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We sew costumes for children for the New Year. DIY New Year's costumes for boys - interesting and simple solutions

A New Year's outfit for a child is a headache for parents. Moreover, the difficulties in finding the ideal look for a boy are no less than the problems in choosing the best suit for a capricious girl. The variety of New Year's costumes for boys of all ages gives the opportunity to choose the most suitable one and meets all the requirements, but also makes you rack your brains in determining this very “ideal” costume.

New Year's costumes for boys 2020

Which look to choose?

Carnival costumes for boys have a huge selection of different looks - from familiar and calm bunnies And princes to bold and bright pirates and cowboys.

New Year's bunny costumes

The opportunity to try on different images for each New Year's holiday gives the boy a chance to feel and behave differently: to be a gallant gentleman, a shy bunny, a brave knight, a respectable padishah or simply superhero.

Advice. If a boy cannot choose for himself perfect image, then do not forget about the possibilities of parents to make new Year costume with your own hands from scrap materials. So you will get not only beautiful, but also original outfit for my son.

Costumes: musketeer and knight

To make it easier to navigate the variety of New Year’s costumes for boys, all options can be divided into several categories:

How to choose the best suit for New Year 2020

To ensure that the outfit chosen by the boy and his parents for the New Year's party is not only beautiful, but also suitable, you should follow the recommendations of experts.

The main requirement for a children's New Year's costume is high quality tailoring and materials. Despite the fact that the vast majority of costumes for children are made from synthetic fabrics, you should try to select the most worthy of them: the material should not irritate children's skin or cause allergic reactions.

Photo: gnome, wizards, Kashchei the immortal

Advice. So that during the matinee the artificial material of the suit does not harm the skin, you can wear a thin cotton T-shirt and shorts (or thin long johns) under the outfit itself. This will not only protect the baby, but also create the most comfortable conditions for the entire event.

New Year's costumes for boys 7-8 years old

A New Year's costume should be comfortable, and so comfortable that the boy can comfortably jump, run, dance and perform all other actions typical of boys in it. The strength of the seams and the material itself guarantees the integrity of the costume throughout the entire celebration, because boys do not always take special care of their clothes.

New Year's costumes for boys 6-7 years old

The next criterion for choosing a costume is the age of the child. For example, a bunny outfit with shorts and touching ears is appropriate only for a preschooler, but a teenager in a similar outfit will look at least inappropriate. In most cases, such gradation does not require additional attention from parents, since the child himself will dictate to them the choice of the most suitable option.

Also, when choosing a carnival outfit, you should definitely take into account the character and temperament of the boy who will have to try on this or that costume. So, a shy boy will be happy with the image of an astrologer, sorcerer or Harry Potter, but a little hooligan will feel confident in the outfit of a pirate or knight. For a boy, it is not so much the outfit itself that is important, but the need to match the chosen image: to be bolder, more relaxed, courageous, smarter, stronger, etc.

One of important stages preparing a child for the New Year - making fancy dress. A beautiful costume of a fairy-tale hero or a cute animal, sewn with your own hands, will help make the holiday bright and memorable. No product purchased in a store, no matter how impeccably sewn, can replace self made, into which the master put his soul.

At self-production It is easy to realize any ideas and fantasies in a costume, in accordance with your taste and the taste of your child. Many mothers show a real master class when creating outfits for their daughters. Moreover, it is not necessary to use a sewing machine for this; in most cases, you can select individual parts from the child’s usual wardrobe - turtlenecks, skirts, vests, etc. When making a New Year’s costume, you need to pay special attention to individual decorative elements - the formation of the overall image largely depends on them.

Fairy tale characters

Fairy tale heroes are the most favorite images when creating New Year's costumes. A fairy costume is one of the most common and simple outfits. Turn a girl into fairy fairy A beautiful dress of delicate colors, wings and a magic wand will help. Wings can be made in several ways; the most impressive look are translucent airy versions made using a wire outline and guipure, nylon or mesh stretched over it. Wings can also be made from cardboard covered with fabric, or from a piece of fabric cut in the shape of a half-sun and put on the fingers using rubber bands. Glitter and Christmas tree tinsel are suitable for decorating the wings.

Fairy costume for girls

Little Red Riding Hood costumes are also popular among girls. Snow Queen, Baba Yaga, etc.

