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Greeting cards for kindergarten teachers. Master class on making postcards for the day of the preschool worker

Glued and painted, they are valued much higher than purchased options. After all, you not only create unique things, but also put your soul into the work. We invite you to learn how to make a greeting card with your own hands on various topics.

Teacher card

The greeting card "Happy Teacher's Day", created in the craft style with your own hands, will turn out to be quite interesting. It involves the use of several separate pictures, letters and decorative elements that are assembled into one. You will need A4 size cardboard for the base of the postcard, an A5 size picture for the background, and some pictures of school-related items. For example, it can be letters of the alphabet, a backpack, an abstract sheet, a ruler, a compass, and so on.

First, make the base, that is, just fold A4 cardboard in half. Paint it if necessary. Then stick a picture with a background on the front side. It will be nice if its format is a little smaller (A5). Then cut out the prepared images of school subjects along the contour. You can also print a small rectangle with the words "Congratulations" or "Happy Holidays." Place the pictures on the background the way they should look in the final version. Glue them on. You can also decorate the card with ribbons or various decorative elements. Greeting card "Happy Teacher's Day" made by hand. It remains only to sign it.

in kindergarten

To the educator of children preschool age It will be very nice to receive a congratulatory card made by your pupils. You can borrow the idea of ​​finger painting as a basis. First prepare the base of the postcard. To do this, take cardboard or kraft paper, fold in half. Then dilute the paint and cover her lips. Make a few shades - so the picture will be brighter.

Now have each child dip a finger into the sponge and print on the front of the card. You can combine them by drawing below which depart from the lower points. Thus, a bunch of balls will turn out. On the plastic side, you can write "Congratulations!" Thus, a greeting card created by your own hands is ready!

Another cute baby card

The presented personal greeting card to the educator will bring a lot of positive emotions. You can make it with your own hands from the most ordinary colored paper. And of the additional things you need only scissors and a pen. Fold the paper in half and place the child's hand on it so that it is large and index fingers touched the fold line. Circle it around the outline and carefully cut out the card. As a result, you will get a cute postcard, which in its shape resembles a baby’s palm. When opened, there are two of them. It remains only to fill out a postcard and present it to the teacher.

simple postcard

To get such a card, you need to take cardboard for paper, thin double-sided tape, several varieties of kraft paper or ordinary color pictures with a pattern, as well as yellow sheets. Prepare your greeting card base first by folding the sheet in half. Then cut some strips of different paper. Try to make them the same in width but different in length. Now cut out shapes resembling drops from yellow sheets. There should be as many of them as there are strips.

When all the details are ready, you can proceed to the design of the front side. To do this, lay out the strips on the postcard. It will turn out more beautiful if they are not parallel. Lay them out slightly. Then take one strip and stick a piece of double-sided tape to its back. Put the rectangle in place. Glue all the strips on the adhesive tape in the same way. Finish off by attaching drops over paper candles.

Such a greeting card at school with your own hands is done very quickly. Therefore, it is ideal for the topic of the lesson or class hour. As a result, each student will get his own greeting card, which he can then give to someone on his birthday.

Paper greetings for the New Year

Greeting Cards with their own hands for the New Year are made even easier. For example, to create such a card, you will need red cardboard or craft paper of the same color. Take also a narrow and wide ribbon of a beige or gold hue, a bead drop or rhinestones of the same tone.

Fold the paper in half. Take a special gun or Moment glue, attach a small piece of a narrow ribbon on top. It should be in the center. Draw a circle under it with a light movement of the pencil. Inside it, lay out drops-beads so that most of the space is filled. Then glue all the elements. It is best to use tweezers. It remains to make a bow from a wide ribbon and glue it over the ball. Sign the postcard.

Volumetric card with balloons

You can make very beautiful greeting cards with your own hands using thick double-sided tape. Also, for example, to create a card with balloons you will need several types of craft paper or cardboard with pictures, a small piece of thin ribbon and beautiful threads(mulina, woolen, decorative twine and so on).

First, make a blank for the postcard by folding the cardboard in half. Then take decorative paper and draw circles, hearts or ovals on the back. These are the shapes of our future balloons. Then take scissors and carefully cut out the shapes along the contour. Now cut the threads. You need as many as the balls turned out. Connect the thread to the cardboard figure using double-sided tape. Arrange the balloons on the front of the card, and then glue them.

