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Silky foot pedicure socks. Indications for use of plastic socks

Pedicure socks are a modern, innovative tool for foot care at home. The birthplace of the invention is Asia. They are easy, convenient and practical to use. With their help, you can quickly and effectively moisturize the skin of the feet, get rid of dryness and peeling. Many manufacturers of this tool call it peeling or foot mask.

Operating principle

Pedicure socks have a moisturizing and exfoliating effect due to the gel-like mass with which they are saturated. The active ingredient is based on active ingredients - organic acids, due to which the desired effect is achieved.

The action of organic acids on the skin of the feet:

  • cleave dead epidermal cells;
  • soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • moisturize the skin, eliminates dryness and peeling;
  • relieve swelling;
  • have an antifungal, antimicrobial effect;
  • eliminate unpleasant odor;
  • nourish and soothe the skin of the legs;
  • get rid of corns;
  • activate metabolic processes in the skin of the feet;
  • improve blood circulation and lymph outflow at the site of application.

Externally, Japanese socks resemble familiar socks, or simple plastic bags that have the shape of a stop.

The bags are sealed. The active substance has the consistency of a gel or jelly and can be placed in the bags themselves, or packed in a separate capsule or bag.

This tool has several advantages, and at the same time is not without some drawbacks. Before use, it is necessary to study the composition of the substance and the instructions for use, as well as get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages.


  • Easy to operate.
  • Affordable cost.
  • Long-term preservation of the result. After five applications, the effect of salon procedures is achieved, which lasts for 3-5 months.
  • Fight against fungus and harmful bacteria, eliminate unpleasant odor.
  • Relieve swelling, improve blood circulation, improve lymph outflow.
  • Allows you to easily cope with dryness and peeling.


  • One pair of socks is for single use only.
  • The duration of the procedure. The cosmetic procedure lasts from 40 to 60 minutes. To achieve the desired result, it must be repeated 4-5 times.
  • Active organic acids are very aggressive. If you do not follow the instructions and the time of use of plastic socks, there is a possibility of getting a burn of the skin.

Indications for use

Home pedicure and the use of masks for the legs is carried out taking into account the indications and contraindications for the use of this tool.

Indications for use of plastic socks:

  • increased dryness and peeling;
  • the presence of corns and calluses on the legs;
  • keratinized skin of the feet;
  • swelling.

Contraindications to the use of gel socks:

  • fungal diseases of the skin of the legs during an exacerbation;
  • women during pregnancy;
  • women during lactation;
  • dermatological diseases during exacerbation;
  • diabetes;
  • tattoos in the field of application of the mask for the skin of the feet;
  • during viral and infectious diseases, in which the body temperature is elevated;
  • allergic reactions of the body to the components of the mask.

Instruction for use

The use of pedicure masks is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Instructions for use:

  1. Wash feet with baby or other mild soap.
  2. Pre-steam the skin of the feet in a decoction of herbs.
  3. Remove nail polish.
  4. Do not use pumice, brushes, scrubs or other devices to clean the skin.
  5. Open the package with the foot mask.
  6. If the active substance is located separately, then it must be carefully distributed on the inner surface of the product, or simply applied to the skin of the legs with a brush.
  7. Wear socks.
  8. Fasten the silicone socks to the foot with a retainer or duct tape.
  9. You can wear cotton socks on top to enhance the effect and warm the legs.

Use pedicure socks at home strictly in accordance with the instructions. The procedure lasts from 40 to 60 minutes.

After the socks are removed, the legs should be thoroughly washed with soap or other cosmetic product and wiped dry with a soft towel.

The effect depends on how the daily skin care of the feet is carried out, what means are used for this. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to do daily baths in decoctions of herbs, use a moisturizing and nourishing cream, and massage the limbs.

Review of the best brands

  1. SOSU

Japanese brand products. The composition of the product includes lactic and hyaluronic acids, herbs, castor oil, flavorings. The package contains two pairs of socks with a gel inside. Among the advantages there is a pleasant smell, long-term preservation of the result, the absence of burning and discomfort during use.

The Japanese manufacturer offers products for women in the size range from 36 to 42, and men from 42 to 47. Estimated cost - 700-1100 rubles.

2. Baby foot

This mask has a good exfoliating effect. It is made on the basis of fruit acids and natural plant extracts. The main advantages are the absence of burning and discomfort, as well as the rapid achievement of the result.

