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Development of a 5 6 year old boy. Psychology of a five-year-old child

Consultation for parents "Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age"

Age 5-6 years no- this is the eldest preschool age. It is a very important age in the development of the child’s cognitive sphere, intellectual and personal. It can be called the basic age, when many personal qualities are formed in the child, the image of “I” and gender identification are formed. At this age, children have an idea of ​​their gender identity based on significant characteristics. An important indicator of this age of 5-6 years is the child’s evaluative attitude towards himself and others. Children can be critical of some of their shortcomings, can give personal characteristics to their peers, and notice the relationship between adults or an adult and a child. 90% of all child’s personality traits are formed at the age of 5-6 years. A very important age when we can understand what a person will be like in the future.
The leading need for this age ste– the need for communication and creative activity. Children's communication is expressed in free dialogue with peers and adults, expressing their feelings and intentions through speech and non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions). Creative activity manifests itself in all types of activities; it is necessary to create conditions for the development of creative potential in children. The leading activity is a game, in play activity Children can already assign roles and build their behavior by adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech. From the age of 5, a child begins to adequately evaluate the results of his participation in competitive games. Satisfaction with the result begins to bring joy to the child, promotes emotional well-being and maintains a positive attitude towards oneself. The leading function is imagination; children’s imagination rapidly develops. Imagination is the most important mental function that underlies the success of all types creative activity person. Children need to be taught the ability to plan upcoming activities, use imagination to develop an internal plan of action, and exercise external control through speech.
At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that a child at this age remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life. IN cognitive activity The perception of color, shape and size continues to improve. Children name not only primary colors, but also their shades, and know their shapes. At this age, the child is interested in everything related to the world around him and expanding his horizons. The best way To obtain scientific information is to read a children's encyclopedia, which clearly, scientifically, in accessible language describes to the child any information about the world around him. The child will get an idea of ​​space, ancient world, the human body, animals and plants, countries, inventions and much more.
This is the period of highest opportunities for the development of all cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. For the development of all these processes it becomes more complicated game material, he becomes logical, intellectual when the child has to think and reason. The designer develops well logical thinking. The important point here is folding according to the pattern, starting with simple patterns. Cubes, various puzzles, mosaics must be laid out according to the picture, focusing on color, shape, size. IN logic games the child must see the sequence, trace the logical pattern and justify it.
Logic games also reveal the personal aspect of the preschooler. Having correctly solved the exercise, the child rejoices, feels self-confidence and the desire to win. There are children who give up, do not believe in themselves, and the task of parents is to develop in the child the desire to win. It is important that the child must know that “I can.” It is necessary to instill an interest in thinking and reasoning, finding solutions, and teach them to experience pleasure from the efforts made and the results obtained. It is important that children succeed.
The main thing in the development of children 5-6 years old is their cognitive development, broadening your horizons. And all games aimed at this will give good results. Do not answer in monosyllables - “yes” or “no”. Answer your child in detail, ask his opinion, make him think and reason. Why is it winter now? Prove it. Why can't you light a fire in the forest? Justify. Children have a lot of unconscious information in their heads; the task of adults is to help them with this.
- complete the task without distraction for 10-12 minutes, there is a transition from involuntary to voluntary attention;
- finding 5-6 differences between objects, completing tasks according to the proposed model, finding pairs of identical objects - this is concentration of attention;
- memorize 6-8 pictures within 1-2 minutes;
- recite several poems by heart;
- retell the read work close to the text;
- determine the sequence of events;
- fold the cut picture into 9 parts;
- find and explain inconsistencies in drawings;
- find and explain differences between objects and phenomena;
- find an extra one among the 4 proposed items, explain your choice.
Counting within 10, familiarization with numbers.
Correctly uses cardinal and ordinal numbers (within 10), answers the questions: “How much?” “Which one?”
Equalizes unequal groups of objects in two ways.
Compares objects (by length, width, height, thickness); verifies accuracy by specific application or application.
Expresses the location of an object in relation to itself and other objects.
Knows some characteristics familiar geometric shapes.
Calls morning, day, evening, night; has an idea of ​​the changing parts of the day.
Names the current day of the week.
Has a fairly rich vocabulary.
Can participate in conversation and express his opinion.
Makes up a story based on a plot picture, a set of pictures; consistently, without significant omissions, retells short literary works.
Determines the place of a sound in a word. Learning to read must begin with the formation of a phonemic analysis of the word.
Distinguishes and names types of transport, objects that facilitate human work in everyday life.
Classifies objects, determines the materials from which they are made.
Knows the name hometown, country, its capital, home address.
Knows about human interaction with nature in different time of the year.
Knows about the importance of the sun, air, water for humans, animals, plants.
Treats nature with care.
Knows poems, counting rhymes, riddles.
Names the genre of the work.
Dramatizes short fairy tales, reads poems based on roles.
Names a favorite children's author, favorite fairy tales and stories.
IN visual arts 5 – 6 summer child can freely depict objects round, oval, rectangular shape, usually drawings are schematic images of various objects; children love to draw and sculpt. Children successfully cope with cutting out rectangular and round objects; the ability to cut along a contour is one of the indicators of readiness for school.
In the development of the emotional sphere it is necessary to form a positive emotional attitude to yourself and your name, to your family members, to your friends, to teach children to empathize, to help as much as possible, to take care of the younger ones. The child can voluntarily control his behavior, as well as the processes of attention and memory, and emotional reactions.
Parents MUST be an example for their children. If the parents convey positive information, if the child is good at heart, there is no fear, resentment, or anxiety, then any information (personal and intellectual) can be instilled in the child.

