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Happy Unity Day greetings. Congratulations in prose on National Unity Day

    With day national unity Congratulations!
    Let our people be united.
    We want to feel pride in the country,
    Move forward boldly and confidently.

    May this holiday add strength to you,
    Let a wave of good luck wash over you.
    Let the sun of happiness shine over you,
    Together we are one great country!

    On National Unity Day
    My congratulations.
    I wish you and your loved ones happiness,
    Kindness, respect for each other.

    I also wish you strength, strength,
    Important aspirations, successful ideas.
    So that there is always warmth in your heart,
    And he had love for his Fatherland.

    Happy holiday of national unity!
    Worldwide friendship and goodness to you.
    Equality, health, optimism,
    Peaceful life, humanism, rights.

    Let the clouds clear over you,
    The leaves will bloom with joy.
    The sun of unity is a bright ray
    Let it warm each of you!

    Once upon a time, our ancestors defended their homeland from Polish outrages.
    In honor of this, we now celebrate National Unity Day.
    And I want to congratulate you on this holiday from the bottom of my heart.
    And wish that we can handle any task.
    In unity is our strength, in unity is our strength,
    I wish that any evil force does not defeat us.

    Happy Unity Day!
    May all bad weather pass.
    I wish you well
    Peace, joy and happiness.

    I want to stop arguing
    Live in harmony with others.
    Don't get into empty arguments
    And keep your good name.

    Congratulations on National Unity Day
    And I wish you happiness and goodness!
    Let spring bloom in your heart,
    Tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

    We are in the people's sea, like waves,
    Be a free, strong wave.
    May your days be full of happiness,
    Joy, much love to you!

    Happy Unity Day!
    I wish you positivity.
    Warmth, smiles, kindness,
    Let your dreams come true.

    Let love inspire you
    And it inspires action.
    I wish you a great rest,
    Love, laugh and dream!

In unity is our strength and victory,
In unity, all the people of Russia are kinder and wiser,
In unity, peace is subject to the entire planet,
In unity, friendship is stronger and stronger.
I congratulate you on National Unity Day,
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of health from the bottom of my heart.
May our entire country prosper,
Let life pass without sorrows and without evil.

Let congratulations fly from heart to heart
On this day, the fourth of November!
Our strength is in friendship, in unity!
And we must never forget about this!
May the country live and prosper
Like one big happy family!
Happy National Unity Day, Russians,
Happiness and joy to you, friends!

Congratulations on the holiday, National Unity Day! I wish that human qualities will always be high and filled with dignity. So that tolerance, mutual respect and support are the basis for friendly and peaceful coexistence of all peoples and nationalities living nearby. Happy holiday!

Let the people of Russia
Will always be one
So that troubles do not mow down,
So that people rejoice
So that happiness is bright,
Like the joy of motherhood,
In the heat of a hot embrace
National unity!

The unity of the people is not just words,
There is strength in the unity of the people,
People of Russia - it’s time for everyone to unite,
And the country will not be afraid of trouble.
Happy National Unity Day, I congratulate you,
May the sky be peaceful and grace over you,
Let goodness and friendship hold everyone together,
And we can proudly stand up for each other.

On the Day of National Unity
I want to tell you:
This holiday, although new,
But it's nice to celebrate.
A day off won't hurt
Everyone can rest
I congratulate you on this,
To boast about poetry.
It’s not difficult for me to compose them
I'm glad to try for you
I always: yesterday, today,
Just like many years ago.
I wish you a holiday
In honor of the unity of all people
He gathered us into his arms
Like a sorcerer in a fairy tale.

On this significant day for everyone - the Day of National Unity - you somehow especially feel unity with the people, our unity of spirit and invincible strength. I would like to wish everyone love for their native country, strength of self-awareness, more friends of all nationalities in different parts of the world! And let there always be a calm sky above your head, let the sun shine brightly, and let there be a great mood in your soul. Happy holiday to you, friends!

All Russians are united.
And this is our essence,
Russia is unharmed!
Her path is fearless.
And I wish you
To love one's native people,
Congratulations on unity!
Well, Russians, go ahead!

National unity - Holy holiday,
Everyone knocks in unison kind hearts,
When we are together, nothing is scary,
My Motherland lives and rejoices.
Let me congratulate you on the holiday,
Happiness, peace and wish you good luck,
Good health, prosperity, prosperity,
And let luck not keep you waiting long.

