenty of good options. Make a list and choose from it best gift. Our list looks like this:

  • Inexpensive computer accessory, for example, a mouse, USB hub or headphones. Before the New Year, PC accessories with a themed design often go on sale. They are usually inexpensive, but look very nice.
  • Massage brush or head massager. Almost all guys love a scalp massage, so such an inexpensive gift will deserve a lot of praise.
  • Original bottle opener. You can choose something from New Year's style or just an unusual thing, for example, in the shape of a ring.
  • Decision Coin or Magic Ball giving answers to questions.
  • New Year's mug. You can buy ready-made dishes or apply a custom design. In the second case, you can print on it with your photo or a photo of a loved one, an interesting saying or just good wishes from you.
  • Ballpoint pen in New Year's style. The pen itself is a very small and inexpensive gift, so it’s better to choose a notebook for it as well.
  • Sweater for cup. You can buy it or knit it yourself. This is a cute and simple invention that allows you to keep your drink warm and make your life brighter.
  • Non-slip car panel mat. A very useful device that will help you conveniently place any devices and necessary little things on the dashboard.
  • Gadget case. This is a relatively inexpensive gift that sooner or later your loved one will definitely need it.

This list goes on and on. The main thing is not to be lazy and look. There are also a lot of interesting kitchen gadgets. If a guy loves tea, he will be pleased with cute tea bag holders and squeezers. A smoking guy will need a lighter and an ashtray, a beer lover will need a large glass.

Don't be afraid to disappoint your loved one with an inexpensive gift. Most men value, first of all, attention and a good attitude, and the price of a gift is not important to them.

New Year's gifts for a hobby guy

You can try to choose something for the guy’s hobby. True, there are options inexpensive gifts there is not much for enthusiastic people. But if you try, you can come up with something, for example:

  • The board game will appeal to lovers of intellectual entertainment.
  • The fisherman can choose a spoon or a tackle organizer.
  • For lovers of outdoor recreation, a waterproof lighter or flashlight will be useful.
  • The athlete can be given wristbands or a forehead band.
  • A music lover will love a CD from his favorite artist or a portable speaker.

If you don’t know much about a guy’s hobby, find out what he might need on thematic forums. You can also consult with the seller in the store, but remember that it is in his interests to sell stale or unpopular goods.

Romantic New Year's gifts

Romance should be present in the life of any couple and the New Year is the time to come up with something stunning for your loved one. Of course, with a limited budget, organizing a romantic trip or something equally grandiose will be unrealistic. But there is no need to despair - there are also more budget options, for example:

  • Dinner for two. If you decide to celebrate the New Year together with your boyfriend, prepare his favorite dishes, decorate the apartment and create a special atmosphere.
  • Striptease. If you are a good dancer, then a few master classes viewed on the Internet will be enough to prepare a non-professional but quite enjoyable dance.
  • Photo collage from general photos . You can make it yourself, and then print it out and frame it in a beautiful frame. You can also make a “Calendar for Lovers” with your photos.
  • Massage done by you. Attending massage courses is not the cheapest entertainment. Therefore, in our situation, it is better to learn from examples that are freely available on the Internet. The main thing is not to choose complex healing types of massage and not to overdo it, so as not to harm your loved one.
  • Checkbook of wishes or something similar. Such gifts have become very popular lately. You just need to write popular men's wishes on pieces of paper and give them to your loved one. And he can demand their execution whenever he wants.

DIY gifts for boyfriend

Many people believe that homemade gifts are a great way to save money. In fact, to create most truly worthwhile gifts, you will need to purchase expensive consumables, as well as a significant investment of effort and time. You can only do it in a hurry checkbook desires, which we have already mentioned, or something similar. Therefore, when deciding to do something on your own, immediately prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to work hard.

Most men don't appreciate useless crafts. Therefore, try to ensure that your gift has a practical application.

The simplest and most successful gift options that you can make with your own hands:

  • Knitten things. If you know how to knit, you can make a sweater or a smart scarf. If not, try knitting simple house socks or mittens.
  • Painted items. If you are good at drawing, you can create a unique painted gift for your loved one. To do this, you need to purchase white clothes or dishes and the appropriate paint, and then write or draw what your imagination tells you.
  • Items using decoupage technique. Decorate a bottle of champagne for your loved one or make a cute card.
  • Original delicacy. Everyone knows the saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. A tasty treat is a very popular gift, especially if the guy lives alone and doesn’t know how to cook.