Parents want to raise their sons to be real men, strong and courageous. However, the psychology of raising a 5-year-old boy is a real art. Age is ideal for absorbing important, useful things for life. Boys are already developing their own stereotype of behavior; parents will have to make a lot of effort.

How to raise a 5 year old boy?

Parents need to remember that raising a 5-year-old boy is constant, continuous work. By this age, the child already understands a lot, distinguishes clothes, intonation of voice, and manner of behavior. He develops his own opinion, which often does not coincide with the opinion of his parents.

How to properly raise a 5 year old boy? Start establishing close, trusting contact. Its presence will help to understand the child, his desires, fears and thoughts. Parents become friends of the growing child, gradually building the right relationship. Teach your son good manners. He is already going to kindergarten, teach him to help girls, teachers, and elderly people.

Responsibility and communication. The ability to behave in society, to help people, will help in the future adult life. Trust your sons with household chores. Let there be one simple task, for example, watering the flowers, but it is regular and obligatory. In this way we instill responsibility.

Punishments. Minimize punishments and, if possible, eliminate them altogether. At this age, children protest and this can have a negative impact on behavior. Talk, explain why you can’t do certain things.

Mugs. A wonderful age to send your son to the section. Ask what he wants to do, offer your options. Physical exercise, creativity should accompany the upbringing of a 5-year-old child constantly.

Practical advice for raising a 5 year old boy:

  • surround with care. Dad primarily pays attention to his son at this age. So, he will grow up self-confident, sociable, kind;
  • buy toys suitable for male professions. It's time for a set of tools, fire trucks, airplanes. IN game form talk about the importance of professions;
  • develop masculine qualities, kindness, responsiveness. Prepare from an early age for adulthood, family life. If a child has fears, try to help get rid of them;
  • Watch for signs of aggression. Play calm games together; aggression is often caused by a lack of attention from parents.

In fact, it is not difficult to raise a 5 year old boy. The main thing is not to forget to give him enough attention and show him your love. Basically, raising a 5-year-old son falls on the shoulders of the mother, but the father definitely needs to participate and show care. It is enough for dad to set aside a couple of hours for games and communication with his son alone.

