Health Pregnancy beauty

Congratulations to the rector of the Russian State University, member. Congratulations B

Dear Anniversary, with great pleasure and from pure heart, congratulations on this glorious and significant Anniversary!
We know well that the prestige of an organization is, first of all, determined by its leader!
You are the keeper of the great traditions laid down since the founding of our educational institution, and also contribute to its development very fruitfully, effectively and purposefully.
A striking example of this is success and achievements.....
We are happy for you, proud of you,
We wish you prosperity and well-being in the difficult, selfless and selfless work that we all and Russia so need today.

  • Congratulations to the rector on his anniversary

    I congratulate you on your anniversary,
    Dear, respected rector.
    In the midst of ordinary days, unfortunately,
    Days this good are rare.

    I wish you, without growing old,
    There are many happy sunrises to meet.
    I congratulate you on your anniversary,
    Dear, respected rector.

  • Congratulations to the rector

    Dear Mr. Rector! Nowadays, it is very difficult to overestimate the importance of education and the importance of the entire educational process as a whole, both for an individual and for a country. Many excellent specialists, professionals and managers have grown within the walls of your educational institution! And how many more will you put on your feet and give a lucky ticket to a successful working life! Thank you for your work and care! Please accept heartfelt congratulations and sincere wishes of health, good luck and happiness from our friendly team!

  • Congratulations to the rector of Moscow State University on his anniversary

    Dear (). Largely thanks to your enormous capacity for work, enthusiasm and truly inexhaustible creative energy Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov holds the bar high as one of the most authoritative universities in the country.
    We wish you good health, great success and new achievements in your noble and so necessary for all of us activities for the benefit of Russia.

  • Congratulations to the rector in prose

    Dear Rector!
    You are the head of a very complex mechanism called an institution of higher education!
    In your hands is not only the organization of the educational process, but also the financial, economic and teaching and student life of the university!
    Let me congratulate you today on significant date!
    I would like to wish you great energy, strength and limitless patience in this responsible position!
    Let only high-class professionals graduate from your university, whose activities will bring great joy and benefit to themselves, their loved ones and our society.
    May there be many pleasant events, interesting meetings, and right decisions in your life!
    May your health always allow you to work fruitfully and successfully!
    Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

  • Congratulations on the fiftieth anniversary to the Head of the Department from the team

    We cordially congratulate the head of the department ___________ (name) on his 50th anniversary! We wish you, dear ___________(name), good health for many years to come, creative success and great personal happiness! You have been a member of our team for many years, however, our respect and feelings for you have not weakened one bit. And no matter what life throws at us, you remain steadfast in your beliefs and principles! Good luck, new discoveries and bright achievements!

  • Naina Yeltsina and Tatyana Yumasheva:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. 50 years is the age at which the energy characteristic of people in the prime of life and experience - professional and human - are happily combined. This means that you, being the rector of the Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin, you can realize your wildest dreams creative plans, without fear that they will be divorced from reality - you have studied life not from the windows of your office and are well aware of both our difficult problems and our enormous opportunities.

    Today, a huge team of scientists and teachers at UrFU is working under your leadership. Thanks to their efforts, 50 thousand young people are successfully mastering a variety of specialties. The post of rector at such a university is an excellent opportunity for self-realization, which can be kindly envied. But at the same time this work is a test. It requires not only knowledge, but also character, mental strength, and, of course, an optimistic outlook on life. On this day, allow me to wish you success in your difficult task, reliable like-minded people, mutual understanding with the youth with whom your work is so closely connected. And, of course, a strong family support - without it, professional life rarely brings complete satisfaction. Be healthy and happy!

    Alexander Moiseev, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! Please accept the warmest and my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday! May there be many bright and joyful days in your life, may luck and success accompany you in everything, may professionalism and life experience help you reach new heights! Prosperity and comfort to your home, health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

    Evgeny Kuyvashev, governor Sverdlovsk region:

    Largely thanks to your high professionalism, leadership talent, dedication and strategic vision of the situation, the Ural Federal University today is one of the most dynamically developing Russian universities, is a recognized center of innovation in education and research, and year after year strengthens its position in world and national rankings.

    I am confident that your active participation will allow us to successfully implement the project to create a technology park high technology“University”, which is designed to increase the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the Sverdlovsk region, to gather on its premises the best scientific, engineering, and production organizations in the region.

    I wish you the implementation of all your plans and undertakings, support from colleagues, energy, optimism, good health and prosperity!

    Denis Pasler, Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! Please accept my congratulations and best wishes Happy anniversary!

    50 years is a significant date in the life of every person, an amazing time when the scope for new plans and ideas is wide open, when, thanks to invaluable life experience, the most difficult problems can be solved.

    For you, a multi-talented and talented person, public service has become a real calling. You have become a well-known politician, a candidate of historical sciences, a member of the presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the author of many scientific publications, a teacher, rector, and a prominent public figure. Now you successfully head one of the most prestigious universities in our country - the Ural Federal University, making significant efforts to develop domestic science, educate new generations of brilliant Russian specialists in all areas of life.

    Largely thanks to your experience, competence and energy, the university is developing dynamically and enhancing its glorious traditions. Modern and best specialists are trained here, capable of solving the most complex problems facing our society and state.

    You amazingly combine a variety of virtues: strength of character with worldly wisdom, innovative approaches to decision-making with the ability to find an approach to everyone, high demands and organization with goodwill and warmth.

    Let every day leave bright memories in your memory and give new opportunities for bright achievements and new achievements in your responsible work.

    Health, goodness and prosperity for many years to you and your family!

    Dmitry Pumpyansky, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of UrFU, UPI graduate, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TMK and the Sinara Group:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! You have headed the Ural Federal University since its creation. Thanks to your energy, dedication and perseverance, the strategy for the development and renewal of UrFU is being implemented.

    Rich life experience, extensive knowledge of local and industry specifics, creative and business activity allow you to successfully promote the Ural Federal University in the global university community. The growth of the university’s ranking in the field of science, applied and fundamental education, and the increase in its popularity among applicants and applicants are ensured, among other things, by your personal participation in the university’s projects.

