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Modern preschool child. Essay “Modern preschooler

Essay on the topic of: " Modern preschooler»

Boltrushevich Margarita Aleksandrovna

Teacher GBOU school 1302

To the question: “What is he like - a modern preschooler?” - it is impossible to answer unambiguously. A modern child is not the same as his peers were just a few years ago. Previously, children tried to imitate adults; they were more independent. Modern children are very persistent, demanding, have high self-esteem, and do not tolerate violence. They are interested not only in toys, they want to learn a lot about human life, the surrounding world, and nature. They enjoy studying encyclopedias based on their interests. Children are very informed and inquisitive. You can argue with them and discuss any topics that interest them.

Preschoolers have become more lively, noisy, and emotional. They remember poems and songs well. But, despite their liveliness, they physical development Quite weak, children do not really like to do physical education. Due to health problems, many have a delay speech development, most need the help of a speech therapist. Many have impaired sound pronunciation, a poor vocabulary, and children also do not know how to give a complete answer, compose a story based on a picture, some have difficulty retelling a fairy tale or story.

But, despite these difficulties, they can retell their favorite cartoon with pleasure and in detail or describe the characters of a computer game. They watch a lot of videos, sometimes without adult supervision. They prefer computer games to role-playing games. It is very difficult for their parents: everyone wants to have a good income and create excellent conditions for their child, so they sometimes forget about spending time with their child. Adults are very interested in early intellectual development, sometimes they forget about such a component as play; few parents play with their child, so he has no choice but to watch TV, play on his phone or tablet. The deficit of affection and parental attention is growing.

Communication between preschoolers comes down to discussing a new cartoon or new toy. It’s bad that a child communicates with peers or adults only in kindergarten or on the playground. Favorite characters are those from children's animation (they are not always endowed with positive qualities). Watching independent heroes, you can see how the heroes of these cartoons (zombies, monsters, spidermen) become role models for preschoolers.

Now adults' priorities have changed. In society, intellectual education comes first, then persistence in achieving goals, and health comes third. Unfortunately, qualities such as morality, emotional and social values ​​come in last place. This certainly affects the character and behavior of our children in a far from positive way.

Modern children do not know how to listen and hear another person, they do not know how to empathize, be patient, and wait. Unfortunately, sometimes unmotivated aggression appears towards peers, and sometimes towards adults.

Modern children are well acquainted with complex technical devices, sometimes better than adults. But they also have difficulty mastering self-service skills. It’s becoming less and less common to hear the phrase: “I do it myself!” They don't want to grow up. Parents themselves limit children's independence, undress, dress, feed themselves. Children began to disdain work assignments.

To the modern child characterized by a variety of features, they are ambiguous. But one thing is for sure: they are very interesting!

Karaseva Margarita
Features of a modern preschooler

At present, no one has any doubt that kids today are not like that what their peers were like a few decades ago. The reasons for this are changes in the surrounding world, both objective and social, in methods of education in the family, in the attitudes of parents, etc. All these social changes led to psychological changes. The number of children with poor health, hyperactive children, children with emotional and volitional disorders is rapidly increasing, many preschoolers have speech delay and mental development.

What are the reasons for such changes? Firstly, the generation gap between parents and children. Increased involvement of parents at work is one of the features of raising modern children. Observations and surveys of parents have shown that most of them have little idea of ​​what can and should be done with their child, what games their children play, what they think about, and how they perceive the world around them. At the same time, all parents believe that their children should be introduced to the achievements of technological progress as early as possible. Only a few parents know that scientists and numerous life facts have proven that development small child, the formation of his inner world occurs only in joint activities with adults. It is a close adult who enters into dialogue with the baby, it is with him that the child discovers and learns about the world, it is with the support and help of an adult that the baby begins to try himself in different types of activities and feel his interests and capabilities. And not a single technical means, not a single media capable replace a living person.

Next problem of a modern preschooler is growth"screen" dependencies. Computers and TV are increasingly, and in some families always, replacing reading fairy tales, talking with parents, walking together and playing games. A survey of parents showed that their children spend several hours a day in front of screens, which far exceeds the amount of time they interact with adults. And, what’s most interesting, this suits many parents, especially dad. They don't often think about what it is "safe" the activity is fraught with various dangers not only for the physical health of children (impaired vision, lack of movement, poor posture, etc.), but also for their mental development. TV and computer games shape the soul and mind modern child , his tastes, views on the world, that is, they take away the educational function from the parents. But little children watch everything. As a result, a generation is growing up "screen" children.