There are models for both women and men. More than 90% of all available reviews for this product are recommendatory in nature. The average cost is 550-750 rubles. You can find almost anywhere: in virtual and cosmetic stores, pharmacies.

3. Scholl

British lactic acid based product. In addition, the composition of the product includes vitamin B5, shea butter, plant components. The package contains one pair of standard size socks with Velcro. The product for home peeling keeps on his feet no more than half an hour.

The effect occurs after five days of use. The main advantages of the product are considered to be quick results, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Disadvantages - the lack of large sizes.

4. Estelare

Manufacturer - South Korea. In the package is a pair of socks, which is designed from 36 to 44 sizes. Together with socks in the package is the active substance in a volume of 40 ml. The manufacturer claims that the product has an antimicrobial, antifungal, deodorizing effect. The average cost is 450-550 rubles.

5. Vilenta

Products of a Chinese manufacturer. The active substance is fruit acids. In the package there is one pair of socks with Velcro, two bags with the active substance of 20 milliliters. Socks are standard size 38-40. The brand produces several types of socks. All have different flavors. The average cost of goods is 200-300 rubles.

Our legs have a huge load every day, and therefore they need regular care and attention. Periodic use of socks for pedicure will quickly and effectively take care of the skin of the feet at home.

Video in addition

SILKY FOOT pedicure socks (salon version) - key benefits - The SPA version of conventional SOSU socks is softer and more effective.

It works even with strong corns.

  • - Amazingly work. Visible effect after the first application.
  • - Easy to use.
  • - Significantly cheaper than salon procedures with the same effectiveness Detailed description

For a home pedicure, Silky Foot Healing Socks are a simple and effective method of foot care. They remove keratinized skin without mechanical influence, makes the heels soft and tender. In the production of Silky Foot, only natural and high-quality components are used: lactic acid, glycolic acid, vitamins A, C, E, glycerin, urea, hydrogenated castor oil, orange and lemon extract, salicylic acid, purified water and several others.

The best combination of oils and extracts compared to SOSU socks has a beneficial effect on the skin; as a result of this product, they have anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. You need these socks if: - The skin of your legs is too dry. - You have corns, cracks, scuffs, corns; - The work of sweat and sebaceous glands is disrupted due to constant wearing of foot shoes, the smell of legs appears too quickly. - With rough and ugly skin of the legs. Why socks, and not other means? - Do not have a mechanical effect on the skin (like pumice stone or silver). - Work on the upper side of the fingers, on the edges of corns, near the nails - where it is problematic to work by mechanical means. - A much more powerful visible effect - Only 950 rubles for ideal feet - this is little money.

What do you get with these pedicure socks? The perfect texture and color of your legs. This effect can only be achieved through numerous salon procedures. How many socks do you need to get the perfect result? 1 procedure is usually enough to make your legs look like the legs of the ancient Greek goddess. To be a goddess all year long - 6 pairs of socks are enough, one pair for 2 months. Method of application 1. Wash and dry legs well. You can pre-wipe the varnish from the nails (as it will peel off). 2. Open the package, remove the socks from the package, cut them along the dotted line. 3. It is necessary to put on socks and fix with a sticker, leaving for 30-40 minutes. depending on the condition of the skin of the legs.

You can put on ordinary socks from above, which makes it convenient and you can walk and do household chores. Keep no more than 2 hours! 4. Throw away the socks after use, wash your feet well. Active action of the components will begin in about 3-4 days. Dry legs are possible, but this is normal. After 3-4 days, peeling of the skin over the entire surface of the foot begins, the skin will come off in pieces, it is not recommended to help mechanically remove such skin. The full process of skin renewal lasts 7-10 days and should take place naturally, it is recommended to wash your feet daily in warm water. If you are actively moving around the house or work, it is recommended to walk in socks.

After a few days, the skin will become silky and acquire a natural shine. With very rough skin, you can repeat the procedure only after 10 days. The effect of one procedure lasts up to three months.

Why are these socks exactly in our store?

  • 1.100% money back guarantee in case the socks do not have the desired effect. You do NOT risk anything.
  • 2. These are some of the best socks that cosmetologists recommend.

    SilkyFoot pedicure socks are an innovative product that has been appreciated by many women. Easy to use at home and the effect of use persists for 2-3 months. And so you do not have to travel constantly to nail salons.

