Health Pregnancy beauty

Child development at 14 weeks. Photo of the fetus, ultrasound, photo of the woman’s abdomen and video

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 20 minutes


Second trimester starts this week, and you get closer to meeting your baby. This trimester is the most pleasant period of the entire pregnancy. Your well-being improves, and with it your self-confidence. While your baby is growing rapidly, you can lead a more relaxed lifestyle. At week 14, you will not yet feel the baby’s first movements, but very soon (at week 16) you will move to a new level of communication with your baby.

What does 14 weeks mean?
This means you are on 14 obstetric week. This - 12 week from conception and from the beginning of the delay.

Mother's feelings at 14 weeks of pregnancy

  • The nausea goes away and appetite returns;
  • You perceive smells and tastes that previously annoyed you more calmly;
  • A vertical dark stripe appears on the abdomen, which will disappear only after childbirth;
  • Now the blood circulation has increased and thereby puts more strain on the heart and lungs. Shortness of breath and discomfort in the heart area may occur..
  • The chest and abdomen are rounded and enlarged;
  • Due to the enlargement of the uterus, discomfort may appear in the lower abdomen. But this will pass in a couple of weeks;
  • The uterus becomes the size of a grapefruit, and you can feel it.

Forums: What women write about their well-being


Finally felt like a human. I couldn’t stop eating or drinking for a whole month! And now I’m eating off during this period! I feel great.


I was very surprised to hear that I was pregnant. I am 35 years old and this is my second pregnancy. I only found out a week ago and when I heard the deadline, I was horrified. How could I not notice? My son is already 8 years old, I even had my period, although not as usual... I’m shocked. It's good that I don't smoke or drink. True, I took analgin several times, but the doctor says that all this is nothing. Now I'm going for an ultrasound.


And just this week I told my husband that I’m pregnant. We had a miscarriage before, and I didn’t want to tell him. Now they say that everything is fine with me, I decided to make me happy. And he even cried with joy.


Second pregnancy, nothing happens. Somehow everything is smooth and relaxed. No special sensations, everything is as always.


And at this time I got married. Of course, everyone was sure that I was pregnant. But when I came out in a tight dress, and all my bones were sticking out, everyone doubted me. I drank apple juice that was in a bottle of champagne, my husband for company. I'm due to give birth in a week, and my tummy looks like after a hearty lunch. They say that this is normal for my height, 186 cm.

Fetal development at 14 weeks

At the 14th week, the baby occupies the entire uterine cavity and rises higher. The tummy protrudes like a slide. The nausea should finally go away this week.

The length (height) of your baby from crown to rump is 12-14 cm, and weight is approximately 30-50 g.

  • The placenta is already formed, now your baby and placenta are one;
  • Hormones of the thyroid and pancreas begin to be produced. A the liver secretes bile;
  • A pattern is formed on the fingertips - fingerprint;
  • This week will be formed baby tooth buds;
  • Facial features become rounder. Cheeks, forehead and nose protrude slightly forward;
  • Right now hairs appear on the skin and head, and sweat glands are formed;
  • The skin of the fetus is very delicate, transparent and “wrinkled” because it forms folds. All blood vessels are visible through it, and therefore it appears bright red;
  • He learning to go to the toilet, because The kidneys and ureters begin to work. His urine enters the amniotic fluid;
  • The bone marrow begins to produce blood cells;
  • Boys develop prostates, girls develop ovaries descend from the abdominal cavity into the hip region;
  • Now the baby is already grimacing, sucking his thumb, yawning and can straighten his neck;
  • Baby begins to see and hear. If your stomach is illuminated by a bright lamp or you listen to loud music, then it begins to move more actively.

Photo of the fetus, ultrasound, photo of the woman’s abdomen and video

Ultrasound at 14 weeks

This is what a woman's belly looks like at 14 weeks

This is what the fetus looks like at 14 weeks

Video 14th week of pregnancy.