The result of this is one of the main features of modern children – delay in speech development. Children speak little and poorly, their speech is poor. Scientists have found that over the past two decades the number of speech disorders has increased more than six times. But since speech is not only a means of communication, but also a means of thinking, imagination, awareness of one’s behavior, one’s experiences (the so-called internal speech), its absence leads to the fact that the child becomes unstable and dependent on external influences, with internal emptiness .

One more feature of modern children is a frequently observed failure to them to concentrate on any activity, lack of interest in the task, which is characterized by hyperactivity, increased absent-mindedness, etc.

It has also been noted that many children are now finding it difficult to perceive information by ear, that is, it is difficult for them to retain the previous phrase and connect individual sentences. As a result, such children are not interested in listening to even the best children's books because they are unable to understand the text as a whole.

Another important fact noted by preschool teachers is a decrease in curiosity and imagination among preschoolers, their imagination and creative activity. Such children do not invent new games, do not compose fairy tales, they are bored with drawing or constructing something. Usually they are not interested or attracted to anything. The consequence of this is a limitation of communication with peers, because they are not interested in communicating with each other.

The same contributes to what for modern children's children's "yard" a community where children could play and interact freely with each other.

Observations of children show some of them to be insufficiently formed fine motor skills and graphic skills, and this in turn indicates the underdevelopment of the corresponding brain structures.

Almost all teachers note an increase in anxiety and aggression in modern children. Observations show that aggression most often manifests itself when there is a lack of communication. In children, aggression often becomes a defense mechanism, which is explained by emotional instability. Aggressive child often feels rejected, useless. That's why he's looking for ways attract attention, which are not always clear to parents and teachers, but to of this child this is the only known remedy. Aggressive children are very often suspicious and wary, they like to shift the blame for the quarrel they started onto others. Such children often cannot assess their own aggressiveness. They do not notice that they offend others. It seems to them that the whole world wants to offend them. And, besides, children cannot look at themselves from the outside and adequately evaluate their behavior.

I would like to talk about one more problem in education. modern preschooler. This modern toys. Many of them are not at all contribute development play activity. But play is the leading activity of a child in preschool age. Now toys are aimed at the mechanical use of operations laid down by the manufacturer, and not promotes creative play.

Thus we see that in preschool age, although there are huge reserves for the development of a child and the formation of his personality, recently they have not always been used correctly. It is necessary to realize these reserves in specific forms of activity of the child, which best correspond to the needs and capabilities preschooler. This different types games, design, visual activity, communication with adults and peers, etc.

That is why the main task of education modern preschoolers is to create conditions in which the child has the opportunity to play with peers, solve cognitive problems with them, satisfy his own curiosity, develop imagination, creative capabilities, build relationships with people, empathize, feel cared for and care for others. Today, more than ever, it is important to provide every child with attention and care for his mental and physical health, and for this, through joint efforts preschool institutions and families need to be formed from modern preschoolers feeling of emotional well-being and psychological comfort so that they can fully live the most important and responsible period of their lives - childhood, in which the foundations of a person’s personality are laid.

Informational resources:

1. Ashikov V. Once again about education // Preschool education . – 2005. - No. 4 – P. 3-5

2. Danilina T. A., Zedgenidze V. Ya., Stepina N. M. In the world of children's emotions: Benefit for practical workers of preschool educational institutions. - M.: Iris-press, 2004. -160 p.

3. Lyutova E. K., Monina G. B. Cheat sheet for adults: Psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. - M.: Genesis, 2000. -192 p.

4. Mukhina B.S. Age psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence. - M.: Academy, 1999.-456 p.

5. Osipova A. A. General Psychocorrection. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2002.-512 p.

6. Shirokova G. A., Zhadko E. G. Workshop for child psychologist. - Rostov n/ D: "Phoenix", 2004. - 320 p.

7. Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. Pedagogical conditions for implementation moral education preschoolers in activities // Preschool pedagogy. – 2007. - No. 8 – P. 9-11

It is unlikely that anyone will want to dispute the fact that modern childhood is very different from ours as it was 30 years ago. Besides the fact that the trees were taller and the grass was greener, the world has fundamentally changed a lot during this time. Our experts, psychologists Anna Skavitina and Nina Shkileva, discuss how today’s preschoolers differ from us at their age and why it seems strange to us what they like.

