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Congratulations on October 11th. International Day of the Girl Child

When is International Day of the Girl Child?

There are many different holidays and memorable days in the world. Some are called to give good mood, others focus public attention on some social problems. Young princesses all over the planet have their own holiday - International Day of the Girl. The purpose of the holiday events, which take place annually on October 11, is to show modern society the problems and social inequalities that girls face in the world around them. After all, the attitude towards the female sex is still far from adequate, and it automatically transfers to young ladies. The first International Day of the Girl Child was held in Canada in 2012, so this holiday is still very young.

The initiative to establish the date of the holiday at the UN General Assembly was made by the Minister of Women's Affairs Rona Ambrose (Canada) in 2012. On December 10, the draft resolution was considered, based on the voting results, it was adopted, and the date of the celebration was determined. In the same year, on October 11, the first holiday events.

The purpose of introducing the holiday was defined as the fight against social inequality and neglect that girls face every day in educational institutions, on the street - everywhere. There is a clear need to give girls an equal opportunity with boys in terms of education and medical care, adequate nutrition, and especially protection from forced marriage in such early age. The last factor worries the progressive public the most.

The very first festive events were dedicated to early marriages. This problem does not occur only in the countries of Asia or the Middle East - it is known or was known quite recently in some developed countries, including Russia, where girls were married off at the age of 13 until the 19th century. Statistics show that every third girl in the world gets married too early, before the age of 15. And this leads to dependence on the husband, a slowdown in the formation of worldview and horizons, as well as a low level of intellectual and physical development.

But the most important thing is early pregnancy, for which the girl’s body is completely unprepared, can lead to the most undesirable health consequences. In the second year of the celebration, the theme of the events was the problems of obtaining a decent education. In 2014, there was a call to end violence against girls in their teens.

The history of the International Day of the Girl Child

By establishing such a holiday, the organizers wanted to draw the attention of the entire public to problems related to the rights of girls around the world.

  • These include unequal opportunities for education compared to males,
  • lack of medical care and adequate nutrition,
  • protection from violence and discrimination.
  • The problem of early marriage and forcing girls to marry is especially acute. childhood.

2019's Day of the Girl marks the start of years of work to galvanize global attention and action on the challenges and opportunities girls face before, during and after crises.

Well, among the people this day is most often considered a holiday - another reason to write nice words to the sweet and charming girls who brighten our lives with their ringing laughter.

And even though the date itself has very serious and even tragic background, the tendency to consider it festive is quite understandable - after all, joy and sadness in this world always go hand in hand. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about the main premises of Girls’ Day, but we shouldn’t deprive ourselves and them of the opportunity to say and hear good words wishes and sweet words love on this day.

Seeing modernity without embellishment:

Happy Girls' Day! And let them grow up happy
Like stars, bright, like the light of the sun, beautiful!
Protect only these tender little ones,
And let their lives be joyful fairy tales!

Help them, teach them to be obedient,
Always friendly, very good-natured,
So that their eyes glow with the meekest joy,
And every moment would impress with goodness and sweetness!

There is Mother's Day, there is Father's Day,
International Women's Day.
Well, this one is the main one,
Day of frills and sweets!

Braid day, skirt day,
Doll day and bow day.
Girls' Day all over the world
Day of scarves and flowers!

Girls, let's put on skirts,
We are not too lazy to do this,
We'll paint our lips red
On our international day!

Let the men go crazy
They will lose their peace

And touch it with your hand!

Shakespeare would probably definitely cry,

We have a problem, the problem of early marriages!
The world is mired in demagoguery (do you agree?).

With all this, we also appreciate Shakespeare,
And we respect the passion of young hearts...
No, we will not become an imaginary target,
The romance, ladies and gentlemen, is not over!

Girls' day has come
Congratulations to him,
And on such a day for you
I remind,
Why should we take care of girls?
Needed every day
From all unnecessary meetings,
From unkind glances
It's worth helping the girl
Give education
I justified my daughter
Dads are waiting!

Eh, girls, how much you mean in this world.
Let the road of your life shine with bright light.
We wish you joy, peace, sun and goodness,
May your wishes come true with a bang!
We love you, know this, be happy in everything.
From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on this kind of girl’s day!