  • Definitely;
  • Do pregnancy exercises regularly;
  • If desired and possible, sign up for courses for expectant mothers; ideally, you should attend them with the expectant father;
  • It's time to buy a good breast support;
  • Now that toxicosis has subsided, it’s time to diversify your diet;
  • To prevent constipation, it is necessary to drink enough water and eat foods rich in fiber;
  • Take a special complex of vitamins for expectant mothers;
  • Give up bad habits(if you haven't done so already);
  • Eat rationally and watch your weight;
  • During this period you especially need iron, include foods rich in iron in your diet;
  • Also don't neglect fermented milk products, products with live lacto and bifidocultures are especially useful;
  • At the antenatal clinic you may be offered to undergo an ultrasound. Don't worry, the baby is fine, usually pathologies appear in the first weeks and lead to miscarriage. In your case the probability is negligible;
  • Read more books, which carry a positive charge, and communicate with pleasant people. It is especially interesting and useful to read during this period. It is very important for your baby to feel that the world he will soon enter is friendly towards him;
  • Avoid stress, don't get irritated, get rid of fears. It even depends on what signals the child received during pregnancy whether he will subsequently be an optimist or a pessimist, soft or aggressive. Scientists also discovered an inverse relationship: the baby's mood is also transmitted to the mother, this is precisely what explains the increased sensitivity of pregnant women that occurs in them strange desires, quirks and fantasies;
  • Traveling by bus is perfectly acceptable for an expectant mother, as long as you sit and not stand. But still try not to use public transport during peak hours;
  • On the one hand, driving your own car is more pleasant than using stuffy city transport. On the other hand, in a crowd a pregnant woman may be noticed and missed, but on the road they are unlikely to be treated with leniency. Before you get behind the wheel, adjust the backrest and seat of the chair so that you sit upright without rounding your back, and place a pillow under your lower back. Spread your knees slightly to the sides. They should be slightly above the pelvis. When fastening your seat belt, protect your stomach from above and below. When driving, keep your shoulders down and relaxed;
  • In the car, do not open the windows so that you do not have to breathe polluted air. Use air conditioning, but direct the air flow away from you.
  • Expectant fathers often find it difficult to decide how involved they should be in expecting their baby. Avoid extremes. If the husband does not “notice” the pregnancy, does not express interest, almost does not ask questions about health and visiting the doctor, then this greatly offends his wife;
  • And there are husbands who strive to control every step. Often such “attention” from a man is too intrusive and can also be unpleasant for the expectant mother;
  • Therefore, it is worth sticking to the “golden mean”. You don't have to go to the doctor together every time, but you should always ask how the visit went. It is important for a woman that it was the man who showed interest in this;
  • Read books and magazines about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting together.

The most detailed pregnancy calendar by week

The first trimester is behind us, and we're already 14 weeks pregnant, the beginning of your baby's second important period of growth. You can exhale, as the second trimester is considered the most comfortable. Toxicosis, anxiety and hormonal imbalance are left behind, it’s time to enjoy your pregnancy and, perhaps, even feel the first movements of the little man.

It remains to find out in more detail what happens to your body at 14 weeks of pregnancy and what your baby already looks like.

Pregnancy 14 weeks

Your feelings at 14 weeks of pregnancy can be described in one word - peace. The calmest period has begun - the second trimester, the tummy is just beginning to round out, and it absolutely does not interfere with maintaining a full-fledged healthy image life.

There is also a medical explanation for the state of euphoria. At week 14, your body is controlled by the hormone cortisol, which protects you from stress and negative environmental influences. And if you are calm, then it’s good for the baby too.

The second hormone, which dominates at week 14, prolactin, will make itself felt visually by an increase in breast volume, and on a sensory level it forms an attachment to the baby. By the way, it is the increase in breast size that often reveals an interesting position, so it’s time to show your cards.

If you have not gained or even lost weight over the previous 13 weeks, then starting from week 14 you can immediately gain 2 kg, your appetite contributes to this.

Baby development at 14 weeks

To visualize the size of your baby at 14 weeks of development, pick up a medium lemon. Baby move on
t is in an active stage of growth, and can already do a lot.