    Today UrFU successfully combines best traditions university school with the most advanced technologies for teaching students and serious scientific activity, which makes it possible to produce specialists for various sectors of the economy of our country. The university has created a unique atmosphere that allows each graduate to become not only a professional, but also a bright personality. An example of a responsible attitude to business and a balanced civic position for students will always be extraordinary and enthusiastic teachers, of which you also belong.

    I am confident that partnerships between the Ural Federal University and the business community will serve as a solid basis for the further development of the economy and public institutions of the Ural region and will serve as a model of effective business practice.

    On your anniversary, please accept sincere wishes for success in all your endeavors, good health, happiness and prosperity!

    Andrey Kozitsyn, member of the supervisory board of UrFU, honorary consul of the Republic of Austria in Yekaterinburg, UPI graduate, general director of UMMC-Holding:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! I am sincerely glad to congratulate you on this significant date! Fifty years is traditionally called the milestone when it is customary to remember the past, good deeds and friends. But I want this birthday to become for you a celebration of your dreams, hopes and bold plans, which is the time to put into practice.

    As a graduate of the Faculty of Metallurgy, I am pleased to see a reliable and purposeful person at the helm of our Alma mater. We have known each other for many years, and I know you very well both from my work in the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and in the regional government. Today our interaction has reached a qualitatively new level. Each at his post, we are doing a common cause together - giving a start to the lives of our youth. UrFU has become a real source of personnel for UMMC. We employ a lot of university graduates. Everyone works professionally, honestly and with soul. And you can rightfully be proud of them - you have trained wonderful specialists, good people, real citizens of Russia.

    Congratulating you, I would like to wish you, your family and loved ones happiness, good health and prosperity! All the best to you! Happy anniversary!

    Valery Charushin, Chairman of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, UPI graduate:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! I cordially congratulate you on your 50th anniversary! I and my colleagues working at the academic institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences highly value, respect and love you as a bright, highly educated, decent and intelligent person, harmoniously combining an analytical mind and humanitarian principles, as a polyglot, thoughtful and interesting interlocutor, and, of course , as our colleague and long-term partner in scientific and educational activities.

    I wish you good health and further success in your multifaceted activities as rector of the Ural Federal University, as well as the implementation of the most ambitious plans for you and the university, from which you are already inseparable!

    Kevin Downing, director of the City University of Hong Kong think tank, international expert in the field of education:

    I have had the great honor of collaborating with Viktor Koksharov over the past three to four years. Viktor Anatolyevich is an inspiring example, he is an outstanding leader who works tirelessly to create an innovative road map and strategy to ensure the development of the university into the next decade. He has a truly international outlook, he has the ability to see the essence of even the most confusing problem and immediately determine what actions need to be taken to solve it.

    I collaborate with the heads of many prestigious universities in the world and believe that Viktor Anatolyevich is one of the best leaders I know or with whom I have ever worked. He is a far-sighted rector, under his leadership UrFU has an exceptionally bright future.

    I wish Viktor Anatolyevich success in all his endeavors: planning, management and development of UrFU. It is a great honor and pleasure to work with him on perhaps the most important project for the Ural region - investing in the next generation of leaders.

    Yaroslav Kuzminov, rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics:

    Let me personally and on behalf of the entire staff of the National Research University Higher School of Economics congratulate you on your 50th anniversary!

    Each anniversary is a kind of starting point when we form new perspectives, set new goals and objectives. Modern Russia is following the path of modernization of scientific and technological progress, and the future of the state directly depends on the knowledge, competence and competitiveness of today's graduates of educational institutions. Under your leadership, the Ural Federal University has become one of the leading universities in the national academic system.

    I sincerely wish you great success on your path to new heights with your characteristic professionalism, dedication and creative initiative. Happiness, health. Well-being to you and your loved ones!

    Oleg Chupakhin, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, UPI graduate:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! Human existence is like the life of a tree that sprouts, grows, vegetates, and blossoms. Today you are in the glorious time of blossoming maturity, fruiting... Much has been achieved, but much remains to be done.

    If not a chemist, but a historian can immediately pronounce “nucleophilic aromatic substitution of hydrogen,” it means that God gave him talents that in life he is called to use for creation.

    I wish you good health, as well as the luck that gifted people need. I wish you success and happiness on this anniversary day.

    Marie-Pierre Rey, professor at the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne, scientific director of the Laboratory of Editorial Archeography of the Institute of Humanities and Arts (now the Ural Humanitarian Institute) of UrFU:

    Mister Rector! It is with great pleasure that I join your friends and colleagues from UrFU and congratulate you on your birthday! I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for the comprehensive support and constant attention that you always provide to the collective project that I have been leading since last year. This ambitious project is an intellectual challenge, but it is also a superb experience of human collaboration, inviting us to work together, putting aside all cultural, generational and national differences. Our research is already producing results - high-quality publications (including both articles and monographs), seminars and conferences that attract great attention.

    These results, obviously, were the fruit of the interested and professional attitude of historians to the common cause, but they could not be achieved without that wonderful atmosphere of openness and confidence that arose from the moment our cooperation began. We owe you for this and we sincerely thank you. Once again, please accept congratulations on your anniversary!

    William Poucher, professor of computer science at Baylor University, executive director of the ACM ICPC (the Association for Computing Machinery's world championships in computer programming):

    Dear Victor! Congratulations on reaching your fiftieth birthday! It was a pleasure to collaborate with you. I am confident that the Ural Federal University, under your leadership, will continue to succeed for the benefit of Yekaterinburg, the Urals, Russia and our entire world. This may seem overly exalted to some, but not to me. Your work is true civic service. This is what we should all strive for.

    According to Texas custom, a gift is required. Therefore, we have expanded the NEERC (North East European Qualifying Zone) regional quota for the 2015 World Championships by one place - in your honor and in honor of the outstanding work that Ural Federal University has done in organizing the magnificent world finals in Yekaterinburg.

    Happy Birthday!

    Valery Yazev, State Duma deputy, chairman of the board of trustees of the UrFU Institute of Physics and Technology, UPI graduate:

    Victor Anatolyevich! Your anniversary is a wonderful occasion to express our sincere feelings and wishes. You have amazingly combined a variety of talents and virtues: the gift of a true politician, a major organizer of science and education - with rich life experience practical work and worldly wisdom, the national scale of plans and accomplishments - with the ability to find an approach to each person, high demands and organization - with goodwill and warmth. The doors of your office are always open to everyone who needs your advice, help and support.

