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What the color purple goes with: photo review. Shades of purple: varieties, combination with other colors

The color purple in clothing stands apart from all other colors and shades. Standing at the edge of the rainbow, going somewhere beyond the capabilities of human vision, it causes bewilderment for many women and, especially, men. Fashionistas cautiously twirl it in their hands, try on a purple blouse or skirt they like, and then, after some hesitation, return it to the hanger. And all because they have a hard time imagining when it’s appropriate to wear purple and what to combine it with.

Indeed, this shade, sung in delicate and languid violets, is a color that has character. Not every woman can pacify him or adapt to him, without knowing his characteristics. In addition, purple is condemned by psychologists and other healers of the soul to the sad stigma of a color that betrays (or provokes) depression, the internal difficult state of a person, his apathy to all the colors of the world around him.

In fact, the total look in this shade, especially in its cloudy, deep manifestation, looks extremely dull and monotonous. However, in the world of fashion, both women's and men's, the color purple occupies a strong position due to the diversity of its palette and its great ability to create interesting and non-trivial combinations. Therefore, you should not immediately abandon it - just because you do not have the necessary experience in using this tone in clothes or accessories. Start small, and all the facets of purple will open up to you in their luxury and sophistication.

Purple: the color of warmth and cold

It is no coincidence that this shade has always been considered best color to accompany mystical and mysterious rituals, as well as the color of magic and miracles. Stargazers, fairies, good witches and evil queens - all of them, in children's drawings or in the imagination of cartoon creators, are dressed in various options this shade. The pre-storm crimson-violet sky, preparing to rain, frightens and excites at the same time. Purple summer twilight, filled with the aromas of earth and herbs, carries a premonition of mystery.

What is the secret and power of this color? In the fusion within it of two elements at the same time: cold blue and hot red. The combination of incongruous things causes in us that internal conflict, which many women needlessly fear.

Depending on the presence of a large amount of blue or red in the main tone, violet acquires a cold or warm temperature. And the presence of white determines the hue. They can be like this:

  • dark purple (indigo)
  • violet
  • lavender (amethyst)
  • lilac
  • purple (plum)
  • eggplant
  • lilac

In this list, the first four are cold shades, the next ones are warm versions of purple. The former have more blue, the latter – reddish and pink tones.

Due to its high contrast, dark purple color should be worn by women whose natural colors are also distinct and demarcated.

Purple, violet, in its classic manifestation, can be an asset to both representatives of cold color types and warm spring and autumn women - due to its neutrality in relation to appearance.

Lilac is a highly bleached shade of violet, it is practically incapable of carrying high temperature, so it’s unlikely to suit those with warm skin and honey hair, which against this cold background will fade and take on an unhealthy appearance. But it can be adopted by “summer” women.

Lavender color is delicate and pastel; it harmonizes well with other whitened colors, supporting them in the set. If you add blue to it, lavender becomes amethyst. In this case, it is better to leave him alone and allow him to reign as the sole ruler of the outfit - he is so self-sufficient. It is allowed to add small-sized accessories that will not “pull the blanket over themselves,” but will only emphasize the royal splendor of a luxurious amethyst.

Deep purple will support any color type. Apply with caution to “summer”, only as details of an outfit.

But few people can withstand the eggplant shade. This complex color can emphasize the redness of tired eyes, highlight and highlight to others the rosacea on the face that you wanted to hide, and also emphasize any unwanted redness of the skin.

Lilac the color is coming almost everyone, since it has enough contrast to emphasize brightness, and, at the same time, carries a charge of calm and even mood so as not to suppress the natural muted colors of its wearers.

The combination of purple color with appearance features

Many women wonder who would wear purple - in natural colors The human body has almost no similar shades at all. You can’t choose clothes based on the color of the veins on your arms?! However, you don't have to be like that. Sometimes beauty is hidden in contrasts.

