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Increase in old age pension in April. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

Indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017: according to information from the Russian authorities, from the first day of next month there will be an increase in military old-age payments, as well as social ones. The planned indexation percentage is 1.5%, but Russians are gripped by doubt and therefore demand clarification from the authorities.

Several million pensioners live on the territory of the Russian Federation; many of them receive a so-called insurance pension, that is, a state payment assigned in connection with labor activity. This type of pension, according to the government, will be indexed from April 1st.

Indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017: increase in social benefits

From April, the indexed social pension will increase by an average of 250 rubles, for children with disabilities - by 450 rubles, disabled military conscripts - by 440 rubles, families of conscripts who have lost their breadwinner - 367 rubles. Those who were injured in the war and became disabled, who participated in the Second World War and are now entitled to two pensions, will receive increased payments by 1,000 rubles. The first indexation took place last month. Starting from April, it will also apply to the EDV - payments will be increased by 100 - 180 rubles.

Indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017: abolition of pension payments

About a week ago, discouraging news appeared in information sources - pensions are being cancelled! The Russians were excited by this statement, so now there are many assumptions and omissions. It should be noted right away that no one has officially confirmed the news, which is why citizens are raising a premature panic. Sociologists say that over the next twenty years, pensions may be replaced by targeted poverty payments.

This benefit is designed to maintain the same standard of living after retirement. However, for a sufficient amount for normal life can be relied upon if business flourishes in the country and the economy becomes efficient. Now it is not known for sure whether pensions will actually be abolished: the authorities are not making loud statements on this issue. In order to index payments to pensioners, the state budget will need to allocate about 550,000,000 rubles per month, or 4,900,000,000 rubles per year. Initially there was talk of indexation by 0.38%, but now it is reported that indexation will be carried out by 1.5%.

Published 03/10/17 11:57

Indexation of pensions in 2017, last news today: according to media reports, the indexation of pensions for Russian pensioners from April 1, 2017 will be 1.5%.

Increase in pensions in 2017, the most latest news: On April 1, 2017, pensions will increase by 1.5%

The second indexation of pensions for Russian pensioners in 2017 will be carried out on April 1. According to the authorities, all types of pensions, including social payments and payments to military pensioners will increase by 1.5%.

The Russian government has set an indexation limit, focusing on the growth of the value living wage pensioner. First pensions in Russia intkbbach from April 1, 2017, it was planned to increase by 0.38%, but later the figure rose to 1.5%. So the average size social pension will increase by 129 rubles and after the increase will amount to 8,774 rubles.

The indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017 will also affect military pensioners. Thus, the average size of the disability pension for military personnel who served in conscription will increase by 181 rubles and amount to 12,343 rubles. The survivor's pension for families of military personnel who served under conscription will increase by 155 rubles. From April 1, 2017, this category of citizens will receive 10,462 rubles.

The pensions of disabled pensioners who were injured in hostilities and WWII participants who receive two pensions will also increase - by 206 and 200 rubles, respectively. The amount of payments for outstanding achievements and special services to Russia will increase by 247 rubles. On average, this category of citizens will receive 16,723 rubles.

At the same time, on April 1, 2017, the pensions of working pensioners in Russia will not be indexed. But if such a Russian decides to leave work, his pension will be indexed for the entire missed period.

As the Russian government noted, the indexation of pensions in 2017 in Russia is fully planned. In addition, about 30 thousand pensioners in Russia still have not received a payment of 5,000 rubles, although Pension Fund credited everyone with money, but not all pension payments in 2017 have yet reached their recipients.

State pensions pension provision, including social ones, increased by 1.5% from April 1, 2017.

As a result, the average social pension in the south of the Tyumen region increased by an average of 136 rubles and, after indexation, amounted to 9,220 rubles. The average social pension for disabled children and group I disabled children since childhood in our region was 13,894 rubles.

Insurance pensions non-working pensioners from April 1, they were additionally indexed by 0.38%. Taking into account the indexation on February 1 by 5.4%, the total indexation of insurance pensions in 2017 amounted to 5.8%. The average old-age insurance pension in 2017 in the Tyumen region was 13,992 rubles.

The cost of the individual pension coefficient ( pension point) from April 1 is 78.58 rubles.

As for the further increase in pensions, pensioners who worked in 2016 will increase in August 2017 insurance pensions. The maximum increase is the monetary equivalent of three pension points.

As before, in 2017 there will be no pensioners in Russia with a monthly income below the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence.

Non-working pensioners whose total income is below the pensioner's subsistence level are provided with a social supplement up to the subsistence level. In the Tyumen region, the cost of living for a pensioner for 2017 was approved by the Law of the Tyumen Region dated November 8, 2016 No. 98 “On the cost of living for a pensioner in the Tyumen region for 2017” in the amount of 8,540 rubles.