    You have achieved a lot while working as chairman of the government of the Sverdlovsk region, you have something to be proud of as the rector of one of the best universities. Large and important projects are being carried out at UrFU under your competent leadership. You are a talented leader with a sense of the new, a desire to find solutions to the most important problems in the development of domestic higher education, defending its accessibility, fundamentality and innovation.

    On your 50th birthday, I wish you inexhaustible creative energy, the accomplishment of all your endeavors and plans, success, good health, joy and happiness!

    Andreas Klassen, Consul General of Germany in Yekaterinburg:

    The Consulate General of Germany and I personally have always had excellent and extremely effective cooperation with Mr. Koksharov. I highly appreciate him as a modern, dynamic leader of a large university, who directs all his efforts to the development of the university, its academic work, scientific research and development. At the same time, Mr. Koksharov is not limited to national boundaries, but does a lot to ensure that UrFU takes its rightful place in the international educational space, and sets himself the most ambitious goals.

    Behind last years the rector gave new impetus to the development of cooperation and relationships between UrFU and Germany. Thus, our Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier received the degree “Honorary Doctor of UrFU”, partnerships are developing with several universities in Germany, on the initiative of Mr. Koksharov, the Russian-German energy efficiency forum is regularly held on the basis of UrFU with the participation of the German energy agency Dena and the government of the Sverdlovsk region . Thus, Viktor Anatolyevich significantly increased the international recognition of UrFU and the international ranking of the university.

    On behalf of the entire team of the Consulate General of Germany and on my own behalf, I congratulate Mr. Koksharov on his anniversary! I wish you health, creative success and continued fruitful work for the benefit of UrFU and the development of international cooperation!

    Leonid Shalimov, General Director of JSC NPO Automation named after. Academician N.A. Semikhatov”, Chairman of the Council of Chief Designers of the Sverdlovsk Region:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! I am pleased to congratulate you on your anniversary, as a person who determines the future of not only the Sverdlovsk region, but also Russia as a whole. So, in 2007-2009, as chairman of the government, you laid the foundations for the strategic development of the region for the near future, and the present of the region shows that these were the right decisions. Today, the level of your responsibility has increased sharply, since university graduates will determine the development of the country over the next few decades in many positions in the region and country.

    Thank you for the personnel of the enterprise, since almost 90% of engineers are graduates of your university.

    Health to you, family well-being and the wishes of the rocket scientists (this is how we do it) - good luck!

    Stefan Kohler, Chairman of the Board of the German Energy Agency Dena:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! With all my heart I congratulate you on your fiftieth anniversary and wish you all the best, good health and good luck in all your tireless endeavors at your university and, in particular, in realizing your goal of developing Yekaterinburg as an international center in the field of education and science.

    Since our acquaintance, cooperation with you has given me great pleasure. I really hope that in the future we will continue to strengthen our partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation aimed at developing friendly relations between Russia and Germany - be it in the field of science, education, economics or as part of the development and support of socio-political dialogue between our countries .

    Oleg Mochalov, head of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “Young Guard of United Russia”, UPI graduate:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! On the day of your anniversary, please accept sincere congratulations and wishes for good health, vigor and great personal happiness! You are a highly qualified professional, a Leader with a capital letter. The ability to captivate people, unite them and make them like-minded people - these are the origins of your authority.

    Knowing your energy and perseverance, determination and efficiency, erudition and ability to find the right solution to the most complex issues, we believe that the most inaccessible peaks and cherished desires will become a reality for you!

    On behalf of our youth organization, we wish you to remain as energetic and young at heart! Wishing you new good deeds and achieving new successes for the benefit of Russian science and education!

    Makhsat Alinov, executive director of the Kazakhstan Association of Alumni of UPI, Ural State University and UrFU:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! On behalf of the thousands of UrFU alumni community in Kazakhstan, please accept heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary. For us, this anniversary year is also significant because a truly historical event took place: the Association of Alumni of UPI, USU and UrFU was created in Kazakhstan, in the organization of which you played a key role.

    We, Kazakhstani graduates, are proud that the Ural Federal University is today one of the leaders of Russian science and education and occupies a worthy place among the leading universities in the world. Our native university is headed by you - a person with rich and versatile experience at the international level, a recognized scientist and a famous public and statesman of Russia.

    For our part, we will do everything to ensure that our cooperation and joint projects in the field of education, science and production continue to multiply for the benefit of the development and strategic cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan.

    We sincerely and cordially wish you, dear Victor Anatolyevich, happiness, blessings and the implementation of all your strategies and thoughts, success and recognition.

    Shlomo Weber, head of the international economic laboratory of UrFU:

    I met Viktor Anatolyevich almost three years ago during preparations for the creation of the International Laboratory on the basis of the Higher School of Economics and Management. I was amazed by the enthusiasm, professionalism and openness of the rector when communicating with scientists from different countries, who served on the laboratory's International Advisory Board. The rector not only spoke with scientists in their native languages ​​(English and German), he strongly supported this important project. All my colleagues were impressed by the rector’s willingness to back up his words with appropriate actions. I greatly appreciate his support and, thanks in large part to his infectious enthusiasm and involvement, I look forward to further collaboration with Ural Federal University.

    Our cooperation with UrFU goes beyond the international laboratory. I have already participated in three April annual conferences on economics, which are held at UrFU. I am impressed by the quality of the conference, which has become the most influential and important conference outside of Moscow. Research laboratory social relations and the diversity of society at the Russian Economic School in Moscow, where I am the scientific director, and UrFU have already organized several joint events, including seminars, and we look forward to further strengthening our cooperation. I am also a member of the UrFU International Advisory Council and hope that I can contribute to the internationalization and development of the university.

    On this wonderful day, I wish Viktor Anatolyevich success, health and happiness. Much has already been done, but there is still a lot of work ahead, and I am sure that with the determination and enthusiasm of Viktor Anatolyevich UrFU has a bright future.

    Zhong Weihe, President of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Foreign Trade:

    Dear Viktor Anatolyevich! Warm congratulations from Guangzhou, China. It's nice to know that you are celebrating your 50th anniversary on August 1st. I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere wishes on behalf of Guangdong University of Foreign Languages ​​and Foreign Trade and myself personally to congratulate you on your birthday!