  • Winter color type

Despite the fact that winter is considered a cold color type, these bright, noticeable women are allowed any shades of purple, as long as they are comparable in contrast with the shades of hair and skin, with the eye color of the owner of the purple detail in the outfit. Ink, blackberry, and bright eggplant juicy colors are always appropriate in a “winter” wardrobe. Vagueness and pallor should be avoided: pastel, soft colors are not for them.

  • Spring color type

Spring beauties should opt for those shades of purple in which the red tone predominates over the blue. They should not be too contrasting, so as not to extinguish the inner glow that is always present in spring - in her skin, in her eyes and hair color. Many people mistakenly believe that dark purple suits red-haired spring - this is not so. Too much dark shades also harm the fragile beauty of owners of the spring color type.

Representatives of this color type should draw their inspiration from the colors of nature so as not to make a mistake in choosing their shade of purple. Blooming violets, blossoming lilacs, lavender meadows will tell you which direction to go. The advantage of summer is that it has the widest range of variations in color type. For women, both cold and warm varieties of purple in clothing are acceptable. The main thing is not to allow heavy, rich tones into your wardrobe.

  • Autumn color type

Warm, contrasting autumn can easily withstand combinations of purple in your own wardrobe; moreover, this color is one of the most desirable for autumn beauties. In a thick, rich embodiment or in a pastel and soft one, it magically enhances the shine of the eyes, emphasizes the beauty of the hair and highlights the nobility of the skin of the autumn woman. She is perhaps the only one of many others who shows shades of purple not only in clothes, but also in makeup.

What does purple go with?

Purple color is difficult to combine only at first glance. In fact, being part of the rainbow spectrum known to everyone since childhood, it combines perfectly with any of its neighboring colors. The following combinations are most welcome.

Purple and blue

These two colors are similar to each other, like siblings, and are combined in sets in a very related way. In such a combination there are no violent passions; no one will say about a girl dressed in these two colors that she is eccentric or harsh. Complementing each other, these colors can take up a large amount of space in a set: dark blue jeans - purple jacket, lavender dress - blue blazer, blueberry coat - electric blue bag.

This combination creates the impression of solidity, solidity and inspires trust. Therefore, you should not create a frivolous festive outfit in shades of blue and purple: anyway, no one will believe that you are capable of a complete blast.

Purple and green

To create an ambiguous, sophisticated look, combine various shades of green and purple in one set: emerald, khaki, marsh green fit perfectly with the purple palette. Unfortunately, these options are practically excluded if you belong to a color type characterized by pallor, a predominance of gray-ash tones and very light, bluish-cool skin.

If your appearance can withstand such an unusual combination, use it without embarrassment. And don’t forget about the rule: cold to cold, warm to warm. It is in this case that it should work like a clock - accurately and without hitches.

Purple and red (pink)

Somewhere in the very depths of any, even the most inky shade of purple, there is always a slight flash of red fire. Therefore, these two colors merge in one outfit easily and naturally. However, this combination does not tolerate pettiness and diversity, so the most advantageous sets will be those that are built according to the type of color blocking.

Pink and purple are also close relatives. But, due to the resulting abundance of red undertones, this combination will not be advantageous for the spring color type. Otherwise, feel free to combine two colors, not forgetting about the compatibility of contrasts and transparency: hot pink will be appropriate next to rich purple, and vice versa, light purple will support delicate pink with a lilac tint.

Purple and orange

Next to orange, that bright and cheerful color of the solar spectrum, violet seems brighter and more intense. This combination is very bold and very unexpected in our latitudes. It is typical for the ethnic clothing of the peoples of Africa, and does not always fit harmoniously on pale or untanned skin. For creating a summer wardrobe, especially for a trip to the sea, to the sun and wind, it will come in handy. It is important to remember that the shades of two colors must match in saturation and temperature.

Purple and yellow (gold)

Another combination borrowed from nature (remember pansies), and she never makes mistakes in combinations of shades. Therefore, transferred to clothing, it looks appropriate and harmonious.