The holiday of all free Russians,
Regardless of class and rank.
Congratulations, family
Gathering relatives from the flanks.
This holiday is unity in everything:
In joy, in work, in family, in worries,
In the country we live in,
We go to our favorite job.
May your hopes and words come true
With wishes of goodness and prosperity,
Make your head spin from success
And efforts bring wonderful results.

On National Unity Day, I would like to wish each other respect and kindness, understanding and mercy, sincere relationships and generosity. Let our people remember our roots, our exploits, our land and our great development. Let everyone be happy and healthy, patriotic and freedom-loving!

Today is a holiday - the day of unity,
What can I tell you?
In life there is rudeness and disgusting
Try not to let it happen!
Be kinder to others
Even though it is difficult at times...
After all, living in unity is more fun,
If there is respect and peace!

To everyone who remembers and respects,
He honors, believes in goodness and appreciates care.
Congratulations on National Unity Day,
Being a human is not an easy and sometimes difficult job.
Believe in honesty, transparency and sincerity,
Be generous, kind, pure.
Do not feel sorry for yourself so that the truth
I broke through with pure thoughts.

We were red and white
We were right and left
And the Motherland pitied everyone
And she was a mother to everyone.
And now we have become a nation,
And in this new nomination
We are twice stronger and wiser,
Russified with soul and heart.
From now on we are one people,
Down with the legacy of the camps!
It’s a sin to make the Motherland a foreign land
For sons and daughters!

Congratulations on National Unity Day! We wish that not only today, but every day we feel the strength and spirit, culture and power of the Motherland. To understand that we are all one! Each person is a grain. And at the same time, he is a link in a huge and powerful chain, that is, humanity! Good luck to everyone, prosperity and strength of spirit!

There are many peoples in our country,
And this is the flavor of the country.
Let them go on the right path
Faithful sons of the Fatherland!
And on the day of national unity
I wish you only the best,
So that outrages are alien to everyone,
Let the people shout “hurray”!

Congratulations on National Unity Day,
A holiday of light, love and goodness.
It will illuminate your soul, give you the time to please,
To emit light and warmth.
May this day be hope for you,
A sign of strong and big changes.
Know that even under unsightly clothes,
Superman is often in hiding.

We are the day of national unity
We meet with joy in our souls.
And for good reason - four centuries
Since that date it is already memorable.
But there's another reason
She is more important than all reasons -
Our state is flourishing,
While its people are united!

Congratulations on National Unity Day! We must not forget the history of our people and ancestors, because it is she who made us what we are now. Many people of different nationalities live on our land, and we must remember that we are united. On this day I would like to wish you strength of spirit, unity of nations, freedom, independence, stability and confidence. And most importantly, a peaceful sky above all of us, so that not a single person sees war!

Me on National Unity Day
I want to wish all over the country
So that the sky is peaceful, clean,
And so that they say “no” to war!
So that we truly stick together,
To respect your people,
Together we escaped from problems,
And they lived like this from year to year!