    Inside the SilkyFoot pedicure socks there is a special composition of 17 natural ingredients, including malic acid, grapefruit and orange oils, marigold, chamomile, horsetail, ivy, lemon, sage, and burdock extracts.

    A special component of socks for pedicures is lactic acid, known since ancient times for its beneficial effects on the skin (not without reason Cleopatra herself took milk beauty baths).

    Note: For greater comfort and better results, it is recommended to wear a pair of regular socks on the pedicure socks.

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    Amazing SilkyFoot Pedicure Sock Results

  • Do you know all 9 important features of SilkyFoot?

    1. Stimulation of metabolic processes and increased cell viability.
    2. Disposable socks for pedicure, the effect lasts for 2-3 months.
    3. Regulation of sweat and sebaceous glands.
    4. Decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect.
    5. Elimination of cracks, corns and corns.
    6. Slowing down the aging process of the skin.
    7. Antifungal effect.
    8. Home pedicure.
    9. Completely safe.


  • Video with Elena Malysheva

  • Why is it important to remove dead skin of the feet?

    One of the main problems of the feet is the formation and compaction of a layer of “dead”, keratinized skin. This layer is formed as a result of a lack of moisture when wearing uncomfortable shoes (too narrow, with high heels, etc.) - as a result, blood circulation is disturbed, the skin of the legs becomes dry and rough. In addition, the keratinized sole has a tendency to multiply bacteria and, therefore, it creates additional problems, such as unpleasant odor, fungal diseases or growths and cracks.

  • How to use SilkyFoot pedicure socks?

  • Why should I trust Silkyfoot pedicure socks?

    Silkyfoot pedicure socks manufacturing company is Zhongshan Food Care Hygiene LLC (or Calla for short) founded in 2002. CareLife is a research and technology enterprise supported by the Institute of Applied Chemistry and National Health. It is located in the high-tech industrial development zone of Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province.

    Doctors and bioengineers work at CareLife, thanks to which the company has become known for its innovations in the research and development of nano-materials, artificial human skin, medical biomaterials and medical cosmetics. And the list of developments does not end there.

    The number of products manufactured by Calla is over 50 items. These include such well-known natural masks in Europe as hyaluronic, collagen, protein, gold, bamboo charcoal face masks, masks using such an innovative approach as Transdermal Delivery Systems, an aqua gel mask, and silicone gel for scar healing. . You can buy socks for pedicure at a low price from us.

    In this video you can see under what conditions, and on what modern equipment they make and.

    Now you understand how high-quality products are manufactured by Calla Silkyfoot home pedicure socks?

    In the video you could see the original box of Silkyfoot pedicure socks. Beware of fakes!

    Certificate of quality (expert opinion on product compliance)

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Many women cannot cope with the coarse skin of their feet. And this circumstance gives them a lot of concern. In some, the heels are roughened only in the summer, in others all year round. They will help restore the perfect appearance to the skin of the feet of the socks for the silkyfoot pedicure. This is an alternative to salon pedicure at home and an opportunity to solve such an important problem for women. Why are the heels roughened and what is silkyfoot pedicure socks? We will deal with these issues.

The most common reason for this phenomenon is a lack or complete lack of care. In the arsenal of personal care products must necessarily be pumice, foot creams, baths to soften and nourish the skin of the feet. And you should take care of your legs regularly, and not from time to time or on the eve of the summer season. The stiffness of the skin of the legs and the appearance of corns are facilitated by uncomfortable or very poorly selected shoes, which sometimes cause a lot of suffering and cause dropsy, scuffs and calluses.

The skin on the feet becomes rough and for natural reasons.   This is barefoot walking. And not only in the country or on the beach. Even at home, you can earn corns, rough heels, if you constantly walk around the house without slippers or even without socks. The skin does not necessarily become too rough, but it should not be ideal.

Sometimes it also happens that cracks appear on the skin of the feet, the coarse layer grows very quickly. And conventional care products are powerless. Then the reason for this may be in the state of the body:

  • Vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamins A and E).
  • Diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, its diseases, other metabolic disorders.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Fungus, skin diseases.

If you suspect that your health is not all right, and the rough and cracked skin of your feet is a consequence of diseases, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Silkyfoot pedicure socks are a way to quickly and easily put your legs in order.