This connection is one of the few that looks equally stylish in both women's and men's wardrobe. Mustard yellow looks especially advantageous against the background of almost all shades of purple. Pale yellow will turn your outfit into a memorable one, and gold-colored accessories and shoes in an evening purple outfit will make you truly unforgettable.

Purple and brown

Let's start with a warning: a combination of two dark shades of each color will instantly turn the youngest and most mischievous person into a dull and boring woman of indeterminate age. The only acceptable option is chocolate brown combined with a pronounced blackberry or blueberry color. This option has been tested by time and numerous business dress codes, as appropriate to the serious situation and work atmosphere.

If you want lightness and flirtation, and not just another office suit, replace brown with a delicate ecru color or ivory shade. Purple will immediately become softer, mysteriously highlight the color of your eyes, and highlight the shade of your hair.

The combination of purple and intense red looks aristocratic and stylish. A plum dress can be complemented with a red leather jacket or boots of the same color. A lilac scarf will highlight the beauty of your coat camel color. And everyone around will consider you a style guru.

Purple and black

A combination strongly compromised by fans of gothic rock. Paradoxically, this color combination, which they present as rebellious and breaking standards, is at the same time one of the most appropriate combinations in formal clothing business style. A classic black suit with a purple or lavender blouse - for women, with a lilac shirt and purple tie for men - will never go out of office.

To make a boring outfit less boring, turn it into a changeover: wear a black silk blouse under a light purple suit with a classic cut. Thus, on Friday you can kill two birds with one stone: at work, radiate confidence and competence, and in the evening, by throwing off your jacket and adding heels, you will turn into a fashionable and bright star of the evening.

Purple and white

The only combination that will allow you not to think for a minute before deciding whether it will look good? It is universal in any embodiment: purple top - white bottom, and vice versa. This color combination is acceptable both at work and on vacation. My only wish is to try to ensure that the white color has absolutely no yellowish tint. Vintage blouses and shirts or pants that lean toward ivory rather than stark white with purple nearby will look worn and poorly washed. Don't let yourself down.

Purple and gray

Regardless of the shade of purple and gray in this pandan, in everyday life this combination will always look slightly boring and reserved. And this is not bad, you can’t constantly shimmer with colors, like the plumage of a parrot. In order to organize your workday and tune in to intense work - this combination is ideal. But you just have to play with the texture of the fabric, replacing it with a shiny one that reflects light - and this pair of colors will become the best for an evening outfit. The pearl-gray shade goes especially well with purple.


Purple has long been firmly established in a variety of accessories for men and women. women's clothing. Ties, belts, gloves and scarves in numerous shades, from ink to soft lavender lilac, as well as purple shoes and handbags are all recommended to be worn, especially if you don’t have the courage to immediately put on a large piece of clothing of this color. Let the choice of purple in the details of the set be a touchstone, the first stroke across the palette of your wardrobe.

It should be noted that purple is recommended to be reflected in eye makeup. This is the only color that sets such conditions for fashionistas. The remaining shades obediently accept that copying them by matching the color of the shadows to the color of a dress or coat is considered bad manners.

However, under no circumstances should you choose purple lipstick if you have a similar mood in your outfit today. Let the lilac, clover and purple ones also wait for better times. Coral or scarlet lipstick will look much more sophisticated on your lips.

Take the color purple as your ally, and it will never let you down - if used correctly.

Violet Violet
I couldn't wait for summer.
She woke up early
And it began to bloom.

Her funny hedgehog
I noticed among the grass
And he wanted Violet
Bring some water.

"Violet Violet"
Drink this water.
It's a little more transparent
Than your petals!

There's so much missing in the forest
Both brightness and color!
The poppies will wake up later,
daisies, cornflowers."

Violet Violet
Sent greetings to everyone.
Their kids and adults
The happy Hedgehog carried it.

And if you look
(violet color,
lilac color,
lavender color,
plum, lilac
and purple)
it's like a violet
hello you will find it!