  1. Options;
  • The baby's growth at 14 weeks is up to 10 cm with 40 grams of weight;
  • The general structure of the body is like that of a full-term child, only the slimness is off the charts, because fat cells will begin to form later, and the proportions are somewhat different: the legs are short, but the arms gradually lengthen, there are joints, and hardening of the cartilages is observed;
  • The baby's face is formed, ears and neck are visible;
  • The baby’s heart beats actively: up to 180 beats per minute.
  1. Movements;
  • At 14 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development enters the active stage. He can move, pushing off from the abdominal wall, clench and unclench his fists, make grimaces and may frown;
  • If this is not your first pregnancy, then it is probably at the 14th week that you will feel this activity of the child, similar to the swimming of a fish;
  • Your attending physician will also be able to assess the baby’s mobility: when he listens to the abdomen, the little athlete may run away from touch.
  1. Internal organs;
  • During this period, the baby’s first ribs and joints form and the cartilage gradually ossifies, but the bones of the skull still remain soft, their time will come in the postnatal period;
  • The diaphragm is activated, so far only for swallowing movements.
  1. Organs of touch;
  • Talk to your baby, at 14 weeks he can already hear you and can distinguish between his own voices and the voices of strangers;
  • Also, during this period, your baby’s taste buds are formed, so when you indulge in salty or peppery foods, your baby gets a bitter taste. amniotic fluid. The fact that the latter is not to his taste is proven by weak swallowing activity; for comparison, studies of the baby’s activity after a sweet snack from the mother are taken;
  • But, despite the formed organs of vision, the child is still in no hurry to open his eyes.
  1. Genitals;
  • Even though the baby has already formed ovaries or a prostate, it will not yet be possible to find out the gender of the one who lives in your tummy at 14 weeks of pregnancy. But whoever it is, he already knows how to write, since at 14 weeks the genitourinary system is fully formed.
  1. Hair.
  • In addition to fine hairs throughout the body, at week 14 your baby will develop eyebrows and eyelashes, and the hairs on the head will become thicker and denser.
  1. Circulatory system.
  • At the beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you can determine the Rh and blood type of your baby.

A baby at 14 weeks of pregnancy is an already formed little person, with his own preferences and desires. All his emotions are visible on his face, and in a few weeks he will announce them with hard fists and you can already feel them.

Mom's well-being

You have already felt general relief as soon as you reach the 14th week of pregnancy. Your tummy begins to round, your chest begins to fill out, and you want to take a walk and sleep at the same time. You really need to walk more, the main thing is to switch to comfortable shoes at a steady pace, and the heels need to be hidden, for 26 weeks.

Uterus size

At 14 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is about 10 cm, there should be plenty of space for the baby, so at 14 weeks the size of your uterus will increase significantly and rise closer to the navel. You can feel it by simply placing your palm on your stomach. The uterus at the 14th week of pregnancy will be 12 cm high.

Pain at 14 weeks

Yes, week 14 brought you relief from morning sickness and dizziness, but it is wrong to assure you that there will be no other troubles. Your back may become noticeable or migraines may appear.

  1. Back pain. If you love heels, then most likely your back will make itself felt during pregnancy. The extra pounds also make themselves felt: at week 14, the belly grows, the center of gravity shifts, and the load on the back increases. As an option, wear a special support bandage and completely change your wardrobe and shoes to high-quality and comfortable things (read the article on the topic: Back pain during pregnancy >>>);
  2. Headache. Pregnancy is not a disease, but it still requires special attention to your health. Even your work schedule needs to be adjusted so that you can satisfy your hunger at any time or even sit in silence for 5 minutes. Overwork, noisy and closed rooms, fasting and a busy schedule are not the best companions for you at week 14;

All of the above can trigger migraines, which will be extremely difficult to combat. You should say no to medications at week 14, but rest, temple massage, and mint tea will help relieve headaches. Among the acceptable pharmaceuticals– Paracetamol and No-shpa, but be sure to pay attention to individual contraindications.

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen. The problem of abdominal pain at 14 weeks of pregnancy is quite common. The main thing is to distinguish between acceptable and dangerous pain.
  • If the nature of the sensations is tolerable, barely noticeable, then most likely we are talking about stretching of the muscles that hold the enlarging uterus;
  • Another thing is throbbing, increasing pain or reflex pain that occurs unexpectedly, to which discharge or lumbar pain is added. In this case, the uterus becomes toned, which is unacceptable for the 14th week of pregnancy and threatens miscarriage. Even fetal freezing is possible.