  Home pedicure

Pedicure socks are an innovative product of the beauty industry. He recently appeared in Russia, but has already won the trust of women. Indeed, foot care at home takes time. And the result is not always brilliant. And not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit a beauty salon. Silkyfoot pedicure socks are the perfect personal care solution. After you perform the silkyfoot procedure, you no longer want to spend money and time in the pedicure office. Yes, this is not needed. Only two hours - and you will not recognize your legs, when in a few days the effect of the treatment composition begins to appear. The result will please you, moreover, the effect after the procedure lasts a long time.

Socks are easy to use., during the procedure you can do what you love, relax, and after it you’ll only have to reap the benefits and enjoy your well-groomed and pink heels.

This is a cosmetic product that combines the healing properties of natural ingredients and the latest technologies that the beauty industry offers. With its help, you can quickly and without any hassle get rid of dead skin, calluses, cracks and corns. The unpleasant odor that appears as a result of wearing closed shoes is also effectively destroyed. Against the background of sweating of the legs, there is a rapid growth of bacteria on the surface of the skin. A number of ingredients that are included in the formula have bactericidal and disinfectant properties.

The package is a compact box in which there are transparent socks, covered on the outside with a waterproof layer. Inside the socks is a healing composition that affects the skin of the feet.

To use the socks, open the packaging and put them on your previously washed and slightly steamed legs. To keep socks well, it is recommended to wear ordinary socks on top. They will securely fix the socks on your legs, and you can easily move around the house or relax. After two hours, you need to remove the socks and wash your feet with soap.

The kit includes special Velcro for fastening socks on the legs. If you have no desire to put on top of socks, then you can use Velcro.

On the fourth or fifth day after the procedure, the upper layer of skin on the soles of the feet begins to exfoliate. It can be easily removed with your hands, without experiencing pain. You can use pumice or a special grater for feet while taking a shower. After the top layer of skin has completely come off, your legs will become beautiful, smooth and well-groomed.

The size of the socks is universal.   It can be used for both 35 foot size and 45. Silkyfoot pedicure socks should not be used during pregnancy and open wounds. Do not expose the feet to ultraviolet radiation immediately after the procedure.

  What components are included in the healing composition

The composition, which is located inside the socks, not only removes the stratum corneum of the skin, but also has a beneficial effect on your legs as a whole. The formula includes lactic and malic acid, water, lemongrass oil, grapefruit oil, orange oil. Extracts: brown algae, lemon, ivy, field chamomile, camellia, field horsetail, burdock root and bearberry.

  • Lactic acid.   It is thanks to the action of lactic acid that the feet are cleansed of rough, dry and rough skin. Lactic acid has several properties that are used in a variety of cosmetic products. So, this substance moisturizes the skin, exfoliates the stratum corneum, improves the condition and thickness of the living epidermis, increases the density of collagen and improves the condition of elastin fibers. It has an antibacterial effect on the skin and also regulates the pH level of the skin.
  • Apple acid. It stimulates the renewal of deep-lying cells, evens out skin color, increases skin firmness and elasticity, and retains moisture in skin cells well.
  • Citrus oils   rich in minerals and vitamins. They rejuvenate the skin, nourish it and moisturize.
  • Lemongrass oil   tones the layer of young skin, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Brown algae extract. This product is based on seaweed, it contains a large number of healing substances and has tonic, regenerating, antioxidant, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Ivy extract. When applied topically, the ivy leaf exhibits anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound healing effects. Ivy extract also contains carotene, vitamins B, C and E, carbohydrates and oleanolic acid.
  • Chamomile extract. Chamomile flowers contain tannins, essential oils, they have a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and softening effect on the skin. Chamomile extract treats dry and chapped skin.
  • Camellia Extract   It has a tonic, moisturizing, calming and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Burdock Root Extract   used for calluses, cracks in the skin, it has a therapeutic effect for a variety of problems with the skin.
  • Horsetail extract field has a healing effect, it helps rejuvenate the skin, softens it and removes toxins and toxins.
  • Bearberry extract. The beneficial substances that make up bearberry soften the skin, contribute to its hydration, freshness and elasticity.

All components included in the silkyfoot pedicure formula for socks have unique properties. No wonder the skin of the legs after the procedure shines with health and beauty. The legs become smooth and well-groomed. And the mood of a woman is truly spring. Silkyfoot pedicure socks are available to everyone. And this is another argument in favor of this pleasant home procedure.