We're celebrating girls
International day.
Let their gaze be playful,
The image is noble.

So that they dapple on top of your head
Multi-colored bows.
And their smiles sparkled,
Like beautiful flowers.

Happy girls day today
Let's congratulate our princesses,
Let them become every day
Happier and more beautiful.

Braids and curls,
And a polka dot dress
We'll find it for you today
We have hundreds of good words.

On your day international
We wish you love, affection,
May your life be
A magical good fairy tale.

We're celebrating girls
International day.
Let their gaze be playful,
The image is noble.

So that they dapple on top of your head
Multi-colored bows.
And their smiles sparkled,
Like beautiful flowers.

Shakespeare would probably definitely cry,
Seeing modernity without embellishment:
We have a problem, the problem of early marriages!
The world is mired in demagoguery (do you agree?).

With all this, we also appreciate Shakespeare,
And we respect the passion of young hearts...
No, we will not become an imaginary target,
The romance, ladies and gentlemen, is not over! Doll day and bow day.
Girls' Day all over the world
Day of scarves and flowers!

Girls, let's put on skirts,
We are not too lazy to do this,
We'll paint our lips red
On our international day!

Let the men go crazy
They will lose their peace
There is a reason to congratulate us,
And touch it with your hand!

The Art of Celebration

All official events that take place on October 11 are aimed at informing citizens about the problems that girls face in Everyday life. These are gender inequality, sex discrimination, forced early marriage, various harassment and direct violence. Thematic events, seminars and meetings are being held everywhere, the purpose of which is to highlight the long-overdue need to respect girls’ rights.

At an unofficial level, the International Day of the Girl Child is not celebrated on such a serious scale. Every girl on this day strives to show her individuality, to emphasize the most advantageous aspects of her appearance and character, female exclusivity. And this is also a great opportunity to show off your new outfits.

If we talk about the themes of the holiday for last years, then they are like that. Innovative Approaches to Girls' Education (2013), Empowering Adolescent Girls: Ending the Cycle of Violence (2014), Investing Today to Help Contribute to Our World Tomorrow (2015).

The older generation is obliged to make sure that the girls’ childhood is happy. We are talking about obtaining secondary education, entering and graduating from universities, and getting a job. And only then we can talk about weddings with all the components, that is, with a celebration, ribbons, balloons and processions.

All girls in the world have their own holiday. An expression of recognition of their rights, as well as the fact that there are special problems unique to them, was the proclamation by the UN General Assembly of October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child. Canada initiated the establishment of such a date. The holiday is still very young. It was first celebrated in 2012. Official events held on this day are aimed at informing society about the problems of gender inequality and discrimination, violence, harassment and forced marriage at an early age. And various thematic events, meetings and seminars are designed to emphasize the need to respect all social rights of girls.

Eh, girls, how much you mean in this world.
Let the road of your life shine with bright light.
We wish you joy, peace, sun and goodness,
May your wishes come true with a bang!
We love you, know this, be happy in everything.
From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on this kind of girl’s day!

Nowhere without girls.
Is water dripping in the house?
Or is the vacuum cleaner broken?
Or has the cactus outgrown?

There's only one reason for this -
This little girl
Does everything on the go:
He will chop the frying pan

And he’ll go and paint his eyes,
So that they sparkle like in a fairy tale.
And fry cutlets for everyone,
To be eaten with an omelette.

We'll have fun today
Treats for all passersby.
There will be boys again
Congratulations to all the girls.

Today is the most beautiful holiday,
The most flirtatious, gentle, playful,
Happy Girls' Day, I warmly congratulate you,
I wish you luxury, happiness and health.

Always be kind, friendly, sweet,
Feminine, bright and unique,
So that only honest people meet in life,
And everything will be great for you!

Congratulations to you girls
Happy holiday to you,
I wish you bows, beads,
Silk and satin dresses.

New handbags and shoes,
Compliments and flowers,
Princes with white horses,
More gentle, warm words.