Children of different generations are very different from each other. Our grandparents were surprised by the voice from the radio, mothers and fathers ran to the cinema instead of lessons, we traced with a pen in a newspaper TV program, and our children themselves choose what to watch and even record it on video themselves. Parents often feel that “it was better before,” and that children’s programs are much worse than those that were created 30 years ago. This is due not only to the eternal conflict between fathers and children, but also to the fact that our children are completely different from us at their age.

They have a different pace

A modern preschooler can receive as many impressions and experience as many events in a week as his parents received in several months in their childhood.

They live in this rhythm, it is much more difficult for them to wait. They can't loiter around, stare out the window for hours at falling snow and passing cars, and endure pauses in dialogue or long cutscenes.

Yes, in their favorite cartoons everything flashes and jumps, in fact, just like in their lives.

Their lives are more eventful and filled with information

The life of modern children is organized differently. As soon as we step outside, the city instantly falls on us, attacking all the analyzers. Pictures, texts, voices and music, people and transport - all this is a constant flow in which you need to navigate, and our children can do this, it is familiar to them. Therefore, the stories that interest them can be more complex and rich than our favorite cartoons.

They have different requirements

And both parents and school. It was 20 years ago that you might not be able to read and write at the age of 7; they taught you everything at school. Today's first-grader should know and be able to do a lot, and this is also why so many educational programs and cartoons have appeared. Yes, preschoolers can remember and master all this, they are interested in dinosaurs and the device household appliances, and they will really need it very soon, almost now.

They communicate less with peers

In our childhood, it was common to run away into the yard for the whole day with a key around your neck. For modern children, parents choose not only entertainment, but also friends. And these, of course, are only useful events and “right” boys and girls.

Therefore, on the one hand, they become interesting stories about conflicts, victories over monsters and ways out of difficult situations, since in reality this aspect of relationships decreases, and dealing with this part of life is very important for a child. On the other hand, children like stories about simple everyday situations that happen, for example, in kindergarten or on the playground.

Perhaps in reality this does not happen often enough to become understood and mastered.

They live in a world with changed values ​​and norms

You can find stories about the separation of parents or the adoption of children, about tolerance for differences. And for our children this can be as important as stories about friendship and justice from our childhood. At the same time, by the way, they can also be relevant.

It is important to remember that when we say that Soviet cartoons are not suitable for modern children, this does not mean that they cannot like them and do not need to watch them at all. The idea is to not shy away from new products for children that may not appeal to modern adults.

In this article:

Modern children are different from those raised in Soviet times. In everything. From needs and intelligence to psychological characteristics. What is the reason? First of all, in changed living conditions, to which man and progress have had a hand. And an equally important reason is the cultivation of new forms of education based on child acceptance and love. The three main pillars of such education are motivation, cooperation and control. Everything that modern children have much more than Soviet and post-Soviet children.

Features of modern children

The normal development of children requires adequate development conditions. Most parents protect their children from problems, stressful situations, grief, pain and other negative factors that life is filled with. As a result of this, they grow Children who are incapable of anything, shaking with fear at the sight of any problems, because they not only do not know how to solve them, but also do not know how to behave in such situations.

Also, modern children do not have a feeling of guilt. They are immune to the tactics of indoctrination, which are often used in families and public institutions in the early stages of development. Modern offspring react poorly to lectures, punishment, coercion and other generally accepted methods of education and techniques used by teachers and parents.

These children are not afraid even of corporal punishment. It is almost impossible to “put them in place.” Few people succeed in this and with the help of a limited number of measures.

The most important thing for modern children is respect. Only to him do they react and respond. Adults should respect not only small toddlers as reasonable individuals, but also their problems, which they consider no less difficult than parental difficulties.

Most of these kids are not very well behaved. Many can even be called dysfunctional. At the same time, each of them needs a chance to receive from adults the advice that can encourage the best that is in each individual child.

These kids come into our imperfect world perfect. Inside they have a core and an intuitive sense of what is good and right. Therefore, they easily and clearly identify the bad words and actions committed by others. You may ask: why then do they themselves say and act badly? Yes, because others do it. Since this is allowed for some, why not for others? Why not for this particular child, who, like other modern children, does not like prohibitions, even if they are not spoken out loud? These are rebels who demand that we follow the rules by breaking them. This is how they point out our mistakes to us. It’s not for nothing that they say that you should not educate your children, but yourself, because they will still grow up to be like us.

