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Birthday guest list. How to write a birthday invitation text

Where does preparation begin? children's day birth? There is a lot of hassle: you need to decide on gifts, choose a place for the celebration, create a menu for festive table, discuss many issues with the child, choose music, prepare poems, songs, dances, riddles and competitions, come up with themes, decorations and interior design options, send out invitations to guests for a child’s birthday...

Stop! You just need to start with the guests. First, make a list of everyone you would like to invite. Then carefully study the list, think and add (or delete) someone.

After all, if you think about it, guests are no less important for celebrating a birthday than the birthday person himself. The event itself is largely held specifically for guests, who create an atmosphere of celebration, fun, lively communication and positive emotions.

Welcome, or invitation is required.

What is the best way to arrange invitations for a child's birthday? There are several most common approaches:

  • order an invitation template for a children's birthday
  • purchase ready-made invitation templates for your child’s birthday
  • make blanks for invitations yourself

1) Order from a printing company or printing house.

This option is the most expensive, but allows you to obtain high-quality printed products. Yes, this level cannot be achieved without special equipment and consumables, but still the disadvantage of this option is the minimal participation on the part of the child and his parents.

In addition, placing an order, discussing details and manufacturing requires certain time, and often quite significant.

2) Buying ready-made invitations.

If there is time for self-production invitations or ordering their printing is no longer available (or there is simply no such desire), then purchasing ready-made ones may be a way out of the situation. Of course, there will be no originality in this option, but under certain conditions this solution to the problem will do.

3) Self-production.

Here's where to turn around creativity, especially for a child! What could be more interesting than making invitations for a child’s birthday with your own hands? Everything can be taken into account individual characteristics each of the guests, bring their own unique style into the design, and at the same time for each new holiday there will be an opportunity to cook something new.

Of course, the child should take part in creating invitations. Collaborative creativity The best way to bring a child and parents closer together is with each other. You could even say that the anticipation of the holiday brings no less pleasure than the holiday itself. Thinking through all the details, preparing invitations and sending them out to guests is an exciting and lively process.

When drawing up homemade invitations, you should take into account age, gender and family (or friendly) ties with the guest. For girls and women, the design may look in one style, and for male guests - in another.

Features of form and content.

In what format is the text of invitations for children's birthdays composed? The event, after all, is significant - therefore the text should look impressive, but at the same time without excessive officialdom. Bright, expressive colors will help create the anticipation of a fun holiday,

As for the content, the most important points are three:

1) Name of the event.

A clear indication of the purpose of the invitation can be expressed in phrases of various forms, but the main thing is that the meaning is clearly understood, for example:

  • “We invite the esteemed lollipop knight and wooden horse to a fabulous ball on the occasion of the name day of the gentleman of the chocolate bunny of Her Highness the princess of the kingdom of Confetia"
  • “Petya will be glad to see his best friend Vasya on his birthday”
  • “Would Mr. Igor be kind enough to come to visit his neighbor Elena for the purpose of a solemn celebration on the occasion of her turning five years old?”
  • “I invite you to visit us, we will eat pineapple! I’m five years old, there will be a set lunch!”

2) Address to the invitee.

A personal address to each of the invitees is compliance with the rules of good manners. Individual invitations for each guest will create a pleasant impression and will be an indicator of good friendly relations.

It is not necessary to indicate the guest's last name; it will be enough to write the first name, and for relatives the address on behalf of the child will look like “Uncle Petya” or “beloved grandmother Polina,” etc.

3) Place and time of the event.

They must be indicated so that those invited prepare in advance, arrive on time and do not get lost while searching.

The invitations themselves to a children's birthday, of course, need to be sent some time before the day of the holiday, and the sooner the better. You shouldn’t send out invitations a few hours before the start of the celebration, and then be surprised that almost no one came.

We invite, we invite, we invite you to visit.

A more creative option is an invitation to a children's birthday in verse. Here you will have to work hard with meter and practice with rhymes. You can take a finished poem and rework it a little to suit yourself.