Dresses, bows, braids and your eyes sparkle,
You are a girl - it’s proud and you are going to kindergarten.
Jeans, a player, nail polish, lipstick and a spur in the back pocket,
You have grown up, and today school is open for you.
Dresses, skirts, sundresses, crowds of devoted girlfriends -
Our little girl has grown up and is going to college.
Here's a diploma, a jacket and tie and a smile right there,
You woke up and got ready, they are waiting for you at work.
The roar, laughter and cry of a child and your eyes sparkle.
She has grown up quite a girl, but is heading to kindergarten.
I became a mother and a wife, I already have everything for life,
You are successful at work and your awards are countless.
Being a girl is cool, it's a meteor shower of happiness,
You tell the girl that she is going to kindergarten.

Happy Girls' Day! And let them grow up happy
Like stars, bright, like the light of the sun, beautiful!
Protect only these tender little ones,
And let their lives be joyful fairy tales!

Help them, teach them to be obedient,
Always friendly, very good-natured,
So that their eyes glow with the meekest joy,
And every moment would impress with goodness and sweetness!

You are our life, girls, know this!
You give us so much positivity!
We wish you goodness, smiles, light,
May you, beauties, live happily!

Always be as gentle as flowers
As beautiful as the morning dawn!
You are so sweet, pure, like angels,
There are no more beautiful creatures in the world!

Dolls, baby dolls and outfits
All the girls will be happy!
And then there will be lipsticks,
Rings, earrings and perfume.

At the same time, you have no regrets
For the sake of a harmonious reflection
We fell out of love with chocolates,
Puddings and pies.

Happy International Girls Day
Please accept congratulations.
Always be free from sadness
And don't forget to rest.

I wish you to be happy
Make your family proud.
Be as gentle, beautiful,
Cheerful, bright, groovy.

We're celebrating girls
International day.
Let their gaze be playful,
The image is noble.

So that they dapple on top of your head
Multi-colored bows.
And their smiles sparkled,
Like beautiful flowers.

When is Girls' Day in 2019 - October 11

International Day of the Girl Child is special holiday, which is celebrated annually on the eleventh of October. The year of proclamation is 2012. The UN contributed to the emergence of the holiday in order to focus increased attention on social problems and inequality between people. In addition, girls are classified as female, so they often face inequality. In some states, there is a lack of tactful attitude in the field of education and medical care. Girls are sometimes subjected to discrimination, physical and psychological violence, and forced child marriage.

The initiative to adopt the resolution was put forward by Canada during the UN General Assembly. The resolution was promoted by Rhona Ambrose, Canada's Minister of Women's Affairs. On December 10, 2011, a corresponding vote was held to establish the holiday. International Day of the Girl Child was first celebrated in 2012, but in just a couple of years it has already become truly valuable.

Holiday goals.

International Day of the Girl Child is a very important and valuable holiday. It is this holiday that should draw increased public attention to social problems. The emphasis is on protecting girls from violence and early marriage, which are still prevalent in some states. These problems exist even in prosperous countries, despite the fact that their severity is less.

It was Canada that contributed to the annual holiday. Canada, a member of the UN, proposed the establishment of an annual holiday and contributed to the selection of an appropriate date.

What topics have already been raised?

Every year the holiday is usually held under the auspices of a specific theme.

For the first time, the International Day of the Girl Child was held on the topic of early marriage, which continues to be relevant. It should be noted that the statistics actually look terrifying. For example, every third woman in the world marries before adulthood. Moreover, one third of this number was not even fifteen years old. Minors of the fair sex often give birth to children. In any case, this situation, which persists even into the 21st century, is shocking. Moreover, in order to correct similar situation, requires significant effort. The UN is committed to helping solve the problem.

In 2013, Girls' Day was dedicated to improving the education girls receive. This problem also remains relevant. Many girls are even now deprived of the right to education. The impossibility of obtaining a higher education is caused by financial difficulties in the family, the need to manage everyday life, and poor quality educational system in the state and cultural features.

On October 11 we will celebrate International Day of the Girl Child. This one is cute autumn holiday gives a great reason to congratulate all the girls and wish them all the best. And we have prepared beautiful, cheerful, joyful congratulations in prose and poetry for daughters, nieces, sisters and girlfriends on the International Day of the Girl.

October 11 – International Day of the Girl Child

This holiday is intended to attract public attention to social problems and inequalities that directly affect future women, including the problem of gender inequality in many factors, for example, access to education, nutrition, health care, social rights, protection from discrimination, violence, and forced child marriage. The above problems, unfortunately, exist, and not only in developing countries, but also in quite prosperous countries.