In addition to respect, modern children have an acute need for love. And under no circumstances will they approve of lies, manipulation and violence. They need explanations, and excuses like “because I said so” do not suit them.

There is no point in raising a full-fledged personality - it is in front of us. She just needs to be helped to improve and “grow” with new knowledge and experience. To do this, you just need to take your own child, his opinions, desires and life position seriously. You shouldn’t change the baby – you should change yourself, your thinking and expectations regarding the behavior of your beloved child. Only in this difficult way can you achieve what you want. The position of peace and harmony is aimed at helping parents in raising modern offspring.

Features of education

Raising the current generation is not easy. This becomes clear as a result of communication with representatives of modern children. For education For a child of the 21st century, experts recommend using the following principles.

Modern children and discipline

Many parents think that modern children and discipline are incompatible concepts. However, it is not. Even the most unruly child can be disciplined. To do this you just need:

Personal qualities

Knowing the personal qualities of the children of the new generation, it will be easier for you to find relationships with them. mutual language. So, according to many teachers and parents, most modern children:

Quite specific personal qualities, but at the same time easily explainable and natural for today, in which parents have a large supply of time for work and hobbies and almost no time left for children. But if some do not have time for a child, then others have no desire to communicate with him, especially since he is often a more multifaceted, perfect, entertaining and deep representative of humanity than his parent.

Problems of modern children

Modern parents suffer from two extremes. Some do not participate in the child’s life at all, entrusting their personal growth to the kindergarten, school, tutors and nannies, while others overly
control, patronize and protect from real life.

Thus, children of the 21st century have a number of serious problems. They:

Each of these problems has a solution. The main thing is not to identify this problem, but to see it, want to solve it and solve it. First of all, this is the task of caring parents. All they should do is pay attention to the child, teach him to live here and now, communicate with people, enjoy simple things, love and be loved by people, and not by gadgets and virtual friends.

What should parents do?

As is clear from the above, the life of a modern child is not so simple and cloudless, even if it is filled with laptops, tablets, consoles, smartphones and other benefits of modern civilization. Together with them they acquire a lot psychological problems, which only parents can help solve. However, I would like to note that it is better not to solve problems, but to prevent them.

The first and most important rule in raising modern children is strict control over “gadgetomania”! It is necessary to control not only computers and tablets, but even televisions. If the rule is introduced before the child becomes dependent on gadgets, then there will be no problems. When restrictions are introduced already during the “illness,” the baby may begin to experience a kind of “withdrawal”, like any other addicted person, manifested by fits of rage, hysterics, scandals, and attempts at blackmail. But as soon as the baby gets used to the new rules, he will immediately change. He will become calmer, his playing skills will develop, and he will become interested in the world around him.

Experts recommend spending more time with your son or daughter - walking, traveling, visiting museums, theaters, zoos, going to the approaches, picking mushrooms and berries. The offspring should be taught kindness and love for all living things - from plants and animals to similar representatives of humanity. Whatever values ​​society imposes on children, the main ones can only be instilled by parents. All you need to do is love your baby, want to be close to him, give him time and attention, and also be a role model.

We present to your attention a portrait of a modern child preschool age.

Preschool children tend to integrated development mental operations (children think in blocks, modules, quanta); higher level of intelligence: children 2-3 years old cope with tasks previously designed for children 4-5 years old. Children are distinguished by an increased need to perceive information, constantly looking for ways to satisfy it, if they do not receive the necessary “portion” of information energy, they begin to show dissatisfaction or aggression; Information overload clearly doesn't bother many of them; The volume of long-term memory is much larger, and the permeability of operational memory is higher, which allows you to perceive and process a large amount of information in a short period of time. They do not experience stress when in contact with equipment, computers, or mobile phones.