The father needs to actively participate in raising the boy so that the child grows up sociable and self-confident. At this age, it is recommended to start getting acquainted with working equipment: screwdriver, hammer, pliers. The child will begin to help his dad with interest, feeling like an adult man.

Something to remember about dolls. Boys are curious about changing clothes, bathing, and putting the doll to sleep. As a result, boys develop an affectionate and caring attitude towards young children and the ability to be attentive fathers is formed.

Sex education for a 5 year old boy

The time comes and children become independent. Sex education for a 5-year-old boy plays an important role in his development as a person. At this time, children become aware of the differences between boys and girls based on gender. Sons want to be like their dad and are waiting for the moment of growing up.

The question of where babies come from worries children, they are interested in it. It is difficult for parents to find the right words and instructions. Prepare to answer questions, stock up on knowledge about anatomy and physiology. Don't be embarrassed, the baby can feel it in his voice.

IN this moment Correctly answer all questions that are interesting to the child. To make the task easier, purchase books for children and parents, in which answers to tricky questions are written in simple language. Teach your son to perform hygienic daily procedures. The child will learn to wash himself, become familiar with the naked body, and will not be embarrassed as he grows up.

About the birth of children, talk about the love between a man and a woman, and then about the birth of a baby. The more fabulous and less realistic the story, the better. The answers are simple and clear. Don't read medical books to children, they won't understand them. A boy's sex education falls entirely on the father. On a subconscious level, father and son understand each other, and this also contributes to the development of trusting relationships. In the future, the boy will share his thoughts and problems.

During stories, avoid topics of violence. Warn about this, but don't intimidate. It’s also too early to talk about sex at this age. There are enough stories about men being the protectors of girls. A warm, friendly atmosphere in the family will help to raise a real man. Children are guided by the relationship between their parents, often copying their behavior in the future.

Education is not about restrictions and prohibitions. First of all, it is a manifestation of love and trust. Parents must not forget that the boy will have his own opinion even at this age. He needs to be put on the right path by giving advice.

You should be taught to treat girls gallantly. Boys need to understand that they are protectors of girls, help them, take care of them. This attitude must be demonstrated to dad in communication with mom, grandmother and other representatives of the fairer sex.

Advice from a psychologist on raising a 5-year-old boy

At the age of 4-5 years, children develop rapidly. Their perception of the world and imagination become more complex, attention and intelligence improve, and behavior changes. At this stage, when the boy has already grown up and does not require such care as at the age of one or two years, some parents begin to devote less time to upbringing.

However, if you want your child to develop harmoniously, learn the correct norms of behavior and later be successful in school, this should under no circumstances be done.

It is necessary to raise a five-year-old boy, first of all, by helping him to assimilate the main moral values ​​and acquire the necessary life abilities and skills.

To do this, you need to constantly communicate with your son: pay attention to different situations happening before your eyes. For example, when you see boys fighting in the yard, you need to draw your son’s attention to it and express your attitude towards this action. You can explain to your child that a fight is not a way to resolve disagreements; everything can be settled peacefully.

There is another option: ask your son what he would do if he found himself in such a situation. This develops the child’s ability to think and analyze and allows him to gain his first life experience.

All tips for raising five-year-old boys can be boiled down to the following:

  • help your child explore the world and develop, talk to him, answer his questions, teach him the norms of communication in society;
  • start cultivating a masculine character in your son: let him communicate more with his dad, watch him, help with various household chores;
  • play various educational games together, start preparing for school: learn to read and count;
  • develop activity and endurance in your child: go for walks with your son, let him run around outside (on the playground), communicate with peers - this will help direct his energy into games, not pampering;
  • maintain the desire to contact girls;
  • to develop skills and abilities that will be useful to the boy at school. Instill a love of knowledge so that the child looks forward to going to school.

It is also important not to forget to surround the child with love and care, but the main thing is not to overdo it with care. Follow the recommendations given in the article, and the little boy will grow into a real well-mannered man.