Don’t worry if the gift turns out a little clumsy and not as elegant as planned. Its main task is to show your feelings and please your loved one in the New Year. Even if your product causes sincere laughter, that’s good, it means you bring joy to the guy.

Parents, girlfriend, friends - everyone is thinking about what to give their boyfriend for New Year 2018. Make good gift not easy, you need to take into account many criteria. And if you have absolutely no ideas, it’s worth looking at what they give the guys.

What gifts are definitely worth giving: 5 rules

You should remember the unwritten rules that are determined male psychology. They will help you choose the best gift from several options.

  1. Wow effect. A gift for a guy should be original, consisting of a large number of items. If these are socks, then there should be a lot of them - a pair for each day of the month, if accessories for fishing, then a whole suitcase of gear.
  2. Hobby accessories. When a guy has a hobby, it is advisable to give not some defining things, for example, a computer to a gamer, a fishing rod to a fisherman, but complementary accessories, because a person who is interested in something already has the basics.
  3. A guy will definitely appreciate it if the gift is chosen taking into account his preferences and interests and is individualized. A razor and aftershave gel are good, but this gift can be given to any man who does not grow a beard. But a book by your favorite writer from the newly released novelties, good coffee for a coffee lover, an encyclopedia of the most famous cars with colorful illustrations for a motorist is a completely different matter.
  4. Toys. There is a well-known saying that men are big children, and this determines the nature of gifts for a guy. They should not be from everyday things, with light bulbs, buttons, and a control panel.
  5. A gift to brag about. The first thing that comes to mind is various gadgets, like gadgets, but this category also includes various events, because you can always show your friends a photo from a rock concert or a parachute jump.


A guy's hobbies immediately open up wide possibilities for choosing a gift. Many people like to relax in nature and go hiking. In this case, the following will come in handy:

  • tent;
  • tourist backpack;
  • cooler bag;
  • survival kit,
  • thermos;
  • Finnish knife;
  • thermal underwear;
  • barbecue set.

A musician, depending on the direction of his hobby, will like:

  • electric guitar or branded mediator;
  • a set of strings for an existing instrument;
  • capo;
  • tuner;
  • amplifier;
  • metronome;
  • midi keyboard;
  • synthesizer;
  • tool stand;
  • case for sticks - for the drummer;
  • harmonica;
  • tom-toms or other exotic instrument.

The car enthusiast will enjoy useful accessories and gadgets for the car:

  • DVR;
  • radar detector;
  • heated seat;
  • seat covers;
  • electric pump;
  • a set of tools;
  • motorcyclist - helmet and gloves. Moreover, it is better to choose these gifts together with him.

You can give a fisherman:

  • suitcase with tackle;
  • binoculars;
  • waterproof watch;
  • echo sounder

For sports guy good gifts are:

  • skates;
  • bike;
  • hoverboard;
  • soccer ball;
  • hockey stick with puck;
  • punching bag and gloves;
  • darts;
  • fitness bracelet.

Computer equipment, gadgets and accessories

It's hard to imagine a guy being indifferent to gadgets. A technical innovation received as a gift can impress anyone. Of these gifts, it should be noted:

  • laptop;
  • headphones for your phone or computer, wired, bluetooth or radio;
  • tablet;
  • speakers for PC, phone, bluetooth;
  • virtual reality glasses;
  • thermal mug with USB;
  • keyboard vacuum cleaner;
  • laptop bag;
  • laptop cooling pad;
  • flash drive or hard drive. The gift itself is useful, but it’s better if it has a cool design and a large amount of memory;
  • portable charger;
  • smart watch.

Intangible gifts

It is not necessary to give something tangible. The gift can be an experience, service, or special skill. You can give a ticket to some kind of entertainment or extreme event, or a certificate for taking courses:

  • extreme driving courses;
  • courses at a shooting club;
  • flight in a wind tunnel;
  • helicopter flight;
  • Thai massage;
  • private swimming with a dolphin;
  • aquapark;
  • karting center;
  • paintball;
  • bowling;
  • sauna;
  • rooftop party.