For those who are interested in poetry, it is preferable to compose their own poems.

Invitations to a child's birthday with poems by famous poets will look more impressive, but less soulful.

What are the advantages of addressing in poetic form? This gives great solemnity to the moment, such an invitation to children's party it is much more interesting to read, especially if it is done in a humorous style.

Finding poems for an invitation to a children's birthday party won't be difficult. A lot of ready-made poems and poetic blanks for invitations are available to everyone on the Internet.

A script for a blockbuster, or how not to go out of style.

For those who like a non-standard approach and for those who want to create not just a holiday, but a real adventure for children, you can use a special scenario. For example, children are invited “to investigate the mysterious crime of an evil sorceress” or “to search for countless treasures hidden by pirates on a desert island,” or maybe “to free a princess from the captivity of an insidious dragon.”

In this case, invitations to a children's birthday party will need to be designed in the appropriate style so that they do not stand out from the general surroundings. For example, like this: “The valiant knight Vasily is invited to a tournament on the occasion of the anniversary of the liberation of Princess Nastena from the clutches of a fire-breathing dragon and to protect her from the witchcraft forces approaching from the neighboring kingdom.”

Of course, the graphic design of the invitation template for a child’s birthday should not go out of line with the theme and match the style of the script. Ideally, such invitations should be presented by an actor in a special suit - this will create maximum effect and create intrigue. Then those invited will wait with great impatience and anticipation for that long-awaited day to finally arrive.

Text invitations

Girl's Birthday Invitations

Our daughter invites you

Celebrate your birthday together.

Tea cake promises

And other entertainment!

True, all these words

I couldn't write to you.

You don't hold grudges -

We are not good at the alphabet!

Boys Birthday Invitations

Our son wished

Invite all your friends to the ball,

Dedicated to the anniversary.

How can you refuse a man here?!

Are you coming to the holiday?

And support the man!

Invitation for a year

We invite you to our place for your first birthday.

We were looking forward to this year's holiday with joyful excitement.

Well, now let’s prepare the table, games, and treats.

Let's have some fun and have some fun!

Invitation for 2 years

We barely came to our senses

And the baby will soon be two!

Come and have a look

What a mess he brought his parents to!

Invitation for 3 years

3 years is no joke:

We are officially calling you

For the little one's birthday!

Gathering, as before, at the table!

Invitation for 5 years

Our hero of the day - no matter where,

May his years be small.

On the very first anniversary

Looking forward to guests!

Come celebrate

The first rating is 5!

Invitation for 10 years

Despite his years,

The hero of the day follows fashion!

And I decided for my birthday

Send you an invitation!

Invitation to a children's party

Come visit us for a holiday

Both quiet and prankster!

Don't forget to dress up

Let's have fun together!

Invitation to a tea party in verse

Hurry to our holiday -

Let's laugh heartily

Let's dance and sing

Let's drink tea and buns!

List of other invitations:

We invite adults and children!

You should definitely come too!

Take your kids with you,

And ours is one year old! Look!

We have an important event!

Our baby was born today!

It will be a colorful holiday for you,

So that the world is illuminated with a smile!

Come with your family,

Don't forget about gifts too!

Let's get together as a big family!

There's no point in missing a birthday!

Our child has grown older

Became a year older!

We'll have a carnival

Holiday without worries!

It's our birthday without you

Just don't start!

Come to us for jam,

Let's celebrate!

Download children's birthday invitations

National Day is the happiest and happiest day in the life of every person.
The Christmastide atmosphere is created by an extravaganza of positive emotions, widespread
family and friends, rapt and reception surprises. Chantly, at least once in a lifetime
I would like to ask people who would have fun this day
unforgettable. Besides, I would like to make them as original as possible
decisions. You can prepare your requests for National Day in advance.

National Day is the happiest and happiest day in the life of every person. The Christmastide atmosphere is created by an extravaganza of positive emotions, a wide outreach to family and friends, rapt and welcoming surprises. Chantly, if only once in life I would like to ask the people with whom this day would be fun and unforgettable. Besides, I would like to encourage them with some original solutions. You can prepare your requests for National Day in advance.