Various programs aimed at protecting the rights of girls must change the current state of affairs. They are created to have a positive impact not only on the public, but also on education in each specific family.

Remind your loved ones and friends to take care and respect future women!

Beautiful congratulations on Girls' Day 2019 in verse

Happy Girls' Day! And let them grow up happy
Like stars, bright, like the light of the sun, beautiful!
Protect only these tender little ones,
And let their lives be joyful fairy tales!
Help them, teach them to be obedient,
Always friendly, very good-natured,
So that their eyes glow with the meekest joy,
And every moment would impress with goodness and sweetness!

Congratulations from classmates

Today is the girls' holiday,
Every classmate knows.
That girls need to be protected and loved,
It will be very difficult for everyone to live without them.

Congratulations to the beautiful
Wishing you well.
There are many clear days
It won't be in vain.

Don't cry, beautiful ones,
You never
Let your eyes sparkle -
Like a star.
You are beautiful, no doubt
The whole world rests on you,

We always want to be loved,

May good luck surround you.

Poems for the International Day of the Girl Child

All your braids and bows,
Yes, a strand of golden hair,
Boys die without you
And you are leading them by the nose.
All the flowers are for you today,

You are the flowers of our whole life, without a doubt,

See more congratulations in our group on social networks:

You are lovely, like fairies in a fairy tale,
The eyes sparkle so cheerfully and mischievously,
You conquer the whole world with your beauty,
It is impossible to live without girls in the world.
We promise to love and respect you always,
We will never offend
On your holiday, accept congratulations,
Pay attention to the boys, promise.
Today we celebrate the day of all girls,
We sincerely wish you good luck, joy and happiness,
May they be lucky in love
Let a prince from a fairy tale come to everyone.
Smile, girls, always,
May fate spoil you
Let hope not leave you,
May the angels always protect you.

SMS congratulations on World Girl Child Day

SMS congratulations on the International Day of the Girl Child

There is Mother's Day, there is Father's Day,
International Women's Day.
Well, this one is the main one,
Day of frills and sweets!

Braid day, skirt day,
Doll day and bow day.
Girls' Day all over the world
Day of scarves and flowers!
Girls, let's put on skirts,
We are not too lazy to do this,
We'll paint our lips red
On our international day!

Let the men go crazy
They will lose their peace
There is a reason to congratulate us,
And touch it with your hand!
We girls can't sit still,
We want to play, have fun,
Try on clothes, call,
Talk as much as possible.

Let's all be friends
We will be important to each other
Today is a holiday for all of us,

Happy International Day of the Girl Child
I congratulate you.
I wish you happy branches
In flowers for you, lovingly tenderly.
Girls' day has come
Congratulations to him,
And on such a day for you
I remind,
Why should we take care of girls?
Needed every day
From all unnecessary meetings,
From unkind glances
It's worth helping the girl
Give education
I justified my daughter
Dads are waiting!


Girls' Day is far from beautiful -
Too many problems have accumulated.
From oversight, eternal vanity
Some people didn’t have a good childhood:
Lack of education
Lack of adult attention
Anxiety of the earliest marriages -
The presence of such signs
For adults it will be that wake-up call
To put an end to this!

A beautiful poem for International Day Girls

Tearing off a new sheet of the calendar,
Today we celebrate Girls' Day
Grief with parental love for them,
We surround our “Juliets” with care!

We wish our Barbie to grow wiser,
And Hermione should be more sincere and kinder,
Thumbelina - to fly to the prince,
Alice - to be bolder through the looking glass!

There is no one more wonderful than you in the whole world,
All over the earth, from edge to edge,
All girls, big and small,
With all our hearts, hearty congratulations!

Congratulations from the boys

Eh, girls, how much you mean in this world.
Let the road of your life shine with bright light.
We wish you joy, peace, sun and goodness,
May your wishes come true with a bang!
We love you, know this, be happy in everything.
From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on this kind of girl’s day!
Happy girls day today
Let's congratulate our princesses,
Let them become every day
Happier and more beautiful.