Bleeding. Discharge

There may be discharge at the 14th week of pregnancy, but its amount should be moderate, and there should be no smell or color. All other characteristics indicate deviations:

  1. A cheesy white discharge is a sign of thrush. They cannot be left unattended, as the disease can progress to an advanced stage or weaken the body before other infections. To learn how to deal with thrush, read the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Yellow discharge with purulent patches is an inflammatory process that cannot be avoided without the help of specialists;
  3. Blood impurities that turn into bleeding are a dangerous signal of an incipient miscarriage or fetal death;
  4. If you notice brown discharge at 14 weeks of pregnancy after examining a gynecologist, but there is no pain in the lower abdomen, this is a sign of erosion (read more in the article: Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>). You can carry out a course of treatment with acceptable drugs, for example Hexicon suppositories, or turn to traditional medicine.

Please note that even clear discharge in large quantities is a reason to make an appointment. Possible leakage amniotic fluid.

Feelings at 14 weeks

Calmness, tranquility and love for your unborn baby are your main feelings at the 14th week of pregnancy. To this may be added a desire to improve apartment conditions and start renovations. This desire can be compared to the instinct of “nesting” in birds in the spring.

Against the background of psychological balance, you may experience some physiological troubles. These include pain in the back and lower abdomen, migraines, and a lack of vitamins.

  • Nails break and hair falls out en masse - you have a lack of Calcium and vitamin A;
  • Gum problems - add vitamin C;
  • Vitamin C will also help your immune system resist diseases;
  • If cramps appear, you need Magnesium. By the way, cramps are quite common companions of pregnant women. Find out what to do if you are accompanied by this unpleasant symptom from the article Leg Cramps During Pregnancy >>>

In addition, your skin may develop birthmarks and papillomas. The latter are preceded by a weakening of the immune system and the triumph of the papillomavirus. Take vitamins immediately and start treatment after birth.

Among the pleasant sensations is the movement of the baby at 14 weeks of pregnancy. The first kicks of a baby are similar to the churning in the stomach or the swimming of a fish, but this is how your little person makes himself known.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

Cold at 14 weeks of pregnancy

Although it is believed that at 14 weeks your baby is well protected by the placental barrier from external influences, there is still a risk of intrauterine infection. If you are sick, and your temperature has risen above 38 and does not go down after taking Paracetamol, you should definitely see a therapist.

Important! Please note that the list of approved drugs expands significantly from week 14; you can even resort to antibiotics as prescribed by a specialist.


Any disease can be dangerous for your baby, so treatment must be timely and, most importantly, correct. Heat body at 14 weeks of pregnancy can negatively affect the functionality of the placenta, lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus, a decrease in the protective function of the placenta and infection of the fetus.

Alcohol at 14 weeks

Alcohol, like other bad habits, is prohibited at week 14. Drinking alcoholic beverages can inhibit the development of the fetus and lead to disruption in the formation skeletal system. In addition, ethanol enters the amniotic fluid, which the baby has already learned to swallow, and, consequently, alcohol poisons his internal organs from the inside.


Sex at 14 weeks of pregnancy is not only not prohibited, but even encouraged. This is facilitated by how your psychological condition calmness and relaxation, and increased sensitivity, especially in the chest area.

Your figure at 14 weeks of pregnancy is charming: your breasts have increased, your tummy has just begun to round, your movements are light and measured. At this stage of pregnancy, you should choose safe positions: on your side or woman on top. This will relieve pressure on your tummy.

