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Preparatory activities for children 5 6. How to prepare a child for school, and where can this be done? Reading training

For most parents, even the gradual growth of their baby becomes a terrible test, and sometimes a complete surprise. A five-year-old child is already an independent and fully formed personality who is fully capable of determining his own needs or desires. He has his own taste and can stand up for himself. And many parents should know what a child should be able to do at 5 years old.

Physiology and psychology

Children at this age begin to grow rapidly. At the same time, muscle development occurs, and the child does not gain weight. excess weight. But parents must carefully monitor their child’s diet so that his body receives the energy necessary for growth and development. Nutrition for a five-year-old child should be sufficiently high in calories and at the same time balanced. Try to eliminate unhealthy fast food from your diet. Use more vegetables and soups, pamper your child with homemade cutlets or compote - it will benefit him. Wean your baby off the terrible habit of snacking every half hour - this can have a bad effect in his future life.

It will not be difficult for a five-year-old to learn a new skill, since his own physical development allows him to do so. If you want to introduce your son or daughter to sports, then this age is a great time to learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, skiing or horseback riding. If you manage to interest your child in sports, then perhaps he will love it for life.

Psychologically, a five-year-old child overcomes this completely and irrevocably. He becomes calmer and more balanced. A five-year-old child is quite capable of spending some time alone with himself and responding quite adequately to requests or objections from the people around him. However, parents should remember that children's patience is not unlimited. The child will be upset and offended if you forget about some of your promises or do not fulfill his request.

Experts say that it is during this age period that the initial foundations of a child’s character are laid, which will remain with him throughout his life. adult life. Parents can influence the child and try to instill in him those qualities and abilities that they consider the most valuable skills for a person. However, quite often parents try to realize their own aspirations and dreams in their children. This unforgivable mistake, which can affect your child’s adult life in the most negative way.

What should a child be able to do at 5 years old?

Parents five year old baby will note with surprise that working with your own child at this age is interesting and very exciting activity, as the baby begins to crave knowledge and be interested in everything in the world. For him, it is enough to simply learn new skills, regardless of what field of activity they belong to: mental or physical.

So, what should a child be able to do at 5 years old? Most children who have reached this age can quite easily write some letters and read simple sentences. They can perform simple arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction. Their understanding of what is happening is starting to work well. Psychologists say that there is a huge number special techniques and items that will tell you what a child should be able to do at 5 years old and how developed your baby is specifically.

For parents of boys

From the age of three, children begin to understand that boys and girls are different different people, with different needs, body characteristics and slightly different levels of development. Experts say that up to adolescence, male representatives are slightly inferior in development to girls of the same age. And this is no exception for this age category. So, many parents have a very specific question: what should a child be able to do at the age of 5?

A boy at this age stops paying much attention to toys. They become much more interesting to him role-playing games, in which he often appears as an adult character. For those parents who don’t remember their childhood well, such fun includes playing hospital, construction site or war. Boys should already be able to distribute roles among themselves in accordance with their own skills and wishes.

If we talk about physical education and sports, then at the age of five a child can already climb, long jump, throw light objects into the distance, and carry out simple drill commands. And if the parents accept the most Active participation what a child of 5 years old should be able to do, the boy will both swim and ride a bike. So this is the age of active action!

Doctor Komarovsky

When it comes to what a child of 5 years old should be able to do, Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, expresses certain thoughts regarding the general development of children, their physical and mental state. It is thanks to such initial data that a certain conclusion can be drawn. He argues that two factors play the main role in the development of certain skills in a child: the child’s parents and his own desire. Moreover, the second factor is sometimes more significant than the first.

Kindergarten and five year old child

In principle, almost every parent B kindergarten are able to teach, identify, and reveal the potential and capabilities of a child. As it turned out, in many institutions there is a specialist - a psychologist who must conduct certain tests to determine the abilities of five-year-old children. Such actions are designed for understanding in different areas and are based on the child completing certain tasks. Experts have developed an approximate list of questions and tasks.

School and a five year old child

Of the entire impressive list of what a child should be able to do at age 5, preparing for school by acquiring certain skills occupies a special place. And here a point arises that not all parents know why they should bother preparing their child before going to first grade. They believe that the child will already learn everything he needs at school. This is absolutely not the right approach to this issue, and five years is exactly the age when you should start preparing for school.

What should a child know and be able to do? Well, firstly, the child must learn and be able to say his last and first name, his residential address, and telephone number. You must teach him to understand the most common types of plants and animals. He must know and distinguish colors, types of sports and understand the meaning of the simplest professions.

You should teach your child where "right" and "left" are, the difference between a country and a city, fruits and vegetables, and letters and sounds.