New Year's costume of Little Red Riding Hood

For the princess costume you will need a crown, which is easy to make from felt. To do this you will need needles and threads, a sheet of paper and felt of 2-3 colors. The pattern is made of paper and folded in half, then felt parts are cut out from it, and they need to be made slightly different in size. The resulting parts are sewn onto the headband with hidden threads, and excess fabric along the line of the teeth is cut off. At the final stage, the crown is decorated with rhinestones, sequins or tinsel. Another version of the crown is made from a lace ribbon, which is glued to the headband using PVA glue. The top of the craft is decorated in any way possible.

New Year's princess costume

To create Malvina's image, you will need to change the hair color, in this case you need to use an artificial wig from the store or create it yourself from blue yarn. For a homemade wig, you can even use an unraveled old sweater - such threads will create wavy “hair”.

Animal costumes

The girl's squirrel costume looks original and unusual, the main attribute of which is a large and fluffy tail raised up. The squirrel costume can include a turtleneck, skirt and fur vest brown or reddish in color.

Squirrel costume

For the costume of a cat, squirrel, fox and other animals, you need to make fur ears. One way to attach them is on the rim. The simplest way make an animal tail: make a pattern on cardboard, then fix the fur on it and cut it out. Then, a “fastening system” (buttons, hooks, etc.) is made from the wrong side, then the tail is attached to the suit. The shape and color of the tail must correspond to the animal for which it is made.

Cat costume

New Year theme

A snow-white dress is suitable for creating many winter looks, it is the main element of Snowflake's costume.

Snowflake costume for New Year

A Christmas tree costume will also look original if you use a corset that emphasizes the figure, a star-shaped crown and a fluffy skirt made of artificial Christmas tree branches with New Year's decorations. Simplified options are also suitable - direct a green dress, decorated with multi-colored “lights” or a lace a-line dress, decorated with mini-toys.

Christmas tree costume

DIY Snow Maiden Costume

Other types of costumes

The costumes of the Snow Maiden, candies, stars, fish, gypsies and many others have remained popular for several generations.

For a gypsy costume, for example, you will need a long skirt with large flowers, a loose-fitting sweater and a large scarf or shawl. Another option is a bright colored dress and a spectacular decoration in your hair.

Gypsy Costume

Photos of other costumes for girls:

Suit of Snow Maiden

Costume "Sweetie"

Costume "Star"

Oriental costume

Do beautiful suit DIY New Year's for a girl using step-by-step photos, not as difficult as it seems. If you are ready to allocate half a day for a New Year's costume from 2 years to 12 years old, having patterns available, then it will turn out better than store-bought, and, moreover, it will remain for a long memory, like an outfit sewn by the hands of a beloved mother.

The coming New Year is always a piece of magic. And how I want to instill this piece of magic in my children! The charming attire of fairy-tale characters will help turn a little girl into a miraculous fairy, and an older child into beautiful princess. Your child may even represent the symbols of winter and its happy holiday- snowflake, Christmas tree or Snow Maiden. The best option is to make a New Year's costume for a girl with your own hands!

An example of creating a costume for a girl

Let's look at the most attractive and extraordinary examples of creating a bright and interesting image.

Best for showcasing elegant luxury and originality New Year's outfit will do fluffy skirt, which is easy to do. The material required is tulle in several colorful colors. To secure the skirt at the waist, you can use either an elastic band or an elastic band. Step-by-step instruction creations:

  1. We fix the elastic band (tape) around the girl’s waist.
  2. Take one strip of tulle and throw it over the elastic band (ribbon).
  3. For convenience, we assemble the fabric and make two successive knots - one to create the volume of the skirt itself, the second to secure the first.
  4. We straighten the free part of the material and spread it out as wide as possible.
  5. Using the same principle, we sequentially tie the tulle over the entire width of the elastic (ribbon) with alternating different shades(you can make smoothly flowing tones throughout the circle, depending on the selected character).
  6. We fix satin ribbon along the circumference of the future tutu skirt and make a bow in the front (you can also make it on the side, if desired).
  7. We cut strips of tulle at the hem of equal length and carefully straighten them to give additional pomp.

Ready! The making of this holiday decoration for your child is clearly shown in the photo.

Photo: tulle skirt for New Year 2018

Snow White costume

You can sew a New Year's costume for a girl with your own hands, even in White White's trim (see photos and patterns below). A special feature of the tutu skirt is its versatility. Depending on the combination of colors and top, you can create absolutely any image - from a squirrel, a fox or a bunny to Disney characters.