Well, are there purple objects around with Violetta’s greetings?

By the way, maybe we can add a quick couplet to the story?

Yes, as if from a lovely one
Violet violets-
Viola Violetta-
Violet violets-
Hi there!

It’s not for nothing that the cute violet has this beautiful name. See how the word “violet” is translated into other languages:

violet (English, French), viola (Italian), violett (German), violeta (Spanish), fiolett (Norwegian), fioletowy (Polish), violetti (Finnish), violetinis (Lithuanian), violetov (Bulgarian).

Its color is very nice and shades of purple- a great many.

  • By the way: about my book of poems for children

pure purple color can be obtained by mixing red and blue paints in equal proportions. That's why we even called purple a shade of blue. To the same extent, it can be called a shade. To be precise, purple is considered an intermediate color - between red and blue. Let's add more blue - there will be cool shades. Let's add more red - warm.

But in order to more accurately understand the shades of purple, I had to make a kind of homemade household scale out of 4 color cards myself Shades of purple . If anyone finds a link to a more complete and correct map with flower names, please share it in the comments! So,


Well, let's see greetings from Viola Violetta? That is, Violet Violets? That is, let's look at the purple color around us?

Violet is considered the last color of the rainbow, but is extremely rare in nature. in kind. Perhaps this is why people associate this tone as a symbol of mystery and mysticism. How to use purple, lilac and similar colors in bedroom design to make you feel comfortable and cozy?

Juicy purple for creative people and more

Psychologists often advise using soft shades of purple in bedrooms. This color is wonderfully relaxing and equally good for both men and women. Therefore, purple is often preferred in bedrooms, because this is the habitat of two sexes, and it is necessary to make it comfortable for two.

Why you should choose purple for your bedroom:

  1. It has a wide color palette from bright saturated tones to calm pastel shades.
  2. We combine it with almost the colors of the rainbow from black to white.
  3. Self-sufficient: looks great both in combination with other colors and when used independently.
  4. Relevant over recent seasons: fashion designers are happy to use all shades of purple, combining them in various style directions.
  5. At making the right choice shade, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps create a relaxing environment conducive to rest and relaxation.
  6. Neutral and universal, comfortable for both women and men.

When not to take risks:

  • Psychologists usually do not recommend using bright, cold shades of purple for older people, as they are more susceptible to depression and fatigue when staying in such a room for a long time.
  • Having chosen the bedroom interior based only on fashion trends Without taking into account your own preferences, you risk finding yourself in an imbalance with the environment (sleep disturbance, insomnia, lethargy, bad mood, etc.).
  • In large and cold bedrooms, you should not actively use purple shades of cold tones; you can make the room unsuitable for comfortable rest.

In any case, when choosing the main color for the bedroom, you should take into account your individual feelings. You shouldn’t even choose a trendy shade if you feel uncomfortable being in such a room. Keep in mind that the dimensions of your bedroom will differ from the salon brochures. Pay attention to what paint and wallpaper sellers offer you. Don't take my word for it, it's better to take samples home and see how they look there. Remember that lighting in stores is very different from real lighting.

Go to furniture stores and showrooms - they often make miniatures of rooms. Find purple bedroom, sofa, bed with the right bed linen, accessories and “try this color on yourself.” Don’t rush into choosing, because you can use and live with this color for more than one day.

Combining incongruous or color harmony

So, we decided “I want a purple bedroom.” Great, now you just need to decide on the shade. But don’t rush to relax, there are many more shades of this color than it might seem at first glance.

It is worth considering the “temperature” of the shade when choosing. If the predominant pigment is red, then the shade is warm, otherwise, when there is more blue, it is cold.

The original purple color is considered neutral, or rather, some of its shades: bright purple, thistle color and lilac. The usual tone of purple is rather cold due to the dominance of blue. However, the deeper the red hue, the “warmer” the purple tone becomes.

Warm and cool shades of purple popular in bedroom interiors

Depending on the application and paint formulation, shades can change their “temperature”; pastel colors transform especially well.