Tie all the ends into one bundle with a thin ribbon. Glue its back to the postcard. Trim the ends of the threads. Volumetric postcard ready! By this principle, you can make many different greeting cards. Just prepare the elements and stick them on thick double-sided tape.

Scrapbooking postcard template

Do-it-yourself original greeting cards made of paper can be made in the scrapbooking style. To do this, you need to take several types of beautiful cardboard, a thin ribbon and PVA glue. First, prepare the base. It can be either cardboard folded in half, or just a square or rectangular piece of paper. Then take red paper and cut out exactly the same shape as the card itself, only a centimeter smaller on each side. Cut out another exactly the same piece, only white or beige. In addition, it should be less than a few millimeters of the previous one. Glue the postcard on the front side first with a red sheet, and then with a light one.

New Year's decor postcards

Now cut out three rectangles from different paper. They should differ in length by 1 centimeter. Glue a medium-sized rectangle horizontally in the middle. Cut a piece of tape and glue one end of it to the back of a long rectangle. Place the shape under the center piece and glue it as well. Lift the tape up. Glue the last rectangle on top, after wrapping the second piece of ribbon under it. Make a bow from the rest of the ribbon and stick it on top of our gifts.

Under the picture, write the inscription "Happy New Year!", " Happy holidays!" or "Congratulations!" It is noteworthy that depending on what color paper you use, the content of the postcard also changes. If you take a card of neutral shades with a pattern of hearts or circles, then the card can be presented for a birthday.

Greeting card in minimalist style

For such a card you will need a plain beautiful cardboard dark color. As well as white thick paper and several types of colored tape. From dark colored cardboard, make the basis of a greeting card. Cut a few strips and simply stick it on the front of the card. The strips should go horizontally, maybe a little diagonally.

Take white cardboard and with a pencil beautifully and accurately write in two lines “Happy Birthday!” or one "Congratulations!" Letters must be bold. Circle the inscription in a frame, and let it connect with words in some places. Now take a sharp clerical knife and cut everything along the contour. Using PVA glue, stick our blank on the adhesive tape. Everybody. A minimalist greeting card is ready. For all its simplicity, it turns out bright and stylish.

More minimalist card designs

Do-it-yourself greeting cards are beautiful: “Happy Birthday” or “Happy New Year”. Especially if you use colored tape in the process. You do not need to use any other materials and tools. Just stick the tape on the front of the card in a different order or make different shapes out of it. It can be candles, a gift, a cake and so on. At the end of the postcard, you simply stick a congratulatory inscription cut out of white cardboard over the adhesive tape. Thus, you will get several options for simple, but creative and stylish greeting cards.

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Start signing a postcard for the teacher of your children with the words: “Our dear ...”, or simply - “Dear ...”.

You can also add "Dear" and "Beloved", but such appeals are more familiar in nature, and you risk exposing yourself in a not very pleasant light. After addressing by name and patronymic, write what you congratulate the teacher on. For example: “Dear Marina Ivanovna, happy birthday to you!”.

Wish the teacher of your children many more years of fruitful work in the field of educational activities, creative success, do not forget about personal wishes: health, happiness, family well-being.

Compose a congratulation to the teacher in verse, you can involve children in this. It will be very nice if you emphasize in your poems all the positive qualities of the educator of your children. Just do not cross the line of what is permitted: the verses must be correct, without any hints and ridicule, which can greatly offend a person.

All-Russian holiday dedicated to workers preschool education is celebrated annually on September 27th.

On this day, kindergarten teachers, nannies and all employees accept congratulations. preschool institutions who work with children.

What present to choose for preschool worker , who communicates daily and takes part in the upbringing of your child, each parent will decide for himself. However, a postcard is the detail that no one can usually do without, especially for officials.

In contact with


A postcard can be bought in any department with books, or at the post office, or in a specialized store. However, there are a lot of greeting cards for Teacher's Day, but postcards for Teacher's Day are rare. You can make such a congratulatory card with your own hands, and it will fully correspond to the theme of the holiday.

Of course, ideally, it is assumed that the child will make most of the greeting card himself - so touching baby few people will be left indifferent. Well, for the kids who will soon leave the kindergarten, graduating from senior group, such creativity will be possible. But you can limit yourself to the fact that the child simply signs a postcard for the teacher, which is made by an adult.