Today is a serious holiday - the day of national unity. I would like to remember a little history, when on November 4, 1612, the people's militia under the command of Pozharsky and Minin liberated the Kremlin from foreign invaders. And since then this day has become a day of unity. I congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you peace, prosperity, good luck in everything. Remember the history of our state and pass it on to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Be proud that you live on the great Russian land, which has a wonderful past. 400 years ago, November 4 went down in history as the day of national unity. And now we are celebrating this significant holiday. I want to congratulate you on such a joyful and powerful event. I wish you good health, optimism, peace and prosperity. Give good things to people, do everything so that your soul never hardens. Love your neighbor and help as much as you can. Know that goodness will always return to you a hundredfold. Be a patriot of your Motherland. Good luck to you in everything, happiness. Russian people with a great past. On November 4, 1612, the feat of arms of our ancestors took place when they defended their independence. You need to remember this. And today we celebrate this event with a holiday. With all my heart I congratulate you on this date. Be vigilant and attentive, appreciate the history of Russia and pass it on to the younger generation. Teach to love the Motherland, as our ancestors loved and appreciated it. I wish you good luck in everything, success in labor activity , good health, peace. Happy holiday! National Unity Day is a bright holiday and I really want to thank our ancestors for having withstood all the trials and defended our independence. Appreciate the history of our state. Be proud that you were born in a powerful, strong, large country that has a very interesting past. Make sure that the new generation cherishes and loves Russia's past. Let me congratulate you on the holiday. I wish you good health, prosperity in all matters, peace. Let nothing ever darken your life. By celebrating National Unity Day, we show love and respect for the past of our state. This holiday is a symbol of pride in our ancestors who defended their independence. May the patroness of this holiday, the Kazan Mother of God, guard and protect you from all troubles and bad weather. Pass on your pride and love for the past of our Motherland to the current generation. May your life proceed calmly under a peaceful sky. Good luck to you in everything! Happy holiday to you! National Unity Day is a wonderful story of our ancestors. Thanks to them, our mighty Russia is now thriving. National Unity Day is a huge holiday. A holiday of great history, a holiday of pride for our Fatherland. Let memory cherish history as a shrine. I sincerely congratulate you, wish you good health, long and happy years of life, good luck in everything. Let your home be protected by a guardian angel. Always remember and be proud that you live on the land of the Great Russian Power. Our pride knows no bounds for the fact that we walk on a land that is saturated to the smallest grain with the past. And the past is history that we must honor. We are obliged to preserve the heritage that our ancestors bequeathed and pass it on to our children. Today is a holiday of national unity. This day once again emphasizes our attitude towards the past of the Fatherland. Let history always live in the memory of all Russians. I wish you good luck, always be confident in yourself, clearly defend your positions. Peace, goodness and prosperity to you. There are a lot of people. There are many destinies. But the best ones arise only with joint support and spiritual unity. This is strength, this is a stronghold, this is a fortress! Only thanks to him can any nation, any people reach the highest point of their development. So let's unite together! Let's become stronger, stronger, more united! Let us leave discord and quarrels for the weak in spirit! On this day I wish you happiness, warmth, joint success and aspirations! After all, no one in this world is able to survive alone - only joint efforts bring the desired result and give joy! Give a helping hand to your neighbors, don't turn away from each other! Happy holiday everyone! In memory of the events of 1612, all of Russia celebrates National Unity Day. And although it began to be considered a holiday again only in 2005, the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was always celebrated on the same day. And although it is only on this day that it is customary to celebrate the unification of the large Slavic peoples, we all need to always remember this. We are all equal - Russians, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Belarusians, which means we all need to always help each other. Today I want to congratulate you on such a wonderful holiday, National Unity Day, and wish you to find friends from all over the world. We are all equal and we are all one, even if we live in different countries. Happy holiday to you! Today is the day of national unity! On this holiday, I wish you to feel true unity with your people, and finally remember, consciously remember who you are and where you live. I wish you strong self-awareness and love for your native country, which gave birth to you and gave you the opportunity to live and enjoy life! Let your loved ones, your family, neighbors and residents of our country, at least on this day, unite and feel like one! Let at least today people sincerely smile at each other, understand, support and wish happiness! I wish you joy, peace and harmony with yourself and with others! My friend! Today, in a wonderful, truly folk holiday, I would like to put into this word something more than “a pleasant companion” or “a close acquaintance.” Ever since the people's militia of the merchant Pozharsky and citizen Minin drove out the hated invaders from Kitai-Gorod, popular unity has become a symbol of our country. In difficult times, we were always together, and this always helped us repel our enemies and achieve victory. Let us continue this sacred tradition of community for us and never, under any circumstances, try to divide our great people! Happy holiday to you! Happy National Unity Day!

On November 4, 2019, citizens of our country celebrate National Unity Day. It was installed in memory of the deliverance of Moscow and all of Russia from the Polish invasion in 1612. Send congratulations on National Unity Day to your family and friends in poetry or prose.

Poems for National Unity Day 2019

We were red and white
We were right and left.
And the Motherland pitied everyone
And she was a mother to everyone.

And now we have become a nation,
And in this new nomination
We are twice stronger and wiser,
Russified with soul and heart.

From now on we are one people,
Down with the legacy of the camps!
It’s a sin to make the Motherland a foreign land
For sons and daughters!

On Unity Day we will be close,
We'll be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages and cities!

Live, work, build together,
Sowing grain, raising children,
Create, love and argue,
Keep people's peace

To honor our ancestors, to remember their deeds,
Avoid wars and conflicts,
To fill your life with happiness
And sleep under a peaceful sky!

On such a joyful, beautiful day,
On the holiday of peace, kindness, hope,
I want everyone to unite
May we be friends as before.

Let the day of national unity
With you we will become closer and dearer,
Let wars and enmity go away,
Let life become better and brighter!

Congratulations on National Unity Day in verse

We have selected poems for you that your work colleagues, family and friends will be pleased to receive as words of congratulations on this holiday.