Warm shades:

  • amethyst (purple with a reddish tint)
  • beetroot (rich burgundy-purple color)
  • primrose color (warm purple with indigo undertones)
  • fuchsia (purple-red with pink)
  • cyclamen (dark red with a pink tint)
  • purple (red-violet)
  • crimson (red with a purple tint)

Cool shades:

  • lilac (violet with blue)
  • orchid color (pale purple with pink)
  • violet (pale purple with blue)
  • heliotrope (dark purple)
  • lilac (violet and red saturations)
  • iris (light blue with purple)
  • plum (dark purple with blue)
  • eggplant (deep purple)
  • mallow (cool light pink with blue)
  • lavender (cool deep purple)

When choosing a color, remember about the “variation” of colors. All manufacturers mix paints using their own technology and in their own proportions, known only to them. Even different batches from the same manufacturer can differ in shade, sometimes significantly. Therefore, buying Construction Materials, carefully study the data on the packaging (series, article number, color, etc.). This is especially true for such products as paints, enamels, wallpaper, etc.

Hidden possibilities of shades and halftones

Use the versatility of purple to your advantage. Using cool pastel shades you can give the room volume and freshness, and using a warm contrasting tone as a basis, fill the room with coziness.

In fact, even the most famous designers do not have an algorithm for the correct combinations of tones and colors, selection color palette premises are always an individual moment. It is necessary to rely on the characteristics of a particular room (high ceilings, large windows, etc.), and also be sure to take into account the personalities of their owners (gender, age, taste preferences and habits, requirements for a specific room, actions performed in it daily).

Purple color can be safely combined with cold and warm shades, contrasting and related colors. It is important to choose the “golden mean” in these combinations. If you choose a bold combination of bright contrasting colors, let them be no more than 3-5, and it is better to make the walls monochromatic.

It cannot be said, for example, that purple does not go well with blue. All you have to do is change the shade, and the interior will be transformed and “sparkle with new colors.”

Photo gallery: Color combinations with purple in the bedroom

Rich lilac in a gray interior looks fresh and dilutes the monochrome of the room
Pastel violet shades look feminine and gentle in the bedroom
The Moulin Rouge-style boudoir effect is enhanced by glossy crystal surfaces, silver and, of course, rich purple velvet.

A green accent in the interior always adds a touch of freshness, and in tandem with a purple shade of cool tones the effect doubles
This color combination will add volume and improve insolation of the room. Corral in this case adds sophistication and oriental motifs to the interior

A yellow accent will give a lavender bedroom sunlight and spontaneity

As you can see, you can mix purple with any color. The main task when searching for color solutions is to imagine exactly what effect you expect to get. Do you want to expand the space or, on the contrary, give the room a more intimate feel, make a laconic background accent, or decorate the entire room in your favorite color. There is a suitable purple shade for every idea you have.

Photo gallery: Good shades of purple for your bedroom

Scandinavian style with an oriental touch
Modern style bedrooms with large window
Bright purple color gives the room a spacious and creative touch.

Restrained neoclassicism in pastel colors Rich brown color gives the interior a serious tone
The lilac is beautifully complemented by gold details and pure white.

Eclecticism in warm shades of purple is a win-win option for creative individuals
The floor and bed with violet print make the room more spacious and give it dynamism.
Light green harmonizes perfectly with berry shades of curtains and bedspreads

Black and lavender in calm shades perfectly complement the clean White color
A bedroom in this shade of purple is perfect for an older couple
It will be easy to wake up in such a sunny bedroom

Color of mustard is more relevant than ever, and in combination with rich purple it also becomes incredibly juicy
Rich shades of dark chocolate and warm raspberry color make the interior sensual and passionate.
The bedroom turned out to be both gentle and strict at the same time due to an interesting combination of colors
Brown color and accessories “gold” are the ideal solution for the eggplant background of the walls
This bold combination is ideal for creative people.
Colorful interior, quite complex in the design of the premises, but all the tones are chosen in one warm palette and combine perfectly

Green is a good contrasting background for the color violet, enlivening and saturating the latter
Delicate “girlish” interior

How to decorate the bedroom of your “dreams”?