Braids and curls,
And a polka dot dress
We'll find it for you today
We have hundreds of good words.

On your day international
We wish you love, affection,
May your life be
A magical good fairy tale.
Congratulations girls
Happy international day to you,
Let the boys take you by the braids
They don't pull today.

Let them give you flowers,
Let them invite you to the cinema,
Deliver your briefcase
They offer to go home.

I wish you today
Joking and smiling
Girls' Day let the world
Brings goodness and happiness.

To a girl friend

Happy girls day from the heart today
I hasten to congratulate you.
Always be a great girl
I'm very glad that we are friends!

Stay tender and beautiful
This will last for many, many years...
And most importantly: be happy forever,
And let the whole world envy!

International Day of the Girl SMS congratulations

Today we congratulate the girls,
Their holiday has arrived today.
We will give them a lot of good things,
Let's wish you a good day.

Girl, texts today
All your letters, open them.
And today you are close to your girlfriends,
Send SMS too.

International Day of the Girl Child –
This is a great holiday for everyone.
We wish them good cheers
And chocolate success.

Girl, cheerful, dear,
Congratulations on this day.
You can be so sad
Let your sadness burn with fire.

Girl, let me congratulate you
Happy holiday, I want to wish
In your life, rule the team,
And study only for “five”.

Congratulations to the girls today -
People came up with a holiday for them.
We wish them all the best,
May they be healthy forever.

Cool poems Happy Girls' Day

Dear young princesses,
We congratulate you on this holiday from the bottom of our hearts,
May all girls have planets
Today your cherished dreams will come true.
May it be in your sweet eyes,
The flame of love and happiness will light up,
Let them shine like diamonds
Let all bad weather fly by.

On a fine October day,
A bright beacon shines for us on holiday,
Today all the girls are the hero of the occasion,
We wish you happiness, smiles and warmth.
May the cheerful mood never leave you,
Let every day surprise you with pleasant news,
We wish you health, joy, good luck,
All the best, prosperity, love to boot.

Dear girls, please accept my congratulations,
You are worthy only of admiration,
Today is your holiday, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
You are attractive, sweet and good.
Let your every day turn into a holiday,
May the bird of happiness often visit you,
May you be surrounded by reliable friends
May the good angel always protect you.

Congratulations to all the girls today,
We wish you a chocolate life,
Let good wizard flies to you
And fulfills all wishes.
Joy, health and happiness to you,
Love, good luck and warmth,
Let troubles and bad weather not know you,
Let fate be amazing.

Today the girls have a big holiday,
Every boy in his class knows about this,
We know that we need to take care of girls, love them,
After all, it will be so boring for us to live without them.
Congratulations to our beautiful beauties,
And we wish you joy, fun, goodness,
Good studies and a clear weekend,
So that all your efforts do not go in vain.

Short wishes for the International Day of the Girl Child

Happy International Day of the Girl Child
I congratulate you, my beloved.
Let the world be your very call,
Filled with happiness and love.

Let beauty bloom, of course,
To be the best everywhere.
Let everything be successful in business,
Joy and laughter shine nearby.

We girls can't sit still,
We want to play, have fun,
Try on clothes, call,
Talk as much as possible.

Let's all be friends
We will be important to each other
Today is a holiday for all of us,
Let's spread joy and laughter!

We're celebrating girls
International day.
Let their gaze be playful,
The image is noble.

So that they dapple on top of your head
Multi-colored bows.
And their smiles sparkled,
Like beautiful flowers.

Girls, braids and ribbons!
You are the joy and colors of guys.
Cheerful, sweet girls,
Spring buds are more tender,

More beautiful than red clothes.
You are in the world for sunny, clear,
For bright, bright hopes.

Girls are gentle,
Full of caresses,
Wonderful nymphs
Like from a fairy tale.

He clearly created you
God, not the devil
To husbands' destruction,
Glory to the Creator!

Be it, heavenly one,
Glorious muse
In the life of a loved one -
The most important thing.

Cool congratulations on Girls' Day on October 11

Dolls, baby dolls and outfits

All the girls will be happy!

And then there will be lipsticks,

Rings, earrings and perfume.

At the same time, you have no regrets

For the sake of a harmonious reflection

We fell out of love with chocolates,

Puddings and pies.