Robimo requested independently

Simple materials and a drop of tension are the axis of the main warehouse for the production of requested leaflets.

Everything is not as complicated as one might think at first. Golovne has a lot of wisdom and boundless imagination. In order to prepare a unique and memorable request for National Day, you can use almost any material.

The basics are: landscape arches, whatman paper, trellises with a small baby, papier design. In addition to the decor and keeping the original look, there are quilts, pieces of fabric, quilts, sequins, little things, appliqués, and small photos of the birthday boy. The prepared request will depend on the intended idea, the availability of relevant information and the method of delivery to the addressee. If you plan to transfer the request directly into your hands, then the leaflet can be made into a large one. If your request needs to be sent by mail, then make sure to make sure it fits in the envelope.

Options for preparing leaflets

  • it looks like a heart;
  • straight-cut shape;
  • square;
  • there are stars in sight;
  • there are little flowers in sight.

You can make it as a one-ball, so and so, so that it will fold into two, or even three times. This look can be applied to any leaflet, including one requested for a child’s birthday.

The technology for preparing leaflets and covering them with chairs is the same. Whatman paper with a size of terra 28x7 cm is divided into three parts of 7x14x7. The middle section of the leaflet is part of the paper on which the request will be written. Bichni vіdrіzki – chairs. All necessary information is recorded on the inner part: date of cleanliness, place, hour.

The chairs will need to be decorated. The simplest thing is to cut out small flowers from a different-colored paper and glue them on a leaflet near the heart. The leather of the stool is half a heart. If the stench closes, the figure will fold together. To avoid self-opening request, if there are two little flowers that are on different chairs, you need to glue them with a beautiful satin stitch, and after that, when the leaflet is ready, the bows will definitely be thinned.

2. Request-suviy. To prepare, you need to know a thick papier, two thin sticks with 17 cm skin, a small stitch. And what’s more, it’s obvious beautiful handwriting. The style requested is a letter to the old Russian woman. Suviy is responsible for the design with a variety of beautiful monograms, curls and delicate vaserunks. The requested leaflets, posted in this manner, will greatly delight and welcome future guests.

The prepared paper is 15 cm wide, the lower and upper parts are screwed onto sticks and secured with additional glue. The necessary text is written on the cut paper canvas and decorated with various painted elements.

We check when everything has dried well and sunbathed, place it on the top stick. It depends on the stitching. If you don’t have a stick for the facelessness of your soul, then you can do without them. Then you just need to make a tube from the paper and tie it with a stitch.

The original flyers can be created by anyone who can use Photoshop. Therefore, making unique requests for National Day is not a special requirement. Write the program in beautiful handwriting and decorate the leaflet with copper baubles. You can create a fiery cartoon instead of the person of one of the characters - the person of the birthday person or the requested guest.

List of requests for National Day

1. The road (my friend)! I ask you and your brother to cheerfully celebrate my birthday. A local visit will be made (date and hour) at the address:

(exact addresses).

Our phone: (phone number).

Shanovny (names of the fathers of the requested friend)! We really trust that you will not deprive us of our request without respect. Please let us know in advance about the presence of you and your children. Be kind, call your appointment phone number at any time convenient for you, for more detailed information.

We ask you to come together with (their child) for the holy day of the third day of our (their) birthday.

We check for you on the (date) (hour) of the year at the address: (addresses of the place of entry). We will be very glad if you accept our request and inform us about your presence in the future. On the holy day there will also be family bets with children of two or four families.

2. We ask you for tea and chapel this evening, dedicated to the day of our dear (her) birthday, as she gathers her dear and close people to celebrate (many fates) the river of her wonderful life!

De (place of conduct). Koli (date of conduct).

Bring both things with you: laughter, kindness and love!!!

3. I had a birthday party here, which is what I need to mean. No disguises are accepted, everyone arrives together (date, hour and place of entry). There are reports of a lot of partying, drinking and divine fun!

