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Congratulations on International Family Day. Happy International Family Day! Beautiful congratulations on International Family Day

On May 15, one of the brightest holidays is celebrated, namely International Family Day. Almost everyone has his family, loving parents, caring grandparents, nasty younger brothers or sisters. Later a beautiful wife or a successful one appears loving husband and children. All this is normal, this is part of our life. But why was this holiday established?

The main reason for introducing Family Day is to focus attention on various family problems, because family is very important for a person. A person is born surrounded by family and friends, with parental help the child gets to know himself and the world around him and himself. A family is a home with relatives and friends who will support you at any moment. Each family has its own traditions that are understandable and significant only for it, which, being fixed in the minds of children, are passed on from generation to generation.

“The family is the unit of society,” they write about the family in official documents in such dry and formal language. But does this correspond to reality? After all, family is the closest people who surround us all our lives, this atmosphere of love, understanding and goodwill, which gives impetus to the formation and development of any person. Family is the main support in life, a source of morality, love, respect, a guarantee of peace and harmony in society.

Congratulations on Family Day May 15, 2018: in verse, in prose, short SMS congratulations

The family is called upon to protect and raise children, that is, the future that awaits the country. It is in the family that the child experiences warm parental love for the first time, which is the key to his confident entry into the big world. difficult life. It determines what kind of education young people will receive, what values ​​they will accept, what talents they will find and awaken in themselves. The family is the most effective institution in our lives, preserving and passing on to generations all the beautiful things that have accumulated over the centuries. It must be strong, and therefore it is very important that everyone appreciates and respects the strength of family traditions.

On Family Day, we sincerely wish everyone good health, prosperity, home comfort, spiritual harmony and love! Let children and grandchildren give the warmth of their pure hearts, good hopes for the future and joy from your achievements!

Happy Family Day

Everyone has many desires
And we all strive for a dream.
But not to be ignored
What are the children on the white sheet
They draw, they draw unevenly,
A picture where the meaning of life is -

There is “mom”, “dad” and “me”.
Happy Family Day!
Keep your hearth, cherish

Family is peace for the soul.

There is nothing more important than family
For earthly man,
It was created for the family,
Must live in the family forever!
He must give birth to children,
And raise with love,
And give them development,
Control your health!
Let him give to everyone in the family
God bless you
And he will send it to his parents
Lots of patience!

Family is the right to help,
Support and affection, warmth.
Family is a quiet midnight
When you and your family are lucky.
Family is joy and children,
When you're never alone.
Family is someone in the world,
Who are you with until your last gray hair?
Family is a chance to meet
With all my heart, and maybe my soul.
Family is a way to communicate
It's so good with brothers!
It's great to have sisters
There is a grandmother, grandfather or grandson.
For the holiday of relatives - without quotes,
To your main friends and girlfriends!

There are only three “pillars” on which our whole world rests, and these are love, fidelity and family! And for the world to continue to exist, these “whales” must be constantly supported. And for this we need to trust each other, love each other and create families. I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity, and I wish you to create your own family, which will be strong and happy.

Joy of life, support along the way!

No one gets sick, no one is sad!
Life will be problem-free and bright,

I want to wish for you!

Don't forget - family is the most important thing in the world.
No one can replace relatives.
Parents, cousins, matchmakers, children,
In relatives, after all, the main thing is family warmth!
And everyone who cherishes his family
You will live happy for a very long time!
After all, who, if not your family, will want you?
Everyone has a duty to love their family!

On family day it is especially important
Remember everyone who is close to us
Every day, literally every
Minds business
Gives us love, care,
Talks about the most important thing -
On a clear day and in bad weather,
Putting aside your fatigue.
On Family Day, congratulate your loved ones,
Give them a smile.
Their lives have so much meaning -
To be for us, to forgive a mistake,
To advise, to cheer up, to console,
Or just call:
“We are family, we will support!”
How can the family not be surprised!
The work of many, the work of the strong,
The right to live your own destiny
Combined with your favorites
With the right to live as one family!

On the day of family, love and fidelity, I would like to wish you that your union will be strong and steadfastly resist all adversities. Let, like Saints Peter and Fevronya, the most important thing for you be that you are together. And no matter what you sacrifice, know that God will return everything to its place: you have to leave your job, which means your career in another place will rapidly rise, you have lost friends - you will find new ones.