Freedom reflex: in modern children, the system of relationships dominates the system of knowledge. Instead of asking “why?” the question came “why?” If earlier a child had a well-developed imitative reflex and tried to repeat the actions of an adult, then in modern children the freedom reflex predominates - they themselves build a strategy for their behavior. Children are persistent and demanding, have high self-esteem, and do not tolerate violence. Their innate desire for self-realization and manifestation of their active nature is noted:

  • The modern preschooler is interested not only in the world of objects and toys. Children want to learn a lot about people, the world around them, and nature. A child is interested in a person from all sides: as a biological and social being, as a creator and bearer of culture;
  • a modern child is a citizen who is aware of himself not only in the modern, but also in the historical space of the country and city. He loves his homeland, family, peers and friends, wants to make life better, more worthy and more beautiful;
  • A modern preschooler is well aware of himself, his immediate environment, his present and future. He is ready to evaluate various phenomena and events;
  • modern children are more focused on the future, they easily talk about where and with whom they will work, how much they will earn and spend, what kind of family they will have, in what conditions they will live and how to relax;
  • older preschoolers not only accept the learning task, but also realize its meaning for themselves. As a rule, it is associated with the successful future of the child: I will learn to read - I will do well at school - I will go to college - I will get an excellent job - I will live well!
  • the modern child pleases, on the one hand, with his activity, mobility, initiative and determination, on the other hand, with his developed imagination, penchant for fantasy and creativity;
  • children are able to think and act independently, live with a sense of inner freedom, are cheerful and optimistic, are distinguished by positivism, developed intellectual processes, and a focus on understanding the world around them;
  • today's preschooler manages to master faster than an adult mobile phone and a computer, TV and tape recorder, goes with family and friends to cafes and restaurants, goes abroad on vacation, travels, knows car brands, names of clothing manufacturers, etc.;
  • children love to play, compose, fantasize, i.e. actively focused on self-valued, children's activities;
  • in the behavior of children there are some manifestations of adulthood, maturity in judgment, orientation towards the future, understanding of oneself, one’s interests, needs, capabilities;
  • Children live in a world in which many aspects of human life are computerized. A computer is not a luxury, but a means of work, knowledge, and leisure;
  • modern preschoolers have become more relaxed, liberated, open, they show greater independence, initiative, they show feelings of freedom and independence;
  • the favorite heroes of modern children are children's cartoon characters;
  • changes are also taking place in the intellectual sphere of children; they are characterized by greater awareness; they have become more developed, inquisitive, they can easily and freely navigate modern technology and adult life; that the plane lands on the landing gear, and in the galaxy, besides our planet, there are others...", "You can talk to them, argue, this has never happened before...";
  • children's preferences, interests, and judgments about life largely depend on the standard of living and capabilities of the parents and vary depending on the area of ​​residence (in a capital city, regional center, province, suburb, one or another area of ​​the city, etc.);
  • children became more lively, noisy, and emotional. They perceive various information better, memorize poems and songs faster;
  • children experience difficulties in communicating and interacting with peers and adults due to a complex of socio-psychological problems (aggression, shyness, hyperactivity, hypoactivity, passivity of the child, etc.);
  • Children have difficulty learning certain moral standards.

Despite changes in the world, society, and family, modern preschoolers continue to remain children. They love to play, but the content of the games and gaming interests have changed somewhat. Along with role-playing games, children choose games with modern construction sets, various puzzles, know and are interested in computer games;

Thus, when organizing educational work with children, it is necessary to take into account (adjusted for individual characteristics, the uniqueness of personal social experience, sociocultural situation) that a modern preschool child has:

  • sufficiently developed perception of multifactorial qualities and relationships of objects, phenomena and situations;
  • a memory sufficiently developed to retain and compare what is newly perceived with what was already experienced in an earlier experience;
  • thinking sufficient to comprehend and establish connections between complex multi-level, multi-factor phenomena and events;
  • speech that allows you to explain your ideas and states, both situational and perspective, which allows the child to enter into relationships of different levels and directions;
  • a research initiative that encourages the child to search for new experiences and allows him to successfully explore complex, multi-connected, physical and social objects and phenomena, identifying their hidden essential characteristics and networks of internal causal interactions;
  • the established “subjectivity”, allowing him to act independently and autonomously not only as a subject of activity, but also as a subject of social relations;
  • an internal position, which will mainly be formed as a new formation by the age of seven, but already now allows the child to individually (based on his own worldview) relate to the events and phenomena occurring in the child’s life.

The article was prepared based on materials from GAOU DPO SO IRO, based on the results of modern international and Russian studies preschool education(Miliar & Bizzell, 1983; Karnes et al., 1983; Schweinhart & Weikart, 1997; Nabuco & Sylva, 1996; Sylva et al., 2001; Siraj-Blatchford & Sylva, 2000)

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