Classic gifts

You can give a connoisseur of the classics something of status. It must be said that such gifts are more suitable not for guys, but for older men. But that’s not about that now. List of gifts:

  • cigarette case,
  • set of cigars,
  • leather wallet,
  • belt,
  • expensive lighter,
  • watch,
  • antiques.

For work or study

A student or office worker will benefit from original office supplies or devices that make work easier:

  • Dictaphone;
  • diary;
  • stand for papers and stationery;
  • phone stand;
  • alarm;
  • eBook.

Technical devices

Household appliances, such as a vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, should not be given to a guy, although they may be useful. Maybe a multicooker, if he lives separately from his parents, or a coffee machine, if he is not indifferent to coffee. Tech gifts for a guy should be for fun. These include:

  • player;
  • camera;
  • acoustic system;
  • karaoke.


A guy will be happy to receive cool gifts from his friends. Here your imagination can run wild. Some options:

  • hookah;
  • joke shop souvenirs;
  • cool papier-mâché figure;
  • T-shirt with a funny slogan;
  • ride on a tank;
  • cartoon doll;
  • tabletop biofireplace.

Video: papier-mâché dragon


Of course, your girlfriend can prepare a romantic gift.

  • romantic dinner, smoothly flowing into an equally romantic night;
  • paired T-shirts;
  • pillow with a photo or portrait on canvas;
  • snow globe with a joint photo.


You can give some practical things:

  • gift set for shoe care;
  • interestingly shaped soap;
  • electric heated blanket;
  • inflatable head pillow;
  • car seat organizer.

Video: iPhone soap


A separate article on gifts is edible.

  1. An original gift is a hot dog cake that friends can give.
  2. If a guy drinks alcohol, a bottle of vintage alcohol is a good gift.
  3. Sweets are also held in high esteem by some guys. The most commonplace is a cake, the original is chocolate tools, a chocolate card.

Video: handmade chocolate tools


Among the most budget-friendly gifts it is worth noting:

  • notes with declarations of love are a symbolic gift;
  • cover for a mug with a wish;
  • photo collage;
  • car fragrance;
  • keychain with car number;
  • beer mug;
  • book.

Video: keychain with car number - manufacturing

Video: mug cover ideas


Surely, the games will be appreciated:

  • backgammon;
  • poker set;
  • other board games, such as mafia, Jenga;
  • game console;
  • radio-controlled toys;
  • geographic puzzle for the intellectual.

DIY gift for boyfriend

Choosing a gift for a guy is not easy enough. It seems that doing something yourself is not even worth thinking about. And in vain. Exactly hand made gifts most often fall into the category of inexpensive and original. And you can do anything: from simple jewelry to items from props for your favorite film or TV series, which will delight the fan.

Men's bracelets: leather, wood, metal

A bracelet for a guy should be brutal, beautiful, voluminous, so as not to get lost on big hand. These are the types of decorations we will talk about. Most suitable for manufacturing natural materials: wood, metal and leather. This is a good gift option for a guy from a girl.

To make the first version of the bracelet you will need: an elastic band, a connector, wood beads and scissors.

The easiest way to make men's bracelet- bracelet with elastic band. The main thing is to choose the right accessories. From a common spool of elastic, a length of approximately 40 cm is measured, because a double thread is used for the work. It will be more durable to wear.

Having cut the required length, fold the piece in half and take the connector. Pass one thread through the outermost hole of the connector.

Then fold the edges of the elastic together and begin to string the beads. The number of beads will depend on the desired bracelet size. You need to measure your wrist and then select beads of the required size.

All beads, except the last one, are put on an elastic band.

Now you need to secure the knot. So that the knot is not visible, at the very beginning, near the connector, before the last bead is set, the elastic bands are disconnected. Place the last bead on one elastic band and move it towards the others.

Then the same edge of the elastic is passed through the loop of the connector, the elastic is turned in the opposite direction, and passed through the outer bead.

Tighten and tie the ends of the elastic bands in a knot. When tying a knot, you should tighten the elastic a little.

Make 2-3 knots and cut off the excess ends of the elastic with scissors.