    In recent years, there has been fruitful and close cooperation between our universities, including cooperation within the Confucius Institute, teacher exchange, student exchange, joint seminars and conferences. Thank you very much for your help and support over all these years. I am confident that the relationship between our university and UrFU will develop successfully thanks to your excellent leadership.

    I wish you good health and prosperity. Happy birthday!

    Viktor Koksharov was also congratulated on his anniversary:

    The head of Yekaterinburg is the chairman of the Yekaterinburg City Duma E.V. Roizman, Department of the Federal Drug Control Service for the Sverdlovsk Region, represented by Chief Lieutenant General of Police M.D. Kagan, Mordovian State University represented by rector S.M. Vdovina, media holding "Ural Worker" represented by general director E.S. Tulisov, Nizhnevartovsk State University represented by rector S.I. Gorlov and President A.K. Karpov, Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Mining and Metallurgical Trade Union of Russia represented by Chairman V.N. Kuskova, Seversky Pipe Plant represented by Managing Director M.V. Zueva, heads of large industrial enterprises, representatives of public organizations, business, and government bodies.


    Congratulations from the President of the Bar Association of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Member of the Council Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Assembly of the Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan Yumadilov B.G.

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich and the team of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov!

    On behalf of the Bar Association of the Republic of Bashkortostan and on my own behalf, please accept sincere congratulations on the 110th anniversary of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov!

    110 years is just the beginning of a long and important journey. Competence, responsibility and integrity - these are the qualities that distinguish the Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov!

    Cooperation of the Ufa Institute (branch) of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov and the Bar Association of the Republic of Bashkortostan contributes to the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of jurisprudence. The Chamber of Lawyers expresses hope for further fruitful cooperation.

    Deep professional knowledge and practical experience of teachers and university staff, careful attitude to the classical traditions of the educational institution, a modern scientific and technical base and the richest scientific library in Russia provide a high level of specialist training.

    Graduates of your university are specialists with deep knowledge and practical skills who can competently understand the realities of the modern economy, who can benefit our country, have a positive impact on the sustainable economic development of Russia, and replenish the personnel and intellectual potential of all spheres of the economy.

    We wish you to preserve and enhance the traditions of Russian education, actively and fruitfully teach students for the benefit of our Motherland!

    From the director of the Ivanovo branch N. T. Arefyeva

    Dear colleagues, faculty, students, graduate students, staff of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

    On behalf of the staff of the Ivanovo branch, please accept our most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the 110th anniversary of the founding of the university.

    The university has gone through a glorious path of development, and today it not only preserves, but also does everything possible to strengthen and enhance the scientific and educational space in Russia and abroad.

    The university complex formed by its branches makes it possible to ensure the real participation of higher education in the modernization of the Russian economy, law, and the service sector in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    The University staff and its graduates create a reliable reputation and prestige for it as a center of science and education, modern culture and creativity.

    Your scientific schools are actively developing and bringing fundamental work with the aim of translating it into the development of economic processes in Russia and other subjects of the federation.

    We wish the entire team good health, new achievements in science, success in pedagogical activity, fortitude, unity and achieving new heights of development.

    From the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Armenia I.K. Volynkina

    Dear friends!

    On behalf of the entire team of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Armenia and on my own behalf, I congratulate the First Economic University of Russia on its 110th anniversary. Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov was founded in Tsarist Russia, and for 110 years since its founding it has been one of the landmark universities in the field of modern economic education.

    Yerevan branch of REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov has been a Russian scientific and educational institution for more than 15 years cultural center, promoting Russian science and culture on the territory of Armenia, developing cooperation in the field of education between Russia and Armenia.

    The Embassy has long-standing connections with the Yerevan branch of Plekhanov University friendly relations. Several years ago, we jointly created the Cisco Academy, which promotes the development of practice-oriented education in the republic. The Yerevan branch is actively developing. Proof of this is the decision of the Government of Armenia to allocate an area adjacent to the branch building for the creation of a summer health complex.

    I wish the rector of REU im. G.V. Plekhanov to Viktor Ivanovich Grishin, director of the Yerevan branch Sedrak Vanikovich Vardanyan and the talented scientific and pedagogical staff of the University of Success in research, teaching and educational work. May your efforts throughout Russia and Armenia help to qualitatively improve the professional and moral level of young people.

    I wish the students of the University to have an active life position, to raise the high bar of REU with their achievements and successes. G.V. Plekhanov to a new level in international university rankings. Let the deep knowledge acquired during their studies help graduates conquer the highest professional heights.

    New achievements and prosperity, and most importantly, recognition of the high quality of education among students, graduates and employers!​

    From the President of JSC Shchekinazot Sokol B​. A.

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    On behalf of the staff of the Shchekinazot company and on my own behalf, I congratulate you, your colleagues and students on this significant date - the 110th anniversary of the founding of the university!

    I am convinced that this date will open new horizons and prospects for the university, when loyalty to traditions, professionalism of employees, focus on results, adherence to the high standards of Russian higher education become the basis for new significant achievements and victories!

    Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov is the first economic university in our country. For 110 years now, he has been preparing scientific and intellectual Russia, which undoubtedly serves to strengthen the economic potential of the state and the well-being of all citizens. It is gratifying that not only residents of cities, but also small towns have the opportunity to get an education at a university. settlements, which is facilitated by a wide branch network of REU, correspondence and distance learning.

    Talented, active, caring young people receive excellent knowledge at the university, successfully realize themselves in various sectors of the national economy, fully reveal their potential and put into practice everything they learned at the university. They work in the fields of economics, management, commerce, commodity science, tourism, law, computer science, sociology and other fields.

    A REU diploma has long become not only a sign of quality in higher education, but also, if a person has aspirations and a creative spirit, a symbol of success in professional life. Highly qualified teaching staff, development and implementation of innovative educational programs, including double and triple degree programs with leading foreign universities, the use of current teaching technologies - all this is a modern Russian University of Economics!

    Under your leadership, the university is developing as the times require today, providing training for qualified specialists in demand by professional society in Russia and in the world. It is no coincidence that REU im. G.V. Plekhanov is included in the TOP-30 Russian universities in the world university ranking UniRank.

    Please accept the words of sincere respect for your work and the work of your colleagues!