The length of the product does not have to be short, although it is this property that provides its volume. But if you want to create a costume, for example, Snow White, then the upper part can be a checkerboard woven top to the waist with silk ribbons crossed crosswise, and the straps on which it will be held are also created from them.

To complement the look, you should make a large bow as a hair decoration, preferably red. To make it more complete, the top can be decorated with real and artificial roses or peonies.

In the final form, Snow White's New Year's costume using a tutu skirt, made with her own hands, is shown in the photo.

Photo ideas for fashionable New Year's costumes for girls:

Snowflake Costume

One of the most popular DIY New Year's costumes for girls based on step-by-step photos is the Snowflake, a very airy and aesthetic costume, the cost of creating which will be minimal if you want to sew something economical in which your girl will shine.

This costume is suitable for girls from 2 to 12 years old!

In order to create such an image, you can use several combinations of materials: for a skirt, organza, tulle or even satin are best (it all depends on what you want the outfit to look like in the end); for a bodice, it is quite suitable satin, cambric or plain cotton.

You need to start with a pattern, an example of which is shown in the photo.

This dress is for New Year Suitable for girls 2-5 years old. The sequence of actions for its manufacture:

  • to add more pomp, you should additionally sew a petticoat following the example of the skirt itself (but this element is not necessary). You may not need extra volume if the skirt should be straight or made according to the example given above;
  • on two separate sheets of paper we cut out patterns for the front and back of the future bodice;
  • fold the fabric chosen for the upper part of the costume in half, then place the cut out parts on it and fasten it tightly with pins;
  • we outline the patterns with chalk or a pencil along the perimeter, the strokes should be thin in case it is necessary to correct some parts, but clear enough so that during further work they seem distinguishable;
  • cut out the resulting drawings not exactly along the contour, but a centimeter along it;

  • we mark the key places of the future dress and turn it over to the reverse side;
  • we make appropriate marks along the contour and transfer seams and darts from the front part;

  • Continuing our costume for girls for the New Year, which is suitable from 2 to 12 years old, we use pins to pin the stitches together on the back of the product;
  • we make manual darts in the fastenings exactly along the drawn lines, since in these places the bodice will need to be stitched;
  • We go through the sewing machine needle;
  • fold the resulting parts towards each other on a flat surface;

  • we connect the cutouts on the shoulders with pins;
  • we sweep it with thread and sew it on the machine in the same way;
  • we hide the cut parts using an overlocker, and do the same with the neck;
  • smooth the back seam in different directions;
  • You can see from the step-by-step photos that the bodice is ready. After this, we proceed to decorate the upper part of the outfit with sleeves. We make a pattern and fit it tightly to the fabric using pins or needles;
  • cut out the prepared parts and put them together, fix them;
  • using stitching on a sewing machine, we make two parallel lines, marking the center of the sleeve with a pin;

  • we tighten the sleeves until assembled and measure them with the bodice, both parts should be the same;
  • we thread the blanks into the armholes on the bodice and sew them inside, making an overlock;

  • we turn the sewn sleeves outside and decorate the ends with openwork or ruffles;
  • let's go through sewing machine along the unconnected edges of the bodice, we sew the fabric sections;

  • The top part of the girl's dress for the New Year 2018 is finished! Using our step by step photos, patterns and video tutorials, you should not make mistakes in the process of making a New Year's costume. All that remains is to make a skirt that suits the style. To do this, we make a petticoat from a piece of tulle (about 30 cm wide), tightening one of its sides with stitched threads, the free edges are then sewn together;
  • from newsprint cut out a circle whose diameter is identical to the diameter of the skirt. Folded in half, it is applied to the material, which is neatly folded into two layers;
  • By analogy with sewing a bodice, we transfer the outline of the pattern to the fabric, trim off the excess, sew a wider edge and process it with an overlocker;
  • after that we decorate the hem of the skirt with openwork;
  • connect the main lower part to the petticoat and secure with pins;
  • We baste it and use a machine stitch for stability, then turn it right side out. In a similar way we connect the bodice with the skirt;
  • we sew the openwork to the neck, and in place of the fastener on the back - a button;
  • for additional decoration with foil stars, you need to pinpoint the lower part of the dress along the entire length;
  • attach sequins in fixed places;
  • we do the same with the bodice;
  • To create a more complete image, create a headband. Along the elastic band, the length of which corresponds to the circumference of the head, we sew an openwork and decorate it.