It is desirable that the child be able to:

Final table

To display a more complete picture of what a child should be able to do at 5 years old, table fits better Total. It most clearly demonstrates all the necessary skills and materials that can help you accomplish your tasks.

Scope of required skills

What should a child be able to do?

Necessary manuals and materials


Know the location of objects

geometric shapes, numbers.

Compare the number of items.

Cards with numbers from 0 to 10; game for learning geometric shapes.

Logical thinking

Find differences and similarities.

Fold the cut picture.

Complete the task for 5 minutes without distraction.

Fold a pyramid without help.

Cards from the series “Find the extra object”; puzzles; Krasnoukhov's puzzle; game "Catch a fish".

Speech development

Build phrases (6-8 words).

Put the noun into its plural form.

Know what professions there are.

Letters of the alphabet - puzzles; colored letters of the alphabet; pure talk; counting rhymes; game "Collect the word."

The world

Identify berries, vegetables, fruits; animals, plants; Seasons

Cards “Learning colors”, “Furniture” and more.

Everyday Skills

Fasten buttons and zippers, tie shoelaces.

Draw lines without lifting your hand from the sheet.

Distinguish between right and left sides.

Stencils, plasticine, beads, board game “Tell about your city”, etc.

We invite children to school preparation classes!

The course is designed for children from 3 to 7 years old. Classes are conducted INDIVIDUALLY and in groups by age:

  • junior group (3-4 years),
  • middle group (4-5 years old),
  • senior group (5–6 years old),
  • preparatory (6-7 years)

What's included in the program?

Classes are held in the form of didactic games and are aimed at:

  • intellectual development (mathematics, logic)
  • artistic creativity (art, graphics)
  • literacy (reading) training, speech development
  • social partnership (work in a group, in pairs, individually)

Classes are conducted by qualified psychologists, providing individual and personal support to each child and developing collective interaction skills. Work on this program develops intellectual and Creative skills child, forms the prerequisites for successful learning and the qualities necessary for adaptation in a team.

Also, at the request of parents, the following is carried out:

  • identifying the child’s level of communication skills and intellectual development, individual characteristics;
  • prevention of possible violations of parent-child relationships and identification of the causes of difficulties in the personal development of preschool children.

Groups consist of up to 8 children.

What methods are used to teach the course?

  • ABC + reading + calligraphy - O. Lysenko’s technique
  • Mathematics + logic - L. Peterson, J. Katz
  • Lomonosov School for Gifted Children
  • Logic + graphics - N. Salmina
  • Mental Arithmetic of the International Association IAMA

Schedule and cost 2019/2020

Individual lessons to prepare for school

Classes are conducted according to an individual program designed specifically for your child, taking into account his strengths and weaknesses. This format of classes allows the child to learn the material as easily and quickly as possible - after all, all the exercises and didactic games selected specifically for him! In addition, in individual lessons we use Learning resources - these are unique, high-quality educational tools that not only increase the productivity of the lesson, but also turn the learning process into a fun game.

Cost of a subscription for 4 classes— 4800 rubles (1200 rubles for 1 lesson, 45 minutes)

Cost for one-time payment— 1350 rubles for 1 lesson

Group classes: Advanced level “Future high school students.” Group No. 1 (preparatory, 6-7 years old - 1 year before school)

Lesson mode– 2 r/week. 2 lessons each (1 hour 50 minutes). Schedule— Monday, Wednesday 17.00-18.50

Mathematics, logic, reading, graphics, basic calligraphy - Lysenko’s method!

EXCLUSIVE! Preparing for school + Mental arithmetic! Group No. 2 (senior, 5-6 years old - 2 years before school)

Lesson mode– 2 r/week. 2 lessons each (1 hour 30 minutes) Schedule— Tuesday, Thursday 18.30-20.00

Mathematics, logic, literacy, speech development, the world around us, Mental arithmetic

  • Bonus: if you pay for the next month before the 25th day of the current month, a discount of 400 rubles

A basic level of. Group No. 3 (senior, 5-6 years old - 2 years before school)

Lesson mode1 r/week 2 lessons each (1 hour 30 minutes) Schedule— Monday 17.10-18.40

Mathematics, logic, reading.

EXCLUSIVE! Preparing for school + Mental arithmetic!Group No. 4 (average, 4-5 years)

Lesson mode– 2 r/week. 45 min. Schedule— Tuesday, Thursday 17.40-18.25

Mathematics, logic, literacy, the world around us, the basics of Mental Arithmetic

  • Bonus: if you pay for the next month before the 25th day of the current month, a discount of 200 rubles

EXCLUSIVE! Preparing for school + Mental arithmetic! Group No. 5 (junior, 3-4 years)

Lesson mode– 2 r/week. 40 min. Schedule— Monday, Wednesday 18.50-19.30

Mathematics, logic, literacy, the world around us + BASICS OF MENTAL ARITHMETICS!