    The noble mission - to educate the younger generation, to lay the foundations for tomorrow today - has become the work of life for most university teachers!

    With all my heart I wish you and your colleagues further success, health, prosperity, and happiness! And to the Russian Economic University - development and prosperity!

    From the rector of Baku State University, academician A.M. Maharramova

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    On behalf of the many thousands of staff of Baku State University and on your own behalf, please accept the most sincere congratulations on the significant date in the life of your university and staff - the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov. Over the period of its history, the university has traveled a glorious path, illuminated by great achievements in the field of science and higher education. After 110 years, REU named after G.V. Plekhanov is a higher educational institution of a modern innovative type, where highly qualified specialists are trained in the field of economic education. I would especially like to note your merits in this, dear Viktor Ivanovich. It is under your strict leadership that the university strengthens and increases the intellectual potential of young people.

    On this festive day, we sincerely wish you and the entire university staff good health, success in all your endeavors and personal happiness. Let new achievements, creative energy, luck and success serve the further development and prosperity of your university. We are confident that the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov will continue to occupy leading positions in world rankings, maintaining and increasing high scientific potential and strengthening international authority.

    From the Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Kemerovo Region I.N. Rondik

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    We congratulate you, teachers, students and graduates on the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov!

    Today the university is the largest world-class research and educational center. The contribution of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. is invaluable. Plekhanov in the formation of innovative models for training specialists, in the study of problems of socio-economic development of Russia.

    Teachers and students of your university take an active life position, take part in expert and advisory activities, and support the initiatives of the non-profit sector of Russia.

    We sincerely wish you further successful development of the university, implementation of innovative, educational, scientific projects and programs. We hope for fruitful cooperation for the benefit of society and the state.

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Please accept sincere congratulations on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the Russian University of Economics!

    The importance of the University for our country can hardly be overestimated. During all periods of its existence, it served as an outpost of advanced scientific thought and excellent economic education. The long journey from the Society for the Advancement of Commercial Education to the university is closely connected with the national economy and the pages Russian history. Today's memorable date The University graduates who are rightfully proud of their diploma celebrate with you. Among them are many regional leaders, government officials, successful businessmen and managers. In modern religions, when higher education must reach a qualitatively new level and become the basis for the innovative development of the country, great importance is given to the quality of personnel training, because only deep and systematic knowledge allows a person to take a worthy place in society and bring real benefit to both the country and to his small homeland. And here the Russian University of Economics takes a leading position. A graduate of Pleshka is both an honor and responsibility at the same time.

    Minister of Economic Development of the Saratov Region Yu.A. Shvakova

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Congratulations to you, the teaching staff, students, graduate students, staff and graduates of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov on the 110th anniversary of the founding of the educational institution entrusted to you!

    Behind this significant date is a long journey, full of significant events and bright achievements and, of course, a whole constellation of outstanding scientists, professors and teachers, famous research schools and a galaxy of practical economists.

    The Russian University of Economics was, is and will be an outpost of advanced scientific thought, economic education of unique quality, the personification of progress, a place where new ideas, discoveries and projects are born that are of great importance for national science, culture and society. These are years of work by different generations, well-deserved recognition and successful practical activities of several tens of thousands of graduates who have written bright pages in the annals of the Russian state.

    On its 110th anniversary, the University became the most prestigious university in economics, with an extensive network of branches in Russia and abroad. REU keeps up with the times, introduces innovative educational programs, implements large-scale research projects, trains highly qualified specialists for the development of science, government bodies, and strengthening the industrial economic potential of our state. The diploma of the famous “Plekhanovka” is a sign of quality in any corner of the world.

    I am confident that with its enormous potential, the University will only increase its best achievements.

    With all my heart I wish you, dear Viktor Ivanovich, your team, students and graduates, health, further success in your fruitful activities for the benefit of Russia!

    From the Chairman of the Kemerovo regional branch of OPORA RUSSIA O.V. Sharykina

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Congratulations to you, teachers, students, graduate students and graduates of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov on the 110th anniversary of its founding.

    The university has come a long way in its formation and development and is rightfully considered a leader in the field of innovative, scientific and practical developments. This is a huge merit of the teaching staff, which includes many scientists of Russian and world renown.

    Raising a new generation of Russian businessmen, young economically literate people who know how to work for the future is a difficult and responsible mission, and your University is successfully coping with this task, providing the domestic economy with new highly qualified personnel.

    Fruitful cooperation with the Kemerovo branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov made it possible to make sure that the University trains highly qualified specialists with advanced knowledge and technologies, capable of taking responsibility and making the most effective decisions.

    We sincerely wish the staff of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov wishes him well-being, prosperity and further creative success for the benefit of Russian higher education.

    From the President of PJSC CPC, Candidate of Economic Sciences I.Yu. Prokudin

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    I congratulate you and the management team, teaching staff, staff, students and graduate students of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov on the 110th anniversary of its founding!

    Over the years, the university has become a reputable educational and research institution.

    Being the largest center for training personnel for the economy, law enforcement agencies, public organizations, authorities of the Russian Federation, REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov can be proud of its graduates who are successfully working for the benefit of our country.

    Please accept my heartiest congratulations on this glorious anniversary and best wishes for further success and prosperity to your university!

    From the director of the Ufa Institute of Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov, professor G.G. Muftieva

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Dear Asali Magomedalievich!

    Dear Colleagues!

    The staff of the Ufa Institute (branch) of the G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics cordially congratulates you and the teachers, staff, students and graduate students of the G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University on the wonderful anniversary, the 110th anniversary of its foundation.

    Ufa Institute (branch) REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, as a subsidiary educational institution For more than 57 years, the Moscow Commercial Institute has been making a significant contribution to providing highly qualified personnel for the economic and trade sectors of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Over the years, 25 thousand specialists have been trained, more than 7 thousand people have improved their qualifications. Graduates are proud of their university, preserve its traditions, and provide support in the development of their home university.

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich, we express our special gratitude to you as the rector of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, for many years of work and support of our institute. We hope that your inexhaustible energy, high intelligence, humanity and wisdom, sense of responsibility and duty to all the teams you lead will allow you to successfully implement all your plans and strategic plans.

    Dear friends and colleagues, on this solemn day we sincerely wish you health, happiness, prosperity, peace, new professional victories, stability and confidence in the future, new achievements and labor achievements for the benefit of the university!