Another option made from leather cord. You will need: leather cord, beads, glue ends, lock and glue.

The first thing to do is take a leather cord and cut it into pieces approximately 18-20 cm long. The number of cords depends on the diameter of the ends that will be used during work.

Now take all the laces and put them together so that their ends are folded evenly. They take the end cap and try on the cords.

Then they are pulled out and the end cap is filled with glue (the walls are covered).

Place the laces inside the end cap again. Hold the laces so that the glue sets. You can leave the bracelet as is, or you can decorate it with beads.

Take beads for metal. The hole should be of such a diameter that two laces pass through it at once. Take a pair of laces that are together and pick up the first bead, moving it to the very beginning of the decoration.

Then the cords coming out of the hole are separated. One is put aside, the other is connected to any adjacent cord. String the bead again.

Continue stringing beads using the same principle. Having strung the beads onto half of the cords, turn the bracelet over and start again.

Having finished collecting beads, collect the ends of the cords together, coat the end cap inside and place the ends of the cords inside.

Attach the lock.

Disconnect the connecting ring.

Pass the loop from the end switch into it, connect it to the end switch and close it again using the tool.

They do the same on the other side, but do not forget to add a lock.

The latest version of the bracelet is also made of leather cords with weaving elements. You will need: a leather cord, end clamps, decorative rings and a lock.

From the total length of the lace, cut pieces 18-20 cm long. Place the laces together, straighten the edges and take the end clamp.

Apply a few drops of glue into the hole of the end clamp, then place all six laces in its compartment and wait for the glue to set.

Now you can clamp the end switch with pliers.

Then they begin to weave and decorate the bracelet. You need to weave a braid, adding metal elements. Divide the cords into three equal parts. Take the first decorative ring and thread 2 central laces through it. Raise the ring slightly upward and intertwine the lace underneath it using simple pattern- braids.

Then the central cord of the two cords is brought back through the ring and tightened.

Take the next ring and continue weaving. The central cord is passed through the top into the ring, a braid is braided again under the ring, the outer laces are placed on top of each other, and the central cord is brought out again through the ring.

The pattern is woven to the end of the bracelet.

Fold the edges of the laces together, trim them and secure them with an end clamp.

The connecting ring is opened, passed through the loop of the lock-clamp and closed.

On the other side, the ring is secured together with the lock.

The result is a stylish decoration.

Stylish paracord belt

A belt is another accessory that you can make yourself. The material for its manufacture will be paracord - a cord that was originally used for parachute lines. Now it has become a popular material for creating such homemade products.

To make a belt you will need a paracord cord of four different colors, a piece of leather, a buckle, a ruler, a candle or lighter, scissors, a stationery clip, a sharpened knife, an awl.

To begin with, measure out 3 pieces of yellow and black and 2 pieces of turquoise and brown colors. The length of each segment must be the same; it is selected taking into account the waist size, taking into account that in finished form The length of the belt will be reduced by approximately 50% compared to the original length of the cords.

The ends of the cords are melted with an open fire so that they do not unravel.

Clamp the ends of the cords laid out in in the right order, stationery clip.

The cords are intertwined according to the principle of an ordinary braid.

This is what weaving looks like.

Then they take a piece of leather.

Cut off a strip of skin. Its width is equal to the width of the resulting belt.

The excess edges of the cords are trimmed evenly.

If desired, you can decorate the edge of the leather strip in the form of a semicircle.

Trying on a leather blank.

Make two holes in the middle of the workpiece.

Using a knife, connect them with a jumper.

Insert the buckle.

Using an awl, holes are made so that stitching can be done.

Paint the skin with water- or oil-based paint.

Insert the buckle and stitch it crosswise with thread to keep it in place. A strip 1-1.5 cm wide is cut out of leather, the ends of which are sewn and inserted between the two halves of the leather blank.

Cut out two more identical pieces of leather and dye them. They process the other end of the belt. Before stitching, the end of the belt is wrapped in thick cellophane. It will improve the quality of the firmware.

Do the same before processing the other end. After stitching, the cellophane that is in sight is cut off.

Now the stylish belt is ready.