Nowhere without girls.

Is water dripping in the house?

Or is the vacuum cleaner broken?

Or has the cactus outgrown?

There's only one reason for this -

This little girl

Does everything on the go:

He will chop the frying pan

And he’ll go and paint his eyes,

So that they sparkle like in a fairy tale.

And fry cutlets for everyone,

To be eaten with an omelette.

We'll have fun today

Treats for all passersby.

There will be boys again

Congratulations to all the girls.

Girls are gentle,

Full of caresses,

Wonderful nymphs

Like from a fairy tale.

He clearly created you

God, not the devil

To husbands' destruction,

Glory to the Creator!

Be it, heavenly one,

Glorious muse

In the life of a loved one -

The most important thing.

Girls, braids and ribbons!

You are the joy and colors of guys.

Cheerful, sweet girls,

Spring buds are more tender,

More beautiful than beautiful gardens,

More beautiful than red clothes.

You are in the world for sunny, clear,

For bright, bright hopes.

It's not an easy world for girls to live in.

Their childhood is not always complete.

There is a lot of suffering in life:

They are dressed and not always full.

People should think about this

After all, the children will rule the roost tomorrow.

May the girls' lives be happier

So that this world becomes better tomorrow.

We still have to try very hard

Help solve girls' problems.

So that they can laugh merrily,

And live carefree and in abundance.

Girls' day has come

Congratulations to him,

And on such a day for you

I remind,

Why should we take care of girls?

Needed every day

From all unnecessary meetings,

From unkind glances

It's worth helping the girl

Give education

I justified my daughter

Dads are waiting!

You are our life, girls, know this!

You give us so much positivity!

We wish you goodness, smiles, light,

May you, beauties, live happily!

Always be as gentle as flowers

As beautiful as the morning dawn!

You are so sweet, pure, like angels,

There are no more beautiful creatures in the world!

Congratulations to all the girls in the world,

You are beautiful, you are lovely ladies!

Let your laughter be merry and bell,

May the sun shine brightly on you!

I wish you to swim in happiness

And make dreams come true,

It's always radiant to smile,

To shine brightly like stars!

Dresses, bows, braids and your eyes sparkle,

You are a girl - it’s proud and you are going to kindergarten.

Jeans, a player, nail polish, lipstick and a spur in the back pocket,

You have grown up, and today school is open for you.

Dresses, skirts, sundresses, crowds of devoted girlfriends -

Our little girl has grown up and is going to college.

Here's a diploma, a jacket and tie and a smile right there,

You woke up and got ready, they are waiting for you at work.

The roar, laughter and cry of a child and your eyes sparkle.

She has grown up quite a girl, but is heading to kindergarten.

I became a mother and a wife, I already have everything for life,

You are successful at work and your awards are countless.

Being a girl is cool, it's a meteor shower of happiness,

You tell the girl that she is going to kindergarten.

Today is the most beautiful holiday,

The most flirtatious, gentle, playful,

Happy Girls' Day, I warmly congratulate you,

I wish you luxury, happiness and health.

Always be kind, friendly, sweet,

Feminine, bright and unique,

So that only honest people meet in life,

And everything will be great for you!

We're celebrating girls

International day.

Let their gaze be playful,

The image is noble.

So that they dapple on top of your head

Multi-colored bows.

And their smiles sparkled,

Like beautiful flowers.

Happy Girls' Day

All our beauties,

Babes in lace

And older girls.

I wish they bloom

You are like a spring garden,

And so as not to offend

None of you guys.

So that bows in pigtails

They took off like moths,

To be queens

Our princesses have become.

Beautiful congratulations on the International Day of the Girl Child

Girls' Day is a young holiday,
You and I didn’t know about this before,
The girls of the planet should be respected,
They give us the future of our entire lives.
We congratulate you girls with all our hearts,
You decorate our life like flowers,
We wish you good luck and goodness,
May fate always smile on you.

We can't live a day without girls
Girls, like butterflies fluttering from a flower,
They are beautiful, sensible, smart,
Girls throughout the country deserve respect.
We congratulate all the girls on the holiday,
We wish you a beautiful life from the bottom of our hearts,
Let your rights always be protected,
We wish you good luck, great love, goodness.