How to make a greeting card for a teacher with your own hands - a master class for a child and an adult

What is required for work

The working process. First step. Moisten a sheet of watercolor paper with water using a brush. Wait a few minutes, then apply multi-colored stains with watercolors. Use colors characteristic of autumn leaves. The child will be happy to cope with this task. After the entire sheet is covered with paints, send it to dry.

Second phase. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half. To make the fold neat and without creases, you can use the pen in which the paste ran out. Draw a line along the ruler with such a pen, pushing a recess on the cardboard. In scrapbooking language, this is called "creasing". Position the future postcard horizontally, that is, with the long side parallel to the edge of the table and to yourself.

Third stage. Choose a suitable picture, carefully cut it out. Place in the center of the working plane, glue. Sharpen pencils, glue together, tie with ribbon. Glue them to the bottom corner of the picture.

Fourth stage. On the back of the watercolor-painted sheet, circle the leaf patterns and cut them out. Decorate the outside of the card with a few leaves, glue them.

Fifth stage. From cardboard, you need to make a part-step for the inside of the postcard. To do this, you first need to mark out a rectangle, 10 cm long and 5 cm wide. Position rectangle horizontally and make marks along the width at a distance of 1, 2.5, 4 cm from the top edge. Marks should be on both sides of the rectangle. They need to be punched and folded along the folds. You get a step, the edges of which are attached to the postcard. The step is glued to the open postcard, to the upper and lower parts.

Sixth stage. Remaining autumn leaves place on the step and glue them. Thus, when the card is opened, the step with the leaves will "grow" out of the plane. The congratulatory card is ready, it remains only to sign it, adding words of gratitude and good wishes!

Do-it-yourself postcard for the Day of the Educator

Required to work

  • Paper for autumn and school theme
  • Figured hole puncher with maple leaves
  • Glue stick
  • watercolor paper
  • Inkpad coffee color, school-themed stamps
  • Chipboard "Happy Holidays" or printed inscription "Happy Educator's Day" or "Happy Preschool Worker's Day"

First step. Cut out a 21 x 15 cm rectangle from watercolor paper or postcard paper. Fold in half along the long side. From scrapbooking paper, cut out a rectangle 10 by 14 cm, round the corners, tint the edges. Glue to the front of the card. From other paper, cut out an 8x12 rectangle, also round the corners and tint the edges. Glue on top of the first layer.

Second phase. Place the chipboard or printout in the center of the top layer. Using a hole punch, make a lot of leaves from colored paper of the corresponding color. Thickly frame the central element with leaves, glue. Optionally, instead of an inscription or a chipboard, you can use a thematic picture or even a photograph of a teacher surrounded by children.

Third stage. Put a stamp on the inside of the product in the lower right corner - a backpack, textbooks, etc. Work is ready!

Inna Prutskikh

Master class on making postcards for the day of the preschool worker.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day preschool worker! I wish you creative success, a lot of strength and patience in our difficult work.

With the guys, we decided to congratulate all the employees of our kindergarten with a congratulatory postcard which they made themselves. We present to your attention a new MK on holiday card making.

For work we will need following:

colored paper,

colored cardboard,

White paper,

Scissors simple and curly,

figured hole punch,

Congratulatory inscriptions.

And so let's get started.

We take a sheet of colored cardboard and fold it in a corner diagonally, in half

On the wide side, draw a curly edge

Cut out the workpiece

We cut out the same blank from white paper, only a little more so that the white edges are visible, glue them together.

Now we let our base dry, but for now we are preparing blanks of flowers, leaves and stems from colored paper

Let's move on to the next stage: glue the stems on the white base

Now glue 2 petals of the same color on each flower. To do this, you need to fold each remaining template along the floors and glue it to the flower.

Let's get these tulips

Now it remains to glue the leaves, we also fold them on the floor

Glue and get such a pretty bouquet

To card was more festive and elegant along the white curly edge, you can use Curly scissors to make a beautiful, openwork edge.

With the help of a figured hole punch, we make beautiful cutouts

We glue a congratulatory inscription on the front side and our postcard is ready

This is what it looks like from the inside

Thank you all for your attention! I hope MK will be useful to you.

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