    From the Director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Center for School and baby food» urban district city of Ufa O.V. Storozhenko

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov.

    We express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for your fruitful cooperation in the field of personnel training.

    Ufa Institute (branch) of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov has been making a significant contribution to providing qualified personnel to preschool and school nutrition enterprises in the city of Ufa for more than half a century. The theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired at the university allow us to rationally and scientifically organize nutrition for a special category of consumers - preschool and school-age children.

    We highly appreciate your open attitude and mutual understanding reached, professional recommendations that allow us to make optimal personnel decisions in the future.

    With all my heart I wish you, the scientific and teaching staff, the university students health, optimism, inexhaustible energy and new achievements!

    From the head of the department of trade and coordination of services O.G. Zavyalova

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Dear teachers and students!

    The Department of Trade and Services Coordination of the Administration of the Urban District of the City of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan sincerely congratulates you and the entire teaching staff, staff, students and graduates of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Happy 110th anniversary to Plekhanov!

    Over the years, the university has gone through a long and bright path of development from a narrowly specialized institute to a multidisciplinary scientific, educational and research center, while becoming the largest forge of economic, political, and legal personnel for the entire country.

    The Ufa Institute (branch) of graduates of the Russian University of Economics has been training personnel for trade and public catering enterprises in the city of Ufa for more than 55 years. The trade industry of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan includes more than 6 thousand trade and public catering enterprises. Almost all enterprises in the city employ graduates of the institute, who are distinguished by a high level of knowledge, skills and good work.

    Intense scientific research is constantly being conducted within the walls of the university; famous scientists in the republic have worked and are working here. Many graduates of the institute work in the highest, most responsible positions, as managers of large enterprises.

    Highly qualified teaching staff, a popular range of training areas, and a creative atmosphere attract young people and strengthen in the minds of young men and women the understanding of the prestige of studying at the university. Today, a diploma from the Russian University of Economics is a guarantee of high quality training and successful employment.

    We wish the team of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov further success in training and educating highly qualified personnel, new discoveries, bold projects and fulfillment of creative plans!

    From the commercial director of the chain of construction discounters CJSC Saturn-Ufa A.K. Shchepotyeva

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Dear friends!

    We warmly and cordially congratulate you and the entire staff of the Russian University of Economics on the 110th anniversary of the university!

    Over the years, the university has become a reputable research and educational center, a generally recognized leader in fundamental and applied research in the field of economic sciences. A rich material and technical base, powerful research potential, and an extensive network of branches allow it today to be a flagship in the science education system of the Russian Federation.

    Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov gained fame as one of the best educational institutions in the country. Ufa Institute (branch) of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov holds the bar set by the university at a high level in the Republic of Bashkortostan. This is the result of many years of hard work not only by the teaching staff of many generations of scientists, but also by your talented students and graduate students. All these years, the university has been famous for its scientific developments, innovative approach to educational process and at the same time carefully preserves the best traditions of domestic education.

    On this significant day, I sincerely wish you, the teaching staff, students and graduate students of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov's scientific, creative and social achievements and discoveries, innovative ideas, implementation of all plans and projects, health, well-being and prosperity!

    From the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Belarus A.M. Fazlyeva

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Dear teachers and students!

    The team of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan heartily congratulates you and the teachers, students and staff of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov on the wonderful anniversary of the 110th anniversary of its founding.

    Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, harmoniously combining traditions and innovations, has become a university with a high rating in the field of higher professional education in Russia. It makes a great contribution to improving the quality of education and science, and the effective development of the economy of the country and regions.

    The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan has been successfully cooperating for many years with the Ufa Institute (branch) of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov in the field of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists, organizing exhibitions and fairs, holding international scientific and practical conferences.

    Let the further activities of the institute and our cooperation be successful and fruitful.

    On this wonderful day, we wish the team of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov's health, good mood, prosperity, peace, great success in the scientific and educational spheres. We wish you that the high social significance of the work you are doing will also bring you personal satisfaction and material well-being for your families and team.

    From the participants of the scientific and educational cluster in the field of trade and public catering of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    Dear Viktor Ivanovich!

    Dear Colleagues!

    Participants of the scientific and educational cluster in the field of trade and public catering of the Republic of Bashkortostan, we warmly and cordially congratulate you on a significant date in the life of the university - the 110th anniversary of its foundation.

    Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov celebrates her anniversary with dignity. Having evolved from the Moscow Commercial Institute, the university has become the country's leading university, the center of its science, education, culture, public life. Outstanding economists, politicians and lawyers have emerged from the University.

    Over the years of its development, the university has become the personification of the mighty power of knowledge. The scientific and pedagogical activities of your team deserve the highest marks. High professionalism of teachers is combined with the use of advanced teaching technologies. New methods and forms of training, fundamental, exploratory, methodological and applied scientific research on the problems of improving cultural, social, legal and educational activities make it possible to train highly qualified and in-demand specialists.

    We express our special gratitude to you as the rector of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov for many years of work and support of the Ufa Institute (branch) of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, who trained more than 25 thousand specialists over a 55-year period. Together with the State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Trade and Consumer Rights Protection and specialized colleges, a scientific and educational cluster in the field of trade and public catering of the Republic of Bashkortostan has been created.

    The main result of the cluster’s work is the universal recognition of educational institutions, their well-deserved authority in personnel training, and the high professionalism of graduates. This is confirmed by the excellent results that students have been achieving for many years in research competitions and in sports competitions of various developments.

    110 years is a significant stage in the life of the team and requires an objective assessment of the results achieved. This holiday stimulates the search for new opportunities for further development.

    We hope, dear Victor Ivanovich, for your continued support in the development of the Ufa Institute (branch) of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov.

    On this solemn day, we sincerely wish the staff of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov health and happiness.

    From the Chairman of the Volgograd Regional Duma N.P. Semisotov.

    Dear teachers, staff, students, graduate students and alumni Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

    Dear teachers, staff, students, graduate students and graduates of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, on behalf of the Volgograd Regional Duma and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the wonderful date of the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov.