After all, there is nothing more expensive!
And I wish you harmony and love
At your own hearth!
Let the spouses love and dream,
Offering a shoulder in sorrow,

Adoring tenderly, passionately!
Let relatives live in understanding,

Take care of these golden years,

Congratulations on Family Day May 15, 2018: pictures, cards, gifs

Family is the most meaningful word.
The “seed” is heard in it - the basis of life.
The seven selves are seven firmly connected,
And future lives are a reliable source.
Family is a joyful children's laughter.
Family is what gives us success in life!
Let relatives be each other’s support,
And may all misfortunes pass by!
Family is a reliable stronghold of our life,
What protects us in childhood and old age.
Family is a house built on love,
May joy and happiness reign in him!

Take care of love, take care of it
Protect from troubles, protect
And value your family
And love your loved ones, love them!
May our insults be forgiven today,
Yes, and we will change our minds about being angry.
Let all the past be forgotten
Let us hasten to reconcile as soon as possible!
After all, today is such a bright holiday -
Family Day, Love Day, Good Day!
And everyone here became an accomplice
In the creation of the world, warmth.
Cherish your family and friends,
After all, they will always be with you.
And stay closer in life
To those who extend their hand in love.
Be faithful, just love
Take my word for it at least sometimes.
And then happiness will knock on the door,
To stay with you forever!
Take care of your loved ones, protect
From adversity, from bad weather and evil.
AND happy life you will live
Happy Family Day, Happy Love Day, gentlemen!

Congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity! I wish that all three of these components will always be in your life! Let the family protect, support and warm with its warmth. Let love bring happiness, and let fidelity give confidence that it will always be this way!

Keeping love is not easy at all,
Saving a family is even more difficult.
And there are no answers to the questions
How to make your marriage even stronger.
We need both wisdom and patience,
To live together for many years,
Appreciate beautiful moments
And cherish this happiness.

Family is the basis of happiness,
Family is the light in the eyes,
Family is a home for everyone,
Family is life in heaven!
I, family, congratulate you,
I don’t know how I can live without you!
I promise you faithfully
That I will always love you!

The sacred values ​​of the family are the basis of the country,
The basics of a righteous, simple life.
Today, this day, is so special
We wish you gave blue!
And in it - a dream that flaps the wing of happiness,
Love, which calls so captivatingly.
And a bird with a long tail - good luck,
Which will sadly save you from all troubles.
Let love and joy reign in the family,
And only real goodness.
So that all the bad things just remain in the past,
And all the warmth reigned in the house,
What is there in the world, reports the portal 1rre. And peace of mind,
Family harmony, comfort.
Let only devotion and fidelity reign,
In that house where they are always waiting for someone.

Family is God's most priceless gift,
It is a fortress, every element of which is laid with love, on a solid foundation of loyalty. It is important to preserve this value, to prevent the fortress from collapsing, to maintain loyalty and protect it from a storm of grievances and terrible quarrels. Happy Family Day!!!

Family, love and loyalty – three in one.
What could be more reliable in this world?
Your home is on a solid foundation,
Until you forget about it.
Appreciate what you have now
Let your union only grow stronger over the years!
Let the light of happy eyes not go out,
And tenderness will remain between you!

Family is faith and happiness,
Family is support and life,
May this family holiday
The grief family will conquer everything!
May your wife be like an angel
May your husband always be faithful
Let the children bring only joy,
Happy holiday, our family!

Ships are sailing, sailing across the sky,
And the harsh wind does not frighten them.
Today we celebrate Family Day -
The day of the most precious thing in the world.
This is how we go against difficulties,
When the wind bends us, it doesn’t break us,
As long as we know, there is a house ahead,
The windows shine with honey light -
And therefore we did not go astray.
Let's put things aside on this day -
Let's visit our loved ones' parents,
We'll put the kids to bed a little later,
Let's all get together - okay
Open the family album - a plump volume...
Thank you, Family Day, for coming,
And reminded me of the core values!

On this wonderful holiday - Family Day, from the bottom of my heart I want to wish that there is always happiness and understanding in the family, that love and joy bloom in the house, that your life is prosperous and kind, that your hearts always remain faithful and hopeful.

I want to say thank you dad

Only he once managed to make it clear -
Family is the main beginning in life.