The psychology of boys at the age of five involves the formation in them of basic character traits that they will carry throughout their lives. Therefore, it is important at this time to begin to cultivate masculine qualities in your son: courage, endurance, self-confidence.

Raising a five-year-old boy includes active games, communication with peers playground and in kindergarten. It is recommended to buy games for boys for your son: guns, cars, construction sets; tell him about different male professions: policeman, fireman.

How to properly shape a child’s behavior

Raising children aged 5-6 years involves some difficulties. A turning point in character and awareness of oneself as an individual in society, awareness of one’s own (albeit still small) capabilities, preparation for school - all this perfectly reflects key points in the lives of parents and their children at that age.

The most difficult thing when raising children is always the distribution of time between the attention provided to them and other parental (and not only) responsibilities. Moreover, most parents send their child to kindergarten, where the children are looked after, but not always educated and invested in anything.

At age 5 or 6 no big difference in raising a boy or girl. Of course, boys at this age are more energetic, and girls are more diligent, but the main points of parenting psychology are suitable for both sexes.

Passion for computer games

Nowadays, many parents complain about their children’s excessive passion for computer games, which seem to zombify and hypnotize children. Tantrums associated with time limits with such games are almost inevitable for any family. To create interesting versions, computer game developers invite not only designers and artists, but also psychologists who know how to attract the attention of a child, and sometimes even an adult, for a very long time.

The unprotected psyche of a child is not able to withstand the pressure of the tempting computer industry. Therefore, the playing time must be limited. Give them no more than 30-60 minutes a day.

It’s also worth taking care of the content of the games themselves. Computer games can be both harmful and age-inappropriate, as well as moderately useful. Today, by going to the Internet, you can find a wide variety of online children's computer games, where kids can learn reading, counting, foreign languages, logic, etc. Such games for children will still remain not something intense and formative for the psyche, but a pleasant learning option that makes life a little easier for parents. But shooting games and other aggressive games can infect children with their aggressiveness. Not to mention the overturning corpses, tons of meat, disgusting mutants, etc.

Preparing a child for school

Another important point that you should definitely pay attention to is preparation for school. Kids cannot yet do the same thing for a long time, but if they are not taught to sit at the table for at least an hour now, then at school they will suffer even more.

Today, when entering school, teachers require certain skills and abilities. The situation when a child will not be accepted into school due to their absence must be excluded, and for this you just need to sit down and study.

You should start by studying individual letters, memorizing the sequence of letters in the Russian alphabet, then smoothly move on to reading syllables (you should also not forget about writing letters), and then words with sentences.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to get your child to study. Especially considering that children do not succeed in everything right away. And at the age of 5-6 years, children are accustomed to doing only what is given right away. At this stage, it is worth explaining to the child that only hard work and training can achieve the desired result.

Raising a child by example

Of course, raising children cannot be limited to just games and learning. Walking down the street with children, parents' stories about their childhood and what and how is happening in the world are also necessary for every child.

Children at this age very carefully observe the behavior of their parents, so it is always worth thinking about what example we are setting for them in this or that situation.

A visit with mom and dad to the zoo, cinema, circus, or even just a park can leave a vivid impression on a child for the rest of his life. Think back to yourself at that age, and you will probably have some memories of spending time with your parents. Such contacts with children are necessary for normal personality development. A child should feel calm and confident in life, and for this he often looks at his parents and navigates the environment around him by them.

It is at this age that he is already more clearly trying to say the word “no”. It may even happen that he will do what he decided, not looking at the opinion of his parents, but observing their reaction. In such cases, you should consider what to do for each specific situation separately.

Ideal option It will happen if a trusting relationship develops between the child and the parents, and not a relationship like “I am the parent, and you are still small and stupid.” It is important to find that golden mean when the child can be independent to the extent that you allow him.