Examination of mother and child

  1. Usually by this time most women have already registered with the antenatal clinic, and once a month they are examined by an obstetrician and take urine tests.
  2. An ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy is no longer prescribed, since the best time for it is 11-12 weeks. You need to pass general analysis blood and urine, see a therapist, ophthalmologist and dentist, and also take a test for the hCG hormone, which can identify or exclude a congenital chromosomal abnormality of the fetus.
  3. As for a urine test, you will be given one before each appointment to monitor your kidney function;
  4. A blood test is performed less frequently; its main task is to exclude inflammatory processes and monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If you have a negative Rh blood test, you will be prescribed an additional test to check for Rh conflict with your baby. Based on the presence of antibodies, a prediction is made regarding the child’s blood type and further management of pregnancy and childbirth is planned;
  5. The results of the hCG test are not a diagnosis; a full picture of the baby’s development will be supplemented by an ultrasound or, if necessary, puncture of the amniotic fluid. By the way, the tandem of hormonal analysis and ultrasound with measurement of the collar zone and the ratio of the proportions of the body and face of the fetus is called screening. The first is carried out before the 14th week, the second - after the 18th.

Ultrasound at 14 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound examination at 14 weeks is routine. If this is your first visual acquaintance with a child, then the first thing the specialist will note is the number of children. Next he will move on to measurements:

  • Height. Measuring height in the usual sense in utero is not possible, so measurements are taken from the crown to the tailbone. The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy, excluding legs, should be 7-8 cm;
  • Head. The transverse size of the head should be 2-3 cm, but the circumference should be up to 10 cm. Particular attention is paid to studying the face. The nose should be clearly visible, the mouth should be visible, the main thing is that the baby does not suck his finger at this moment or cover his face with his hands;
  • Tummy. The circumference should be up to 8 cm;
  • Skeletal system. The specialist will carefully examine the length of the thigh, the presence of all bones and hands, and count all the fingers;
  • Internal organs. Ultrasound at 14 weeks gives a picture of development internal organs baby and even the brain.

Lifestyle at 14 weeks of pregnancy

  1. At 14 weeks pregnant, you've been left feeling nauseous and weak, so it's time to take advantage of the moment and get back to activity. You can sign up for classes for expectant mothers, do yoga for pregnant women, or visit the pool. By the way, water procedures perfectly tone your skin and relax your muscles;
  2. As before, at 14 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the mother completely affects the condition of your baby. Therefore, you need to give up bad habits, walk more in the fresh air, spend less time in stuffy, crowded rooms;
  3. There are a number of requirements for your appearance:
  • No one is forcing you to refuse the services of a hairdresser or stylist, but be more careful when choosing cosmetics and make a choice in favor of natural ingredients - this is recommended;
  • It is better to carry out manipulations at home, since you and your child do not need aerosol-saturated cabin air;
  • As for clothing, you should not squeeze your stomach at 14 weeks of pregnancy. The cut of clothing should be loose, the fabrics should be natural, underwear should be the right size and preferably without wires, and shoes should be without heels;
  1. Don't forget about rest. If you have a sedentary job, take a moment to walk, you can take off your shoes and put your feet up higher to prevent venous insufficiency. By the way, you can no longer sleep on your back at 14 weeks; it’s time to learn to rest on your side.


  • Culinary delights progress in week 14. Cucumbers with honey or herring with ice cream may seem delicious to you, but do not forget that your little gourmet may not be delighted with such a treat. Your food should be healthy, rational and fortified. How to diversify and enrich your diet healthy products, learn from the book Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother >>>;
  • It is necessary to exclude salted, peppered, smoked foods, remove preservatives and nutritional supplements, as well as products that can cause allergies. These are nuts, peanuts, honey, chocolate and eggs. Starting from the 14th week, weight is gained very easily and quickly, so it’s time to give up baked goods and sweets;
  • Lean meats and fish, vegetables and fruits are the main friends of the 14th week;
  • By the way, with the help of fruits you can correct your stool: plums are an excellent remedy for constipation, while pears have the opposite effect. To avoid problems when your stomach hurts at 14 weeks of pregnancy, it is better to exclude cabbage and legumes, which cause flatulence, from your diet. Instead of whole milk, use fermented milk products.

Week 14 is the time when the baby can already hear you. Communicate with him yourself, and involve your dad in the dialogue. Listen to music, visit exhibitions, walk in the park - in a word, get as many positive emotions as possible, believe me, your condition will be passed on to the baby.