Happy Day of Fidelity, Family and Happy Day of Love

Let your dreams come true!

May your family be prosperous,
Always lives in happiness and love,
To become the luckiest one,
May it always bloom like a lily! Happy Family Day! Let everything be great
For you and your family,
May happiness never diminish,
On any roads of life!

Happy Family Day to everyone,
We want to bask in its warmth.
May your days be joyful,
So that your heart doesn’t beat tiredly. So that you all are happy,
So that you feel comfortable together,
Luck, joy, love
We wish you in the family test.

Everyone has many desires
And we all strive for a dream.
But not to be ignored
What children draw on a white sheet of paper, draw unevenly,
A picture where the meaning of life is -
IN in short words unconditional
There is “mom”, “dad” and “me”.

Happy Family Day!
Keep your hearth, cherish
With all that you have. I know,
Family is peace for the soul.

Happy Family Day! This is the main miracle
Joy of life, support along the way!
May all your relatives be happy,
No one gets sick, no one is sad! Life will be problem-free and bright,
Relatives will only make you happy!
Sweet days and selfless love
I want to wish for you!

Happy Family Day, I sincerely congratulate you,
After all, there is nothing more expensive!
And I wish you harmony and love
At your home! Let the spouses love and dream,
Offering a shoulder in sorrow,
And let them understand each other,
Adoring tenderly, passionately!

Let relatives live in understanding,
Let only children's laughter fill the house,
Take care of these golden years,
After all, success is born in the family!

Short congratulations on Family Day

May your home be a full cup,
And year after year life becomes more and more beautiful,
The soul is calm and light,
A family is strong by harmony!

Family Day today in the world -
how many of you are in the family, four?
Let it quickly become ten:
More noise, din, songs!
Let the family grow, become stronger,
Never upsets!

Family is friendship, stability, comfort.
Family is a place where they believe and wait.
Where anyone will be accepted, understood and forgiven,
Where a smile and a loving look rule.
In a family, everything is always shared among everyone:
Problems, good luck and joyful laughter.
So be a strong happy family,
Then sadness will pass you by.

Happy day of family, love and fidelity
We send you congratulations.
The aroma of wonderful tenderness
Let your home be filled!
Let the words of recognition ring out,
And there will be no end to them!
Let your wishes come true
Hearts beat in unison!

Touching congratulations on International Family Day in verse

Family is our wealth
And a divine gift from above!
I wish you not to part
And always be together everywhere!
On this holiday I wish you family
To love and appreciate each other,
AND tender feelings and affection,
Carrying it through the years, keep it!

Year after year, from generation to generation,
The custom is very ancient,
Living together in love, creating families,
Warming each other with care.
Each one stands there like a solid mountain,
For those whom I called my family,
They raise children, parents are held in high esteem,
Always in business, troubles and work.
And there is no price for such kinship threads,
Which, like the sun at its zenith,
They caress everyone with rays of kindness,
Hopes, affection, hearts of warmth.
For them today is the Day of Family and Happiness,
May their misfortunes not always pass,
But everyone knows, without hiding faith,
Since ancient times, the unbreakable stronghold is family!

On International Family Day,
We congratulate you!
A union strong and in love
We wish you to live long!
Let the children of elders never
They don’t disappoint you in any way!
And dad and mom of the kids
They surround you with care!
For the heart - holiday, warmth
And joy in communication!
We wish you always with your loved ones
Be on better terms!

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement, trepidation.
Family is work, taking care of each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Sincere wishes on Family Day for mom and dad

Who will always warm your heart,
There are no hands more tender than anyone,
Who has the keys to the door?
The one that is hidden in the soul.
Well of course it's mom
The best, most faithful friend,
The one that is sincere and direct,
Not afraid of severe blizzards.
And her father matches her too,
Always ready to help everyone,
Mom and dad are so similar
Just like we do on them, exactly the same.
We are their children, after all.
And born in love
We hasten to congratulate them now
WITH happy holiday families!
We are proud of our home
The feelings are not hidden at all,
Let's just say it to everyone we know,
We are a great family!

Only mom knows for sure -
The most important thing in life is family,
After all, it can’t be otherwise,
If happiness is at the helm.
I congratulate mom,
And I thank her,
Only mom knows for sure
How to love your family!