At the moment, the growing child is still quite dependent on his parents, but at the age of 15, when teenage character breakdown begins, the situation will change greatly, and only with the help of a trusting relationship will it be possible to find out what and how is happening with the child.

Energy of a 5-6 year old child

Energy release is a topic that would deserve a whole separate article. Every person needs a release of energy, and a 5-6 year old child needs this several times more. If he does not spend it somewhere where he can, he may behave far from in the best possible way: jumping on sofas, rushing along the corridor from side to side, fighting with parents, etc. To avoid such unpleasant situations, the easiest way is to sign your child up, for example, for swimming or football. Any outdoor games and activities will help him waste his excess physical strength, of which children actually have more. Outdoor games with parents can also become one of the very good attractive and useful options solutions to this problem.

But the most important condition for upbringing, in which children will grow up and be happy, is parental love. If you have the opportunity and an extra minute, never neglect it - hug your baby and let him feel how much you love him.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

It seems that the crisis is 3 years behind us, and the baby has already gotten used to kindergarten - it would seem that parents can exhale and relax. But preparation for school is already looming on the horizon and a new wave of tasks for the education and development of your child appears.

How does raising a 5-year-old child differ from previous periods? How can we help develop the abilities needed to be successful in school? How to interact with your child during this period?

Important tasks of raising a child

  • develop communication skills;
  • instill norms and rules of behavior in society;
  • promote the development of self-control in behavior;
  • develop mental abilities and thirst for knowledge;
  • notice in time the child’s interests and inclinations for one or another activity in order to help him develop his talent;
  • find a middle ground between playing and time for learning activities;
  • Raising a 4-year-old child should still be filled with your care and love for him, because he spends a lot of time in kindergarten and clearly does not get enough attention.

Problems in raising a 4-5 year old child

At this age stage, difficulties in parenting may arise due to a prolonged crisis of 3 years. And what hinders its resolution is usually incorrectly chosen methods of interaction with the child, numerous prohibitions and punishments, suppression of the child’s will and inability to understand his needs and needs in time. real reasons behavior.

Some parents do not take into account the needs of their children that have changed with age and continue to communicate with them at the same level, trying to engage them in the same activities as before, although the child may no longer be interested in them. This position is unfavorable for child development and learning new skills. Therefore, adults should be very sensitive to the preferences of their child in order to understand what can interest him.

If parents contributed to the development of the child’s independence and gently guided his actions, then there will be significantly fewer problems in raising a child at the age of 4-5 years and in the future.

Features of development of children 4-5 years old

  1. It is developing more actively than before fine motor skills, the child more skillfully uses pencils, brushes, pens and other accessories for creative and educational activities.
  2. The child plays a lot of time with his peers and communicates with them.
  3. Strong cognitive interest develops. The kid strives to find out everything and asks a lot of questions to adults. He actively absorbs new information.
  4. The child controls his body well and coordinates movements.
  5. At this age, children practically no longer need daytime sleep. In kindergarten this remains a necessity, and they obey those requirements. But at home, most children no longer sleep during the day.
  6. A 4-5 year old child knows the basic geometric figures, numbers from 0 to 9, assembles simple puzzles, finds similarities and differences between two objects, names a group of objects with a general word, knows the main professions, knows how to ask questions correctly, can retell the content of a fairy tale or recite a simple poem by heart, knows how to accurately color pictures.

Differences in the behavior and upbringing of boys and girls

At the age of 5 years, there are some differences in the behavior and upbringing of boys and girls.

Games and toys for 4-5 years old

Involve children of this age in outdoor games, including sports, role-playing games and board games at home. Various construction sets, puzzles, blocks for learning to read, dolls and cars of different brands.

Coloring books and art kits, of which there are a lot on sale now, will also delight the child. A bicycle, scooter, skates, skis are very useful acquisitions for active recreation. And, of course, don’t forget to read books together every day, discuss their contents, retell them, and learn poems.