For the unity of all peoples,
For universal freedom,
For love and understanding,
For your sincere attention!
Against wars, against force,
For order, dear heart,
Against greed and evil,
So that the road leads
To kindness, an open soul,
Forgotten by all of us,
To the righteous God in the temple,
May you be happy!

On National Unity Day
Every person is like a brother
And that's why today
I am glad to congratulate you.
Let everyone unite
They will become like one people,
Let them strive for unity
Beggar or master.
Happy holiday to this
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Congratulate friends and loved ones
We'll hurry up today.

Today is a holiday - National Unity Day!
Friendship among peoples is so important to us!
May there be peace and happiness in your heart,
There will never be a place for anger.
I wish you good health,
Today is a day off - so relax!
And if you suddenly need help,
Don't forget about your friends.

How to congratulate on National Unity Day in prose?

Words of congratulations on National Unity Day in prose can be sent to your business partners.

At all times, the unity of the people has been, is and will be the main national idea for our country, both politically and spiritually. This is the historical basis that connects our past, present and future. Let us always remember that we, Russians, are one people with a common historical destiny and a common future. We wish everyone good health, happiness, success in business! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on National Unity Day! On this day we remember the military feat of our ancestors, who defended their independence back in 1612. On this significant holiday for our homeland, I would like to wish you health, happiness and prosperity!

Happy National Unity Day!
This holiday is our people
Waiting impatiently
Without a doubt, all year long!

Congratulations to all civilians,
And happy military day!
Let the soul burn bright
And with solemn fire!

Happiness, peace and good luck,
And love and kindness,
Let hope live in your soul,
Let your dreams come true!

On this significant day for our entire state, I would like none of us to forget that only in unity and harmony our people are a great strength, that only together we can achieve the prosperity and well-being of our country. Let's congratulate each other, wish more happiness, kindness, love, less adversity and more unity. Happy holiday!!!

On National Unity Day
We will all stand as one
To stop the outrages
Hundreds of millions of spins.

So that great unity
Show unity essence
And in Rus' there are holy faces
Take a look on this glorious day.

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy this bright Russian day!
We glorify Russia
Hearts with strength and fire!

Unity of our people
Let's celebrate nicely, carefree
And let us remember - we are brothers and sisters,
Whatever the questions.

So let's forget about the problems
And we will sing about ourselves in poems
Congratulations to everyone, let's have a celebration
So as not to spend the day in vain!

To the people - “Glory!” let's say together
Unity is what we all need!
Let's congratulate ourselves, friends!
Our people cannot be defeated!

We sincerely congratulate you on National Unity Day and wish you confidence in the future for everyone in particular and everyone together, good luck in your business, good neighbors and true friends. Let all your endeavors come true, and let everyone around you strive to provide all possible assistance in this process.

In order to get away from wars and outrages,
We must not forget about past victories,
National Unity Day was created
To appeal to people for reconciliation.

Congratulations to all nations, without exception!
We wish to be in harmony forever!
We exhort you to live in harmony and respect,
It’s peaceful for people to live in Russia!

How wonderful it would be for peoples to live in friendship,
To achieve this, you need to quickly forget the grievances,
So that the borders are a peaceful service,
The heads need to be seated at the negotiating table.
I congratulate you on National Unity Day,
I wish you peace and comfort in life,
May you always be lucky in everything,
And let the resentment and sadness go away forever.

Enormous strength is the unity of the people,
After all, in peace and friendship Russia is strong,
The more kind and united we are,
The more beautiful and happier our land will be.
Today we celebrate National Unity Day,
I congratulate you with all my heart,
I wish you great happiness and a peaceful sky,
Good luck and warmth.

The unity of the people is not just words,
There is strength in the unity of the people,
The people of Russia - it’s time for everyone to unite,
And the country will not be afraid of trouble.
Happy National Unity Day, I congratulate you,
May the sky be peaceful and grace over you,
Let goodness and friendship hold everyone together,
And we can proudly stand up for each other.

Everyone who remembers and respects,
He honors, believes in goodness and appreciates care.
Congratulations on National Unity Day,
Being a human is not an easy and sometimes difficult job.
Believe in honesty, transparency and sincerity,
Be generous, kind, pure.
Do not feel sorry for yourself so that the truth
I broke through with pure thoughts.

We wish you happiness, we wish you well,
We wish you clear skies and warmth.
May it be on the day of national unity,
Feelings will awaken in your hearts.
Being kind is not a difficult task,
Each of you can do it.
Let's unite, because the day means a lot,
For everyone, everyone, for us.