    Every day the university proves its right to be called the leading economic university in Russia. Today Plekhanovka is a scientific and teaching staff of many thousands, forming the basis of scientific and pedagogical schools recognized in Russia and abroad, which is confirmed by the inclusion of the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov in international rankings of the best universities in the world.

    The high professionalism of teachers, coupled with competent management, talent and a creative, innovative approach to scientific and teaching activities, allows the university to train highly professional personnel.

    I am sure that the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov will continue to maintain and strengthen its leading position in domestic education, enhancing the glorious traditions of Russian higher education. I wish you success, prosperity and prosperity.

    Dear Jubilee, with great pleasure and from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on this glorious and significant Anniversary!
    We know well that the prestige of an organization is, first of all, determined by its leader!
    You are the keeper of the great traditions laid down since the founding of our educational institution, and you also contribute to its development very fruitfully, effectively and purposefully.
    A striking example of this is success and achievements.....
    We are happy for you, proud of you,
    We wish you prosperity and well-being in the difficult, selfless and selfless work that we all and Russia so need today.

  • Congratulations to the rector

    Dear Mr. Rector! Nowadays, it is very difficult to overestimate the importance of education and the importance of the entire educational process as a whole, both for an individual and for a country. Many excellent specialists, professionals and managers have grown within the walls of your educational institution! And how many more will you put on your feet and give a lucky ticket to a successful working life! Thank you for your work and care! Please accept heartfelt congratulations and sincere wishes of health, good luck and happiness from our friendly team!

  • Congratulations to the rector of Moscow State University on his anniversary

    Dear (). Largely thanks to your enormous efficiency, enthusiasm and truly inexhaustible creative energy, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov holds the bar high as one of the most authoritative universities in the country.
    We wish you good health, great success and new achievements in your noble and so necessary for all of us activities for the benefit of Russia.

  • Congratulations to the rector in prose

    Dear Rector!
    You are the head of a very complex mechanism called an institution of higher education!
    In your hands is not only the organization of the educational process, but also the financial, economic and teaching and student life of the university!
    Let me congratulate you on this significant date today!
    I would like to wish you great energy, strength and limitless patience in this responsible position!
    Let only high-class professionals graduate from your university, whose activities will bring great joy and benefit to themselves, their loved ones and our society.
    May there be many pleasant events, interesting meetings, and right decisions in your life!
    May your health always allow you to work fruitfully and successfully!
    Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

  • Happy Birthday to the Rector

    Dear, respected rector,
    Happy birthday to you.
    And I wish you frequent success,
    So that happiness shines from the eyes.

    I wish you responsive, faithful,
    Steadfast, non-betrayal friends.
    And I also wish you, Rector,
    Implementation of your ideas.

  • Congratulations on the fiftieth anniversary to the Head of the Department from the team

    We cordially congratulate the head of the department ___________ (name) on his 50th anniversary! We wish you, dear ___________(name), good health for many years to come, creative success and great personal happiness! You have been a member of our team for many years, however, our respect and feelings for you have not weakened one bit. And no matter what life throws at us, you remain steadfast in your beliefs and principles! Good luck, new discoveries and bright achievements!

  • With great pleasure and from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on your 55th anniversary. It is known that the prestige of a university, its achievements and successes are largely determined by the organizational and creative abilities of its leader. And our university and you have something to be proud of in the region, in Russia and even abroad. Being a rector is not easy. After all, a rector is not only a position, it is a way of life. You have preserved the traditions laid down by your predecessors and skillfully contribute to the further development of the university; you do it very fruitfully, efficiently and purposefully. Generously share your wealth of research and life experience with undergraduate and graduate students.

    Let me wish you complete spiritual comfort, good health, bright ideas, implementation of planned projects and many sunny years!

    Happy birthday, Sergey Vyacheslavovich!

    Deans of ISUE

    Touches to the portrait of a scientist

    June 20, 2011 marked the 55th anniversary of the rector of ISEU, head of the Department of Electronics and Microprocessor Systems, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.V. Tararykin.

    What do we, friends and colleagues, know about Sergei Vyacheslavovich? Rector of ISUE, an outstanding scientist, specialist in the field of automation and control. The founder of a scientific school, who trained a whole galaxy of candidates and doctors of science. Author of more than 200 scientific papers published in domestic and foreign publications, a number of inventions and several monographs. Applied developments S.V. Tararykin, embodied “in metal”, received awards at international exhibitions in Moscow, Paris, Brussels. Even this meager information, taken from the government’s “personal file,” testifies to the scale of a truly extraordinary personality.

    The mystery of creativity is one of the greatest mysteries of human nature. That is why the fates of talented scientists, artists, writers, and musicians arouse our keen interest. The anniversary is a good reason to look into the “creative laboratory” of S.V. Tararykin, trace the path leading to success.

    In 1973 S.V. Tararykin entered the Ivanovo Energy Institute (now a university), choosing the specialty “Electric drive and automation of industrial installations.” From this moment on, all professional and creative life The hero of the day is associated with ISUE, where he went from student to rector.

    Even in his student years, Sergei Vyacheslavovich was distinguished by his hard work and determination - he studied only with “excellent” marks, and was a Lenin scholarship recipient. He combined his studies with scientific work and was a member of the student scientific society. Even then, the inherent S.V. Tararykin qualities of a leader. For several years, he led the work of the student construction team - first as a commissar, then as a commander. For successful work in these positions, our hero of the day was awarded a trip to the UK.

    They say that a talented person is talented in everything. This is fully applicable to Sergei Vyacheslavovich. In all areas of his activity, at work and at leisure, he strives for perfection and does not tolerate a superficial, “amateurish” attitude to business. A talented administrator, Sergei Vyacheslavovich has been heading our university for 5 years, remaining the head of the Department of Electronics and Microprocessor Systems (E&MS).

    It can be said without exaggeration that over the years, thanks to the efforts of the hero of the day, the department has reached the international level. Several generations of our master's students studied at universities in France, Germany and Spain as part of the program EU 4M. Foreign students also repeatedly underwent internships at the department. Recently, young teachers have received a real opportunity to improve their qualifications abroad and participate in international conferences.

    Along with the educational process, scientific work is actively carried out at the department, new names of young employees, undergraduates and graduate students appear. Despite being busy, S.V. Tararykin finds time to personally supervise the research of young scientists, poses problems and helps to find ways to solve them. The result is successful defense of dissertations, publications in leading scientific journals, participation in prestigious scientific and technical conferences.