Did you know where the slang expression “everything is purple” came from? Incredibly, we were taught this at school! In the school chemistry curriculum, students received a violet color from litmus paper when it was placed in a neutral environment (blue was obtained in an alkaline environment, and red in an acidic environment). Therefore, probably, first schoolchildren, and then adults, began to use the expression “I’m violet,” implying their neutral attitude towards the ongoing event.

For most of us, the bedroom is not just a place to sleep. In modern apartments, the bedroom has become a multifunctional room in which we relax, sleep, communicate, read books and watch movies. Often the bedroom is also a wardrobe and dressing room for a girl, and children's rooms are a whole play world.

How to apply purple a room that must fulfill many functional requirements and at the same time look harmonious?

Photo gallery: 10 ideas for decorating a room based on interests

Functional bedroom for young man Quiet seating area for country house Bedroom for a young guy

Ascetic space for youth For married couple preferring modern
Bedroom for little girls

Children's room for an active boy
Bedroom for a teenager with neon lighting
The laconic comfort zone of a young woman

Discreet bedroom for a respectable family
Luxurious bedroom for accomplished people
Cozy family bedroom

A calm place to sleep and relax A retro bedroom with a reading area will appeal to an adult lady

Choosing a style solution for a purple bedroom

The entire existing purple color palette can be used in any interior style, but if its diversity is intimidating, find yourself a “role model.” By gradually narrowing your search, you can determine the perfect color for your bedroom.

Photo gallery: Purple bedrooms in different interior styles

Beautiful functional accent table in fuchsia color
Traditional shades of spices will add realism to the interior
Example perfect combination pastel shades in the bedroom interior
The boho style, new to us, is replete with colors and shades - feel free to add all related shades of purple
An example of a delicate interior in Scandinavian style, pastel colors and good insolation
Choose classic English prints, matte surfaces, calm aristocratic color scheme

It is in this style that the boundaries are most blurred both in details and colors Gothic in any form is the predominant black and dark shades
This style is perhaps the only one where the presence of a pastel shade is almost a mandatory rule.

The cornflower lavender color of the walls fits perfectly into this style, as do other natural shades (violet, plum, grape, etc.)
In a bedroom of this style it is better to use dark but warm shades of purple
Feel free to use any combination of purple shades in eclecticism

A classic bedroom in a romantic style requires soft warm undertones of floral shades


The emotional component of purple

This color cannot be called simple and clear, it sometimes plays with all the shades of amethyst, sometimes it becomes deep and velvety, like the darkest night - we are talking about purple. It is in this color that the calmness of blue and the passion of red are mixed; the purple range is very extensive and has many shades. This noble and intellectual color is not at all simple, it does not obey everyone, so you need to select images in this color scheme very carefully.

On the one hand, the color purple can be depressing, but on the other hand, it is recognized as creative, developing imagination and intuition. This color scheme in clothing is often chosen by people who are creative, artistic and sentimental. We present the most successful combinations of purple with various shades.

Combination of purple and white

This combination is bright and contrasting, but at the same time calm and restrained. This variation is well suited for a business wardrobe. You can always complement a purple skirt with a white blouse or jacket. In the summer, such an outfit will help you look great even in the most intense heat, and in the cold season, the look can be complemented with accessories of some warm shade - for example, creamy or coral. Now it's so fresh and fashionable combination often chosen by brides for their outfits.

Combination of purple and black

Purple complemented with black is a classic office style. Moreover, you can choose a classic - a black tight skirt with a lilac or violet blouse, or, conversely, complement a black top with ink trousers. If you are afraid of looking too gloomy, you can dilute the look with gold or silver accessories or wear bright shoes - for example, blue or yellow. This combination is perfect for evening wear and special occasions.