Even though your baby is becoming less impulsive and his learning abilities are increasing every day, he is still a child who needs play, activity and your attention. Remember that you cannot take his childhood away from him ahead of time.

10 minutes to read.

If you are a parent of five year old child, then ask yourself, how is your relationship with him? Do you always understand him, are you interested in what worries the baby? After all, adults often show respect and attention to other people, but cannot build a trusting relationship with their child. To understand how to find the right approach to a five-year-old little man, you first need to delve into psychological characteristics development of children during this period.

Children aged 5 are very curious

Psychology of a child at the age of five

This stage in a child’s life is usually characterized as transitional: from early childhood to the status of a preschooler. There is active development and knowledge of the surrounding world. Children at the age of five overcome a certain turning point; they become aware of themselves as individuals in a social environment, their qualities and capabilities. They are more sensitive to how others treat themselves. All this suggests that the little person is developing his own self-esteem. What it will be like depends on many factors, but first of all on what he receives from the world around him. Especially from communicating with adults.

Communication with parents is an important factor psychological development

Advice: you should pay attention to your behavior as a parent, because the child very actively copies it. Examples of close relatives (brothers, sisters) also have an influence in this regard.

Psychological tests for 5 years

By nature, any child wants to be good, to be appreciated and praised. Therefore, it is extremely important to support this desire both for parents and other adults (grandparents, teachers). If a child does a positive thing, it is definitely worth celebrating. But the main thing here is to indicate what exactly you are praising him for. The child must understand that doing this is good and repeat his actions in the future.

Emotional and cognitive aspects of development

At age five, continues to develop and mature steadily emotional sphere. You may notice that your baby's feelings become deeper. If before he experienced rather simply the joy of communication, now this is expressed in a more complex form: sympathy and affection. And from here such moral concepts as friendship, sensitivity, kindness, and, over time, a sense of duty take their roots.

The child also shows the ability to think. However, he may not always come to the right conclusions.

Emotional development children 5 years old

Then follow this advice: parents should respect the baby’s first conclusions and unobtrusively correct them if necessary.

The age of why is 5-6 years

Communication skills of five-year-old children

The child shows increasing interest in children of approximately the same age. And from habitual communication only in the family, he increasingly moves on to broader relationships with the outside world.

Often a preschooler in this period divides children into “good” and “bad.”

But in this way he evaluates them based on the opinions of adults. Kids can be friends, quarrel, be offended, seek reconciliation, even be jealous, but they also help each other. The child has an increasing need for recognition of himself as an individual and respect among other peers.

Communication with peers is an important component of development

Due to the fact that in children of five years of age, cognitive interest predominates when communicating with adults, a lot of questions that they ask are inevitable. More often in the character of “why”. This happens because it is the adult who is the indisputable authority, the source of knowledge.

Helpful advice: it is important to listen to the child, because no one else but the parents can clearly explain to the child everything that worries him and replenish his knowledge.

Strong-willed qualities and focus develop. With their help, children can overcome certain difficulties that arise at this age. But along with active independence in the spirit of “I do it myself,” children are often overtaken by failures, discouraging them at the same time. And if there are a lot of mistakes, this can subsequently lead to a feeling of insecurity.

Parents should pay attention to the physical development of children

How to build trust with your child

In fact, no special knowledge or action is required in this matter. The main thing is to always put yourself in your child’s shoes, strive to imagine the world as he sees it. And then it will be much easier to understand what your baby wants and how exactly you can help him. It’s clear that adults don’t really remember what they were like at five years old, but something remains in their memory. It would be good to sometimes remember and ask yourself questions: “How did I behave at this age? what I liked, etc.” Simply put, look at the world through a child's eyes.

Curiosity at 5 years old is the basis of intellectual development

The relationship between parents and children is, so to speak, a whole field for the development of skills such as care, help, respect. A five-year-old child is susceptible not only to memorizing rhymes, numbers, and letters. You can really talk to him, even about love. Just try, sometimes you can hear the amazing truth that adults are afraid to tell themselves. But more often in society it is understood this way: what can a child of five know?