    Several years ago, the scientific school of S.V. Tararykina received official recognition at the state level. Teachers and staff of the department actively participate in the research work of the school within the framework of federal targeted programs and grants. Research results are invariably used in the educational process, which allows students and graduate students to keep abreast of modern achievements in fundamental science.

    Created by S.V. Tararykin, the INELSI scientific and technical center was further developed, becoming a full-fledged production enterprise. The products of this company, primarily control systems for machine tools and robots, have become famous in our country and abroad. INELSI products embody the scientific developments of the hero of the day, which ensures their high efficiency and competitiveness.

    As you know, “no one can embrace the immensity.” The possibilities of even the most hardworking and talented person are limited. That’s why S.V.’s ability is so important. Tararykin to unite around himself the most different people, creating a team of like-minded people. Extremely demanding of himself, he knows how to accept the people around him as they are, with their weaknesses and shortcomings.

    A person's life is not limited to labor activity. In his free time from work, S.V. Tararykin is actively involved in sports, and here his desire for excellence in everything is fully manifested. For a long time, the main sports hobby of the hero of the day has been volleyball. But even in sports, Sergei Vyacheslavovich is not a “narrow specialist”. Currently he is engaged in cross-country skiing, swimming, and playing tennis.

    What to wish the hero of the day on this day? The friends and colleagues of Sergei Vyacheslavovich are unanimous on this - health, happiness, further success.

    Employees of the Department of E&MS

    We congratulate the Chief Researcher of the Scientific Research Sector, the head of the leading Scientific School, and also the Rector of the Energy University, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences S.V. Happy Anniversary Tararykina!

    We wish you good health, fruitful scientific research in the field of the theory of robust systems and successful implementation of the results obtained in the control of the most complex multiply connected socio-economic and the financial system of ISUE.

    We hope for a significant economic effect with minimal costs and payback periods.

    Research sector

    It must be difficult to be a rector... After all, this, one might say, is not even a profession. Rector is a “way of life”.

    In recent years, truly revolutionary changes have taken place in the university library, and this is largely thanks to you! Having set ambitious goals for ourselves, we hope to continue to receive your support and participation in the development of the university library.

    We respect and love you for your deep universal knowledge, hereditary wisdom, organization, true intelligence, tact, sharp mind, subtle sense of humor, respect for the opinions of library specialists, and the ability to bring the work you started to a logical result.

    We are proud, we love, congratulations!

    Library staff

    Dear Sergey Vyacheslavovich!

    We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, and the implementation of all your plans and plans.

    Let there be no place for boredom -

    Students, creativity, science!

    And don’t forget about sports -

    Play your favorite volleyball.

    Give the warmth of your soul to your friends,

    Worthy to repel enemies.

    Go forward, but don't rush -

    Do everything you have in mind!

    Geneva "gold" more than once

    More to please our eyes.

    Always be an example for us

    And lead everyone wisely!

    Information department

    Sergey Vyacheslavovich!

    Please accept our heartiest congratulations on your anniversary!

    On this significant day, we want to express our deep respect to you for the tremendous work that you have been doing for many years for the benefit of the development of our university.

    It's pleasant and easy to work with you! You combine the qualities inherent in the best representatives modern Russia: enormous dedication, breadth of thinking, creativity to solve complex problems, determination and adherence to principles, the ability to always complete the work started.

    Legal department of ISUE

    Dear Sergey Vyacheslavovich!

    The staff of the TAM department congratulates you on your anniversary, wishes you stability in your responsible work, achieving your goals and maintaining high performance, health, inexhaustible creative energy, prosperity and happiness!

    Department of TAM

    Prediction by astrologers of the TOT department

    You still have many years ahead of you

    In the prime of life, opportunities, desires

    To be at the helm of the Frigate of Knowledge.

    The path will be clear, because the Teaching is light.

    A fair wind will fill the sails.

    And only the good leave a mark,

    Let him rush forward! Good luck to him!

    Sergey Vyacheslavovich!

    We love you and congratulate you on your anniversary!

    The staff of the TOT department

    Dear Sergey Vyacheslavovich!

    The Department of PHYSICAL EDUCATION congratulates you on your Anniversary! We appreciate your great contribution to the development of the university’s sports and recreational facilities. Your attention and understanding of our problems, assistance in solving them allows our athletes to show very high results and contribute to the university’s achievements.

    Life rushes and rushes inexorably,

    Celebrating all milestone dates.

    And then another one came,

    Your birth is great!

    But the anniversary is just a stop,

    Things are still to come!

    And it only gives recharge

    Before moving forward.

    Tempering of a former athlete

    It doesn't let you relax.

    You and volleyball were friends,

    Now the ski track is leading you into battle!

    So stately, perhaps,

    We will remain silent about age.

    And the entire sports department

    We would like to wish from our hearts:

    Health, happiness and patience,

    The best students (as always)!

    Inspiration in science, sports

    Let him never leave!

    Let your name be glorified

    For many years now

    Our house, which is more beautiful every year -

    Energy is our University!

    Team Department of Physics

    Dear Sergey Vyacheslavovich!

    Happy 55th birthday! You have come to this twice-excellent date with positive results in many areas of life: science, teaching, family, sports.

    Today you − rector of ISUE. Perhaps this is the main thing in your life. In our difficult times, it largely depends on you what the university will be like in the future.

    We wish you success and good luck in this difficult field!

    ICC team

    The defense of diploma projects is already behind us, but the 2011 graduates of the Department of Electronics and Microprocessor Systems have not forgotten that on June 20, the rector of ISEU, the head of the Department of E&MS, a wonderful teacher and a person of a unique mindset, Sergei Vyacheslavovich Tararykin, celebrates his birthday.

    Close acquaintance of students of 34th and 35th study groups with the rector took place in the spring semester of the 4th year. It was then that Sergei Vyacheslavovich lectured on the second part of the theory of automatic control. It was important for students not only to learn new material, but also to understand what Sergei Vyacheslavovich is like in communication and attitude towards students. From the first minutes of the lecture, the head of the department produced exclusively positive impression. He treats students with respect, tries to present the course material as clearly and professionally as possible, and has an excellent sense of humor. Even the least attentive students willingly attend his lectures.