Banal liquid soap in original packaging

Shampoo, shower gel, liquid soap- these are the most popular gifts given by family, friends, and colleagues. These are useful surprises, but because they are given so often, it is difficult to really make someone happy. However, if you use something you made yourself instead of the usual packaging, the gift will “play out” in a completely different way.

Mug with sweet filling

A sweet gift in itself is not bad, but it quickly leaves no trace of it except memories. With this in mind, it is worth considering a packaging option that could still serve after the sweets are destroyed.

You will need a cup and special markers for ceramics.

Some simple New Year's themed drawing is drawn on the mug. You can add a name.

Then the filling is prepared. Sprinkle cocoa powder onto a piece of cellophane and tie the edges with gift ribbon.

Marshmallows are placed on another piece of cellophane and also tied beautifully with a ribbon.

Place everything in a cup and add a Christmas candy cane.

Sweet steering wheel for the motorist

If a guy has a passion for cars and loves sweets, then he will be pleasantly surprised by a gift of sweets or chocolates, shaped like a car steering wheel. Those who already have their own car can be presented with a “steering wheel” from the desired foreign car, and when giving a gift to those who still drive their own car only in their dreams, it is worth accompanying it with the words “there was enough money just for the steering wheel.”

To create a steering wheel from candies, you will need: brown or black corrugated paper, candies, a heat gun, scissors, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

You need to cut the steering wheel out of penoplex.

The template is made like this: take a plate or lid and trace it, drawing the silhouette of the jumpers inside. First, mark a piece of penoplex, then cut out the blank with a knife.

Then they prepare according to the pattern corrugated paper with allowances. The allowances are cut out in triangles.

For the wrong side, similar blanks are cut out of two sheets of black colored paper (from two, because ordinary A4 sheets are not enough to cover the entire blank).

The edges of the candy wrappers are wrapped on the side where the joint of the wrapper is located and fixed with hot glue.

Corrugated paper is glued to double-sided tape or hot glue. The allowances are folded.

The ends of the steering wheel are treated with strips of corrugated paper.

Then they take the cord and process the corners with it.

A Renault sign is cut out of foil and glued in the center.

The prepared candies are glued in a circle.

Gift “5 senses”

The trick of this gift is not in the content, but in the way it is presented. The advantage is that such gifts are relevant for any holiday, not just for the New Year.

A gift made according to the “5 senses” principle includes five boxes or bags, each of which should have a corresponding inscription for each sense organ, i.e. for sight - “look”, for hearing - “listen”, for smell - “smell”, for touch - “touch”, for taste - “try”.

What can you put in these boxes? In the “look” box you can put cinema tickets, a photo frame, a collage with photographs, your favorite magazine; in “listen” - your favorite song recorded on a flash drive, speakers for a smartphone, in “smell” - eau de toilette, deodorant, aromatic sachets, “touch” massage oil, shower gel; in “try” - something edible: sweets, alcohol.

You get several gifts for your loved one at once.

Darth Vader pillow

Knowing that the guy is a fan" Star Wars“A girl can sew a pillow for him in the shape of the recognizable silhouette of Darth Vader, the central character of the movie saga.

Take black velvet fabric.

Draw a simple outline on the fabric with chalk or a bar of soap.

They cut it out.

They begin to create a mask from the chains. Bite off individual sections of the chain with scissors or wire cutters.

Glue them on with hot glue.

Then, when the glue sets, they stitch it for reliability.

Two types of chains are used - thinner and thicker, although you can get by with just one type.

They work out all the details.

When the chains are glued, the second half of the fabric is placed on top, facing inward.

They sew them together, turn them inside out, put the filling inside, and the pillow is ready.

Darth Maul's sword

A cool gift from friends for a Star Wars fan would be Darth Maul’s lightsaber. To make a gift you need men's hands.

To make the base of the sword you will need: 6 polypropylene water pipe couplings with a diameter of 32×40 mm, 2 plastic crimp couplings on one side for clamping a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm, and on the other side for a 3/4 inch thread, a steel pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 30 cm and with 3/4 inch threads on both sides, 6 simple buttons with fixation, 2 m of white polypropylene water pipe, unreinforced, 25 mm in diameter. For painting you need to prepare: wire for hanging parts, primer for plastic and acrylic paint metallic, white spirit for degreasing the surface and erasing markings on plastic pipes.