Comparison with other children is unacceptable

To understand how to establish a relationship with a child and trust each other, you need to remember some things and adhere to simple rules in everyday communication.

Principles of the correct approach to a child at the age of five

Agree that even an adult will be pleased when someone comes up to him after a hard day at work, asks “how are you?”, hugs him, warms him up kind words. It’s the same with children. Just talk to them in a friendly way, ask how their day was, what was new in the garden, or maybe ask deeper questions about what worries them.

Important advice: if you do this sincerely, with love, the child will definitely open up and answer you.

  • Watch the tone in which you speak to your son or daughter. The speech should be friendly and encouraging. Even if the baby has upset you with something, you can clarify the situation in a calm tone, without shouting. It is easier for five-year-old children to respond when there is no pressure on them, but when they try to understand why they did what they did. If you explain something to a child, do it as simply as possible, in a language he understands. Accessible, clear and unambiguous.
  • Always listen to your child. Do this carefully, do not try to interrupt, even if he says something that is not entirely logical. You can carefully correct what was said after the child has finished speaking. And then he will definitely take this into account.
  • Set clear boundaries in your child’s behavior, but in accordance with his age characteristics. It is important that he understands: if certain things cannot be done, then this rule does not change.

Advice: here it is important not to give slack to the adult himself. If you say that there is enough candy for today, and then you give out more, then the child will not have a stable concept, and when it is really impossible, a feeling of permissiveness will develop. Children actually love boundaries and rules.

  • In a relationship with five year old show maximum patience. After all, often children themselves do not know what they want and why this happens to them. They are still learning this skill of understanding themselves. And it’s normal that a child may take longer to get dressed, clean, and walk than you want. Who would like being constantly pulled back and rushed?
  • It's good when parents encourage their children's curiosity. Naturally, a 5-year-old child asks a lot of questions. There is one caveat here. The kid definitely wants an answer. And how he recognizes it directly depends on the adult. Try to become the main source of correct information for him at this age. You don’t need to have special erudition to do this. Advice to parents: if you don’t know what to answer to your child, suggest looking for it together in a book or at least on the Internet. But be sure to find the answer, otherwise he may find it elsewhere. And there are no guarantees that this information will be correct.
  • Pay attention to what your child is interested in. Try to grasp what he is drawn to and develop these abilities. You can, of course, try different areas of hobbies, and then gradually determine what your child likes more: singing or drawing, English language or skates. The child must preserve his originality. Parents should not force his interests on him.

Development of abilities and learning - preparation for school
  • Be a positive example for your child. It’s not without reason that they say that children are a mirror of their parents. At this age, they grasp everything instantly, both good and bad. So watch your words, emotions, actions. But if you made a mistake in the presence of a child, then you need to explain that adults can make mistakes too.
  • Never, under any circumstances, compare your child to others. This factor greatly affects his self-esteem. You should also not constantly criticize and scold your child, especially in front of other people. It is better to talk through the situation in a calm state. At the same time, you should look directly into the baby’s eyes, but with an understanding look.
  • Do not demand or expect from your child what he is not able to do at his age. Everything should be in moderation, including the number of rules and restrictions. When there are too many of them, he may stop noticing them.

Educational games are very important point in development

And the last point is highlighted separately. These are games

You should play kind, educational games with kids. And it is best to build a relationship with a five-year-old child in this form. This means that the baby needs to be captivated by one activity or another: turn cleaning into a fun competition to see who can put the cubes together faster; You can also turn cooking into a game, sew an apron for your child, and your baby will become your assistant in the kitchen.

Joint games will help parents better understand their children

You also need to participate in the children's games themselves. Just do it from the heart, with love, to be imbued with this process. Then the child will really be interested in his parents. And this is also the key to a good relationship with your own baby. Remember that you and your child should enjoy communication. If so, then you are on the right track!