4. Subpoena.

Vidano (date and holy hour) on their name (the person requested).

Prokhannya show up at the address (the exact address of the visit) to participate in the gala and fun evening called “National Day”.

During the registration process, you will be subject to a fine similar to such entries. In case of failure to appear, you will be reported to the celebrant of the occasion with all severity (signature of the birthday person).

Birthday is a favorite holiday of adults and children. It is traditionally celebrated among friends and family. You can invite everyone you want to see at the celebration by phone or in person, but there is more original way– make an invitation card or buy it in a specialty store. Invitation text it's better to compose it yourself.

Features of composing an invitation text

Why does the text written in your own hand on the invitation take precedence over the finished version that some postcards contain? The whole point is that you write it from the heart, which means every word is filled with warmth and gratitude. So, what should you consider when writing the text for your birthday invitation card?

In addition, when composing the text for the invitation, you should indicate your mobile phone for those guests who don't have one. What if they cannot find the place of celebration or want to clarify some other details about the party.

Types of texts

It's worth noting that a birthday invitation can be formal, funky, or classic. Here are their descriptions and approximate options:


As you already understood, it is best used for work colleagues, bosses, not too close friends and just good friends. Here are some examples of such texts: Dear “first and patronymic”! Let me invite you to a party on the occasion of my birthday. The celebration will take place on September 11 at 19.00 at the address: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74, cafe “Cozy Hearth”. If you have any questions, call me at 8 906 XXX XX XX. "The name of the hero of the occasion." *** “Name and Patronymic”, I invite you to celebrate my birthday. The celebration will be held at the address: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74, cafe “Cozy Hearth” September 11 at 19.00. The dress code is loose. "The name of the hero of the occasion." Tel. 8 906 XXX XX XX.


A classic invitation is considered to be the one that is already printed on the card. It should be used if you do not have the time or desire to compose your own text. Here is his example: Invitational. Full name: Lebedev Ilya Alexandrovich. Occasion: I invite you to a birthday party. Time of the holiday: September 11, 19.00. Place of celebration: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74, cafe “Cozy Hearth”. Phone for clarification: 8 906 ХХХ ХХ ХХ. Full name of the inviter: Alexey Ivanov. Additional Information: The party will be held in a mafia style. Please remember to come dressed in a three-piece gangster suit and hat. I guarantee you a lot of fun and an exciting photo session.


Funny invitations should only be used for good friends and relatives who have a great sense of humor.

Here are some of the most successful versions of texts of this type: Hey, dude (dude), I now have a reason to get crazy and take an armor-piercing dose of swill on my chest. I guarantee snacks and other food. It will be sooooo fun! Do you want to break away? Come on September 11 at seven in the evening to Lublinskaya Street. Make sure you don’t confuse it – building 74, the name of the party place is “Cozy Hearth”. You can choose any clothes, the main thing is that you are comfortable. I'll be looking forward to it, and don't forget about the gift! Your friend Andrey. *** I have a big holiday here soon! Therefore, dear “name”, I invite you to celebrate it. I won't accept any excuses. If you don’t have money for a gift, you can just come. No, of course, I won’t ignore this, but I’ll just do the same on your birthday. In general, drag your family and drag yourself to Lyublinskaya in the “Cozy Hearth” cafe on September 11 at 19.00. P.S. If you still want to buy a gift or suddenly get lost, call me at 8 906 XXX XX XX. With all respect, Andrew. *** Agenda Issued: Lebedev Ilya Alexandrovich. Arrival address: Moscow, st. Lyublinskaya, p. 74. Arrival time: September 11, 19.00. Purpose of arrival: Teachings. Checking the body and body for alcoholic libations on the occasion of a birthday. At the place of arrival, ask the commander-in-chief of the holiday, Andrei Ivanov. Besides, You can also compose the text for an invitation card in verse. This option is better perceived by ear than the prosaic one. Here are examples of invitations in verse:

My dear friend Andrey,

I gather all my friends.

It's my birthday -

It's a great reason for

Parties and fun

It's cool, no doubt!