First, drill holes in the couplings with a wood drill for buttons. Clamp the coupling in a vice and drill.

Clean the hole.

Insert a button.

A grinder is used to make a longitudinal cut along the pipe so that a coupling with a button can be inserted.

The ends are polished with a file.

Place the couplings on top. This is what the base of the sword looks like when assembled. The parts need to be painted with metallic paint. First, the surface is degreased, primer is applied, and then painted.

Now assemble the electrical circuit. You will need an LED strip size SMD 3528 red in silicone for 12 V. A total of 4 m is needed. Cut in half and glue together along the entire length so that the LEDs on both sides coincide. It is important that the pipe is illuminated evenly along its entire length, and not in stripes that appear when the LEDs touch the surface of the pipe. To do this, the tape must be placed exactly in the middle of the inner surface of the pipe.

You need to take a transparent silicone tube.

No more than 5 mm is cut off from it and this section is glued between the LEDs.

The same segments should be located every three LEDs. Solder the connector.

3 18650 batteries are connected in series, one button turns on the LED strips on both sides.

Connect the connector to the LED strip. The battery is placed in a steel pipe.

The couplings are put on top. Screw the outer couplings onto the pipe.

The LED strip is inserted inside a polypropylene pipe.

Clamping rings are used to secure the pipe.

Rubber rings from the clamping sleeve can be used as additional elements of the sword.

On the other side, a second section of pipe with the same LED strip is connected in a similar way

Blade of Khaine - TV series Supernatural

Fans of the Supernatural series will enjoy another “weapon”: the Blade of Cain.

To create Cain's blade you will need gouache or acrylic paints, a modeling mass that hardens in air.

You also need model cardboard or plywood 6 mm thick, a cutting tool and a blade template.

Templates are printed and cut out. Using them, they prepare the basis for covering with model mass.

A template is drawn on the selected material.

If this is model cardboard, cut out 4 blanks and glue the blanks together to obtain a thickness of about 6 mm. If it is plywood, then cut out one piece. It is best to sculpt the blade based on a printed picture of the original.

The base is covered with model mass and left to dry for 24 hours. If cracks form after drying, they are covered with modeling mass.

After drying, treat the workpiece with sandpaper or a special tool.

It is better to print out an image of the original to refer to it.

Teeth are sculpted from the same model mass. To avoid confusion, it is better to leave the teeth in the desired sequence until completely dry. The size of the teeth should be determined from the drawing. Using sandpaper No. 600, the blade is finally worked until smooth.

Then use a utility knife to make cracks and form recesses for the teeth.

The teeth are glued using a glue gun.

Then the blade is painted with acrylic paints. After drying, the color will change slightly.

Make darkening black or dark brown.

Apply the pattern with a purple gel pen.

Cover the entire blade with acrylic varnish.

Next, a thin strip of leatherette is glued on.

Make 7 notches on a piece of leatherette. And thread a strip about 1 cm thick between them.

Glue the decorated piece of leatherette with hot glue to the blade. Aging the leather on the blade using fine sandpaper.

Game of Thrones phone stand

Another master class to please the fans. This time we will talk about the well-known series “Game of Thrones”. And a phone stand will be created that will decorate the desktop in the office or at home.

To make a phone stand in the form of a miniature throne from Game of Thrones, you need to cut pieces of cardboard: 5x5 cm - 6 pcs., 8x3 cm - 10 pcs., 8x4 cm - 4 pcs., back - 3 PC.

All identical pieces are glued together using a glue gun.

Then all the parts are assembled into one structure.

All seams and joints are well coated with hot glue.

Then, using PVA glue, they cover the throne with newspapers.

After complete drying, they begin to decorate the throne with skewers in the form of swords and ordinary skewers, from which the sharp parts will be needed.

Check the design with a photograph of the original. Glue the skewers with hot glue.

Then the throne is painted with silver paint.

After drying, take black acrylic paint and add a few strokes with a brush.

This list, consisting of budget and expensive, original and simple options, will allow you to choose a New Year's gift for your boyfriend in a few minutes.