I want to say thank you dad
After all, among all family ideals
Only he was able to once make it clear -
Family is the main beginning in life.
Happy Day of Fidelity, Family and Happy Day of Love
I want to congratulate my dear dad,
Let your dreams come true!
You won't find a daddy like him anywhere!

So be it:
There is love in the family,
There is respect at work.
Success, joy, work
And a little patience!
We wish to have everything in the house,
We wish you to succeed in everything in life,
Maintain health and vigor
And live for many, many years!

Beautiful congratulations on Family Day in prose

There are many wonders and amazing places in the world, but no matter how interesting it is across the seven seas, a person will always strive to return to his homeland, to his family. All the treasures of the world cannot be compared with a mother’s affectionate hugs, a tender kiss from a wife and a happy smile from a child. Congratulations on International Family Day, always be healthy and happy, love and support each other - by doing this you will definitely make the world a little better!

There is a well-known proverb that it is easy to break one branch, but if they are collected in a bunch, it is hardly possible. That's how it is with family. Together it is much easier to face life’s adversities, find solutions, fight... And how sweet it is to share victories with loved ones! Today, on Family Day, please accept my sincere congratulations and wishes that peace, harmony, love, mutual assistance and understanding always reign in your family!

Real value in life these are family and friends. Congratulations on Family Day and wish you mutual understanding, happiness, bright plans and many interesting activities. May the family always be a strong rock, protection from adversity and consolation in troubles. Love, beauty, bright future, prosperity and joint development!

Dear friend! On Family Day, I wish you home comfort and warmth, may the family hearth shine with sparkles of joy and kindness. Ruddy pies on the table, tender hugs from relatives, kind words and beautiful deeds. May fidelity, love and mutual understanding accompany your family for many years to come, and may your family photo album be filled with images of the best moments!

International Day of Families is celebrated on May 15th every year. It was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993 and today is of great importance for many countries. In the post-Soviet space, it is actively celebrated in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries. Not to be confused with other Russian significant holiday– A day of family, love and fidelity. It is celebrated every year on July 8 and has church roots.

history of the holiday

The family is the most important part of the society in which a person lives, and therefore it is necessary to promote family values, rely on good relationships, on the fact that people want and know how to live together. That's why for for a long time life in society, support for a monogamous relationship has formed, which allows one to maintain the health of the offspring and survive in better conditions than alone or in a large group of people. Over the past 20 years, an institution such as the family has periodically experienced all sorts of crises.

The usual forms are disappearing, some new trends and fashion trends are appearing, so the governments of many countries and the citizens themselves are concerned about the future of the situation. These and many other issues related to the family have been discussed by UN representatives for many years. It became clear that it was necessary to attract public attention to existing problems.

Traditional family options and people's responsibility to each other should also be encouraged. That is why it was decided to make a universal, international holiday that will unite people with the same values ​​and make others think about their principles. The document stating that the family holiday will be celebrated on May 15 of each year was signed on September 20, 1993.

International Day of Families(International Day of Families) was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. It was then that the UN General Assembly proclaimed a resolution on the annual celebration of International Family Day on May 15.

The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public of countries to numerous family problems. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened.

Being one of the main institutions of society, the first stage of human socialization, the family develops and changes along with the surrounding world, responding in its own way to the demands of the time, responding to social needs and shaping them itself.

The family, as the main element of society, has been and remains the guardian of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development. Thanks to the family, the state strengthens and develops, and the well-being of the people grows.

At all times, the development of a country has been judged by the position of the family in society and in relation to it by the state.

A person’s life begins with the family; here he is formed as a citizen. After all, it is the family that welcomes the baby who is born and surrounds him with parental love, which is the solid foundation of a person entering life. In a family, a child learns to communicate, comprehends the moral standards of society, gets to know himself and the world around him. And the parents, in turn, pass on to him the memory of the family and the wisdom of generations. Therefore, it is so important that the family be a real home for every person, and every person knows that there are people in the world who will always support him in everything.

Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country.

Family is the most important social value, since each person, in addition to ethnicity or social status, is also characterized by marital status.

A family for a child is an opportunity for intellectual, emotional, mental and physical development.

For an adult, a family is a small team in which you can satisfy your needs, but you also need to fulfill the requirements.

Happy holiday you can congratulate everyone! International Family Day- a holiday of the most important values ​​of humanity: family warmth, devotion, parental love and home. Congratulations on Family Day will make this day “warmer”.