  • Bonus: if you pay for the next month before the 25th day of the current month, a discount of 200 rubles

Subscription conditions

The cost of classes varies every month (depending on the number of working days in the month) - for example, if a child studies in group No. 1 on Mondays and Wednesdays, then in September 2019. There will be eighteen classes, so the cost for September (with the STANDARD subscription) will be 8,600 rubles. (with bonus). Payment for next month's classes is due by the 30th of the current month. If a child enters a group in the middle of the month, then the remaining classes in the month are paid, starting from the first one attended.

Subscription STANDARD.

This is a subscription with minimal prices for classes. The cost of a monthly subscription is calculated based on the number of classes per day and calendar days per month. In case of absence, all paid classes for it will be “forfeited”, regardless of the reason for the absence. Subscription GUARANTEES child's place in the group.

Logical thinking in children begins to develop in early age, but it strengthens only closer to the school period (6–7 years). The main type of thinking in the development of logic is figurative thinking, which should develop most directly.
Mental development child development is a very important and significant process, in which tasks in pictures can help.

Children who are in the developmental stage of 6-7 years face several challenges:
Knowledge of the surrounding world;
Perception of patterns characterizing objects and phenomena;
The ability to identify common and standard features of objects.

Stages of development of logical thinking in children 6-7 years old

1. Assimilation. The baby, like a sponge, must absorb as much as possible and as quickly as possible. Master the basics of logic - quantitative and qualitative characteristics of objects and learn to apply this knowledge in Everyday life- the primary task.

2. Implementation. A little person should be able to formulate his thoughts into words, putting together and voicing complete verbal reasoning.

3. Replacement. This stage is the complete opposite of the above stage. It is necessary to be able to replace visually perceived objects and phenomena with mental operations.

Requirements for developmental classes

For normal standard child development By the age of six to seven years, a child should be able to reproduce the following actions:

1. Combine certain objects into groups, identify patterns, distribute objects and phenomena according to various criteria, and also continue logical chains independently, without outside help or external prompts.

2. Find an extra item in a row and clearly explain the reason why this or that item was highlighted.

3. Also, without outside prompts, compose complete, complete stories based on the proposed pictures.

4. Distribute objects into groups, explaining the reason and sign of this distribution.

Types of games and activities for child development at 6-7 years old

There are a huge number of games that develop children's logic, which can be divided into several categories:

1) Graphic games. Focused on development fine motor skills hands and basic preparation of the hand for writing.
2) Math classes. Basically, these are rebuses and puzzles that contribute to the development of oral and written counting, as well as abstract thinking.
3) Speech classes . Thanks to them, vocabulary quickly increases.
4) Puzzles and board games. They help you form your thoughts, group them strategically and draw conclusions based on them.

Options for logic-developing games and activities for children 6-7 years old

In order for a little person to develop according to his age, parents need to devote the proper amount of time to him, exercising and solving all kinds of problems in the form of games and entertainment.

Lesson I. “I made a wish”
The point of the game is that the parent makes a wish for one or another object. The child’s task is to guess this object using leading questions. The essence of the game is to learn how to correctly formulate and express your thoughts, constructing questions correctly.

Lesson II. "Compare"
The little participant is offered several objects and phenomena, in some ways similar to each other, and in some ways, on the contrary, different. The child’s task is to accurately determine all the similarities and differences between these things.

Recommendations for the older generation

You should not force your child to do anything. You need to be able to present this activity to him in such a way that he wants to do it himself.
Therefore, the more positive energy and energy comes from adults, the more willing will be the desire to play games or learn something new and unfamiliar with developmental activities.

Video “Developmental activities for children 6-7 years old”

Developmental activities for children 5-6 years old logical thinking, mathematical abilities, writing. Also this best time for learning to read.

Working with five-year-old children is a pleasure. And if until the age of 5 the child still resisted preparing for school, then from this age he dreams of growing up as quickly as possible and becoming a student. Now new knowledge and skills have been discovered, and the maturity of mental functions allows one to concentrate on a task for quite a long time.

In developmental classes, children aged 5-6 years master writing, arithmetic operations, and learn to recognize all the sounds in words. This is also the best time for learning to read; preschoolers study letters with interest and quickly grasp the principle of merging them into syllables.

However, the entire learning process must still be based on play activity, and the classes themselves differ in the variety of means used. Otherwise, “tedious” lessons will only bring irritation, and the baby will lose interest.