New Year is one of the kindest, brightest and most romantic holidays of the year. On this day, it is customary to give each other gifts, and your gift to your beloved man should be a small declaration of love. But finding something really worthwhile is not easy. If you haven’t yet decided what to give your loved one for New Year 2020, our tips will definitely help you make the right choice.

How to choose and give a gift to your loved one

Remember that the gift should be intended exclusively for your loved one and no one else. You should not buy common items or banal universal gifts. The recipient must understand that you tried for him and thought about him.

Men don't really like useless things. Therefore, you should not give New Year's souvenirs unless they have practical application. If you really want to give something memorable, you can buy a mug with a picture of a rat and the inscription 2020 or something similar.

Proper presentation of a gift is one of the most important moments, which should not be forgotten. Even if the gift is chosen perfectly, without thinking through how to present it, you can ruin the whole impression. Main rules for awarding:

  • You need to give from the heart and with a smile. If you and the recipient quarreled just before the holiday, and this happens even to the most loving couples, make peace in advance, even before the presentation of the gift.
  • Be very careful with decorative and interior items. If you and your loved one live together, such a gift may look like a contribution to your common life, and if you live separately, it may look like an encroachment on his territory.
  • If you are giving something edible, be sure to complement the gift with a postcard or souvenir so that something remains as a keepsake.

Remember that the best gift for the New Year is what is interesting to the recipient, and not what you like. If in doubt, you can clarify how he feels about certain things. It is better to reveal a surprise than to buy an inappropriate or unnecessary gift.

TOP 10 gifts for your loved one for New Year 2020

  1. Romantic evening or trip
  2. Modern gadgets
  3. Decorations
  4. Photo frames, T-shirts, mugs, etc. with your shared photo
  5. Hobby items
  6. Accessories for cars or PCs
  7. Leather goods, such as belts, briefcases or document covers
  8. Attending an interesting event
  9. Paired gifts, for example, gloves, pillowcases, mugs
  10. Stationery and other gifts for work

Ideas for New Year's gifts for loved ones by age

To choose a good gift for your loved one for the New Year 2020, you need to take into account the age of the recipient. Although the interests of men of the same age may differ greatly, there are still some common features:

  • Up to 25 years old. A young guy with a good sense of humor can buy funny gift, for example, a T-shirt with a funny design. He will also appreciate PC accessories and modern gadgets.
  • 25-35 years old. Men of this age, as a rule, already have a stable income and an established life. You can give them hobby or hobby items, as well as exclusive items, for example, expensive stationery, watches, and luxury alcohol. Presents of adventure and entertainment are relevant.
  • 35-45 years old. For many men, this age is a turning point. Youth is being replaced by maturity, but many confuse it with old age and are afraid of these changes. A funny gift, such as a moonshine still or a cool youth T-shirt, will help lift your spirits. A serious and self-confident man will be pleased with stylish jewel, a good leather briefcase and other status items.
  • 45-55 years old. Adult and respectable man it is necessary to select an appropriate gift. It should be something practical, but also stylish and memorable, such as a nice desk clock, electronic organizer, laptop or digital photo frame. You can also give expensive exclusive and antique items, products from precious metals and natural stones.
  • 55-65 years old. At this age, most men are interested in useful things for the home or hobbies. You can also give appropriate adventures and entertainment, such as a trip to a resort or a restorative massage. He will also be pleased with something memorable, for example, a photo album or a hand-made gift.

Useful gifts for your loved one

A practical man who does not like meaningless trinkets should choose useful things. It is important to take into account his interests and tastes. It is desirable that the gift be beautiful and original. Examples of successful inexpensive gifts for the New Year:

  • A towel with an interesting pattern or inscription;
  • Flash drive or other PC accessory;
  • Multifunctional keychain;
  • Car supply for mobile phone;
  • Orthopedic pillow for a computer chair or car seat;
  • Flashlight.

You can also choose something expensive. Such gifts include a variety of gadgets and technical innovations, leather goods and precious metals, etc. Something useful and cozy for the home is also appropriate, for example, a rocking chair or a woolen blanket with sleeves.

If you want your useful gift to be both original and reminiscent of the New Year 2020, you should choose something with the image of its symbol - the White Rat. This could be a mug, pillow, lighter or any other item with the image of a rat.