Congratulations to everyone on National Unity Day,
Our country and people have something to be proud of,
May we live sweetly and richly,
And God will let you enjoy a peaceful sky.
May Mother Nature be kind to us,
So that the weather is only clear,
Disasters and troubles passed us by,
And in the pitch darkness there was always a ray of light.

On the fourth day of November
It's not in vain that we have a day off.
Holiday, feast, fun -
People's Day of Unity.
Minin K. and D. Pozharsky,
That they were in the royal service,
The city of Moscow was liberated,
They accomplished a glorious feat.
This is what happened in the world on this day
Four centuries ago already.
Let's get together, brothers,
At the table, not in the battlefield.
The children once asked their father:
-Are all Russians in Russia?
- How should I tell you, kids?
Here are the neighbors - the Chuvash,
Kum is half Jewish
Uncle is a nice Armenian,
Great-grandfather of godmother Nina
He was a real Georgian.
We are all different, so what?
We are all Human, we are all alike.
We will live in friendly unity,
There is no need to drink each other's blood.
Our mother Russia
She will become strong as before.
The holiday is the day of patriotism,
Glory, proud Fatherland!

All of Russia celebrates National Unity Day,
This is an important, serious and beautiful holiday,
It's time for all of us to unite together,
May the country live in peace, friendship and happiness.
Please accept congratulations on the holiday of unity,
May there be happiness and peace in your life,
I wish you success and good luck,
Remember - the people of Russia are wonderful and simple.

There was an act of terrorism somewhere,
Here the world is beating in the mafia's networks -
All these facts, full of tragedy,
We hear it on the news every now and then.
Congratulating everyone on National Unity Day,
We will firmly say: enough terrorism!
And if all nations are together,
Then the peoples will not be afraid of adversity.

Hear on the Day of Unity and Fun -
We have congratulations for all peoples.
So that we can maintain peace in this world,
We need to fight for it together,
So that no one dares to take a risk
Decide to encroach on the world!
And on the eve of National Unity Day
Let adults dream about their childhood,
After all, kids don’t notice the difference
Not in skin color and not in nation.
The words sound in different languages:
Unity means peace, and it is in our hands.
Let there be roses, not thorns, in your heart,
And let the discord between peoples disappear!

The breadth of forests and the depth of lakes,
The blue of which reflects the sky
And the shy, close round dance of birches,
Which amazes with its beauty.
This is why we were once eager to fight,
Defended the Russian holy land:
Prince Pozharsky, Minin tradesman
They shed blood for their native country!
And now, if trouble happens,
The whole country and all the people will unite,
To drive away the enemy from the vastness of the Motherland,
And behind him, close all the borders!

On this bright November day, you can actively celebrate National Unity Day, enjoying close relationships and deep respect with all the people. I want to congratulate you on a unique and truly important date, celebrated annually. I sincerely believe in prospects and a decent future for our entire country, despite the many nuances. Let our state become powerful and bright, happy and kind, because we so strongly want happiness and success for every representative of the people. May any obstacles of fate be overcome, and may doubts never befall or oppress. I am sincerely proud of the opportunity to feel unity with many of you, my dear and faithful friends. I know that we will definitely build a bright and reliable future, no matter what. I heartily congratulate you on this and inspired holiday!

How nice it is to know that all residents of our country can feel true unity with each other, find comrades and support. I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday and, of course, wish you amazing joy, inspiration, and happiness. Let fate reveal only positive aspects and allow you to believe that any existing dreams can be successfully realized in the future. Please do not focus on strife and resentment, but open your souls to peace and bright light, inspiration and positivity. I know how important it is to successfully move towards your goals and understand that there is an opportunity for your realization and finding true happiness. I believe that the Lord will provide protection for all of you and allow you to believe in an amazing, truly positive world. Accept my sincere congratulations from me!

National Unity Day is an amazing holiday that needs to be celebrated united by all the people. Such an important holiday must always be remembered, regardless of what extraordinary events the world around us decides to prepare. I want to believe that your hopes and wishes will certainly come true in life, and fate will give you numerous opportunities for successful progress towards your goals. You can earn admiration and support not only from me, but also from many other people, so please open your soul to your loved ones and believe that fate will certainly truly surprise you and make you understand how wonderful life can be. Happiness can be much closer than you previously thought, so I sincerely believe that any wish you have will find fulfillment in reality. I wish you happiness and inspiration.