You are beautiful, no doubt
The whole world rests on you,
You will always captivate with your beauty,
And for guys, each of you is a dream.
Today is Girls' Day, congratulations,
We always want to be loved,
May the bird of happiness fly to you,
May good luck surround you.

All your braids and bows,
Yes, a strand of golden hair,
Boys die without you
And you are leading them by the nose.
All the flowers are for you today,
We want to be worthy of you,
Happy holiday to you all,
We sincerely wish you happiness and love.

You are the flowers of our whole life, without a doubt,
You are worthy of delight, admiration,
Fate has endowed you with beauty and affection,
You always bring us only happiness.
Happy holiday to you, girls, congratulations,
We always want to be the center of attention,
May your life be bright
May your lucky star shine upon you.

Congratulations on Girls' Day in prose

Girls are awesome! No matter how old you are, never forget that you are the most beautiful, sophisticated and gentle creatures on the planet. Always believe in miracles, magic, princes and pink unicorns. Don't let the fairy tale leave your life, don't shoot pink glasses, but just live and enjoy what surrounds you. Happy Girls' Day!

I wish every girl’s dream come true! To please, surprise, hug and appreciate! Let your friends be loyal and always help, cheer, entertain and not let you lose heart even on the gloomiest day!

Congratulations on International Day girls. May every day give you a chocolate mood and a happy smile, may you always find interesting activity for such a wonderful and active girl. I wish you to be a beautiful and smart girl, a charming and talented child.

Happy International Day of the Girl Child. I wish your life to have as many bright bows, hairpins and elastic bands, beautiful dresses, skirts and blouses as possible, fun games, travel and adventures, good stories, fairy tales and people, wonderful dreams, hobbies and events!

Happy International Day of the Girl Child. I wish you to be a girl - a ringing song, I wish you beauty and joy, fun and miracles. Let every day be bright and amazing - dresses, socks, hairpins and bows, shoes and brooches, beads and earrings, hairstyles and, of course, a wonderful mood!

Today I want to dedicate a song, a poem, no, to compose a whole poem to my gentle girls. In it I will talk about how beautiful and fabulous this world can be if you sincerely believe in the deep and tender feeling called love. I wish this feeling to be with you all your life, my dear ones.

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All the girls in the world have their own holiday!

An expression of recognition of their rights, as well as the fact that there are special problems unique to them, was the proclamation by the UN General Assembly of October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child. Canada initiated the establishment of such a date.

The holiday is still very young. It was first celebrated in 2012. Official events held on this day are aimed at informing society about the problems of gender inequality and discrimination, violence, harassment and forced marriage at an early age, and various thematic events, meetings and seminars are designed to emphasize the need to respect all social rights of girls.

This holiday is designed to draw public attention to social problems and inequalities that are directly related to future women, including the problem of gender inequality in many factors, for example, the opportunity to receive education, good nutrition, medical care, social rights, protection from discrimination, violence, and forced child marriage. The above problems, unfortunately, exist, and not only in developing countries, but also in quite prosperous countries.

Various programs aimed at protecting the rights of girls must change the current state of affairs. They are created to have a positive impact not only on the public, but also on education in each specific family.

Remind your loved ones and friends to take care and respect future women!

On the International Day of the Girl Child, you should definitely congratulate your friend, good friend, daughter or sister on this wonderful holiday.

On this day, all the girls in the world receive the best words of congratulations and wishes.

Let each of the congratulations please your friend and give her unforgettable emotions and impressions.

Make your beloved girls, friends, girls and women happy on this holiday and let love bloom and light appear in their hearts.

All girls love compliments and take kind and tender words to you, so be sure to congratulate them on the International Day of the Girl Child.

Congratulations on Girls' Day in verse

International Girls' Day -
It must be noted that it is excellent
I wish you to dress up cool,
So that all wishes can come true,
So that there is enough fun for everyone,
So that life is full of love,
Opportunities to make you happy,
So that there is enough wealth for everything,
May you live and prosper,
We got what we wanted,
So as not to disturb the flow of problems,
And life was like heaven!

Happy Girls Day today
Let's congratulate our princesses,
Let them become every day
Happier and more beautiful.