Happy International Family Day!
Smiles and sunshine to you.
Let the rays of good always
They shine in your window.

Let there be no quarrels or adversities.
Health to you, patience!
Let there be a holiday all year round
And every moment.

Make your head spin
From fabulous luck.
In your family love is alive,
And that means a lot.

Family is the guarantee that a person will not be lonely and will not be left alone with difficulties. The world around us is imperfect, but everyone knows that a kind and warm atmosphere of a family can work wonders, helps brighten up not the best moments that occur in everyone’s life, and the happiness shared with family, with beloved relatives, will be even greater, even stronger . We congratulate all families on the holiday and wish everyone to be together, not to separate, not to quarrel, to live together and happily!

Happy Family Day! This is the main miracle
Joy of life, support along the way!
May all your relatives be happy,
No one gets sick, no one is sad!
Life will be problem-free and bright,
Relatives will only make you happy!
Sweet days and selfless love
I want to wish for you!

There is no stronger union on earth than a happy and friendly family. This is the beginning of a new life, and the continuation of a wonderful family, and honoring the holiness of traditions. Family is the highest happiness that a person can create himself. Today, on International Family Day, I would like to wish: may children’s laughter be heard everywhere, and may your family be your faithful support. May you always be warmed by the warmth of love. I wish your family to be prosperous, friendly and united. Prosperity and goodness to all families!

Happy International Family Day
We congratulate you!
A union strong and in love
We wish you to live long!
Let the children of elders never
They don’t disappoint you in any way!
And dad and mom of the kids
They surround you with care!
For the heart - holiday, warmth
And joy in communication!
We wish you always with your loved ones
Be on better terms!

Without exaggeration, we can say: family is the most important thing a person is rich in. Support, rear, support, understanding. Let everyone today remember their family and friends, call, write, congratulate and rejoice at what a treasure they have. Happy International Family Day, dears!

Happy International Family Day
We congratulate the whole world,
Goodness, harmony and love
We wish everyone the families.

Let the house be a full cup
At any end of the planet,
Happy children's laughter rings out
Let it be in every house.

We wish families fidelity,
Love, warmth and light,
May every family be happy
Share with the planet.

SMS congratulations on Family Day

Family Day today in the world -
How many of you are in the family, four?
Let it quickly become ten:
More noise, din, songs!
Let the family grow, become stronger,
Never upsets!

I congratulate you on Family Day
You, my friend,
I wish that you and your husband
We missed each other
So that you are always like a magnet
We were only drawn to each other,
To pass through the years
Together - hand in hand.

On International Family Day, I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, home comfort, spiritual harmony and love! Let children and grandchildren give the warmth of their pure hearts, good hopes for the future and joy from their achievements!

On Family Day I wish you
A house full of happiness,
For eternal joy
She settled in it.
So that your children
Made you happy
Know, in the whole world
There are no happier eyes!

Happy Family Day!
Keep your hearth, cherish
With all that you have. I know,
Family is peace for the soul.

Don’t be like everyone else - make your congratulations unforgettable and unique. We suggest using the audio congratulations service to organize a small but pleasant surprise for people dear and close to you.
Such congratulations will be original and memorable, which will definitely add to the mood of the recipient. And a good mood is best gift! After all, it is with him that all the most intimate and vivid wishes and their immediate fulfillment begin!

It could be musical cheerful congratulations to the tune of a popular song or voice card with beautiful poems. A great surprise would be a congratulation on Family Day from President Putin, who will personally address him with a solemn speech and wish him all the best at work and happiness in the family.
Happy Family Day greetings to your phone you can listen and send to the recipient on a mobile or smartphone as a music or voice greeting. You can order and send a Happy Family Day greeting to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. The price of such a service is almost symbolic - $3. And is it worth counting money if we are talking about good mood and positive emotions of those who are dear to you?
Good luck to you! As a last resort, just listen to audio congratulations, fortunately it’s free!

On May 15, 2019, we send congratulations on International Family Day to our family and friends. This page of our website presents poems suitable for this occasion for International Family Day.

Congratulations in verse on International Family Day

Family is the most meaningful word.
The “seed” is heard in it - the basis of life.
The seven “I” are seven firmly connected,
And future lives are a reliable source.