Tasks for classes with children 5-6 years old

By the age of 5-6, children have already accumulated quite a large amount of knowledge and skills. Along with increased intellectual capabilities, tasks also become more complex.

Mathematical exercises and assignments

By this age, the child most likely already counts to 10, knows the basic figures and knows how to compare them.

Now the future first-grader needs to learn to operate with numbers up to 10 (subtract and add, comprehend the composition of the first ten), solve puzzles and problems in one step, compare sets (greater than, equal to, less). In addition, before school you need to strengthen the ability to navigate in space, learn forward/reverse order of the number series. Older preschoolers divide a circle or square into several equal parts, learn to write numbers and arithmetic signs.

Try to involve your baby in learning unobtrusively. For example, let him himself pour 5 tablespoons of sugar into the pie according to the recipe and break 3 eggs. Or ask to count out money for travel, change, divide the pie between family members, etc.

Walking board games, in which the number of moves depends on the value of the rolled dice, will also help. The best of them are described in the article “”.

Logic tasks

When preparing for school, parents need to understand that their main task is not to count and write beautifully. They will be taught this at school too. The main goal should be the development of mental processes. S good developed memory, attention and thinking, a little student will always have success in learning. In addition, the development of these same intellectual abilities is most effective while the child is small.

As for logical thinking, in the sixth year children master the following skills:

  • divide objects into groups, naming some characteristic;
  • compose a story based on a picture or make up a story from the beginning;
  • find an extra item;
  • identify a pattern and continue it.

Logical tasks for children 5 years old can be graphic (find something similar, color according to a pattern, go through a labyrinth, complete a drawing, solve a puzzle), verbal (ingenuity problems, riddles), puzzles. All this can be found in printed developmental manuals and programs.

Featured articles:

Several examples of logical tasks.

Frog Zhu sat down on a pink leaf. The IA frog is not on pink or blue. Place the frogs correctly.

Or, a problem about patterns. You need to think about what might be missed. (In this case, living and inanimate objects alternate.)

Testing spatial thinking. Which napkin is not pinned?

Children, like adults, have different abilities to remember. One thing is certain, memory can be trained. Therefore, when organizing games to develop memory, start small - first offer to remember three objects, then more. As a rule, at the age of 5 years, a baby can reproduce 5-6 visual images, 4-5 unrelated words, 3-4 numbers, repeat 5-6 actions after the adult.

Letter memorization tasks

At school, literacy is taught from sounds to letters. Therefore, before you start learning the alphabet, you need to make sure that the baby can distinguish sounds in a word well and can build a sound diagram of the word.

To help your child quickly remember the graphic image of a letter, you can sculpt it, figure out what it looks like, and hang cards with letters around the room.

If you have magnetic or wooden letters, you can put them in a bag and take them out by touch. You can also make “relief” letters using cereals, rhinestones and beads.

If the child has already learned letters and knows how to add syllables, you can play with words.

For example, read the word by its first letters.

Or think about such a task.

Diversify home literacy lessons and puzzles with letters.

Developing speech

By the age of 5, a preschooler should clearly state not only his first and last name, but also his address, telephone number, and know the details of his parents. In general, the speech of a 5-year-old child is no different from that of an adult. The preschooler correctly uses grammatical norms, can conduct a conversation, build reasoning, and ask questions.

The formation of the sound side of speech is carried out through tongue twisters and articulatory gymnastics. Games for determining the positions of sounds in a word and putting words together from sounds will also help.

For example, a parent pronounces words, and the child, having heard a pre-agreed sound, “catches” them by clapping or jumping.

Thematic material:

In another exercise, the parent throws a ball and names a syllable. The child needs to come up with a word for this syllable and throw the ball back.

Development of children 5-6 years old online

A computer will also help you develop and study at home. Today, there are many educational websites and online platforms available that offer a variety of puzzles and game-based exercises for children for free.

Tasks for them are usually differentiated into categories according to age and topics - logic, literacy, mathematical material, broadening one's horizons, etc. Therefore, choosing the necessary exercises is not difficult.

For example, the following problem with Euler circles can be included in the logic section for 5 years.

If the answer is correct (in this example, “sun”), the child will be praised by the announcer. In case of an error, you can find out the correct answer and explanation. (The lantern is not warm, the chicken is dim).

Using educational online exercises for children 5–6 years old, measure the amount of time spent at the computer. If it is noticeable that the student’s attention is scattered or the decision is delayed, change the type of activity.

5-year-old children feel their failures very deeply. Therefore, if something doesn’t work out, encourage, offer to cope with difficulties together! This way the child will not lose faith in himself and will be open to new knowledge!