Braids and curls,
And a polka dot dress
We'll find it for you today
We have hundreds of good words.

On your day international
We wish you love, affection,
May your life be
A magical good fairy tale.

Tearing off a new sheet of the calendar,
Today we celebrate Girls' Day
Grief with parental love for them,
We surround our “Juliets” with care!

We wish our Barbie to grow wiser,
And Hermione should be more sincere and kinder,
Thumbelina - to fly to the prince,
Alice - to be bolder through the looking glass!

There is no one more wonderful than you in the whole world,
All over the earth, from edge to edge,
All girls, big and small,
With all our hearts, hearty congratulations!

Girls, let's put on skirts,
We are not too lazy to do this,
We'll paint our lips red
On our international day!

Let the men go crazy
They will lose their peace
There is a reason to congratulate us,
And touch it with your hand!

Happy International Day of the Girl Child
I congratulate you, my beloved.
Let the world be your very call,
Filled with happiness and love.

Let beauty bloom, of course,
To be the best everywhere.
Let everything be successful in business,
Joy and laughter shine nearby.

What a blessing to be born a girl,
There are ruffles, bows, hairpins and skirts,
We can be in heels to our heart's content,
They all have beautiful, chiseled and slender figures.

What a blessing it is to be born a girl, after all,
Refinement is given to us, sophistication, beauty,
It’s not for nothing that we celebrate International Day,
Girls' Day, hurray for all of us, hurray, hurray, hurray!

And I congratulate you on this wonderful day,
I wish you to live your whole life in harmony,
I wish that your cherished dream comes true,
I wish you not to know troubles, not to grieve and not to be sad!

Congratulations on Girls' Day in prose

Girls are awesome! No matter how old you are, never forget that you are the most beautiful, sophisticated and gentle creatures on the planet. Always believe in miracles, magic, princes and pink unicorns. Don’t let the fairy tale leave your life, don’t take off your rose-colored glasses, but just live and enjoy what surrounds you. Happy Girls' Day!

I wish every girl’s dream come true! To please, surprise, hug and appreciate! Let your friends be loyal and always help, cheer, entertain and not let you lose heart even on the gloomiest day!

Happy International Day of the Girl Child. May every day bring you a chocolate mood and a happy smile, may there always be an interesting activity for such a wonderful and active girl. I wish you to be a beautiful and smart girl, a charming and talented child.

Happy International Day of the Girl Child. I wish your life to have as many bright bows, hairpins and elastic bands, beautiful dresses, skirts and blouses, fun games, travel and adventures, good stories, fairy tales and people, wonderful dreams, hobbies and events!

Happy International Day of the Girl Child. I wish you to be a girl - a ringing song, I wish you beauty and joy, fun and miracles. Let every day be bright and amazing - dresses, socks, hairpins and bows, shoes and brooches, beads and earrings, hairstyles and, of course, a wonderful mood!

Today I want to dedicate a song, a poem, no, to compose a whole poem to my gentle girls. In it I will talk about how beautiful and fabulous this world can be if you sincerely believe in a deep and tender feeling called love. I wish this feeling to be with you all your life, my dear ones.

Eh, girls, how much you mean in this world. Let the road of your life shine with bright light. We wish you joy, peace, sun and goodness, May your wishes come true with a bang! We love you, know this, be happy in everything. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on this kind of girl’s day! © October 11, 2018 - date (when, what date is the holiday) All girls in the world have their own holiday. An expression of recognition of their rights, as well as the fact that there are special problems unique to them, was the proclamation by the UN General Assembly of October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child. Canada initiated the establishment of such a date. The holiday is still very young. It was first celebrated in 2012. Official events held on this day are aimed at informing society about the problems of gender inequality and discrimination, violence, harassment and forced marriage at an early age. And various thematic events, meetings and seminars are designed to emphasize the need to respect all social rights of girls. A beautiful congratulation in verse and pleasant music will appeal to many! Live together, cheerfully, happily and richly. Short congratulations, a wish in verse with music. Make your family and friends happy! #Relaxation Thanks for the futahi All rights to published materials: music, photographs, clipart belong to their owners and are taken from open sources on the Internet. I am grateful to the authors for the opportunity to use them in their work. Did you like the video? Subscribe and like! Thanks in advance!