Purple and gray

Neutral outfit gray a purple accent will add piquancy and mystery. These cool shades complement each other perfectly, so they can be used in any proportions and variations. In order for the image to not be too “even”, you can choose a brighter shade - for example, closer to fuchsia (pink-purple) or purple. In such combinations, preference should always be given to light gray shades without a yellowish or greenish undertone. Gray with glitter and silver are perfect for creating luxurious evening dresses.

Purple and beige

This combination is for those who find purple to be too gloomy and dull. Adding a sand or cream color will help make the look lighter and lighter. Violet shades with a reddish tint - cherry violet, purple, crimson, burgundy, etc. look very good with beige flowers. Such outfits look very good in the autumn, when everything around has a similar color scheme.

Purple and yellow

An unexpected and daring combination of purple and yellow “catches” and attracts attention. Moreover, the brighter the yellow, the richer the shade of purple should be. In fact, nature itself suggested this combination to us - it’s worth remembering delicate flowers"Pansies" with their velvety burgundy petals and bright yellow centers. The violet-yellow color scheme is well suited for both summer and cold weather.

Purple and pink

These related shades complement each other well, but be careful not to overwhelm the look. It will look interesting paired with light purple pink-orange or Coral color– this fresh combination is suitable for blondes and cool skin tones. Hot pink will be more calmly combined with ink and amethyst shades.

Purple and blue

Shades of violet with a similar color undertone will look more harmonious with blue: mulberry, indigo, electric blue, etc. Since the colors are similar, there is a high chance of creating something dull and dull. It is imperative to dilute such things with something light or bright. For example, you can add a white or beige blouse, a yellow or golden belt or a blue clutch to a purple skirt and blue jacket. These light tones are well suited for everyday ensembles.

Purple and green

One of the most harmonious combinations is purple and green. Emerald and sea green will suit any shade, but grass green and light green will be most appropriate for purple and burgundy color. An elegant silk scarf or scarf in light green color will refresh even the most formal suit of ink or amethyst color. One of the best companions for purple is turquoise, which gives any shade of this range a completely new mood.

Purple and brown

Best with brown light purple shades are combined - amethyst, violet, lilac, heliotrope and others. Medium-intensity brown will be complemented by burgundy and crimson, but dark shades like chocolate will be decorated with violet-pink and purple. The more red undertones in a purple color, the better they will be combined with brown-red tones such as brick or ocher.

Violet and blue (lilac)

Light shades Violet is always ennobled, especially for lilac and blue options that are similar in tone. They are located next to each other on the color wheel, so you can combine any intensity and tones. Such outfits look gentle and romantic and are suitable for both celebrations and everyday life.

Purple and orange (red)

This combination is akin to a tandem with yellow - just as unexpected and bright. It’s worth saying right away that such a duet is in harmony according to the principle of related and contrasting colors. It is appropriate in different clothes. Moreover, both winter and summer you can use this joyful color combination.

What doesn't go with purple?

In the color wheel, opposite purple is the yellow-orange spectrum, so such combinations are not always successful. Cool dark shades of this color don't go well with bright colors, but the light range is universal and successfully complements any shade.

The versatility of the purple color provides ample opportunities for creating extraordinary outfits for different occasions and expressing your individuality.

I have already started writing a topic about the psychology of color. Today I decided to pay attention to the color purple and its shades.

Let's start with the psychology of color?

I decided to devote a separate post to this color. because even in psychology it is ambiguous and meaningful. The most mysterious and magical. Remember, all magicians and wizards are dressed in purple clothes. Princesses choose it too

Psychologists say that romantic people with well-developed intuition will choose the color purple. However, when choosing clothes of this color, there is a danger of losing the shine of your own skin.

Purple combines the elegance of blue with the energy of red. This is why the color violet, along with purple, has always been associated with royalty.

The color purple has a great variety of meanings, for example: knowledge, intelligence, sobriety, religious passion, humility. Besides, given color means old age, nostalgia, grief and mourning.