So I'm waiting, come,

Hey you, best friends,

I have a holiday soon -

What's the reason? Birthday!

There will be jokes and fun!

In general, I'm looking forward to seeing you,

To celebrate your birthday!

Be sure to write the place and time of celebration, as well as your phone number.

Text options for party invitations in different styles

As mentioned above, theme parties are in fashion today. The texts of invitations for them should be composed depending on the style of the event.. Here are their most popular options:

Mafia style birthday

Gangster parties are a great occasion for beautiful photo shoots and an opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 30s. It is better to issue an invitation in the form of a black and white leaflet with the inscription “Wanted” and a photo of the guest. Here's what you can write on it: WANTED (in large letters) Dangerous criminal wanted. Full name. Request of the finder to deliver to the address: location and time.

Hawaiian themed party

Such a holiday is characterized not only by a special form of clothing, menu and room decoration, but also by the use of special words. By the way, they should definitely be written in the text of the invitation.

Here is their list:

  • Aloha- Hello;
  • Huna– dance;
  • Olu-olu- Please;
  • Kui kana– when you and I meet again.

An invitation to a holiday in this style could be like this: Aloha, friend (girlfriend). Olu-olu come to my birthday at the Cozy Hearth cafe. I promise it will be fun! From me - exotic dishes and cocktails, and from you - good mood and incendiary hoona. I'll be waiting impatiently, and wait!

Birthday in Russian folk style

For this holiday, guests will have to appear in appropriate attire. well and The birthday boy should make sure that there are dishes of Russian cuisine on the table. In the text of the invitation to such a holiday, you should definitely use ancient words. Here is his example: Oh, you goy, good fellow Ilya! I strike with my forehead and by your will I ask you to appear on September 11 at 19.00 at the “Cozy Hearth” tavern. You will taste excellent dishes and drink from overseas, and celebrate my birthday. With great respect, Andrey.

Birthday in pirate style

An invitation to this holiday should be issued accordingly. For this you it is necessary to artificially age sheets of paper using a strong coffee solution. They also need to be torn off at the edges and lightly burned with a lighter or candle. It is better to write the inscription on such an invitation using ink and pen. Here is the text of the pirate invitation card: Hey pirate (pirate's girlfriend), big Joe welcomes you! I invite you to the most crazy gathering of pirates on the occasion of my birthday. Come on September 11 at 19.00 to the “Cozy Hearth”. I'll be waiting for you at the stern. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum guaranteed!

When writing a birthday invitation, remember that it should express your desire to see the person at the party. Therefore, it is better to leave official options for especially important people.

And for friends and family, come up with a warm and touching text. This will give people close to you a good mood and positive emotions. As an option, you can use not a regular invitation on paper, but a video version that can be easily sent to your friends by e-mail. And if the future birthday boy invites guests, performing rap...

Dear (friend's name)! I invite you and your brother to celebrate my birthday . Ceremonial event will take place (date and time) at:

(the exact address).

Our phone: (phone number).

Dear (names of the invited friend’s parents)! We really hope that you will not ignore our invitation. Please notify us in advance of the presence of you and your children. Please call the phone number indicated above at any time convenient for you to clarify the details.

We invite you and (child's name) to celebrate the third birthday our (name of the birthday girl/birthday boy).

We are waiting for you on (date) at (time) at the address: (address of the event venue). We will be very glad if you accept our invitation and inform us of your presence in advance. There will also be present at the celebration (number) married couples with children two to four years old.

We invite you to an evening of tea and treats, dedicated to the day the birth of our dear (name of the birthday girl), who gathers people dear and close to her to celebrate (number of years) one year of her wonderful life!

Where (venue). When (date).

Be sure to bring with you: smiles, kindness and love!!!

It was my birthday here, I need to celebrate it somehow. No excuses are accepted, we all come together (date, time and location of the event). Lots of treats, drinks and crazy fun included!


Issued (time and date of celebration of the holiday) in the name of (name of the invitee).

Please come to the address (exact address of the event) to participate in a noisy and fun party entitled "Birthday" .