A DIY snowflake costume for a 2-5 year old girl for the New Year is complete! The general appearance of the outfit is shown in the photo.

A similar master class on making a dress of this style can be studied in more detail in the video.

Costume "Angel" for the New Year

An image shining with purity and innocence little angel– an excellent choice for a New Year’s costume for a 10-11 year old girl. Let's analyze its key part - the wings, according to the stages of creation:

  1. The simplest thing you can use for a solid base is metal hangers. Using pliers, we break off the hook and rewind the resulting protruding ends with electrical tape or regular tape, having previously connected them together.
  2. We apply glue to the skeleton, it is better to use the one in front further use dry for a while.
  3. We cut the paper and attach the strips to the adhesive base, or you can use real feathers by simply scattering them on the metal body of the future wings.
  4. We wait several hours for the material to attach tightly.
  5. Ropes or tapes are usually used as parts attaching this part of the costume to the back, but the former will hold the improvised structure much more firmly.

Step-by-step visual instructions are shown in the photo.

The wings will turn out to be more elegant if you weave New Year's rain into them or spray them with glitter varnish.

Now you need to make a halo. The main elements are metal wire and Christmas tree tinsel; in addition, you need a headband.

  1. Cut two pieces from the wire and wrap the ends tightly around the rim.
  2. We roll the other piece in the shape of a circle and connect it with the previous sections by folding it on its opposite sides.
  3. Using tape or glue, we connect the tinsel to the resulting circle, or, as an option, we decorate it with artificial snow.

With this simple maneuver we made another element of the angel's costume, the principle of creation of which is reflected in the photo.

For the dress itself, you can use a white cape or nightgown, or light summer sundress.

Fairy costume

The mysterious outfit of a fairy or some forest spirit has not gone unnoticed by children of all ages for many years. How to make your own fairy costume for girls 11-12 years old for the New Year 2018? It is much easier to bring this to life using patterns.

Let's see what it looks like.

  1. We measure the girl’s parameters, cut the elastic to the required length, and stretch it on a device convenient for us (accessories, for example).
  2. We create a skirt in the image and likeness of the one that we considered as an element of the image of Snow White with weaving ribbons and additional accessories.
  3. When connecting the two ends of the elastic, we decorate the seam with a floral element.

The whole process is clearly shown in step-by-step photos.

After the skirt is sewn, let's start making the wreath. For this:

  • We measure the circumference of the child’s head and use a cardboard strip as a base for the future product.
  • We cut out the same strip from felt according to size and connect both elements.
  • We decorate the entire circumference of the wreath with artificial flowers, pearl beads or sequins with rhinestones.

This is the final result of this delicate and sensual detail of the fairy’s image.

To finish the costume, you should make wings like a real lady of the forest!

  1. For the top, we use any T-shirt that matches the color. We decorate it so that it matches the wreath and matches the skirt.
  2. On a sheet of paper we make a sketch of the future wings (general silhouette).
  3. Copy the drawing onto pink, orange or yellow cardboard.
  4. We cut out two symmetrical parts and fasten them with a glue gun (or any substance that replaces it).
  5. At a distance of 4-5 cm from the center we make holes for the straps on which the wings will be held.
  6. We close the joint between the parts with a beautiful bud, add ribbons and rain to it.
  7. We draw magical patterns on the wings themselves. You can outline them with regular glue and sprinkle them with glitter.
  8. Let's take it Chinese chopstick for sushi and color it as your heart desires, crown it with an elegant star with ribbons at the end.

Magic fairy wings are an integral attribute of this fairy-tale creature!

You can learn more about creating the image of a little sorceress from the video.

Cat costume for New Year 2018

Another image, bold, insidious, fiery, bright - a cat costume.

  1. Draw the pattern on paper and cut it out.
  2. Glue the paper and the template cut along its contours onto the fabric.
  3. We wrap the hair hoop in felt according to size, and place the ears at different ends of the headband.
  4. We stitch the ears for a tighter fit.
  5. We sketch the triangles so that they fit freely inside each ear.
  6. We connect the cut blanks with the material Pink colour and glue it inside.

So, the sequence of actions is more clearly displayed in the photo.