Family is a joyful children's laughter.
Family is what gives us success in life!
Let relatives be each other’s support,
And may all misfortunes pass by!

Family is mom and dad,
Family is joyful laughter.
Family is the stages of childhood,
Family is the main thing in life for everyone.

Family is holidays, everyday life,
Family - when happiness cannot be counted.
Sometimes family is difficult
But it is important when it is there.

On this national holiday of family
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Let bad weather pass you by...
I wish you family happiness!

Your mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents will be pleased to receive congratulations on World Family Day. If distances separate you, you can send poems dedicated to this to your loved ones international holiday via SMS or email.

On International Family Day
Congratulations to you
With a strong union and in love
We wish you to live long!
Let the children of elders never
They don't upset you in any way,
And dad and mom of the kids
They surround you with care!
For the heart - holiday, warmth
And joy in communication!
We wish you always with your loved ones
Be on better terms!

Happy International Family Day
I want to congratulate everyone.
And I want to wish you love,
I wish you success as a family!
So that the cup is full,
There are fewer kids.
And drink the cup to the bottom
To the sound of the strongest love!

There is nothing more important in life
Relatives, your family,
Today we wish everyone
So that families take care of their own!
Love your loved ones, respect them,
Give them your warmth
Pay more attention
After all, you are so lucky to have them!

Warm words of congratulations are pleasant to send and pleasant to receive. Especially if these are beautiful and heartfelt poems for International Family Day, which will certainly find a response in the hearts of your loved ones.

International Family Day, –
There is so much meaning in this combination...
Family is like a fortress for people,
It fulfills desires.
And on this bright May day
We congratulate you on important date,
Let the hearth of love burn,
And there will be respect and prosperity in the house!

Families understand all the value,
Having learned your character for so many years,
Give a good day in the middle of May
I want one piece of advice for you:
Be gentle and patient with your neighbors,
Disregarding your ambitions -
Only then will you be happy!
Happy International Family Day!

Happy International Family Day! I wish you great family happiness, sincerity, love, tenderness, care and attention. Let the feeling of unity and cordiality always warm you in any weather, at any time of the year. Take care of each other and be happy!

There is no stronger union on earth than a happy and friendly family. This is the beginning of a new life, and the continuation of a wonderful family, and honoring the holiness of traditions. Family is the highest happiness that a person can create himself. Today, on International Family Day, I would like to wish: may children’s laughter be heard everywhere, and may your family be your faithful support. May you always be warmed by the warmth of love. I wish your family to be prosperous, friendly and united. Prosperity and goodness to all families!

Family is the most precious and valuable treasure. Therefore, on International Family Day, I wish the family to be a quiet and cozy haven. Let the support of your loved ones help you cope with any difficulties. Let there be peace and love within the family!

Without exaggeration, we can say: family is the most important thing a person is rich in. Support, rear, support, understanding. Let everyone today remember their family and friends, call, write, congratulate and rejoice at what a treasure they have. Happy International Family Day, dears!

The real value in life is family and friends. Congratulations on Family Day and wish you mutual understanding, happiness, bright plans and many interesting activities. May the family always be a strong rock, protection from adversity and consolation in troubles. Love, beauty, a good future, prosperity and joint development!

Today, on International Family Day, I want to wish you health and happiness. Let your family hearth always burn and give warmth. Mutual understanding and support, patience, strength, love and prosperous days.

On this International Family Day, I wish that only peace, harmony and mutual understanding reign in your families! Love, appreciate and protect your loved ones, because they are the most precious thing in our lives! Let incredible happiness fill your hearts!

Congratulations to everyone on International Family Day! Family is of great importance to every person. I wish every family a lot of “fuel”, the most important thing - love, warmth, trust, faith, patience, the ability to wait, forgive, create, support. Take care of each other, live in harmony!

Congratulations on International Day family and sincerely wish that loved ones and dear people are always waiting at home, that your hearth burns and warms the whole family with love, joy, harmony and the light of happiness.

There is nothing more important in this world than the unity of souls. May this holiday remind you of the importance of family ties. May everyone find endless happiness of love, devotion, care and understanding. Let the anxiety of disappointment and loneliness not touch you. Always be a part of the sunny, infinitely bright and kind words"family". Take care of each other every day and value family and marriage ties. Happy holiday!