When choosing useful gift your loved one must take into account how close your relationship is. For example, a nose trimmer is a great gift, but too personal. You can give it to your beloved husband for the New Year, but not to a guy you have been dating for a short time.

Romantic New Year's gifts for your loved one

If your loved one is a true romantic, you need to choose appropriate New Year's gifts. He will surely like a set of warm knitted scarf and mittens and/or hats or special mittens for lovers, which allow you to always hold hands without freezing. You can also buy paired T-shirts or have them made to order with a design or inscriptions that only you can understand. Any paired gifts will be received favorably, for example, cups or cool pillowcases.

A romantic man will definitely appreciate a gift decorated with your shared photos, for example:

  • Clock with photo frames;
  • Bed linen decorated with a picture of a couple;
  • Calendar with general photos;
  • A photo collage or a short film about your life, if the couple already has their own story.

In addition, you can choose a heart-shaped keychain or have it engraved with a romantic confession. Your loved one will also enjoy a CD with songs that will remind you of the development of your relationship or a selection of your favorite films. Any gifts that remind you of your feelings will be more than appropriate in this situation.

If you have a fairly close relationship, you can make an erotic lottery for your loved one by writing wishes on 12 small pieces of cardboard. Now once a month he will be able to choose a forfeit and win a gift “with a little spice” - a great gift idea for the New Year 2020, the gift will remind you of yourself all year long.

Hobby Gifts

If your loved one has a hobby, this will make choosing a gift much easier. Just find out more about his hobby and buy a useful gift in a specialized store:

  • An athlete can choose an accessory for his favorite sport, for example, a tennis racket, an autographed ball, a golf club, etc.
  • If a guy is into music, he will probably like a CD of his favorite artist, a player, good headphones or speakers, or a ticket to a concert.
  • You can give a fisherman a new spinning rod, various hooks, floats or a set of spinners. A folding chair, thermal underwear for winter fishing, etc. will also be useful.
  • You can give the hunter good binoculars, camouflage clothing, and a flashlight.
  • If a man is into computer games, he will appreciate a cool gaming mouse or any product with the logo of his favorite game.
  • An extreme sports fan can be presented with a certificate for a parachute jump, or invited to ride a snowmobile or snowboard.

If the guy doesn't have a really strong hobby, you can buy him something for work. For example, an office worker will like branded stationery, a builder will like a modern laser level, and a driver will like a massage cover for his chair.

If you are not very well versed in your loved one’s hobbies, it is better not to take risks by choosing a gift for him yourself. Ask for help from his friends with the same hobby or on thematic forums.

Inexpensive and pleasant gifts for your loved one for the New Year 2020

Good New Year's gift a loved one does not have to be expensive. For most men, the girl’s attention is much more important than the cost of the gift. The most successful inexpensive gifts from a girl:

  • Beautiful lighter. It will appeal to a guy who smokes or an outdoor enthusiast who often has to light a fire. A good option– a metal lighter that can be engraved with recognition.
  • Christmas decoration with surprise. It looks like normal Christmas ball, but consists of two halves. You can hide a photo or a love message in this toy.
  • Heated mug powered by USB. This is a great gift for a guy who spends a lot of time on the computer.
  • Leather belt. When choosing such a gift, you must take into account the tastes of the recipient. The strand, width and color of the belt are of great importance.
  • Cover for documents. It is necessary to choose something stylish and meeting the tastes of the recipient. It can be as discreet leather cover, and bright with a 3D pattern.
  • Metal comb in the shape of a butterfly knife. An interesting and useful gift for a lover of unusual things.

You can also make an inexpensive gift for the New Year 2020 with your own hands. If you consider yourself to be a true needlewoman, feel free to bring your ideas into reality and create a unique present for your loved one. If not, you can choose simple options, for example, forfeits for love games or New Year's card. You can also knit simple mittens or a sweater for a cup for your loved one.

One of the best and relatively inexpensive gifts is a romantic dinner for your loved one. If you organize it at home, you only have to prepare snacks and decorate the room with candles. It is also important to choose appropriate music.

It is not difficult to please your loved one. The main thing is to try to please him, choose something that suits his tastes. Then the New Year 2020 will become a truly romantic holiday and one of your happiest memories.