During the identification process, you will be subject to a fine corresponding to such events. In case of failure to appear, you will be held accountable to the fullest extent to the hero of the occasion (signature of the birthday boy).

There will be a holiday, treats,
And it's not time to sleep at all.
I'm calling for your birthday
Everyone I want to invite.

You can even without a gift -
Birthdays come once a year.
Come, I don't mind!
I'm sincerely looking forward to seeing everyone!

This long-awaited holiday
I am sending invitations
To all my good friends,
To come to your birthday.

We've been waiting all year
To come and congratulate.
On your birthday we invite you
Forget about all the sorrows.

This holiday is special,
Our new birth.
A new age is coming,
Every year we grow up.

I'll get older again.
Come, friends,
You are at a festive dinner.
And no matter how old

Birthday boy now.
Let it be a secret for you.
I want to invite everyone
Visit this holiday.

I'm sending you an invitation for your birthday.
I am especially looking forward to seeing you.
After all, it’s just endlessly joyful to imagine,
That your best friends will come to congratulate you!

We have loved this holiday since childhood,
And now we love him too.
All the friends who live next door
We invite you as soon as possible.

And we don’t need mountains of gifts,
We just want joy for everyone.
Let everyone be hot at the holiday
And only joyful laughter sounds.

I will spend this holiday
No problems or regrets.
I'm waiting for you soon, friends,
I am sending an invitation.

My holiday is coming soon
I'm waiting for my friends to visit.
You are more than family to me
No resentment or anger

It will be the best of all
My birthdays
The laughter will never end -
It's without a doubt

How many holidays are there in the world?
But there is only one.
I sincerely invite you,
Let's sit together.

Gloomy birthday
You can't celebrate.
The main thing is that it’s nearby
All friends will be there.

Don't judge me harshly
For my poem.
To all relatives and closest ones
I am sending an invitation.

For a special event -
It’s not for nothing that I was born.
Come, I'm looking forward to seeing you!
The main thing is not to forget.

I don't need expensive gifts
I can celebrate just fine without them.
Friends are my usual reward,
That's why I invite you all.

Making invitations to your birthday is, or can become a good tradition for you, your family and friends.

There are many ways make a beautiful invitation.

In this article you can find lots of ideas and do memorable invitations for a birthday.

They'll fit for both children and adults- anyone can come up with something beautiful to suit their taste, and handmade will give your invitations special charm.

How to make an invitation with your own hands. Cheerful bees.

This option is very easy to do. Children will especially like it.

You will need:

Thick paper (or colored cardboard)

Bubble wrap (used for wrapping electronics and breakable items)

Yellow paint in two shades

Black felt-tip pen


1. Prepare bright yellow paint for bee prints, and light paint for honeycombs. To obtain light shade just dilute yellow paint with white.

2. Paint the pimples on the film with light yellow paint, and then touch the painted side of the film to the paper to leave a mark that looks like a honeycomb. Wait for the paint to dry.

3. To represent a bee, you need to paint the pad thumb bright yellow. Next, leave your fingerprint on the honeycomb.

*To move on to the next step, you need to let the paint dry completely. Wait a couple of hours.

4. The paint has dried and now it's time to finish painting the bees. To do this, you need to prepare a black felt-tip pen with which you will draw the bees' eyes, mouth and wings.

Ready! All that remains is to write who exactly you are inviting, the date, place and time of the holiday.

DIY children's invitations. Bright butterfly.

Option I

The butterfly fits perfectly with the birthday theme because... it's bright and easy creation and the kids really like it.

This invitation is also very easy to make. In the picture you can see instructions on how to make such an invitation.

You will need:

Thick paper

Simple pencil


Present (for example, pencil, tube-shaped candy)

1. Draw with a simple pencil on thick paper big shape butterflies.

2. Cut out the butterfly and mark its middle.

3. Make two cuts in the middle of your form; they should be approximately the size of the diameter of your gift.

* You can use colored paper clips to make butterfly ears.