Purple color can act as an antidepressant. It has all the properties necessary to relieve nervous tension, is able to suppress anger, relieve anxiety and irritation, and also relieve anxiety. Purple speaks of high emotionality and sensitivity, delicacy of spirituality. Opponents of purple flowers tend to live only in the present, without making plans for the future.

Purple speaks of compassion, inspiration and aristocracy. By wearing purple things you can suppress neurosis, get rid of despair and restore a sense of self-esteem. If you have a tendency towards alcoholism, then purple will reduce your craving for alcohol.

Very often, purple ensembles can be found among people who want to normalize internal balance and harmony. It is much easier to achieve peace of mind and tranquility in a purple dress or sweater than in black clothes. The color of grapes and eggplant encourages communication with the outside world and allows you to realize your thoughts without being selfish. If you are used to listening to your own intuition, you will probably see purple things in your wardrobe, but you should not use them very often.

Some psychologists have a point of view about the color purple as a shade that accompanies infantility. They also indicate a lack of self-control. However, light lavender tones give their owner a feeling of coolness, dreaminess and some detachment. Romantics and all ladies who value femininity can be advised to use light purple tones, which will give them confidence and energy.

Purple clothing has powerful energy and sexuality. Fatal beauties often like to wear lace and satin purple dresses that attract attention. It’s simply impossible not to notice such a person! Purple looks very impressive evening dresses on slender young ladies. The woman in it will keep a mystery that will attract the opposite sex like a magnet.

Who can wear purple?

  • Dark and tanned brunettes.
  • dark and tanned blondies
  • Girls with chocolate hair.
  • Girls with red hair and pale skin.
  • Girls with black hair and pale skin.

Those. almost everything!

Purple can be divided into types:

— rich dark (plum, eggplant color);

— light translucent (violet, lilac color);

- with a reddish tint;

- with a bluish tint.

How to combine purple?

General rules for combining purple in clothes

After studying the information below, you will receive general information that will allow you to create harmonious bows with purple elements.

  • Bright shades of purple Should only be used on dark skinned skin. They can be complemented by pastel and gray shades, as well as neutral tones. Purple itself should lead the ensemble, but interspersing another opposite color, for example, yellow, is acceptable. This could be an onion from purple dress, yellow shoes and handbag. If you are of the opinion that a handbag that matches your shoes is bad manners, wear yellow jewelry, for example, jewelry or gold, and choose a handbag in neutral colors - beige or black.
  • If you are using purple color in everyday look , but at the same time want to stand out from the crowd, then use a flashy shade at the top of the ensemble. This could be a blouse, jacket, jacket or coat. The bottom should be neutral - gray, black, light gray. A purple straight skirt or trousers will go perfectly with a purple blouse. Jeans are best avoided in this ensemble. To complement the look, you can use necklaces with purple or lilac beads.
  • To a bright purple top You can always wear a loose-fitting skirt, decorated in gray or black colors.
  • For parties and cocktail ensembles you can use a combination of purple and light green or purple and orange. An orange skirt and a purple top with glitter are a completely current solution!
  • Simple everyday style a combination of a purple dress and brown shoes and accessories. For a knitted purple sweater dress, we can recommend a light brown thin belt and shoes with stable low heels.
  • With rich purple color The color lilac will always harmonize well. For a purple straight skirt with a front slit, go with a purple turtleneck top, black shoes and a handbag. The combination of a purple blouse or sweater and a purple scarf looks advantageous.
  • For autumn a loose-fitting purple coat would be appropriate, which should be combined with tight trousers neutral colors.
  • With purple skinny pants A loose-fitting sweater would look great. This can be a wide sweater one size larger, beige or cream in color. Not only beige, but also pink, pistachio and turquoise shades will also look great.
  • If you couldn’t find a good shade of purple to match your appearance, can use it in accessories and decoration X.

combination of purple with white and neutral colors

color types and purple color