To make the tail you will need to do the following:

  1. IN plastic bag put two toilet bushings.
  2. We wrap these parts with knitted socks or a woolen sock of the required length.
  3. Inside the golf course you should place a paper towel tube in a plastic wrap.
  4. Finally, glue small pieces of fur to the tail.
  5. We make a tutu skirt, under which tight-fitting leggings will look nice, take a classic black T-shirt as a top, and add gloves if desired.

The stages of creating a cat's tail are shown in more detail in the photo.

In the end, the image of the cat girl should look like this.

Suit of Snow Maiden

Of course, the most important female character on winter holiday The Snow Maiden performs, the creation of whose vestments is shown in detail in the video.

Among the numerous design options, the most current and most popular costumes for girls from 2 to 12 years old for the New Year 2018 were presented. Magical ideas will certainly help your child shine as a little star that will win the hearts of everyone who sees him on a magical night. All other experiments with costumes and decorations are limited only by your imagination!

Young children usually love to dress up as cats, dogs, tiger cubs, lions, fairies and butterflies. This costume is very easy to make with your own hands - just take a jacket desired color, add several elements depicting wings, paws or a tail, paint the child’s face and make ears on a thin rim. A New Year's costume should be made from natural fabrics so that the child feels comfortable throughout the holiday.

The basis of any New Year's costume is a carnival mask. You can make the animal’s face using an elastic band or a long stick, or buy an analogue at a toy store. A New Year's costume, made with your own hands and with great care and love, always looks very good, especially if the child made some of the details with his own hands! Don’t be surprised, you can make a costume for the New Year together with your child. Sew the main complex part yourself, and let your child glue rhinestones or paint the mask with paints.

  • A child of 3-4 years old can be trusted to color the paper parts of the costume with paint;
  • at 5-7 years old he can sew buttons, help with cutting fabric, trace parts of a future suit or mask along the contour;
  • at 8-10 children can be entrusted with complex work, for example, decorating with beads, rhinestones, sewing two pieces of material along the intended line.

DIY New Year's costume for a boy: pirate.

A boy's New Year's costume can be made in a pirate style.

You will need:

  • white or black turtleneck
  • red or yellow T-shirt
  • black pants
  • green fabric
  • black jersey
  • piece of yellow fabric
  • plastic pirate knife

Trim the sleeves and bottom of the T-shirt using a zigzag stitch. Cut squares from yellow fabric and sew to the bottom of the trousers. Make a bandana and an eye patch from black knitwear, and a belt from a piece of green material. The New Year's costume for the boy who dreams of becoming a daring pirate is ready.

DIY New Year's costume: Peter Pan.

You can make an original bright New Year's costume for a boy in the image of a hero from a famous children's book, with very little effort and using a small amount of material.

You will need:

  • turtleneck
  • leggings
  • piece of green material
  • foam rubber
  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • needle and thread

We cut the bottom of the turtleneck with a zigzag, sew on two triangles of light green or yellow color. We make a triangular-shaped cap out of cardboard, stretch or sew the remaining green fabric onto it, and glue a feather. From pieces of green fabric we cut out four halves of pointed-toe soft shoes, sew them together, and put foam rubber in the nose.

DIY New Year's costume for a girl: ladybug.

A girl can come up with a New Year's costume using a red turtleneck and black textiles. You will get the “Ladybug” outfit.

You will need:

  • red turtleneck
  • black trousers
  • a small piece of black velvet
  • bezel
  • belt tape
  • skein of red thread
  • scissors
  • thread and needle
  • paper flowers

We cut out several circles from black velvet, trim the edges, and sew them onto the turtleneck. We wrap the wire with the remaining black velvet, making antennae out of it. We attach pom-poms made of red threads or red fabric to their tops. Attach to the headband - you're done!

New Year's costume for girls: Medusa Gorgon.

If the little girl really wants to be a bad hero and play pranks all evening, making fun of and scaring others, make her a New Year’s costume for the girl “Medusa Gorgon”.

You will need:

  • black fabric
  • gold braid
  • thin wire that holds its shape
  • open sandals or sandals

Sew from black fabric long skirt and cape, decorate them with gold braid. Braid many braids on the baby’s head using wire, bend them and point them in different directions. Bright makeup and bracelets will complement the mythical costume. golden color. The girl's New Year's costume "Medusa Gorgon" is ready!