* You can add some patterns to the butterfly wings with paint.

* You can also sign the name of the guest, date, time and place of the party on the wings.

Option II

Here is another option for an invitation in the shape of a butterfly.

1. Fold the thick paper in half and draw a design like this, reminiscent of half a butterfly.

2. Cut out the template and you can start decorating your butterfly with paints, stickers, etc.

3. Make small cuts in the middle and thread the ribbon through them. Using a ribbon, you can tie a note with an invitation to the butterfly.

DIY invitation master class (Video)

A very beautiful invitation that can be made for a birthday or any other event.

DIY holiday invitation. Magic lace.

For this invitation you will need lace napkins. They can be found in almost any supermarket. There are 100 napkins in one pack, but we only need as many as there are invitations.

You will need:

Lace napkins with a diameter of 24cm

Thick paper


1. From thick cardboard you need to cut a rectangle 10.5 x 11.5 cm.

2. Place the cut out rectangle on the lace doily and fold the edges.

3. You can bend the bottom of the napkin into a triangle shape.

4. Fold the top corner and the bottom triangle and thread a ribbon through them and tie a bow.

*You can decorate the invitation to your liking.

Original do-it-yourself invitations. Toy invitation.

Many people made a similar toy in childhood. Now you can use your knowledge to help your child create a birthday invitation.

If you don't remember how to make such a toy, take a look at the picture with instructions.

Then you did paper toy, on its top you can write “I invite you to my birthday” and when you open it, inside you can indicate the time, place, and date.

Cool birthday invitation. Complete the puzzle.

Even before coming to your birthday, guests may be pleasantly surprised if you give them such a beautiful invitation.

You will need:


You can prepare one of the invitations listed above or print out the invitations found later in the article.

Buy a small puzzle and attach one piece at a time to the invitation with ribbon.

When all the guests have arrived, you can assemble the puzzle.

You can warn all guests that they simply cannot help but come, because... their puzzle piece is needed to assemble one whole picture.

Inviting a child to a birthday party. High five!

The birthday boy himself can very easily make such a birthday invitation, even if he is very young.

Just apply paint to your baby's palm and let him make a handprint on the paper.

*Multiple colors can be used as the picture shows.

Birthday invitation card

You will need:

Thick paper


Office paper

Plain paper

Hole puncher

1. Print the invitation template on thick paper.

2. Use office paper to print the background, and print the same template on the background.

3. Using scissors we cut everything out.

4. Using glue we glue the elements together.

5. Type or handwrite the required text on one background.

6. You can also print or handwrite "Invitation" on the front.

7. Use a hole punch to make holes for the ribbon.

8. We use the ribbon to fasten the two parts of the congratulations. "CREATE INVITATION" and create your invitation.

Birthday invitation text

1. EXPENSIVE ________! I invite you and your mother to my birthday, the celebration of which will take place (specify the date and time) at the address: _______________________ Our phone number: ___________ (Signature)

2. EXPENSIVE ________! I invite you (specify the date) to the cafe __________ (address: ______________________), where my anniversary will be celebrated at (specify the time). (Signature)

3. EXPENSIVE ________! I invite you to my birthday party, which will take place at (indicate date, time and place) at __________________________ (Signature)

Poems birthday invitation

  • 1. Telegram from a hippopotamus
  • Invitation to the Birthday (guest name)
  • Come with joy
  • To Africa soon (please specify date and time)
  • Come to our party
  • Cheerful kids.
  • We live in Zanzibar,
  • In the Kalahari and Sahara
  • On Mount Fernando Po
  • Where does Hypopo walk?
  • Across the broad Limpopo
  • (indicate party address)
  • 2. I'll pick it up immediately:
  • I want to invite you
  • For your holiday -
  • Jam Day,
  • There will be a lot of treats.
  • And no one will get bored
  • I personally promise this.
  • (Signature)
  • 3. Sending an invitation
  • On my bright birthday.
  • I want to celebrate it noisily,
  • I'll be waiting for you madly.
  • (indicate date, time and place)
  • (Signature)